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本文研究了FWS-DBL-1新型太阳能灭虫器在320~580、360、400、460和520nm 5种不同波长下对吐鲁番葡萄产区害虫的诱捕效果及对天敌安全性.结果表明:在5种波长下,灭虫器诱捕昆虫的种类相似,以鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目、脉翅目、双翅目、直翅目和膜翅目等为主.诱捕的主要昆虫是蜉金龟Aphodius sp.、白云斑鳃金龟Polyphyyla alba vicaria Semenov、额喙丽金龟Adoretus nigriforns Steven、毛喙丽金龟Adoretus hirsutus Ohaus、绣罗夜蛾Leucanitis picta Christoph和淘赏夜蛾Catocala puerpera Gioma等.其中:灭虫器在400nm波长下的诱捕量最多,其次是320~580nm和360nm波长.综合分析比较:400nm波长对鞘翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好,360nm波长对鳞翅目和双翅目害虫的诱捕能力最强,520nm波长对半翅目害虫的诱捕效果最好.对天敌的安全性研究表明:FWS-DBL-1太阳能灭虫器对天敌有一定的诱捕作用,益害比为1:4~1:5.诱捕量较多的是步甲科和草蛉科的天敌,占天敌总诱捕量的85.82%.在这5个波长中,360nm波长下,灭虫器对天敌的诱捕作用最小,对天敌的安全性相对较高.  相似文献   

中喙丽金龟(Adaretus sinicus Burmeister)(茶色金龟子、中华阔头金龟(虫甲))和斑喙丽金龟(Adoretus tenui-maculatus Waterhouse)(茶色金龟子、散点阔头金龟(虫甲)、葡萄丽金龟)是重要农林害虫,为害各种作物、果树、蔬菜和林园苗木等,全国分布范围颇广。据现有资料,初步看出,中喙丽金龟主要分布于长江以南,斑喙丽金龟除江南外,北达辽宁、陕西等省。 这两种害虫在形态上十分近似,分布地区大多重叠,两者混作一种或张冠李戴的情况在所难免,因而影响了某些资料的可靠程度。国外文献对这两个种作了对比的检索,但采用的征状,有些本来区别不明显(如毛斑、头部等的比较),有些则具很大的可变性(如前足胫节外缘三齿的相对距离)(图2),难于实际使用。笔者见过一个定名为斑喙丽金龟的标本,是G  相似文献   

在科分类阶元上对半翅目、鳞翅目和鞘翅目8个科的23种昆虫图像中提取的昆虫面积、周长等11项数学形态特征进行了统计分析。结果表明,在科的阶元上11项特征可靠性大小依次为(似圆度、偏心率)>(面积、周长、横轴长、球状性)>(纵轴长、圆形性)>(形状参数、叶状性)>亮斑数。从数学形态学角度出发,夜蛾科等3个科的亲缘关系远近为夜蛾科与粉蝶科>大蚕蛾科与粉蝶科>夜蛾科与大蚕蛾科;鳃金龟等3科的亲缘关系远近为鳃金龟科与天牛科、丽金龟科与天牛科>鳃金龟科与丽金龟科。  相似文献   

[目的]为评价不同颜色实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel及天敌等昆虫的诱捕效果.[方法]在梨园内,距地面1.5 m处悬挂黄色、蓝色、绿色、红色、紫色5种颜色的普通粘虫板和实蝇粘虫板(含甲基丁香酚),观察并比较了5种颜色普通粘虫板和实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇的诱集效应;将实蝇粘虫板上昆虫洗脱下来鉴定、分类和数量统计,进行不同颜色实蝇粘虫板对天敌等昆虫的诱集效果比较.[结果]实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇诱捕虫数显著高于普通粘虫板,黄色和绿色实蝇粘虫板每板每周分别诱捕(97.83±9.59)头和(50.50±4.32)头桔小实蝇,且诱虫量显著高于蓝色、红色和紫色粘虫板的.黄色实蝇粘虫板诱集到7种天敌和9种害虫,绿色实蝇粘虫板诱集到5种天敌和9种害虫;5种颜色实蝇粘虫板的益害比均较小.诱捕到的昆虫中以双翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目的昆虫为主,天敌主要有脉翅目、鞘翅目和膜翅目等昆虫,而且均不是桔小实蝇的寄生性天敌,仅有蠼螋这种极少量的捕食性天敌.[结论]黄色和绿色实蝇粘虫板诱杀桔小实蝇效果较好,对天敌的杀伤力相对较小,可在桔小实蝇发生期使用.  相似文献   

