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该文以《细胞生物学》课程为依托开展生物学研究生的科研素质训练,以此为切入点促进生物学硕士研究生创新型人才的培养。我们将科学研究的方法和思路、科研动手能力、学术交流和沟通能力等研究生科研素质的训练融入到《细胞生物学》理论课程和实验课程的教学中,通过PBL教学法、整体实验设计等多种手段结合课程内容对生物学研究生开展全面的科研素质训练,使研究生们能够在入学后尽快掌握科研方法和思路,提高其动手能力、分析能力和表达能力等。实践结果表明,以《细胞生物学》课程为依托开展的研究生科研素质训练是提高生物学研究生人才培养质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的:探索适合临床研究生的分子实验技能课教学模式,提高研究生科研思维能力和实验技能。方法:根据临床研究生的特点,以学生为主体,注重学生科研思维的培养,运用多样化的教学手段,对研究生临床分子实验技能课程的教学方法进行探索。结果:通过实验技能课的学习与培训,临床研究生科研思维能力得到很大的提升,对医学实验研究兴趣增加,取得了很好的教学效果。结论:多元化教学模式比较适合临床研究生实验技能课的教学。  相似文献   

研究组组会是导师带教研究生、培养研究生科研能力、了解研究生科研进展的重要手段,是导师对研究生言传身教的重要场所。将组会纳入到研究生课程体系建设中,进一步发挥组会在研究生培养中的作用,实现对组会效果的考核,打通研究生课堂学习和个性化科研能力培养这两个环节,对于培养学生良好的科研习惯和科研分析能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

开展综合性基础医学实验课程,提高医学研究生科研技能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着高校研究生招生规模的不断扩大,研究生教育的质量问题日益引起社会广泛关注。本文分析了研究生科研实验中存在的主要问题及现行实验课程中的不足,并对实验课程如何适应科研的需要进行了阐述。强调研究生实验课程应注重突出学科交叉性、先进性、实用性和研究性,并形成集生物化学、分子生物学、病理学、遗传学、细胞生物学和免疫学等多学科相互渗透、相互交叉、相互补充的系列性、综合性、研究性的基础医学实验教学课程,旨在使学生更系统、更全面地掌握医学实验技术和技能,为后续的研究性实验工作和科研水平的提高打好一个坚实的基础。  相似文献   

科研能力的水平是我国研究生教育质量的重要指标。现代生物医学研究中呈现的"大数据"特点给研究生科研能力培养提出了新的要求。本文在分析"大数据"基本特点和总结医学科研思维模式在"大数据"影响下发生的转变的基础上,对提高医学研究生获取和利用"大数据"信息的能力提出一些具体建议,希望能够推动医学研究生科研能力的培养。  相似文献   

干细胞一直是生命科学领域研究的热点,已取得了里程碑式的进展。本文围绕干细胞研究领域的重要事件,探讨其对研究生科研思维培养的启示。目的在于培养研究生敢于突破、实事求是的科研态度;塑造其严谨治学、恪守学术道德的科研素质;从而培养科研思维,提升创新能力。  相似文献   

病原生物学是基础医学中一门重要学科,高素质病原生物学人才培养,是适应社会发展、满足社会需求、促进创新型人才建设的关键.作者在实际工作中,注重引导学生学习态度和思维模式的转变,开展多种形式的教学,从学习态度、科研能力、协作能力等方面对病原生物学专业研究生综合素质的培养进行了初步的探讨,把研究生带到知识前沿、形成研究问题、引导批判和创新,使研究生掌握一定的科研思路与科研方法;注重动手能力的训练,严格施教,加强学术道德教育,探索高素质病原生物学研究生培养的新模式.  相似文献   

医学研究生教育的目的是培养高素质创新型医学人才,创新离不开科研,病理学是多学科科研究工作的基础。建立科研平台提高科研能力是研究生教育十分关注的问题。如何培养研究生病理学实验能力,使学到知识技术在今后的科研活动中得以运用,本文就近几年我们在研究生病理学实验带教实践过程中的一些方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

研究生教学及其科研开展的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究生培养一般分教学和科研两部分,而研究生教学又是其中重要的基础环节,是顺利开展科研的前提.以研究生教学为例,系统分析了硕士研究生学习特点、方法、独立及创新性、论文的开题及科研的开展等.  相似文献   

转录组学是生命科学领域的一门交叉型、发展快速的前沿性学科。随着高通量测序技术的迅猛发展,在收集、整合及数据挖掘的基础上全面系统的研究转录组成为可能。目前,利用转录组学的理论及技术研究疾病的转录组信息,系统全面阐明其基因表达调控规律,构建其基因调控网络,已经成为医学研究领域的热点。通过在医学研究生中开展转录组学这门课程,使研究生掌握其中的科研思维和方法,帮助研究生更清晰地认识疾病发生发展的分子机制,并通过学习这门课程提高研究生的科研能力和水平。  相似文献   

Because Journal Clubs (JClubs) represent valued educational tools, we often assume optimality of Journal Club practices. We analyze here JClubs records from a research group to identify factors that modify how much attendants benefit from discussing a paper. We demonstrate that attendants benefit most from papers focusing on systems similar to those they work on and that their ability to profit from different contribution types changes with research experience. Common JClubs practices such as the assignment of the paper selection to a single individual could thus compromise participant experience. Our conclusions may also be generalizable to situations outside academia.  相似文献   

Transport proteins of the neurotransmitter sodium symporter (NSS) family regulate the extracellular concentration of several neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. The only member of this family for which atomic-resolution structural data are available is the prokaryotic homologue LeuT. This protein has been used as a model system to study the molecular mechanism of transport of the NSS family. In this Journal Club, we discuss two strikingly different LeuT transport mechanisms: one involving a single high-affinity substrate binding site and one recently proposed alternative involving two high-affinity substrate binding sites that are allosterically coupled.  相似文献   

