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目的:建立可检测新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)的液相芯片快速检测技术。方法:用DNAStar软件对GEN-BANK中NDV的NP基因进行序列分析设计NDV特异性探针并标记生物素,利用该探针与荧光编码微球偶联后与抽提的NDV病毒RNA的RT-PCR产物杂交反应,用液相芯片检测仪(Liquichip 200)检测荧光信号建立了NDV快速液相芯片检测方法。结果:检测结果显示,该法具有较好的特异性,不与H5AIV和H9AIV反应;检测灵敏度达到150个EID50;该法与鸡胚病毒分离法检出NDV的符合率达到97.1%。结论:初步建立了检测NDV的液相芯片技术,为进一步搭建NDV全新快速高通量检测平台奠定了基础,也为其他同类病毒的快速高通量检测提供了借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

液相芯片是一种重要的高通量分子检测技术,能够快速对一个样本进行多重检测和分析。该文综述了近年来液相芯片检测人类和模式动物的致病基因的应用,发现该技术能够对遗传性疾病、心血管疾病等致病相关基因及其在组织中的表达进行了定量检测,为临床诊疗和致病机制的研究提供了有力的支撑;还能够筛查实验动物的相关致病基因,以期为深入研究疾病与致病基因之间的关系,以及疾病动物模型的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

蛋白质芯片在蛋白质组学研究中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
费嘉  马文丽  郑文岭 《生命科学》2005,17(2):132-136
蛋白质芯片是以高度并行性、高通量、微型化和自动化为特点的蛋白质组检测技术。本文综述了蛋白质芯片在蛋白质组学研究中的多种作用,包括普通蛋白质芯片在微量蛋白质分离、蛋白质与蛋白质之间以及蛋白质与其他小分子间相互作用和蛋白质定量检测方面的作用,普通蛋白质芯片通过与质谱技术、生物传感器技术的结合而拓展其应用范围,以及蛋白质组芯片、活性的蛋白质芯片在蛋白质组学研究中应用的进展。  相似文献   

王虎  魏俊峰  郑国侠   《生态学杂志》2014,25(4):1231-1238
近年来,一种新型技术——微流控芯片技术因其分析速度快、消耗低、体积小、操作简单等特点而备受世界各国的广泛重视.该技术以微通道网络为基本特征,以微机电系统(MEMS)工艺为技术依托,将整个实验室的功能集成在微小芯片上,即构成所谓“芯片实验室”.本文从该技术的基本情况出发,介绍了微流控芯片的发展,并从仪器小型化、系统集成化、不同的芯片材料以及多种检测技术等方面,着重讨论了其在水环境污染分析方面的实际应用和发展前景,指出了它当前所面临的一些问题.随着微流控芯片的不断发展,高速多通道检测装置、低成本设备以及集成了多种方法的高通用性微流控检测芯片,都将成为未来研究的热点.  相似文献   

由呼吸道病毒引起的疾病严重威胁着人类的生命健康,为了建立一种快速高通量的呼吸道病毒核酸检测方法,本研究将多重PCR技术同液相芯片技术结合起来,针对呼吸道合胞病毒A型和B型、乙型流感病毒Victoria系和Yamagata系、甲型流感病毒H1型和H3型以及新冠病毒等常见的七种呼吸道病毒,初步建立了七重呼吸道病毒液相芯片核酸检测技术,评价了方法的特异性、敏感性和重复性,并使用来自安徽省疾控的25份临床急性期样本核酸对方法进行验证。结果显示,建立起的基于液相芯片多重核酸检测方法可特异性识别七种目标呼吸道病毒的靶基因序列,与包括副流感病毒在内的9种非目标呼吸道病毒无交叉反应。对七种病毒核酸进行十倍稀释液相检测,其中H3、BV、RSVB可以检出102拷贝/μL,BY、RSVA和SARS-CoV-2可以检出103拷贝/μL,对H1的检测限为104拷贝/μL。25份样本核酸检测结果与实际相符。结果表明,本研究建立的七重呼吸道病毒液相芯片核酸检测技术具有特异性强、敏感性高、稳定性好等特点,可用于临床样本的快速检测,为呼吸道类传染病的液相...  相似文献   

固相核酸已被广泛用于DNA/cDNA微阵列、固相PCR及其它核酸与生物分子检测的传感技术中.和硬质玻璃载片相比,三维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶作为固定核酸的载体具有结合核酸容量高、利于反应的类似液相环境和较少的空间效应等优点.综述了丙烯酰胺凝胶作为固定核酸载体的发展历史.着重介绍了丙烯酰胺修饰核酸直接聚合固定的方法以及在DNA芯片、焦测序、固相PCR(克隆)、及全基因组测序等核酸分析中的应用.  相似文献   

为建立转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片检测方法,根据已公布的转基因玉米Bt176外源插入基因CaMV35S启动子序列,外源基因3’端与玉米基因组DNA连接区序列,同时以玉米特异Zein内源基因序列为参照,利用Primer Premier5.0等软件设计特异性引物和探针。将探针与荧光编码微球偶联后,与PCR产物杂交反应,用液相芯片检测仪(Bio-plex 200)检测荧光信号。检测结果显示,该方法具有高特异性及灵敏度,各条探针之间无交叉反应,最低检测限可达0.01%。初步建立了检测转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片技术,为其他转基因作物的快速高通量检测提供了借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

