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目的:探讨儿童急性白血病流式细胞术免疫分型的意义。方法:采用流式细胞术三色荧光标记技术和CD45/SSC双参数散点图设门,检测185例儿童急性白血病的免疫表型,对抗原表达情况进行分析。结果:流式细胞术免疫分型和FAB分型的符合率为89.19%。185例儿童急性白血病中,ALL为121例,占AL的65.41%,B-ALL为113例,主要表达B系的CD19(99.12%)、CD22(98.13%)、CD79a(96.19%)、CD10(86.73%)。T-ALL占8例;主要表达CD5(100%)、CD7(100%)、cCD3(100%)、CD8(87.5%)。AML为47例,占25.41%,主要表达CD33(93.62%)、CD15(78.72%)、CD64(76.6%)、MPO(76.6%)、CD13(74.47%)。在B-ALL,AML,T-ALL中,敏感性最高的抗体分别是CD19,CD33,CD5和CD7,特异性最强的抗体分别是CD79a,MPO,cCD3。AMLL为17例,占9.19%,其中B/M为9例,T/B为5例,T/M为3例。My十-ALL为54例,占ALL的44.63%,表达的髓系抗原为CD13、CD15、CD33、CD64。Ly+-AML为18例,占AML的38.30%,表达的淋系抗原为CD19、CD4、CD7。系列非相关抗原CD34的表达率为67.57%,HLA-DR的表达率为85.41%,CD38的表达率为80.59%,TdT的表达率为62.59%。结论:流式细胞术免疫分型在白血病分型中起重要作用,是FAB分型的补充和修正,提高了儿童急性白血病诊断的准确率有必要进一步加强流式细胞术免疫分型的标准化工作。  相似文献   

目的:分析急性巨核细胞白血病(AMKL)患者实验室检查特点。方法:4管用8色抗体组合对28例AMKL患者的骨髓有核细胞进行免疫表型分析,同时结合分析患者骨髓细胞形态学、融合基因和染色体核型等检查结果。结果:28例AMKL患者中阳性表达率较高的是巨核细胞相关抗体:CD41a、CD61、CD42b、CD36,阳性率分别为81. 48%、92. 86%、72. 00%、70. 83%,其中,CD41a、CD61、CD42b三种抗体共表达的患者占53. 57%,至少表达两种抗体的患者占82. 14%。髓系祖细胞相关标志:CD117、CD34、CD38、HLA-DR阳性表达率分别为64. 29%、42. 86%、64. 29%和46. 15%,与非APL的AML患者相比表达率均较低(P 0.01);髓系全程抗原CD13、CD33在AMKL中阳性表达率与非APL的AML之间无统计学差异。髓系中后期抗原CD15及单核系抗原CD64、CD14、CD300e和胞浆抗原MPO、cCD79a和cCD3均阴性。与非Down综合征相关AMKL(non-DS-AMKL)相比,CD7与CD11b的表达在Down综合征相关AMKL(DS-AMKL)中较高(P 0.05)。AMKL患者中17例(65.4%)为复杂染色体核型,5例为+21染色体异常;仅5例患者核型正常。25例行白血病融合基因筛查,24例(96%)患者WT1基因表达增高(40.24±59.14%),12例患者(70.58%) EVI1基因表达增高(53.93±37.98%),4例患者融合基因阳性(2例MLL-AF9阳性,1例TLS-ERG,1例P210 BCL/ABL)。结论:AMKL中82.14%患者表达至少两种巨核细胞相关标志,髓系祖细胞标志表达相对较低,多为复杂染色体核型异常,WT1及EVI1异常表达率较高。  相似文献   

