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对工科微生物学教学中学生创业能力的培养进行了探讨。通过考试方法改革,引导学生设计微生物产品并撰写可行性报告,模拟设计创业项目;在项目设计过程中,结合学科前沿,鼓励学生勇于创新;结合教学内容,引入国家标准,加强学生法规意识;将微生物代谢产物与相关的商业产品相结合,培养学生对市场的洞察能力,通过成本核算,提高学生成本意识和理财能力;通过以上一系列措施,不仅激发了学生的创业热情,也培养了学生的创新创业能力。  相似文献   

大学生素质教育要求新时代的大学生不仅要学习理论知识,更重要的是培养科学思维并掌握应用技能。我校微生物学课程教学中探索了以创新实践为主要内容的模式改革,其中"理论—技能—创新实践"同步训练的创新模式,是以将参与创新实践计入期末成绩的形式"强迫"学生进入实验室参与科研项目。实施中我们以"教师—研究生—创新小组"交互学习的方式,任课教师制定规则与目标,研究生帮助创新项目的选题、研究方案设计及实施指导,创新小组依照目标参与研究生的科研课题,最后完成创新实践并获得一定比例的成绩。实践证实创新实践教学对促进学生的理论课程学习、科学思维培养以及创新意识训练等方面都有积极的促进作用,是大学生素质教育的一种实用且高效的教学模式。  相似文献   

安登第 《微生物学通报》2020,47(4):1033-1037
21世纪大学生素质教育不仅要求他们掌握扎实的理论知识,更重要的是培养科学思维并激发创新思想。为拓展大学生的创新思维、促进素质教育,我们探索了"理论课程+创新项目设计"的微生物学教学模式,并在课程内容调整、案例引入、考核等方面进行了实践,结果证明这一教学模式对促进学生巩固课堂知识、拓宽知识视野、培养科学思维、激发创新精神、促进素质教育都有积极的作用。  相似文献   

创新创业教育是当前高等教育改革的重要方向,如何将微生物学实践教学与创新创业教育相结合是一个值得研究的课题。我们在微生物学实践课程体系和学生业余科研中探索出以下举措来培养学生的创新能力和创业思维:建立兴趣小组参与实验准备的模式,这能让学生快速成长为实验能手,成了我校微生物学实验教学的优良传承和特色,并辐射到全校的其他课程;通过多元化的设计方案、专题实验来锻炼学生综合应用知识的能力、科研思维和创新能力,这让学生在潜移默化中走上科研道路;指导学生申报科研课题和参加学科竞赛项目,培养学生的实验技能和探索能力,这成为实践教学的有益延伸。上述改革的成效显著,学生学习的积极性和参与科研的意识被激发,申报科研项目的质量和数量大大提高,在学科竞赛获奖、参与论文发表和专利申请等方面获得了不俗的成绩。该组合模式为本科生创新创业能力的培养和综合素质的提升发挥了重要的作用,尤其对地方本科院校人才培养具有重要的推广价值。  相似文献   

项目实训是本科专业课程模块化教学改革中的第三大模块。以微生物学课程为例,从引入项目实训的意义、实施、效果等三方面探讨项目实训在微生物学及相关课程中的应用,达到提升学生专业运用能力和创新创业能力的目的,为其他两个模块在课程中的应用和后续课程的顺利开展提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对微生物学实验教学中存在的一些问题,采用"兴趣培养—参与研究—主持项目—能力形成"递进式教学模式,在基础性实验、综合性实验、大学生创新实验和毕业论文实验4个阶段进行了初步教学改革探索。在开设微生物基础性实验之后,采用"双导师制",以教师的科研项目为依托和纽带,将微生物综合性研究型实验、大学生创新实验项目和毕业论文实验等循序渐进地结合起来,取得了良好的教学效果。实践证明微生物学实验分阶段递进教学,既提高了学生独立思考、解决实际科研问题的能力,也培养了学生综合创新的能力。  相似文献   

阐述了认知结构、情感结构、意志结构和行为结构在当代大学生教育的微生物学学科教学中的探索与实践,包括这种体系的发展基础和建立理念,着重强调其在微生物学教学实践中的实施和所反映出的教学效果。具体来说就是用智给予学生知识,全面提高认知基础;用情关怀学生成长,平稳搭建情感桥梁;用爱启迪学生心灵,迅速增强意志动力;用心培养学生能力,充分施展行为表现。在这种"知情意行"结构的渗透下,大学生的素质教育得到了全面提升,使微生物学教学得到学生的充分肯定并取得比较理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

