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何丛  谢川  吕农华 《微生物学报》2014,54(12):1391-1396
幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)是一种广泛定植于人胃黏膜的革兰阴性菌,与多种胃部疾病密切相关。近年来H.pylori感染与细胞自噬的关系受到广泛关注,人们发现H.pylori感染影响胃上皮细胞和巨噬细胞的自噬过程,其中H.pylori的毒力因子和宿主自噬相关蛋白发挥关键作用。而且,细胞自噬在决定H.pylori的胞内存活状态中扮演重要角色。本文就H.pylori感染对不同细胞自噬的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 :建立感染幽门螺杆菌 (Helicobacterpylori,H pylori)SS1株BALB/c小鼠感染模型 ,研究H pylori胃内定植及胃黏膜病理变化。 方法 :BALB/c小鼠胃内分别接种体外培养的H pyloriSS1株 (实验组 )或PBS(对照组 ) ,组织学方法评价H pylori定植及胃黏膜病理变化。结果 :所有对照组小鼠胃组织未见H pylori定植 ,胃组织也未见明显的炎症反应 ;而所有实验组小鼠在感染H pylori 12周后 ,胃黏膜表面的黏液层及胃小凹顶端可见大量H pylori,胃体及胃窦交界处、胃体及胃底交界处最多 ;胃组织可见到不同程度的炎性反应 ,感染H pylori 2 4周后 ,胃组织炎性反应加重。结论 :用胃内接种方法建立了小鼠H pylori感染及其相关性胃炎的模型。  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H. pylori)是一种革兰阴性微需氧病原菌,也是定植于人类胃黏膜上皮中最特异的一种致病菌。它与人消化性溃疡、慢性胃炎、胃癌及胃黏膜相关组织淋巴瘤(MALT)等疾病密切相关。此后又发现H. pylori可能是一种兼性胞内菌,该菌可能通过自噬在胃上皮细胞和巨噬细胞中得以生存、繁殖并引起慢性持续性感染。本文根据近年发表的自噬相关文献,对H. pylori感染不同细胞后自噬对其存活的影响以及H. pylori不同配体引起的自噬调节作一综述。  相似文献   

胃癌(gastric cancer)是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一,有着较高的发病率和死亡率。胃癌的发生是一个相对缓慢、多步骤、复杂的过程,可能与幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)感染、环境、基因、吸烟等因素相关。随着高通量测序技术和宏基因组学等技术的发展和运用,大量研究表明胃肠道微生物与消化道系统疾病息息相关,其中胃微生物中H.pylori已被明确列为I类致癌因子。除了H.pylori,胃内其他共生菌与胃癌的发生也有密切的联系。本文将通过胃癌与H.pylori感染、胃癌与H.pylori根除、H.pylori与胃微生态、胃癌与胃微生态四个方面综述胃癌与胃微生物的关系,为日后胃癌的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的观察蒙古沙鼠感染幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)后胃部菌群及病理学变化。方法 5周龄蒙古沙鼠60只,随机分为实验组(30只)和对照组(30只)。所有沙鼠禁食不禁水24 h后,实验组灌喂109CFU/mLH.pylori菌液0.5 mL/只,连续3次。对照组灌喂无菌肉汤。在4、8、16、24和48周处死动物,进行胃部菌群分析和H.pylori分离培养及病理学检查。结果正常沙鼠胃中存在着以乳酸菌为主的正常菌群[(8.43±5.21)×105CFU/g],感染H.pylori后正常菌群数量显著减少;实验组沙鼠H.pylori感染率为100%,第4周可见沙鼠胃组织红肿充血,第8周有炎性细胞浸润,16周和24周出现糜烂,48周见出血、慢性活动性胃炎及溃疡。对照组沙鼠无H.pylori定植及组织学病变。结论 H.pylori感染使蒙古沙鼠胃内正常菌群发生变化,从而引起胃炎和胃溃疡发生。  相似文献   

目的通过幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)标准株的接种,建立BALB/c小鼠感染H.pylori胃炎动物模型,评价H.pylori抗体鸡蛋制品对小鼠感染性胃炎的预防效果。方法将灭活的H.pylori国际标准菌株(NCTC 11637)作为抗原,对产蛋鸡进行免疫。免疫后收集鸡蛋,对达到效价的鸡蛋,无菌采集卵黄。BALB/c小鼠60只,适应性喂养1周后,随机分为5组,Ⅰ组为胃炎模型组,Ⅱ组为生理盐水组,Ⅲ、IV、V组分别为低剂量、中剂量和高剂量卵黄抗体组,每组12只。Ⅰ组予H.pylori菌液灌胃造模,Ⅱ组先予生理盐水灌胃后再予H.pylori菌液灌胃对照,Ⅲ、IV、V组分别用不同剂量抗H.pylori卵黄抗体灌胃后再予H.pylori菌液灌胃造模。小鼠均于距最后一次灌胃后8周全部处死,用微需氧细菌培养检测H.pylori定植;HE染色观察小鼠胃黏膜病理组织学改变。结果在接种H.pylori后第8周,Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组小鼠胃内均有大量H.pylori定植,感染率为91.7%,Ⅲ组的感染率是58.3%,IV和V组的感染率均小于30%。结论 H.pylori抗体鸡蛋制品可以抑制BALB/c小鼠感染H.pylori,抗体的保护作用与抗体的剂量呈正相关。  相似文献   