[目的]为明确不同太阳能光源波长对松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus诱捕效果的影响,并评价太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用对松墨天牛引诱剂的促进作用,以应用于松墨天牛的绿色防控.[方法]选择波长为365-370、370-375、380-385、390-395、395-400、400-405、405-420、515-520、580-590和600-610nm的10种太阳能LED光源,测定不同光源对松墨天牛的林间诱捕效果,并筛选出诱捕效果最好的光源波长,选择此波长与引诱剂组合对松墨天牛进行诱捕试验.[结果]10种不同波长太阳能光源对松墨天牛均表现出一定的引诱作用,其中波长为380-385 nm的太阳能光源对松墨天牛诱捕效果最好,诱捕量为(12.00±6.53)头,其次是390-395nm,显著优于波长为365-370、370-375、390-395、395-400、400-405、405-420、515-520、580-590和600-610 nm;与单独使用引诱剂相比,太阳能光源与引诱剂组合对松墨天牛诱捕效果具有显著的促进作用(P<0.05).太阳能光源与引诱剂诱捕量均值为(21.83±10.65)头,比单独引诱剂诱捕效果提高35%,为单独太阳能光源诱捕效果的5.9倍;引诱剂诱、太阳能光源和太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用捕到的松墨天牛雌雄性比分别为2.4∶1、1.7∶1和3.3∶1,均具有显著的偏雌性.[结论]太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用具有比单独引诱剂诱捕更好的诱捕效果.这一结论对降低松墨天牛种群密度和减少松材线虫病传播几率具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为了明确灯诱和引诱剂对田间金龟害虫的诱捕效果,利用自动虫情测报灯和2种引诱剂诱捕器对同一块花生田发生的金龟甲的诱集效果进行了对比试验。结果表明,两种方式对金龟甲的诱集效果差异明显。诱虫灯对东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia和铜绿丽金龟Anomala corpulenta的日均诱虫量分别为3.30头和1.27头,引诱剂诱捕器对两种金龟甲的日均诱虫量分别为1.25头和0.34头。自动虫情测报灯的诱虫总量和持效性较好,均明显优于引诱剂诱捕器的诱捕效果。引诱剂诱捕器对雌性东北大黑鳃金龟的特异诱集效果优于自动虫情测报灯。尽管两种诱捕方式全年诱虫量存在较大差异,但两者所监测得到的金龟甲发生动态趋势基本一致,且特殊气象条件诱集数据可相互补充,并提出大面积防治工作中应以虫情测报灯为主,引诱剂诱捕器可作为重要辅助手段。  相似文献   

【目的】针对害虫对不同波长光的趋性,筛选适合诱杀玉米-大豆带状田主要害虫的LED单波长杀虫灯,并探寻其应用模式,提高防虫效果,减少对天敌昆虫的影响。【方法】以复合波长LED杀虫灯为对照,调查13个单波长LED杀虫灯在玉米-大豆带状套作全生育期内诱杀的害虫种类和数量,并监测害虫发生动态。【结果】筛选获得385、389、395、403、407 nm 5个单波长LED杀虫灯,对套作田内桃蛀螟DichocrocispunctiferalisGuenée、斜纹夜蛾SpodopteralituraFabricius、暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky、小黄鳃金龟Metabolus flavescens Brenske和蝽科Pentatomidae害虫的诱杀效果较好,且与复合波长LED杀虫灯相比对天敌昆虫和中性昆虫的影响小。【结论】套作栽培下主要害虫的防治需结合害虫发生动态,适时使用5种杀虫灯,从而达到最大防控效果,这为合理利用LED单波长杀虫灯监测和防控玉米-大豆带状套作栽培主要害虫提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Ohba  M  吴继星 《微生物学杂志》1992,12(2):75-76
从日本土壤中分离到一株形成芽孢的细菌,属于苏芸金杆菌日本变种(鞭毛抗原H_(23))。该菌伴孢内容物呈球形到卵形,对鞘翅目金龟甲铜黄异丽金龟、大绿金龟甲、大豆金龟、日本金龟的幼虫显示高毒,而对鳞翅目、双翅目、直翅目的幼虫和鞘翅目叶甲成虫无毒。目前,生态学研究证明,苏芸金杆菌(Bt)广泛存在于世界各地的土壤中,并具有不同的杀虫特性。这些报道认为,土  相似文献   

