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多年冻土对气候变化十分敏感,尤其是多年冻土上的植被,易受气候变化影响.东北多年冻土区位于北半球中、高纬度地区,是我国第二大多年冻土区,同时也是欧亚大陆多年冻土带的南缘.本文基于1981—2014年LTDR和MODIS 两种数据集对东北多年冻土区植被生长季归一化植被指数(NDVI)时空变化特征进行分析,同时结合气象数据,分析植被对气候变化的响应.结果表明: 研究期间,东北多年冻土区植被生长季平均NDVI呈显著增加趋势,年增加0.0036.空间逐像元NDVI变化趋势具有明显的空间异质性. 研究区80.6%区域的植被NDVI具有显著增加趋势(P<0.05),7.7%的区域呈显著减少趋势(P<0.05).不同类型多年冻土区的植被NDVI增加强度不同,依次为连续多年冻土区>不连续多年冻土区>稀疏岛状多年冻土区>季节冻土区,NDVI增加趋势最大值(>0.004)所占的面积比例依次为连续多年冻土区>不连续多年冻土区>稀疏岛状多年冻土区>季节冻土区.多年冻土全区尺度下,植被生长季NDVI与平均气温呈显著正相关关系(r=0.79,P<0.01),与降水呈较弱的负相关,表明气温是东北多年冻土区植被生长的主控因子.研究区的多年冻土退化对植被生长起到积极的促进作用,尤其是在连续多年冻土区和不连续多年冻土区,植被NDVI增加强度更为剧烈.尽管增加的地表温度可以加快植被生长、增加植被覆盖,但长期来看,多年冻土退化甚至消失会阻碍植被生长.  相似文献   

东北多年冻土区作为高纬度寒区之一,对全球变化较敏感.本文基于AVHRR和MODIS两种遥感数据源的归一化植被指数,应用CASA模型对1982-2009年东北多年冻土区植被净初级生产力(NPP)进行模拟.结果表明: 1982-2009年,东北多年冻土区年均气温、年太阳辐射总量和年日照时数显著上升,年降水量显著下降,CO2浓度及其年增长率显著增大;植被年NPP呈显著的先增加后降低趋势,变化分异节点在1998年.研究期间,东北多年冻土区植被年均NPP总量为623 g C·m-2,植被年NPP空间分布差异明显.降水是该区生长季植被生长的主要影响因子,植被NPP对气候变化响应的空间异质性明显.土地利用变化通过改变土地覆被状况使植被NPP发生变化,影响了植被NPP的时空分布特征.植被NPP与CO2浓度呈显著正相关.多年冻土退化对植被NPP的影响随着各区域环境的不同而有所差异.多年冻土区植被NPP与年均地温呈显著正相关,与年最大冻土深度呈负相关.  相似文献   

大兴安岭冻土湿地植物群落结构的环境梯度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用除趋势典范对应分析法(DCCA),对大兴安岭24个冻土湿地植物群落进行排序,对划分出的3个不同类型多年冻土区的湿地植物群落的物种多样性,以及生活型和水分生态型等生态特征进行了环境梯度分析。结果表明:随着纬度的降低,年平均气温和年平均日照时间逐渐增大,年平均降水量和年平均湿度逐渐减小,调查的24个冻土湿地可划分为3组。从大片多年冻土区到大片-岛状多年冻土区,再到稀疏岛状多年冻土区,灌木多样性逐渐减小(p0.05),草本植物多样性逐渐增加(p0.05);中生植物种类所占比例分别为38.5%、55.9%和64.4%,沼生植物的重要值逐渐减小(p0.05),中生和旱生植物的重要值逐渐增大(p0.05),表明冻土湿地的土壤水分条件逐渐中生化,甚至出现旱生化趋势。地面芽植物在3个多年冻土区的湿地植物群落中始终占优势地位,高位芽和地下芽植物次之,反映了该区冬季漫长、严寒而潮湿,夏季较短的气候特征。大片-岛状多年冻土区作为大片多年冻土区和稀疏岛状多年冻土区的过渡区,其湿地植物群落的物种多样性和生态特征与稀疏岛状多年冻土区更相近。  相似文献   

