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冰川影响下的河流形成了独特的冷水生态系统, 为水生生物提供了多样的栖息地。然而在全球气候变暖的背景下, 冰川和积雪不断退缩、甚至加速消融, 破坏了原有的水生生态系统。文章综述了国内外有关冰川积雪融水对河流水生生物及环境因子影响的研究现状, 探讨了冰川流域水生生物研究存在的问题及未来相关的方向。冰川积雪融水对河流水生生物的群落结构及遗传多样性产生了不同程度的影响。同时某些水生生物在形态、生活史和行为适应能力等方面也产生了抵抗极端环境的进化。笔者提出应重点关注水生生物对冰川和积雪退化的响应机制与变化趋势, 以期为冰川流域水生生物多样性及保护提供一定依据。  相似文献   

覃光球  卢豪良  唐振柱  赵鹏  白雪涛  彭亮 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2481-2489
捕食信息素是捕食者释放的,能够引发猎物反捕食反应的化学信号。在水生生态系统中,捕食信息素在捕食者和猎物之间信息传递及协同进化过程中发挥着重要的作用,其生态学效应在国际上受到广泛关注。捕食信息素的来源有多种形式,研究中常使用养殖过捕食者的水溶液作为捕食信息素的来源。捕食信息素的作用效果受到捕食者和猎物的种类、信息素的浓度、观察的指标等多方面因素的影响。捕食信息素可以对水生生物的行为、形态和生活史特征等方面造成影响。水生生物通过感知捕食信息素来提前预知潜在的被捕食风险,并作出适应性调整,以降低被捕食的风险。在某些情况下,捕食信息素可以与污染物产生交互作用,从而干扰污染物对水生生物的毒性。对水生环境中捕食信息素的研究现状做了综述,介绍了当前对捕食信息素来源和理化性质等本质问题的认识,总结捕食信息素对水生生物行为、形态和生活史特征的影响,以及捕食信息素对污染物毒性的干扰,并分析了这一研究领域尚存在的困难和今后的研究方向。加强对捕食信息素的研究,将为解析水生环境中捕食者和猎物的生态关系提供新依据。  相似文献   

报道了四川省甘洛县甘洛河支流--格古河的水生生物资源凋查及其水域生态系统研究结果.有4门类96属、种,以藻类、原生动物和水生昆虫等类群的种类和数量较多,其资源较为丰富,群落结构复杂,功能多样,生态位明显.分析了水电开发引起的水域生态环境变化对水生生物、水生生态系统的影响及潜在威胁,并提出相应的保护措施建议.  相似文献   

岩溶区水生生态系统微藻的生物碳泵效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严壮  汪夏雨  李为  余龙江 《微生物学报》2019,59(6):1012-1025
微藻在水生生态系统的碳固定中扮演重要角色。本文综述了岩溶区水生生态系统生物碳泵的提出、岩溶区微藻生物碳泵作用、影响微藻固碳的主要环境因素以及岩溶区微藻固碳的研究进展,并提出了亟待解决的关键科学问题,为深入研究岩溶区水生生态系统微藻固碳能力及生物碳泵机制、科学认识岩溶生态系统的碳汇潜力、丰富和完善岩溶碳循环理论提供参考。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)不仅具有"三致"效应(致癌、致畸、致突变)和遗传毒性,而且对内分泌系统、神经系统、免疫系统等具有毒害作用。再加上自身具有难降解、易蓄积、可长距离运输等特点,给水生生态系统以及人类带来极大危害。结合当前的研究趋势,围绕水生生物中持久性有机污染物的免疫毒性进行了介绍,同时回顾了近年来该类污染物的污染状况及各方面毒性效应,并对目前该领域中存在的问题及下一步需要关注的热点进行了讨论和总结。  相似文献   

气候变化、生物多样性及生物资源等方面的热点研究越来越多地涉及到水生生物,<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约>(CITES)也日益关注水生野生动物的贸易管理问题.自CITES第九届缔约国大会以来,CITES附录物种的讨论中越来越多地出现水生生物种类,有关的管理机制正在不断完善之中.中国是水生生物的利用大国,CITES对水生生物贸易的管理将会对我国产生深远影响.本文对CITES中水生生物的管理情况进行了回顾,同时结合公约第十四届缔约国人会的最新信息,分析了目前的热点问题,探讨了其对我国水生生物管理的影响.分析结果表明,CITES对水生生物的管理正在不断扩展,力度不断增强,CITES正趋于参与商业开发水生物种的管理.有鉴于此,建议加强水生生物资源利用及管理方面的基础性研究,为资源保护、可持续利用及国家制订公约履约策略提供依据.  相似文献   

本文阐述了水生模型生态系统的基本概念、类型、发展概况及存在问题。着重介绍各种不同类型水生模型生态系统的基本结构、研究方法及其在评价整体生态效应中的应用意义并就目前水生模型生态系统研究中存在的主要问题及今后努力方向作了简要的评述。  相似文献   

