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为明确温度和寄主对扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis生长发育的影响,本文在室内研究了不同温度和不同寄主上该虫的发育历期、发育起点温度、有效积温、成虫性比和存活率,结果表明:18℃-30℃范围内,随着温度升高,扶桑绵粉蚧发育历期逐渐缩短,34℃与30℃下无明显差异。该虫不同虫期发育起点温度均较高,其中2龄雄若虫和雌若虫最高,分别为19.11℃、16.14℃,蛹最低,为12.22℃。有效积温蛹最大,为87.40日·度,1龄若虫次之(77.12日·度),2龄雄若虫最小(26.32日·度)。18℃-30℃时各虫期死亡率随着温度升高而降低,34℃时又有升高。取食4种寄主时扶桑绵粉蚧发育历期有所变化,1龄若虫番茄上显著长于马铃薯;2龄雌雄若虫番茄上显著长于扶桑和马铃薯;3龄雌若虫以烟草和番茄上较长,扶桑和马铃薯上较短;雄蛹、雄成虫历期均无差异;烟草上雌成虫存活时间最长;雌虫整个虫期存活时间最长,为53.77 d,番茄次之(48.65 d),扶桑、马铃薯较短,分别为43.39 d、39.79 d。雄虫整个虫期存活时间烟草明显长于扶桑。不同寄主上扶桑绵粉蚧雌雄虫比率差异较大,以马铃薯上雄虫率最高(37.78%),其次为扶桑(26.67%),烟草上最低(8.01%)。  相似文献   

为了探明温度对扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley发育的影响, 本研究在光周期14L∶10D, 相对湿度75%±1%及不同温度(18, 20, 24, 26, 28和30℃)的实验室条件下, 测定了以南瓜为寄主的扶桑绵粉蚧各虫态的发育历期和存活率, 组建了扶桑绵粉蚧的实验种群生命表。结果表明: 在18~30℃温度范围内, 随着温度的升高扶桑绵粉蚧的发育速率加快, 且其温度与发育速率的关系符合 Logistic模型。在18~30℃恒温条件下, 扶桑绵粉蚧的雌虫世代发育历期为40.24~80.64 d, 雄虫世代发育历期为25.21~54.31 d; 雌虫世代的发育起点温度为7.39℃, 有效积温为889.89日·度; 雄虫世代的发育起点温度为8.58℃, 有效积温为523.47日·度。在26℃时, 扶桑绵粉蚧的世代存活率最高(77.03%), 种群趋势指数也最高(22.98), 有利于种群增长; 而在18℃和30℃, 扶桑绵粉蚧的种群趋势指数分别为2.99和9.80。扶桑绵粉蚧有较强的种群发展能力, 但高温和低温都不利于其种群增长。扶桑绵粉蚧发育历期和实验种群表的研究为其控制措施的制定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

研究棉花粉蚧雄成虫对不同虫态、不同日龄雌虫的性选择以及雌雄成虫日交配节律,为该虫性信息素的研究提供科学依据。采用四臂嗅觉仪测定了雄虫对不同虫态以及不同日龄雌虫(3龄若虫、1日龄至8日龄处女雌成虫、已交配雌成虫)的选择性,观察了雄虫与雌成虫日交配节律。结果表明,雄成虫对4日龄处女雌成虫的选择率显著高于其他虫态和日龄,一天内扶桑绵粉蚧交配高峰期出现在7∶00-9∶00。因此,推测4日龄处女雌成虫和上午7∶00-9∶00可能是释放性外激素的旺盛虫期和时间。  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

在(27±1)℃,光周期L∶D=12∶12的条件下对酪蝇Piophila casei L.交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明,雌虫在羽化1min后即可交配,而雄虫在羽化30min后进行交配。进一步观察结果表明,羽化后80min的两性成虫交配率最高(90%),成虫一天之中的交配高峰期出现在10∶00—11∶00,次高峰出现在11∶00—12∶00。两性交配持续时间从4~9min不等,以5min为最多(43.3%),6min次之(23.3%)。一般情况下,雌虫一生只交配1次,雄虫从1~7次不等,但以2次为最多(45%),3次的次之(20%)。  相似文献   