李岩  曹伟  何欢  张粤  苏道岩  陈玮 《植物研究》2022,42(3):321-328
中国东北地区是我国北方石松类和蕨类植物最丰富地区,对其区系的系统研究是区域石松类和蕨类植物资源管理的基础和前提。本研究在文献分析和标本查阅的基础上,探讨了东北地区石松类和蕨类植物区系及其特征。结果表明:①东北地区有石松类和蕨类植物19科48属141种(含种下分类群)。②东北地区石松类和蕨类植物区系属温带性质,且包含一定的热带和寒带性质的成分,体现其地理成分的复杂性。③优势科属明显,7个优势科的种数占全部种数的63.83%,6个优势属的种数占全部种数的46.10%;单种和寡种属较多,占总属数的83.33%,所包含的种却只占总种数的47.52%。④东北地区是木贼科(Equisetaceae)在中国的重要分布区。⑤东北地区分布有石松类和蕨类植物的中国特有种30种,东北地区特有种4种(长白石杉Huperzia asiatica、宽鳞蹄盖蕨Athyrium yokoscense var. kirismaense、长齿对囊蕨Deparia pycnosora var. longidens和长白山金星蕨Parathelypteris changbaishanensis)。本研究是东北地区植物区系研究的必要补充,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

东北多年冻土区作为高纬度寒区之一,对全球变化较敏感.本文基于AVHRR和MODIS两种遥感数据源的归一化植被指数,应用CASA模型对1982-2009年东北多年冻土区植被净初级生产力(NPP)进行模拟.结果表明:1982-2009年,东北多年冻土区年均气温、年太阳辐射总量和年日照时数显著上升,年降水量显著下降,CO2浓度及其年增长率显著增大;植被年NPP呈显著的先增加后降低趋势,变化分异节点在1998年.研究期间,东北多年冻土区植被年均NPP总量为623 g C·m-2,植被年NPP空间分布差异明显.降水是该区生长季植被生长的主要影响因子,植被NPP对气候变化响应的空间异质性明显.土地利用变化通过改变土地覆被状况使植被NPP发生变化,影响了植被NPP的时空分布特征,植被NPP与CO2浓度呈显著正相关.多年冻土退化对植被NPP的影响随着各区域环境的不同而有所差异.多年冻土区植被NPP与年均地温呈显著正相关,与年最大冻土深度呈负相关.  相似文献   

赵泽芳  卫海燕  郭彦龙  顾蔚 《生态学杂志》2016,27(11):3607-3615
本文以人参为研究对象,基于人参分布点位数据和22个气候环境因子数据,运用BioMod2平台10个物种分布模型对当前我国东北地区人参潜在生境分布进行预测.以受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)为权重集成10个模型的模拟结果,构建组合模型,并基于该模型预测了IPCC 第五次评估报告中RCP 8.5、RCP 6.0、RCP 4.5和RCP 2.6等4种排放情景下21世纪50和70年代人参潜在分布范围.结果表明: 在基准气候条件下,人参适宜生境面积占研究区总面积的10.4%,此类地区主要分布于研究区东北部长白山地区以及小兴安岭东南部区域的森林地带.在未来不同的排放情景下研究区人参的适宜生境变化显著,总体上分布范围将有一定程度的缩小.同时参与建模的10种模型在统计学精度、预测结果以及变量权重上都有差异.模型精度计算结果表明,MAXENT模拟效果最好,GAM、RF和ANN次之,SRE模拟精度最低.本文构建的组合模型在一定程度上提高了现有物种分布模型的预测精度,从而使模拟效果更优.  相似文献   

