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目的:为有效保护和合理利用山东茶山国家级生态示范区植物资源提供科学依据.方法:对茶山进行了植物物种综合普查,调查范围涉及植物物种及野外分布、群落结构和区系组成.结果:记录到高等植物352种,隶属90科250属,其中国家二级重点保护植物4种.本区地带性植被为黑松人工林及次生杂木林,主要森林植被为黑松群落Pinus thunbergii community.其植物区系以热带分布类型和温带分布类型为主,纬度因素和"岛屿效应"应是形成该格局的主要成因.受强烈人为活动干扰,该区域原生植被类型已遭严重破坏,珍稀植物灭绝风险很高.结论:调查表明该区域群落结构简单,灌木层和层间结构不发达,群落演替时间短.  相似文献   

库姆塔格沙漠是我国西北荒漠地区较典型的沙漠之一,本文基于实地调查并结合遥感资料,对该地区植被的物种组成及种子植物区系特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)库姆塔格沙漠地区共有种子植物29科91属143种;该地区植物物种贫乏、生活型简单,主要以灌木、一年生及多年生草本植物为主。(2)库姆塔格沙漠地区的植物组成受水分、高温以及土壤盐分等因子影响,形成了3个主要的种子植物分布区(阿奇克谷地、阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁、西湖湿地),且各区的物种组成差异显著。(3)从3个主要植物分布区的物种组成与生活型组成来看,阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁区域植物生活型比阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地丰富;因阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁环境复杂,在3个区域中其物种相对丰富,科、属、种的种类较多;阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地植物的属、种相似度较高;3个区域的植物属、种总体上相似度较低。(4)库姆塔格沙漠地区种子植物区系表征科主要为藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、菊科(Compositae)、麻黄科(Ephedraceae)等;3个主要植物分布区科的分布型均以世界分布为主,属的分布型以北温带分布和地中海区、西亚至中亚分布为主,具体表现为:阿奇克谷地和西湖湿地植物属的分布型以地中海区、西亚至中亚分布为主,阿尔金山山前洪积扇戈壁植物属的分布型以北温带分布为主。(5)库姆塔格沙漠地区种子植物以旱生种所占比例较高,物种类型具有明显的残遗性;由于环境条件特殊,形成了库姆塔格沙漠地区特有的植物类群和区系特征。本研究结果为库姆塔格沙漠地区植物组成及区系研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

以北京市海淀区野生维管束植物资源为调查对象,通过典型样地调查法和文献查阅的方法,对北京市海淀区野生维管束植物资源重点区域11个样地进行了研究,调查结果记录到海淀区野生维管束植物有120科421属755种,其中蕨类植物7科9属21种,种子植物113科412属734种。海淀区野生维管束植物以菊科、禾本科、豆科植物科属分布为优势主体,以北温带分布类型为主(33.11%),海淀区西北部鹫峰国家森林公园野生维管束植物资源最为丰富(65.56%),国家Ⅱ级保护植物4种。该调查结果可为北京市海淀区野生维管束植物资源的合理开发利用、生物多样性研究及保护提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

为了给黄河三角洲地区野生饲用植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据,对该区域的野生饲用植物资源进行了调查和研究,初步统计黄河三角洲地区野生饲用植物有40科118属172种.并介绍了该区域饲用植物的科属种组成、区系分布、地理分布及饲用价值等,并对其利用提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

通过野外实地调查,运用了样方结合样线法、特殊地区重点调查法及GPS定位等方法,对该地区的植物区系和植物资源进行分析研究以达到对植物多样性保护和植物资源合理利用的目的。结果表明江苏盐城滩涂湿地共有维管植物114科391属688种,其中被子植物104科377属668种,占据绝对优势,其中禾本科、菊科、莎草科、豆科等为该区的优势科。该区植物的生活型主要有乔木、草本、灌木、藤本4种类型,其中草本植物以81.10%,占绝对的优势。植物区系地理成分主要以世界分布、泛热带分布和北温带分布为主,在科、属的分布区类型上有明显的泛热带向温带过渡的特征。滩涂湿地植物资源丰富,主要讨论药用、食用、芳香、油脂、纤维等植物资源。  相似文献   

我国苹果属资源现代分布调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种质资源是农业生物资源的重要组成部分。我国是苹果属植物的起源演化中心之一,加强我国苹果种质资源调查与收集,可以丰富我国苹果资源保存的多样性。国家果树种质苹果圃于2005-2016年开展了我国西北、华北、西南、东北和华东苹果属植物集中分布地区的调查和收集,旨在进一步摸清家底,扩展我国苹果属种质资源的保存类型和数量,为保护利用及科学研究提供基础资料。调查结果表明:我国苹果属种质资源类型多样,分布广泛,新收集资源621份,西北、西南和东北地区的苹果野生种资源丰富,地方品种少量分布;华北地区以地方品种为主,野生种类型较少。目前野生资源集中分布面积逐年减少,由先前的大范围散落分布逐渐转变为小面积集中分布;地方品种面临的问题较多,砍伐频发,流失严重。以连续11年的苹果属种质资源调查为依据,提出苹果资源收集保存面临的问题,并提出建议。  相似文献   