为了解探照灯和测报灯两种光源对金龟子的诱捕效果,2015-2018年,在漯河市农业科学院五里岗试验基地设置探照灯和测报灯,对金龟子种群进行了诱捕监测。结果表明:暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟是漯河地区上灯金龟子的优势种。探照灯监测到的暗黑鳃金龟年度首现日比测报灯早7±7.80 d,年均诱捕数量比测报灯多出24137.75±12724.78头,占金龟子总量的百分比增加20.8±4.4(SE);探照灯监测到的铜绿丽金龟年度首现日比测报灯晚5±3.60 d,年均诱捕数量比测报灯减少1793.75±504.02头,占金龟子总量的百分比减少12.4±1.6;全光谱(380~680 nm)的探照灯对暗黑鳃金龟的诱捕作用显著高于紫外光(主波长365 nm)的测报灯,而对铜绿丽金龟诱捕作用显著低于测报灯。这一结果暗示着可见光具有对暗黑鳃金龟相对专性的诱捕潜能。  相似文献   

双重标准差法在昆虫科阶元分类学上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科分类阶元上对半翅目、鳞翅目和鞘翅目8个科的23种昆虫图像中提取的昆虫面积、周长等11项数学形态特征进行了双重标准差法分析,以评估该方法在昆虫科阶元分类上的应用有效性。结果表明,在科的阶元上11项特征可靠性大小依次为: (似圆度、偏心率、 圆形性>(横轴长、形状参数、叶状性>(面积、周长、球状性> (纵轴长、亮斑数)。科的亲缘关系远近结果显示: 蝽科和缘蝽科关系较近>丽金龟科、天牛科与鳃金龟科关系较近>夜蛾科、大蚕蛾科和粉蝶科关系较近。所得结果与统计假设检验分析所得结果非常相似。  相似文献   

海南南部夜间空中昆虫群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海南南部是中国农作物冬季南繁育种的重要基地。为了明确南繁基地空中昆虫群落结构,利用探照灯诱虫器于2017年-2018年监测了空中飞行的昆虫种类和动态。共计发现396种昆虫,隶属于13目88科307属,其中包括粘虫、棉铃虫、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶野螟等重大迁飞性害虫以及黑肩绿盲蝽、异色瓢虫等迁飞性天敌昆虫。鳞翅目(206种,52.02%),半翅目(85种,21.46%)和鞘翅目(57种,14.39%)是该地区的三大优势目。本研究明确了我国重要的农作物南繁基地夜间空中昆虫群落的结构,为指导作物害虫测报和防控工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

大叶醉鱼草访花昆虫行为与活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2009年4~9月对云南农业大学苗圃内栽植的大叶醉鱼草访花昆虫进行观察。结果表明,大叶醉鱼草的访花昆虫有63种,隶属双翅目、半翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目、鞘翅目、革翅目和螳螂目;食蚜蝇科为大叶醉鱼草种群的主要传粉昆虫;不同月份访花昆虫的种类不同;天气变化会影响访花昆虫的种类和数量;同一天内不同时间,访花昆虫的访花频率有差异,一般每天12:00~16:00的访花频率最高。  相似文献   

