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浙江马鞍列岛海域潮间带底栖海藻分布特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
章守宇  梁君  汪振华  王凯 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2299-2307
2007年3—7月对浙江马鞍列岛海域潮间带底栖海藻进行了调查,初步查明该海域潮间带底栖海藻的组成、分布情况和温度属性,并利用相似性指数(Sc)和相对重要性指数(IRIc)分析了调查海域潮间带底栖海藻的优势种组成.结果表明:调查海域采集到的31种海藻隶属于3门24属,其中绿藻门5属7种,褐藻门5属8种,红藻门14属16种;在波浪和潮汐作用下,潮间带出现局限分布种和选择性分布种,孔石莼、鼠尾藻等在调查岛礁区域广有分布;红藻门种类在调查海域的出现频率为61.1%,为优势门类,绿藻门种类在该海域的总体水平分布基本呈均匀状态;81%的调查种类分布在低潮带,其中包括一些中潮带延伸种类,中、低潮带的海藻组成相似性值为0.47,并且中、低潮带的生境趋同效果大于高、中潮带.马鞍列岛潮间带底栖海藻具有明显的垂直分带现象,温水性种类占绝对优势,优势种多为暖温性种.该海域底栖海藻属于暖温带-亚热带过渡型海洋植物区系.  相似文献   

三亚岩相潮间带底栖海藻群落结构及其季节变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解三亚潮间带大型海藻生态现状,布设6条岩相断面,于2008年1—11月进行了四季野外的调查,并使用物种多样性指数与聚类分析研究了潮间带大型海藻四季的群落结构和多样性变化。调查共鉴定出大型底栖藻类130种,隶属于4门75属,其中红藻门41属67种、褐藻门16属31种、绿藻门15属29种、蓝藻门3属3种。潮间带海藻种类数季节变化不大,并呈低潮带>中潮带>高潮带的垂直分布特征,且中低潮带有共同分布种,夏季尤为普遍。潮间带海藻夏冬两季平均生物量高于春秋两季,但并无显著差异。优势种季节变化明显:春季有波利团扇藻Padina boryana、日本仙菜Ceramium japonicum、半叶马尾藻Sargassum hemiphyllum、海柏Polyopes polyideoides,夏季有波状软凹藻Chondrophycus undulates、冠叶马尾藻Sargassum cristaefolium、宽扁叉节藻Amphiroa dilatata、石花菜Gelidium amansii,秋季有冠叶马尾藻、波状软凹藻、叶状铁钉菜Ishige foliacea,冬季有瓦氏马尾藻Sargassum vachellianum、苔状鸭毛藻Symphyocladia marchantioides、珊瑚藻Corallina officinalis、波利团扇藻、日本仙菜。群落多样性冬高夏低:Shannon多样性和Margalef丰富度指数最大值出现在冬季,Shannon多样性和Pielou均匀度指数最低值出现在夏季。区域底栖藻类以暖水性热带-亚热带种为主,其次为温水性的暖温带种类,基本符合南海南区暖水区系特点。研究表明,尽管三亚潮间带底栖海藻种类数与生物量上并无显著的季节差异,但群落结构与多样性均显示出一定的季节变化。  相似文献   

从中国青岛沿岸潮间带采集9种海藻,包括3种褐藻、4种绿藻和2种红藻,通过传统培养方法共分离获得92株真菌。根据形态学特征和真菌转录间隔区(ITS)r DNA序列分析对所得菌株进行鉴定,结果显示:92株真菌隶属子囊菌门56种,担子菌门1种及接合菌门1种;优势属为枝顶孢属、曲霉属、枝孢属、青霉属和帚霉属;无性型真菌40种,占总菌株数量的75%;绿藻门刺松藻的真菌多样性最高,其次为褐藻门鼠尾藻,红藻门珊瑚藻的真菌多样性最低。本研究首次对中国沿岸潮间带海藻中的真菌多样性进行报道,为进一步研究藻生真菌生态功能提供参考。  相似文献   

海藻多糖降解酶的性质和作用机理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
海藻主要由蓝藻、绿藻、红藻和褐藻四大类组成。世界海洋中估计生长有 80 0 0多种海藻。海藻的生产与它的利用价值有密切关系 ,就褐藻、红藻和绿藻这三大门类来说 ,褐藻和红藻以其种类多、产量丰富和含有用途广泛的褐藻胶、琼胶和卡拉胶等 ,由自然生产逐步为人工养殖所代替。全世界每年约生产5万吨海藻胶 (其中 ,褐藻胶 2 5万吨 ,卡拉胶 1 45万吨、琼胶 0 7万吨 )创值近 4亿美元。这些海藻胶是海藻细胞壁内的主要填充物质 ,约占细胞干重的 2 0 %~ 3 0 % [1] 。近年来 ,各国的科学家大力开展从海洋开发新药物的研究计划。因此 ,对海藻、…  相似文献   

