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用民族植物学观点和方法,分析聚居于贵州省黔东南的侗族民间在饮食习惯、常用医药、传统民居、生活用具、生产方式、民间信仰和自然崇拜等方面利用植物资源的传统知识。结果表明:该地区侗族日常生活涉及的植物约122种,在侗族人物质和精神生活中发挥着重要作用,包括食用植物、药用植物、染料植物、信仰植物、民居建筑及生活用具植物等。黔东南侗族在保护和利用植物资源方面积累了丰富的知识和经验,形成了具有特异性的民族文化,这些传统知识对植物资源的保育和开发利用具有重要的研究和参考价值。  相似文献   

用民族植物学观点分析黎族与植物资源的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用民族植物学观点,探讨黎族人在适应环境、生产方式、传统民居、生活用具、民间工艺、民族医药、布料制作、宗教信仰和自然崇拜等方面与当地植物资源的关系,分析了黎族人民对植物资源的认识、利用和保护方式。分析认为,黎族人一直居住在热带森林地区,植物资源在他们的物质和精神生活中发挥着重要作用;他们在利用植物方面积累了丰富的知识和经验,创造了丰富多彩的民族文化;黎族人的许多传统知识和经验对当今植物资源的开发利用仍具有重要的研究和参考价值。  相似文献   

杨蓉  杨红伟  陈兴  赵燕强  杨立新 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1954-1964
植物染料有绿色环保、安全性高等优势,但其资源量少、成本高、色牢度低等缺点限制了植物染料在工业化的应用。云南鹤庆白依人有植物染色的传统习俗,当地有丰富的染料植物资源和传统染色工艺。为调查、记录和研究白依人植物染色和相关传统知识,拓展植物染料资源并促进植物染料的开发利用,该研究对大理州鹤庆县六合彝族乡白依人植物染色及相关传统知识进行了民族植物学调研。2019年9月至2020年3月,对大理州鹤庆县六合彝族乡4个村落的288位信息报告人进行半结构式访谈,对当地植物染料进行实地调研,以参与式观察法记录传统植物染色技艺,通过定量分析法对传统植物染色知识(f值、CIIs值、ICF值)进行分析研究。结果表明:(1)鹤庆白依人使用11种植物染料,分属10科11属。(2)不同地区、年龄、性别的白依人对传统植物染色知识的认知有差异。(3)水红木和密蒙花的使用频率和文化重要性指数较高,并且白依人对蓝染的植物染料认知高度一致。(4)白依人常用植物染料给本民族服饰火草衣染色。该文揭示了鹤庆白依人有较完整的传统植物染色知识体系,但随着时代的发展而逐渐流失。该研究结果为植物染料资源的开发和传统植物染色工艺的研究提供科学线索,促进少数民族植物染料的产业化应用,对少数民族地区的经济发展有重要意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

壮族是我国55个少数民族中人口最多的一个民族,主要分布于广西、广东和云南省的文山州.壮族人民有着自己悠久的历史和璀灿的文化,但没有自己的文字,这些文化仅靠言传口授在民间流传,在现代文化冲击之下,部分民族文化已濒临失传.有关民族植物学部分因其需要植物分类学知识方能向其他兄弟民族作介绍和交流,因而,壮族民族植物学中的植物种类被其他民族所认识者更寥若晨星.为此,本文作者认为有必要写一篇"简介",一是向兄弟民族交流壮族民族植物学,二是向植物分类学家提供部分植物种类的新用途,三是向有志于研究壮族民族植物学的学者作一抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

贵州少数民族地区作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"贵州农业生物资源调查"项目于2012-2014年已对贵州省21个县(市)进行了系统调查。系统调查的21个县(市)均有少数民族集居,各民族有不同的传统文化和生活习俗,在世代相传中赋予了当地作物种质资源丰富的民族文化内涵。并且,当地的地形地貌复杂,气候类型多样。正因为这种多样的自然条件和各异的民族文化,造就了这里丰富的作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物。本次调查获得的作物稀有种质资源和野生近缘植物,对作物的分类研究和新品种选育以及商业开发,将会有一定的利用价值。  相似文献   

