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利用扫描电镜对长足大竹象成虫前胸背板和鞘翅的超微结构进行观察。结果表明:前胸背板和鞘翅表面均不光滑,前胸背板有零星分布的芽型感器和大量的凹陷;鞘翅上肩部有毛,在点刻沟部位遍布大量芽型感器。  相似文献   

双齿长蠹—中国新记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长蠹类昆虫,在国内报导较多的只有竹长蠹Dinoderus minutus Fabr.及谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica Fabr. 昆明地区常见一种为害边材和幼树的长蠹,过去称为“边材小蠹”,学名未定。最近我们鉴定为双齿长蠹Sinoxylon japonicum Lesne,属长蠹科Bostrichidae长蠹亚科Bostrichinae。 成虫体长4.0~4.5毫米,宽1.8~2.2毫米,黑色;头及前胸背板黑色;触角、上唇,两须、翅鞘及跗节棕褐色。前胸背板帽状,覆盖头部,其上密生微细颗粒,以前端两侧者较大而显著。渐至中部和后方则渐小,成为小的密集点刻;前胸背板上密生灰白色微毛。触角10节。端部3节向内侧延伸成叶状。鞘翅全面具细点刻,饰以灰色纤毛;鞘翅后端急剧倾斜成为75°~80°的角度,两个鞘翅的倾斜部分合而为圆形,其上各  相似文献   

云南木蠹象Pissodes yunnanensis Langor et Zhang 属鞘翅目Coleoptera 象虫科Curculionidae木蠹象属Pissodes,是危害云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franchet的主要蛀干害虫之一.详细记述了云南木蠹象雌、雄成虫的外部形态特征,并首次用扫描电镜观察了它们的头部及前翅的细微结构.电镜下可见雌、雄成虫头部额区具圆刻点并具毛,复眼无显著差异,复眼中部的小眼面皆呈六边形,前翅背面有3类毛形附属物,其中1类为灰色,另2类为白色;雌、雄成虫在前翅腹面端部有很明显的区别.  相似文献   

记述了中国短翅天牛属1新记录亚种,即柴田短翅天牛Glaphyra shibatai shibatai(Hayashi,1961)。柴田短翅天牛描述:体长8.1 mm宽2.0 mm。身体呈亮黑色。腿节亮棕黑色,后足腿节基部至中部浅黄色。鞘翅中部近中缝处有1对半透明深黄褐色区域。前胸长约1.23倍于宽,最宽广的部位在收缩之前,前足基节窝后方关闭。鞘翅基部宽约与前胸背板长相等,鞘翅长为鞘翅基部宽度的1.20倍,肩角略呈圆形,两侧向端部逐渐收缩,表面具有细而稀疏的小刻点,翅缝在基部3/5处分裂,缝角圆形。前胸腹板具有粗糙的刻点。后胸腹板具有细刻点。腹部刻点比后胸腹板更浅,更细。后足第1跗节1.50倍于2、3节之和。  相似文献   

大叶黄杨窄吉丁虫初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠彦文 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):224-224
大叶黄杨窄吉丁虫AgrilusnakaneiKurosawa属吉丁虫科、窄吉丁虫属。以幼虫蛀食大叶黄杨茎杆,造成整块地植株发生萎蔫枯死,其死株率在20%~30%,严重时可达90%。给园林绿化工作带来很大的损失。为此对其生物学特性进行了初步的观察,现将结果报道如下。1形态特征成虫:体长5~7mm,长条形,头胸部黑褐色,鞘翅古铜色,后中部具一条较宽的斜形黑斑。头短,密布细刻点,腹眼黑色,触角锯齿状,头顶中部有一四沟,前胸背板中前部隆起呈鼓包状,两侧缘弧弓状,上下背隆线双弧形。另具一短杆状肩前隆脊。小盾片三角形,前端具一横脊。鞘翅近…  相似文献   

在对榆梢小蠹Cryphalus sp.雌雄成虫形态特征细致比较的基础上,系统持续地研究了其坑道系统的形成过程。榆梢小蠹雌雄成虫个体大小差异不大,但雌雄次性征可见,主要区别在于额面是否有隆突和前胸背板后部鳞片多寡。主坑道内的成虫配比方式多为1雌1雄和2雌1雄,少有3雌1雄。榆梢小蠹的坑道系统形成可分为5个阶段,即侵入、召唤交尾、主坑道形成、产卵和子坑道形成,一般共历时40 d左右。  相似文献   

