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2013年1月19日,在江西省余干县发现深色型白鹭(Egretta garzetta)1只(坐标116°36′2211″ E,28°36′0790″ N),与白色型白鹭混群站立于河边泥滩上。该鸟除头部有部分白色羽毛外,全身羽毛颜色呈深灰色,喙部及腿部颜色与白色型白鹭无异。  相似文献   

2016年3月24日在位于吉林省长春市的吉林农业大学校园内(43°48′36″N,125°24′04″E,海拔227m)拍摄到1只体型大小与山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis)相当的鸽形目鸟类(图1).其嘴细长、暗褐色,虹膜棕红色,脚趾紫红色.额、头顶青灰色,头侧、前颈粉红色,后颈羽毛黑色密布白色珍...  相似文献   

<正>2013年9月至2014年6月,笔者在西藏昌都市八宿县、贡觉县、芒康县和昌都县先后观察并拍摄到白鹭(Egretta garzetta),为西藏首次发现。2013年9月29日,在八宿县然乌镇政府后方的湖边(29°30′17.28″N,96°45′25.44″E,海拔3 934 m),观察到2只白鹭成鸟,其体形纤瘦,全身羽毛白色,头部无羽冠,肩、背和前胸的蓑状羽也消失,呈冬羽特征;虹膜为黄色;眼先黄绿;嘴黑色,但嘴裂处及下嘴基部显淡黄色;胫与跗跖部黑色,趾黄绿色。2014年5月至6月,  相似文献   

2019年8月11日6:59时,超强台风“利奇马”刚刚离开杭州,在浙江省杭州市西湖水域靠近钱王祠的水域(120°09′05″E,30°14′52″N,海拔约10 m)发现1只海燕。该海燕体型较小,腰部羽毛明显为白色,不似我国东海有分布的黑叉尾海燕现场拍摄的照片显示其腰部白色延伸到尾下覆羽,跗跖较长.  相似文献   

正2018年4月20日,于山东省青州市南阳湖景区内(118°26′53″E,36°40′35″N,海拔115m)观察到1只鹭科鸟类,25日再次观察到并用相机拍摄了照片(图1a)。据观察,与白鹭(Egretta garzetta)相比,该个体体型略小,通体深红褐色,头顶具有黑色冠羽,虹膜黄色,眼先及眼周有淡蓝色裸露皮肤,颏白并具由黑色纵纹而成的  相似文献   

正2017年10月22日,在青海大通北川河源区国家级自然保护区开展野生动物调查中,于大通县宝库乡巴彦山区(100°56'45.78″E,37°22'13.97″N,海拔4 020 m)记录到1只岩羊Pseudois nayaur白色型个体,并用Nikon D810单反相机配Sigma 150~600 mm镜头拍摄到一组清晰数码照片。该个体为亚成体,面部颜色较淡,四蹄及尾部区域的颜色较正常个体淡,肩及臀部两侧略沾淡褐色,其余各部位均呈白色,根据其换毛情况可以推测臀部两侧淡褐色部位将会进一步变白。该群其余  相似文献   

2012年4月17日,笔者在四川省成都市四川大学华西校区的药用植物园(30°38″24’N,104°03″59’E)进行成都春季林地迁徙野鸟调查时,观察到一只与白眉鸫Turdus obscurus结伴觅食,但形态存在明显差异的鸫属鸟类,经拍摄图片鉴定确认,为四川省鸟类新纪录——褐头鸫Turdus feae。野外观察该鸟体型、白色眉纹和眼下白斑、飞行时发出嘶声等均与白眉鸫近似,但头部、  相似文献   

2010年10月23日16:30,环志人员在地处黑龙江省大兴安岭地区伊勒呼里山南麓的南瓮河国家级自然保护区青林鸟类环志站(51°08’19.9″N,125°08’36.6″E)环志到一只鸫。该鸟头顶、颈、腰淡灰蓝色,额、头顶有少许黑色纵纹,背栗褐色,翅和尾黑褐色,眉纹白色,嘴橙黄色,尖端黑色,下体白色,喉、胸锈黄色具黑褐色纵纹,两胁鳞状斑,跗蹠褐色;体重93.2g,体长270  相似文献   

