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水生态空间红线概念、划定方法及实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俞孔坚  王春连  李迪华  袁弘  李文豪  洪敏 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5911-5921
我国面临着多方面、复杂的水生态问题:洪涝、干旱、水质污染、水生生境丧失以及人水关系日益疏远等等。解决这些问题,不能依赖单一目标的灰色工程方法,而必须从维护和保育水生态系统的完整性出发,来系统地解决问题。为此,如何定义一个相对完整的水生态系统的边界、划定维护其安全和健康的底线,即水生态空间红线,是用生态方法综合解决水问题的基础性的工作。研究提出了以保护水生态系统的综合生态服务为核心的水生态空间红线概念;提出了以水生态安全格局构建为基础的水生态空间红线划定方法和"水生态问题分析-水生态过程模拟和评价-水生态安全等级划分-水生态安全格局判定-水生态空间红线的划定"技术流程,分别划定水资源供给保护、水文调节保护、水生命支持和水文化保护四种类型的水生态保护空间红线,在此基础上,整合为综合的水生态空间红线,它呈现为对水生态过程具有关键意义的点、线、面和空间联系所构成的空间格局,并以雁栖湖流域为例进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

岳启蒙  文倩  贺奕  田培  王纤阳  鱼京善  朱占亮 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5586-5597
城市水生态承载力能较好反映水资源-水环境-水生态-经济社会复合系统间多要素互馈关系,水生态文明城市建设对城市水生态系统具有多方面影响,对城市水生态承载力在水生态文明城市建设前后的变化进行定量研究具有重要意义。以城市"社会-经济-自然"复合生态理论为指导,充分考虑人类活动与城市水生态系统的响应关系,基于DPSIR框架构建城市水生态承载力评价指标体系,以水生态文明建设试点城市武汉市为例,综合运用熵权法、TOPSIS和障碍度诊断模型等方法,分析2008-2019年武汉市水生态承载力的变化趋势和影响因素。结果表明,水生态文明城市试点建设期间(2015-2017年)的水生态承载力平均水平(0.552)明显高于建设前(0.361)和建设后(0.438),建设成果主要体现在压力和影响指标的改善以及响应指标的大幅度提升上。阻碍武汉市水生态承载力提升的主要指标为生态环境状况指数、建成区绿化覆盖率、农田灌溉亩均用水量、酸雨量和饮用水源地水质达标率。根据评价结果提出水城共生共荣发展模式、引导产业结构转型等提升武汉市水生态承载力的建议。  相似文献   

李翔  张远  孔维静  郦威  卫毅梅  冯祯 《生态科学》2013,32(6):744-751
流域水生态功能区是管理流域水生态系统的基本单元,其特点是统筹陆地和河流生态系统,更好、更全面反应流域水生态系统的整体特征。通过对流域内重要生境的识别,可以为区域内生物保护目标、生态安全目标、流域管理等方案的制定和实施提供重要的科学依据。该文以辽河保护区为例,从分区理论、划分方法、指标体系建立和划分结果四个方面详细介绍了分区过程,最终以保护区内主要自然影响和人类干扰作为主要分区指标,将辽河保护区划分为8 个水生态功能三级区,并总结了各功能区的地貌、河段特征和土地利用特征等。研究结果将有助于对辽河保护区的内生态环境状况进行修复与改良。  相似文献   

赵玲玲  夏军  杨芳  杨龙  徐飞 《生态学报》2021,41(12):5054-5065
水是生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要纽带,水生态系统修复在区域生态系统修复中起到关键作用。粤港澳大湾区剧烈人类活动对江河湖库生态系统造成破坏和干扰,江河湖库污染严重,水生物减少,导致流域水生态服务功能退化甚至丧失;从生态修复科学内涵出发,判断湾区水生态系统健康状况已处于非生物控制跃迁阈值之下;针对该形势,从工程建设、水环境治理、空间规划和管理机制四个方面,梳理湾区近期开展的与水生态修复相关的水生态文明建设、水污染防治行动计划、水生态空间划定和推进河长制等工作,并对其中用到的技术、指标和制度进行条理;然后以茅洲河流域综合治理和广东万里碧道作为水生态修复的点、面代表,从水生态修复的整体目标、采用的技术措施、效果评价的指标体系和管理制度方法等方面分析当前的工作现状;总结湾区现状水生态修复工作,认为湾区水生态系统的非生物修复阶段基本结束;基于生态系统修复理论结合湾区江河湖库生态系统特点,提出适合湾区的水生态修复框架,讨论水生态系统修复面临的问题和未来工作的展望,为大湾区水生态修复提供直接依据。  相似文献   