嵊泗列岛潮间带大型海藻群落结构的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林清菁  蒋霞敏  徐镇  唐锋  王弢 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2350-2355
于2010年8月-2011年8月对嵊泗列岛潮间带大型海藻进行调查.结果表明:共有大型海藻114种,隶属3门53属,其中红藻门33属75种,占总数的65.8%,褐藻门13属21种,占18.4%,绿藻门7属18种,占15.8%;枸杞最多(87种),金平其次(42种),马关最少(26种);79.8%海藻分布在低潮带,62.3%分布在中潮带,种类组成相似性指数中、低潮带为0.57,高、中潮带为0.15,高、低潮带为0.06;种类组成夏季(57种)>冬季(55种)>春季(52种)>秋季(46种),春季优势种有裙带菜、孔石莼、长石莼和厚膜藻等,夏季优势种为瓦氏马尾藻、粗枝软骨藻、鼠尾藻和麒麟菜等,秋季优势种为江蓠、小杉藻、鼠尾藻和石莼等,冬季优势种为萱藻、圆紫菜、鼠尾藻和日本多管藻等.  相似文献   

几种绿藻、褐藻和红藻的吸收光谱的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.用乳白玻璃法测定了我国黄海常见的属于绿藻门、褐藻门和红藻门的十种海藻的吸收光谱。讨论了这三门海藻的吸收光谱的特点。通过对吸收光谱及红藻、褐藻相对于绿藻的差异光谱的分析,讨论了各种色素在活体中的吸收峰和吸收带的位置。2.根据褐藻与绿藻的吸收光谱的差异及差异光谱的比较分析,认为绿藻吸收光谱中位于485(或480)毫微米的吸收峰是叶绿素 b 的蓝光吸收峰。叶绿素 b 的红光吸收峰位于655毫微米附近。岩藻黄素的吸收峰位于525毫微米附近。根据红藻吸收光谱及其同绿藻的差异光谱中的红光吸收峰和负峰的特点,初步认为红藻中的叶绿素 d 的红光吸收峰比叶绿素 a 的红光吸收峰位于较长波长处。3.对几种红藻的吸收光谱进行了比较。观察到原始红藻纲的条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoen-sis)的藻胆素与真红藻纲的藻类有显著的差异。这种差异及条斑紫菜的藻胆素的含量和组成上的易变性值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

渤海北部底栖海藻的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
报道了渤海北部底栖海藻的种类组成、区系性质、群落结构和季节性变化。经调查,该海区隶属于蓝藻门、红藻门、褐藻门和绿藻门的底栖海藻共有119 种,其中包括57 种经济海藻和7 个新记录种。研究表明,渤海北部底栖海藻的温度性质以暖温带性为主,带有一定的亚热带性;其群落成分的季节性变化非常明显  相似文献   

“蓝色农业”即海洋农业。我国濒临黄海、渤海、东海。南海,海岸线绵长,约一万多公里,有着辽阔的海滨、众多的岛屿和优良的港湾。我国的浅海滩涂面积广阔,海藻资源丰富,种类繁多,海藻生产有悠久的历史。海藻作为食用,有其特殊的营养成分,对人类具有一定的营养价值和疗效作用。海藻中主要含有大量的碳水化合物,是藻体的主要部分。①褐藻碳水化合物包括褐藻胶、褐藻淀粉、褐藻糖胶、纤维素、低分子量褐藻糖类、中性单糖及糖苦等;②红藻碳水化合物包括琼胶、卡拉胶、红藻淀粉、低分子量的碳水化合物和其它红藻藻胶等;③绿藻碳水化合…  相似文献   