鸟类作为色彩最丰富的陆生脊椎动物,其体表覆盖着颜色多样的羽毛,在伪装、择偶、信号识别等多方面具有重要功能,因此羽毛颜色引起了研究者的极大兴趣。羽毛颜色总体分为由化学物质产生的色素色和由物理结构产生的结构色,其中常见色素有两大类。根据近年来对羽毛色素的研究进展,本文总结了黑色素和类胡萝卜素的类型、合成途径、获取途径以及相关基因,为深入研究羽毛色素合成、代谢的分子调控机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2010年7月26日,在湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区(以下简称壶瓶山保护区)南坪分局壶瓶山(110°47’25″E,30°06’44″N,海拔1 566 m)发现褐灰雀(Pyrrhula nipalensis)2只。2011年2月18日,在江坪分局石碾子沟(110°33’35″E,30°0’50″N,海拔439 m)再次发现褐灰雀9只(图1)。该鸟为中等体型的灰色雀,嘴绿灰色,嘴端黑色,眼先及  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期大剂量乌司他丁治疗急性肺挫伤的临床疗效。方法:选择102例在湖南中医药大学第一附属医院胸外科治疗的急性肺挫伤患者,随机分为A组(对照组)、B组(常规剂量组)和C组(大剂量组),每组各34例。A组患者给予常规治疗;B组在对照组治疗基础上给予乌司他丁10万单位加入0.9%氯化钠100mL静脉滴注,每8h1次,连用7d;C组在对照组治疗基础上给予乌司他丁40万单位加入0.9%氯化钠100mL静脉滴注,每8h1次,连用7d。分别测定和比较3组患者在治疗前、治疗第1天、治疗第4天、治疗第7天的动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、动脉二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2、血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF—α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)的水平以及治疗期间3组患者急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)T2.肺部感染的发生率。结果:治疗后,B组的PaO2水平在第7天较A组升高,C组的PaO2水平在第1、4、7天较A组均有升高,在第1、4天较B组亦有升高(P〈0.05);B、C两组PaCO:水平在第4天较A组均有升高(P〈0.05);B组的PaO2/FiO2水平在第7天较A组升高,C组的PaO/FiO2水平在第4、7天较A、B两组均有升高(P〈0.05)。B组的TNF—α水平在第7天较A组降低,C组的TNF-α水平在第4、7天较A组降低,在第4天较B组降低(P〈0.05);B组的IL-6水平在第7天较A组降低,C组的IL-6水平在第4、7天较A、B组均降低(P〈0.05)。各组ARDS及肺部感染的发生率比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:早期大剂量乌司他丁对急性肺挫伤具有明显的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的:通过实验探讨透明质酸钠预防微波消融术后局部组织粘连的效果。方法:120只健康SD大鼠随机分为三组,每组40只,分别为微波消融组(A组,对照组)、微波消融加透明质酸钠组(B组)、微波消融加生理盐水组(C组)。通过对大鼠背部肌肉进行微波消融建立术后局部粘连模型,并在该模型基础上应用透明质酸钠,术后3 d、1 w、2 w、4 w分别对背部组织进行粘连分级、HE染色及免疫组化观察和分析。结果:消融术后3 d、1 w、2 w,B组在粘连分级方面A、B及C 3组间水平差异具有统计学意义P0.05);4 w时A、B、C组间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.458)。两两比较,A、C两组在四个时间点水平差异无统计学差异(P均0.05),而B组在消融术后3 d、1 w和2 w时,粘连分级明显优于A、C组,P=0.029(3 d)、P=0.011(1W)、P=0.004(2W),水平差异显著,有统计学意义;4 w时,P=0.391,无统计学意义。消融术后A、C组HE染色及免疫组化染色光镜下观察,淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞等炎症浸润情况及成纤维细胞数目均较B组多,且A、C组胶原纤维沉积明显多于B组。结论:透明质酸钠能够有效减轻微波消融术后发生的局部组织粘连。  相似文献   

