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上海市南汇东滩围垦后海岸带湿地冬春季水鸟生境选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年12月-2010年5月,对上海市南汇东滩围垦后城市湖泊湿地、实验修复湿地、抛荒湿地等三类人工湿地冬季雁鸭类群落和春季鸻鹬类群落展开调查,并对雁鸭类和鸻鹬类群落特征与相应生境因子进行相关分析.结果显示:三类湿地雁鸭类的种类无显著差异,但密度有显著差异:实验修复湿地是抛荒湿地的3.77倍,是城市湖泊湿地的6.03倍.鸻鹬类种类和密度:实验修复湿地分别是抛荒湿地的2.88和5.70倍.两者种类和密度差异均极显著.雁鸭类种类、密度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')与明水面面积显著正相关;种类、H'与植被面积显著负相关;种类、密度、H'均匀度与植被盖度显著负相关;H'与平均水位显著正相关.鸻鹬类种类、密度均与裸露浅滩面积显著正相关.建议对已围垦土地的利用以大中型鱼蟹塘、水田为主,以提供足够的明水面给越冬的雁鸭类栖息.通过割除植被等方法在春季提供一定的裸露浅滩面积供迁徙的鸻鹬类栖息.  相似文献   

裴恩乐  袁晓  汤臣栋  蔡音亭  吴迪 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2599-2605
为了解上海地区水鸟的栖息状况和种群动态变化,2006—2010年在全市选取9个主要区域开展了全市水鸟同步调查。5年来共记录到水鸟9目17科133种796738只次,其中鸻形目53种,雁形目28种,鹳形目17种,鸥形目16种。按居留类型来分,留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟和旅鸟种类分别占总种类的3.0%、9.0%、43.6%和44.4%。以雁鸭类为主体的冬候鸟迁徙时间一般为9月—次年4月;以鸻鹬类为主体的旅鸟一般为3—5月完成北迁,南迁时间为8—10月。上海市全年水鸟数量较多的区域依次是崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区、南汇东滩和九段沙湿地自然保护区,淀山湖、崇明北湖、宝钢水库和三甲港数量最少。对各调查区域内水鸟的聚类分析和主要类群的生境偏好分析说明,雁鸭类倾向于浅滩生境和开阔水面生境,鸻鹬类倾向于沿海面积较大的浅滩光滩,而滩涂的围垦和人为干扰都会产生负面影响。在此基础上提出了水鸟栖息地管理的一些建议。  相似文献   

雷州半岛湿地水鸟区系组成及生态分布的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
1998年10月至2000年6月,对雷州半岛湿地水鸟区系组成及生态分布进行了调查,结果表明,雷州半岛湿地水鸟56种,隶属7目9科,种类最多的是鹭类(Ardeidae)、鸭类(Antidae)和Xin鹬类(Charadriidae and Scolopacidae),共有41种,56种水鸟中,古北界成分35种,占绝对优势;东洋界、广布种分别只有13和8种。以冬候鸟为主,共有33种;留鸟、族鸟和夏候鸟分别占13、7和3种。冬候鸟主要是鸭类和Xin鹬种类,留鸟主要是鹭类,本地的鸥类(Laridae)几乎都是冬候鸟,受各种协定或法规保护的水鸟有38种。雷州半岛的水鸟主要人布在沿海滩涂湿地,共有49种,红树林是最重要的水鸟栖息地,分布在这里的水鸟有37种。  相似文献   

盐城自然保护区是全球水鸟重要的越冬地之一, 随着近几十年来围填海活动强度的不断增加, 其景观格局发生了重大变化, 这种改变势必会影响越冬水鸟的群落结构和空间分布。因此, 以盐城自然保护区北缓冲区和核心区作为研究区, 根据 1975—2013 年研究区土地利用类型变化图将其划分为围垦区和未围垦区, 分析了 2009—2013 年围垦区和未围垦区之间越冬水鸟种类、数量、多样性和空间分布的差异。结果表明: 1)围填海对水鸟的种类组成具有显著的影响, 围垦区雁鸭类水鸟的种类和数量显著高于未围垦区。土地利用类型的改变对水鸟的种类数具有显著影响, 围填海对芦苇和盐田的水鸟种类数量影响显著; 2)围填海造成土地利用类型的改变对水鸟的 Shannon-Wiener 指数具有显著的影响, 其中围垦区鱼塘的 Shannon-Wiener 指数显著高于未围垦区; 3)未围垦区碱蓬生境水鸟多度最大, 围垦区芦苇生境水鸟多度最大, 围填海造成的生境类型的改变对鹳类、鹤类、鸻鹬类、雁鸭类水鸟的栖息地选择具有较大影响。结果强调围垦后生境的可利用性和人为干扰大小决定了水鸟的群落结构和空间分布。  相似文献   

