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禾本科植物游离小孢子的培养已在水稻、小麦、玉米、大麦等主要农作物上获得成功,且在大麦、玉米上成功地从未经预处理及预培养的游离小孢子培养获得了再生植株。籼稻花药培养能力远远低于粳稻,对其游离小孢子的离体培养研究甚少。本文简要报道这方面的研究结果。  相似文献   

本试验采用单因素遗传设计,研究了32个稳定遗传的辣(甜)椒品种14个数量性状的平均表现和遗传变异,根据这些性状的表型方差和遗传型方差、遗传变异系数和遗传力,估算预期遗传进度,从而揭示了从辣(甜)椒品种自然群体中进行选择的潜力和预期效果。  相似文献   

植物的游离小孢子离体培养方法最先在毛叶曼陀罗(Datura innoxia)上,以后又在烟草、矮牵牛、马铃薯等茄科植物上获得成功。八十年代初,这一方法在十字花科芸苔属的油菜(Brassica napus)上获得突破,后相继在该属的埃塞俄比亚芥菜(B.carinata)、黑芥(B.ningra)、大白菜(B.campestris)和结球甘蓝(B.oleracea)上获得成功。在植物育种应用方面,游离小孢子离体培养方法较花药培养表现了更大的应用前景。它不仅能以更高的效率获得单倍体来  相似文献   

甜椒隐性核基因雄性不育性的转育及利用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以甜椒核型雄性不育系AB91为不育源,以甜(辣)椒优良自交系为目标亲本,经过杂交、自交、姊妹交等转育手段,将AB91隐性核基因雄性不育性转育到优良甜(辣)椒自交系中,获得不育性稳定、恢复系广泛、配合力高、农艺性状优良的系列甜(辣)椒雄性不育两用系,为今后根据市场需求培育不同类型的杂交种奠定基础.目前,利用转育成的两用系已育成通过审定的甜椒品种冀研6号和两个正在参加区试的杂交种.  相似文献   

花药培养和小孢子培养是大量获得单倍体和纯合二倍体的主要方法之一。在芸苔属中,花药培养和小孢子培养已在白菜( B.Pekinensis)、甘蓝(B.Oleracea)、油菜(B.Napus)、芥菜(B.Juncea)和阿比西尼亚芥(B.Carinata)等蔬菜中有许多成功的报道,并在培养条件、基因型作用、培养基选择和供体植株选择等方面有较深入的研究[2,3,5,7-11],但种间杂种F1代的花药培养尚未见报道。为了探讨芸苔属种间杂种花药培养的可能性,获得有价值的异源染色体杂种,我们开展了本研究工作。  相似文献   

秦余香  夏光敏 《植物学报》2004,21(5):625-630
小孢子培养是在花药培养的基础上发展起来的一种高效再生体系, 其在植物育种中的作用一直受到关注。但是, 由于培养技术的限制, 小麦(Triticum aestivum)小孢子培养还未能推广应用。近年来小麦小孢子培养发展很快, 展现出广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

结球甘蓝和青花菜小孢子胚植株再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var. capitata)和青花菜(Brassica oleracea var. italica)小孢子胚再生植株频率低是目前影响游离小孢子培养技术有效应用的关键问题之一, 研究其小孢子胚植株再生频率的影响因素, 提高胚再生植株频率, 对促进游离小孢子培养技术在甘蓝类蔬菜育种中更好地应用具有重要意义。该文以结球甘蓝中甘11和青花菜TI-111等基因型为试材, 对影响游离小孢子胚再生成植株的固体培养基类型、琼脂浓度、胚的类型及胚在液体培养基中的滞留时间等因素进行了研究。结果表明: 游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在琼脂浓度为1%–1.25%的B5培养基上植株再生频率最高。进一步通过8个不同基因型对上述实验结果进行了验证, 结果显示, 游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在1%琼脂浓度的B5培养基上植株再生频率达77.8%–97.2%。  相似文献   

小麦的小孢子培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小孢子培养是在花药培养的基础上发展起来的一种高效再生体系,其在植物育种中的作用一直受到关注.但是,由于培养技术的限制,小麦(Triticum aestivum)小孢子培养还未能推广应用.近年来小麦小孢子培养发展很快,展现出广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

以大田及温室生长的植株为材料,成功地建立了直接从禾谷类花器官(大麦穗切段、水稻颖花、小麦小穗)机械游离小孢子的程序及培养系统。从供试的二个大麦材料上重复获得大量游离小孢子再生植株,从一个水稻广亲和品种上得到游离小孢子再生植株,以及从三个小麦品种(系)上获得小孢子形成的多细胞结构(MCS)和早期胚状体(ELS)。相对较长时间的低温预处理有利于提高ELS(大麦)及MCS(小麦)的得率,改善培养物的通气状况,以及提早再分化有利绿色植株再生。  相似文献   