利用根箱法对转基因抗虫棉花根部土壤进行分区采集,并采用新建立的土壤中转基因抗虫棉花重组DNA的半定量PCR检测方法对转基因抗虫棉花3个生长时期(播种后40、50和60d)不同根区土壤中内参磷酸果糖激酶(PFK)基因片段、35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段和35S-NPTII构建特异性片段进行分析,探索转基因抗虫棉花重组DNA在土壤中的分布特点。结果表明:播种后第40天、第50天的全部根表、根际及1个非根际土壤样品中检测到磷酸果糖激酶基因片段,第60天的全部土壤样品中检测到磷酸果糖激酶基因片段;第40天、第50天各有2个根表和1个根际土壤样品中检测到35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段,而非根际土壤样品中未检测到35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段,第60天的全部根表、根际及1个非根际土壤样品中检测到35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段,35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段相对量变化与磷酸果糖激酶基因片段基本一致;第40天、第50天和第60天全部根表土壤样品和第60天全部根际土壤样品中检测到35S-NPTII构建特异性片段,而在其他土壤样品中各有2个检测到35S-NPTII构建特异性片段,35S-NPTII构建特异性片段相对量变化与35S-Cry1A构建特异性片段基本一致;35S-Cry1A和35S-NPTII构建特异性片段与内参磷酸果糖激酶基因片段在土壤中的分布特点相似,主要分布在根表和根际土壤中,并随着棉花生长期的推进分布范围逐渐扩大。  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone (pADR) for adrenodoxin reductase was isolated by means of immunological screening from a bovine adrenal poly(A)+ mRNA library. A cDNA insert of 1,973 base pairs in length encoded the entire amino acid sequence of the adrenodoxin reductase precursor protein, which consists of 492 amino acids including an extrapeptide of 32 amino acids at the NH2-terminus. The cloned cDNA contained the complete 3'-noncoding region of 443 nucleotides including 59 nucleotides of poly(A) and 51 nucleotides in the 5'-noncoding region. The amino acid sequences from the 33rd to 70th, the 117th to 123rd, the 207th to 225th, the 247th to 323rd, the 385th to 426th, the 444th to 461st, and the 487th to 492nd in the predicted structure were identical with those of the purified adrenodoxin reductase and its digested peptides, with only four exceptions.  相似文献   

With a selected spectrum of coagulation tests the functioning capacity of thrombocytes was investigated in rabbits exposed to a whole body irradiation by means of 60Co radiation with a LD 5/30. A reduced retraction could be proved for times of irradiation (the 5th, 8th, 11th, 21st, 35th, and 56th day). A reduced formation of malondialdehyde could be identified in thrombocytes on the 8th and 21st day after irradiation. No changes could be found in determining adhesiveness, platelet aggregation caused by ADP, and PF3A and PF3F tests. In the course of additional investigations (coagulation time in unprepared and siliconized glass tubes, thromboelastogramme, activated partial chromboplastine time), significant changes of coagulation time could be observed in siliconized glass tubes on the 8th, 11th, 21st, and 56th day following irradiation.  相似文献   

The lower leaves of tobacco plants were inoculated with leaf mosaic virus and the activities of oxygenase, peroxidase, catalase, and invertase were followed in leaves of comparable age at intervals of 2 or 3 days over a period of 21 days. The inoculated leaves exhibited a great decrease relative to normal tissue in the activity of oxygenase and peroxidase on the 6th day. Younger leaves showed this minimum at a progressively later date. A great decrease in the activities of these enzymes was attained by the 14th to the 18th day. This maximum was followed by a decrease. Catalase exhibited an increased activity which reached a maximum at about the 8th day. A second maximum was observed on the 16th to the 18th day. Invertase reached a minimum, relative to normal plants, on about the 8th day. A second minimum was approached on the 16th to the 18th day. These data show that profound disturbances in the physiology of infected plants occur many days before the leaf juice attains an infectious concentration of virus. The observed activities could not be due therefore to metabolic activities of the virus particles themselves. Since infectivity is attained only after a period of profound physiological disturbance, it seems possible that the virus protein develops as a product of abnormal metabolism.  相似文献   