【背景】扶桑绵粉蚧是近年来入侵我国的重要害虫,食物是影响其生长发育及种群发展的重要因素。【方法】在室内条件下研究了饥饿对扶桑绵粉蚧不同龄期若虫和初羽化雌成虫存活率和雌成虫产卵量的影响。【结果】扶桑绵粉蚧不同虫态在饥饿条件下存活的时间存在显著差异,表现为雌成虫〉2龄若虫=3龄若虫〉1龄若虫。扶桑绵粉蚧各龄若虫和雌成虫随着饥饿时间的延长,存活率逐渐下降。其中,雌成虫存活率下降速度较慢,完全饥饿8d后存活率仍有50%左右;2、3龄若虫50%个体死亡需要饥饿的时间约为6d,1龄若虫约需5.5d。饥饿会显著降低1龄若虫存活率,但对2、3龄若虫没有显著影响。扶桑绵粉蚧雌成虫饥饿4d对其产卵前期、平均每头雌虫一生的产卵量没有显著影响,但寿命显著低于对照。【结论与意义】扶桑绵粉蚧耐饥力较强,这有助于它在野外建立种群。该结果为进一步评价扶桑绵粉蚧的入侵潜能提供了依据。  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧生物学特性研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
朱艺勇  黄芳  吕要斌 《昆虫学报》2011,54(2):246-252
扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是近年在我国新发现的一种重要外来入侵害虫, 特别是对我国棉花生产具有潜在的巨大威胁,本文研究了实验室条件下(27±1℃, RH 70%±5%)该虫在棉花上的发育历期、 繁殖能力及各虫态的形态特征。结果表明:扶桑绵粉蚧雌虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、3龄若虫和雌成虫;雄虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、 2龄若虫、预蛹、 蛹和雄成虫。卵期很短,雌虫若虫期15~20 d,总历期约为47~59 d;雄虫若虫和蛹期17~22 d,总历期约为20~26 d;雌虫寿命明显长于雄虫。该蚧虫繁殖能力强,雌成虫产卵量200~862粒/头,平均产卵458粒/头。各虫态主要形态特征为:卵呈长椭圆形,橙黄色, 略微透明; 1龄若虫,淡黄绿色,行动活泼;2龄若虫体缘突起显现, 尾瓣突出,至末期可根据体表黑斑的可见程度区分雌、 雄虫;3龄雌若虫, 体表有薄层蜡粉, 在前、中胸背面亚中区和腹部1~4节背面亚中区可见清晰斑点, 形成纵向黑色条斑, 外表形似雌成虫。雌成虫呈卵圆形,体表蜡粉厚实,胸、腹背面的黑色条斑在蜡粉覆盖下呈成对黑色斑点状,体缘蜡突明显,共18对,其中腹部末端2~3对较长; 雄虫蛹包裹于松软的白色丝茧中;雄成虫,虫体较小,黑褐色;触角细长,具一对发达透明前翅,后翅退化为平衡棒,腹部末端具2对白色长蜡丝。本文通过对扶桑绵粉蚧的基本生物学特性和各个龄期发育的形态特征的研究, 为该虫的进一步研究和科学防控提供了基本资料,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧的过冷却点和体液结冰点测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关鑫  陆永跃  曾玲  王琳 《环境昆虫学报》2009,31(4):381-383,394
本文测定了扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley除卵期以外其它各虫态的过冷却点和结冰点.结果表明,该虫过冷却点以1龄若虫最低,为-24.02℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-22.13℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雄成虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫过冷却点逐渐升高,分别为-21.08℃、-20.25℃、-19.05℃、-18.42℃、-17.91℃、-16.89℃.体液结冰点也以1龄若虫最低,为-23.2℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-19.09℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫、雄成虫体液结冰点逐渐升高,分别为-16.64%、-15.81℃、-13.92℃、-13.20℃、-12.85℃、-12.79℃.试验结果表明扶桑绵粉蚧过冷却点低,耐寒性较强,可能适宜在中国北部更广泛的区域生存.  相似文献   

