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湖北大冶石龙头旧石器时代遗址发掘报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在毛主席革命路线指引下,湖北省大冶县广大干部和贫下中农积极开展农业学大寨的群众运动。1971年冬,大冶湖水利工程的民工们,在章山公社石龙头的一个石灰岩洞穴堆积里,发现了不少哺乳动物化石。中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和湖北省博物馆派笔者等)于1971年冬至1972年春前往清理和发掘,又发现了早期人类的文化遗物——旧石器。这是湖北省古人类遗迹的一个重要发现,对今后在湖北东部以至长江  相似文献   

2018年8月下旬,在河南省南阳市桐柏山采集到11号石龙子科(Scincidae)蜥蜴标本。经形态比较鉴定,该批标本均为刘氏石龙子(Pleistiodon liui),是河南省爬行动物分布新记录种,也是该物种在长江以北地区首次被发现。通过形态学分析,发现刘氏石龙子可能存在雌雄性二态。基于COI基因658 bp序列的系统发育分析显示,大渡石龙子(P. capito)和黄纹石龙子(P. tunganus)聚在一起,然后再与刘氏石龙子聚成一支系,支持先前基于形态数据的黄纹石龙子种组的单系性。  相似文献   

晚侏罗世蜥蜴化石在世界范围内分布较为贫乏,而这个时期的化石在研究早期蜥蜴类的形态及分类演化方面具有重要意义。记述了河北北部晚侏罗世蜥蜴化石一新属种:丽热河蜥Jeholacertaformosagen.etsp.nov.,该化石保存有大面积精美的皮肤鳞片。这是蜥蜴类鳞片化石在我国的首次发现,同时也为人类认识早期蜥蜴动物的表皮特征提供了珍贵的材料。由于躯干具有较大的方鳞,该蜥蜴应隶属于石龙子次亚目Scincomorpha,似可归入蜥蜴科Lacertidae,有待证实。模式标本采自河北平泉县杨树岭镇石门村义县组下部地层中,保存于中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

石龙蜥(石龙子)是爬行纲、有鳞目、蜥蜴亚目、石龙蜥科的动物。这类动物在我国已发现的有15种,大部分是分布在我国的南部。由于这类动物体躯较粗大,结构明显,故常用来作为爬行纲动物的实验材料。尤以活的石龙蜥做实验效果更好,因此有时必须暂时饲养几天,但关于石龙蜥的饲养方法却很少见到介绍。笔者同徐州市人民公园李继友同志曾先后饲养过几次石龙蜥,其效果良好。现将我们饲养的情况简介于后:  相似文献   

中始新世角形类一新属   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文记述了发现于山东省莱芜县官庄组的角形类化石—新属——沂蒙兽 Yimengia, 并将以往发现应移归这一属的标本作了陈述性说明.据以前的发现报道表明,该属化石地理分布广,地史分布窄.在我国已知的中始新世所有化石地点几乎都找到了这一属的化石.但是,在中始新统以外的地层中却没发现过这一属的化石.  相似文献   

湖北省大洪山南部早寒武世晚期的三叶虫   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文描述的三叶虫,系1974-1976年笔者与本队的一些同志,采自大洪山南部京山县惠亭山、占家巷、殷家冲、观音崖以及钟祥县红灯等地下寒武统顶部.这一地区下寒武统上段地层,一般沿用鄂西峡区石龙洞组一名,但与标准地点相比,岩性有所变化,泥质成分增加,上部还夹有黄绿色页岩,并含有丰富的三叶虫、腕足类化石.故本文暂用"石龙洞组"来代表本区下寒武统上段地层.  相似文献   

山东平岛发现石龙子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年4月,我们在山东省日照市平岛考察时,发现大量石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)生活在岛上,这是首次在山东发现石龙子种群。资料记载,石龙子分布于江苏、安徽、湖北、四川等省以南广大地区,以及台湾、海南岛。山东历史上未曾有过记载。  相似文献   

记辽宁早第三纪一哺乳动物化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 长期以来,东北广大区域内未曾发现过第三纪哺乳动物化石.1984年,在吉林桦甸第一次发现了一个晚始新世哺乳动物化石地点(王伴月、李春田, 1990).1988年,辽河油田秦德荣同志将一件哺乳动物化石送交中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所鉴定.这是辽宁首次发现的第三纪哺乳动物化石.标本发现于辽宁沈阳以西大约37.5公里的大  相似文献   