"微生物学"课程是高等教育生命科学教学中一门重要的基础课程。微生物学实验作为独立于微生物学理论课的基础实验课,对学生基本实验技能的培养和综合素质的提高,培养学生探索精神、创新意识和创新能力方面起着至关重要的作用。南开大学微生物学教学实验室依托"微生物学"国家重点学科、"教育部分子微生物学重点实验室"和"国家级生物实验教学示范中心",建立了多级别分层次的微生物学实验教学体系;确立了由基础性实验、综合性实验、创新性实验相结合的实验内容;同时充分利用本校教学科研资源优势,为学生搭建了多级别的科研创新训练实践平台,着重培养学生的科研素质、创新意识和创新能力,在微生物学科研创新型人才的培养中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

周湘  张昕  林海萍  胡加付 《微生物学通报》2011,38(11):1715-1717
根据微生物学教学实践经验,提出培养大学生逆向思维能力来提升其创新意识与能力,并通过克服思维定势和培养学生反向思索能力两种途径加以实践.  相似文献   

改革微生物学实验教学,激发学生创新潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
培养创新型人才是"双一流"的重要建设任务,微生物学实验作为生物学科的重要基础课程,对学生实践能力和综合素质的提高,培养学生的创新意识和科研精神起着至关重要的作用。通过理清微生物学实验项目间内在联系,优化实验方案,构建细菌分离鉴定综合实验,改革微生物学实验教学体系;同时,引入新媒体教学,改革考评方式,以注重培养学生的学习兴趣、自主学习能力、创新思维和综合能力。  相似文献   

Mechanistic and Mathematical Inactivation Studies of Food Spoilage Fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fungal spoilage forms an increasing economic problem in the food industry. Chemical antifungals are becoming less attractive as food preservatives and hygiene agents due to the development of resistance and due to stricter legal regulations concerning the permitted concentrations. Finally, consumers tend to demand more "naturally preserved" or preservative-free products. Here we review our understanding of the mechanisms of action and resistance to classical antifungals. Next, we evaluate the scientific basis underlying the application of novel, natural antifungals. Finally, we discuss the mathematical modelling of fungal growth and the development of preliminary predictive lag-time models. The eventual aim of the reviewed work is to generate mathematical lag-time models in real foods that predict the microbiological stability of the food and are based on a mechanistic understanding of the chain of events that leads to cell death, or an extension of lag-time of the initiation of outgrowth.  相似文献   

高等院校实习实践课程作为培养学生实践能力的重要课程已经逐渐成为各高校学生的必修课程。以辽宁大学生命科学院合作多年的仙人洞自然保护区实践基地为对象,通过与实践基地建立深度合作关系、转变单一实践教学模式、开展校企双赢的科研项目及结合创新创业教育等方式,解决了实习深度不够、实习内容与实际需求脱节、企业积极性低、基地资源利用率低等实习实践课程普遍存在的问题,课程质量大幅提升。该成果为充分利用实践教学基地教学功能,提升生物科学专业人才培养质量提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Institutions are required by federal laws and regulations to oversee and evaluate their programs, facilities, and procedures for using animals in research, teaching, and/or testing activities. These responsibilities are specifically charged to an institutional official (IO) and an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC). Initially, the individuals tasked with these responsibilities seldom have the requisite knowledge or experience to fulfill their charges effectively. Furthermore, simply reading the regulatory requirements does not prepare the novice IO and IACUC members to effectively monitor and guide the program. As a result, many new IOs and IACUC members are managing their responsibilities with insufficient understanding of the laws, regulations, standards, and policies. Specific training strategies for inexperienced IACUC members are needed to help them understand their responsibilities for ensuring animal welfare through an effective, high-quality, and compliant animal care and use program that supports the critical research needed to improve human and animal health. Likewise, most IOs would benefit from training to help them better understand their responsibility for enhancing or maintaining the quality of the institution's animal care and use program. Education and training should begin with an orientation to the laws, regulations, standards, and policies. Continuing training and education are also important to keep abreast of the changes in the interpretation of these laws and regulations as well as the changes in veterinary science. For both the IO and the IACUC, understanding and acceptance of their authority and responsibilities are significant factors in establishing and maintaining a quality animal care and use program.  相似文献   

The central focus of this study is a learning method in which university students produce instructional videos about the content matter as part of their learning process, combined with other learning assignments. The rationale for this is to promote a more multimodal pedagogy, and to provide students opportunities for a more learner-centred, motivating, active, engaging and productive role in their learning process. As such we designed a ‘video course’ where the students needed to produce an instructional video which could be used for university teaching. In addition to producing the video, the students needed to write a literature review of the topic of the video and a learning journal. At the end of the course the students filled a questionnaire regarding their learning and emotions during the project. Based on the students’ subjective answers, it appeared that producing a video, combined with writing the literature review can be an efficient way of learning. Most students found the project emotionally very positive and regarded it motivating to work on a video which they knew will have use in the future. This research suggests that a multimodal video project in a higher education setting enhances learning through increased motivation and positive emotions.  相似文献   