花药培养的原理是将雄配子由正常发育转向一个异常发育途径,促进愈伤组织或胚状体的形成,最终再生绿色小植株。花药培养再生的小植株往往是单倍体,经染色体加倍可形成可育的纯合二倍体。因此,花药培养提供了一个对育种很有价值的快速诱导纯系的方法(Lrz等1988)。通过花药培养诱导产生大麦单倍体植株的成功报道最早见于七十年代初期。一直以来,特别是近几年来,一些学者已就影响大麦花药培养技术的基因型、预处理、培养基以及培养方法等诸因素作了许多探索性研究,使大麦花药培养技术得到了明显的改进。目前,已有人能从任何一个品系或品种(包括几年前仅产生白化苗的品种“Bonanza”)得到绿色小孢子植株,并且获得了每100个被培养花药生产100株绿色植株的产量(Kao等1991)。  相似文献   

This is the first report on isolated microspore culture—derived spelt wheat. The efficiency of anther- and isolated microspore was compared using four genotypes (‘Franckenkorn’, ‘GK Fehér’, ‘Mv Martongold’, ‘Oberkulmer Rotkorn’). In anther culture, genotype dependency was observed, and cold pre-treatment enhanced the efficiency of the method. In isolated microspore culture, the ovary co-culture supported the development of embryo-like structures. The presence of growth regulators (0.5 mg/l 2,4-D and 0.5 mg/l kinetin) were not essential for the induction of androgenesis, but these increased the production of embryo-like structures, green and albino plantlets. The low plant regeneration rate and high number of albinos hinder the practical application of isolated microspore culture while anther culture was efficient for in vitro green plantlets production in spelt wheat. The mean of green plantlets production was 41.45/100 anthers (from 20.93 to 83.07 depending on genotype). The phenomenon of albinism was mitigated in anther culture (3.48 albinos/100 anthers). Altogether, 1720 anther culture—derived green plantlets were produced from the four genotypes.  相似文献   

An isolated microspore culture provides an excellent system for the study of microspore induction and embryogenesis, provides a platform for an ever-increasing array of molecular studies, and can produce doubled haploid (DH) plants, which are used to accelerate plant-breeding programs. Moreover, isolated microspore cultures have several advantages over anther culture, wherein presence of the anther walls can lead to the development of diploid, somatic calli and plants. Although protocols for isolated microspore culture vary from laboratory to laboratory, the basic steps of growing donor plants, harvesting floral organs, isolating microspores, culturing and inducing microspores, regenerating embryos, and doubling the chromosomes, remain the same. Over the past few years, a large proportion of the research reports on isolated microspore culture have focused on cereal and Brassica species. For some of these species, isolated microspore culture protocols are well established and routinely used in laboratories around the world for developing new varieties, as well as for basic research in areas such as genomics, gene expression, and genetic mapping. Although these species are considered highly responsive to microspore culture, improvements in efficiency are still being made. However, with many species, isolated microspore culture is simply not yet efficient enough at producing DH plants to be cost-effective for breeding programs. There has been a recent resurgence of haploidy research with response being reported in some species once considered recalcitrant. Future research programs aimed at elucidating pathways involved in microspore induction and embryogenesis will be of benefit, as will novel approaches to improve the efficiency of microspore culture for DH production. With many species, anther culture has proven to be more effective than isolated microspore culture, necessitating more research to clarify the contribution of the anther wall to embryogenesis. The development of molecular markers for use in determining the gametic origin of regenerated plants, irrespective of their ploidy, would also be beneficial. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the basic isolated microspore culture protocol with an emphasis on recent progress in several crop species.  相似文献   

Anther culture in solid and liquid medium and isolated microspore culture were compared in rye genotypes with potential agronomic characteristics. Some important factors influencing androgenic capacity were optimised. Three weeks cold pre-treatment of spikes and two days mannitol pre-treatment of anthers maximized callus and green plant yield in both culture methods. Intensity order of the culture methods in callus and green plant production was: isolated microspore culture, anther culture in liquid medium and anther culture in solid medium. Genotype ability of embryogenesis followed the same pattern in both cultivation methods. Kinetin (BA) with genotype dependent concentrations created the most effective regeneration conditions.  相似文献   

