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张斌  袁晓  裴恩乐  牛俊英  衡楠楠  王天厚 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4599-4608
近年来长江口滩涂湿地高强度的促淤围垦对生物多样性保育造成了严重影响。本研究于2006至2010年在南汇东滩进行了水鸟调查,研究围垦后堤内环境的快速演替过程对水鸟的群落结构的影响。通过分析鸻鹬类、雁鸭类和鹭类三类主要水鸟类群,结果表明鸻鹬类的总数呈严重下降趋势(ANOVA, p=0.009),而雁鸭类和鹭类总数在上升(ANOVA,p=0.015;p=0.00);在种类数量方面,鸻鹬类和雁鸭类差异不显著(ANOVA,p=0.597;p=0.523),鹭类种类数变化极显著(ANOVA ,p=0.00)。同时,通过对水鸟的栖息地选择因子偏好的分析, 发现滩涂减少是鸻鹬类减少的主要因素,而大型鱼塘和芦苇增加是雁鸭类和鹭类增加的重要原因。为此我们提出相应海岸带湿地管理建议。  相似文献   

通过对科尔沁沙地植被恢复系列上不同阶段的群落取样,研究了植被恢复过程中群落物种组成、物种多样性的变化过程.在演替时间分别为1年、3年、5年、12年、20年和30年的群落中,物种丰富度分别为7、11、17、14、28和30种,而物种多样性指数分别为1.458 8、2.610 0、3.108 4、1.696 8、3.738 6、3.639 6.在生活型结构上,一年生植物的种类数量占绝对优势,但随着演替进展,多年生植物的种类数量增加且单种植物的优势度超过了一年生植物,表明多年生植物在群落功能维持中占据重要地位.随演替进展,来自不同科属的植物增加.藜科植物在演替过程中种类数量较为稳定,特别是在演替早期藜科植物占有很高的优势度.禾本科种类随演替进展不断增加,且在群落中的优势度逐渐上升.总体上,随演替进展群落种类组成与物种多样性增加,群落生态优势度下降,而均匀度增加,群落趋向稳定.  相似文献   

海岛矿区岩质边坡植物群落演替中物种多样性的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过植物群落调查,采用Shannon多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数,结合DCA排序和一元线性回归分析,考察了舟山海岛矿区岩质边坡植物物种构成特征,研究了植物群落演替过程中生物多样性的变化。结果表明:研究区可划分为3个植物群落演替阶段(草本植物群落阶段、灌丛群落阶段和灌乔群落阶段);演替过程中,物种丰富度指数显著上升,多样性指数和优势度指数逐渐升高;具有矿区特殊生境适应性的植物配置在边坡植被恢复进程中与自然植被表现出一定的差异,演替过程依次为迁入物种生长期、迁入物种与人工导入种竞争期、迁入物种与人工导入种稳定共存期;人工导入群落演替后期的植物种大大加速了群落演替进程;合理的植物配置更能促进群落向正演替方向发展。  相似文献   

以石羊河下游不同年代盐渍化弃耕地自然群落为对象,利用重要值、物种多样性理论研究植被演替的特征.结果显示,石羊河下游盐渍化弃耕地植被演替一般经历一年生田间杂草、多年生荒漠草本和荒漠灌木三个阶段.群落演替规律:藜(Chenopodium album)+田旋花(Convolvulus arvensis)群落(1~2年)→骆驼蒿(Peganum nigellastrum)+骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)群落(3~10年)→苏枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)+黄毛头(Kalidium cuspidatum var.sinicum)群落(10~40年)→黄毛头群落(顶级群落).研究表明,随着群落演替时间的增加,物种丰富度呈下降趋势,而物种多样性呈先下降后上升,最后略有下降并趋于稳定,群落结构趋于简单.  相似文献   

本文对羊草人工草地的群落演替动态进行了观测研究,九年的资料统计分析得如下结果;1.羊草人工草地群落植物种的多样性、均匀性、群落的稳定性逐年增加;2.群落演替过程可分为三个阶段;第一阶段播种后前5年,羊草种群迅速增长,形成羊  相似文献   