郑新庆  黄凌风  李元超  林荣澄 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7166-7172
为了评估啃食性端足类强壮藻钩虾Ampithoe valida对筼筜湖大型海藻群落的影响,作者在实验室内开展了强壮藻钩虾对筼筜湖三种大型海藻(绿藻石莼Ulva lactuca和根枝藻Rhizoclonium sp.、红藻细基江蓠繁枝变种Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui)的摄食实验,并分析了大型海藻的营养价值是否对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择产生影响。结果显示,在无选择性摄食实验中,强壮藻钩虾的摄食率与海藻的干湿比和鲜藻总有机碳含量有着明显的负相关关系,这表明强壮藻钩虾有明显的补偿摄食行为,能通过增加低营养价值藻类的摄食量来满足自身代谢的需求。强壮藻钩虾对绿藻石莼和根枝藻有明显的摄食偏好,对它们的摄食率分别占总摄食率的40.6%和57.1%,而红藻细基江蓠繁枝变种则属于偶然性摄食的种类,海藻的营养价值并没有对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择产生影响。不过,强壮藻钩虾对绿藻的摄食偏好并没有在筼筜湖形成一个以红藻占主导的大型海藻群落,这可能是由于筼筜湖超富营养化的水体使得来自强壮藻钩虾的下行控制已经无法抑制来自超富营养化的水体通过上行控制对绿藻生长的促进作用。  相似文献   

于2009年至2010年对渤海及其周边10个沿海城市和6个岛屿的浒苔属绿藻进行了调查,初步确定该海区缘管浒苔、肠浒苔、扁浒苔、浒苔、条浒苔5个种类的地理分布情况。并对生物量进行了评估。与历史资料相比,渤海中辽东湾、渤海湾和莱州湾三个湾内的浒苔多样性和生物量下降明显或保持较低水平,湾周边地区则维持较高水平。此外,在近海人工基质上,以浒苔属为主的绿藻相对于红藻、褐藻分布更为广泛。  相似文献   

珊瑚藻类对南麂列岛潮间带底栖生物群落多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解南麂列岛潮间带珊瑚藻类对于其他大型藻类和底栖动物的影响, 在南麂列岛国家级海洋自然保护区布设了4条潮间带断面, 于2012年5月至2013年2月对其生物状况进行了逐季调查, 分别分析了中低潮区大型藻类、非珊瑚藻大型藻类、底栖动物的物种多样性和均匀度, 并计算了大型底栖动物的功能多样性指数Rao's Q。主要结果如下: (1)共采集和鉴定出大型藻类52种, 其中珊瑚藻科藻类有5种; (2)珊瑚藻类在高潮区没有分布, 在中低潮区均占据优势, 占潮间带藻类生物量的68.9%。四季中低潮区大型藻类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数范围为1.638-4.044, 非珊瑚藻大型藻类的多样性指数范围为1.495-3.809, 底栖动物为5.289-6.917; 大型藻类的Pielou均匀度指数范围为0.819-0.971, 非珊瑚藻大型藻类的均匀度指数范围为0.830-0.973, 底栖动物为0.967-0.988; (3)大型藻类物种多样性和均匀度指数的降低与珊瑚藻类优势度的增加相关, 但珊瑚藻类优势度与底栖动物物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和功能多样性指数均没有显著相关性; (4)底栖动物功能多样性与珊瑚藻类优势度均呈低潮区高于中潮区的变化规律, 但相关性分析表明两者间并无直接联系。推测珊瑚藻类通过竞争占据了其他藻类的生存空间, 从而降低了南麂列岛潮间带大型藻类的物种多样性和均匀度。底栖动物则因其自身生活特点而使得珊瑚藻类的扩张未能影响其多样性水平。  相似文献   

2001年11月至2002年8月在泉州湾浮山(R1)、下洋(R2)、垵头(R3)和大坠岛(R4) 选择4条岩相潮间带断面对底栖生物分布进行了调查,共采集了6687号标本.经分析鉴定共有324种,其中有藻类17种,多毛类102种,软体动物96种,节肢动物62种,棘皮动物11种,其他动物共有36种.岩相断面种类的水平分布受制于潮流和海浪,不同断面的种数排序是浮山(206种)>下洋(197种)>大坠岛(193种)>垵头(166种).垂直分布主要受制于潮汐和海浪.各断面不同潮区的共同特征是中潮区的物种最多,在129-156种之间;低潮区居第二,在87-116种之间;高潮区的种类最少,在9-20种之间.种数的季节变化反映生物对水温的适应性,不同季节种数排序为夏季(190种)>春季(164种)>秋季(158种)>冬季(150种).  相似文献   