Based on optimized protocols for anther and microspore culture in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.), the regeneration phase and the efficiency of the processes in general were compared by using the same androgenic material of two experimental years. Microspore culture resulted in an increase in embryo induction depending on the genotype (Höfer 2004), however anther culture was superior to microspore culture in the total number of regenerated plants. The regeneration process in anther and microspore culture is similar. Two developmental pathways were observed: 1) secondary embryogenesis followed by adventitious shoot formation and 2) direct adventitious shoot formation from primary embryos. Induction and regeneration processes are delayed in microspore culture as compared with anther culture. The reasons for the reduced regeneration efficiency in microspore culture are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a protocol for microspore culture in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), the embryo induction phase has been improved with regard to pretreatment of microspores for initiation of microspore embryogenesis, the concentration of carbon source in the induction medium and the microspore density in the suspension. Furthermore, the effect of the genotype was studied. To determine the efficiency of in vitro androgenesis, both methods, via anther and microspore culture, were investigated using the same bud material. A comparison of the efficiency of embryo induction in anther and microspore cultures showed that microspore culture resulted in an increase up to 10 times, depending on the genotype. The regeneration route in microspore culture is similar to that of androgenic embryos via anther culture and showed adventitious shoot formation in most cases after a long period of secondary embryogenesis.Communicated by H. Lörz  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the auxin phenylacetic acid (PAA) on wheat anther and on barley anther/microspore culture was investigated. With PAA the induction response was not usually significantly different from controls but a significantly higher number of green plants were produced in wheat anther and barley microspore culture. For wheat anther culture 100 mg/L PAA was beneficial. For barley microspore culture the optimum levels were from 1 to 100 mg/L, depending on genotype. In barley anther culture there were no improvements using PAA. In wheat anther culture, 145 green plants/100 anthers were obtained with cultivar VeeryS, while the average response from twelve F1 hybrids in the breeding program was 332 green plants/100 anthers. At least 1000 green plants were obtained using isolated microspores from 100 anthers in barley cv. Igri. With cv. Bruce, regeneration occurred only when 100 mg/L PAA was used. The influence of PAA appears at the embryogenic phase of the culture system. The possible mechanisms by which PAA may improve regeneration are discussed.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid (DH) production is an efficient tool in barley breeding, but efficiency of DH methods is not consistent. Hence, the aim of this study was to study the effect of n-butanol application on DH barley plant production efficiency. Five elite cultivars of barley and thirteen breeding crosses with different microspore embryogenesis capacities were selected for n-butanol application in anther and isolated microspore cultures. Application of 0.1 % n-butanol after a mannitol stress treatment in anther culture significantly increased the number of embryos (up to almost twice) and green plants (from 1.7 to 3 times) in three low-responding cultivars: Albacete, Astoria and Majestic. No significant differences on microspore embryogenesis efficiency were observed in medium and high responding cultivars. The application of n-butanol treatment to isolated microspores from cold treated spikes in thirteen spring breeding crosses with a low or very low androgenetic response did not have a significant effect on the overall number of green plants. Nevertheless, an increase in the number of green plants was observed when 0.2 % n-butanol was applied in four out of seven low-responding crosses. Therefore, application of n-butanol could be routinely applied to anther cultures using mannitol treatment, in low-responding material. However, further studies are needed to determine optimal conditions in protocols using cold treatment and isolated microspore cultures.  相似文献   

A study was made to determine the feasibility of producing,by inbreeding and selection, lines of rapidcycling Brassicanapus L. with high or low potential for anther culture. In contrastto previous observations of B. campestris L., a self-incompatiblespecies, the anther culture potential of the plants of successiveinbred generations of B. napus remained uniform, and antherefficiency was poor, with a maximum of 0.476 embryoids producedfor each anther plated. This negative response to selectionmay have been due to an absence of variation with respect toanther culture ability in the base population, resulting fromthe self-fertility of the species. Cytological studies of culturedanthers of B. napus indicated that in each generation therewas a poor correlation between pollen induction and embryoidproduction. In an attempt to improve the yield of haploid embryoids of B.napus, isolated microspore culture was attempted, and was foundto be at least 60 times more efficient than anther culture,with as many as 32 embryoids being produced from each anther.In experiments designed to ascertain the reasons for such differences,an inhibitory effect of the anther wall on the anther embryogenesisof B. napus was observed, and embryoid yields were improvedby centrifuging buds prior to anther extraction to simulatethe effects of the centrifugation which is a component of themicrospore preparation procedure. Brassica napus, L. anther culture, microspore culture, inbreeding, selection  相似文献   

郭向荣  景建康  胡含 《遗传学报》1997,24(6):507-512
以微搅拌法建立了小孢子直接游离的预处理和培养程序。在大田生长的4个对培养反应不同的大麦基因型上,以新鲜幼穗游离小孢子进行直接培养,均成功地诱导了胚状体并获得再生绿色植株。小孢子的发育进程说明,直接游离的小泡子在预处理过程中的发育要慢于在花药中预处理的小孢子,而且其培养效率也较低。直接游离小孢子的培养密度以0.8~1.0×105/ml较理想,至少应不低于6×104/ml.8%-10%的糖浓度可明显提高小孢子分裂频率和胚状体诱导频率。实验结果也表明两种培养基FHG和MN6无明显差异,均适宜于直接游离的小孢子培养,并对游离小孢子直接培养在理论和应用上的意义进行了讨论  相似文献   

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