亚洲季风区铁杉属现代分布区及其气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁杉属在亚洲主要分布于亚洲季风区东部,间断分布于中国大陆、台湾岛以及日本列岛(除北海道)。在中国大陆间断分布在西南山区(横断山区和部分东喜马拉雅)、中部山区(秦岭-大巴山区)和东南山区(华东山地)。亚洲季风区铁杉属的现代分布环境要求年降水量范围为720~2103mm,生长季降水量为635~1489mm;年均温范围为5.8~18.2℃,冬季月均温为-2.7~11.5℃,年最冷月均温为-3.7-10.9℃,年最暖月均温为13.0—28.2℃,气温年较差为9.7~25.4℃。亚洲季风区铁杉属的现代地理分布与气候要素值相互关系的分析表明,无铁杉分布的朝鲜半岛及其邻近的我国东北山地和山东山地降水量均大于700mm,基本上能够满足铁杉属生长的水分条件;而朝鲜半岛及其邻近的我国东北山地和山东山地的气温年较差明显大于铁杉属分布区的值,同时两地的冬季月均温和年最冷月均温明显低于铁杉属分布区的值,这也是这些地区没有铁杉属分布的主要气候原因。总之,这些亚洲季风区水分条件能够满足铁杉属生长需要,但冬季温度(包括冬季月平均温度和年最冷月均温)和气温年较差无法满足铁杉属生长需要,导致这些地区无铁杉属现代分布记录。  相似文献   

曹伟  盛煜  吴吉春  彭尔兴 《生态学报》2021,41(2):655-664
冻土土壤水分运动由于受到冻融过程的影响而显示其独特性,而目前对于不同类型冻土土壤水分入渗特性尚缺乏足够的认识。为此,以黄河源区康穷小盆地多下坡年冻土和上坡季节冻土区为例,结合季节降雨变化,基于大气降水、冻土土壤水分、冻结层上水等野外监测数据分析,采用HYDRUS-1D软件冻融模块进行土壤水分入渗模拟,对比分析了融化期多年冻土和季节冻土土壤水分运移过程的差异性,研究结果表明:①在快速融化阶段,降雨以地表径流为主,表层土壤水分含量增加,土壤下渗有限,冻结层上水位上升幅度较小;在稳定融化阶段,土壤水分含量增加,土壤水分下渗增强,受冻土层阻隔影响,多年冻土区冻结层上水水位上升幅度较大,季节冻土区土壤水分则以深层渗漏或侧向流动为主。②受到降雨强度、土壤质地、蒸散发、植被覆盖等因素的影响,降雨损失主要以地表径流为主,下坡各层土壤水分随冻结土壤融化自上而下逐渐增加并达到饱和状态,但上坡表层土壤不易达到饱水状态。③区域河流贯穿融区地下水发育,导致上坡冻结层上水位小幅度上升,下坡冻结层上水位的变化除受到降雨入渗的影响外,还受到融区地下水的影响,引起下坡冻结层上水位的快速上升。研究结果有助于深入了解全球气候变化背景下的冻土退化及其水文效应,进而为定量评估流域水资源脆弱性与区域生态敏感性提供科学依据。  相似文献   

杨振林  石培礼  闫巍  徐玲玲 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2403-2409
MTCLIM模型对日平均温度的模拟结果是基于日平均温度调和系数(TEMCF)的值,而国内外目前对该系数的估计多直接基于简单的最小二乘法进行该系数的本地化,我国学者的相关工作多直接引用原模型在北美干旱气候条件的测定默认值,因而往往造成模拟结果误差较大。首次提出了根据不同水热条件的影响确定TEMCF值的方法,大大改善了最后模拟结果的精度。以长白山地区为例,通过对我国典型山地条件下日平均温度的推算方法的对比,对不同水热条件下MTCLIM模型日平均温度调和系数的获得算法进行了验证。结果证明不同水热条件对该模型日平均温度估算算法中TEMCF的值有较大的影响。随着降水量的增加和日照时间的缩短,TEMCF的取值呈减小趋势,这也解释了原MTCLIM模型在我国山地地区的应用研究的结果中较大时空差异性的原因。通过不同水分和热量等级下的模拟结果表明,将TEMCF值根据水热条件情况分别模拟日平均气温将能够大大改善MTCLIM模型在典型山地地区中的模拟结果,从而为山地地区的研究工作提供更准确的基础性参考资料。  相似文献   