液相芯片技术由于其高通量,灵敏度高,信噪比高,液相条件下反应,操作简便,耗时短等优点,已被美国FDA批准成为临床的检测手段。本文主要介绍了结直肠癌血清肿瘤标记物液相芯片制备条件的优化及其在CEA抗原检测中的初步应用。本研究首先将CEA抗原的捕获抗体与微球载体进行偶联,制备液相芯片,然后对影响反应的微球与抗原的反应时间,生物素化检测抗体的浓度及avidin-PE荧光染料的反应浓度等因素进行正交设计,确定出最优的反应条件;用该液相芯片反应体系检测55例临床样本,与ELISA试剂盒检测结果相比:在同样的样本浓度范围内,两者的检测结果基本一致,但液相芯片检测的浓度范围更大而且液相芯片可将多种肿瘤标记物在一个反应进行检测,节省检测的时间和人力。  相似文献   

寡核苷酸芯片技术是一种高通量发掘和采集生物信息的强大技术平台,目前已广泛应用于生物科学领域 . 为改善寡核苷酸芯片的分析性能,对影响芯片杂交结果的因素,如片基表面的化学处理、探针的长度、间隔臂的长度、杂交条件等,进行了深入的研究和优化 . 对寡核苷酸芯片而言,仍有待解决的问题是如何产生更强的荧光信号来改善其检测灵敏度 . 利用两种类型的多个荧光分子标记的引物,来增强二维寡核苷酸芯片平面上的荧光信号强度 . 两种引物分别命名为:多标记线性引物和多标记分支引物 . 通过增加标记在目标 DNA 片段上的荧光分子数,可以显著增强寡核苷酸芯片上相应捕获探针的信号强度 . 实验表明,使用多标记引物能将所用的寡核苷酸微阵列的检测限 ( 以能够检测的最低模板量计算 ) 降低至单荧光标记引物的 1/100 以下,多重标记技术是一种有效增强微型化探针矩阵检测灵敏度的信号放大方法 .  相似文献   

糖芯片是生物芯片的一种,是继基因芯片、蛋白质芯片、组织芯片等之后发展起来的一种很有前景的生物检测技术。随着糖生物学和糖组学的研究进展,糖芯片正逐步发展为该领域的新型研究手段。介绍了糖芯片技术及其制作方法,高通量分析平台以及糖芯片在生物学研究和医学领域的具体应用,同时也对糖芯片技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

生物芯片技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高威  吴庆余 《生命科学》2000,12(5):237-240
生物芯片技术近年来发展极为迅速。生物芯片这一概念出现在20世纪80年代初,90年代以来随着人类基因组计划研究的深入,生物芯片技术也得以飞速发展。本文将对生物芯片的概念、发展做一全面的叙述,并详细地介绍最新的生物芯片,如DNA芯片等的基本原理、分类、制备,以及生物芯片的发展动向和应用前景。  相似文献   

A rapid and accurate detection of molecular binding of antigen-antibody signaling in high throughput is of great importance for biosensing technology. We proposed a novel optical biochip with multichannels for the purpose of detection of biotin–streptavidin on the basis of localized surface plasmon resonance. The optical biochip was fabricated using photolithography to form the microarrays functioning with multichannels on glass substrate. There are different nanostructures in each microarray. Dry etching and nanosphere lithography techniques were applied to fabricate Ag nanostructures such as hemispheres, nanocylindricals, triangular, and rhombic nanostructures. We demonstrated that 100-nM target molecule (streptavidin) on these optical biochips can be easily detected by a UV-visible spectrometer. It indicated that period and shape of the nanostructures significantly affect the optical performance of the nanostructures with different shapes and geometrical parameters. Our experimental results demonstrated that the optical biochips with the multichannels can detect the target molecule using the microarrays structured with different shapes and periods simultaneously. Batch processing of immunoassay for different biomolecular through the different channels embedded on the same chip can be realized accordingly.  相似文献   

The current status and research trends of detection techniques for DNA-based analysis such as DNA finger printing, sequencing, biochips and allied fields are examined. An overview of main detectors is presented vis-à-vis these DNA operations. The biochip method is explained, the role of micro- and nanoelectronic technologies in biochip realization is highlighted, various optical and electrical detection principles employed in biochips are indicated, and the operational mechanisms of these detection devices are described. Although a diversity of biochips for diagnostic and therapeutic applications has been demonstrated in research laboratories worldwide, only some of these chips have entered the clinical market, and more chips are awaiting commercialization. The necessity of tagging is eliminated in refractive-index change based devices, but the basic flaw of indirect nature of most detection methodologies can only be overcome by generic and/or reagentless DNA sensors such as the conductance-based approach and the DNA-single electron transistor (DNA-SET) structure. Devices of the electrical detection-based category are expected to pave the pathway for the next-generation DNA chips. The review provides a comprehensive coverage of the detection technologies for DNA finger printing, sequencing and related techniques, encompassing a variety of methods from the primitive art to the state-of-the-art scenario as well as promising methods for the future.  相似文献   