目的观察幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)对蒙古沙土鼠(Mongolian gerbils,MGs)胃黏膜Cx32、Cx43和转录因子GATA-3、AP-4、PBX-1、C/EBPβ表达的影响及其相关性,探讨H.pylori致癌的机制。方法实验组采用经胃镜及病理确诊的胃癌患者胃黏膜分离的H.pylori对36只MGs灌胃,对照组5只用灭菌PBS灌胃;分批处死,观察H.pylori灌胃后第4、24、48、72周MGs H.pylori定植和胃黏膜病变情况,及Cx32、Cx43和转录因子表达变化。结果实验组H.pylori定植率为80.0%,灌胃后第4、24周MGs胃黏膜肉眼见充血水肿或糜烂、出血,HE染色呈不同程度慢性非萎缩性胃炎(NAG),48周后6例肉眼见胃黏膜变薄、颜色灰暗,HE染色4例慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)、2例肠化(IM),对照组无H.pylori定植,胃黏膜肉眼及HE染色无明显异常;实验组较对照组MGs胃组织Cx32、Cx43表达显著下降,转录因子GATA-3、AP-4、PBX-1、C/EBPβ表达显著升高(P0.05),其中有胃癌前病变(CAG和IM)者较NAG者改变明显(P0.05);Cx32、Cx43与转录因子表达呈负相关(-1r0,P0.05)。结论 H.pylori感染上调MGs胃黏膜转录因子GATA-3、AP-4、PBX-1和C/EBPβ表达,下调Cx32、Cx43表达,可能与胃癌发生有关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎患者和慢性浅表性胃炎患者胃内幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)感染与舌苔菌群的关系.方法 根据61名患者内镜、病理和H.pylori检测结果,将其分成慢性萎缩性胃炎H.pylori阳性组(12名)、慢性萎缩性胃炎H.pylori阴性组(16名)、慢性浅表性胃炎...  相似文献   