以陕西省丹汉江流域退耕地南坡和北坡不同退耕年限的自然恢复植物群落为研究对象,开展群落物种组成调查,并进行物种多样性特征分析和群落极点排序,对该区退耕地恢复过程中的植被演替规律进行研究.结果表明: 研究区退耕地植被演替的阶段依次为:一年生草本群落→多年生草本群落→灌草群落→乔灌草群落.形成多年生草本群落需2~5 a,形成灌草群落需7~10 a,形成乔灌草群落需30 a以上.南坡和北坡不同类型退耕地的植被演替阶段相同,物种多样性指数略有差异.随着退耕年限的增加,南坡物种多样性指数总体呈先降后升的趋势;而北坡物种多样性指数呈先波动上升,而后在退耕30 a时略有下降.  相似文献   

浑善达克退化沙地恢复演替18年中植物群落动态变化   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
探讨了浑善达克退化沙地草地围封后流动沙丘的稳定程度 ,以及相应的群落特征随恢复进程的变化规律。采用空间序列代替时间序列的方法 ,从物种丰富度、生活型及功能型多样性等方面探讨了围封 18a(1985~ 2 0 0 3年 )过程中草地自然恢复演替进程。在这一过程中 ,物种多样性、丰富度和生物量随恢复演替先增加而后基本稳定或略有降低 ,呈抛物线型的变化趋势 (P<0 .0 0 1)。依群落特征变化 ,大致可将退化沙地恢复过程分为 3个阶段 :(1)流动沙丘向半固定沙丘转变的过程。在围封的前 2 a内 ,群落盖度增加 6倍 ,物种丰富度增加了 1倍 ,而物种多样性增加较缓慢 ;(2 )半固定沙丘向固定沙丘演替的过程。围封后 3~5 a内 ,尽管群落盖度只增加了约 2 0 % ,但物种丰富度和多样性显著增加 ,植物种类在 3a期间增加了 15种 ,是沙地恢复演替的关键时期 ;(3)固定沙丘稳定阶段。围封第 6 a后 ,群落总盖度、生物多样性、物种丰富度保持不变或略呈下降趋势。在恢复演替中 ,C4 植物在初期起先锋作用 ;而 C3植物在后期对群落稳定起重要作用 ;豆科植物尽管在群落中所占的比重较小 ,但可能对改善沙丘土壤养分方面起重要作用。从生活型多样性来看 ,1年生植物在恢复演替早期阶段对沙丘稳固起重要作用 ;而中后期群落则以多年生植物为  相似文献   

天童国家森林公园主要森林植被过去30年的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在气候变化和人类干扰的双重影响下,植被的演替和发展是生态学研究的热点之一,也是关系到人类社会可持续发展的一个重要问题.以浙江天童国家森林公园6种森林植被类型(典型常绿阔叶林的3个亚群丛、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿针叶林和毛竹林)为研究对象,对比分析1982年和2012年其物种组成、群落结构和物种多样性等变化特点.结果表明:30年间群落的整体空间格局保存完好,群落分布未发生质的变化,主要优势植物种类变化不大;群落中幼树所占比例上升,小径级个体增多,群落更新状况良好且自然更新能力增强;乔木层物种多样性增高,常绿成分增加,灌木和草本层物种多样性下降.在过去30年里,随着温度上升,该地主要森林群落呈正向演替趋势,表明天童森林群落受到了较好的保护,也表明气候变化与常绿阔叶林的演替和发展存在一定的潜在正相关.  相似文献   

对不同防治对策下施用氯敌鼠作为杀鼠剂对农田小哺乳动物群落结构的影响进行了研究.结果表明,杀鼠剂对群落组成有很大影响,灭鼠时机、灭鼠次数不同,群落的反应也不同.秋季灭鼠,小哺乳动物数量逐年下降,3 年后可达到较低密度.群落多样性也逐年下跌,且回升极弱.春季灭鼠,数量可持续在低水平,群落多样性较其它处理高,对化学灭鼠破坏的生物多样性有较强的恢复力.灭鼠频次的增加对小哺乳动物总体数量降低有强化作用.可以认为,化学灭鼠明显地降低了群落中小哺乳动物的密度,也降低了群落的多样性.促使小哺乳动物群落向着优势种突出、种类单调、群落稳定性差的方向演替.  相似文献   