目的:分析急性混合细胞白血病(HAL)独特的临床生物学特征及预后。方法:采用流式细胞术(FCM)分析白血病细胞的免疫表型,最终确诊56例HAL患者,对其骨髓标本进行细胞形态学及相关细胞化学染色分析,以确定其FAB分型,用聚合酶链反应检测骨髓细胞DNA IgH及TCRγ基因重排,采用兼顾急性髓细胞性白血病(AML)和急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的方案治疗,同时结合多项临床生物学指标分析其转归和预后。结果:确诊的HAL其FAB分型以AML-M1/M2、ALL为主;其免疫分型以B系和髓系混合表达多见。CD34在HAL中呈高表达并且是对患者预后具有影响力的因素(P=0.03)。确诊的56例HAL患者中,28例出现IgH基因单克隆重排阳性(50.76%),22例出现TCRγ基因单克隆重排阳性(39.65%),其中2例IgH和TCRγ基因单克隆重排同时出现阳性。此类患者对治疗反应差、缓解率低为36%。结论:HAL属特殊类型白血病,有其独特的临床生物学特征,对化疗方案不敏感,预后较差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童急性白血病流式细胞术免疫分型的意义。方法:采用流式细胞术三色荧光标记技术和CD45/SSC双参数散点图设门,检测185例儿童急性白血病的免疫表型,对抗原表达情况进行分析。结果:流式细胞术免疫分型和FAB分型的符合率为89.19%。185例儿童急性白血病中,ALL为121例,占AL的65.41%,B—ALL为113例,主要表达B系的CD19(99.12%)、CD22(98.13%)、CD79a(96.19%)、CD10(86.73%)。T—ALL占8例;主要表达CD5(100%)、CD7(100%)、cCD3(100%)、CD8(87.5%)。AML为47例,占25.41%,主要表达CD33(93.62%)、CD15(78.72%)、CD64(76.6%)、MPO(76.6%)、CD13(74.47%)。在B—ALL,AML,T—ALL中,敏感性最高的抗体分别是CD19,CD33,CD5和CD7,特异性最强的抗体分别是CD79a,MPO,cCD3。AMLL为17例,占9.19%,其中B/M为9例,T/B为5例,T/M为3例。My+-ALL为54例,占ALL的44.63%,表达的髓系抗原为CD13、CD15、CD33、CD64。Ly+-AML为18例,占AML的38.30%,表达的淋系抗原为CD19、CD4、CD7。系列非相关抗原CD34的表达率为67.57%,HLA—DR的表达率为85.41%,CD38的表达率为80.59%,TdT的表达率为62.59%。结论:流式细胞术免疫分型在白血病分型中起重要作用,是FAB分型的补充和修正,提高了儿童急性白血病诊断的准确率。有必要进一步加强流式细胞术免疫分型的标准化工作。  相似文献   

目的:探索缓解与未缓解急性髓系白血病干细胞表面抗原表达差异,为判定化疗疗效及其预后提供依据。方法:按照急性白血病诊断标准,根据患者入院时骨髓白血病细胞数量多少分成临床缓解与未缓解两组,以流式细胞仪分别检测骨髓中白血病干细胞表面相关抗原表达情况,比较二者之间差异。其中经标准化疗方案治疗结束后,通过复查骨髓象判定疗效并比较化疗前后白血病干细胞表面相关抗原表达变化。结果:与缓解的急性髓系白血病患者骨髓白血病干细胞相关抗原表达值相比,未缓解的患者骨髓白血病干细胞表面相关抗原表达明显升高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05,0.001);未缓解的患者经标准方案化疗后骨髓虽然已经获得完全缓解,但依然具有白血病干细胞表面抗原高表达,提示这部分患者依然有复发的可能性。结论:急性髓系白血病患者的白血病干细胞相关抗原表达值升高是急性白血病复发难治的根源之一。  相似文献   

目的:分析儿童急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia,B-ALL)化疗过程中首次微小残留病灶(minimal residual disease,MRD)免疫表型的变化规律及特点,为临床诊断及后续微小残留病的监测提供依据。方法:回顾性分析我院2013年1月至2018年4月收治的393例B-ALL患儿的免疫分型结果及诱导化疗第15天首次MRD数据。结果:(1)在393例白血病中,B-ALL相关特征性免疫表型的出现频率为:CD19+/CD10+/34+64.4%;CD19+/CD10+/34部分表达,15.5%;CD19+/CD34+/CD20+,58.5%;CD19+/CD10+/CD13+,13.2%;CD19+/CD10+/CD33+,5.9%;CD19+/CD10+/CD117+,0.7%;CD19+/CD10+/CD123+,50.1%;CD19+/CD10-/34±,5.9%;CD19+/CD10-/CD20-,2.5%;CD34bright,12.2%;(2)共有285例首次MRD检测结果呈阳性,有181例(63.5%)MRD检测结果至少有1个抗原荧光强度发生改变,其中出现一个抗原强度变化的为83例(29.1%),2个抗原荧光强度变化的为57例(20.0%),3个抗原荧光强度变化为31例(10.9%),4个及4个以上抗原荧光强度变化为10例(3.5%)。抗原荧光强度变化频率最高的依次为CD45、CD34、CD20;(3)共有7例患儿复发,复发时行免疫分型检测,其中4例与初发时有抗原荧光强度变化。结论:(1)儿童B-ALL远高于其他白血病类型,且具有独特的相关特征性免疫表型。初发B-ALL免疫分型结果不仅可完善白血病MICM分型,更是化疗后MRD监测的线索及客观依据;(2)在儿童B-ALL化疗过程中,免疫表型极有可能会发生变化,在后续的微小残留病灶检测过程中应注意对变化抗原的判断和追踪。  相似文献   