福建省兴化湾滨海养殖塘冬季水鸟的栖息地利用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
20D7年12月至2008年3月对福建省兴化湾东北部江镜华侨农场(25°29′~25°33′N,119°23′~119°26′E)滨海养殖塘水鸟的栖息地利用进行了研究.选取了6个养殖塘作为样地,总面积360 hm2,共记录到水鸟6目8科25种.潮汐变化是影响养殖塘内越冬水鸟栖息的重要因素.高、中、低3种不同潮位下养殖塘水鸟群落特征差异较大.水鸟的种数和数量随潮水的涨高而显著增加,优势种则减少;多样性指数和均匀性指数随潮水的涨高而降低,优势度则增大.养殖塘的水深是影响水鸟栖息的另一个重要因素.4个不同水深区域水鸟群落的种类组成及密度差异显著,鸻鹬类、鸥类、鹭类等鸟类在中等水位区和浅水区栖息,鸭类主要栖息在深水区,而无水区仅有少数鹭类活动.在潮汛期间,滨海养殖塘是水鸟良好的临时栖息地,科学管理可使养殖塘人工湿地与潮间带滩涂共同满足越冬水鸟的栖息需求.  相似文献   

水鸟是湿地生态系统健康的重要指示物种,易受湿地退化和人为干扰的影响。目前我国渤海湾地区石油开采强度较大,占据了一定面积的水鸟栖息地,会对当地水鸟产生影响。以山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区为研究区域,在该保护区设置4块5 km×5 km样区,在2021年3月、5月、6月、7月和9月采用样线法调查样区内水鸟群落组成,结合深度学习和目视解译处理遥感影像量化区域内的油井密度和距离,使用广义线性模型分析水鸟多度与油井密度和距离的关系,使用Mantel分析检验水鸟群落组成的差异,采用双因素方差分析检验油井密度和距离对水鸟多样性指数的影响。调查期间共记录到水鸟约38994只,隶属于7目14科77种,其中优势类群为鸻鹬类、雁鸭类、鹭类和鸥类。结果表明:(1)随着油井密度增加,水鸟群落的Shannon-Wiener指数升高,而多度呈现先升高后下降的趋势。鸻鹬类在中低密度和中高密度区的多度显著高于低密度区,其他类群差异不显著。油井密度的差异与水鸟群落β多样性的差异呈显著正相关关系,即密度差异越大,水鸟群落组成越不同。(2)随着油井距离增加,水鸟群落的Shannon-Wiener指数出现下降趋势。雁鸭类距油井越远,多度越高,其他水鸟类群未表现出明显趋势。(3)油井距离和密度的交互作用对水鸟多样性指数影响均不显著。研究表明,在黄河三角洲自然保护区,油井密度影响了水鸟群落的多样性和群落组成,这与石油开采的特征和不同类群水鸟对人类活动的适应能力有关;油井距离也影响着水鸟群落的空间分布,这与不同物种对干扰的适应能力及栖息地偏好有关。  相似文献   

环渤海滨海湿地鸻鹬类水鸟多样性及其环境影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环渤海湿地是水鸟南北迁徙的重要驿站,尤其对于该线路上的鸻鹬鸟类具有非常重要的意义。以环渤海地区12处典型滨海湿地为研究对象,于2016-2020年每年春季开展水鸟调查,明确了鸻鹬类水鸟群落组成及其时空变化,采用结构方程模型 (Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)分析了鸻鹬类水鸟多样性与环境因子的响应关系,评估了各环境因子的影响强度。结果表明:(1)共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟7科51种,几乎全部为旅鸟。全球极危物种1种,濒危物种3种,近危物种9种。国家一级保护鸟类2种,国家二级保护鸟类8种。黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、大滨鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)、黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)、灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)、斑尾塍鹬(Limosa lapponica)个体数量最多。(2)山东黄河三角洲、辽宁辽河口、天津北大港等河口湿地,水鸟种类多,单位面积水鸟数量较少。(3)河北沧州沿海、山东滨州贝壳堤岛及其周边区域为环渤海地区湿地集中区,水鸟种类较多。(4)综合影响强度为保护强度>食物>气候,建立自然保护地是保护水鸟多样性的最有效措施。(5)建议将河北南大港湿地和鸟类省级自然保护区提升至国家级,扩大滨州贝壳堤岛与湿地国家级自然保护区面积,对山东黄河三角洲、辽宁辽河口覆盖的各级各类自然保护地进行优化整合。研究结果能为环渤海地区鸻鹬类水鸟保护策略的制定提供相关依据。  相似文献   