为了解武功山地区有毒植物资源情况及毒性特点,有效保护与利用武功山有毒植物资源,通过野外实地考察并结合查阅文献资料的方法,对该地区的有毒植物进行统计分析。结果显示,武功山地区共有有毒植物75科179属240种;形成以豆科(Leguminosae)、毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、百合科(Liliaceae)4科为主的数量优势科(含10种及以上),以紫堇属(Corydalis)为主的数量优势属(含5种及以上)。该区有毒植物的生活习性以草本为主;以海拔400~499 m区域内的植物最多,且主要生长在山坡、林中、灌丛等环境中。区系地理成分复杂多样,科以泛热带分布和世界分布为主,属以北温带分布和泛热带分布为主,而种以中国特有分布和东亚分布最多。毒性以小毒为主,有毒部位以全株有毒为主;有毒化学成分颇为复杂,主要以生物碱为主,毒理类型以神经系统毒为主。  相似文献   

云南永德县民族聚居区园艺作物种质资源调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对云南永德县彝族、傣族、佤族等聚居地区进行了与民族生产、生活密切相关的园艺作物种质资源调查.共调查与收集到园艺作物种质资源78种,鉴定了科、属、种情况,并对部分资源的生物学特性、分布及民族用法进行了简要叙述,为进一步研究、开发利用、保护这些民族园艺作物种质资源提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

采用野外样线调查和文献查阅的方法对海丰县野生林木种质资源组成、区系特点、资源利用方式等进行研究。结果表明:海丰县共有野生林木种质资源238种,隶属于63科151属;乔木种类最多有123种,占总种数的51.68%;科级的主要组成部分是单种科,占总科数的41.27%;该地区野生林木种质资源区系以热带成分占据优势地位,呈现出明显的热带—亚热带属性;根据植物资源用途将海丰县野生林木种质资源划分为药用、观赏、用材、食用等13种类型,其中药用植物占优势地位,共有47科92属119种。结论:海丰县野生林木种质资源丰富,但部分植物生境人为干扰程度较严重,建议当地从实际情况出发,以保护为主,合理开发利用资源,深度挖掘木本植物资源利用价值,以促进海丰县野生林木种质资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国沙棘属种质资源及其生境类型的研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
沙棘属植物有7种11亚种,中国产7种7亚种,其中2种2亚种是近年发现的新分类群。因而,我国是沙棘属植物种质资源最丰富的地区,也是沙棘资源蕴藏量最大的地区。沙棘属植物广泛分布于我国西南、西北、华北等地的森林——草原(草甸)过渡地带;从垂直分布角度看,无皮组的种类主要分布于海拔3000m以下的中低海拔地区,有皮组的种类则集中分布于3000m以上的中高海拔地区。根据光照、温度、植被类型等因素其生境类型可分为温性乔木林型、温性灌丛型、寒温性灌丛型和高寒灌丛型4种类型。理塘沙棘、棱果沙棘和卧龙沙棘种群数量少,分布区域狭窄,资源十分有限,应加强驯化研究和迁地保护,并提出了合理开发利用沙棘属种质资源的几点建议。  相似文献   

目的:克隆壳聚糖酶基因于大肠杆菌中实现高表达,制备壳寡糖。方法:以枯草芽孢杆菌总DNA为模板扩增壳聚糖酶基因(CSN),克隆至载体pET23a(+)上,转化菌株BL21(DE3)。重组子经0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导后,SDS-PAGE和质谱检测与鉴定重组酶。酶纯化后水解壳聚糖,薄层色谱分析其水解产物。结果:质谱证明壳聚糖酶(31.5kDa)成功表达,表达量占菌体总蛋白的45%左右。纯化后重组酶浓度为900 mg/L,纯度95%、回收率85%,酶活力为10 000 U/mg。壳聚糖降解产物为壳二糖至壳四糖。结论:原核表达载体pET23a(+)-CSN构建正确,壳聚糖酶表达量与活性高,适用于水解壳聚糖制备壳寡糖。  相似文献   

国内外蝗害治理技术现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):804-810
本文首先概述了国内外蝗虫发生与为害的态势,总结了现阶段我国蝗虫发生与为害的主要特点:即农田飞蝗暴发频繁而且严重,草原土蝗的发生时常造成严重的经济损失,而且侵入城市干扰市民生活,我国与周边国家之间蝗虫过境迁移频繁,使用化学农药污染环境和农产品;分析了国内外蝗虫防治对策与技术的发展现状,重点介绍了应急防治和可持续治理对策、...  相似文献   

