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乳铁蛋白是一种单体糖蛋白,是哺乳动物非特异性免疫系统的第一道防线,具有防御微生物感染的功能。分析了乳铁蛋白氨基酸组成、多肽链折叠、铁结合结构、分子表面特性等与抗菌有关的分子结构。综述了乳铁蛋白抗微生物活性的作用机制,包括限制Fe3+利用,抑制细菌生物膜形成,与负电性生物大分子结合,降解细菌毒力因子以及阻止细菌入侵等。  相似文献   

乳铁多肽,一种具有潜在抗菌能力的活性多肽   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石芳  翟朝阳 《生命的化学》2004,24(4):312-314
乳铁多肽(1actoferricin,Lfcin)是具有广谱杀菌,抑真菌,抑病毒,抑杀肿瘤细胞等作用的一类活性多肽,是乳铁蛋白(lactoferrin,Lf)经蛋白酶水解而产生的。该主要介绍Lfcin的来源、结构特征、生物学功能及机制等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白是哺乳动物天然免疫系统和获得性免疫系统中的重要防御成分,具广泛生物学功能,包括调节体内铁平衡、广谱抗菌、抗炎症、抑制肿瘤生长、增强机体免疫力等,在医药、食品、饲料领域有重要应用价值。目前乳铁蛋白规模化生产技术瓶颈是提取成本高,利用基因重组技术构建高效表达系统是突破这一瓶颈的重要途径。基于抗菌导向的乳铁蛋白及其衍生分子在大肠杆菌、酵母、昆虫、哺乳动物和植物中表达的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

康馨月  刘世财  郑珩 《生物资源》2018,40(6):512-517
目前,为应对抗生素耐药性问题,需要探索更多的抗生素替代物用于对抗微生物的感染。乳铁蛋白是一类源自哺乳动物乳汁或其他粘膜分泌的一种糖基化蛋白,具有广谱抗微生物活性、免疫调节以及抗癌作用。乳铁蛋白对于易受感染的早产儿也有很好的耐受作用,基本无不良反应,具有良好的开发前景。本文主要概述乳铁蛋白的基本性质、多功能的生物学活性和作用机制,并探讨牛乳铁蛋白与talactoferrin的临床研究情况。  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白肽(Lactoferricin)作用机制研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
近年来抗菌肽由于自身的优点成为抗生素的替代品 ,并已成为研究与开发的热点 ,其中乳铁蛋白肽因其强大的生物学功能而备受关注。就其结构、功能进行了综述 ,并根据其结构和生物学活性的关系探讨该肽的作用机制 ,同时也提出了乳铁蛋白肽研究中存在的一些问题及相应对策。  相似文献   

陈镜羽  单毓娟  杜明  李冰  张兰威 《生物磁学》2013,(3):564-566,577
乳铁蛋白是一种具有多种生理功能的铁结合性糖蛋白,是铁在机体内代谢及转运关键载体。目前,有关乳铁蛋白对神经退行性疾病的防治作用及应用研究已成为该领域的新热点。本文主要介绍了铁在机体内的代谢;铁转运蛋白-乳铁蛋白转运系统:铁转运主要是由转铁蛋白受体和乳铁蛋白受体介导的,铁转运入脑的途径主要是转铁蛋白-转铁蛋白受体途径,还有乳铁蛋白-乳铁蛋白受体途径及其他途径;铁对脑损伤的作用机制,其中铁参与的氧化应激反应以及铁代谢和铁转运相关基因的突变或缺失可能都是引起脑损伤的原因;最后简述乳铁蛋白在防治神经退行性疾病中最新的进展,乳铁蛋白修饰的纳米粒子可能是目前最有效治疗神经退行性疾病的方法之一。  相似文献   