广州地区自然条件下扶桑绵粉蚧入侵定殖能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】扶桑绵粉蚧是一种对棉花等作物具有严重威胁的新的外来人侵害虫,2008年8月在广州市区扶桑上发现该虫。关于该虫入侵种群的大小是需要明确的基本人侵生物学问题之一。【方法】采用了野外接虫、定点系统跟踪观察的方法,研究了广州地区番茄、棉花田间扶桑绵粉蚧的最小入侵种群规模。【结果】扶桑绵粉蚧初始种群侵入棉花、番茄田3d后数量急剧下降,分别减少了82.7%、61.2%,进入3龄后田间种群数量呈现持续小幅度减少的规律,进入产卵期的雌虫出现概率分别为2.83%、2.5%。棉花上扶桑绵粉蚧单雌产卵量为532.6粒,明显高于番茄(418.4粒)。棉花、番茄田的入侵种群趋势指数分别为15.09、10.46,下一代种群呈明显增长趋势,能够成功定殖。棉花、番茄田扶桑绵粉蚧自然种群存活曲线均符合Ⅰ型(凹型),存活率(S)与接虫后天数(D)的关系模型分别为S=(1.0000+1.1.505D)-1.1250,S=(Q9996+Q124810)^-3.0614。根据进入产卵期雌虫的概率,计算出保证扶桑绵粉蚧成功入侵的最小自然种群规模为36—40头。【结论与意义】广州地区6~8月番茄、棉花田新人侵的扶桑绵粉蚧自然种群存活曲线为Ⅰ型(凹型),最小入侵种群规模为36—40头。该结果为深入研究扶桑绵粉蚧的入侵生物学特性和制定防治策略等提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过昆虫行为观测仪与室外饲养观察,分析意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus的交配行为,阐明交配经历和温度对意大利蝗交配持续时间的影响。结果发现:(1)意大利蝗的交配行为包括相遇和交配两个阶段。相遇行为包括避让、打斗和交配3种类型,其中打斗多发生在雄雄相遇、雄虫与一对正在交配成虫相遇情况。避让和交配则多发生在雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇、雌虫与一对正在交配成虫相遇情况。雄虫在交配过程中占据主动。意大利蝗的交配行为包括曲腹、爬背、抱对和交配4个过程,平均时间为11.25±1.40 min。(2)雌雄虫初次交配的持续时间(12.88±0.67 min)显著长于雌雄虫均有交配经历的时间(10.47±0.39 min)(P0.05);初次交配雌虫和有交配经历雄虫的交配持续时间(11.00±0.75 min),与初次交配雄虫和有交配经历雌虫的时间(12.12±0.67 min)无显著差异(P0.05)。(3)随温度升高意大利蝗的交配持续时间缩短,27℃时交配持续时间最长(15.93±2.25 min),且与36℃、42℃时的时间差异显著(P0.05),42℃时的交配持续时间最短,为6.01±0.43 min,与36℃时的时间(7.47±0.52 min)差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Abstract Three manipulations of the male contribution to copulation were used to investigate what determines the switch-off of female receptivity that follows mating in Lucilia cuprina. Multiple matings by males led to a reduction in their effectiveness at switching-off females: the first twelve matings caused more than 50% of females to be switched-off 1 day after mating, while the first four matings caused more than 50% of females to be switched-off for 7 days after mating. Males mated up to twenty-three times and on average ten times during 10 h of continuous access to virgin females. The number of sperm transferred declined logarithmically through a series of matings as did the quantity of material transferred from the male accessory gland (measured as radiolabeled material) through the first six matings. Overnight isolation of multiply-mated males led to considerable recovery of their ability to switch-off females, and to limited renewal of their ability to transfer sperm. Castrated males transferred similar quantities of accessory gland material to females as did sham-operated males during their first five matings and in their first three matings switched-off 95% of females for 1 day but only 48% for 7 days. When normal mating pairs were separated at increasing intervals after coupling, an increasing proportion of females were switched-off at 1 or 7 days afterward. 7 days after 2 min matings no females were switched-off though 40% of the number of sperm transferred in a full mating had been transferred by this time. The proposed explanation for these data is that both the initial switch-off and its duration are determined by the quantity of a receptivity-inhibiting substance that normally enters the female haemo-lymph after being injected by the male into the wall of the bursa copulatrix. It is proposed that when castrated males mate, an absence of sperm results in most accessory gland secretion entering the empty spermathecae (rather than the wall of the bursa as usually occurs) and hence being unable to reach the haemolymph and exert its influence. The effective dose of the receptivity-inhibiting substance is measured on a logarithmic scale.  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确酪蝇Piophila casei的羽化节律和交配行为,为深入研究酪蝇的性信息素打下基础。【方法】在室内条件[温度(27±1)℃,光周期L︰D=14︰10]下观察了酪蝇的羽化节律和交配行为。【结果】结果表明,化蛹后第8天成虫羽化最多,羽化高峰期出现在由暗期进入光期的前后,雄虫略早于雌虫羽化。观察结果表明,当雄虫接近蛹壳时会表现出"触摸"、"经过"、"扑"、"抱握"等动作,而雌虫仅有"触摸"、"抱握"的动作。当遇到同性成虫或者已交配雌虫时,雄虫会"追逐"对方,当接触到对方时雄虫会表现出"抱握"、"触摸"动作以进行识别,被识别雄虫会"翘起腹部末端"使对方离开,已交配雌虫则猛烈"摆动身体"使对方离开。当遇到处女雌虫时,雄虫跳跃到雌虫背上迅速进行交配。雌虫羽化后1 min即可交配,雄虫羽化后30 min可交配,交配平均持续时间10 min。雄虫间会有交配竞争行为发生,后来者会跳跃到先来者背上,向下弯曲腹部试图越过先来者与雌虫交配。【结论】酪蝇的羽化高峰出现在进入光期前后。成虫对蛹壳有显著趋性,雄虫主动追逐识别异性,较雌虫表现出更强烈的交配欲望。  相似文献   

