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本文针对大兴安岭地区的小蠹虫种类进行研究,并通过诱捕器的试验诱集结果,着重研究了小蠹虫的诱捕器防治方法,结果表明落叶松八齿小蠹、云杉八齿小蠹和纵坑切梢小蠹为针叶树的优势种类,诱集结果也证明这3种小蠹的数量占多数,其中落叶松八齿小蠹占绝大多数。  相似文献   

李菁  骆有庆  石娟 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):459-463
植株释放的挥发物能够调节寄主、害虫及天敌三者关系,是植物与害虫协同进化的产物。兴安落叶松挥发物种类虽已确定,但这些物质,特别是受害植株所释放的挥发物对林间昆虫的影响尚不清楚。本研究在3种林龄林分内设置携带受害兴安落叶松枝叶挥发物的诱捕器以考察其对林间昆虫的影响。结果表明挥发物混合物对昆虫诱集效果良好,特别是对天牛类及叶甲类。林龄并未对挥发物的引诱效果造成显著影响,可能与本研究年龄组的划分标准有关。文章指出应将诱集昆虫群落进一步细化,并对关键种或类群进行电生理方面的深入探讨。本文也指出了受害兴安落叶松挥发物混合物发展为植物源农药的前景。  相似文献   

强大小蠹植物源引诱剂林间应用技术   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
20 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年在山西省榆次区庆城林场对自行研制生产的强大小蠹DendroctomusvalensLeConte植物引诱剂诱芯和诱捕器在林间的应用技术进行了研究 ,并在山西省的 1 3个县、林场悬挂 2 0 0 0个诱捕器开展了强大小蠹发生期监测和大面积诱杀防治推广试验工作。结果显示 ,该诱捕技术对强大小蠹成虫有较好的诱捕效果 ,2 0 0 0个诱捕器在成虫羽化期 61d共诱到大小蠹成虫近 2 0万头 ,可明显降低当代成虫虫口密度。试验表明 ,诱虫数量随林地虫口密度增加而增大 ,诱捕器设置高度对诱虫量有一定影响 ,以悬挂在主干下端距地面 5~ 1 0cm处效果最好。诱捕器之间水平距离建议间隔 1 0 0m为好。  相似文献   

为更准确地对性信息素监测下田间害虫的发生量进行测报并指导有效防治,建立了基于性信息诱捕下种群的Logistic增长模型,并与通常诱捕模式进行了比较分析。在性信息素诱捕环境下利用种群增长平衡点获得诱捕强度(E)与害虫的自然增长率(r)的数学关系,建立了诱捕量与田间害虫发生虫量的数学模型,明确了性信息素诱捕与害虫自然增长平衡时的各变量间的关系,同时根据害虫发生规律研究了性信息素诱捕时的防治害虫的经济阈值(Es)模型。以性信息素诱捕梨小食心虫为实例,通过田间调查梨小食心虫成虫的发生,拟合Logistic模型并测定3种性信息诱捕强度下梨小食心虫的自然增长率,据模型求解不同性信息素诱捕下的诱捕强度(E),确定了防控梨小食心虫的经济阈值(Es),明确达到经济阈值时的持续诱捕数量。本模型为有效测报和诱捕防治害虫提供了基础理论与依据。  相似文献   

<正> 粟灰螟(二点螟)在赣州地区一年发生四代,第一代对甘蔗危害较大。1975—1979年,我们在近20亩的实验区内进行了性诱研究。将未交配的活雌蛾放在灯罩内或二头相通的玻璃管内,二端用纱布包扎置水盆上,离水面1寸左右,盆内放少量洗衣粉。傍晚放出,次日清晨收回,记载诱捕蛾数。灯罩内的活雌蛾每三天换一次,以保持较高的诱捕力。在实验区内同时安装一支20瓦黑光灯诱捕成虫,并定期系统调查  相似文献   