张盛  王铁宇  张红  李奇锋  周云桥  宋帅 《生态学报》2017,37(12):4159-4168
水生态承载力通常是指在维持水生态系统自身及其支持系统健康的前提下,基于一定的生态保护和承载目标,自然水生态系统所能支撑的人类活动的阈值。从水生态承载力的概念出发,基于水资源、水环境和社会经济等要素,筛选出水资源利用率、污水处理率、万元GDP用水量等16个指标对水生态承载力评价的多元耦合作用进行分析,量化驱动因子与水生态承载力之间的关联度,建立了具有多元驱动功能的粒子群引力搜索算法-投影追踪(PSOGSA-PP)水生态承载力评价模型。并以京津冀地区为例,解析了区域水资源和水环境的生态效益,以及经济社会效益最大化的内在驱动,评价了水生态承载力并阐明其影响因素。进一步设定不同时间段的水生态承载力情景方案,通过具有较高寻优精度和较好算法执行能力的粒子群引力搜索算法,利用最佳投影方向a→分别计算分级标准阈值的投影值z'(i)和评价实例的投影值z″(i),基于投影值z'(i)构造水生态承载力评价等级,实现了水生态承载力的分级评价,结果表明,在多元因子共同驱动下,2008年—2030年京津冀所属13个地区的水生态承载力在波动中呈好转趋势,逐步由Ⅳ级(超载)、Ⅴ级(严重超载)向趋于Ⅱ级(比较理想)状态的演变,张家口市始终保持着Ⅱ级水平,并在2030年达到Ⅰ级(理想)的临界值。研究成果将为京津冀一体化的水资源开发利用与水源生态涵养提供重要的决策支持。  相似文献   

生物完整性指数与水生态系统健康评价   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
生物完整性指数是目前水生态系统健康评价中应用最广泛的一个生态指标。本文扼要介绍了生物完整性指数的概念、水生态系统健康评价的原理以及大型底栖无脊椎动物完整性指数的构建方法,介绍了生物完整性指数在水生态系统健康评价中的应用及我国开展这方面工作的建议。  相似文献   

河流山区段上游地区的水生态状况直接影响着流域整个水系生态系统的安全.本研究以生态安全评估模型PSFR(压力-状态-功能-响应,Pressure-State-Function-Response)框架为基础,选取辽宁太子河上游山区段为研究区域,结合太子河流域山区段河流的特征,构建了包括4个方案层、11个要素层和23个指标层的评估指标体系,从水生态压力、水生态状态、生态功能和社会响应4个方面,对太子河流域山区段进行河流生态安全评估.评估结果显示,在5种安全等级标准下,研究区内35个子流域的水生态安全状态有3种:不安全状态、基本安全状态和较安全状态,未出现极不安全和非常安全状态.其中,处于不安全状态的子流域有9个,比例为25.7%;处于基本安全状态的子流域有22个,占总流域的62.9%;处于较安全状态的子流域有4个,只占11.4%.表明太子河流域山区段水生态安全的主要压力来自于农业活动.流域栖息地环境质量下降、水质恶化及生境面积的衰退,导致河流生态系统的生态功能受损,河流水体内珍稀和特有物种减少、生物多样性降低,从而威胁河流生态系统的完整性,影响整体水生态安全.本研究结果能诊断流域内影响河流水生态安全的主要因子,为河流生态修复提供科学决策依据.  相似文献   

辽宁省辽河水生态系统健康评价   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
2009年6-8月,在对辽宁省辽河铁岭段、沈阳段、盘锦段20个断面水文、水质、着生藻类、栖息地状况实地调查的基础上,采用主成分分析方法,进行指标的筛选与指标权重的确定,构建了该河流水生态系统健康评价指标体系和健康评价标准体系,并用改进的灰色关联度法对辽河6个断面的水生态系统健康状况进行了评价.结果表明:辽宁省辽河3个评价断面的水生态系统健康程度一般,2个评价断面分别为较差和极差,仅有1个评价断面达到了亚健康程度,说明辽河河流水生态系统生态退化严重,需要进一步加强辽河水系的生态恢复及水环境污染综合治理.  相似文献   