目的:观察糖尿病大鼠的骨折愈合过程,探讨糖尿病影响大鼠骨折愈合的可能的机制,为临床实践提供理论依据。方法:雄性Wister大鼠140只,随机分成二组,每组70只,A组为糖尿病骨折组;B组为非糖尿病骨折组。建立糖尿病动物模型后,无菌条件下在各组大鼠胫骨中点用手术方法制成骨折模型。术后1周、2周、4周、6周、8周各时间点进行X线检查,观察骨折愈合情况。术后1周、2周、3周、4周、6周、8周分别用ELISA法检测血清中IGF-1含量。分别在1、2、4、6、8周各时间点观察5只大鼠骨痂生长情况并取骨折断端组织行HE染色光镜观察。术后4周、6周、8周每组处死10只大鼠留取双侧胫骨标本,冷冻保存后集中进行生物力学检测。结果:1、大体标本观察结果:各时间点A组骨痂生长减缓延迟。2、X线结果:A组骨折愈合质量在各时间点均明显低于B组。3、生物力学测定结果:4周、6周、8周个时间点A组骨折处骨痂的机械强度均明显低于B组。4、组织学染色显示:术后各时间点1、2、4、6、8周A组与B组相比骨折处局部骨痂成熟延迟并且软骨细胞肥大。5、血清IGF-1含量测定:A组大鼠血清中IGF-1含量低于B组,且高峰延迟1周。结论:1.患有糖尿病后大鼠骨折愈合质量差,比较容易出现愈合延迟甚至不愈合;2.患有糖尿病的大鼠骨折后血清中的IGF-1表达明显低于对照组,且高峰推迟1周。  相似文献   

Effect of Two Conserved Amino Acid Residues on DREB1A Function   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

The immune response to sheep red blood cell (sRBC) was monitored in the mice infected with Ascaris suum or Trichinella spiralis. The effects of the infection with T. spiralis or the injection with cyclophosphamide(CY) as an immunosuppression agent prior to challenge infection with the embryonated eggs of A. suum were monitored in mice by means of the level of infection with A. suum and cellular and humoral immune response to sRBC. Following the oral administration of 1,000 eggs of A. suum to mice, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and rosette-forming rate were gradually decreased and reached to the lowest levels at the 5th week and 6th week postinfection, respectively, and then returned to normal at the 10th week. The hemagglutinin(HA) and hemolysin(HE) titers were gradually elevated and reached to peak at the 3rd week postinfection, and then returned to normal level. The appearance ratios of the eosinophils and mast cells were in peak at the 4th week and the 2nd week postinfection, respectively. Meanwhile the harvest ratio of A. suum larvae from the liver and lungs was 21.97% at the 1st week postinfection. Following the oral administration of 300 T. spiralis infective larvae, DTH and rosette-forming rate were gradually decreased with the lapse of time and reached the lowest values in the 30th and 21st day of postinfection, and then slightly increased and transiently decreased in the 70th and 80th day of postinfection, respectively. HA and HE titers were the lowest in the 21st and 90th day, whereas the ratios of eosinophils and mast cells were the highest on the 40th and 14th day postinfection, respectively. Following the intraperitoneal injection of CY, the body weight, the spleen weight, DTH, rosette-forming ratio, HA and HE titers, the number of WBC and the ratio of the mast cell were predominantly decreased in the 5th day, and then returned to the same value of the 1st day postinjection. The ratio of eosinophils was gradually decreased following to advance of days. At the 1st, 5th and 10th days after intraperitoneal injection of CY of 400 mg/kg, a dose with 1,000 eggs of A. suum was administered orally to mice, and harvest rate of the larvae at the 7th day postadministration was 7.07% in the 1st day, 14.94% in the 5th day, 10.1% in the 10th day, 8.02% in control group. The effect of prior infection with infective larvae of T. spiralis upon immunological sequelae of a challenge infection of mice with embryonated eggs of A. suum in 30 or 70 days interval was checked.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study on butyrophilin (BTN) gene was conducted to detect variability at nucleotide level between cattle and buffalo. Hae III PCR-RFLP was carried out in crossbred cattle and it revealed polymorphism at this locus. Three genotypes namely, AA, BB and AB and two alleles were observed with frequencies 0.78, 0.17, 0.04 and 0.87, 0.13, respectively. The sequences of different cattle, buffalo and sheep breeds have been reported in the EMBL gene bank with accession numbers: AY491468 to AY491475. The nucleotides, which have been substituted from allele A to B, were found to be C to G (71st nucleotide), C to T (86th nucleotide), A to T (217th nucleotide), G to A (258th nucleotide), A to C (371st nucleotide) and C to T (377th nucleotide). The nucleotide substitution at 71st, 86th and 377th position of the fragment were expected to be a silent mutation where as nucleotide changes at 217th, 258th and 371st positions were expected to be substituted by lysine with arginine, valine with isoleucine and leucine with proline in allele B. The differences of nucleotides and amino acids between cattle, buffalo and sheep breeds have been revealed and on the basis of nucleotide as well as protein variability the phylogenetic diagram have been developed indicating closeness between cattle and buffalo.  相似文献   

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