福建地区橘小实蝇田间种群动态监测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Steiner诱捕器内置诱捕剂Me或Cue与0.2%马拉硫磷混合物制成棉球诱芯,在福建省各个地区共设置50个监测点,诱捕监测橘小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel)种群动态。从2002~2005年,连续4年的诱捕结果表明,橘小实蝇在福建省的发生呈单峰特点,7~9月为发生盛期,高峰出现在8月份。瓜菜园生境、石榴芒果园生境和龙眼香蕉园生境中,石榴芒果园生境橘小实蝇种群密度最高。运用地理信息系统(MapInfo)对该虫监测数据进行地图分析表明,橘小实蝇种群密度的地域特征明显,橘小实蝇有不断向外扩散的趋势。  相似文献   

杨茜  乔辰  孙君  白雪华 《植物研究》2006,26(2):198-200
采用碘量法对4种落叶松幼苗的过氧化氢酶(CAT)动力学进行了研究。结果表明:在25℃、pH 7.0下,落叶松幼苗CAT活性为48.8~77.9 U·g-1 FW;Km值为8.3×10-2~2.38×10-1 mol·L-1;Vmax为0.071~0.200 μmol·min-1;CAT最适温度15~25℃,对温度的适应范围华北落叶松和兴安落叶松宽,长白落叶松和太白落叶松的窄;CAT最适pH值为7.0。太白落叶松对pH适应范围最窄,其可能是退化的物种。  相似文献   

油松毛虫是我国辽宁省油松林中的主要害虫,每年都有大面积的发生,给松林生存和生态建设安全造成了严重威胁。为了更好地使用性引诱剂防治,本文在辽宁省建平县通过林间诱捕试验,以油松毛虫性引诱剂为诱芯,比较了不同形状、不同颜色、不同悬挂高度的诱捕器对油松毛虫雄成虫的诱虫量。结果表明,4种形状诱捕器的诱虫量由高到低依次为:大船型诱捕器、三角型诱捕器、小船型诱捕器和桶型诱捕器;大船型与小船型和桶型的差异显著,与三角型的差异不显著。小船型与桶型的差异显著,与三角形的差异不显著。3种颜色诱捕器对油松毛虫雄成虫的诱虫量由高到低依次为:黑色诱捕器、绿色诱捕器、白色诱捕器;黑色诱捕器和白色诱捕器的诱虫量存在显著性差异;而绿色诱捕器与黑色诱捕器和白色诱捕器之间差异性不显著性。3种悬挂高度诱捕器的诱虫量由高到低依次为:悬挂高度为1.7 m的诱捕器,悬挂高度为3.1 m的诱捕器,悬挂高度为2.4 m的诱捕器;悬挂高度为1.7 m的诱捕器诱虫量与其余2种悬挂高度的诱捕器诱虫量差异性显著;悬挂高度为2.4 m的诱捕器诱虫量与悬挂高度3.1 m的诱捕器诱虫量差异性不显著。本文主要对不同诱捕器形状、颜色、悬挂高度3个因素利用正交试验方法进行了组合试验,并比较了组合诱捕器的诱虫量,得出诱虫量最大的是悬挂高度为1.7 m的绿色大船型诱捕器,建议在生产实践中推广该组合。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾性诱剂的诱蛾效果   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptern litura(Fabricius)性引诱剂诱芯的型状、盛虫器的颜色以及夜间不同时间段的诱蛾效果进行试验。结果表明,线状诱芯比杯状诱芯有效期长;不同颜色的盛虫器对诱虫效果没有影响;上半夜诱蛾百分率显著比午夜和下半夜的少,午夜与下半夜的之间没有显著性差异。筒型性诱捕器比水盆(用杯状诱芯)诱集斜纹夜蛾成虫效果好。  相似文献   

本文研究了FWS-DBL-1新型太阳能灭虫器在320~580、360、400、460和520 nm 5种不同波长下对吐鲁番葡萄产区害虫的诱捕效果及对天敌安全性。结果表明:在5种波长下,灭虫器诱捕昆虫的种类相似,以鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目、脉翅目、双翅目、直翅目和膜翅目等为主。诱捕的主要昆虫是蜉金龟Aphodius sp.、白云斑鳃金龟Polyphylla alba vicaria Semenov、额喙丽金龟Adoretus nigriforns Steven、毛喙丽金龟Adoretus hirsutus Ohaus、绣罗夜蛾Leucanitis picta Christoph和淘赏夜蛾Catocala puerpera Giorna等。其中:灭虫器在400 nm波长下的诱捕量最多,其次是320~580 nm和360 nm波长。综合分析比较:400 nm波长对鞘翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好,360 nm波长对鳞翅目和双翅目害虫的诱捕能力最强,520 nm波长对半翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好。对天敌的安全性研究表明:FWS-DBL-1太阳能灭虫器对天敌有一定的诱捕作用,益害比为1∶4~1∶5。诱捕量较多的是步甲科和草蛉科的天敌,占天敌总诱捕量的85.82%。在这5个波长中,360 nm波长下,灭虫器对天敌的诱捕作用最小,对天敌的安全性相对较高。  相似文献   