【目的】柠条长角象Trigonorhinussp.是内蒙古地区新发现为害中间锦鸡儿Caraganaliouana Zhao Y. Chang&Yakovlev的蛀干害虫。为便于种群调查和分辨雌雄成虫,本文对柠条长角象雌雄性别的形态差异进行研究。【方法】通过测量柠条长角象成虫体长、体宽和第6腹板以及腹部末端和鞘翅末端是否完全覆盖腹部腹板等形态特征,进行雌雄成虫个体判别。【结果】采用独立样本t检验分析并比较发现,雌雄两性成虫体长(t=﹣0.294,P=0.771)、体宽(t=0.981,P=0.337)和体宽与体长之比(t=1.352,P=0.191)差异不显著。通过对柠条长角象雌雄成虫个体的体征观察发现,差异主要表现在:1)雌虫腹部末端于中央圆弧处凹入呈二裂形,雄虫腹部末端钝圆;2)雌性的第6腹板长度(0.48±0.01)mm明显较第5腹板长,而雄性(0.30±0.01)mm显著短,且雌虫第6腹板所占体长比例(0.16±0.01)mm大于雄虫所占体长比例(0.11±0.02)mm;3)雌虫鞘翅完全覆盖腹部末端,雄虫鞘翅未完全覆盖腹部末端。【结论】仅依据柠条长角象体型大小鉴别雌雄成...  相似文献   

<正> 秃鞘掌铁甲虫Platypris melli Uhm.属鞘翅目叶甲科铁甲虫亚科,是鼠科马甲子Paliurusramosissmus的重要害虫。国内对此虫尚无记载。现将笔者的初步研究报道如下。 一、形态特征 成虫 体长6—7毫米,体宽3毫米左右,棕黄色,前胸背板及鞘翅有黑斑。复眼一对,黑色,明显突起。触角丝状,共9节,端部稍膨大,由3节合并。腹部5节。雌虫较雄虫为小。鞘翅侧缘前、后方突出呈掌状,前面的有刺6枚,后面的有5枚;鞘翅盘区有刺及瘤突,其中有大刺3个,2个并列于鞘翅中部,另一个位于鞘翅  相似文献   

付新华 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):783-790
为了探讨胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Oliver, 1883的防卫行为, 对成虫的反射性出血行为及幼虫的翻缩腺体形态进行了研究。结果表明: 胸窗萤具有复杂的多重防卫行为策略。成虫利用闪烁、 假死、 反射性流血进行防卫, 幼虫则利用闪烁、 假死和微小的翻缩腺体进行防卫。反射性流血发生在雄成虫的前胸背板和鞘翅边缘, 而雌成虫仅在前胸背板边缘观察到有反射性流血行为。扫描电镜观察到直径大约32 μm的圆坑状结构环绕前胸背板或鞘翅边缘一圈。雌虫鞘翅牙也具有相似的圆坑状结构。幼虫具有9对乳头状的翻缩腺体, 位于中胸、 后胸和第1~7节侧板上。超薄切片发现, 腺体表面的棒状结构内部中空, 棒状结构连接一个发达的分泌细胞。细胞内连接棒状结构的部位着生致密的管状内质网。行为学实验发现, 胸窗萤血液对蚂蚁具有非常有效的拒避作用。  相似文献   

二纹柱萤叶甲的生物学特性及防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文利  李发良 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):273-275
二纹柱萤叶甲CallerucidabifasciataMotschulsky属叶甲科,主要危害养麦属以及蒿属植物。据初步调查,在我国的黑龙江、云南、贵州、四川皆有分布和危害,此虫以成虫、幼虫取食养麦叶片和花序,致使养麦叶片受害率高达100%,产量减少5%~10%。为控制此虫的严重危害,笔者对该虫的生物学特性及防治进行了初步观察研究,现将结果报道如下。1形态特征1.1成虫:虫体近椭圆形,体背凸起,鞘翅及前胸背板具光泽。头部复眼、上颚触角、前胸背板均为黑色。雄虫体长6~7mm、宽4~smm,触角律状;雌虫体长7~smm、宽4~5.smm,触角丝状,雌、雄…  相似文献   

This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   

Abstract To clarify the dynamic construction of Allomyrina dichotoma (Linné) elytra, the distribution of trabeculae and surface structures has been investigated using scanning electron microscopy and transmitted light. There are solid trabeculae in the elytron and under penetrating light these can be seen as black dots. It is clear that trabeculae arrangement is almost entirely irregular throughout the elytron, except for some approximately straight alignment near some trachea. This irregular arrangement is different from the longitudinal rows of striations that are well known in other species, and there are no hollowed striae (punctures) on the elytral surface of A. dichotoma . Throughout the internal architecture of the elytron, there are mesh-like (honeycomb) structures. Each honeycomb usually has 1–2 trabeculae mainly distributed at the corners of the honeycomb. The number of trabeculae present on each honeycomb is dependent on the size of the honeycomb.  相似文献   

The adult Pardosa fulvipes male has a stridulatory apparatus in which the file is the hairless striated surface of the book lung opercula, and the scraper part is formed by several stout denticulated hairs re-trolaterally on the fourth coxae and trochanters. The microscuipture of th; opsrcula and specialized hairs in the adult male are studied with the aid of scanning electron microscope and compared with homologous structures in the adult female and immatures. The microscuipture of the book lung opercula is also compared with that of related Pardosa species. A gradual transformation of the opercular microscuipture occurs in both male and female P. fulvipes leading to the species-specific sculpture in the adults. The behavioural prerequisites for stridulation in this species are discussed. P. fulvipes is hitherto the only lycosid known to have a stridulatory apparatus.  相似文献   