冬季水鸟对崇明东滩水产养殖塘的利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
华宁  马志军  马强  宋国贤  汤臣栋  李博  陈家宽 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6342-6350
自然湿地的丧失和退化给依赖湿地生存的水鸟带来了严重威胁,人工湿地作为水鸟栖息地的功能日益受到关注.水产养殖塘是人工湿地的重要类型之一.通过研究崇明东滩水产养殖塘冬季水鸟群落组成及其栖息地特征,发现大面积养殖塘比小面积养殖塘吸引更多种类和更高密度的水鸟.养殖塘在放水前水位较高时吸引更多游禽栖息,而在放水后水位较低时吸引更多涉禽;在放水过程中,养殖塘中水鸟的种类最多,密度最大.另外,在放水的不同时期,不同的环境因子对水鸟群落的影响不同:放水之前,养殖塘水面面积和平均水深是水鸟种类和数量的主要影响因子,其中游禽种类和数量受水面面积影响较大,涉禽种类和数量受平均水深影响较大;放水过程中,裸地面积、芦苇面积、干扰程度、平均水深和水深变异对水鸟、游禽和涉禽的种类和数量起主要作用;放水之后,水深变异对水鸟种类和数量的影响较大,而影响游禽种类和数量的主要因子是水面面积,影响涉禽种类和数量的主要因子是水深变异.研究表明,通过对影响水鸟栖息地利用的主要因子的有效管理,养殖塘在提供经济效益的同时也能为水鸟提供适宜的栖息地.  相似文献   

R. Nagarajan  K. Thiyagesan 《Ibis》1996,138(4):710-721
The water and mud characteristics of the six types of wetlands in Pichavaram were compared in order to determine whether the habitat of waterbird species was characterized by them. Waterbird species richness was most influenced by mud phosphorus levels. Variation in water pH was the principal factor that determined waterbird diversity. The water level mainly determined the density of waterbirds. Levels of pH and nitrites in the water also appeared to influence significant variations in waterbird diversity and density, respectively. Bottom substrate variables, viz. pH and phosphorus levels, were also significantly correlated with the density and richness of waterbirds, respectively. Water quality factors, viz. pH and nitrite and mud pH and phosphorus, were correlated with the abundance, while water depth was correlated with the accessibility of prey to the birds.  相似文献   

Traditionally, species richness, species diversity, total count, biomass, energy consumption and the Ramsar ‘1% threshold’ have been used to assess the importance of wetlands for waterbirds. Designation of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites) based on waterbirds has focused on those species meeting the Ramsar 1% population threshold levels. These levels prioritise a subset of species as being important, with little or no consideration to the contributions of the remaining species’ populations. In this paper, we evaluate and further describe a quantitative method to assess wetland avifaunal importance. Termed the Waterbird Conservation Value (WCV), this index sums the ratio of each species’ abundance to its published 1% threshold across all species to give an overall measure of the ‘value’ of the waterbirds at a wetland. Large values indicate that large proportions of the total populations of waterbird species are present at the wetland. Indices can be evaluated at site and species levels. The WCV is a more nuanced approach, sensitive to actual species’ abundance rather than counts of ‘1% threshold’ species and considers all species in the assessment. The outputs of the WCV index are demonstrated and discussed using a case study from three regions within the East Atlantic flyway.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most threatened habitats and the species they support among the most endangered taxa. Measuring and monitoring wetland biodiversity is vital for conservation, restoration and management, and often relies on the use of surrogate taxa. Waterbirds are commonly used as flagships of biodiversity and are the subject of major conservation initiatives. Therefore, it is important to assess the extent to which waterbirds indicate the general biodiversity of wetlands and serve as surrogates.We explore the relationships between community composition and species richness of waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates in 36 Ramsar wetlands in southern Spain to assess if waterbirds are good surrogates for other taxonomic groups. Specifically, we aimed to (i) test the congruence of patterns of species composition and richness among waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates; and (ii) investigate which environmental variables are associated with the biodiversity patterns of waterbirds and macroinvertebrates, with the purpose of identifying key factors explaining potential discordance in these patterns.We found a limited concordance between assemblage patterns of both taxonomic groups that may be related to their contrasting responses to environmental gradients. Assemblages of waterbirds appear to be more affected by climate variables and water surface area, whereas conductivity was the most important factor influencing macroinvertebrate communities. Furthermore, we found a negligible or inverse relationship in their patterns of richness, with wetlands with higher waterbird species richness showing significantly lower richness of Hemiptera and macroinvertebrate families, and no significant relationship with Coleoptera. In addition, GLM models showed that, in general, different environmental variables are related with the richness patterns of the different taxonomic groups.Given the importance of the Ramsar convention for the conservation of an international network of wetlands, our findings underline the limited potential of waterbirds as aquatic biodiversity indicators in Mediterranean wetlands, and the need for caution when using waterbirds as flagships. An integrative analysis of different biological communities, using datasets from different taxonomic groups, is a necessary precursor for successful conservation policies and monitoring. Our results illustrate the need to create a diversified and complete network of protected sites able to conserve multiple components of wetland biodiversity.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of water level in the Danube River on waterbird species abundance and species assemblages along 83?km from the border of Hungary and Slovakia. 651,622 birds of 62 species were counted between 1992 and 2009. The dominant species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos contributing 436,198 individuals (66.9% of all observations). Throughout the year total numbers of individuals and species richness were negatively correlated with local water level registered on the same day throughout the year. Shannon diversity indices were generally positively correlated with water levels. During floods, dabbling ducks, especially the dominant Anas platyrhynchos, dispersed to peripheral waters, where they are less likely to be counted, and diving ducks (Bucephala clangula, Aythya fuligula and Mergus spp.) left the area entirely, because fast flowing, highly turbid waters reduced local feeding efficiency. Abundance of most waterbird species decreased with elevated water levels. High water levels remove distinctive microhabitats (gravel banks, paved riverbanks and shoals), and create unfavourable conditions of high water velocity and turbidity. Retention of high water levels as a result of damming of the Danube creates long-term conditions similar to natural flooding effects. In our opinion, further manipulation of Danube water levels is likely to reduce waterbird richness and abundance and should be subject to appropriate environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