常娟  王根绪  高永恒  王一博 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7289-7301
有无积雪覆盖下浅层土壤水热过程是青藏高原多年冻土区水能循环中的一个重要不确定因素.为了研究积雪覆盖对高寒沼泽、草甸浅层土壤水热过程的影响,在青藏高原多年冻土区选择了典型的有无积雪覆盖的沼泽、草甸建立观测场,观测浅层土壤的温度和水分状况.通过分别研究积雪对高寒沼泽、草甸浅层土壤温度和水分的影响,结果表明:高寒沼泽、草甸在有积雪覆盖下浅层土壤开始冻结和消融的时间都有所滞后,且冻结持续时间相应有所增加.由于积雪覆盖,浅层土壤温度变化速率略有减小而水分变化速率略有增加,积雪起到了抑制土壤温度变化速率和促进土壤水分变化速率的作用.积雪覆盖对秋季冻结过程和夏季融化过程浅层土壤的温度和水分的影响明显大于冬季冻结降温过程和春季升温过程,且对融化过程的影响较冻结过程明显.通过对比分析有无雪盖沼泽和草甸土壤,说明积雪的覆盖对沼泽土壤温度的影响要大于草甸土壤,对土壤水分融升过程的影响大于冻降过程,且对沼泽浅层土壤的影响大于草甸浅层土壤.  相似文献   

The permafrost organic carbon (OC) stock is of global significance because of its large pool size and the potential positive feedback to climate warming. However, due to the lack of systematic field observations and appropriate upscaling methodologies, substantial uncertainties exist in the permafrost OC budget, which limits our understanding of the fate of frozen carbon in a warming world. In particular, the lack of comprehensive estimates of OC stocks across alpine permafrost means that current knowledge on this issue remains incomplete. Here, we evaluated the pool size and spatial variations of permafrost OC stock to 3 m depth on the Tibetan Plateau by combining systematic measurements from a substantial number of pedons (i.e. 342 three‐metre‐deep cores and 177 50‐cm‐deep pits) with a machine learning technique (i.e. support vector machine, SVM). We also quantified uncertainties in permafrost carbon budget by conducting Monte Carlo simulations. Our results revealed that the combination of systematic measurements with the SVM model allowed spatially explicit estimates to be made. The OC density (OC amount per unit area, OCD) exhibited a decreasing trend from the south‐eastern to the north‐western plateau, with the exception that OCD in the swamp meadow was substantially higher than that in surrounding regions. Our results also demonstrated that Tibetan permafrost stored a large amount of OC in the top 3 m, with the median OC pool size being 15.31 Pg C (interquartile range: 13.03–17.77 Pg C). 44% of OC occurred in deep layers (i.e. 100–300 cm), close to the proportion observed across the northern circumpolar permafrost region. The large carbon pool size together with significant permafrost thawing suggests a risk of carbon emissions and positive climate feedback across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   

Warming in cold regions alters freezing and thawing (F–T) of soil in winter, exposing soil organic carbon to decomposition. Carbon‐rich permafrost is expected to release more CO2 to the atmosphere through ecosystem respiration (Re) under future climate scenarios. However, the mechanisms of the responses of freeze – thaw periods to climate change and their coupling with Re in situ are poorly understood. Here, using 2 years of continuous data, we test how changes in F–T events relate to annual Re under four warming levels and precipitation addition in a semi‐arid grassland with discontinuous alpine permafrost. Warming shortened the entire F–T period because the frozen period shortened more than the extended freezing period. It decreased total Re during the F–T period mainly due to decrease in mean Re rate. However, warming did not alter annual Re because of reduced soil water content and the small contribution of total Re during the F–T period to annual Re. Although there were no effects of precipitation addition alone or interactions with warming on F–T events, precipitation addition increased total Re during the F–T period and the whole year. This decoupling between changes in soil freeze – thaw events and annual Re could result from their different driving factors. Our results suggest that annual Re could be mainly determined by soil water content rather than by change in freeze – thaw periods induced by warming in semi‐arid alpine permafrost.  相似文献   