山水林田湖草系统保护与修复工程实施的重要目标是维护和提升区域生态系统服务。从乌梁素海流域山水林田湖草的生态现状与功能出发,对乌梁素海流域水土流失、土地沙化等生态敏感性及土壤保持、水源涵养、生物多样性等生态功能重要性进行系统评价,形成基于生态敏感性和生态功能重要性相结合的空间格局评价结果。以维护和提升人类福祉所需的重要生态系统服务为目标,以乌梁素海流域生态敏感性和生态功能重要性相结合的空间格局评价结果为基础,制定了“一中心、二重点、六要素、七工程”的乌梁素海山水林田湖草生态保护与修复体系,并基于此将乌梁素海流域生态保护修复分为6个主要治理区域,形成“四区、一带、一网”的生态安全格局,通过具体工程实施,流域生态环境质量和生态服务能力将取得明显提升,防风固沙能力有效增强,生物多样性持续改善,水环境质量稳定达标,生态系统的稳定性明显加强。通过乌梁素海流域的分析案例为流域山水林田湖草生态保护与修复关键区域的识别提供了定量分析方法,为流域尺度构建生态安全格局、实现山水林田湖草系统保护和修复提供思路和途径。  相似文献   

自然保护区生态安全设计的方法研究   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:20  
由于生态破坏和自然栖息地的丧失,造成野生动植物种群的破碎化.自然保护区已成为孤立的生境岛屿,目前以单个、孤立保护区为主的生物多样性保护模式是远远不够的,应在广泛的时空尺度上保护生态过程和生物多样性各组成成份,建立一个整体的保护网络.根据国内外生物多样性保护的要求和发展趋势,提出了自然保护区生态安全设计的概念,它是综合考虑了生态、社会、经济的一种协调设计战略,首先从区域层次研究保护区网络的优化设计;其次,在网络的每个节点(保护区),研究保护区的面积、形状和内部功能分区;最后,研究网络与节点的连接(廊道).自然保护区网络设计应维持生态系统的地域完整性和生态过程完整性,采用迭代法、整数规划方法和地理途径方法,为一个或多个保护目标勾画出多种保护规划蓝图。  相似文献   

万峻  刘红艳  张远  马淑芹  孟伟 《生态学杂志》2013,24(10):2933-2940
在河段尺度下,采用指标评价法对太子河流域的水生生物多样性维持、生境维持、水环境支持和水文支持4项生态功能进行评价,排序求和得到河流的主导功能和综合功能评分. 结果表明:全部河段可评定为4个综合生态功能等级,整体上呈现由山区向平原区递减的趋势. 结合综合生态功能和主导生态功能评价结果,提出了6项河流生态管理策略.其中,对于水生生物多样性维持功能和生境维持功能的河段,管理策略以生态管理为主,即“生态保护”、“生态维持”和“生态修复”;对于水环境支持功能和水文支持功能的河段,管理策略则以开发管理为主,即“限制开发”、“优化开发”和“开发利用”.  相似文献   

渔业是大农业的一环。在充分合理的利用好水体自然资源,大力发展水产品生产的同时,认真保护好水域生态环境,这不仅是渔业的问题,也完全符合环保这项基本国策。研究渔业生态,发展生态渔业也是当今水产养殖发展的主要方向。“水体生态农业”是依据生态学原理,生态  相似文献   

水生植物引种的生态安全评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着水生植物的大量应用,水域环境的生态安全越来越受到关注。水生植物入侵具有一定的生物学、区系地理、生态位和生境特征,对水生植物的生态安全评价可在一定程度上防止水生植物引种的盲目性。该文针对来自水生外来入侵植物的生态安全威胁,分析了水生外来入侵植物的入侵特征及其危害,提出了水生植物引种的生态安全评价的内容、程序、指标体系和方法。  相似文献   

高欣  丁森  张远  马淑芹  刘思思  孟伟 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7198-7206
河流生态系统的退化是多空间尺度环境因子作用的结果。探讨不同尺度环境因子及水生生物之间的作用关系,识别影响水生生物群落完整性的尺度问题,是有效开展水生生物保护的基础。基于2009年对太子河流域15个样点的鱼类、河岸带栖息地质量评价,结合遥感影像解译的太子河流域土地利用情况(包括流域尺度和河段尺度),研究鱼类完整性指数(F-IBI)与两种尺度土地利用、栖息地质量参数之间的关系。结果表明太子河上游地区河岸栖息地质量较好,下游地区由于农业用地、城镇用地比例的增加河岸栖息地质量明显下降。F-IBI与自然用地比例呈正相关,与农业、城镇用地比例呈负相关。农业用地对F-IBI的影响体现在流域尺度,而城镇用地在两种尺度上都存在显著影响。相比于农业用地,城镇用地相同比例的增加会导致F-IBI更快的下降。底质、水质状况、人类活动强度是显著影响F-IBI的栖息地质量评价参数。3项参数均随农业和城镇用地比例增加而降低,农业用地主要在流域尺度上对3项参数产生影响,城镇用地主要影响底质和水质状况2项参数,而在两种尺度上的影响相差不大。  相似文献   

