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园艺作物核心种质构建的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建核心种质是植物遗传资源的研究热点和重点之一,对种质资源的鉴定、保存、利用与交流具有重要意义。本文简要介绍了植物遗传资源核心种质的概念及其构建方法,综述了园艺作物核心种质构建的研究新进展,并对今后该领域的研究趋势进行了展望。提出了种质分组及取样策略是园艺作物核心种质构建方法研究的重点;应及时构建一批大宗园艺作物以及我国原产和特产园艺作物的核心种质;高度重视基于重测序技术快速、精准、高通量地挖掘园艺作物核心种质优异基因的研究以及要加强科研管理与协作,切实提高我国园艺作物核心种质研究成果的共享性等观点,为园艺作物种质资源的深入研究与高效利用提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

甘肃省干旱地区抗逆农作物种质资源调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查、收集甘肃省干旱地区抗逆农作物种质资源,为甘肃抗逆农作物种质资源保护、研究、利用提供基础材料。2011~2013年采用查阅文献、访问和实地调查相结合的方法,对分布在甘肃干旱地区18个县(市、区)、48个乡(镇)、81个行政村的抗逆农作物种质资源的保存及利用现状进行了调查,并对种质进行了收集。共收集到粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜及野生资源材料845份,分属16科46属62种,其中抗旱种质27份,耐盐碱种质4份,高抗锈病种质14份。 本文对调查地区抗逆农作物种质资源现状、消长情况及原因和调查、收集到的资源种类及其利用价值进行了分析,并对甘肃省干旱地区抗逆农作物种质资源的保护、开发和利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

作物种质资源调查与收集是作物种质资源保护、基础研究、鉴定评价和创新利用的基础.调查获得的地理分布、生态类型、特征特性等可为作物起源进化和保护生物学研究提供信息支撑,收集到的作物种质资源的多样性对是否能够发掘出具有重要利用价值的资源具有决定性作用.本文简要回顾了作物种质资源调查收集历史,从物种分布不平衡性、作物起源中心与...  相似文献   

羌塘高原及雅鲁藏布江上游地区植物种质资源调查与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羌塘高原及雅鲁藏布江上游地区是植物学研究相对薄弱的地区.通过对该区域进行植被调查、植物种质资源采集,共收集到31科90属148种(变种)植物标本及其种质资源,其中以菊科、禾本科、莎草科、豆科等植物为主.分析结果表明:科的分布类型以世界广布为主,属的分布类型以温带分布为主,种的分布类型以中国特有与中亚分布及变型占有绝对优势,反映了青藏高原的隆升导致特有种的大量形成及与中亚植物区系的密切联系.对调查区域一些植被类型进行了描述,对冰川棘豆、镰荚棘豆、青海刺参等8种植物的资源与开发利用进行了评价,最后提出了合理保护与利用植被与植物资源的相关建议.  相似文献   

以中国大豆种质资源在美国的种植调查数据为资料,并与中国的调查数据进行比较,旨在研究大豆种质的遗传完整性,为中国大豆资源的繁种保存策略提供参考。中国大豆种质资源2093份在美国利用不同的调查标准进行农艺性状重新鉴定评价,30%的中国大豆种质资源可进一步分为不同的纯系,使种质的数量增加到3062份。以纯化后种质份数增加到9份的资源ZDD4572为例,对其纯化过程进行了详细分析。研究表明,现有的大豆资源在纯合保存前提下,用更多的评价性状、每个性状划分更多的等级,将有助于大豆种质资源的纯化及其数量的增加,从而更方便繁种和实际利用。  相似文献   

贵州少数民族地区作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"贵州农业生物资源调查"项目于2012-2014年已对贵州省21个县(市)进行了系统调查。系统调查的21个县(市)均有少数民族集居,各民族有不同的传统文化和生活习俗,在世代相传中赋予了当地作物种质资源丰富的民族文化内涵。并且,当地的地形地貌复杂,气候类型多样。正因为这种多样的自然条件和各异的民族文化,造就了这里丰富的作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物。本次调查获得的作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物,对作物的分类研究和新品种选育以及商业开发,将会有一定的利用价值。  相似文献   

山东省沿海地区农作物种质资源调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年至2011年对分布在山东省沿海地区34个县(市、区)82个乡(镇)132个行政村的农作物种质资源进行了调查,共收集粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜、果树地方品种及野生资源材料848份,分属15科39属54种。本文对调查地区农作物种质资源现状、消长情况及原因和调查、收集到的资源种类及其利用价值进行了分析,并对山东省沿海地区农作物种质资源的保护、开发和利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