山东泰安东平寒武系馒头组徐庄阶顶部的Bailiella lantenoisi带内发现了一种完整保存的球接子类三叶虫Peronopsis rotundatus Ergaliev,1980,这是该种在中国的首次发现,也是首次在原产地哈萨克斯坦之外被发现。该种的发现为华北地区这一时期较为单调的球接子类群增加了新成员,证明具有类似形态特征的Peronopsis同一类群曾在同一时期在全球广泛的出现。该种的发现也为Bailiella lantenoisi带与国际寒武系第三统第五阶顶部Ptychagnostus gibbus带的对比提供了新证据。  相似文献   

自1956年在湖北省长阳县下钟家湾龙洞中发现长阳人化石以来,考古工作者无时不在关心长阳人的来龙去脉,寻找长阳人的文化遗物,探究长阳人的文化面貌。他们爬山梁,涉江汉,攀悬崖,钻洞穴,努力在江汉流域寻找新线索和新的材料,然而收效甚微。好象长阳人有意开玩笑一样,在下钟家湾留下了泥鸿指爪之后便悄然隐逝,使我们今天无处追寻其踪迹。过了十五年,1971年冬,在大冶石龙头发现一处裂隙,从残存的堆积物中发现石制品近百件,哺乳动物化石共八种。此处没有发现人类化石材料,地点离长阳又比较远,使我们很难与长阳人联系起来研究。又过了十年,1980年初,在长阳果酒岩发现一批人类化石,可惜的是都很破碎,又缺乏有时代意义的动物化石和文化遗物,也难以和长阳人进行比较研究。整整过去三十年了,终于有了新的发现,使我们  相似文献   

The teeth of Palaeocarcharias stromeri De Beaumont (Kimmeridgian, Upper Jurassic; southern Germany) show linear gradient monognathic heterodonty from high-cusped parasymphyseal teeth to low-crowned posterolaterals. The bifid root has holaulacorhize vascularization and is surmounted by mesial and distal extensions of the triple-layered coronal enameloid. The crowns lack lateral cusplets, but possess short vertical striations at the base of the central cusp labially and lingually. A collar is developed at the base of the central cusp lingually, and a small node in a similar position labially. It is concluded that Palaeocarcharias must represent the oldest known lamniform. The body form of Palaeocarcharias is most closely comparable to that of the orectolobiform sharks, but the teeth are lamnoid. Palaeocarcharias is best interpreted as a benthonic stem group lamniform. The lamniforms are visualized as arising from orectolobiform ancestors, probably in the middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

In fabrosaurids the upper jaw is flat and the lower jaw is slender so the ’cheek’ teeth are marginal and not inset as is the case in all other ornithischian dinosaurs. The ’cheek’ teeth of fabrosaurids have anteroposteriorly expanded crowns but lack wear surfaces formed by tooth to tooth contact. Two genera are recognized from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary of Lesotho with good material previously referred toFabrosaurus as a new genus that represents the most conservative ornithopod described to date. The anatomy ofNanosaurus (Upper Jurassic, U.S.A.) andEchinodon (Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, England) is redescribed; in both genera the tooth bearing bone of the lower jaw is deepened posteriorly and inEchinodon there is a true canine tooth in the upper jaw.  相似文献   

Kayentatherium wellesigen. sp. now is a new tritylodont (Thcrapsida: Synapsida) from the Kayenta Formation of Arizona, U.S.A. Only the skull and parts of the lower jaw are known. The first upper incisor is apparently absent, so the dentition consists of one upper incisor followed, after a diastema, by a row of postcanines, which are replaced posteriorly. The cusp formula of these upper postcanines is 2, 2 (+ a ) 2, a being a tiny mesial cusp. The mean breadth/length ratio of these teeth is 1.59. Kayentatherium is related to the Tritylodon Bienotherium lineage, but is considerably more advanced than the latter, which is of Upper Triassic Lower Jurassic age. This indicates that the Kayenta formation must be Lower or Middle Jurassic age, with agrees with the conclusions of Welles.  相似文献   