目的:探讨髓细胞性白血病(AML)患儿PTEN蛋白表达及其与免疫表型的关系。方法:选择AML患儿143例,根据免疫表型的不同分为两组:免疫分型为LY+AML型59例,LY-AML84例。所有患儿都给予免疫表型分析,检测PTEN蛋白表达情况并进行相关性分析。结果:LY+AML患儿CD34+阳性、CD117+阳性比例显著高于LY-AML患儿(P 0.05),染色体核型异常比例显著低于LY-AML患儿(P 0.05)。LY+AML患儿的PTEN蛋白表达量为(65.33±2.34)%,阳性表达率为94.9%;而LY-AML分别为(20.11±4.11)%和13.1%,与LY+AML患儿对比差异都有统计学意义(P 0.05)。在AML患儿中,Spearman相关分析显示PTEN蛋白表达水平与免疫分型呈现显著相关性(r=0.653,P=0.000)。多因素logistic回归方法显示PTEN蛋白表达、CD34+阳性、CD117+阳性、染色体核型异常为影响AML患儿免疫表型的主要独立危险因素(OR=1.098、1.045、1.092、0.294,P 0.05)。结论:AML患儿骨髓单个核细胞的PTEN蛋白表达上调使得LY+AML型发生风险显著增加,可作为AML患儿病情判断与预后预测的参考指标之一。  相似文献   

目的:探讨CD47在急性白血病患者骨髓白血病细胞的表达及其临床意义。方法:选择2013年5月-2015年5月在我院确诊的急性白血病患者101例作为研究对象,其中急性淋巴细胞白血病50例(ALL组),急性髓系白血病51例(AML组)。另选取同期在我院接受体检的健康志愿者39例作为对照组。采用流式细胞仪检测白血病细胞表面CD47的表达情况,并分析CD47表达与急性白血病患者临床疗效及复发情况的关系。结果:急性白血病患者白血病细胞CD47的阳性表达率明显高于健康对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);而ALL组与AML组患者白血病细胞CD47的阳性表达率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05);CD47阴性表达的急性白血病患者CR率显著高于阳性表达者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);ALL组和AML组CD47阴性表达患者CR率显著高于CD47阳性表达患者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),但两组之间比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);CD47阳性表达的急性白血病患者复发率显著高于阴性表达患者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);ALL组和AML组CD47表达阳性患者复发率明显高于阴性患者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),但两组之间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:急性白血病患者白血病细胞表面CD47的表达异常升高,且与白血病患者的疗效和预后有关,CD47可能作为一种急性白血病的诊断及疗效和预后的辅助评估指标。  相似文献   