将雌性落叶松和黑松球果花蝇头胸和腹部充分研磨 ,加入溶剂正己烷得到粗提液。应用该粗提液进行了球果花蝇产卵阻碍信息素和性引诱信息素的野外试验。初步结果显示球果花蝇有产卵阻碍信息素作用的存在 ,但还需进一步试验证明 ;同时结果未显示有性引诱效果。  相似文献   

Beat sampling and two type of traps, cup traps and Tedders traps, were evaluated as sampling methods to detect and estimate population densities of adult Diaprepes abbreviatus L. weevils newly colonizing young citrus trees. The study was conducted over a 65-wk period across a 0.25-ha area of 80 citrus trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] (1.2-1.5 m tall). Beat samples were taken weekly to determine the number of trees infested and number of new adult weevils per tree. Sixteen of the 80 trees studied were each monitored weekly using one of the following trapping methods: cup traps in trees, cup traps on a stake in the ground within the tree drip line, cup traps on a stake in the ground outside of the drip line, Tedders traps on the ground within the drip line, and Tedders traps on the ground outside of the drip line. Weevils collected each week from trees and traps were removed from the study site. Based on the coefficients associated with Taylor's power law, the optimum numbers of trees to sample for an SEM equal to 25% of the mean estimate decreased from 50 trees at a mean of 0.5 new weevils per tree to 30 trees at a mean of 0.8 new weevils per tree. A significant relationship was found between the weekly mean number of new weevils per tree and the proportion of trees infested, a binomial relationship that could be further explored in the search for a sampling program for adult D. abbreviatus. Regression analyses indicated that three of the trapping methods served at least as weak indices of the presence and abundance of new weevils: cup traps in trees, Tedders traps inside the dripline and Tedders traps outside the dripline. Cup traps in trees and Tedders traps inside the dripline captured the most weevils and most frequently detected weevils. Although relatively inefficient as abundance indices of populations of new weevils, these two trapping methods appeared to have some value with respect to signaling when weevils first appeared in trees during the spring.  相似文献   

The nun moth, Lymantria monacha L., is one of the most important defoliators of Eurasian coniferous forests. Outbreaks during 2011–2015 in the natural/planted larch, and larch‐birch mixed forests of the Greater Khingan Range in Inner Mongolia, China, caused tremendous timber losses from severe defoliation and tree mortality. A series of trapping experiments were conducted in these outbreak areas to evaluate the efficacy of a synthetic species‐specific pheromone lure based on the female pheromone blend of European nun moth populations. Our results clearly show that the nun moth in Inner Mongolia is highly and specifically attracted to this synthetic pheromone, with few gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) captured. Flight activity monitoring of L. monacha male moths using pheromone‐baited Unitraps at 2 locations during the summer of 2015 indicated that the flight period started in mid‐July, peaking in early August at both locations. Based on male moth captures, there was a strong diurnal rhythm of flight activity throughout the entire scotophase, peaking between 22:00 and 24:00. Unitraps and wing traps had significantly and surprisingly higher catches than the gypsy moth traps. Unitraps fastened to tree trunks 2 m above ground caught significantly more male moths than those at the ground level or at 5 m height. Male L. monacha moths can be attracted to pheromone‐baited traps in open areas 150–200 m distant from the infested forest edge. Our data should allow improvement on the performance of pheromone‐baited traps for monitoring or mass‐trapping to combat outbreaks of this pest in northeastern China.  相似文献   

