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目的建立心脏特异表达的人源FAM55A转基因小鼠,为研究该基因在心肌病发病中的作用提供模型。方法 Western blot检测FAM55A在野生型小鼠与cTnTR141W转基因小鼠心脏组织中的表达变化及其在野生小鼠的组织表达谱。克隆人源FAM55A基因入α-MHC启动子下游构建a-MHC-FAM55A表达载体,显微注射法建立FAM55A转基因小鼠。PCR鉴定转基因首建鼠的基因型。Western blot鉴定人源FAM55A在转基因小鼠心脏中的表达,超声检测转基因小鼠心脏的几何构型和功能。HE染色检测转基因小鼠心脏的病理改变。结果 FAM55A在野生型小鼠心脏中有少量表达,在扩张型心肌病小鼠的心脏中表达增加。建立了1个心脏组织特异表达人源FAM55A转基因小鼠品系。与野生型小鼠相比,FAM55A转基因小鼠的心脏收缩期和舒张期左室前壁从1月龄到5月龄持续增厚,3月龄转基因小鼠心脏射血分数和短轴缩短率稍有增强,1月龄和5月龄转基因小鼠心脏功能则与同龄野生型小鼠相比无变化。组织学检测显示,转基因小鼠心脏左室心肌细胞不均匀肥大,但不发生紊乱。结论 FAM55A在扩张型心肌病小鼠的心脏中表达上调,建立了心脏特异表达的人源FAM55A转基因小鼠,为进一步和心肌病小鼠模型杂交,研究该基因在心肌病发病中的作用提供了工具。  相似文献   

目的建立系统性表达人载脂蛋白A1(APOA1)基因的转基因小鼠。方法 将人APOA1基因插入系统性表达启动子下游,构建转基因表达载体,通过显微注射法建立人APOA1转基因C57BL/6J小鼠。并利用特异引物PCR法鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,Western blot检测基因表达水平,血生化分析检测不同月龄转基因小鼠与同龄野生型小鼠的血脂指标。结果建立了2个不同表达水平的人APOA1基因的转基因小鼠品系;转入的人APOA1基因在血液、肝脏、心脏、肾脏、脾脏、血管组织中均有明显表达;血生化分析结果显示不同月龄转基因小鼠的血浆高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平高于同龄的野生型小鼠,甘油三酯水平低于同龄野生型小鼠。结论成功建立了系统性表达人APOA1基因的转基因小鼠,为研究高血脂以及高血脂相关的心血管病提供了工具。  相似文献   

目的制备系统性表达人载脂蛋白C3(APOC3)基因的转基因小鼠,建立高血脂小鼠模型。方法将人APOC3基因插入系统性表达启动子下游,构建转基因表达载体,通过显微注射法建立人APOC3转基因C57BL/6J小鼠。并利用特异引物PCR法鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,Western blot检测基因表达水平,血生化分析检测不同月龄转基因小鼠与同龄野生型小鼠的血脂指标,脂肪染色观察肝脏脂肪水平。结果建立了高表达人APOC3基因的转基因小鼠品系;转入的人APOC3基因在血液、肝脏、小肠、肌肉、心脏、肾脏、脾脏中均有明显表达;不同月龄转基因小鼠的血浆甘油三酯水平明显高于同龄野生型小鼠;转基因小鼠的肝脏脂肪含量高于野生型小鼠。结论系统性表达人APOC3基因的转基因小鼠表现高脂血症表型,可以作为高血脂以及高血脂相关的心血管病的工具动物。  相似文献   