目的研究胃微生物菌群与胃贲门腺癌发病的相关性。方法选择2016年4月-2018年4月在本院就诊的胃贲门腺癌(GCA)患者109例。患者均经病理科组织病理确诊为GCA。对照组为健康人群100例,根据有无H.pylori检出将对照组和GCA组患者分为有H.pylori和无H.pylori感染,其中对照组H.pylori检出19例,未检出81例,GCA组H.pylori检出53例,未检出56例。用胃镜采集贲门胃黏膜,置于无菌冻存管放入液氮中保存,使用16SrRNA的方法进行胃黏膜微生物检测。结果 GCA组患者幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染例数明显高于对照组,无论有无H.pylori感染的对照组人群中,丰度较高的菌属是不动杆菌(Acinetobacter),罗斯氏菌(Rothia),嗜血杆菌(Haemophi-lus),拟杆菌(Bacteroides),链球菌(Streptococcus),韦荣球菌(Veillonella),普氏菌(Prevotella)。无H.pylori组内,GCA组样本中普氏菌(Prevotella)、瓦氏菌(Shewanella)、盐单胞菌(Halomonas)丰度明显高于对照组,有H.pylori组内,GCA组样本中普氏菌(Prevotella)、瓦氏菌(Shewanella)、盐单胞菌(Halomonas)、卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas)、梭杆菌(Fusobacterium)丰度明显高于对照组,不动杆菌(Acinetobacter)明显低于对照组。有H.pylori的GCA组样本中普氏菌(Prevotella)、瓦氏菌(Shewanella)、盐单胞菌(Halomonas)、卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas)、梭杆菌(Fusobacterium)丰度明显高于无H.pylori的GCA组,不动杆菌(Acinetobacter)明显低于无H.py-lori的GCA组。结果还发现GCA与普氏菌(Prevotella)、瓦氏菌(Shewanella)、盐单胞菌(Halomonas)、卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas)、梭杆菌(Fusobacterium)正相关,与不动杆菌(Acineto-bacter)负相关。结论 GCA患者胃内菌群数量和分布与健康人群存在明显差异,H.pylori可能影响胃内菌群结构在GCA发病中发挥作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨白光胃镜常规检查时根据不同的胃体黏膜形态判断幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染的准确性及其病理表现,了解胃体黏膜形态变化的临床意义。方法选择2017年3月至2018年9月于本院行胃镜检查的520例患者为研究对象,对患者胃体和胃窦同时进行组织病理学和快速尿素酶检查及白光胃镜检查,根据白光胃镜检查结果分为胃体黏膜病变组(232例)和无胃体黏膜病变组(288例),分析胃镜下不同黏膜组织病变与H.pylori的感染情况,采用四格表分析白光胃镜检测对H.pylori感染的诊断价值。结果与无胃体黏膜病变组比较,胃体黏膜病变组患者H.pylori感染率显著升高,同时胃体黏膜黏液分泌增多、胃体黏膜广泛充血、胃体皱襞肥大、黏膜水肿、胃体黏膜"龟纹样"改变、胃体(单发或多发)息肉、胃体可见RAC。不同胃体黏膜病变患者H.pylori感染率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=62.711,P0.001)。胃体黏膜病变患者H.pylori感染率与十二指肠炎、十二指肠溃疡无关(均P0.05),与反流性食管炎、胃溃疡、胃窦糜烂有关(χ~2=7.087、6.230、17.934,P=0.008、0.013、0.001)。白光胃镜诊断H.pylori感染的灵敏度为71.43%,特异度为90.27%,准确度为79.62%,阳性预测值为90.52%,阴性预测值为70.83%。结论白光胃镜下胃体黏膜形态与H.pylori感染率及与炎症、肠化生、黏膜萎缩、非典型增生、反流性食管炎、胃溃疡、胃窦糜烂有关,白光胃镜检查可能对H.pylori感染有一定诊断价值。白光胃镜下较常见且易识别的胃体黏膜充血、水肿、"龟纹样"改变、胃体可见RAC等可能成为白光胃镜预测H.pylori感染的特异性表现。  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori can colonize the human stomach for prolonged periods of time, and this colonization uniformly leads to the development of chronic active gastritis. In a small percentage of individuals, gastric pathology progresses to peptic ulceration or more rarely certain gastric cancers. In addition to non-specific inflammation, specific systemic and local immunity develops in response to gastric colonization by this pathogen. However, these responses combined appear inadequate for eliminating H. pylori from the gastric mucosa. This is also the case in a mouse model of gastric colonization by H. pylori. In the present study, we attempted to determine whether the mammalian host response to infection with H. pylori exerts any overt antibacterial effects. To this end we examined H. pylori colonization in normal mice, and mice immunosuppressed by treatment with a corticosteroid. Despite obvious suppression of the immune response in the latter mice, H. pylori burdens remained similar in both groups after three months of colonization. This suggests that the murine host response, at least, exerts little obvious protection against H. pylori colonization.  相似文献   

Unique mechanism of Helicobacter pylori for colonizing the gastric mucus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Helicobacter pylori is a human gastric pathogen causing chronic infection. Urease and motility using flagella are essential factors for its colonization. Urease of H. pylori exists both on the surface and in the cytoplasm, and is involved in neutralizing gastric acid and in chemotactic motility. H. pylori senses the concentration gradients of urea in the gastric mucus layer, then moves toward the epithelial surface by chemotactic movement. The energy source for the flagella movement is the proton motive force. The hydrolysis of urea by the cytoplasmic urease possibly generates additional energy for the flagellar rotation in the mucus gel layer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori mainly inhabit the mucus layer in the gastric mucosa. However, mechanisms involving H. pylori colonization and proliferation in gastric mucosa are not well established. This study focuses on elucidating the role of gastric mucosal cells on growth of H. pylori. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H. pylori was co-cultured with the murine gastric surface mucosal cells (GSM06), and the growth of H. pylori on the cells was assessed by enumerating the colony-forming units (CFU). The H. pylori growth factor in the culture media conditioned by GSM06 cell was purified by HPLC, and the chemical structure of the growth factor was identified by analyses of (1)H- and (13)C-NMR spectra. RESULTS: A marked increase in the number of CFU of H. pylori was observed in the GSM06 cells. The enhanced H. pylori growth was also observed when indirectly incubated with GSM06 cells through semi-permeable membrane. In addition, culture media conditioned by GSM06 cell stimulated H. pylori growth approximately one thousand-fold. By bioassay-guided purification, the H. pylori growth factor was isolated from the conditioned medium of GSM06 cells and identified as L-lactic acid. The H. pylori growth-enhancing activity under microaerobic condition was well correlated with L-lactic acid concentrations in the conditioned media. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that L-lactic acid secreted by gastric mucosal cells enhances the growth of H. pylori, and this L-lactic acid-dependent growth of H. pylori may be important to the long-term colonization of H. pylori in the stomach.  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)是一种选择性定植于胃上皮细胞的革兰氏阴性菌,是一种广泛传染的病原菌,也是诱导产生慢性胃炎的主要因素之一。近年来研究表明幽门螺杆菌感染诱导机体产生氧化应激反应,并通过各种逃逸机制避免被杀灭。幽门螺杆菌能不断刺激中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞表达活性氧和活性氮,导致体内活性氧和活性氮的过度积累,致使细胞的凋亡和胃粘膜损伤的加剧,这是导致胃炎发生及加重的重要因素。本文对幽门螺杆感染引起氧化应激反应的研究进展作简要综述。  相似文献   