The growth of inter-basin water transfers and the development of new irrigation facilities in southeastern Spain are responsible for a variety of ecological impacts. In spite of this, the construction of artificial ponds to keep water for intensive agriculture may also provide new habitats for breeding waterbirds. We counted waterbirds during the breeding season in artificial ponds that had been built up using different materials and measured their abiotic and biotic attributes. We found that ponds were used as breeding and foraging habitat by 22 different waterbird species and breeding numbers of a few of them seemed to be larger in these artificial facilities than in nearby natural and semi-natural wetlands. Abundance and richness of breeding waterbirds was influenced by construction materials. Ponds constructed with low density polyethylene and covered with sand and stones held more species and their numbers were higher than those constructed with other plastic materials. The presence of emergent and submerged vegetation as well as abiotic attributes, such as pond size, accounted for most of the deviance when modelling richness and species abundance.  相似文献   

Ghana's 550 km coastline has about 100 wetlands out of which five large ones are managed as Ramsar sites, the rest being unmanaged. Recent pollution and misuse of unmanaged wetlands have necessitated a study into their roles in the support of waterbirds. Waterbird survey on four wetlands between September 2005 and April 2006 revealed that 51 waterbird species make use of the managed compared to 44 in the unmanaged wetlands. Average numbers of waterbirds were higher on the managed wetlands (10,510 ± 4862) than on the unmanaged wetlands (1348 ± 602) (P < 0.05) but mean population density of waterbirds (n/ha) was the same for both the managed (1860 ± 310) and unmanaged (1400 ± 220) (P > 0.05) wetlands. The population densities of waterbirds belonging to guilds 1, 5 and 7 were significantly higher on the managed wetlands (P < 0.05). In contrast, guilds 2 and 4 have significantly higher population densities on the unmanaged wetlands while the population density of guild 3 was the same (P > 0.05). There was an indication that during mid and late periods of the nonbreeding season, the unmanaged wetlands altogether may support a larger number of waterbirds belonging to guilds 2, 3 and 4 than the five managed wetlands.  相似文献   