对湖库湿地进行生态健康评价,可为湖库湿地生态系统修复和管理提供决策依据。本文以天津市为例,选取20个典型的湖库湿地采样点,基于2018年8—9月期间调查获取的物理、化学和生物群落指标(浮游动物、浮游植物、底栖动物、鱼类、水生大型植物、河岸带植物)数据,构建包含物理完整性、化学完整性和生物完整性在内的生态完整性指数(IEI)对采样点生态健康状况进行评价。根据栖息地环境质量(QHEI)、水质状况和人类活动干扰3方面选取参照点,采用标准化方法筛选候选指标,应用层次分析法计算各指标权重,最终得出天津市典型湖库湿地生态完整性评价结果。结果表明: 1)所有样点中,“健康”点位占5.0%,“较好”点位占20.0%,“一般”点位占35.0%,“较差”点位占30.0%,“差”点位占10.0%。天津市典型湖库湿地生态健康状况整体处于一般水平,呈现出西部优于东部的趋势,空间差异显著;2)基于栖息地评分、水质状况与人类活动干扰相结合选取参照点是可行的,依据水质指标可降低选择参照点时的主观性;3)适用性验证结果表明,IEI可较好表征各点位的健康状况,区分效率明显,适用于评价研究区湖库湿地生态健康状况。  相似文献   

  1. The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is among the fastest-spreading introduced aquatic species in North America and is radiating inland from the Great Lakes into freshwater ecosystems across the landscape. Predicting and managing the impacts of round gobies requires information on the factors influencing their distribution in habitats along the invasion front, yet this information is not available for many recently invaded ecosystems. We evaluated the seasonal habitat use and biomass of round gobies in an inland temperate lake to define the spatiotemporal scope of biological interactions at the leading edge of the round goby invasion.
  2. Using novel statistical approaches, we combined hierarchical models that control for imperfect species detection with flexible smooth terms to describe non-linear relationships between round goby abundance and environmental gradients. Subsequently, we generated accurate detection-corrected estimates of the standing stock biomass of round gobies.
  3. Our results show seasonally differentiated habitat niches, where suitable round goby habitat in summer months is restricted to shallow depths (<18.4 m) with a mixture of vegetative and mussel cover. We found high round goby biomass of 122 kg/ha in occupied habitats during the summer, with a total lake-wide biomass of 766,000 kg. In winter, round gobies migrate to deep offshore habitats and disperse, dramatically altering their scope for biological interactions with resident aquatic species across summer and winter seasons.
  4. The results of this study indicate that the scope of biological interactions in inland lakes may be seasonally variable, with potential for high round goby biomass in shallow lakes or at the periphery of deep lakes in the summer months. Such shallow-water habitats may therefore present higher risk of ecological impacts from round gobies in invaded lentic ecosystems. As round gobies expand inland, consideration of seasonal habitat use will be an important factor in predicting the impacts of this pervasive invader.

A set of eight simple ecological and social principles is proposed that could enhance the understanding of what constitutes fish 'habitat' and, if implemented, could contribute to improved management and conservation strategies. The habitat principles are a small, interrelated sub‐set that may be coupled with additional ones to formulate comprehensive guidelines for management and conservation strategies. It is proposed that: 1) habitat can be created by keystone species and interactions among species; 2) the productivity of aquatic and riparian habitat is interlinked by reciprocal exchanges of material; 3) the riparian zone is fish habitat; 4) fishless headwater streams are inseparable from fish‐bearing rivers downstream; 5) habitats can be coupled – in rivers, lakes, estuaries and oceans, and in time; 6) habitats change over hours to centuries; 7) fish production is dynamic due to biocomplexity, in species and in habitats; 8) management and conservation strategies must evolve in response to present conditions, but especially to the anticipated future. It is contended that the long‐term resilience of native fish communities in catchments shared by humans depends on incorporating these principles into management and conservation strategies. Further, traditional strategies poorly reflect the dynamic nature of habitat, the true extent of habitat, or the intrinsic complexity in societal perspectives. Forward‐thinking fish management and conservation plans view habitat as more than water. They are multilayered, ranging from pools to catchments to ecoregions, and from hours to seasons to centuries. They embrace, as a fundamental premise, that habitat evolves through both natural and anthropogenic processes, and that patterns of change may be as important as other habitat attributes.  相似文献   