目的建立人多巴胺D5受体突变基因F173 L(D5F173L),S390G(D5S390G)及正常人D5基因(hD5 WT)的转基因小鼠,利用该转基因动物模型来研究D5受体在原发性高血压中的发病机制。方法利用显微注射的技术将插入CMV启动子下游的D5F173L,D5S390G及hD5 WT基因的转基因载体注射入C57BL/6小鼠体内,建立多巴胺D5F173L,D5S390G及hD5 WT的转基因小鼠。通过PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型。利用Western Blotting方法鉴定该受体蛋白在肾脏的表达情况。使用智能无创血压测量仪测量转基因小鼠的血压值。结果分别建立了多巴胺D5F173L,D5S390G及hD5 WT转基因C57BL/6小鼠,Western Blotting方法鉴定结果显示,与非转基因C57BL/6小鼠比较,D5转基因小鼠D5受体在肾脏有较高的表达。3-6月龄D5 F173L转基因小鼠的收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉血压均明显高于多巴胺D5S390G及hD5 WT转基因小鼠(n=6-8,P〈0.05)。结论多巴胺D5受体在原发性高血压发病中具有重要作用,但作用机理还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:建立人CTRP4基因的转基因小鼠,为脂肪细胞因子CTRP4的体内功能研究奠定基础。方法首先构建人CTRP4的转基因小鼠线性化表达载体,再利用显微注射的方法将载体注射入小鼠受精卵,从而构建人CTRP4的首建鼠( Founder )并与野生型小鼠交配繁殖得到F1代阳性小鼠,再通过近亲繁殖与测交的方法,得到CTRP4转基因纯合子小鼠,并通过PCR和western blot 的方法对纯合子小鼠进行鉴定。结果得到人CTRP4转基因小鼠纯合子小鼠两个品系,western blot鉴定该转基因小鼠心脏,肝脏,脑,肾脏等多种组织中均呈现CTRP4高表达。结论成功构建了人CTRP4转基因小鼠纯合子小鼠。  相似文献   

目的建立心脏特异表达NOL3转基因小鼠,用于研究该基因在心肌病发病中的作用。方法Western blot检测小鼠NOL3表达谱。构建aMHC-NOL3表达载体,显微注射法建立NOL3转基因小鼠。PCR鉴定转基因鼠的基因型,心脏超声检测转基因及野生型小鼠心脏功能及几何构型。结果NOL3在1月龄野生型鼠心脏、脑、骨骼肌中的高表达,在心脏中的表达不随年龄而改变。通过转基因小鼠的筛选,得到了3个NOL3转基因品系,其中1个品系心脏NOL3蛋白表达量与野生型鼠相比明显增加。单转NOL3基因的小鼠心脏功能及几何构型与野生型小鼠相比无显著变化。结论成功建立了心脏特异表达NOL3转基因小鼠,为进一步和心肌病小鼠模型杂交,研究该基因在心肌病发病中的作用提供了工具。  相似文献   

目的建立心脏特异性表达KCNQ1^V180 L转基因小鼠,为研究KCNQ1基因功能及其突变与心律失常性心脏疾病的关系提供工具动物。方法把KCNQ1^V180 L基因插入α-MHC启动子下游,构建转基因表达载体,显微注射法建立C57BL/6J KCNQ1^V180 L转基因小鼠,PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,采用Western Blot鉴定KCNQ1^V180 L在心脏组织中的表达,记录转基因小鼠死亡情况,超声分析转基因小鼠心脏结构形态和功能改变,心电分析转基因小鼠心肌电生理变化。结果建立了2个心脏组织特异性表达KCNQ1^V180 L转基因小鼠品系。转基因小鼠离乳前即出现猝死;超声检查显示转基因小鼠左心室内径变短,心室壁变厚,短轴缩短率增加;心电分析显示其心室复极异常。结论 KCNQ1^V180 L转基因小鼠具有临床长QT综合征类似的病理改变,可作为研究KCNQ1基因功能及其突变与心律失常发病机制的疾病动物模型。  相似文献   

目的观测G蛋白偶联受体激酶5(G protein-coupled receptor kinase,GRK5)在帕金森病α-synuclein转基因小鼠模型中的表达变化情况,了解GRK5在帕金森病中的可能作用,为发现帕金森病发病机制和探索更好的治疗方法提供新的方向。方法采用Western blotting和实时荧光定量PCR技术对具有不同的人alpha synuclein(hα--syn)表达水平的帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠以及3月龄,6月龄以及9月龄A53T突变型帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠脑组织进行GRK5的RNA和蛋白水平检测,与同窝阴性对照小鼠进行比较。结果各组帕金森病α-synuclein转基因小鼠与阴性对照小鼠相比,GRK5蛋白表达水平均有不同程度的增加,并且随着转入的hα--syn蛋白表达水平的高低而有所变化。3月龄和6月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平没有变化;而9月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平都有所增加。结论帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠具有更高表达水平的GRK5。  相似文献   