Peter M. Galton 《Geobios》1980,13(6):825-837
Hitherto the earliest positive record of ankylosaurs(armored dinosaurs) has been from beds well up in the Lower Cretaceous; in fact, however, specimens referable to the ankylosaurian family Nodosauridae are present in the Middle and Upper Jurassic of England: from the Middle Callovian [partial mandible Sarcolestes leedsiLydekker]], the Upper Oxfordian [femur Cryptodraco eumerus (Seeley)), maxilla Priodontognathus phillipsii (Seeley))], and the Upper Tithonian [caudal vertebra, tooth]. The Tithonian tooth and those of Priodontognathus are large and similar to those of the nodosaurids Priconodon and Sauropelta (Lower Cretaceous, U.S.A.). The incomplete mandible of Sarcolestes is similar to that of Sauropelta with a dermal scute fused to the lateral surface, and a tooth row extending to the anterior end of the jaw; an unusual feature is the caniniform first tooth. The quadrupedal ankylosaurs and stegosaurs probably represent separate evolutionary lines that extend back at least into the Lower Jurassic, and both lines probably evolved from ornithopod dinosaurs that were bipedal. Nodosaurid ankylosaurs occur in Europe from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous and probably reached North America via a filter route in the early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The structure of ankylotic teeth in Xenopus laevis was studied by light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy as well as by microradiography in decalcified and undecalcified specimens. The mature teeth of Xenopus laevis are calcified from the crown to the base, fused to the jaw bone, and have no uncalcified area, such as a fibrous ring separating the tooth into the crown and pedicle. Microradiography shows that the mature tooth and jaw bone appear as an X-ray opaque area, except for the basal region of the dentine. This region is composed of an X-ray translucent area and an X-ray opaque thin layer on the lingual side of the translucent area. The mature tooth is composed of two differently calcified areas: (1) a highly calcified area, which makes up almost all of the tooth and contains a thin layer of the basal dentine on the lingual side, and (2) a lowly calcified basal dentine, which is fused to the jaw bone. Therefore, the lowly calcified area does not completely separate the dentine and jaw bone. Repeating banding patterns among the collagen fibrils differ among the dentine-forming area and the matrices of dentine and jaw bone. During the formation of ankylosis of the tooth germ, collagen bundles in the dentine-forming area accumulate directly on the surface of the jaw bone. Consequently, the mature teeth of Xenopus laevis fuse to the jaw bone directly without the mediation of the other structures.  相似文献   

Turiasauria is a clade of eusauropods with a wide stratigraphic range that could extend from the Bathonian to the lower Aptian including Turiasaurus, Losillasaurus, Zby and putatively, Galveosaurus, Atlasaurus and isolated remains from Middle Jurassic-to-Lower Cretaceous. Some are characterised by the presence of heart-shaped teeth. Several tooth occurrences from the Portuguese Upper Jurassic with this type of morphology (SI: 1.1–1.8) are reported and discussed. If this morphology is regarded as synapomorphic of Turiasauria, the teeth will be tentatively related to this clade. From a sample of 43 teeth, three main morphotypes are described. Three hypotheses might explain the morphological variation: (1) the range of tooth morphologies indicates variation in the jaw, (2) the range of tooth morphologies indicates taxonomic variation or (3) a combination of both. The general wear pattern in morphotypes I and II starts with a distal facet, then the appearance of mesial/apical facet and finally a ‘V’-shaped facet. In morphotype III, the wear begins with a mesial facet. The variability observed for Portuguese Upper Jurassic specimens is congruent with the morphological variability along the tooth row shown by other sauropods with spatulate/spoon-shaped teeth and it is considered the most parsimonious hypothesis to explain it.  相似文献   

The dentition and tooth crown microstructure of gekkonids and eublepharids are examined. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the lingual surface of teeth in these lizards has one, two, or, occasionally, several cusps separated by grooves. The teeth of geckoes usually have two (lingual and labial) cusps in the apical region. With respect to the number of teeth, the majority of Gekkota fall into two groups. The first includes a few species with many teeth (50 or more) in the dentary and maxilla, the eublepharids Goniurosaurus and Aeluroscalabotes, and the gekkonid Cyrtopodion louisiadensis. The second group, comprising most of the species, is subdivided into two subgroups, species with 20–30 or 30–40 teeth in jaw bones. Teratoscincus belongs to the first subgroup of the second group.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世几种肉食动物   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
这篇短文记述了乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世的两种肉齿类和四种食肉类化石,其中有两种在我国为首次报道。  相似文献   

记述了在内蒙古阿左旗乌兰塔塔尔早渐新世乌兰塔塔尔组中发现的鬣齿兽一新种——内蒙古鬣齿兽(Hyaenodon neimongoliensis sp.nov.)。新种在大小和特征上与Hyaenodonpervagus相近或相似,但它的pl为单齿根,前面的下前臼齿之间有齿隙,下颊齿无舌侧齿带。  相似文献   

辽宁北票地区一新的甲龙化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
记述了辽宁省北票地区的甲龙化石一新属新种 :步氏克氏龙 (Crichtonsaurusbohlinigen .etsp.nov.)。其主要特征是 :中等大小的甲龙 ,下颌骨较低 ,外侧无骨甲覆盖 ;牙齿小 ,齿冠上有垂直向的棱嵴和边缘小齿 ,齿环发育不全 ,有愈合的颈甲板 ,膜质骨甲形态多样 ,尾后部的椎体相连结成棒状 ,两侧有排列对称的甲板。步氏克氏龙的发现对探讨北票地区晚中生代地层的划分和时代归属 ,以及对甲龙类的系统演化和地理分布均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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