A long term observation on biodiversity and biomass of benthic macroalgae in Point 1 of the intertidal zone of the Nanji Islands, Zhejiang were carried out during 1959–2007, including three phases, i.e. 1959–1965, 1980–1985 and 2000–2007. The results show that the species of the benthic macroalgae there disappeared by 41.7%, and decreasing trend of the biodiversity has been getting quick; the community structure clearly shifted, i.e. the proportion of subtropical and warm-temperate species increased, and that of cold-temperate species decreased in the benthic macroalgae assemblage, particularly the calcareous nullipore became an absolutely dominant group. In comparison with the second phase (1980–1985), during the third phase the average annual biomass of the benthic macroalgae decreased by 52.5%; the average spring and winter biomass decreased by 54.1% and 87.2%; while the average summer and autumn biomass increased by 11.1% and 3.2%, respectively. The causes of the decrease in the biodiversity have been discussed, and the authors considered that the climate change and increase in CO2 concentration have been the main reasons to lead berserk growth of the nullipore, resulting in desertification tendency of the intertidal zone of the Nanji Islands.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of organisms associated with marine intertidal macroalgae may be a direct result of their tolerance to air exposure or an indirect consequence of the distribution of their host. We compared amphipod assemblages from five intertidal macroalgae to investigate their relationship with algal identity. To test the effect of height regardless of algal characteristics, we transplanted coralline algal turfs to three different levels within the intertidal zone and compared amphipod assemblages after 1 and 14 days. Interstitial volume was positively correlated to the abundance of amphipods, suggesting that this attribute may correspond better to the potential space for their occupation when compared to algal biomass, thallus volume or the ratio between thallus and interstitial volume. Algal level determined the structure of the amphipod assemblages. Upper-level (Acanthophora spicifera and Caulerpa racemosa) and intermediate-level (coralline) algae host similar amphipod assemblages dominated by Apohyale media, but different from lower-level algae (Padina gymnospora and Sargassum cymosum), which were dominated by Hyale niger. Ten of the 15 amphipod species reported from natural communities were found in the transplanted plots. Distinct pools of amphipod species colonized coralline transplants at upper and lower levels after 1 day. However, regardless of the position on the shore, transplanted coralline turfs supported similar assemblages after 14 days, indicating that algal identity is also important for species assemblages. Our results suggest that both height on the shore and host identity combine to determine the vertical structure of amphipod assemblages in the rocky intertidal.  相似文献   

Algae and the associated macrofauna in two Icelandic intertidal ecosystems under cold and warm influence, respectively, were studied with respect to algae-macrofauna relationships and a possible effect of temperature on community structure. Two sites in Iceland were selected, Sandgerdi ligthhouse (64°8′N 22°40′W) on the southwestern coast, and Grimsey Island (66°33′N 18°04′W), in the north, on the Arctic Circle, where sea temperature is considerably lower (5° approximately). The biomass of algae and the number of species of algae and macrofauna were higher in Sandgerdi than in Grimsey, and the patterns of diversity, evenness, biomass and abundance also differed between the sites. In the intertidal zone of Sandgerdi, a total of 28 species of algae and 45 species of macrofauna were identified whereas only 16 algal species and 27 macrofaunal species were found in Grimsey. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) using algal biomass as the environmental variable were conducted, and revealed significant relationships between algae composition and the associated macrofauna; some macrofauna taxa showed specific trophic or refuge relationships with algal species. According to the CCA, Corallina officinalis showed the highest correlation with macrofaunal assemblages in both study sites. However, correlations between macrofauna and other algae differed between Grimsey and Sandgerdi. The present study, together with additional observations in Greenland waters, shows a general decrease of species richness and diversity towards the north which may primarily be due to the temperature regime.  相似文献   

Hard bottom, subtidal communities along the Western Antarctic Peninsula are dominated by forests of large, chemically defended macroalgae that support a very dense assemblage of amphipods. Free-living filamentous algae are rare in the subtidal, but filamentous algal endophytes are common in many of the larger macroalgae, both likely as the result of amphipod grazing pressure. Filamentous algae are common in the intertidal, but primarily in the upper intertidal and on high-energy shores where amphipods are likely to be excluded much of the time. We tested the hypothesis that free-living, filamentous algae would be rapidly consumed if transplanted from the intertidal to the subtidal, and our results clearly supported this hypothesis. The filamentous, intertidal green alga Cladophora repens was transplanted to the benthos in 6 different macroalgal habitats. Control algae were transplanted in 3 m deeper waters nearby (usually 12 m or less laterally) but suspended 3 m off the bottom where amphipods are absent or rare. Overall consumption during approximately 6 h on the bottom ranged from 22 to 98% of the initial biomass, while significantly less biomass loss occurred in the water column.  相似文献   