目的:Lin28是一种高度保守的RNA结合蛋白,对生物体的生命活动具有重要的调节作用.为了研究人Lin28A与Lin28B基因的功能,我们构建了分别过表达人Lin28A或Lin28B基因的两种转基因小鼠,表型分析发现小鼠体重变化,为研究Lin28A和Lin28B基因的生物学功能提供模型动物.方法:分别将人类Lin28A与Lin28B cDNA插入PCAG启动子下游,构建Lin28A与Lin28B转基因表达载体,通过显微注射方法,分别建立Lin28A转基因小鼠与Lin28B转基因小鼠.PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,筛选出人类Lin28A与Lin28B表达的小鼠,统计两种转基因小鼠体重变化.结果:①经PCR鉴定与公司测序证明Lin28A和Lin28B两种载体构建成功.②PCR鉴定小鼠基因型,筛选出可以特异性表达人Lin28A或Lin28B的转基因小鼠,并比较转基因小鼠与同窝野生型小鼠体重,发现两种转基因小鼠体重均大于同窝野生型小鼠,说明在小鼠体内过表达Lin28A或Lin28B均能引起小鼠体重增加.结论:人Lin28A与Lin28B在转基因小鼠体内能正常表达,并且能发挥生物学功能.又因为Lin28A和Lin28B在小鼠体内过表达会引起小鼠体重增加,我们推测其可能通过影响小鼠糖代谢过程引起小鼠体重改变.构建的Lin28A和Lin28B的转基因小鼠为进一步研究Lin28A和Lin28B在人新陈代谢、生长和发育过程中的作用提供了动物模型.  相似文献   

目的建立敏感的SARS小动物模型。方法通过显微注射技术,将编码SARS-CoV细胞受体的人血管紧张素转换酶(hACE2)基因导入小鼠的基因组中制备了hACE2转基因小鼠,在小鼠ACE2(mACE2)启动子的调控下,hACE2蛋白在转基因小鼠的肺脏、心脏、肾脏和小肠表达。我们观察了野生型和转基因小鼠在SARS冠状病毒接种后病原学和病理学方面的反应。结果在接种后第3天和第7天,病毒能够更有效地在转基因小鼠的肺脏复制,而且转基因小鼠出现更严重的肺损伤。肺组织的损伤包括肺间质充血、出血,单核细胞、淋巴细胞浸润及血浆蛋白的渗出,肺泡上皮细胞增生、脱落,此外,在转基因小鼠的某些器官还发现了血管炎、变性和坏死等病理变化。在转基因小鼠的肺上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞和脑神经细胞检测到病毒抗原。结论转基因小鼠比野生型小鼠对SARS病毒更易感,而且表现出更接近SARS患者的病理变化。  相似文献   