Sexual traits are subject to evolutionary forces that maximize reproductive benefits and minimize survival costs, both of which can depend on environmental conditions. Latitude explains substantial variation in environmental conditions. However, little is known about the relationship between sexual trait variation and latitude, although body size often correlates with latitude. We examined latitudinal variation in male and female sexual traits in 22 populations of the false blister beetle Oedemera sexualis in the Japanese Archipelago. Males possess massive hind legs that function as a female‐grasping apparatus, while females possess slender hind legs that are used to dislodge mounting males. Morphometric analyses revealed that male and female body size (elytron length), length and width of the hind femur and tibia, and allometric slopes of these four hind leg dimensions differed significantly among populations. Of these, three traits showed latitudinal variation, namely, male hind femur was stouter; female hind tibia was slenderer, and female body was smaller at lower latitudes than at higher latitudes. Hind leg sizes and shapes, as measured by principal component analysis of these four hind leg dimensions in each sex, covaried significantly between sexes, suggesting coevolutionary diversification in sexual traits. Covariation between sexes was weaker when variation in these traits with latitude was removed. These results suggest that coevolutionary diversification between male and female sexual traits is mediated by environmental conditions that vary with latitude.  相似文献   

琼岛杨(Populus qiongdaoensis T.Hong et P.Luo)是海南热带雨林中杨属一新种[1],曾被误为响叶杨(P.adenopoda Maxim)本文试图从叶片的结构比较它们的异同,为区分这两个种提供比较形态学的依据。  相似文献   

The overall body dimensions and external morphology of the head, head appendages, prothorax, and prothoracic legs of the adult haploid male and diploid female Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius) were examined by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and analyzed for variation. The female is significantly larger (1.26 X) than the male. The length/width ratio of both the pronotum and elytron, and the pronotum-length/elytron-length ratio are significantly different in the male and female. These findings indicate a distinct sexual dimorphism in general body form. There is significantly greater variability in pronotal length and width in the male than the female. There are sexual differences in setal patterns and setal size variabilities on the dorsal pronotum and the terminus of the antennae.  相似文献   

草地螟触角化学感受器的电镜观察   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用扫描电镜对草地螟成虫触角的外部形态结构进行观察的结果表明 :成虫触角存在着 5种感觉器 ,即毛形感器、刺形感器、腔锥感器、锥形感器和耳形感器 ,其中以毛形感器数目最多 ,刺形感器分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型。并对草地螟触角两性差异及与其它相近昆虫的差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n., is described from Henan Province, the eastern-central part of China. This species is separated from its allied species by a combination of the following morphological characters: head broad in female, inner hind tibial spur of female with 7–8 slender teeth, T1 basolaterally with appressed hair tuft in both sexes, and genitalia with long and large lower gonostylus in male. Important taxonomic characters are illustrated with photographs, scanning electron micrographs, and line drawings.  相似文献   

杨旭  杨志玲  麦静  潘文婷  李火根 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1335-1343
叶片的微观形态特征包括表皮的毛被特征,在现代植物分类研究中被越来越多地应用于疑难类群的分类鉴定中。厚朴为我国常用中药,该分类群的分类地位一直存在着很大争议。该研究选取16个厚朴的天然群体,运用光学和电子显微镜观测不同居群厚朴叶片的毛被特征,并通过对显微特征的UPMGA聚类分析,了解其分类地位及亲缘关系。结果表明:不同居群厚朴叶表皮毛差异显著,表皮毛各特征均呈现出多态性。16个居群厚朴叶表皮大致可以分为两类形态,一类由2~3个细胞组成,表皮毛直立或微倒伏,长147.48~489.21μm,顶细胞长度远长于其他细胞,与其他细胞的衔接方式为直接;另一类表皮毛由2~7个细胞组成,弯曲或扭曲,全长251.70~489.21μm,顶细胞长176.47~353.23μm,与其余细胞形成一定的夹角(123.31°~150.61°),顶细胞与其他细胞的衔接方式以钝接为主。16个样本可以分为两个类群———直立型和弯曲型,所划分的类群与根据叶形划分的类型基本一致。直立型表皮毛又可以划分为粗短型和细长型,所划分的类群对应的叶形为小凸尖型的厚朴和中间型厚朴。因此,该研究结果证实厚朴在归并为一个种后,将其分为3个地理亚种是合理的。  相似文献   

林麝幼体的换毛序和胎毛、夏毛、冬毛的形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐正强  徐玲  李波  徐宏发 《兽类学报》2006,26(1):101-104
被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,有关动物换毛序与环境关系的研究,是动物生态学研究的一个重要方面。从1853年Browne开始研究毛发结构以来,人们对毛发的形态学、分类学和种属关系等方面的研究已开展了大量工作,特别是随着电镜技术的应用,这些方面的工作在逐渐深入(曹汉民等,19  相似文献   

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