Over 3 successive seasonal cycles (April 1986 to October 1988), field experiments were established within 3 intertidal levels in the sheltered rocky intertidal of Helgoland (North Sea, German Bight). Competitors for space (Mytilus edulis, macroalgae), herbivores (Littorina spp.) and predators (Carcinus maenas) were either excluded from areas (0.25 m2) covered by undisturbed communities or enclosed at natural densities on areas that were cleared before of animals and plants. All the experimental fields (each 0.25 m2) were covered by cages with 4 mm gauze at the sides and a plexiglas top. The results of the experiments in the upper intertidal (occupied byLittorina spp. andEnteromorpha) showed that a natural density of herbivores could not prevent algal settlement and had only little influence on algal growth. Instead abiotic factors (storms, algae washed ashore) decreased the stock of the green algae. Experiments in the mid intertidal, dominated byMytilus (50% cover),Fucus spp. (20%) and grazingL. littorea (100 ind. m?2) showed that community structure was directly changed both by grazing periwinkles and by competition for space between mussels and macroalgae. WheneverLittorina was excluded, the canopy ofFucus spp. increased continuously and reached total cover within two years. In addition to the increase ofFucus spp., the rock surface and the mussel shells were overgrown byUlva pseudocurvata, which covered the experimental fields during parts of the summer in the absence of herbivores. As soon as perennial species (fucoids) covered most of the experimental areas, the seasonal growth ofUlva decreased drastically. Presence and growth of macroalgae were also controlled by serious competition for space with mussels. EstablishedMytilus prevented the growth of all perennial and ephemeral algae on the rocks. However, the shells of the mussels provided free space for a new settlement ofFucus andUlva. In the lower intertidal (dominated by total algal cover ofF. serratus, herbivores such asL. littorea andL. mariae, and increasing number of predators such asCarcinus), the feeding activity of herbivores can neither prevent the settlement of the fucoid sporelings nor reduce the growth of macroalgae.F. serratus achieved a total canopy on the rock within one year. Doubled density of herbivores prevented the settlement ofFucus and most of the undercover algae. Predation byCarcinus onLittorina spp. had little influence on the herbivore community patterns. However, the crabs supported the establishment of macroalgae by excluding the mussels from the lower intertidal. In summary, the community organization and maintenance in the mid and lower intertidal is influenced to a high degree by biological interactions. Whereas both the relatively important herbivory byL. littorea and competition for space between mussels and macroalgae dominate in the mid intertidal, predation reaches its highest relative degree of importance for community structure in the lower intertidal.  相似文献   

对三种泉溪大型藻类(脆弱刚毛藻, 弧形串珠藻和普生轮藻)藻体上附生藻类的种类、分布及环境因子与寄主本身对其的影响进行了研究。2004 年7 月至2005 年4 月在山西省辛安泉泉域采集三种大型藻类植物(每个季节采集一次)。研究结果表明, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类种类数不同, 普生轮藻上的附生藻类有49 种, 脆弱刚毛藻上37 种, 弧形串珠藻上6 种, 其中硅藻门种类数最多。这说明寄主本身结构的复杂程度在一定意义上会影响附生藻类的种类数及多样性。就季节变化而言, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类也表现出了明显的季节性,大致趋势为: 春季>秋季>夏季>冬季, 同时, 灰关联分析结果也表明, 环境因子在一定程度上对附生藻类也有影响, 最关键的影响因子是流速、水深和电导。这说明影响大型藻类植物藻体上附生藻类的影响因素是多方面的, 不仅有寄主本身, 同时流速、水深和电导这三种环境因子也起到了很关键的作用。    相似文献   

The species composition and distribution of marine plants on the fringing reef of Secoko Island were studied before and after the mass coral mortality in 1998. The study showed that changes in the bottom communities that occurred after bleaching of corals were caused by the presumed development of marine plants substituting reef-building corals on the bottom. The number of algal species grew from 211 to 345. The projective cover (PC) of hard substrate with macroalgae increased: in 1998, it was 1–10% in the subtidal zone and 20–50% in the intertidal zone, while in 2002 through 2005, the PC reached 71% in the subtidal and 40–85% in the intertidal zone. It is assumed that the phase of the “plant reef” on Sesoko Island is a temporary event, and that the coral reef can recover within several decades, unless a natural catastrophe occurs again.  相似文献   

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