本文用10种单克隆抗体(McAb)分析了正常人周围血及有髓单个核细胞的免疫表型,以及急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)和急性髓细胞白血病(AML)的免疫表型,并以免疫双酶标记法观察了非T-ALL肿瘤细胞的肿瘤相关核仁抗原(HMNA)和细胞表面抗原的表达。结果:不同年龄正常群体周围血CD_4~+细胞数及CD_4/CD_8比值有差异;约3%的正常骨髓单个核细胞CD_(10)~+(ALL的抗原)。应用单克隆抗体对白血病的免疫分型,不仅能确诊肿瘤的谱系,还能了解细胞分化阶段。本文讨论了AML和ALL免疫分型中的鉴别性McAb。HMNA为多种肿瘤细胞的标记,本文观察到幼稚B细胞白血病及毛细胞白血病的肿瘤细胞中HMNA亦为阳性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性髓细胞白血病急变期(CML-BC)患者的细胞形态学(M)、免疫学(I)、细胞遗传学(C)和分子生物学(M)的特征及应用价值。方法:对38例CML-BC患者的MICM分型进行回顾性分析。结果:以FAB分型为基础的形态学确诊率达94.7%;免疫分型结果为:38例CML-BC中CML-AML占71.0%,其中37.0%伴淋系表达;CML-ALL占23.7%,均为B细胞性,其中66.67%伴髓系表达;CML-MAL(混合性白血病)占5.3%,均为B系和髓系混合表达;CD34+26例(68.4%),CD7+10例(26.3%),均与CD34共表达。细胞遗传学结果显示:CML特征性Ph染色体检出率为94.3%(36/38),附加异常染色体检出率为60.5%(23/38),发生频率较高的类型是+Ph、+8和i(17q);FISH检测BCR/ABL融合基因阳性率为100%,der(9)缺失占14.7%。RT-PCR检测20例患者BCR/ABL融合基因均为阳性,其中b2a2型(12/20),b3a2型(8/20),1例(1/20),b2a2和b3a2双阳性(1/20)。结论:CML-BC是造血干细胞疾病,原始细胞分化阻滞在早期阶段,预后差。MICM分型对CML-BC的诊断、治疗和预后判断均有重要价值。  相似文献   

Biphenotypic acute leukemia: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe an uncommon case of acute leukemia in which leukemic blasts expressed myeloid antigens and cyCD79alpha molecule. In this 49-year old male patient, two distinct blast populations were detected in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples: one of small size resembling lymphoblasts and another with pink cytoplasmic granules resembling myeloblasts. Cytochemical reaction for myeloperoxidase was negative in both cell types. Conventional cytogenetic analysis showed a normal karyotype (46 XY) in all metaphases studied, while gene rearrangement analysis by seminested PCR of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (Ig-H) and T-cell-gamma chain (TCR-gamma) receptor, showed a germline configuration of the TCR and clonal rearrangement of Ig-H chain genes. Multicolour cytofluorimetric analysis showed that bone marrow and peripheral blood blasts expressed CD19, CD79alpha bright, CD22 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) as lymphoid markers, CD13, CD117, CD15 as myeloid markers, CD34, HLA-DR as stem cell markers. CD33 myeloid antigen was expressed by 50% of the blastic population. No differences in the immunophenotypic profile were detected in the two blast populations which were identified by morphology. According to EGIL (European Group of Immunological Classification of Leukemias) and WHO (World Health Organization) criteria, a diagnosis of biphenotypic acute leukemia (BAL) was made. The patient was treated with AML induction therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation, but relapse free survival was 6 months. The patient died a few weeks later due to unresponsiveness to salvage chemotherapy regimens. We conclude that patients with BAL should have a risk stratification with treatment tailored to their immunophenotype and gene rearrangement profiles.  相似文献   

The results of study of morpho-cytochemical peculiarities, antigenic profile and peripheric blood and/or bone marrow blast cell karyotype of 21 patients with acute myeloid leukemia are presented. Hemopoietic cell immunophenotyping was carried out with the use of cytofluorometer FACScan and chromosome cytogenetic analysis with the use of analyzer "Metascan". It has been shown that in the AML M1 blast cell plasmatic membrane carries pan-myeloid CD33 and CD13 antigens, the last having high density of expression, and the CD38 antigen, which is a myeloid cell-precursor marker. In these patients tetraploidy, being the testimony of karyotype change, has been ascertained. It has been found out that the AML M2 blasts, except pan-myeloid antigens, express the cell proliferation CD71 marker. Blast cell karyotype peculiarities typical for this leukemia sub-variant have been revealed. In patients with the AML M4 in 3 of 6 cases an anomalous karyotype has been found. It has been also shown that the CD14 antigen, and rather its percentage in blast total population, is the differential-diagnostic criterion for the AML M4 and M5.  相似文献   

The expression of lineage molecules (CD13 and CD33), c-Kit receptor (CD117), CD34, HLA-DR and adhesion molecule CD49d was assessed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blast cells from 32 cases, using direct and indirect quantitative cytometric analysis. High correlation (r=0.8) was found between antigen expression intensity values calculated by direct analysis method (ABC) and by indirect analysis method (RFI). Moreover, the differences in expression intensity of CD13, CD117 and CD34 antigens were found between leukemic and normal myeloblasts. This may be helpful in identification of leukemic cells in the diagnostics of minimal residual disease after treatment in AML patients.  相似文献   