Loss of natural wetlands is a global phenomenon that has been a serious threat to the wildlife. A common practice is to construct artificial wetlands to compensate for the loss of natural wetlands. To test whether artificial wetlands as habitats for waterbirds are good alternatives to natural wetlands, we compared species richness, abundance, and seasonal dynamics of waterbird communities of natural (here tidelands) and artificial wetlands (here aquacultural ponds) on Chongming Island, China. Our results indicate that habitat preference of waterbirds showed seasonal difference: most of the shorebirds were found on tidelands in spring, whereas most of the natatorial birds were recorded in aquacultural ponds in winter. Waterbirds preferred the tidelands rather than aquacultural ponds in both spring and autumn, whereas they showed no preference for either the tidelands or the ponds in summer and winter. It is concluded that natural wetlands are better habitats for waterbirds than artificial wetlands on Chongming Island, while the artificial ones are also suitable habitats for waterbirds in winter. The waterbirds might use artificial wetlands only when natural wetlands are unavailable or of poor quality. An over-emphasis that artificial wetlands are suitable habitats for waterbirds might encourage land managers to convert natural wetlands into the artificial ones, resulting in considerable loss of bird diversity. Therefore, for the purpose of bird conservation, it would be a better practice to conserve natural wetlands rather than to construct artificial ones after destruction of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Worldwide, local extinctions and severe declines in waterbird densities are being reported from many important waterbird sites. Waterbird sites often exist as a network, collectively providing crucial habitat for different life history stages of different species. Therefore, population changes at one site may strongly influence others. In Australia, many waterbird species are highly mobile, and move rapidly over long distances in response to rainfall. Large tidal wetlands often serve as drought refugia or alternative breeding habitat for these species. These sites are also the migration terminus of many species of shorebirds that spend their non‐breeding season in Australia. One such site in south‐eastern Australia is Western Port, a Ramsar‐listed tidal embayment forming part of the East Asian–Australasian Shorebird Site Network. We measured waterbird population trends over nearly 40 years in Western Port to see whether changes showed consistent trends over time across multiple species. Thirty‐nine species were recorded often enough to allow an analysis of trends over time using dynamic linear models and, where appropriate, piecewise linear regression. Twenty‐two species had declined, including four species of duck, five species of fish‐eating bird (cormorants, terns and pelicans), one species each of grebe, gull and heron, and 10 species of shorebird. Only two species (Australian pied oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris and straw‐necked ibis Threskiornis spinicollis) increased significantly over the same time period. Patterns of decline in non‐migratory waterbirds may reflect diminishing wetland availability, local reductions in fish prey, increased predation pressure and changes in inland wetland resources. Declines in migratory shorebirds are most likely related to loss of habitat elsewhere in their trans‐equatorial migration routes. These trends in waterbirds that use Western Port reflect widespread impacts on populations elsewhere in Australia and overseas, necessitating more than simply local management of this tidal embayment.  相似文献   

The distribution of wintering waterbirds within some Tunisian artificial wetlands (AW) was studied during the 2004–2007 stable wintering periods. The survey has regarded 88 wetlands including 27 large dams, 25 hill dams and 36 hill lakes. We identified 42,840 individuals representing seven orders, eleven families, 37 species and six functional groups: dabbling ducks, grazing waterfowl, fish‐eaters, deep‐water foragers, shoreline foragers and waders. The population structure analysis showed an absolute dominance of the deep‐water foragers with approximately 82% of observed waterbirds. The total abundance survey showed a fluctuation of population sizes and richness, from thousands to few individuals and from 1 to 25 species, respectively. Analysis results showed that the species distribution is governed by several ecological factors and there was a significant correlation between species abundance and richness and some habitat variables such as area, depth, age, plant cover and hunting disturbance. Investigated AW revealed a significant carrying capacity and refuge serving for the conservation of numerous wintering and endangered waterbird species of high nature conservation value, the White‐headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala that has been observed with relatively high numbers representing more than 40% of the assessed Tunisian–Algerian population.  相似文献   

Although the Gulf of Gabès is recognised as an Important Bird Area, several aspects of the ecology of waterbirds inhabiting this area still need to be investigated. We observed how waterbird foraging guilds varied among habitats. In total, 49 species belonging to 16 families were recorded. Winter visitors accounted for 73% of counts. The avifauna was dominated by shorebirds (52% of records), followed by large wading birds (25%), open-water birds (18%) and waterfowl (5%). However, the structure of local waterbird communities and their composition in terms of foraging guilds varied according to habitat type. The bird communities of sandy beaches were dominated by open-water birds, whereas large mudflats were dominated by shorebirds, and wadi estuaries showed a more even representation of foraging guilds. Locally rare species had narrow distributions, whereas locally abundant species were found widely within the gulf. For four species the 1% population level criterion of the Ramsar Convention was exceeded. Overall, our results show that the Gulf of Gabès hosts important numbers of waterbirds with different ecological requirements, which confirms the importance of this gulf as a wintering area for Palearctic waterbirds.  相似文献   

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