Abstract In Brazil, a severe dry season lasting for approximately 5 months and frequent fires make life difficult for cerrado insects. In certain aspects, the cerrado can be considered to be an understudied ecosystem; even basic information such as knowledge about the annual peak in abundance of different insect orders is unknown. Insect abundance patterns have only been investigated for a few groups in the cerrado region. Thus, our study concerns the temporal distribution of insect abundance in the savanna‐like vegetation of the central Brazilian cerrado (sensu stricto) in Distrito Federal. The region has a well‐defined, long dry season between May and September. The insects were sampled by window, malaise tent and pitfall traps within 1 year. We used a multiple linear regression to analyse the relationship between abundance of insects of each order and climate variables. A total of 50 127 individuals from 15 orders was collected. The orders were Coleoptera (26%), Hymenoptera (23%), Diptera (20.5%), Isoptera (20%), Homoptera (4%), Lepidoptera (4%), Orthoptera (1.5%) and Hemiptera (1%). The abundance of Diptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera and Orthoptera was randomly distributed over time, Isoptera peaked in the first half of the wet season, Coleoptera and Hemiptera in the second half of the wet season and Hymenoptera in each season. A significant correlation was found only between Coleoptera and delayed climatic variables. There were no obvious trends that might help explain the abundance patterns observed. The study provides baseline information about phenological patterns of insect abundance and permits evaluation of this group as a resource for various food chains and different trophic levels.  相似文献   

为探明贵州玉米田昆虫群落结构和杀虫灯对害虫的防治效果,选取贵州玉米田3个具有代表性的点分别安装诱虫灯,进行诱集调查,并对近灯区(距离灯20 m以内)、远灯区(距离灯20~150 m)和对照区的昆虫种群消长情况进行田间调查。结果表明,贵州玉米田昆虫共有11目66科132种,主要为同翅目、鞘翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目、直翅目、双翅目和半翅目类昆虫;灯诱共获得89个种类,其中害虫占64.77%,益虫占15.91%,中性昆虫占19.32%。田间调查结果显示,近灯区物种丰富度最高,对照区次之,远灯区最低;近灯区玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis、黏虫Mythimna seperata (Walker)、灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus和条赤须盲蝽Trigonotylus coelestialium (Kirkaldy)等趋光性昆虫的种群数量长期高于其他区域。综上所述,风吸式诱虫灯对玉米田害虫有较好的防治效果,为玉米田害虫的绿色防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

The diet and trophic groups of an assemblage of aquatic insects were studied in a tropical stream. Genera of the orders Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera showed feeding specialization. Others, such as Trichoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera, showed great diet variation with genera of different trophic groups. Seasonal variation of insect diet, evident only for some genera of the orders Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera, was due to the differences observed in community composition and to generalist habits of these genera. However, the seasonal comparison of trophic groups showed no significant statistical differences. The great importance of organic matter, a non-limited resource, in the diet of Ribeir?o do Atalho aquatic insects may be the explanation for the trophic stability in this community organization.  相似文献   

Thirty-one species of microsporidia, isolated from insects and stored in liquid nitrogen for up to 25 yr, were infectious when removed from liquid nitrogen. The natural hosts of all of these microsporidia were terrestrial insects, representing six different insect orders: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera. All microsporidia from terrestrial insects that were tested survived storage in liquid nitrogen, while Nosema algerae , a microsporidium from aquatic mosquito hosts did not survive freezing in liquid nitrogen. A Nosema species from the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica , lost some infectivity in a water storage medium after 25 yr in liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen storage of microsporidian spores in 50% and 100% glycerol media reduced loss of infectivity and is recommended for extended storage of microsporidia from terrestrial insect hosts.  相似文献   

