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目的 探讨影响住院患者满意度的相关因素,为进一步提高医疗服务质量及患者满意度提供参考。方法 对2013年11月北京市某三甲综合医院1200名住院患者或家属采用自制问卷进行调查,通过多因素分析相关因素对患者整体满意度的影响程度。结果 影响手术科室整体满意度的因素有5个,按影响程度由高至低依次为主管医生对患者进行详细的体格检查、主管医生在术前对手术目的和风险进行了详细的告知、主治医生(主管的上级医生)每个工作日查房、主管医生熟悉病情和治疗方法、医生详细解释用药原因及注意事项。结论 影响住院患者满意度的关键因素为医患沟通与部分医疗流程执行的问题,可针对以上问题进行专项改进或增加关键问题的权重以促进患者满意度及医疗服务质量持续改进。  相似文献   

目的 对广州地区医院患者进行调查,了解患者对目前医患关系状况的评价、对医疗危机事件发生的态度及行为选择,分析医患关系状况对医院危机管理的影响。方法 采用自设问卷进行调查和访谈。结果 55.4%的患者认为目前医患关系状况好或较好;66.0%的患者认为诊疗中的医患沟通效果较好;63.9%的患者对医患沟通状况比较满意;大多数医务人员未能主动履行告知义务;72.8%的患者对医生开药或做检查有过疑问;72.8%的患者遇到医疗纠纷会首先找院方投诉;认为诊疗过失和对事件处理不够及时最易引发医疗危机事件,56.8%的患者认为危机事件会影响其选择。结论 采取多种方式加强医患沟通,预防危机事件的发生;加强医疗服务的质量管理、建立高效的危机处理机制,提高患者满意度;重视医疗危机事件的善后管理,树立新形象。  相似文献   

目的 从医务人员视角出发,分析医患关系的现状、存在的问题及其原因。方法 选取广东省10所医院,以“科室”为层,抽取1 125名医务人员对医患关系认知状况进行问卷调查。结果 86.21%的人认为当前医患关系更加紧张,影响医患关系的主要因素依次为医疗技术方面、候诊服务、医患沟通、非医疗技术方面、医院管理。患者抱怨最多的是药价贵和排队时间长,分别占29.7%,26.9%。结论 医务人员对医患关系信心不足,医生技术水平、医患沟通、医院管理是当前改善医患关系的重点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医院社会满意度测评体系,进行社会满意度调查,为医院提升社会满意度提出建议。方法:采用医院探索的社会满意度测评体系,进行医院社会满意度调查。结果:医院社会满意度测评体系包括定量测评和定性测评。调查结果显示门诊患者中对办卡、挂号、缴费服务的满意度(3.95)、住院患者住院费用知晓度(3.87)、患者医疗费用(4.27)的满意度较低。定性评价满意度较低的主要有医患沟通和医生服务态度。结论:医院社会满意度测评体系能够比较系统地反映医院存在的问题。医院的总体社会满意度处在较高的水平,但针对医患沟通、基本服务态度等问题需要引起医院管理者的重视。  相似文献   


目的 了解城市医院患方信任现状及其影响因素,提出构建医患信任的建议。方法 对北京市3个大型三甲医院进行为期15天的实地观察,并对72位患者进行定性访谈,分析患方对医方信任的现状及影响因素。结果 患者对城市大医院信任评价得分为(4.20±0.65)分,影响医患信任的因素主要是医生技术和态度,医院规章制度、就诊流程等医院管理因素以及医保制度、医院补偿机制等政策因素。结论 提高医患信任可通过加强医患沟通、优化就诊流程、完善医保制度、推进公立医院补偿机制改革等途径。


目的 探讨PBL教学培训法在临床医生沟通技巧培训中的应用。方法 对某医院150名临床医生采用PBL培训方法,充分调动医生们的学习积极性,结合头脑风暴法引导医生们提炼出医患沟通中的关键要素和临床沟通技巧,并请某患者(已愈)现场参与,模拟演练。结果 经过培训,医生们医患沟通意识、医患沟通能力和沟通技巧都有明显提升。结论 PBL教学培训法用于临床医生医患沟通技巧培训效果较好,有条件的医院可以将其推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以问题为中心的教学方法(problem-based learning,PBL)在高职社区问诊教学中的效果,寻求更有效的现代医学教育方法。方法:在高职社区问诊技能学习中开展以问题为中心的教学方法(PBL),分析问诊中存在的问题,以提高知识应用与沟通能力。结果:通过对62名高职医学生进行问诊技能和见习报告评分显示,成绩优良比率为89%,满意度调查显示83.87%的高职医学生对PBL教学方法满意。PBL教学可以让高职医学生灵活的利用自已的时间,进行比较主动的学习,可以更好的发现高职医学生在问诊见习中存在的问题,有利于提高高职医学生的问诊技能及医患沟通能力,但实施中所需时间较长,占用课时多。结论:PBL教学对高职医学生的主动学习能力、问诊技能及医患沟通能力的提高有利,医学生对PBL教学方法满意度高。在医学教育中可以将PBL教学和传统教学方法结合起来,以在有效的时间里达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