牡丹组植物的药用民族植物学研究与考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牡丹干燥根皮自古以来就有入药的传统,尤其在中药和民族药中被广泛使用。为阐明牡丹组植物在古籍中的记载情况和民族药中的利用现状,该文对中国八部经典医学古籍、37部地方志和民族药传统知识进行整理,采用民族植物学编目方法,对牡丹组植物在古籍和民族药中的入药种类、地理分布、入药部位、炮制方法和功效等相关传统知识进行考证和分析研究。结果表明:古籍中记载的牡丹组植物种类被考证为2种,分别为牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa)和滇牡丹(P.delavayi),有14种炮制方法和18类功效;现有9个民族药使用4种牡丹组植物入药,为牡丹(P.suffruticosa)、滇牡丹(P.delavayi)、紫斑牡丹(P.rockii)和四川牡丹(P.decomposita);在古籍和民族药中,牡丹(P.suffruticosa)入药的频率高于其他品种;古籍以根、丹皮和花入药与民族药记载相一致,入药部位以根和丹皮的使用频率最高。芍药属牡丹组植物有治疗糖尿病、高血压、肺炎、急性高烧、乌头中毒、急性阑尾炎、中风、癫疾、炭疽,以及安神、润泽肌肤等多种药用、保健和护肤功效,为该类植物资源的研发提供了知识原型和应用基础研究。  相似文献   

广州高校校园植物调查与景观特色评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广州市6所代表性高校校园植物实地调查。结果表明,6所高校共有维管植物356种,隶属87科215属。其中,校园主入口绿地区域共记录98种植物,主要应用观花、观叶植物,采用乔木+灌木+草本的垂直结构多层次配置植物景观;主干道区域共使用植物59种,以乡土树种为主;主建筑绿地区域内共应用植物97种,植物种类丰富,景观特色突出;广场绿地区域共记录植物85种,其中观花、观叶类灌木应用频率较高,观赏效果好。  相似文献   

对民族民间利用植物资源的传统知识进行调查编目、探究相关传统知识形成的原因和影响因素一直是民族植物学研究的重点内容.作为“人与植物”之间关系中一个重要领域——人类利用实践对植物资源影响的研究却相对被忽略.重视这一研究领域,既可以为民族植物学方法及原理在植物资源保护与可持续利用实践提供理论依据,从而有助于推动民族植物学研究进入“应用阶段”,同时也拓展了民族植物学研究领域.其中,人类采集活动(尤其是越来越严重的商业性采集)对植物资源的影响应该受到民族植物学家的重点关注.  相似文献   

朱佳兴  周慧  熊育久  严恩萍  莫登奎 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6665-6678
崖壁植物具有不可及或不易及的特点,有关崖壁植物的调查一直面临着高成本、高风险和难鉴定的难题。本研究创新性地提出一种采用无人机近景摄影技术对崖壁植物拍照及专家鉴定的调查方法,通过分析崖壁植物群落的Margalef、Simpson与Pielou这3种多样性指数的变化,探究海拔、光照、立地条件与水汽条件这4种因子对崖壁植物多样性的影响。研究结果表明:本次调查共发现崖壁植物267种,分属于58科、140属;崖壁植物物种数目与海拔高度变化服从正态分布,物种数量在中海拔700-800m达到峰值,Simpson指数与Pielou指数在低海拔时达到最高,随海拔的升高而下降,但不表现出明显的变化规律;崖壁植物在不同的立地条件下,植物群落的物种组成、优势种类与出现频率均有所不同;崖壁植物的相关性分析显示,在光照条件出现差异或立地条件不同时,崖壁植物各指数之间存在着不同的显著性关系;近水崖壁植物与对照组的分析结果对比显示,崖壁植物的数量与物种组成受崖壁间水汽条件的影响,崖壁水汽条件越高的地区有着更丰富的植物种类。本研究表明崖壁植物的分布特征是受海拔、光照、立地条件以及水汽条件等多因素的综合作用而成。  相似文献   