Permafrost nitrogen status and its determinants on the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It had been suggested that permafrost thaw could promote frozen nitrogen (N) release and modify microbial N transformation rates, which might alter soil N availability and then regulate ecosystem functions. However, the current understanding of this issue is confined to limited observations in the Arctic permafrost region, without any systematic measurements in other permafrost regions. Based on a large‐scale field investigation along a 1,000 km transect and a laboratory incubation experiment with a 15N pool dilution approach, this study provides the comprehensive evaluation of the permafrost N status, including the available N content and related N transformation rates, across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region. In contrast to the prevailing view, our results showed that the Tibetan alpine permafrost had lower available N content and net N mineralization rate than the active layer. Moreover, the permafrost had lower gross rates of N mineralization, microbial immobilization and nitrification than the active layer. Our results also revealed that the dominant drivers of the gross N mineralization and microbial immobilization rates differed between the permafrost and the active layer, with these rates being determined by microbial properties in the permafrost while regulated by soil moisture in the active layer. In contrast, soil gross nitrification rate was consistently modulated by the soil content in both the permafrost and the active layer. Overall, patterns and drivers of permafrost N pools and transformation rates observed in this study offer new insights into the potential N release upon permafrost thaw and provide important clues for Earth system models to better predict permafrost biogeochemical cycles under a warming climate.  相似文献   

王志伟  岳广阳  吴晓东 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2398-2407
作为气候变化"指示器"的青藏高原多年冻土,近几十年来受到越来越多学者关注。但是已有冻土区地表形变的研究,多单纯针对地表抬升和沉降量进行分析,鲜有针对不同高寒草地类型进行深入挖掘的。在位于青藏高原多年冻土区腹地的五道梁地区,利用ASAR数据和SBAS-InSAR方法反演了区域内2005年4月到2010年7月的地表形变状况。结果显示研究区地表形变速率基本位于±8 mm/a之间。其中,变形率为正、地表呈现抬升的区域占57.70%,地表形变为负、地表沉降的区域占42.30%。此外,高寒草地整体表现地表下沉的现象,而且高寒草原的地表沉降现象明显强于高寒草甸地区。计算获得3种生态遥感指数后,分析地表形变与生态遥感指数的相关性,发现针对不同草地类型,其地表形变的主导因子存在差异。高寒草甸的地表形变有可能更多的受限于温度变化,而高寒草原的地表形变则可能更多的由水分条件所影响。以上研究说明青藏高原多年冻土区植被类型条件越好,地表沉降量越小。因此今后的相关研究需要对植被类型条件差的区域增加更多的关注,因为这些地区易发生地表沉降,导致其生态系统稳定性较差。  相似文献   

With rapid climate warming, ecosystems will probably exhibit complex dynamics because local factors and life history attributes of species mediate the effects of regional climate change. To assess the relative importance of local vs. regional processes on permafrost formation in boreal peatlands, I sampled for permafrost and factors affecting its formation in 38 collapse scars across a 4 °C mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient in the discontinuous permafrost zone of northern Manitoba, Canada. Three complimentary approaches were used to model factors important to permafrost formation at both local and regional scales. In the first analysis, a mechanistic, spatial model of permafrost formation was developed as a function of Picea mariana size and proximity. In the second approach, permafrost formation was modelled as a function of two local factors, diameter of Picea mariana trees and emergent organic matter depth, and the regional factor, mean annual temperature (MAT). Finally, published aerial photography data were used to determine whether the proportion of bogs with permafrost changes across a MAT gradient. Results show that permafrost formation in boreal permafrost peatlands is best described as a locally driven process within regional climatic constraints. At local scales of 1–2 meters, the spatial and size distributions of trees controlled the spatial distribution of permafrost. At regional scales, tree size was a significantly better predictor than emergent organic matter or MAT. These results suggest that transient models of discontinuous permafrost based only on climate may poorly predict changes in vegetation and permafrost.  相似文献   

