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蔡益 《生物学通报》1998,33(3):37-38
环志是了解鸟类迁徙规律最有效的方法,通过环志活动可掌握鸟类迁徙时间、路线、范围及迁徙鸟的性比、种群数量、年龄等方面的情况,环志工作对保护珍稀鸟类,科学地利用鸟类资源,监测环境,降低鸟害等方面都有重要的科研意义。鸟类环志于本世纪20年代初始于丹麦,目前...  相似文献   

环志是研究鸟类迁徙最简单有效的科学方法。中国从1982年开始建立全国鸟类环志中心以来,在林业部的领导下至 1990年先后建立了候鸟环志站、点 60处,共计环志了候鸟 186种 62 755只,同期回收 到国内外环志鸟413只。回收环志鸟提供了东亚地区候鸟迁徙的宝贵信息,证实了:1.候鸟迁徙可自喜马拉雅山脉飞越;2.中国候鸟迁徙路线和推论是正确的;3.中国东北繁殖的白枕鹤飞往日本九洲南部越冬,丹顶鹤等迁往东部沿海、长江中下游几处湿地越冬,与来自俄罗斯西伯利亚的部分鹤在相同地区越冬;4.某些鸟种迁徙路线在与日本同种候鸟迁徙路线比较后,表明在西太平洋地区,通过中国和日本存在着两条平行的自南向北迁徙的路线。其他信息也指出了更多的情况,同时也表明中国环志研究在西太平洋迁徙候鸟研究中处于关键性的地位。  相似文献   

缘起人们认识候鸟迁徙规律的一个重要手段是鸟类环志,即把国际统一的特定标识物系在鸟的身体上,放飞,再次捕捉回收,分析它们迁徙的时间、地点和线路。自红嘴鸥1985年进入昆明城区以后,我们进行了大量环志工作。1986年3  相似文献   

环志是研究鸟类迁徙最简单有效的科学方法。中国从1982年开始建立全国鸟类环志中心以来,在林业部的领导下至1990年先后建立了候鸟环志站、点60处,共计环志了候鸟186种62755只,同期回收到国内外环志鸟413只。回收环志鸟提供了东亚地区候鸟迁徙的宝贵信息,证实了:1.候鸟迁徙可自喜马拉雅山脉飞越;2.中国候鸟迁徙路线和推论是正确的;3.中国东北繁殖的白枕鹤飞往日本九洲南部越冬,丹顶鹤等迁往东部沿海、长江中下游几处湿地越冬,与来自俄罗斯西伯利亚的部分鹤在相同地区越冬;4.某些鸟种迁徙路线在与日本同种候鸟迁徙路线比较后,表明在西太平洋地区,通过中国和日本存在着两条平行的自南向北迁徙的路线。其他信息也指出了更多的情况,同时也表明中国环志研究在西太平洋迁徙候鸟研究中处于关键性的地位。  相似文献   

嫩江高峰林区白腰朱顶雀的环志回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高峰鸟类保护环志站地处大、小兴安岭之间的嫩江河谷东岸,松嫩平原北麓。特殊的地理位置使这里成为候鸟经松嫩平原迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。自1998年开展环志以来,截止2005年12月末,在该地区发现鸟类210种,隶属15目36科,环志鸟类163种163305只,其中,白腰朱顶雀(Carduelis flammea)环志26157只,是高峰鸟类保护环志站环志数量最多的种类。2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。之后,在俄罗斯、荷兰也相继回收到高峰环志的鸟类,使高峰鸟类保护环志工作再度引起鸟类学家的关注。  相似文献   

中国鸟类环志的现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1鸟类环志的意义鸟类环志是根据标记个体研究鸟类生活史、种群动态,特别是研究鸟类运动的一种研究方法,即在鸟类集中的地点(繁殖地、越冬地或迁徙中途停歇地)捕捉鸟类,将带有国家环志中心通讯地址和唯一编号的特殊金属环或彩色塑料环固定在鸟的小腿或跗跖上,然后在...  相似文献   