对民族植物学的学科发展进行了简要综述。民族植物学自1896年在美国诞生以来,经历了百年漫长的发展过程。民族植物学由早期的描述编目有用植物,已经发展到了实验性、技术性和定量性研究的新阶段;民族植物学的原理与方法已被广泛应用于植物资源的可持续利用、社区发展和生物多样性保护。近代民族植物学的学科发展可归纳为3个特征:(1)研究方法的进展主要表现在由记载编目和描述到实验性、技术性的定量研究和从基础研究到实际应用的发展;(2)研究途径的发展表现在由调查记录、访谈式的被动研究到参与式研究和取证分析;(3)研究地区已由局部区域性研究扩大到全球范围的民族植物学研究,从对原住民和少数民族的民族植物学研究扩展到所有不同文化背景民族的民族植物学研究。特别是发展中国家的民族植物学研究在近半个世纪以来得到迅速发展,并广泛应用于植物资源的管理和生物多样性保护的实际工作中。民族植物学在中国起步较晚,但在过去20年里已从无到有,建立起了我国民族植物学研究的理论框架、内容、方法和途径,将民族植物学从基础描述性研究(调查、记载、编目),推进到应用研究,在植物资源的可持续利用、生物多样性保护、农村发展和山区扶贫等方面取得了若干进展。当前,我国民族植物学研究面临着发展的新机遇和新的挑战,必须紧跟国民经济发展的新形势,投入西部大开发,加强学科建设,推进研究与产业发展的结合,把民族植物学由地区性研究推进到全国性研究,进一步完善中国特色的民族植物学研究体系,积极参与国际合作与交流,对国民经济的持续发展、民族地区的团结稳定和生物多样性保护作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Wild food plants (WFPs) contribute to the nutrition, economy and even cultural identity of people in many parts of the world. Different factors determine the preference and use of WFPs such as abundance, availability, cultural preference, economic conditions, shortage periods or unsecure food production systems. Understanding these factors and knowing the patterns of selection, use and cultural significance and value of wild food plants for local communities is helpful in setting priorities for conservation and/or domestication of these plants. Thus in this study knowledge of wild food plant use among four groups namely Dai, Lahu, Hani and Mountain Han in Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve ((NRWNNR), Xishuangbanna were documented and analyzed to find the similarity and difference among their plant use. METHODS: Data on wild food plant use was collected through freelisting and semi-structured interviews and participatory field collection and direct observation. Botanical plant sample specimens were collected, prepared, dried and identified. RESULTS: A total of 173 species and subspecies from 64 families and one species of lichen (Ramalina sp.) are used as WFP. There were differences on the saliency of wild food plant species among four ethnic groups. Consensus analysis revealed that knowledge of wild food plant use for each ethnic group differs from others with some variation in each group. Among informant attributes only age was related with the knowledge if wild food plant use, whereas no significant relationship was found between gender and age*gender and informants knowledge of wild food plant use. CONCLUSION: Wild food plants are still used extensively by local people in the NRWNNR, some of them on a daily base. This diversity of wild food plants provide important source of nutrients for the local communities which much of their caloric intake comes from one or few crops. The results also show the role of ethnicity on the preference and use of wild food plants. There is a big potential for harvesting, participatory domestication and marketing of WFPs especially in the tourism sector in the area.  相似文献   

1. Non-trophic interactions between plants and animals can affect community structure and species trait composition. However, it is unclear how changes in intra- and interspecific morphological traits of plant species affect non-trophic interactions at a metacommunity scale. Additionally, whether plant evolutionary history determines taxonomic and functional diversity of plant-dwelling predators is an open question. 2. To address these gaps, this study used a published dataset with spiders dwelling exclusively on bromeliads to investigate if: (i) intra- and interspecific variability in host plant morphological traits affects spider taxonomic and functional diversity; and (ii) bromeliad trait evolution determines present-day patterns of spider trait diversity. 3. Spider and bromeliad traits were measured, and a new statistical framework was used to quantify the response of spider beta diversity to intra- and interspecific variation in bromeliad traits. In addition, bromeliad traits were decomposed across its phylogenetic tree to check whether the current variation in morphological traits of bromeliads is a result of either ancestral or recent diversification. 4. Bromeliad intraspecific variation did not affect spiders, but leaf length variation between bromeliad species had a positive effect on spider functional beta diversity. Interestingly, the most ancestral split between two subfamilies explained most of the variation in bromeliad species, which suggests that spider functional diversity could represent an outcome of bromeliad evolutionary history. 5. Overall, the results of this study suggest that interactions between plants and organisms that do not feed directly on their tissues could be shaped by plant evolutionary history, which in turn suggests that non-trophic interactions can be maintained over time.  相似文献   