崇明东滩越冬鸟类在养殖塘的空间分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸟类对空间的利用直接反映对栖息地的选择。通过对崇明东滩养殖塘越冬鸟类群落调查,运用空间自相关检验、空间插值分析和景观格局分析,研究越冬鸟类在养殖塘人工湿地的空间分布格局。结果显示:雁鸭类和鸻鹬类在养殖塘分布特征显著不同。雁鸭类呈现显著的空间自相关,为聚集分布,且丰富度和多度分布较为一致;而鸻鹬类在养殖塘以随机分布为主,丰富度显示一定的聚集分布。养殖塘已经成为崇明东滩越冬鸟类重要的栖息地,不同生态类群栖息地选择存在差异:芦苇植被发育好,水域面积较小且水深较深,不同斑块以聚集为特征的养殖塘是雁鸭类的适宜生境;鸻鹬类则偏好一定芦苇植被、水域面积大且水深较浅的养殖塘。因此在保护区土地利用和管理时应考虑不同生态类群对栖息地选择的差异。  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)盐沼湿地是黄渤海地区河口区域的重要湿地类型, 是水鸟迁徙停歇期的重要栖息地。本研究以辽河口国家级自然保护区为研究地点, 通过对盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地和相邻泥质滩涂两个固定样区连续三年的水鸟组成调查和行为观察, 分析盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地在鸻鹬类多样性维持和栖息地利用中的作用。共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟28种6,348只次, 其中盐地碱蓬湿地记录到4科13种, 泥质滩涂记录到4科27种, 泥质滩涂的物种多样性显著高于盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地。此外, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地与相邻的泥质滩涂的鸻鹬类鸟类群落组成存在较大差异, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地的鸟类群落组成以体型较大的大杓鹬(Numenius madagascariensis)、白腰杓鹬(N. arquata)、灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)等为主, 而泥质滩涂以环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)等小型鸻鹬类为主, 这说明两种生境在鸟类多样性维持中具有不同的功能。行为分析发现, 泥质滩涂中栖息鸟类的主要行为为取食(58.71%-93.26%), 而盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地鸟类的行为既包括较大比例的取食, 也包括休息, 特别是在春季迁徙期。这进一步说明, 两种生境在水鸟的栖息地利用中具有一定的生态功能差异。尽管盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地记录到的鸟类物种数和数量均低于泥质滩涂, 但是, 两种生境中存在较大比例的共同分布物种, 这说明其生态功能具有较强的生态互补性, 二者作为一种独特的湿地景观组合, 在鸻鹬类迁徙停歇期的栖息地利用和物种多样性维持中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

正湿地水鸟是那些在形态和行为上适应湿地生活的鸟类的总称。它们是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,也是湿地健康状况最为敏感的指标物种,具体包括潜鸟、、鹈鹕、鸬鹚、鹳、琵鹭、鹮、鹭、鳽、天鹅、雁、鸭、鹤、秧鸡、鸻、鹬、鸥、燕鸥和翠鸟等多个类群。它们栖息于近海岛屿、沿海滩涂、河口、湖泊、江河,乃至库塘、溪流和农田等各类湿地之中,其秀丽的身姿、绚丽  相似文献   

Ge Z M  Wang T H  Zhou X  Shi W Y 《农业工程》2006,26(1):40-47
Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpusmariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