鸟类的迁徙是对改变着的环境条件的一种适应.每年在繁殖区与越冬区之间作周期性移居的鸟称为候鸟. 环志,是当前世界上用来研究候鸟迁徙规律的一种简便而有效的方法.它是用合金铝、铜镍合金、不锈钢以及彩色热塑性塑料制造成的,上面刻有标记(环志国家、单位)和编码的环志环.用刻有标志的环戴在候鸟的跗蹠上、颈部(图1)、翅根(图2)或  相似文献   

在鸟类迁徙季节,夜间鸟击事故频发是机场鸟击发生的一个显著特点.了解鸟类的夜间迁徙规律对于改进夜间鸟击防范措施具有重要的指导意义.本研究综合采用网捕法和声音记录法对沈阳桃仙机场夜间鸟类迁徙物种组成和迁徙规律进行研究.结果表明: 56种鸟类(占比88.9%)具有夜间迁徙习性,且以后半夜迁徙为主;鸟类夜间迁徙具有明显的时间动态和迁徙次序,春季鸟类迁徙较为集中,迁徙高峰在5月中旬,主要鸟类由鹌鹑、红尾伯劳、栗耳鹀、黑喉石鵖、普通夜鹰、黄眉柳莺等组成,秋季迁徙较为分散,迁徙高峰出现在9月下旬至10月上旬,主要由鹌鹑、灰背鸫、红喉鹨、丘鹬、矛斑蝗莺和灰头鵐等组成.对夜间迁徙鸟类的危险等级评估发现,春季严重危险物种是鹌鹑和红尾伯劳,秋季严重危险物种是鹌鹑、纵纹腹小鸮、灰背鸫和丘鹬.分别从夜间迁徙鸟类组成、迁徙动态、时间节律和物种危险等级等角度提出了相应的鸟击防范对策,为桃仙机场鸟击防范提供参考.  相似文献   

本研究通过社会网络分析网捕环志的数据,来调查河南董寨国家级自然保护区的鸟类物种多样性以及鸟类物种的集群特征。在2021年10月连续5.5 d的网捕环志中,总共环志12科33种鸟类,其中环志最多的鸟类物种为棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)、红胁绣眼鸟(Zosterops erythropleurus)和强脚树莺(Horornis fortipes)。33个物种中树栖食虫鸟类最多,共12个物种,其次是地表食虫鸟类(共8个物种)和杂食鸟类(共6个物种);留鸟17种和迁徙鸟类16种。通过社会网络分析,发现种群数量多的物种处于社会拓扑网络的中心位置,而且相同食性生态位的物种连结强度很高,如树栖食虫鸟类。结果表明,物种种群数量、食性生态位对鸟类物种社会网络关系的影响较大,而物种迁徙特征对鸟类物种社会网络关系则几乎没有影响。本文在国内尝试了采用社会网络分析来调查当地鸟类物种群落的多样性,并揭示了鸟类多物种集群的关键驱动因子。对比传统的鸟类群落调查方法,多物种社会网络分析可获取该集群的时空分布以及物种之间的相互联系。由于社会网络分析可以分析和研究不同生物水平包括个体、种群、物种等的社会行为,从而使之成为近年来很多生物研究领域的常用和热点工具。  相似文献   

黑龙江省嫩江高峰林区2004年度鸟类环志监测报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场开展了鸟类环志研究工作,共环志鸟类100种22 194只,其中春季84种10 256只,秋季82种11 938只,隶属10目30科。春季以棕眉山岩鹨(Prunella montanella)、田(Emberiza rustica)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)、燕雀(Fringilla montifringilla)、小(E.pusilla)、黄眉柳莺(Phylloscopus inornatus)、栗(E.rutila)等7种为迁徙鸟类的优势种(数量大于500只),环志7534只,占春季环志数量的73.5%;秋季以黄眉柳莺、燕雀、田、银喉长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)、黄雀(Carduelis spinus)、白腰朱顶雀(C.flammea)等6种为迁徙鸟类的优势种,环志8764只,占秋季环志数量的73.4%;通过环志,发现两种黑龙江省鸟类新记录———姬鹬(Lymnocryptes minimus)、棕眉柳莺(P.armandi-i),高峰林场环志的白腰朱顶雀、红喉姬(Ficedula parva)分别被挪威、俄罗斯回收。这是欧洲国家...  相似文献   