在人工饲喂系统上研究了猫蚤的交配习性及雄蚤对雌蚤化学提取物的反应,结果表明,当5雌1雄在饲养盒内时,该雄虫可与其他雌虫进行多次交配,连续8小时内交配达48次,交配时间平均持续6.6分钟,两次交配的间隔时间平均为2.5分钟,当1雌5雄时,交配时间平均持续11.1分钟,交配间隔时间为12.1分钟,连续7小时内,该雌虫与雄虫交配27次,新羽化的雌雄虫吸血前不能交配,当把用雌虫提取物处理过的黑色滤纸片放进只有雄虫的饲养盒时,雄虫接触纸片的次数及雄-雄交配企图明显增加。  相似文献   

The first five matings by both large and small L. cuprinamales switched off receptivity in over 90% of females for 7 days after their initial mating. Small males were virtually unable to switch off females after five matings, whereas the fifth to tenth matings by large males rendered nearly two-thirds of females unreceptive. Mating duration of large and small males was about 11 min even after numerous matings. Given the rarity of field virgins and the temporal and spatial variability of female-required resources, larger males may enjoy greater mating success due to their ability to switch off many females in succession. Virgin males preferred to mate with nonvirgin females larger than themselves; males paired with females smaller than themselves adopted mate-rejection behavior typical of unreceptive females.  相似文献   