We compared the effectiveness of a dry collection cup (with an insecticide killing strip) to a wet collection cup (containing antifreeze) for use with Lindgren multiple-funnel traps in catching several common species of bark and wood-boring beetles, and their associates in southern pine forests. All traps were baited with either the binary combination of ethanol and (-)-alpha-pinene or the quaternary combination of (+/-)-ipsenol, (+/-)-ipsdienol, ethanol, and (-)-alpha-pinene. We found that cup treatment had little, if any, effect on catches of Ips avulsus (Eichhoff) and I. grandicollis (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), Alaus myops (F.) (Elateridae), Chalcophora Solier species (Buprestidae), Temnochila virescens (F.) (Trogositidae), and Lasconotus Erichson species (Colydiidae). In contrast, catches of the following species were significantly less (by 40-97%) in traps with dry cups than in traps with wet cups: Hylobius pales Herbst and Pachylobius picivorus LeConte (Curculionidae); Buprestis lineata F. (Buprestidae); Acanthocinus obsoletus (Olivier), Arhopalus rusticus nubilus (LeConte), Monochamus titillator (F.) and Xylotrechus sagittatus sagittatus (Cerambycidae); Hylastes porculus Erichson and Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) (Scolytidae); and Thanasimus dubius (F.) (Cleridae). The same was true in at least one experiment for the following species: Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier), Hylastes salebrosus Eichhoff, Hylastes tenuis Eichhoff, and Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) (Scolytidae). We conclude that cup treatment can have a significant impact on catches of some arboreal beetles in baited multiple-funnel traps. Anyone using multiple-funnel traps to capture arboreal beetles should evaluate the potential impacts arising from their choice of collection cup treatment to their trapping objectives and expectations. The issue of cup treatment may be particular important at low population levels when maximum trap efficiency is required such as in the detection of exotic insects at ports-of-entry and within quarantine and containment zones.  相似文献   

三突花蛛在东北地区一年一代、越冬龄期不整齐。在落叶松林内,早春上树捕食害虫,6月中旬后,下迁至林下的灌木丛和草上,在植物叶上做囊产卵,该幼蛛自孵化起至越冬前,不再主动向高树冠部迁移,而仅在灌木、草上及小树上活动,三突花蛛能捕食多种木害虫,在早春,其种群密度往往高于其它害虫天敌,是一种极有利用前途的天敌。  相似文献   

Subalpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) and western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) represent two closely related species with contrasting abundance and distribution patterns in Western North America. Genetic diversity at seven informative microsatellite loci was determined for 19 populations of subalpine larch and nine populations of western larch. Contrasting genetic diversity and patterns of population differentiation were observed between the two species. The overall within-population genetic diversity parameters were lower in subalpine larch (A = 3.2; A(P) = 3.6; H(E) = 0.418) than in western larch (A(P) = 5.51; H(E) = 0.580), a pattern that is likely related to historical or demographic factors. No evidence of interspecific hybridization was observed. Significantly more population differentiation (theta = 0.15; R(ST) = 0.07), consistent with more restricted gene flow, was observed for subalpine larch as compared to western larch (theta = 0.05; R(ST) = 0.04). Under the assumption of an infinite allele mutation model, 12 of the 19 subalpine larch populations showed signs of deviation from the mutation-drift equilibrium, which suggests Holocene population bottlenecks and fluctuations in effective population size for this species. None of the western larch populations deviated significantly from the mutation-drift equilibrium. For both species, Mantel's test revealed a significant positive relationship between geographical and genetic distances indicative of isolation by distance. A similar geographical structure was detected in both species, suggesting at least two genetically distinct glacial populations in each species. The various implications for gene conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

In cold or alpine areas of northern China, birch forests and larch forests are the two primary forest types. These forests are also characteristic of a south branch of boreal forests in Asia. Some ecologists argue that larch forests can replace birch forests, but this still remains a question due to fragmentary or short observations. The ecotone between a larch forest patch and a birch forest patch is the arena in which the two species interplay and compete with each other, and studies of these areas are meaningful to understanding forest succession. In the alpine area of the Baihuashan Reserve, northern China, we sampled a larch-birch forest ecotone with eight plots in four transects and then analyzed population structures of larches and birches. The results show that the edges of the larch forest patch are composed of many larch saplings or young trees, but the edges of the birch forest patch are mainly composed of old birches. Across the ecotone, the larches, on average, are taller than the birches. These facts suggest that larch saplings can permeate into birch forest patches, probably by seed dispersal, germination, success-ful competition and growth, but birch saplings cannot permeate into larch forest patches. Therefore, on the ecotone, larch forest patches can steadily expand by unceasing permeation into birch forest patches, whereas birch forest patches progressively recede due to ultimate death of the old and poor recruitment of the young. Larch forest patches replace birch forest patches in a stepwise manner, causing succession from birch forests to larch forests. This study not only confirms that larch forests can naturally replace birch forests, but also introduces a simple and reliable method, employing spatial hints, to study forest succession. Additionally, the findings are of benefit to cultivation or development of larch forests in cold or alpine areas of the North Temperate Zone, which can be a huge carbon sink.  相似文献   