For migratory birds, early arrival at breeding areas has many benefits, such as acquisition of better territories and mates. This strategy has been found in numerous species breeding at north‐temperate latitudes, but has not been yet reported for intra‐tropical migratory species. We evaluated the relationship between arrival date, initiation of breeding, and breeding success of Fork‐tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus savana) breeding in southeastern Brazil and overwintering in northern South America. We color‐banded adult flycatchers during three breeding seasons and searched for them during the following breeding seasons. We also monitored nests from construction until either failure or fledging of young. We found that: (1) male Fork‐tailed Flycatchers arrived at the breeding site earlier than females, (2) males that arrived earlier had greater breeding success, and (3) nests where eggs were laid earlier in the breeding season were more likely to be successful than those where eggs were laid later. Male Fork‐tailed Flycatchers appeared to benefit from early arrival at a tropical breeding site, potentially mediated by their ability to acquire a high‐quality territory and mate as early as possible, and by the ability of their mate to begin breeding as early as possible. Breeding success for female Fork‐tailed Flycatchers may be determined primarily by a combination of the arrival date of their mate and how quickly they can begin breeding. Our results suggest that protandry occurs in an intra‐tropical migratory bird and that early arrival of males and early initiation of reproduction by females results in greater reproductive success. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms that control the timing of migration and reproduction of this and other intra‐tropical migratory species is important for evaluating the challenges they face in light of current and future rapid environmental changes.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of the dates of arrival, breeding, and autumn migration in 25 passerine bird species on the Kurshskaya (Courland) Spit, the Baltic Sea, has shown that spring migration and nesting in most species wintering in Europe or Africa have shifted to earlier dates in the past two decades, whereas the dates of autumn migration in most species studied have not changed significantly. In 16 bird species, a significant negative correlation of the timing of arrival and breeding with the average spring air temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO) in February and March was revealed. In years with early and warm springs, birds arrived at the spit and nested considerably earlier than in years with cold springs. The dates of autumn migration in most species studied largely depended on the timing of nesting but not on weather conditions in autumn. The data obtained indicate that the main factor responsible for long-term changes in the timing of arrival, nesting, and autumn migrations of passerine birds in the Baltic Region is climate fluctuations that led to considerable changes in thermal conditions in the Northern Hemisphere in the 20th century. The hypothesis is proposed that recent climate warming has caused changes in the timing of not only the arrival of birds in Europe but also of their spring migrations from Africa. Further changes in the dates of passerine bird arrival and breeding in the Palearctic in subsequent years will largely depend on the dynamics of winter and spring air temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas the timing of autumn migrations will be determined mainly by the dates of their arrival and nesting.  相似文献   

Recent climate change has sparked an interest in the timing of biological events, which is a general problem in life-history evolution. Reproduction in many organisms breeding in seasonal environments, e.g. migratory birds, is dependent on the exploitation of a short but rich food supply. If the seasonal timing of the food peak advances owing to climate change, then one would expect the bird to track those changes, hence, initiate migration and breeding earlier. However, when there is competition for territories and a risk of pre-breeding mortality, the optimal response to a shifting food distribution is no longer obvious. We develop a theoretical model to study how the optimal arrival time depends on the mean and variance of the food distribution, the degree of competition for territories and the risk of mortality. In general, the optimal shift in arrival date should never be as extreme as the shift in food peak date. Our results also show that we should expect the high variation of trends in arrival date observed among migratory birds, even if migration and information about climate change were unconstrained.  相似文献   