东北地区农业土地资源潜力评价模型及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对一个地区的农业土地生产潜力进行估算,可以反映该地区的气候生产力水平和农业资源协调的程度及其地区差异.选择应用目前通用的土地潜力分析评价模型进行参数调整,在此基础上形成东北地区农业土地资源潜力评价模型,并在GIS的支持下,计算了东北地区主要作物-玉米和大豆的农业气候生产潜力,并分析了各地农业自然资源利用率的空间差异.结果表明,东北地区各地光合潜力差异不大;由于南北跨度大,各地光温潜力差异非常大,且从北到南呈带状增加趋势;由于各地作物生育期降水呈地带性分布,使得各地气候生产潜力具有较大差异,由西向东逐渐增加.各地主要作物农业自然资源利用率差别较大,东北西部地区资源利用率较低,增产潜力巨大.  相似文献   

The permafrost soil of Mo-he in Northeast China presents a typical cold environment colonized by psychrophilic microorganisms. This study is aimed at assessing the bacterial communities of permafrost soil of Mo-he in China by sequencing the 16S rRNA genes and Mothur analysis. PCR products with universal 16S rRNA gene primers were cloned and partially sequenced, and bacterial identification at the species was performed by comparative analysis with the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database. A total of 266 clones were obtained with the average length of 1,050 bp. Mothur analysis showed that the coverage value of clone library was 53.78 %, Shannon diversity (H) was 4.03, Simpson diversity value was 0.018, and 74 operational taxonomic units were generated. Through phylogenetic assignment using BLASTN by more than 97 % similarity, a total of 87 tentative taxa were identified. The majority of bacterial sequences recovered in this study belonged to the Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi and Chlorobi. Among them, Acidobacteria are dominant community, accounting for 30.1 % of total bacteria, followed by Proteobacteria which accounted for 22.2 %. This result reflected the acidic characteristics of the permafrost soil of which pH value was 6.0. Our study indicated that the permafrost soil of Mo-he in China has a high diversity of bacteria and represents a vast potential resource of novel bacteria. As far as we knew, this is the first report on bacterial diversity of permafrost soil of Mo-he in China.  相似文献   

The status of plant and microbial nutrient limitation have profound impacts on ecosystem carbon cycle in permafrost areas, which store large amounts of carbon and experience pronounced climatic warming. Despite the long-term standing paradigm assumes that cold ecosystems primarily have nitrogen deficiency, large-scale empirical tests of microbial nutrient limitation are lacking. Here we assessed the potential microbial nutrient limitation across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region, using the combination of enzymatic and elemental stoichiometry, genes abundance and fertilization method. In contrast with the traditional view, the four independent approaches congruently detected widespread microbial nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation in both the surface soil and deep permafrost deposits, with stronger limitation in the topsoil. Further analysis revealed that soil resources stoichiometry and microbial community composition were the two best predictors of the magnitude of microbial nutrient limitation. High ratio of available soil carbon to nutrient and low fungal/bacterial ratio corresponded to strong microbial nutrient limitation. These findings suggest that warming-induced enhancement in soil nutrient availability could stimulate microbial activity, and probably amplify soil carbon losses from permafrost areas.  相似文献   

野生马麝(Moschus chrysogaster)是珍稀濒危资源动物,分布于我国青藏高原及周边地区。甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区是野生马麝最重要的分布区之一,深入了解保护区的生境结构、质量及分布是对区域内野生马麝进行成功保护的前提和基础,但迄今缺乏大尺度的马麝生境适宜性研究。利用实地调查得到的兴隆山保护区的野生马麝夏季分布点数据,采用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型,结合地形、归一化植被指数、距河流距离、距道路距离等环境变量数据,进行野生马麝的夏季生境适宜性分析。结果表明:影响野生马麝夏季生境适宜性的主要生态因子是海拔、坡向、植被和河流,其贡献率分别达40.3%,23.4%,18.6%和10.9%;兴隆山保护区野生马麝的夏季潜在适宜生境分布面积为123.34 km2,占整个保护区的41.11%,占保护区林地的61.92%;野生马麝夏季潜在适宜生境主要集中在保护区的中部和西部,其中高适宜性生境约为保护区的4.47%,各适宜区间及适宜区之内均存在一定程度的不连续分布。为加强对兴隆山保护区野生马麝种群及生境的就地保护,建议通过生境保育措施,提高野生马麝潜在分布区的生境适宜性,...  相似文献   

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