水域是地球环境的重要组成部分,也是最易受污染的生态系统之一。水生态系统中不同营养级别的水生生物可通过摄食、接触等多种途径摄入水体中的污染物。因此,监测水域污染物对水生生物和生态系统的影响,解析污染物对不同水生生物的毒性机制,筛选敏感、有效的生物标志物对生态毒理学研究和环境风险评价具有重要意义。RNA测序(RNA sequencing,RNA?seq)技术因所需样品量少,且不需参考序列,可在整体水平上鉴定基因差异表达,成为水生生物生态毒理学研究的最佳方法之一。基于此,介绍了RNA?seq技术的基本流程与数据分析过程,对该技术在不同生态位的水生生物(如鱼类、两栖类、贝类、甲壳类等)生态毒理学中的应用展开综述,并对RNA?seq技术面临的不足、挑战及发展趋势进行探讨,以期为该技术在水生生物生态毒理学研究中的应用,尤其是水生态环境中污染物胁迫水生生物机制的阐明及污染水域生态环境恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

王金迪  王成业  赵敏  冯颖 《生物资源》2018,40(6):507-511
汞是一种人体非必需且有毒的重金属元素,全球性的汞污染因对人类健康具有损害而备受社会关注。自然界中的汞绝大部分会通过江河径流和雨雪尘土的沉降而进入水生生态系统,每年进入水生生态系统的汞至少有10 000吨。水生昆虫作为重要的消费者生物存在于水生生态食物网中,是其重要的组成部分,在水生生态系统的物质循环中扮演着重要角色。本文介绍了近年来水生昆虫与汞之间的相关研究,重点总结了水生昆虫对汞的吸收和富集程度,分析了水生昆虫在汞的水-陆转移中的作用。研究数据表明,水生昆虫对汞的吸收程度与环境因素有关,并通过不同的途径转移到陆地生态系统中,对陆地生态系统上层食物链的生物存在一定的威胁,同时也需注意在对水生昆虫进行开发利用的同时,考虑汞是否超标的因素。  相似文献   

水生生态系统的碳循环及对大气CO2的汇   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
严国安  刘永定 《生态学报》2001,21(5):827-833
水生生态系统,特别是海洋无疑是大气CO2的一个巨大的汇.海洋对大气CO2的汇以及大气圈和海洋之间碳的变换量在很大程度上取决于混合层碳酸盐化学、水中溶解碳的平流传输、CO2通过空气--海水界面的扩散、海洋生物生产和所产生的有机碳化合物的沉降等,现在已建立和发展了多种海洋碳子模型以对CO2的汇进行估测.根据国内外研究资料,综述了水生生态系统碳循环过程及"生物泵”作用机制等方面的研究进展;介绍了两大类主要的海洋碳子模型厢式模型和普通环流模型,采用这些模型对海洋碳汇的估算约为1.2~2.4GtC/a;分析了湖泊、河流等对大气CO2汇的特点及向海洋的转移,并对影响水体生态系统碳循环和大气CO2汇的因素进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Three levels of physical disturbance were applied to corals in permanent 10x10 m quadrats along a section of fringing reef at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef to investigate the response of fish assemblages. Tabular and corymbose corals were overturned and left in situ, reducing total hard coral cover from ˜55% to ˜47%, ˜43%, and ˜34%. Despite pre-existing associations with benthic cover, all fish groups examined (pomacentrids, labrids, chaetodontids, and acanthurids) were resistent to benthic disturbances at the level and scale at which they were applied. Partial Mantel's tests, in combination with partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis enabled spatial and temporal variation to be factored out from experimental effects. Most of the variation in the fish community could be assigned to spatio-temporal variables, indicating that spatial structure over the reef landscape may moderate localised disturbance effects. This study indicates that coral reef fish assemblages may be more resistant to disturbance than many correlative studies would suggest, and highlights a need for further information on levels and scales of natural habitat disturbance in order to apply a structured approach to the experimental investigation of the importance of habitat in structuring coral-reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Pietro Omodeo 《Hydrobiologia》1984,115(1):187-190
Twelve species of aquatic earthworms have been found in European inland waters where they occupy different environments. Two species live exclusively in the sapropel, that is in the black fetid asphyctic mud, while four species can be found either in the sapropel or in the more oxygenated gyttja. The remaining species prefer this type of soil, but Eisenia spelaea in Italy lives only within submerged litter in mountain streams. The biology of these earthworms is discussed and the possibility of their utilization by man is considered.  相似文献   

水生态功能分区研究中的基本问题   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
唐涛  蔡庆华 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6255-6263
重点流域水生态功能一级二级分区研究是当前我国正在开展的一项重要工作,如何进行科学、合理的分区是值得深入探讨且亟待回答的重要问题。从水生态功能分区与水生态区划的关系、水生生物在分区中的应用、以及如何选取合适的定量分析方法等方面入手,阐述了对分区目的、指标体系和技术方法等关键问题的理解。并建议:(1)统一选用流域水生态系统结构、功能空间差异的环境驱动因子作为分区指标体系;(2)用生境尺度的水环境、水生生物指标来验证分区结果;(3)尽可能统一定量分析方法,以便为不同流域间分区结果的比较,以及为将来在全国尺度上开展分区工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