根据昆虫图像,对半翅目(Hemiptera)、鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)、鞘翅目(Coleoptera)的34种昆虫提取形状参数、叶状性、球状性等7项数学形态特征进行了统计分析,从而论证了各项数学形态特征在目级昆虫分类阶元上作为分类特征的可行性和可靠性,并从数学形态学角度对所涉及到的同阶元昆虫类群的亲缘关系做了描述。结果表明,在作为目级阶元分类特征时,各项特征的可靠性依次为:(似圆度、偏心率、亮斑数)>(叶状性、球状性、圆形性)>形状参数。由这些特征的差异显著性可知,从数学形态特征角度讲,3个目的亲缘关系远近大小依次为:半翅目与鞘翅目>半翅目与鳞翅目>鳞翅目与鞘翅目。  相似文献   

A community of frugivorous insects was studied by rearing of 25 565 individual insects representing three orders (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera except Drosophilidae) from 326 woody plant species in a lowland rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Fruits from 19.3% of plant species were not attacked by any insect order, 33.4% of plant species were attacked by a single order, 30% by two orders and 17.2% by all three orders. The likelihood of attack by individual orders was positively correlated so that a higher proportion of plant species than expected suffered either no attack at all or was attacked by all three insect orders. Fruits from most of the plant species exhibited low rates of attack and low densities of insects. One kilogram of fruit was attacked on average by 11 insects, including three to four Coleoptera, six Diptera and one Lepidoptera. Thus, we reared on average one insect from 10 fruits, including one Diptera from 14 fruits, one Coleoptera from 22 fruits and one Lepidoptera from 100 fruits. Only 72 out of the 326 plant species hosted more than one insect per 10 fruits, and only seven species supported a density of greater than one insect per fruit. Our results suggest that specialized insect seed predators are probably too rare to maintain the diversity of vegetation by density‐dependent mortality of seeds as suggested by the Janzen–Connell hypothesis. Fruit weight, fruit volume, mesocarp volume, seed volume and fleshiness had no significant effect on the probability that a fruit would be attacked by an insect frugivore. However, fruits attacked by Diptera were significantly larger and had larger volume of both mesocarp and seeds than fruits attacked by Coleoptera and Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Betelvine (Piper betle) is an important cash crop in India. The cultivation of this crop is seriously threatened by several pest insects, for example the homopterans Aleurocanthus rugosa, Dialeuroides pallida, Aphis gossypii and Tricentrus gibbosulus and the thysanopterans Membrothrips indicus, Zaniothrips ricini, Mymarothrips garuda and Aroidothrips longistylus and by the plant pathogenic fungi Curvularia lunata, Phytophthora parasitica, Colletotrichum piperis and Fusarium moniliforme. The pest and pathogen species are attacked by natural enemies belonging to the Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Aranea and Acari. While occurrence of non-acarine enemies is confined to certain seasons, the acarine enemies are associated with the insect pests and fungal pathogens throughout the year. The predatory mites Walzia indiana and Proctolaelaps pygmaeus and the mycophagous mites Unguizetes clavatus and Acarus sp. seem to have potential to control the insect pests and fungal pathogens, respectively.  相似文献   

The diets of Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri and the common long-eared bat Plecotus auritus were investigated at a nursery colony of each species by analysis of droppings collected monthly from May to September. Respectively, 68% and 42% of the diets comprised items presumed to have been gleaned from foliage or other surfaces: diurnal insects, insects which rarely fly, and non-flying arthropods. Such surfaces included the ground: centipedes were eaten by both bats, and the muscid, Scatophaga stercoraria , usually associated with cattle dung, was a common prey. Indeed, the prevalence of cattle-farming around both of the bat roosts almost certainly contributed indirectly, in the form of S. stercoraria , to a significant part of the Diptera consumed. The chief food of M. nattereri was the larger Diptera, but Trichoptera, Hymenoptera and Arachnida were also important. Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera were minor prey, with Dermaptera and Chilopoda taken occasionally. Diptera, closely followed by Lepidoptera, together accounted for nearly two-thirds of the diet of P. auritus. Also taken, in descending order of importance, were Trichoptera, Arachnida, Chilopoda, Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera. Plecotus auritus , but not M. nattereri , was evidently able to take a few small insects such as aphids and lesser nematoceran Diptera.  相似文献   

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