长江口杭州湾鸻形目鸟类群落季节变化和生境选择   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
在长江口南岸杭州湾北岸滨海滩涂进行了鸻形目鸟类的资源调查,以及鸟类栖息地选择模式分析,2004年3月至2005年1月共统计到鸟类25种,春季优势种为大缤鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)、尖尾缤鹬(Calidris alpine)和红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis);夏季为环颈(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚鹬(Tringa nebularia)和蒙古沙(Charadrius mongolus),秋季为环颈、红颈滨鹬和青脚鹬,冬季为黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、环颈和泽鹬(Tringa stagnatilis),鸟类总体数量呈春季>秋季>冬季>夏季,海堤外(自然滩涂)和堤内(人工湿地)鸟类种数四季大致相等,但鸟类平均密度季节差异显著。通过对样点内鸟类与环境因子进行多元分析,初步总结出堤外滩宽和光滩宽是影响鸟类栖息的最关键因子,海三棱草(Scirpus× mariquete)覆盖比例和潮上坪宽度的影响程度次之。堤内浅水塘比例和裸地比例是影响形目鸟类分布的关键因子,海三棱草覆盖比例也起正向作用。而人类干扰大、芦苇(Phragmites communis)/互花米草(Spartina alternifloral)密植和高水位的区域不利于鸟类利用。  相似文献   

2006年11月中旬至2007年2月中旬,以崇明东滩堤内次生人工湿地(鱼蟹塘)为主要研究区域,对8种水鸟越冬期夜间行为进行了连续观察。结果发现,斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos)、银鸥(Larus argentatus)及白鹭(Egretta garzetta)等白天在塘内栖息和取食的水鸟,黄昏时飞离并栖息于堤外海滩或堤内农田和防护林,次日清晨飞回。夜间停留在鱼蟹塘的水鸟活动差异性显著。其中,夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)白天栖息于堤内防护林,夜间17:00~17:30时后飞入鱼蟹塘,分散于塘内光滩及芦苇附近活动,在约23:30时后其行为以觅食为主,达70%以上。黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)和骨顶鸡(Fulica atra)活动频繁,主要分布于芦苇丛和周边水域,21:30~次日2:30时其觅食行为达到高峰,数量占60%~90%,2:30~3:30时后转为以休息为主。而白天活动频繁的小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)夜间停留在塘内,主要休息于水位较深区域。结果表明,越冬水鸟夜间行为具多样性,可能与昼间活动模式有关。  相似文献   

Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpus×mariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

Recent upsurges in the incidence of dam construction over rivers for farming and hydro electric power in the West African sub‐region is a known promoter of fluctuating water levels on tropical coastal wetlands. Waterbirds, being one of the dominant fauna on wetlands, are key species that can be affected by fluctuating water levels. Waterbird census and water level monitoring at four coastal wetlands in Ghana revealed that different guilds (species assemblages) of waterbirds responded differently to fluctuating water levels. The populations density of birds in guilds 1 (ducks and cormorants), 3 (tactile surface foraging waders), 4 (pelagic foraging waders) and 5 (stalking herons and egrets) significantly (P < 0.05) increased linearly with decreasing water levels. The population density of birds in guilds 2 (visual surface foraging waders) and 7 (fishing terns) responded significantly (P < 0.05) in a second order polynomial function with optimum numbers occurring when water levels were neither too high nor too low. As far as farming and energy requirement are met from these dams, it is important that the ecological needs of waterbirds on wetlands are incorporated into the management of these dams so as to maintain appropriate water levels beneficial to waterbird populations.  相似文献   

Many species depend on multiple habitats at different points in space and time. Their effective conservation requires an understanding of how and when each habitat is used, coupled with adequate protection. Migratory shorebirds use intertidal and supratidal wetlands, both of which are affected by coastal landscape change. Yet the extent to which shorebirds use artificial supratidal habitats, particularly at highly developed stopover sites, remains poorly understood leading to potential deficiencies in habitat management. We surveyed shorebirds on their southward migration in southern Jiangsu, a critical stopover region in the East Asian Australasian Flyway (EAAF), to measure their use of artificial supratidal habitats and assess linkages between intertidal and supratidal habitat use. To inform management, we examined how biophysical features influenced occupancy of supratidal habitats, and whether these habitats were used for roosting or foraging. We found that shorebirds at four of five sites were limited to artificial supratidal habitats at high tide for ~11–25 days per month because natural intertidal flats were completely covered by seawater. Within the supratidal landscape, at least 37 shorebird species aggregated on artificial wetlands, and shorebirds were more abundant on larger ponds with less water cover, less vegetation, at least one unvegetated bund, and fewer built structures nearby. Artificial supratidal habitats were rarely used for foraging and rarely occupied when intertidal flats were available, underscoring the complementarity between supratidal roosting habitat and intertidal foraging habitat. Joined‐up artificial supratidal management and natural intertidal habitat conservation are clearly required at our study site given the simultaneous dependence by over 35,000 migrating shorebirds on both habitats. Guided by observed patterns of habitat use, there is a clear opportunity to improve habitat condition by working with local land custodians to consider shorebird habitat requirements when managing supratidal ponds. This approach is likely applicable to shorebird sites throughout the EAAF.  相似文献   