对国家果树种质资源南京桃圃保存的507份桃种质资源进行了花期、花型、花径、雌蕊高度(与雄蕊比)、花粉育性的调查,结果表明,需冷量少的品种花期早于其他大部分种质资源,始花期以及花期持续的时间与当年的气候和花期天气尤其是温度有关.84.4%的种质资源具蔷薇形花,78.5%的铃形花种质资源为黄桃;66.1%的种质资源花径在3.7~4.7cm,花径最大的是观赏鲜食兼用的重瓣花种质资源花玉露;90. 5%的种质资源雌蕊高于或近等于雄蕊,蟠桃88.2%的种质资源雌蕊低于雄蕊;花粉可育种质资源443份,占种质资源总数的87.4%.  相似文献   

陕西省旱区抗逆农作物地方种质资源调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了收集、保存和了解陕西省旱区植物种质资源现状,对渭北旱塬和陕北地区的长武、蒲城、安塞、定边、靖边、府谷和神木等7县下辖的21个乡的63个村的农作物地方种质资源进行了系统调查、收集,共收集到农作物地方种质资源1049份。其中,粮食作物及其野生种质资源617份,果树种质资源25份,蔬菜种质资源250份,经济作物地方种质资源共157份,隶属于19科、44属、56种,其中,禾本科和豆科的属和种所占比例最多,分别为9属9种和4属11种。通过对陕西省旱区抗逆农作物种质资源利用现状进行调查和分析,对这些种质资源有效保护和利用提出建议。  相似文献   

本研究依托"第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动",利用巢式PCR(Nested PCR)检测技术,对从湖南各地区采集的甘薯种质资源进行甘薯曲叶病毒的调查、检测、统计与分析,获得该地区甘薯种质资源曲叶病毒的感染和分布情况。对收集的246份甘薯种质资源进行了甘薯曲叶病毒病症状的调查,记录了每份种质资源的田间生长特性;建立了一种甘薯曲叶病毒巢式PCR检测技术,该技术相对其他技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、检测通量大、检测成本低的特点。利用建立的巢式PCR检测技术对选取的样品进行甘薯曲叶病毒检测,分析检测结果发现:(1)巢氏PCR共检测出14份甘薯种质资源感染甘薯曲叶病毒,根据病毒基因测序结果分析湖南省至少存在2种曲叶病毒株系。(2)田间调查共发现8份甘薯种质资源的叶片具有甘薯曲叶病毒病典型的卷曲症状,但是其中仅有4份资源与曲叶病毒巢氏PCR检测结果一致;另外4份资源虽然具有明显的卷叶现象但是未检测出曲叶病毒。(3)曲叶病毒检测呈阳性的14份甘薯种质资源分别来源于邵阳市、长沙市、永州市和株洲市4个地区,占种质资源总数的5.7%;4个地区甘薯种质资源的病毒感染率分别为17.6%、14.5%、7.1%和6.7%;全省范围内的种质资源染病情况具有较大的地域差异性;综合甘薯种植情况和地理环境分析,商品薯的跨区域流通和农民自留种的种植习惯是影响甘薯病毒传播的主要因素。本研究首次利用巢式PCR技术对湖南地区甘薯曲叶病毒进行检测和调查,为甘薯种质资源的保存、繁殖、鉴定与利用提供了重要的技术支撑,也为湖南地区甘薯曲叶病毒侵染情况及相关的分子生物学研究提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

花青素是一类保护植物免受生物和非生物胁迫的重要次生代谢产物,因其赋予植物丰富的色彩和对人体的保健功能而受到广泛关注。花青素合成调控机理的相关研究是目前园艺作物分子生物学研究的前沿课题,对于园艺作物花青素含量的提高、种质品质的提升等具有重要的意义。结合国内外园艺作物中花青素生物合成调控方面的最新研究进展,介绍了环境因素、酶与激素、DNA甲基化与泛素化和调控基因等对花青素生物合成的作用,以及花青素抵御外界胁迫的功能机制,综述了近年来园艺作物中花青素生物合成调控的研究成果,以期利用基因工程为提升园艺作物的色彩丰富度提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The availability of many genomic resources such as genome sequences, functional genomics resources including microarrays and RNA-seq, sufficient numbers of molecular markers, express sequence tags (ESTs) and high-density genetic maps is causing a rapid acceleration of genetics and genomic research of many fruit plants. This is leading to an increase in our knowledge of the genes that are linked to many horticultural and agronomically important traits. Recently, some progress has also been made on the identification and functional analysis of miRNAs in some fruit plants. This is one of the most active research fields in plant sciences. The last decade has witnessed development of genomic resources in many fruit plants such as apple, banana, citrus, grapes, papaya, pears, strawberry etc.; however, many of them are still not being exploited. Furthermore, owing to lack of resources, infrastructure and research facilities in many lesser-developed countries, development of genomic resources in many underutilized or less-studied fruit crops, which grow in these countries, is limited. Thus, research emphasis should be given to those fruit crops for which genomic resources are relatively scarce. The development of genomic databases of these less-studied fruit crops will enable biotechnologists to identify target genes that underlie key horticultural and agronomical traits. This review presents an overview of the current status of the development of genomic resources in fruit plants with the main emphasis being on genome sequencing, EST resources, functional genomics resources including microarray and RNA-seq, identification of quantitative trait loci and construction of genetic maps as well as efforts made on the identification and functional analysis of miRNAs in fruit plants.  相似文献   