Spring arrival of birds depends on the North Atlantic Oscillation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The timing of arrival of 81 migratory species in response to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) was studied at two Finnish bird observatories (1970–99). Timing was determined for the first migrants and for the peak of migration, as well as for the early, median and late phases of migration, defined as the dates when the seasonal cumulative sum of birds reached 5%, 50% and 95%, respectively. For most species, the timing of arrival correlated negatively with the NAO in all phases of migration: the correlation was significant for 79% of species studied. Thus, most species arrived in Finland early when the NAO was positive and indicative of mild and rainy winters in northern Europe. Although all phases of migration correlated negatively with the NAO, the correlations were more negative for the early than for the late phases of migration. Since the NAO did not show a significant trend during the study period, the correlations indicate that the timing of birds followed stochastic fluctuations in the NAO. This finding suggests that most Finnish migratory birds are able to adjust the timing of spring arrival in response to climatic change without time delay.  相似文献   

The timing of migration is one of the key life‐history parameters of migratory birds. It is expected to be under strong selection, to be sensitive to changing environmental conditions and to have implications for population dynamics. However, most phenological studies do not describe arrival and departure phenologies for a species in a way that is robust to potential biases, or that can be clearly related to breeding populations. This hampers our ability to understand more fully how climate change may affect species’ migratory strategies, their life histories and ultimately their population dynamics. Using generalized additive models (GAMs) and extensive large‐scale data collected in the UK over a 40‐year period, we present standardized measures of migration phenology for common migratory birds, and examine how the phenology of bird migration has changed in the UK since the 1960s. Arrival dates for 11 of 14 common migrants became significantly earlier, with six species advancing their arrival by more than 10 days. These comprised two species, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, which winter closest to Britain in southern Europe and the arid northern zone of Africa, Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus, which winters in the arid zone, and three hirundines (Sand Martin Riparia riparia, House Martin Delichon urbicum and Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica), which winter in different parts of Africa. Concurrently, departure dates became significantly later for four of the 14 species and included species that winter in southern Europe (Blackcap and Chiffchaff) and in humid zones of Africa (Garden Warbler Sylvia borin and Whinchat Saxicola rubetra). Common Swift Apus apus was the exception in departing significantly earlier. The net result of earlier arrival and later departure for most species was that length of stay has become significantly longer for nine of the 14 species. Species that have advanced their timing of arrival showed the most positive trends in abundance, in accordance with previous studies. Related in part to earlier arrival and the relationship above, we also show that species extending their stay in Great Britain have shown the most positive trends. Further applications of our modelling approach will provide opportunities for more robust tests of relationships between phenological change and population dynamics than have been possible previously.  相似文献   

On their way from the wintering area to the breeding grounds in Spitsbergen, barnacle geese Branta leucopsis stage on islands off the coast of Norway. The aim of this study was to describe when the geese migrate in relation to the body stores deposited and explore questions related to the concept of optimal migration schedules and on the possible mechanisms involved. We estimated fat stores by repeated assessments of the abdominal profile index of individually marked females throughout staging. Reproductive success was derived from observations of the same individuals later in the annual cycle. Females arriving late, or with low fat stores at arrival, achieved higher fat deposition rates, probably by spending more time foraging. But they were unable to match final fat scores of birds that arrived earlier or with larger fat stores. Reproductive success was correlated with the timing of migration and individuals departing at intermediate dates achieved highest success. The exact date of peak reproductive success depended on the size of fat stores accumulated, such that low-quality birds (depositing less fat) benefited most from an early departure to the breeding grounds. Observations in the breeding colonies showed that these birds did not initiate a nest earlier but they spent a longer time in Spitsbergen before settling. The length of stay in Norway was close to the prediction derived from an optimisation model relating spring events to eventual breeding success. Poorest performing birds stayed longer than expected, perhaps depositing more fat to avoid the risk of starvation. Two possible mechanisms of the timing of migration were contrasted and it seemed that the geese departed for migration as soon as they were unable to accumulate any more fat stores.  相似文献   