Here we briefly review our understanding of the immune response to myelin-derived glycolipids during an inflammatory autoimmune response in the central nervous system (CNS). We focus primarily on the recognition of the self-glycolipid sulfatide by a distinct population of non-invariant NK T cells. The results of studies we have obtained so far in investigating the presentation of sulfatide by CNS-resident cells including microglia and their interactions with T cells indicate that this pathway might be successfully targeted for the treatment of autoimmune demyelination in multiple sclerosis. Special issue of the Journal dedicated to Drs. Anthony T. Campagnoni and Celia W. Campagnoni. It is a privilege to contribute an article for this special occasion. It was highly rewarding for me to participate in the Journal Club meetings at UCLA initiated by Tony in which experts in Neurochemistry, Neurosciences and Immunology would discuss and learn from each other with passion. I personally enjoyed and benefited both from these meetings and especially from the get-togethers at their lovely home overlooking the Santa Monica hills. I will always treasure my association and friendship with Tony and Celia.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes in the Discussion and Acknowledgments sections. The changes are shown below:  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in the Discussion section. The phrase “...by older females against younger...  相似文献   

Progress with techniques using zona-pellucida denuded embryos has resulted in the birth of live cattle, pigs, and mice. The application of zona-free methods in sheep has been restricted to in vitro studies. In this report, we demonstrate that live lambs can be produced from zona-free IVF embryos. We are pursuing this method as a prerequisite to developing viral vector co-culture delivery strategies.  相似文献   

Mapping started exactly 50 years ago when Bell & Haldane (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 123, 119 (1937] measured the genetic distance between colour blindness and haemophilia. In their Discussion they wrote 'if...an equally close linkage were found between the genes determining blood group membership and that determining Huntington's chorea, we should be able, in many cases, to predict which children of an affected person would develop this disease, and to advise on the desirability or otherwise of their marriage'. Progress in this direction has proceeded through the discovery of autosomal linkages by family studies, and the assignment of genes to particular chromosomes by somatic-cell hybridization techniques. Recombinant DNA technology has been successfully used in both approaches, with the result that many chromosomes are now roughly mapped. In practice, the map can already be used for prenatal diagnosis of several diseases, and may provide 'take-off' points for some molecular approaches to poorly defined genes. More fundamentally, it is beginning to provide insights into the nature of the meiotic process and the organization of the genome.  相似文献   

杨少辉 《生物学杂志》2011,28(4):102-103
研究生教育的宗旨是培养具有创新能力的专业人才。为了突破传统教学模式的局限性,提高研究生教学质量,在遗传学研究生课程"现代遗传学研究进展"的教学中进行了PBL(Problem-based Learning)教学法的尝试与探索,采用学生自主学习和小组讨论为主,教师积极引导的方法。从根本上改变了传统的以教师为主的灌输式教学模式,极大地提高了学生的自主创新学习能力及学习的积极性,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   


The international purinergic scientific community has lost its pioneer. Geoffrey Burnstock, born on the 10th of May 1929 in London, died on the 2nd of June 2020, aged 91, in Melbourne (Australia). Geoff was one of the most highly regarded scientists of his generation. In the 1960s and 1970s, he developed a radical and somehow heretical new theory and opened an entire new field of science, signalling via extracellular nucleotides (the “purinergic theory”), which revolutionized our understanding of how cells communicate between each other. Initially, his unconventional theory found a lot of resistance in the scientific community. Once, one scientist even threatened to devote his entire life to disproving Burnstock’s theory. Undeterred, Geoff went further on, and continued to accumulate evidence in favour of his hypothesis, and led the field ever since. He struggled to attract new scientists to this new field of research and, in the early 1990s, due to new molecular biology techniques making it possible to isolate and identify cell surface receptors for ATP and its breakdown product adenosine, did evidence emerge that eventually convinced the doubters. The number of spontaneous obituaries and messages honouring Geoff’s memory that have appeared on specialized Journals and in the public press throughout the world since last June indicates that many people are clearly affected by his death. Besides being a rigorous, ethical and extremely brilliant scientist, Geoff was an extraordinary human being, always eager to collaborate and share data, never jealous of his findings and capable of learning things even from young people. He was known for his enthusiasm, empathy and ability to motivate young scientists and promote their careers. After the establishment of the Purine Club back in the 1990s, numerous Purine Club Chapters have been formed around the world with Geoff’s help and encouragement. He has obviously also been the inspirator and founder of our Journal, Purinergic Signalling (PUSI). For this reason, Charles Kennedy, the current Editor of the Journal, and myself thought that it might be nice to invite representatives from all known Purine Clubs to send a few notes to be published in PUSI on the history of their club and how Geoff inspired, aided or supported them. Here, I have collected all their contributions and I share with the entire purinergic community my personal memories on how the Purine Club was born and developed thanks to the invaluable mentoring of Geoffrey Burnstock. I apologize in advance if I am missing some information or forgot to mention somebody, and I strongly encourage all readers to submit memories and additional information that I shall gather for future writing. Keeping alive the history of how the field developed will be the best tribute that we can play to celebrate Geoff’s work along the years.


Volume 1, Number 1 of The American Journal of Human Genetics was published in September 1949. The first paper was an 18-page preface to the journal by H. J. Muller, president of The American Society of Human Genetics, entitled “Progress and Prospects in Human Genetics.” Charles W. Cotterman served as the first editor, and since that time a dozen other human geneticists have shared that distinction. In recognition of the 60th anniversary of AJHG, recollections of five editors are recorded here.  相似文献   

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