Complex interactions between genes and environment result in a sodium-induced elevation in blood pressure (salt sensitivity) and/or hypertension that lead to significant morbidity and mortality affecting up to 25% of the middle-aged adult population worldwide. Determining the etiology of genetic and/or environmentally-induced high blood pressure has been difficult because of the many interacting systems involved. Two main pathways have been implicated as principal determinants of blood pressure since they are located in the kidney (the key organ responsible for blood pressure regulation), and have profound effects on sodium balance: the dopaminergic and renin–angiotensin systems. These systems counteract or modulate each other, in concert with a host of intracellular second messenger pathways to regulate sodium and water balance. In particular, the G protein-coupled receptor kinase type 4 (GRK4) appears to play a key role in regulating dopaminergic-mediated natriuresis. Constitutively activated GRK4 gene variants (R65L, A142V, and A486V), by themselves or by their interaction with other genes involved in blood pressure regulation, are associated with essential hypertension and/or salt-sensitive hypertension in several ethnic groups. GRK4γ ?142V?transgenic mice are hypertensive on normal salt intake while GRK4γ? 486V? transgenic mice develop hypertension only with an increase in salt intake. GRK4 gene variants have been shown to hyperphosphorylate, desensitize, and internalize two members of the dopamine receptor family, the D1 (D1R) and D3 (D3R) dopamine receptors, but also increase the expression of a key receptor of the renin–angiotensin system, the angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R). Knowledge of the numerous blood pressure regulatory pathways involving angiotensin and dopamine may provide new therapeutic approaches to the pharmacological regulation of sodium excretion and ultimately blood pressure control.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases (GRKs) regulate the sensitivity of GPCRs, including dopamine receptors. The GRK4 locus is linked to, and some of its polymorphisms are associated with, human essential hypertension. Transgenic mice overexpressing human (h) GRK4gamma A142V on a mixed genetic background (C57BL/6J and SJL/J) have impaired renal D(1)-dopamine receptor (D(1)R) function and increased blood pressure. We now report that hGRK4gamma A142V transgenic mice, in C57BL/6J background, are hypertensive and have higher blood pressures than hGRK4gamma wild-type transgenic and nontransgenic mice. The hypertensive phenotype is stable because blood pressures in transgenic founders and F6 offspring are similarly increased. To determine whether the hypertension is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we measured renal NADPH oxidase (Nox2 and Nox4) and heme oxygenase (HO-1 and HO-2) protein expressions and urinary excretion of 8-isoprostane and compared the effect of Tempol on blood pressure in hGRK4gamma A142V transgenic mice and D(5)R knockout (D(5)(-/-)) mice in which hypertension is mediated by increased ROS. The expressions of Nox isoforms and HO-2 and the urinary excretion of 8-isoprostane were similar in hGRK4gamma A142V transgenic mice and their controls. HO-1 expression was increased in hGRK4gamma A142V relative to hGRK4gamma wild-type transgenic mice. In contrast with the hypotensive effect of Tempol in D(5)(-/-) mice, it had no effect in hGRK4gamma A142V transgenic mice. We conclude that the elevated blood pressure of hGRK4gamma A142V transgenic mice is due mainly to the effect of hGRK4gamma A142V transgene acting via D(1)R and increased ROS production is not a contributor.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases (GRKs) bind to and phosphorylate GPCRs, initiating the process of GPCR desensitization and internalization. GRK4 is implicated in the regulation of blood pressure, and three GRK4 polymorphisms (R65L, A142V, and A486V) are associated with hypertension. Here, we describe the 2.6 Å structure of human GRK4α A486V crystallized in the presence of 5′-adenylyl β,γ-imidodiphosphate. The structure of GRK4α is similar to other GRKs, although slight differences exist within the RGS homology (RH) bundle subdomain, substrate-binding site, and kinase C-tail. The RH bundle subdomain and kinase C-terminal lobe form a strikingly acidic surface, whereas the kinase N-terminal lobe and RH terminal subdomain surfaces are much more basic. In this respect, GRK4α is more similar to GRK2 than GRK6. A fully ordered kinase C-tail reveals interactions linking the C-tail with important determinants of kinase activity, including the αB helix, αD helix, and the P-loop. Autophosphorylation of wild-type GRK4α is required for full kinase activity, as indicated by a lag in phosphorylation of a peptide from the dopamine D1 receptor without ATP preincubation. In contrast, this lag is not observed in GRK4α A486V. Phosphopeptide mapping by mass spectrometry indicates an increased rate of autophosphorylation of a number of residues in GRK4α A486V relative to wild-type GRK4α, including Ser-485 in the kinase C-tail.  相似文献   