The paper studies the introgressive hybridization between the Gmelin’s larch and Cajander larch. The obtained data confirm the indisputable specific independence of the Cajander larch, which occupies about 48% of the total area of the larch forests in Russia. Its specific independence has been doubted by some experts. Once again more reliable and vast material shows the presence of wide transitional belt of hybrid populations at the juncture of the hybridizing species. Some forestry characteristics of the Gmelin’s larch and Cajanderi larch are studied that play important role in their natural restoration.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci or simple sequence repeat loci (SSRs) were isolated in alpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) and western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.). In total, 14 SSR loci were characterized; two [(TCT)4, A7] came from published Larix DNA sequence data, one (CA)17 was obtained from a partial non-enriched alpine larch total genomic DNA library, and the remaining 11 loci were obtained from larch genomic DNAs enriched for (CA)n repeats. The SSR regions in these clones could be divided into three categories: perfect repeat sequences without interruption, imperfect repeat sequences with interruption(s), and compound repeat sequences with adjacent tandem simple dinucleotides. Eight of the 14 loci analyzed were found to be polymorphic and useful markers after silver-staining polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition, several SSR primers developed for alpine larch were able to successfully amplify polymorphic loci in its related species, western larch, and among other closely related taxa within the Larix genus. The inheritance of microsatellite loci was verified by analysis of haploid megagametophyte and diploid embryo tissues of progeny obtained from controlled crosses between western larch and alpine larch. All microsatellite loci analyzed had alleles that segregated according to expected Mendelian frequencies. Two species-specific markers (UAKLly10a and UAKLla1) allow easy and rapid identification of specific genetic entry of alpine larch and western larch at any stage in the sporophyte phase of the life cycle. Therefore, these markers are efficient in identifying the parental species and to validate controlled crosses between these two closely related species. These results are important in tree improvement programs of alpine larch and western larch aimed at producing genetically improved hybrid stock for reforestation in Western Canada and U.S.A.  相似文献   



Many theoretical researches predicted that the larch species would decrease drastically in China under future climatic changes. However, responses of the structural and compositional changes of Gmelin larch (Larix gmelinii var. gmelinii) forests to climatic changes have rarely been reported.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Field survey was conducted to examine the structures and compositions of natural Gmelin larch forests along a climatic gradient. Stepwise linear regression analyses incorporating linear and quadratic components of climatic and non-climatic factors were performed on the structural and compositional attributes of those natural Gmelin larch forests. Isothermality, Max Temperature of Warmest Month (TempWarmestMonth), Precipitation of Wettest Month (PrecipWettestMonth), Precipitation Seasonality (PrecipSeasonality) and Precipitation of Driest Quarter (PrecipDriestQuarter) were observed to be effective climatic factors in controlling structure and composition of Gmelin larch forests. Isothermality significantly affected total basal area of larch, while TempWarmestMonth, PrecipWettestMonth and PrecipSeasonality significantly affected total basal area of Mongolian pine, and PrecipDriestQuarter significantly affected mean DBH of larch, stand density of larch and total basal area of spruce and fir.


The summer and winter temperatures and precipitations are all predicted to increase in future in Northeast China. Our results showed the increase of total basal area of spruce and fir, the suppression of regeneration and the decrease of stand density of larch under increased winter precipitation, and the decrease of total basal area of larch under increased summer temperature in the region of current Gmelin larch forest. Therefore, we suggest that larch would decrease and spruce and fir would increase in the region of future Gmelin larch forest.  相似文献   

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