阐述了PLM的基本概念、原理、行业研究和应用现状基础。针对医疗器械行业产品研发和产品监管的特点,结合企业的实际现状,详细分析了该医疗器械企业的PLM应用需求。该文还结合企业PLM系统项目开展的实际过程给出了设计、实施方案,并对实施效果进行了评估。  相似文献   

“生物分离工程”是生物工程专业本科生的一门重要的专业必修课,是生物工程专业建立“新工科”课程体系的重要组成部分。本教学团队坚持“以学生发展为中心,以创新思维为核心”的教育理念,以“学习成果”为导向的创新理念,针对课程长期存在的“理论教学与实验课脱节,学生不能及时地将理论知识内化为实践能力”、“课程内容陈旧,与行业需求脱节”、“授课和考核方式相对单一,学生的专业能力和素质未能有效培养”等痛点问题开展教学改革,重构课程内容。打通理论课和实验课的界限,开展“线上+线下”混合教学,通过科研反哺教学,使课程内容紧跟行业发展前沿,充分利用现代信息技术手段开展更丰富的课堂教学活动,并对学生进行全程化、动态化和多样化的考核,全面提升学生的能力。  相似文献   

Sleister HM 《Genetics》2007,177(2):677-688
An upper-level genetics research course was developed to expose undergraduates to investigative science. Students are immersed in a research project with the ultimate goal of identifying proteins important for chromosome transmission in mitosis. After mutagenizing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, students implement a genetic screen that allows for visual detection of mutants with an increased loss of an ADE2-marked yeast artificial chromosome (YAC). Students then genetically characterize the mutants and begin efforts to identify the defective genes in these mutants. While engaged in this research project, students practice a variety of technical skills in both classical and molecular genetics. Furthermore, students learn to collaborate and gain experience in sharing scientific findings with others in the form of written papers, poster presentations, and oral presentations. Previous students indicated that, relative to a traditional laboratory course, this research course improved their understanding of scientific concepts and technical skills and helped them make connections between concepts. Moreover, this course allowed students to experience scientific inquiry and was influential for students as they considered future endeavors.  相似文献   

继续医学教育项目" 过程管理模式" 体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
继续医学教育项目是开展继续医学教育的重要形式之一,是卫生专业技术人员获取新知识、新理论、新技术、新方法的重要途径。项目执行的质量将直接体现继续医学教育质量。因此规范项目管理程序,建立有效的运行体系,建立严格奖罚制度,进行"过程跟踪管理"是保证项目执行质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

鲍银月  贾建国  樊洁 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2172-2173,2193
继续医学教育项目是开展继续医学教育的重要形式之一,是卫生专业技术人员获取新知识、新理论、新技术、新方法的重要途径。项目执行的质量将直接体现继续医学教育质量。因此规范项目管理程序,建立有效的运行体系,建立严格奖罚制度,进行”过程跟踪管理”是保证项目执行质量的有效措施。  相似文献   



A ubiquitous dilemma in medical education continues to be whether and how to integrate research competencies into the predoctoral curriculum. Understanding research concepts is imbedded in the six core competencies for physicians, but predoctoral medical education typically does not explicitly include research education. In an effort to quickly report academic research findings to the field, this is the second in a series of articles reporting the outcomes of a research education initiative at one college of osteopathic medicine. The first article described the competency model and reported baseline performance in applied understanding of targeted research concepts. This second article reports on the learning outcomes from the inaugural year of a course in basic biomedical research concepts.


This course consisted of 24 total hours of classroom lectures augmented with web-based materials using Blackboard Vista, faculty moderated student presentations of research articles, and quizzes. To measure changes in applied understanding of targeted research concepts in the inaugural year of the course, we administered a pretest and a posttest to second year students who took the course and to first year students who took an informatics course in the same academic year.


We analyzed 154 matched pretests and posttests representing 56% of the 273 first and second year students. On average, the first year (53) and second year students (101) did not differ in their mean pretest scores. At posttest the second year students showed significant improvement in their applied understanding of the concepts, whereas the first year students' mean posttest score was lower than their mean pretest score.


This biomedical research course appears to have increased the second year students' applied understanding of the targeted biomedical research concepts. This assessment of learning outcomes has facilitated the quality improvement process for the course, and improved our understanding of how to measure the benefits of research education for medical students. Some of the course content and methods, and the outcome measures may need to be approached differently in the future to more effectively lay the foundation for osteopathic medical students to utilize these concepts in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

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