Plant knowledge of the Shuhi in the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Shuhi are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group of around 1,500 people living exclusively in the Shuiluo Valley, southwest China. We documented their plant knowledge concerning wild collected species, and analyzed food, medicine, and ritual uses. Overall, uses, collection sites, and use frequencies of 136 plant species were documented. The plants were divided in fodder (46 spp.), food (43 spp.), medicine (27 spp.), ritual plants (20 spp.), fuelwood (17 spp.), plants used for construction (8 spp.), ornamentals (2 spp.), and "others" (34 spp.). Food plants mainly consist of fruits and leafy vegetables, and the uses are comparable with those of other ethnic groups in the area. Knowledge about medicinal plants is relatively limited, since traditional Shuhi healers use ritual and other healing methods instead of medicinal plants. Ritual plants play an important role relative to human well-being. Villagers and ritualists use them to keep the environment clean of malevolent spirits and to maintain a good relationship with the deities. All habitats, from the dry shrub vegetation at the valley bottom up to the alpine shrub, are used for plant collection, but 87% of all species are collected in the near vicinity of the villages around the fields and in the dry shrub vegetation. Finally, we postulate two main factors influencing wild plant use among the Shuhi: cultural values and accessibility.  相似文献   

The role of vegetation and soil factors on the biodiversity of two soil dwelling, saprophagous, fly families (Sphaeroceridae and Lonchopteridae) in a heathland ecosystem were investigated. The fly community is primarily affected by soil humidity and the amount of organic matter while the vegetation structure and species composition only indirectly influence the fly communities. There was no correlation between plant species richness and the fly diversity indices. Based on our results and literature data, we hypothesise that the direct effects of the vegetation is more evident for herbivorous insects than for species that do not feed on plants. The investigated families show a clear response to microhabitat differences in the soil factors, which makes them promising indicators for soil health and as tool for monitoring environmental changes.  相似文献   

Apartheid isolated South Africa economically and politically from the global arena and its citizens culturally from one another. Post-apartheid policymakers have sought to address prior inequalities in education, health care and employment, concerns central to biodiversity conservation initiatives. This article examines the role of school gardening programs on the distribution and transmission of local phytomedicinal knowledge. Urban Cape Town, an area of high biocultural diversity, presents a unique environment in which to observe cultural distinctions in medicinal plant utilization, the impact of school gardening, and the recent cultural amalgamation in local knowledge transmission. Local healers chose 16 common medicinal plants, which were used to examine fifth and seventh graders’ knowledge of local remedies. Results indicate that knowledge of different plants was concentrated in specific ethnic groups and amongst recent migrants. It is proposed that ethnic separation during the apartheid era insulated cultures on socioeconomic and geo-environmental strata, thereby preserving local knowledge.  相似文献   

Global declines in biodiversity, together with widespread degradation of ecosystem services, have led to urgent calls to safeguard. Humans maintain plants around their houses to increase their quality of life. In the present study, 90 and 30 plots of 50 m2 each were studied in urbanised and rural areas in Cameroon. In each plot, vascular plant species were identified and their coefficient of abundance–dominance was determined. Different diversity indices were calculated to compare the flora of urbanised and rural areas as well as the distribution of plants. A total of 119 species belonging to 95 genera and 45 families were sampled. Shannon–Weaver diversity index, Pielou and Sheldon values vary when taking into account not only erected or wooded plants, but also herbs and erected or wooded plants. Plots near houses in urban areas comprised weeds, ornamentals and fruits, whereas in rural areas medicinal or edible plants dominated. Based upon the results, we conclude that the use of plants as food, medicinal resources or for other purposes, might be helpful for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, the management of resources and to fight poverty. However, the composition of the flora is likely to change as urbanisation proceeds.  相似文献   