The effect of the timing of spring migration on reproductive success differs between the sexes. As a consequence, various sex‐specific tactics relating to the timing of migration have evolved in migratory avian groups. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain differential migration to breeding or wintering grounds, and inter‐ and intrasexual size differences are often considered one of the proximate mechanisms. We investigated arrival patterns in the spring by individuals of each sex, sexual size dimorphism and related morphological variables, and the relationship between size variation and arrival date in five bunting species that passed through an East Asian migratory flyway stopover site in 2006–08. Males of all the study species arrived before females, and significant sexual dimorphism was observed. Several morphological characters, including total length, wing‐length and tail‐length, contributed to the size variation. Although larger males arrived earlier, there was no relationship between arrival date and size in females. Our study confirmed that East Asian buntings display a discriminated protandrous migration pattern at the stopover site as well as at the breeding grounds. This is consistent with the view that larger body size in males is favoured due to its association with early arrival to help ensure access to the best resources and hence enhanced mating success.  相似文献   

Avian research has begun to reveal associations between candidate genes and migratory behaviors of captive birds, yet few studies utilize genotypic, morphometric, and phenological data from wild individuals. Previous studies have identified an association between ADCYAP1 polymorphism and autumn migratory behavior (restlessness, or zugunruhe), but little is known about the relationship between ADCYAP1 and spring migratory behavior. The timing of spring migration and arrival to the breeding ground are phenological traits which could be particularly favorable for establishing territories and acquiring mates, thus important to fitness and reproductive success. Here, we investigated how individual genotypic ADCYAP1 variation and phenotypic variation (wing length and shape) of blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) affect spring arrival date across nine natural populations in Europe. We hypothesized that longer alleles should be associated with earlier spring arrival dates and expected the effect on arrival date to be stronger for males as they arrive earlier. However, we found that longer wings were associated with earlier spring arrival to the breeding grounds for females, but not for males. Another female-specific effect indicated an interaction between ADCYAP1 allele size and wing pointedness on the response of spring arrival: greater allele size had a positive effect on spring arrival date for females with rounder wings, while a negative effect was apparent for females with more pointed wings. Also, female heterozygotes with pointed wing tips arrived significantly earlier than both homozygotes with pointed wings and heterozygotes with round wings. Stable isotope ratios (δ 2 H) of a subset of blackcaps captured in Freiburg in 2011 allowed us also to assign individuals to their main overwintering areas in northwest (NW) and southwest (SW) Europe. NW males arrived significantly earlier to the Freiburg breeding site than both SW males and females in 2011. NW females had more pointed wing tips compared to SW females, but no difference in ADCYAP1 allele size was found between the different migration routes.  相似文献   

Understanding the departure decisions of migratory birds is critical for determining how changing climatic conditions will influence subsequent arrival times on the breeding grounds. A long‐term dataset (1972–2008) of Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus departure dates from a wintering site in Ireland was used to assess the factors determining the timing of migration. Early and late migrating swans showed different departure patterns. Earlier wintering ground departure was more pronounced for the first 50% of the population than the last 10% of departing individuals. Earlier departure was associated with an increase in February temperatures at the wintering site for all departure phases except the date when the last individual departed. The date by which the first 50% of Swans had departed was earlier with increasing numbers of wintering Swans, suggesting that competition on the wintering grounds may further influence the timing of departure. The results also suggested that departure is mediated by the influence of spring temperature on food resources, with increased February grass growth in warmer years enabling earlier departure of migrating Swans. To determine why arrival dates in the breeding ground have altered, environmental conditions in the wintering grounds must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Recent climatic change is causing spring events in northern temperate regions to occur earlier in the year. As a result, migratory birds returning from tropical wintering sites may arrive too late to take full advantage of the food resources on their breeding grounds. Under these conditions, selection will favour earlier spring arrival that could be achieved by overwintering closer to the breeding grounds. However, it is unknown how daylength conditions at higher latitudes will affect the timing of life cycle stages. Here, we show in three species of Palaearctic-African migratory songbirds that a shortening of migration distance induces an advancement of springtime activities. Birds exposed to daylengths simulating migration to and wintering in southern Europe considerably advanced their spring migratory activity and testicular development. This response to the novel photoperiodic environment will enable birds wintering further north to advance spring arrival and to start breeding earlier. Thus, phenotypic flexibility in response to the photoperiod may reinforce selection for shorter migration distance if spring temperatures continue to rise.  相似文献   

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