目的通过对不同年龄多巴胺D5^F173L突变基因及D5正常基因转基因小鼠的血压和心脏结构与功能进行分析,了解多巴胺D5受体在高血压发生发展过程中的作用。方法利用无创血压测量仪和高分辨率小动物超声系统检测两种转基因小鼠的血压和左心室壁厚度、左心室内径、左心室容积、射血分数、短轴缩短率和左心室质量等心脏功能指标。结果 D5^F173L转基因小鼠4月龄、6月龄、16月龄时收缩压、舒张压都明显高于D5转基因小鼠;4月龄、6月龄的D5F173L转基因小鼠与D5转基因小鼠相比舒张期和收缩期左室壁厚度均明显增大、左室内容积均明显变小、左心室重量增加;16月龄的D5^F173L转基因小鼠与D5转基因小鼠相比左心室前壁增厚、心腔内径缩短,心腔容积下降、心室重量增加、射血分数提高、短轴缩短率提高;在18月龄时D5^F173L转基因小鼠相比于D5转基因小鼠左心室收缩期前壁厚度增加,后壁厚度减少,舒张期前壁厚度增加,后壁厚度减少;另外在18月龄时D5^F173L转基因小鼠与其16月龄时相比,射血分数、短轴缩短率明显降低,收缩期左心室容积明显增大。结论 D5^F173L转基因小鼠的血压及心脏功能与结构的分析结果符合原发性高血压的特征。D5^F173L转基因小鼠可作为原发性高血压动物模型。  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are regulated by multiple families of kinases including GPCR kinases (GRKs). GRK4 is constitutively active towards GPCRs, and polymorphisms of GRK4γ are linked to hypertension. We examined, through co-immunoprecipitation, the interactions between GRK4γ and the Gα and Gβ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. Because GRK4 has been shown to inhibit Gαs-coupled GPCR signaling and lacks a PH domain, we hypothesized that GRK4γ would interact with active Gαs, but not Gβ. Surprisingly, GRK4γ preferentially interacts with inactive Gαs and Gβ to a greater extent than active Gαs. GRK4γ also interacts with inactive Gα13 and Gβ. Functional studies demonstrate that wild-type GRK4γ, but not kinase-dead GRK4γ, ablates isoproterenol-mediated cAMP production indicating that the kinase domain is responsible for GPCR regulation. This evidence suggests that binding to inactive Gαs and Gβ may explain the constitutive activity of GRK4γ towards Gαs-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) caused by the superantigen exotoxins of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes is characterized by robust T cell activation, profound elevation in systemic levels of multiple cytokines, including interferon-γ (IFN-γ), followed by multiple organ dysfunction and often death. As IFN-γ possesses pro- as well as anti-inflammatory properties, we delineated its role in the pathogenesis of TSS. Antibody-mediated in vivo neutralization of IFN-γ or targeted disruption of IFN-γ gene conferred significant protection from lethal TSS in HLA-DR3 transgenic mice. Following systemic high dose SEB challenge, whereas the HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(+/+) mice became sick and succumbed to TSS, HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) mice appeared healthy and were significantly protected from SEB-induced lethality. SEB-induced systemic cytokine storm was significantly blunted in HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) transgenic mice. Serum concentrations of several cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, IL-12p40 and IL-17) and chemokines (KC, rantes, eotaxin and MCP-1) were significantly lower in HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) transgenic mice. However, SEB-induced T cell expansion in the spleens was unaffected and expansion of SEB-reactive TCR Vβ8(+) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells was even more pronounced in HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) transgenic mice when compared to HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(+/+) mice. A systematic histopathological examination of several vital organs revealed that both HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(+/+) and HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) transgenic mice displayed comparable severe inflammatory changes in lungs, and liver during TSS. Remarkably, whereas the small intestines from HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(+/+) transgenic mice displayed significant pathological changes during TSS, the architecture of small intestines in HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) transgenic mice was preserved. In concordance with these histopathological changes, the gut permeability to macromolecules was dramatically increased in HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(+/+) but not HLA-DR3.IFN-γ(-/-) mice during TSS. Overall, IFN-γ seemed to play a lethal role in the immunopathogenesis of TSS by inflicting fatal small bowel pathology. Our study thus identifies the important role for IFN-γ in TSS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the regulation of blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis in mice overexpressing angiotensin II (Ang-II) in the brain and to determine whether there are significant physiologic differences in Ang-II production in neurons or glia. Therefore, we generated and characterized transgenic mice overexpressing human renin (hREN) under the control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter (GFAP-hREN) and synapsin-I promoter (SYN-hREN) and bred them with mice expressing human angiotensinogen (hAGT) under the control of the same promoters (GFAP-hAGT and SYN-hAGT). Both GFAP-hREN and SYN-hREN mice exhibited the highest hREN mRNA expression in the brain and had undetectable levels of hREN protein in the systemic circulation. In the brain of GFAP-hREN and SYN-hREN mice, hREN protein was observed almost exclusively in astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Transgenic mice overexpressing both hREN and hAGT transgenes in either glia or neurons were moderately hypertensive. In the glia-targeted mice, blood pressure could be corrected by intracerebroventricular injection of the Ang-II type 1 receptor antagonist losartan, and intravenous injection of a ganglion blocking agent, but not an arginine vasopressin V1 receptor antagonist, lowered blood pressure. These data suggest that stimulation of Ang-II type 1 receptors in the brain by Ang-II derived from local synthesis of renin and angiotensinogen can cause an elevation in blood pressure via a mechanism involving enhanced sympathetic outflow. Glia- and neuron-targeted mice also exhibited an increase in drinking volume and salt preference, suggesting that chronic overexpression of renin and angiotensinogen locally in the brain can result in hypertension and alterations in fluid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) production by endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in sinusoidal endothelial cells is reduced in the injured liver and leads to intrahepatic portal hypertension. We sought to understand the mechanism underlying defective eNOS function. Phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase Akt, which activates eNOS, was substantially reduced in sinusoidal endothelial cells from injured livers. Overexpression of Akt in vivo restored phosphorylation of Akt and production of NO and reduced portal pressure in portal hypertensive rats. We found that Akt physically interacts with G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK2), and that this interaction inhibits Akt activity. Furthermore, GRK2 expression increased in sinusoidal endothelial cells from portal hypertensive rats and knockdown of GRK2 restored Akt phosphorylation and NO production, and normalized portal pressure. Finally, after liver injury, GRK2-deficient mice developed less severe portal hypertension than control mice. Thus, an important mechanism underlying impaired activity of eNOS in injured sinusoidal endothelial cells is defective phosphorylation of Akt caused by overexpression of GRK2 after injury.  相似文献   