Elevation is involved in determining plant diversity in montane ecosystems. This study examined whether the distribution of plants in the Yatsugatake Mountains, central Japan, substantiated hypotheses associated with an elevational diversity gradient. Species richness of trees, shrubs, herbs, ferns, and bryophytes was investigated in study plots established at 200‐m elevational intervals from 1,800 to 2,800 m. The changes in plant diversity (alpha and beta diversities, plant functional types, and elevational ranges) with elevation were analyzed in relation to climatic factors and elevational diversity gradient hypotheses, that is, mass effect, mid‐domain effect, and Rapoport''s elevational rule. In addition, the elevational patterns of dominance of plant functional types were also analyzed. A comparison of alpha and beta diversities revealed that different plant groups responded variably to elevation; the alpha diversity of trees and ferns decreased, that of herbs increased, whereas the alpha diversity of shrubs and bryophytes showed a U‐shaped relationship and a hump‐shaped pattern. The beta diversity of shrubs, herbs, and bryophytes increased above the subalpine–alpine ecotone. In accordance with these changes, the dominance of evergreen shrubs and graminoids increased above this ecotone, whereas that of evergreen trees and liverworts decreased. None of the plant groups showed a wide elevational range at higher elevations. These elevational patterns of plant groups were explained by climatic factors, and not by elevational diversity gradient hypotheses. Of note, the changes in the dominance of plant groups with elevation can be attributed to plant–plant interactions via competition for light and the changes in physical habitat. These interactions could alter the elevational diversity gradient shaped by climatic factors.  相似文献   

为探究神木垒不同森林群落林下植物多样性的差异,本研究采用典型样地法,以夹金山神木垒的5种主要森林群落:云杉林、丽江云杉林、红杉林、针阔混交林、阔叶林为研究对象,对不同森林群落林下植物物种组成和物种多样性进行比较,并对林分因子和林下植物多样性进行冗余分析,确定影响林下植物多样性的主要林分因子,为当地森林经营管理提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)在研究区内共记录林下植物147种,隶属于61科,108属;云杉林群落林下植物的科属种组成最丰富。(2)各类型群落的H值、H"值、D值、JSW值均为:草本层>灌木层;灌木层多样性最高的群落为云杉林群落,草本层多样性最高的群落为丽江云杉林群落,针阔混交林群落、阔叶林群落林下植物多样性较差。(3)平均枝下高与林分密度是影响灌木层物种多样性的主要林分因子(P<0.01),平均枝下高与灌木层的D值、H值、H"值呈负相关关系,林分密度与灌木层4个多样性指数均呈正相关关系;平均枝下高是影响草本层物种多样性的主要林分因子(P<0.01),平均枝下高与草本层H值、H"值、JSW值呈正相关关系。本研究认为,云杉林群落与丽江云杉林群落的林下植物多样性水平较高,平均枝下高与林分密度是影响神木垒不同森林群落林下植物多样性的主要林分因子。  相似文献   

海南中部山区什运乡人工生态系统的植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
什运乡地处海南中部山区,其人口大多为黎族。为揭示人工生态系统中的植物多样性与人类活动的关系,并为海南中部山区的土地可持续利用研究提供依据,以位于海南中部山区的什运乡为调查点,采用参与性生物多样性评估方法,调查了5个村庄和2个橡胶林的植物多样性。结果表明,什运乡的人工生态系统由农田生态系统、庭院生态系统、园地生态系统和林地生态系统组成。共记录到维管束植物318种,隶属95科243属。重点保护植物10种;栽培植物87种,其中有17种栽培植物有较多品种。药用类植物所占的比例最大。研究表明,人工生态系统中的植物多样性与其面积无明显关联,而与人类对其需求的多样化程度有关。需求多样化的庭院生态系统的植物多样性最丰富。采用生物多样性参与性管理下的原位保存法,重视对庭院生态系统植物多样性的保护、并提高现有园地生态系统的土地利用效率将会是保护什运乡植物多样性的有效方法。  相似文献   

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