Many wetlands harbour highly diverse biological communities and provide extensive ecosystem services; however, these important ecological features are being altered, degraded and destroyed around the world. Despite a wealth of research on how animals respond to anthropogenic changes to natural wetlands and how they use created wetlands, we lack a broad synthesis of these data. While some altered wetlands may provide vital habitat, others could pose a considerable risk to wildlife. This risk will be heightened if such wetlands are ecological traps – preferred habitats that confer lower fitness than another available habitat. Wetlands functioning as ecological traps could decrease both local and regional population persistence, and ultimately lead to extinctions. Most studies have examined how animals respond to changes in environmental conditions by measuring responses at the community and population levels, but studying ecological traps requires information on fitness and habitat preferences. Our current lack of knowledge of individual‐level responses may therefore limit our capacity to manage wetland ecosystems effectively since ecological traps require different management practices to mitigate potential consequences. We conducted a global meta‐analysis to characterise how animals respond to four key drivers of wetland alteration: agriculture, mining, restoration and urbanisation. Our overarching goal was to evaluate the ecological impacts of human alterations to wetland ecosystems, as well as identify current knowledge gaps that limit both the current understanding of these responses and effective wetland management. We extracted 1799 taxon‐specific response ratios from 271 studies across 29 countries. Community‐ (e.g. richness) and population‐level (e.g. density) measures within altered wetlands were largely comparable to those within reference wetlands. By contrast, individual fitness measures (e.g. survival) were often lower, highlighting the potential limitations of using only community‐ and population‐level measures to assess habitat quality. Only four studies provided habitat‐preference data, preventing investigation of the potential for altered wetlands to function as ecological traps. This is concerning because attempts to identify ecological traps may detect previously unidentified conservation risks. Although there was considerable variability amongst taxa, amphibians were typically the most sensitive taxon, and thus, may be a valuable bio‐indicator of wetland quality. Despite suffering reduced survival and reproduction, measures such as time to and mass at metamorphosis were similar between altered and reference wetlands, suggesting that quantifying metamorphosis‐related measures in isolation may not provide accurate information on habitat quality. Our review provides the most detailed evaluation to date of the ecological impacts of human alterations to wetland ecosystems. We emphasise that the role of wetlands in human‐altered ecosystems can be complex, as they may represent important habitat but also pose potential risks to animals. Reduced availability of natural wetlands is increasing the importance of altered wetlands for aquatic animals. Consequently, we need to define what represents habitat quality from the perspective of animals, and gain a greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms of habitat selection and how these factors could be manipulated. Furthermore, strategies to enhance the quality of these wetlands should be implemented to maximise their conservation potential.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems provide goods and services of critical importance to human societies, yet they are among the most heavily altered ecosystems with an overproportional loss of biodiversity. Major threats to freshwater biodiversity include overexploitation, water pollution, fragmentation, destruction or degradation of habitat, and invasions by non-native species. Alterations of natural flow regimes by man-made dams, land-use changes, river impoundments, and water abstraction often have profound impacts on lotic communities. An understanding of the functional interactions and processes in freshwater ecosystems presents a major challenge for scientists, but is crucial for effective and sustainable restoration. Most conservation approaches to date have considered single species or single level strategies. In contrast, the concept of ‘Integrative Freshwater Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation’ (IFEBC) proposed herein addresses the interactions between abiotic and biotic factors on different levels of organization qualitatively and quantitatively. It consequently results in a more holistic understanding of biodiversity functioning and management. Core questions include modeling of the processes in aquatic key habitats and their functionality based on the identification and quantification of factors which control the spatial and temporal distribution of biodiversity and productivity in aquatic ecosystems. The context and importance of research into IFEBC is illustrated using case studies from three major areas of research: (i) aquatic habitat quality and restoration ecology, (ii) the genetic and evolutionary potential of aquatic species, and (iii) the detection of stress and toxic effects in aquatic ecosystems using biomarkers. In conclusion, our understanding of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and conservation management can greatly benefit from the methodological combination of molecular and ecological tools.  相似文献   

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