庞晓楠  弘笑  魏璇  陈喜文  刘佳  陈德富 《遗传》2015,37(9):873-884
乳铁蛋白(Lactoferrin, Lf)是分子量大小约为80 kDa的铁离子结合糖蛋白,是转铁蛋白(Transferrin, Tf)家族的成员之一。其理化性质独特,具有抑菌、抗病毒、抗癌、免疫调节、调节铁离子的吸收等诸多生物学功能。获得高产且有生物活性的重组乳铁蛋白,并用于临床治疗,一直是研究热点。随着基因工程技术的发展,已获得多个可表达重组乳铁蛋白的表达系统。本文对乳铁蛋白的理化性质、生物学活性、临床研究以及目前的重组表达系统进行综述,以期为乳铁蛋白的临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

牛乳铁蛋白素是牛乳铁蛋白经胃蛋白酶水解后释放出来的一段小肽,是牛乳铁蛋白的活性中心。通过对不同动物来源乳铁蛋白素活性的研究发现牛乳铁蛋白素的抗菌活性最强。进一步的丙氨酸突变实验研究表明,在牛乳铁蛋白素活性最强的15个氨基酸序列中,色氨酸在抗菌过程中起着重要作用。牛乳铁蛋白素正是因为含有两个色氨酸,其活性才会比只含有一个色氨酸的其它来源的乳铁蛋白素活性要高。很多实验室围绕着牛乳铁蛋白素中的色氨酸、碱性氨基酸和其他一些芳香族氨基酸展开了一系列的突变研究,本文综述了这些研究及在氨基酸改变后活性的变化,为以后研究及开发牛乳铁蛋白素提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为了获得优化的猪乳铁蛋白乳杆菌表达系统,并比较重组猪乳铁蛋白的抑菌活性,根据乳杆菌使用密码子的偏嗜性优化合成猪乳铁蛋白成熟肽编码序列,将其克隆到乳杆菌表达载体pPG612.1的XhoⅠ/BamHⅠ位点,获得了plf乳杆菌表达载体质粒pPG612.1-plf。将获得的重组质粒分别电转化入干酪乳杆菌ATCC393、戊糖乳杆菌KLDS1.0413、植物乳杆菌KLDS1.0344和副干酪乳杆菌KLDS1.0652细胞内,获得4种表达猪乳铁蛋白的重组乳杆菌。经木糖诱导,通过Western blotting和激光共聚焦检测重组猪乳铁蛋白的表达,用ELISA方法检测和比较4种重组菌上清中表达猪乳铁蛋白的量,并用琼脂孔穴扩散抑菌法检测4种重组乳杆菌表达乳铁蛋白的抑菌活性。结果表明,乳铁蛋白在4种重组乳杆菌中均得到正确表达,其产物分子量约73 kDa,重组干酪乳杆菌、重组戊糖乳杆菌、重组植物乳杆菌和重组副干酪乳杆菌的重组猪乳铁蛋白表达量分别为9.6μg/mL、10.8μg/mL、12.5μg/mL、9.9μg/mL。重组猪乳铁蛋白对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌、巴氏杆菌和李氏杆菌均有一定的抑菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌作用最强,且4种重组乳杆菌中重组植物乳杆菌表达产物的抑菌效果优于其他重组菌的表达产物。结果表明在4种乳杆菌中重组猪乳铁蛋白的最佳表达系统为植物乳杆菌,该结果为猪乳铁蛋白的乳杆菌表达系统进一步开发与应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的对具有血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)抑制活性的乳酸菌DM9057发酵乳的抗胃肠道酶解能力及原发性高血压大鼠(SHR)体内降压效果进行研究。方法以10 ml/kg和2.5 ml/kg发酵乳一次性和连续灌胃原发性高血压大鼠。结果 DM9057发酵乳具有较好的抗胃肠道酶能力,并且2个剂量均具有较好的降血压效果,其中以10 ml/kg剂量效果最为显著,一次性和连续灌胃后,最大降压值为(17.97±3.82)、(25.46±5.06)mmHg。结论乳酸菌DM9057发酵乳具有较强的抗胃肠道能力,同时在原发性高血压大鼠体内能够发挥一定的降血压作用。  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferrin is produced on an industrial scale from cheese whey or skim milk. The safety of purified lactoferrin has been confirmed from the results of a reverse mutation test using bacteria, a 13-week oral repeated-dose toxicity study in rats, and clinical studies. In order to apply active lactoferrin to various products, a process for its pasteurization was developed. Subsequently, lactoferrin has been used in a wide variety of products since it was first added to infant formula in 1986. A pepsin hydrolysate of lactoferrin is also used in infant formula. This hydrolysate contains a potent antimicrobial peptide named lactoferricin that is derived from the lactoferrin molecule by pepsin digestion. Semilarge-scale purification of lactoferricin can be performed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Lactoferricin also exhibits several biological actions and appears to be the functional domain of lactoferrin. Recent studies have demonstrated that oral administration of lactoferrin or lactoferricin exerts a host-protective effect in various animals and in humans. The results of these studies strongly suggest that the effects of oral lactoferrin are mediated by modulation of the immune system. Further elucidation of the clinical efficacy and mechanism of action of lactoferrin will increase the value of lactoferrin-containing products.