Loss of natural wetlands is a global phenomenon that has been a serious threat to the wildlife. A common practice is to construct artificial wetlands to compensate for the loss of natural wetlands. To test whether artificial wetlands as habitats for waterbirds are good alternatives to natural wetlands, we compared species richness, abundance, and seasonal dynamics of waterbird communities of natural (here tidelands) and artificial wetlands (here aquacultural ponds) on Chongming Island, China. Our results indicate that habitat preference of waterbirds showed seasonal difference: most of the shorebirds were found on tidelands in spring, whereas most of the natatorial birds were recorded in aquacultural ponds in winter. Waterbirds preferred the tidelands rather than aquacultural ponds in both spring and autumn, whereas they showed no preference for either the tidelands or the ponds in summer and winter. It is concluded that natural wetlands are better habitats for waterbirds than artificial wetlands on Chongming Island, while the artificial ones are also suitable habitats for waterbirds in winter. The waterbirds might use artificial wetlands only when natural wetlands are unavailable or of poor quality. An over-emphasis that artificial wetlands are suitable habitats for waterbirds might encourage land managers to convert natural wetlands into the artificial ones, resulting in considerable loss of bird diversity. Therefore, for the purpose of bird conservation, it would be a better practice to conserve natural wetlands rather than to construct artificial ones after destruction of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Niu JY  Heng NN  Zhang B  Yuan X  Wang TH 《动物学研究》2011,32(6):624-630
From December 2009 to May 2010 goose and duck (Anatidae) community censuses in winter and shorebird (Charadriiforms) community censuses in spring were conducted across three types artificial wetlands (urban lake wetland, restorative wetland, abandoned wetland) along the coast of Nanhui, Shanghai. Correlation analyses were undertaken between community indices and habitat factors. The results showed there were significant differences in the density of geese and ducks among the wetlands, but no difference in the number of species. The density of geese and ducks in the restorative wetland was 3.77 times that of abandoned wetland and 6.03 times that of urban lake wetlands. The number of species and density of shorebirds in restorative wetlands was 2.88 and 5.70 times that of abandoned wetlands. We found significant differences in the number and density of shorebird species between restorative and abandoned wetlands. The number of species density of geese and ducks and the Shannon-Wiener (H') index were positively correlated with water area. The number of species and H' were negatively correlated with vegetation area. The number of species, species density and H' and evenness were negatively correlated with vegetation coverage. H' was positively correlated with mean water level. The results showed that the number and density of shorebird species were positively correlated with bare muddy areas. Aquaculture ponds and paddy fields in reclaimed area is efficient sufficient compensation mechanism to maintain more water areas for waterbirds and to control vegetation expansion and maintain shorebird habitat after coastal reclamation.  相似文献   

We studied how waterbirds used two small estuaries during the non-breeding season of 1995-1996. These estuaries, El Chorro and Majahuas, were located in the middle of a large span of non-wetland habitat along the Pacific coast of México. Whereas El Chorro was basically a large and open waterbody, Majahuas was a long and narrow corridor flanked by mangroves. The two estuaries had 77 species throughout our study, but shared only 58, due to differences in their habitat. Seabirds comprised 66% of all the birds; grebes, ducks and rails 16%; shorebirds 12% and herons and egrets 5%. During late winter and early spring a very reduced number of migratory species accounted for the dominance of seabirds. Sterna hirundo and Phalacrocorax brasilianus accounted for 40 and 33%, respectively, of all the seabirds. Opening or closure of the estuary mouth at El Chorro affected the bird communities at both sites, by exposing or inundating a large mudflat in that estuary. Overall, however, time of the year was more important in the composition of the bird assemblages. Both estuaries should be considered as a single unit.  相似文献   

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