Biopsy specimens of gastric and duodenal mucosa from 326 patients were examined bacteriologically and histologically to determine the correlation between chronic gastritis and H. pylori colonization. H. pylori was identified in 111 (66.5%) patients with evidence of chronic gastritis and in 97 (82.2%) individuals who had gastritis associated with other pathology (gastric o duodenal ulcer, carcinoma o bulboduodenitis). The spiral bacteria was found more frequently in specimens with chronic superficial gastritis (88/107) and no significant difference was observed between the grade of activity of gastritis and H. pylori colonization. Giemsa stain was the most suitable method for detecting H. pylori in histological sections. By electron microscopy the microorganism was seen on the surface of the gastric mucosa, beneath the mucous layer, and more occasionally in intercellular junctions and the gastric pit.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infections are responsible for a sequence of molecular events which ultimately result in the development of gastric diseases. The pathogenesis of H. pylori has been studied extensively with strong focus on the identification of virulence factors. In contrast, the involvement of thiol:disulfide oxidoreductases in bacterial pathogenesis is less well understood. This paper provides a review of the current knowledge of H. pylori putative thiol:disulfide oxidoreductases, and their potential role in promoting virulence and colonization. Several bioinformatic analyses served to complete the information on these oxidoreductases of H. pylori.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Helicobacter pylori is known to be a major pathogenic factor in the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Recently, chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin Y (IgY) has been recognized as an inexpensive antibody source for passive immunization against gastrointestinal infections. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of anti-urease IgY on H. pylori infection in Mongolian gerbils. METHODS: H. pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils were administered a diet containing anti-urease IgY, with or without famotidine (F). After 10 weeks, bacterial culture and measurement of the gastric mucosal myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity were performed. In a second experiment, another group of gerbils was started on a diet containing F + IgY a week prior to H. pylori inoculation. After 9 weeks, these animals were examined. RESULTS: In the H. pylori-infected gerbils, there were no significant differences in the level of H. pylori colonization among the different dietary and control groups. However, the MPO activity was significantly decreased in the H. pylori group administered the F + IgY diet compared with that in the H. pylori group administered the IgY, F, or control diet. Furthermore, in the gerbils administered the F + IgY diet prior to the bacterial inoculation, inhibition of H. pylori colonization and suppression of the elevated gastric mucosal MPO activity were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of urease-specific IgY not only inhibited H. pylori disease activity in H. pylori-infected gerbils, but also prevented H. pylori colonization in those not yet infected. These encouraging results may pave the way for a novel therapeutic and prophylactic approach in the management of H. pylori-associated gastroduodenal disease.  相似文献   

The effects of Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 (LC1) on Helicobacter pylori colonization in the stomach were investigated. H. pylori colonization and gastritis in LC1-inoculated Mongolian gerbils were significantly less intense than those in the control animals. LC1 culture supernatant (>10-kDa fraction) inhibited H. pylori motility and induced bacterial aggregation in human gastric epithelial cells, suggesting the potential of clinical use of LC1 product.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a causative agent of gastric and duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. Its urease enzyme allows survival in acid conditions and drives bacterial intracellular metabolism. We aimed to investigate the role of urease in determining the intragastric distribution of Helicobacter species in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The C57BL/6 mouse model of gastritis was used for infection with Helicobacter felis (CS1) or H. pylori (SS1). Urease-modulating compounds urea and/or fluorofamide (urease inhibitor) were administered to mice over 7 days. Concurrent gastric acid inhibition by omeprazole was also examined. Bacterial distribution in the antrum, body, antrum/body, and body/cardia transitional zones was graded "blindly" by histologic evaluation. Bacterial colony counts on corresponding tissue were also conducted. RESULTS: Urease inhibition by fluorofamide decreased H. pylori survival in most gastric regions (p < .05); however, there were no marked changes to H. felis colonization after this treatment. There was a consistent trend for decreased antral colonization, and an increase in antrum/body transitional zone and body colonization with excess 5% or 6% (w/v) urea treatment. Significant reductions of both Helicobacter species were observed with the co-treatment of urea and fluorofamide (p < .05). Collateral treatment with omeprazole did not alter H. pylori colonization patterns caused by urea/fluorofamide. CONCLUSIONS: Urease perturbations affect colonization patterns of Helicobacter species. Combined urea and fluorofamide treatment reduced the density of both Helicobacter species in our infection model.  相似文献   

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