The molecular characterisation of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium and Giardia is essential for accurately identifying organisms and assessing zoonotic transmission. Results of recent molecular epidemiological studies strongly suggest that zoonotic transmission plays an important role in cryptosporidiosis epidemiology. In such cases the most prevalent zoonotic species is Cryptosporidium parvum. Genotyping and subtyping data suggest that zoonotic transmission is not as prevalent in the epidemiology of giardiasis. Molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium and Giardia is a relatively recent application that is evolving as new genes are found that increase the accuracy of identification while discovering a greater diversity of species and yet unnamed taxa within these two important genera. As molecular data accumulate, our understanding of the role of zoonotic transmission in epidemiology and clinical manifestations is becoming clearer.  相似文献   

Today, serious health problems as overweight and obesity are not just constricted to the developed world, but also increase in the developing countries (Prentice 2006, Ramachandram et al. 2002). Focusing on this issue, BMI and percentage of body fat were compared in 2094 schoolchildren from two cross-sectional studies from India and Germany investigated in 2008 and 2009. The German children are in all age groups significantly taller, whereas the Indian children show higher values in BMI (e.g. 12 years: Indian: around 22 kg/m2; German: around 19 kg/m2) and in the percentage of body fat (e.g. 12 years: Indian: around 27%; German: around 18-20%) in most of the investigated age groups. The Indian children have significantly higher BMI between 10 and 13 (boys) respectively 14 years (girls). Indian children showed significant higher percentage of body fat between 10 and 15 years (boys) and between 8 and 16 years (girls). The difference in overweight between Indian and German children was strongest at 11 (boys) and 12 (girls) years: 70% of the Indian but 20% of the German children were classified as overweight. In countries such as India that undergo nutritional transition, a rapid increase in obesity and overweight is observed. In contrast to the industrialized countries, the risk of overweight in developing countries is associated with high socioeconomic status. Other reasons of the rapid increase of overweight in the developing countries caused by different environmental or genetic factors are discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis and turnover of cerebrosides and phospholipids was followed in microsomal and myelin fractions of developing and adult rat brains after an intracerebral injection of [U-14C]serine. The kinetics of incorporation of radioactivity into microsomal and myelin cerebrosides indicate the possibility of a precursor-product relationship between cerebrosides of these membranes. The specific radioactivity of myelin cerebrosides was corrected for the deposition of newly formed cerebrosides in myelin. Multiphasic curves were obtained for the decline in specific radioactivity of myelin and microsomal cerebrosides, suggesting different cerebroside pools in these membranes. The half-life of the fast turning-over pool of cerebrosides of myelin was 7 and 22 days for the developing and adult rat brain respectively. The half-life of the slowly turning-over pool of myelin cerebrosides was about 145 days for both groups of animals. The half-life of the rapidly turning-over microsomal cerebrosides was calculated to be 20 and 40 h for the developing and adult animals respectively. The half-life of the intermediate and slowly turning-over microsomal cerebrosides was 11 and 60 days respectively, for both groups of animals. The amount of incorporation of radioactivity into microsomal cerebrosides from L-serine was greatly decreased in the adult animals, and greater amounts of the precursor were directed towards the synthesis of phosphatidylserine. In the developing animals, considerable amounts of cerebrosides were synthesized from L-serine, besides phosphatidylserine. The time-course of incorporation indicated that a precursor-product relationship exists between microsomal and myelin phosphatidylserine. The half-life of microsomal phosphatidylserine was calculated to be about 8 h for the fast turning-over pool in both groups of animals.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecalis was the most frequently isolated enterococcal species from anal swabs and tonsils of dogs and cats, although in the anal samples from dogs Ent. hirae was found almost as often as Ent. faecalis. Most Ent.faecium strains from dog tonsils differed from those associated with humans and other animals in that they fermented sorbitol. Typical Ent. avium as well as atypical Ent. avium -like strains were seen in dogs, while the related species Ent. raffinosus was associated with cat tonsils. Enterococcus cecorum also occurred mainly in cats. Certain atypical strains, presumptively identified as Ent. cecorum , shared characteristics with Ent. columbae.
The most frequent streptococcal species in tonsils of cats and dogs were Streptococcus suis and Strep. canis. Streptococcus canis and Strep. bovis predominated in anal swabs. The canine Strep. suis differed from the common porcine strains in fermenting mannitol.
Forty-seven of the 288 isolates examined could not be identified or related to known species. The characteristics of two groups of these bacteria, provisionally called 'Ton 31 group' and 'O7 group' are described.  相似文献   

The concentration of carnitine in liver increased 28-fold and urinary carnitine excretion 5-fold in alloxan-diabetic sheep. In contrast there were no similar increases in alloxan-diabetic rats. The creatine content of liver decreased 3-fold and creatine excretion decreased 2-fold in diabetic sheep. In contrast the creatine content of liver increased nearly 4-fold in diabetic rats with no change in creatine excretion. The marked increased in production of carnitine by the liver of the diabetic sheep appears possible because of decreased production and excretion of creatine.  相似文献   

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