Horticultural crops mainly include fruits, vegetables, ornamental trees and flowers, and tea trees (Melaleuca alternifolia). They produce a variety of nutrients for the daily human diet in addition to the nutrition provided by staple crops, and some of them additionally possess ornamental and medicinal features. As such, horticultural crops make unique and important contributions to both food security and a colorful lifestyle. Under the current climate change scenario, the growing population and limited arable land means that agriculture, and especially horticulture, has been facing unprecedented challenges to meet the diverse demands of human daily life. Breeding horticultural crops with high quality and adaptability and establishing an effective system that combines cultivation, post-harvest handling, and sales becomes increasingly imperative for horticultural production. This review discusses characteristic and recent research highlights in horticultural crops, focusing on the breeding of quality traits and the mechanisms that underpin them. It additionally addresses challenges and potential solutions in horticultural production and post-harvest practices. Finally, we provide a prospective as to how emerging technologies can be implemented alongside interdisciplinary basic research to enhance our understanding and exploitation of horticultural crops.  相似文献   

膜对采后园艺作物衰老的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物衰老是由内在和外部环境因素所诱导和引起的一种主动过程 ,其中膜的劣变是这种过程早期的表现形式和基本特征。简要评述了膜系统对采后园艺作物的衰老作用。有证据表明膜系统破坏是采后园艺作物衰老的关键事件。膜脂生物化学和生物物理性质的变化、酶促和非酶促的过氧化作用导致了膜特性的改变和功能上的失调 (如离子泄漏和细胞去区域化 )。这样 ,反过来又进一步引起细胞代谢异常 ,并加速衰老进程。目前 ,膜系统对采后园艺作物衰老的作用过程正逐步得到阐明  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外近年来对多胺类物质与园艺作物生长发育关系的研究报道。就多胺类的合成途径、对植物生长发育的调控作用以及在园艺作物上的应用进行了概述。  相似文献   

西双版纳少数民族地区主要作物地方品种调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县和勐腊县的傣族、哈尼族、拉祜族、彝族地区的作物地方品种进行了调查,收集了粮食作物、蔬菜、果树、经济作物的地方品种和野生资源样本共353份,分属40科71属87种。通过分析上述调查资源的特性及分布特点,基本明确了西双版纳傣族自治州主要作物资源的保存现状,揭示了不同少数民族的传统喜好、宗教祭祀以及不同生态环境对作物种质资源多样性保存的作用。针对该地区作物种质资源的特性,提出了西双版纳少数民族地区主要作物地方品种的保护策略。  相似文献   

Plant and soil nematodes significandy impact our lives. Therefore, we must understand and manage these complex organisms so that we may continue to develop and sustain our food production systems, our natural resources, our environment, and our quality of life. This publication looks specifically at soil and plant nematology. First, the societal impact of nematodes and benefits of nematology research are briefly presented. Next, the opportunities facing nematology in the next decade are outlined, as well as the resources needed to address these priorities. The safety and sustainability of U.S. food and fiber production depends on public and administrative understanding of the importance of nematodes, the drastic effects of nematodes on many agricultural and horticultural crops, and the current research priorities of nematology.  相似文献   

Within-crop habitat manipulations have the potential to increase the biological control of pests in horticultural field crops. Wildflower strips have been shown to increase the abundance of natural enemies, but there is little evidence to date of an impact on pest populations. The aim of this study was to determine whether within-crop wildflower strips can increase the natural regulation of pests in horticultural field crops. Aphid numbers in plots of lettuce grown adjacent to wildflower strips were compared with those in plots grown in the absence of wildflowers. The presence of wildflower strips led to a decrease in aphid numbers on adjacent lettuce plants during June and July, but had less impact in August and September. The decrease in aphid numbers was greatest close to the wildflower strips and, the decrease in aphid numbers declined with increasing distance from the wildflower strips, with little effect at a distance of ten metres. The main natural enemies found in the crop were those that dispersed aerially, which is consistent with data from previous studies on cereal crops. Analysis and interpretation of natural enemy numbers was difficult due to low recovery of natural enemies, and the numbers appeared to follow changes in aphid abundance rather than being directly linked to the presence of wildflower strips. Cutting the wildflower strips, to remove floral resources, had no impact on the reduction in aphid numbers achieved during June and July, but decreased the effect of the wildflower strips during August and September. The results suggest that wildflower strips can lead to increased natural regulation of pest aphids in outdoor lettuce crops, but more research is required to determine how this is mediated by natural enemies and how the impact of wildflower strips on natural pest regulation changes during the growing season.  相似文献   

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