During conventional follow-up of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the emergence of cytopenias is considered to be a sign of impending relapse, and it represents an example of how leukemic hematopoiesis affects normal hemopoietic differentiation. In the present study, we have explored the possible value of the analysis of the distribution of CD34+ myeloid and CD34+ lymphoid progenitor cells in follow-up complete remission bone marrow samples from de novo AML patients as a prognostic parameter for predicting relapse. A total of 213 bone marrow samples from 36 AML patients in morphological complete remission, obtained at the end of induction, consolidation, and intensification therapy and every six months thereafter were analyzed. The normal CD34+ myeloid/CD34+ lymphoid ratio ranged between 2.4 and 8.9. In contrast, in most AML cases an abnormally high ratio (> or =10) was observed at the end of induction and consolidation therapy: 96% and 75% of cases, respectively. On the other hand, at the end of intensification, 70% of the patients displayed a normal CD34+ ratio. Patients with a myeloid/lymphoid CD34+ ratio higher than 10 at the end of intensification showed a significantly lower overall survival (median survival of 19 months versus median not reached, P = 0.05), as well as a lower disease-free survival (median of 7 months versus 30 months, P = 0.0001). Regarding sequential studies, 67% of the relapses were preceded by the re-appearance of an abnormal CD34 ratio, whereas relapse was not predicted in four patient with leukemia classified as M3 undergoing maintenance therapy. From the remaining 18 patients who are still in continuous complete remission, all except 3 cases (17%) displayed a normal CD34 myeloid/lymphoid ratio. In summary, the present study shows that the persistence at the end of chemotherapy of an abnormally high (> or =10) ratio between CD34+ myeloid and CD34+ lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow of AML patients is associated with high risk of relapse and a shorter overall survival.  相似文献   

Clinical and laboratory features of seven patients with acute leukemia associated with the (4;11) chromosome translocation are presented. Leukemic blasts of these patients showed lymphoid morphology in 6 (although 1 was treated for monoblastic leukemia 3 years earlier) and monocytoid morphology in 1, were positive for TdT and HD 37 (CD 19) in 6 patients, whereas weak expression of CALLA was seen in only 1 patient and T-lineage-associated antigens in none. Leukemic blasts from four patients showed the simultaneous expression of B-lymphoid and myeloid antigens, suggesting leukemogenesis in a very early multipotent progenitor cell. In 2 patients an isochromosome of the long arm of No. 7 chromosome was found in the leukemic karyotypes in addition to t (4; 11) (q 21; q 23); in one instance present at diagnosis, in the other one occurring at relapse. In one other patient leukemia karyotype also demonstrated trisomy 8. Leukemic cells of three patients were investigated by molecular genetics and demonstrated immunoglobulin gene rearrangements for the Ig heavy chain sequences but not for the light chain constant regions and T cell receptor sequences. All patients were treated by intensive chemotherapy. Four of the 7 patients are in continuous complete remission. The longest event-free survival time (over 2 1/2 years) was seen in one patient who had also DOWN-syndrome. Including these 7 patients a clinical analysis of 71 patients with t (4; 11) acute leukemia was made, emphasizing the following characteristics at diagnosis: female sex (62%), age under 2 years (49%), leukocyte count over 100 X 10(9)/1 (61%), splenomegaly (80%), CNS-disease (11%). Survival of over 2 years was reported in less than 15% of the patients. It remains to be seen if risk-adapted treatment can alter the course of this early B-precursor acute leukemia with hitherto very bad prognosis.  相似文献   

CD26/DPPIV (dipeptidil peptidase IV) displays an array of diverse functional properties, with a role in the development of several human cancers. This enzyme is found mainly anchored in the membrane of cells although it also has an enzymatically active plasma isoform. The regulation of biological activities of cytokines by DPP IV activity has a potential role in the homeostatic regulation of hematopoiesis. In this study, we analyzed the CD26 antigen cell membrane expression by flow cytometry and the DPPIV activity in plasma of patients of acute leukemia. The results showed that the plasma DPPIV activity is significantly higher in leukemia patients and could be 100% inhibited by Januvia? (Merck Sharp & Dohme) a selective DPPIV inhibitor. Although CD26 expression on immune cells were not leukemia-dependent the analysis of the correlation between CD26 expression and the DPPIV plasma activity were statistically significant (p < 0.01) in acute lymphoid leukemia (B-ALL and T-ALL).  相似文献   

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