Diastolic heart failure (HF) accounts for up to 50% of all HF admissions, with hypertension being the major cause of diastolic HF. Hypertension is characterized by left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (LVH). Proinflammatory cytokines are increased in LVH and hypertension, but it is unknown if they mediate the progression of hypertension-induced diastolic HF. We sought to determine if interferon-γ (IFNγ) plays a role in mediating the transition from hypertension-induced LVH to diastolic HF. Twelve-week old BALB/c (WT) and IFNγ-deficient (IFNγKO) mice underwent either saline (n = 12) or aldosterone (n = 16) infusion, uninephrectomy, and fed 1% salt water for 4 wk. Tail-cuff blood pressure, echocardiography, and gene/protein analyses were performed. Isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes were treated with IFNγ (250 U/ml) and/or aldosterone (1 μM). Hypertension was less marked in IFNγKO-aldosterone mice than in WT-aldosterone mice (127 ± 5 vs. 136 ± 4 mmHg; P < 0.01), despite more LVH (LV/body wt ratio: 4.9 ± 0.1 vs. 4.3 ± 0.1 mg/g) and worse diastolic dysfunction (peak early-to-late mitral inflow velocity ratio: 3.1 ± 0.1 vs. 2.8 ± 0.1). LV ejection fraction was no different between IFNγKO-aldosterone vs. WT-aldosterone mice. LV end systolic dimensions were decreased significantly in IFNγKO-aldosterone vs. WT-aldosterone hearts (1.12 ± 0.1 vs. 2.1 ± 0.3 mm). Myocardial fibrosis and collagen expression were increased in both IFNγKO-aldosterone and WT-aldosterone hearts. Myocardial autophagy was greater in IFNγKO-aldosterone than WT-aldosterone mice. Conversely, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10 expressions were increased only in WT-aldosterone hearts. Recombinant IFNγ attenuated cardiac hypertrophy in vivo and modulated aldosterone-induced hypertrophy and autophagy in cultured cardiomyocytes. Thus IFNγ is a regulator of cardiac hypertrophy in diastolic HF and modulates cardiomyocyte size possibly by regulating autophagy. These findings suggest that IFNγ may mediate adaptive downstream responses and challenge the concept that inflammatory cytokines mediate only adverse effects.  相似文献   

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