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of bovine lactoferrin is attributed to lactoferricin, situated in the N1-domain. Based on common features of antimicrobial peptides, a second putative antimicrobial domain was identified in the N1-domain of lactoferrin, designated lactoferrampin. This novel peptide exhibited candidacidal activity, which was substantially higher than the activity of lactoferrin. Furthermore, lactoferrampin was active against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but not against the fermenting bacteria Actinomyces naeslundii, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. Notably, lactoferrampin is located in the N1-domain in close proximity to lactoferricin, which plays a crucial role in membrane-mediated activities of lactoferrin.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize the effect of bovine lactoferrin and lactoferricin B against feline calicivirus (FCV), a norovirus surrogate and poliovirus (PV), as models for enteric viruses. METHODS AND RESULTS: Crandell-Reese feline kidney (CRFK) cells were used for the propagation of FCV and monkey embryo kidney (MEK) cells for PV. The assays included visual assessment of cell lines for cytopathic effects and determination of the percentage cell death using MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium] dye reduction assay. Incubation of bovine lactoferrin with CRFK cells either prior to or together with FCV inoculation substantially reduced FCV infection. In contrast, the interference of lactoferrin with the infection of cells with PV was demonstrated only when lactoferrin was present with cell lines and virus for the entire assay period. Using indirect immunofluorescence, lactoferrin was detected on the surface of both CRFK and MEK cells, suggesting that the interference of viral infection may be attributed to lactoferrin binding to the surfaces of susceptible cells, thereby preventing the attachment of the virus particles. Lactoferricin B, a cationic antimicrobial peptide derived from the N-terminal domain of bovine lactoferrin, reduced FCV but not PV infection. CONCLUSION: Lactoferrin was shown to interfere with the infection of cells for both FCV and PV. However, lactoferricin B showed no interference of infection with PV and interference with infection for FCV required the presence of lactoferricin B together with the cell line and virus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: An in vitro basis is provided for the effects of bovine lactoferrin and lactoferricin B in moderating food-borne infections of enteric viruses.  相似文献   