生物芯片技术是指通过微加工和微电子技术,在芯片表面构建微型生物化学分析系统,对组织细胞中的蛋白质、DNA或者其他生物组分进行高通量检测。生物芯片广泛应用于生命科学、司法鉴定、食品及营养科学、环境科学、农林科学、军事科学等多种领域。本文重点对其在肿瘤研究和诊断治疗中的应用做一简要综述。  相似文献   

We developed a rapid and simple method to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human mitochondrial tRNA genes. This method is based on a universal, functionalized, self-assembled monolayer, XNA on Gold chip platform. A set of probes sharing a given allele-specific sequence with a single base substitution near the middle of the sequence was immobilized on chips and the chips were then hybridized with fluorescence-labeled reference targets produced by asymmetric polymerase chain reaction from patient DNA. The ratio of the hybridization signals from the reference and test targets with each probe was then calculated. A ratio of above 3 indicates the presence of a wild-type sequence and a ratio of below 0.3 indicates a mutant sequence. We tested the sensitivity of the chip for known mutations in tRNA(Leu(UUR)) and tRNA(Lys) genes and found that it can also be used to discriminate multiple mutations and heteroplasmy, two typical features of human mitochondrial DNA. The XNA on Gold biochip method is a simple and rapid microarray method that can be used to test rapidly and reliably any SNP in the mitochondrial genome or elsewhere. It will be particularly useful for detecting SNPs associated with human diseases.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional gel-based biological microchips were developed for simultaneous quantitation of total (PSAtot) and free (PSAfree) forms of the prostate-specific antigen in human serum in the “one patient, one biochip” format. A method not demanding construction of calibration curves prior to the assay was applied to quantitation of PSAtot and PSAfree. In addition to gel elements with immobilized antibodies against PSAtot and PSAfree, the biochip contains elements with immobilized PSA at different concentrations, forming an internal calibration curve. Data are processed and interpreted with the special-purpose ImaGelAssay program. The sensitivity of the assay is 0.3 ng/ml for PSAtot and 0.2 ng/ml for PSAfree. The variation coefficient for measurements with one biochip series does not exceed 10%. The correlation coefficients between the estimates obtained for human sera by the biochip assay and by conventional ELISA were 0.988 for PSAtot and 0.987 for PSAfree.  相似文献   

Immunological microarrays (biochips) for detecting erythrocyte surface antigens, viz., blood group antigens (A, B, 0) and Rhesus system antigens (D, E, e, C, and c), are described. The biochips represent transparent plastic supports onto which 1.5-mm spots of specific immobilized antibodies (IgM) are coated in different dilutions. The volume of tested blood samples is rather small (1–2 μl). Binding of erythrocytes to antibodies immobilized on the biochips is specific and allows further morphological analysis of bound cells. Analysis of the dynamics of cell detachment from biochip spots using a microfluidic chamber at different flow rates of the washing solution showed that combination of a biochip with a microfluidic chamber is a promising approach to concentration of cells of various immunotypes even if their content in the mixture is very low.  相似文献   

生物芯片的研究始于80年代中期,是现代生物学技术与计算机等其他领域高新技术相结合的产物,在基因、蛋白质等生命领域研究中起到至关重要的作用。本文对Derwent数据库中收录的有关生物芯片的专利数据进行分析,从多个专利计量指标入手,分析生物芯片技术领域的研究现状及发展动态。通过计量研究发现生物芯片技术领域自21世纪以来发展迅猛,发达国家占据主动,而我国在该领域的科研水平也处于世界前列。  相似文献   

A biochip for detecting 26 cluster differentiation (CD), HLA-DR and IgM antigens on lymphocyte surface is described. The biochip, which represents a microarray of antibodies (IgG) against a panel of selected antigens immobilized on transparent plastic surfaces in 1.5-mm spots, was used for the study of normal and neoplastic lymphocytes and can also be used for determining percent of cells expressing definite surface antigens in lymphocyte suspensions. The results are consistent with data obtained by flow cytometry. The novel biochip technology entails a combination of conventional staining of cells immobilized on biochips and morphological analysis.  相似文献   

Recent use of biological warfare (BW) agents has led to a growing interest in the rapid and sensitive detection of pathogens. Therefore, the development of field-usable detection devices for sensitive and selective detection of BW agents is an important issue. In this work, we report a portable biochip system based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology that has great potential as a device for single-bacteria detection. The possibility of single-bacteria detection is reported using an immunoassay coupled to laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. Bacillus globigii spores, which are a surrogate species for B. anthracis spores, were used as the test sample. Enzymatic amplification following immunocomplex formation allowed remarkably sensitive detection of B. globigii spores, and could preclude a complicated optical and instrumental system usually required for high-sensitive detection. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was employed to investigate whether B. globigii spores detected in the portable biochip system exist in single-cell or multicellular form. It was found that B. globigii spores mostly exist in multicellular form with a small minority of single-cell form. The results showed that the portable biochip system has great potential as a device for single-particle or possibly even single-organism detection.  相似文献   

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