The paper records the occurrence of 23 species of fresh-water oligochaetes belonging to five families collected in and around Nagpur City. Of these, Nais andina Cernosvitov is a new record for the Indian sub-continent and for the eastern hemisphere. Its sex organs are described for the first time here. Aulophorus moghei is new to science. Sixteen other species, Nais andina and Aulophorus moghei are planktonic forms and the rest inhabit mud at the bottom of water sources.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Ni, Co, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr and As were determined in aquatic sediments, water and macrophytes collected from a fluvial system, contaminated by mine effluents. Myriophyllum verticillatum collected in May below the trace element point source accumulated 169 µg/g of Ni, 860 µg/g of Co, 37 µg/g of Cu, 31 µg/g of Pb, 92 µg/g of Zn, 6.9 µg/g of Cr and 1,200 µg/g of As (concentrations in dry weight). The aquatic macrophytes Nymphaea odoratae and Pontederia cordata accumulated the investigated trace elements to a much lesser extent. The concentrations of trace elements in Myriophyllum verticillatum decreased from May to August. Correlations were found between the concentrations of total Ni, Co and Cu in the bottom sediment and in the submerged macrophytes. However, there was no correlation between the amounts of these trace elements extractable by 0.5 N HCl from the sediments and the concentrations in the macrophytes.  相似文献   

高俊峰  张志明  蔡永久  黄佳聪 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5677-5691
我国目前处于生态环境管理的转型期,尚未形成统领水生生物、生物栖息地、水质与水量等要素的水生态保护体系。在总结相关水生态研究成果的基础上,梳理形成了基于水生态系统时空尺度和状态梯度效应理论的水生态保护目标制定构想与方法,分析了淡水生物完整性对自然地理要素、水环境压力、栖息地质量的响应机制,提出以水生态“功能分区-状态评价-问题诊断-目标预设-可达性评估-目标确定”为主线的水生态保护目标制定技术体系,研发了生物完整性评价、水生态保护目标预设和可达性分析等技术方法。以江苏省常州市为典型水生态功能区应用案例,验证了技术体系的适用性与可行性,取得良好的应用效果。水生态保护目标制定理论和方法方面的研究探索可为全国相关工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Hydrostatic pressure and aquatic plant growth: a laboratory study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
H. M. Dale 《Hydrobiologia》1984,111(3):193-200
A method was tested for growing aquatic vascular plants at elevated hydrostatic pressure so that the influence of other factors will not mask the specific plant-pressure interaction. Eighteen species of submersed vascular plants, belonging to twelve families and several distinct growth forms, were subjected to series of hydrostatic pressures including those well in excess of those encountered by the species when growing at its normal depths in lakes. Under no circumstances was the form of the plant altered even at the highest pressures, equivalent to that at a water depth of 23 m. The removal of confounding extraneous factors depends upon controlling competing algae, on raising the pressure in a series of steps, on maintaining the pressure without fluctuations during the growing period, on suiting the light and temperature conditions to the species and maintaining aquasoil air spaces or allowing them to develop. These preliminary data suggest that the level of hydrostatic pressure in the depth distribution of aquatic plants cannot be either a necessary or a sufficient controlling factor.  相似文献   

有毒蓝藻产生的蓝藻毒素对淡水生态系统构成了严重的全球性环境威胁,其中微囊藻毒素(MCs)是所有蓝藻毒素中分布最广、危害最大的一类肝毒素。MCs已对水生态系统的结构、功能和稳定性造成了不良影响,并对人类健康构成威胁。本文综述了当前MCs在水体、沉积物和水生动物体内的分布,以及MCs的生物毒性机制,在此基础上,总结了MCs对水生动物、水生植物及陆生植物的生态毒理效应,及其引发的人类健康风险,并关注了MCs的生物防治方法。最后,针对当前MCs相关研究领域中存在的不足提出展望,旨在为淡水水体中MCs的风险评估与治理管控提供参考。  相似文献   

An ecological study was conducted in May and June of 1995 and 1996 in South Carolina to determine the factors associated with distributions of aquatic Lepidoptera (Crambidae: Nymphulinae). Larvae were found at 65 lotic and lentic sites in three ecoregions (Piedmont, Sandhills, Coastal Plain). Nine species of aquatic Lepidoptera were collected from 12 species of aquatic vascular macrophytes. One to six plant species were used as hosts, depending on the species of lepidopteran; however, the number of host plants used by a lepidopteran was significantly correlated with the lepidopteran's frequency of occurrence. Significant habitat associations were found for five species. Langessa nomophilalis (Dyar) was found under the widest range of temperature and width and occurred in both lotic and lentic habitats. Munroessa icciusalis (Walker) was found in lotic and lentic habitats and had the widest range of recorded depths. Parapoynx maculalis (Clemens) occurred at stream sites with lentic-like conditions. Parapoynx obscuralis (Grote) occupied the widest range of pH and was restricted to lotic habitats, and P. seminealis (Walker) was found in both lotic and lentic habitats. Additional species, collected at fewer than 8% of sites, included M. gyralis, P. allionealis, Synclita obliteralis, and S. tinealis. Overall, the distributions of aquatic Lepidoptera in South Carolina were nonrandom and predictable on the basis of habitat characteristics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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