Bacteria that inhabit the respiratory and genitourinary tracts of mammals encounter an iron-deficient environment on the mucosal surface where iron is complexed by the host iron-binding proteins transferrin and lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is also present in high concentrations at sites of inflammation where the cationic anti-microbial peptide lactoferricin is produced by proteolysis of lactoferrin. Several members of the Neisseriaceae and Moraxellaceae families express surface receptors, capable of specifically binding host lactoferrin and extracting the iron from lactoferrin as a source of iron for growth. The receptor is comprised of an integral outer membrane protein, lactoferrin binding protein A (LbpA), and a largely exposed surface lipoprotein, lactoferrin binding protein B (LbpB). LbpA is essential for mediating growth using lactoferrin as a sole iron source whereas LbpB only plays a facilitating role. LbpB, with the presence of a large tract of negatively charged residues, appears to protect the bacterial cell from the bactericidal effects of the lactoferricin. The lactoferrin receptors in these species appear to be essential for survival and thus may serve as potential vaccine targets.  相似文献   

Unmethylated CpG dinucleotide motifs in bacterial DNA, as well as oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) containing these motifs, are potent stimuli for many host immunological responses. These CpG motifs may enhance host responses to bacterial infection and are being examined as immune activators for therapeutic applications in cancer, allergy/asthma, and infectious diseases. However, little attention has been given to processes that down-modulate this response. The iron-binding protein lactoferrin is present at mucosal surfaces and at sites of infection. Since lactoferrin is known to bind DNA, we tested the hypothesis that lactoferrin will bind CpG-containing ODN and modulate their biological activity. Physiological concentrations of lactoferrin (regardless of iron content) rapidly bound CpG ODN. The related iron-binding protein transferrin lacked this capacity. ODN binding by lactoferrin did not require the presence of CpG motifs and was calcium independent. The process was inhibited by high salt, and the highly cationic N-terminal sequence of lactoferrin (lactoferricin B) was equivalent to lactoferrin in its ODN-binding ability, suggesting that ODN binding by lactoferrin occurs via charge-charge interaction. Heparin and bacterial LPS, known to bind to the lactoferricin component of lactoferrin, also inhibited ODN binding. Lactoferrin and lactoferricin B, but not transferrin, inhibited CpG ODN stimulation of CD86 expression in the human Ramos B cell line and decreased cellular uptake of ODN, a process required for CpG bioactivity. Lactoferrin binding of CpG-containing ODN may serve to modulate and terminate host response to these potent immunostimulatory molecules at mucosal surfaces and sites of bacterial infection.  相似文献   

抗菌肽Lactoferricin生物学功能及其应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了乳铁蛋白活性多肽(lactofericin)所具有的广谱抗菌、抗寄生虫、抗病毒、抗癌、抗氧化等多种生物学活性,讨论了lactnferricin的制备方法,并对lactnferricin作为饲料添加剂的应用前景作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Anti-complement effects of lactoferrin-derived peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lactoferrin is an important biological molecule with many functions such as modulation of the inflammatory response, iron metabolism and antimicrobial defense. One effect of lactoferrin is the inhibition of the classical complement pathway. This study reports that antimicrobial peptides derived from the N-terminal region from both human and bovine lactoferrin, lactoferricin H and lactoferricin B, respectively, inhibit the classical complement pathway. No inhibitory effect of these peptides was observed on the alternative complement pathway in an AP50 assay. However, lactoferricin B reduced the inhibitory properties of serum against Escherichia coli in a concentration dependent manner. These results suggest that the N-terminal region of lactoferrin is the important part in the inhibition of complement activation and that these peptides possess other important properties than their antimicrobial effect.  相似文献   

The innate immunity factor lactoferrin harbours two antimicrobial moieties, lactoferricin and lactoferrampin, situated in close proximity in the N1 domain of the molecule. Most likely they cooperate in many of the beneficial activities of lactoferrin. To investigate whether chimerization of both peptides forms a functional unit we designed a chimerical structure containing lactoferricin amino acids 17-30 and lactoferrampin amino acids 265-284. The bactericidal activity of this LFchimera was found to be drastically stronger than that of the constituent peptides, as was demonstrated by the need for lower dose, shorter incubation time and less ionic strength dependency. Likewise, strongly enhanced interaction with negatively charged model membranes was found for the LFchimera relative to the constituent peptides. Thus, chimerization of the two antimicrobial peptides resembling their structural orientation in the native molecule strikingly improves their biological activity.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin has long been recognized for its antimicrobial properties, initially attributed primarily to iron sequestration. It has since become apparent that interaction between the host and bacteria is modulated by a complex series of interactions between lactoferrin and bacteria, lactoferrin and bacterial products, and lactoferrin and host cells. The primary focus of this review is the interaction between lactoferrin and bacteria, but interactions with the lactoferrin-derived cationic peptide lactoferricin will also be discussed. We will summarize what is currently known about the interaction between lactoferrin (or lactoferricin) and surface or secreted bacterial components, comment on the potential physiological relevance of the findings, and identify key questions that remain unanswered.  相似文献   

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