The reproductive behavior of the honeydew moth, Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was studied in the laboratory. The sex ratio was 1.1:1, males to females, in both laboratory and field stocks. Most of the females that mated did so during the first night after emergence; males began mating on the following night. Mating occurred 1–2 h before dawn and averaged 100 min. Both sexes mated only once in one night. Most females mated only once in their lifetime, a few mated 2–4 times, whereas males mated up to six times per lifetime. Insects that lived longer also mated more times. When the sex ratio was altered from 3:1 to 1:3, males to females, the percentage of females that mated in one night dropped from 90 to 65, whereas the number of matings per male rose from 0.32 to 2.25. When fresh one-day-old females were provided daily at a ratio of three per male, the males averaged 1.4 matings per lifetime vs. 2.6 with 2- to 3-day-old females. A delay in mating did not affect the percentages of males and females that mated; highest percentages were obtained with 2- to 4-day-old males and females, but a delay in mating resulted in egg fertility dropping from 91 % to 73 %. The preoviposition period lasted a full day after mating, and then most of the eggs were laid during the first night. Average fecundity was 105 eggs per female (maximum: 230).  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾交配行为和能力   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
罗礼智  曹卫菊  钱坤  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):494-499
在(27±1)℃,光周期L14∶D10的条件下对甜菜夜蛾I>Spodoptera exigua的交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化当晚即可进行交配,交配率以羽化后头三个晚上的较高(>82%),但从第4天起则显著下降。成虫一天中的交配时间出现于23:30~05:30之间,交配高峰出现在01:30~02:30和03:00~04:00 之间, 其中以第1高峰的发生频率较高。成虫交配持续时间从22~191 min不等,但以30~60 min的为多(40.8%, n=97), 60~90 min的次之(19.4%),超过180 min的较少(10.2 %)。另外,交配持续时间与蛾龄紧密相关。蛾龄越大,交配持续的时间越长,且差异显著。雄蛾一生的交配能力由1~11次不等,但受性比的影响显著:在性比为1∶1的条件下,雄蛾平均交配次数仅为3.0 次,而在2♀∶1至5♀∶1时,则增加到5.1~6.0 次。雌蛾交配比例及次数受性比的影响也很大:没有交配的雌蛾比例从1∶1时的8.3%增加到5♀∶1时的32%,仅交配一次的比例从16.7%增加到38.7%,而交配≥5 次的比例则从 25%下降到0。最后,对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾防治中应用的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Virgin females of Lucilia cuprinararely lay eggs, whereas mated females do so readily. This effect of mating is due entirely to increased readiness to lay, and not to any effect on ovarian development. An investigation was made of how readiness to lay was affected by matings which differed in terms of the male's chemical and mechanical contribution. Individual males were mated, during 1 day, to a succession of females whose readiness to lay was determined 1 or 8 days after mating. On both days, the proportion of females laying was inversely related to the number of females with which the male had previously mated. A high proportion of females that had mated with previously unmated or oncemated males laid at both 1 and 8 days after mating. However, this proportion tended to decline between day 1 and day 8 in females that had mated with males with two or more previous matings, and this effect was most evident in females mated with males that had previously mated with four or more females. When matings were manually terminated as soon as coupling had occurred, the proportion laying remained as low as in virgins. This proportion progressively increased as mating duration increased from 2 to 6 min. The proportion that laid after mating terminated at 6 or 8 min was as high as that for females from full-term matings (mean duration, 12.5 min). The results are generally similar to those obtained in parallel experiments on the effect of mating on sexual receptivity in this species and, therefore, indicate that the physiological bases for the two effects of mating might be the same.  相似文献   

Abstract  The mating behavior of cat flea, Ctenocepholides felis (Bouche) was studied on an artificial feeding device. Male and female can mate repeatedly with same partner or Merent ones. In the situation of male: female ratio of 1 :5, each mating lasted an average of 6.6 min, with a mean interval between matings at 2.5 min., compared to 11. 1 min and 12.1 min respectively in a cell with 5 males and 1 female. As many as 48 mating events were observed for one male during an 8 h period. One female mated 27 times in 7 h with 5 males in the same cell. Newly emerged males and females can not mate before blood meal and about 24 h blood feeding is rewuired for successful mating. Newly emerged males can not mate with fed females (fed for 48 h), but fed males can mate with newly emerged females who are feeding the blood. Significantly more male contacts and male-male mating attempts were observed after the paper treated with female extract was introduced into the cell. The paper contacts and mating attempts were 16.75–32.25 times and 15.75–31.38 times, respectively, on average during a period of 20 min when different doses (FE) of extract were provided.  相似文献   

In the Hymenoptera, males develop as haploids from unfertilized eggs and females develop as diploids from fertilized eggs. In species with complementary sex determination (CSD), however, diploid males develop from zygotes that are homozygous at a highly polymorphic sex locus or loci. We investigated mating behavior and reproduction of diploid males of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis (C. plutellae), for which we recently demonstrated CSD. We show that the behavior of diploid males of C. vestalis is similar to that of haploid males, when measured as the proportion of males that display wing fanning, and the proportion of males that mount a female. Approximately 29% of diploid males sired daughters, showing their ability to produce viable sperm that can fertilize eggs. Females mated to diploid males produced all-male offspring more frequently (71%) than females mated to haploid males (27%). Daughter-producing females that had mated to diploid males produced more male-biased sex ratios than females mated to haploid males. All daughters of diploid males were triploid and sterile. Three triploid sons were also found among the offspring of diploid males. It has been suggested that this scenario, that is, diploid males mating with females and constraining them to the production of haploid sons, has a large negative impact on population growth rate and secondary sex ratio. Selection for adaptations to reduce diploid male production in natural populations is therefore likely to be strong. We discuss different scenarios that may reduce the sex determination load in C. vestalis.  相似文献   

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