根据沟通过程模型,分别从信息发出者和接受者、编码译码的一致性、系统噪音等沟通环节分析了医患沟通过程存在的障碍因素,并提出对医学生进行人文和职业精神教育、加强医生医患沟通能力培训和考核、消除医患沟通中系统噪音等改善医患沟通的措施建议。  相似文献   

目的 了解医生的工作状态与环境对医患关系的影响。方法 采用自填问卷法对深圳市13家医院的医生进行问卷调查,具有很好的匿名性,回收有效问卷289份,为从医生视角看医患关系搜集了重要的基础数据。 结果 深圳市医生普遍面临着工作时间长、诊疗强度大、执业环境变差、患者投诉和医患冲突不断、社会地位明显下降等职业挑战;医生比较看重医院实力,但是对医院的报酬公平性最为不满。 结论 医患关系紧张归根结底是医疗资源不合理配置造成的,推进分级诊疗和医生的多点执业,从而增加医患沟通时间和重建医患信任是改善医患关系的根本解决办法。  相似文献   

医患沟通是指患方在就医过程中与医方进行的交流行为[1].医患沟通的顺利进行是促进医患和谐的重要因素,但在实际的诊疗过程中,医患沟通障碍现象并不少见,造成了患方对医方的不满意、不尊重和不信任,医方为此也感到十分棘手.探讨分析医患沟通障碍的影响因素并提出应对措施,可提高医务人员与患者沟通的能力,确保医患沟通质量,密切医患关系.医患沟通障碍的影响因素总体来说可分为客观因素和主观因素,本文就这两个方面进行分析,现报告如下.  相似文献   

当前医患矛盾和纠纷事件时有发生,与医患之间的沟通不到位有着密切的关系。无锡市人民医院通过调研、实践,明确医疗服务沟通中的重点环节,建立标准化的医患沟通模式,编出符合当前实际的“医疗服务重点环节沟通指南”,并将其应用于临床,从而实现强化以医方为主导的医患沟通理念、提升沟通能力、融洽医患关系、促进医院发展的目标。  相似文献   

夏经钢  曲杨  尹春琳  徐东  许骥  胡少东 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4773-4776
摘要:随着生物医学模式向生物.心理.社会医学模式的转变,构建和谐的医患关系成为当今医学发展和进步的时代新要求,构建和谐的医患关系,有效的医患沟通是获得良好医疗效果的基本保证,本文总结了目前参加规范化培训的住院医师在心脏科重症监护室培训轮转期间医患沟通中存在的问题,分析了沟通障碍的主要影响因素,包括住院医师对医患关系的沟通认识不够充分,沟通技巧不够,工作负担增加,患方经济负担增加,治疗效果心理预期增加,医患双方认知差异增加,失信增加,健康和维权意识增加等都影响了医患关系的和谐构建;心脏重症监护室是心血管系统中常见病,多发病发展到终末期或急重期间的治疗场所,特点是病情急,危,重,死亡率高,结合其医患关系的实际特点,提出了提高住院医师沟通能力的可行性措施,主要包括:沟通的内容务必真实可信,形式力求形象,换位思考,注重诚信待人,加强非语言沟通,注重沟通分寸,尊重患者或家属的知情同意权,加强心脏监护室的细节规范化管理等。  相似文献   

目的 探讨导致医患信任危机的多维影响因素与解决策略。方法 运用文献研究、专家咨询、现场调查及因子分析的方法,寻找对医患关系信任构成重要影响的潜在公因子,分析医患信任危机的成因。结果 医疗服务因子、医疗纠纷调解与行业监管因子、社会制度因素及文化价值因子、医患沟通因子是驱动医患信任危机形成的主因。结论 医患信任危机的形成受到医疗服务过程、外部社会制度及文化观念、行业监管及医患沟通和互动等多重因素的影响,需要政府、医疗机构和全社会共同努力,消解医患信任危机的坚冰,促进医患关系修复与和谐。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区居民乙肝防控知识知晓情况并分析乙肝歧视的影响因素。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法选取天津市鸿顺里社区1276名居民进行问卷调查,每人发放一份问卷,回收后统计居民乙肝防控知识的知晓情况及乙肝歧视现状,并通过多因素Logistic回归分析乙肝歧视的影响因素。结果:共回收1214份有效问卷,回收率为95.14%(1214/1276),乙肝5条主要传播途径中知晓经血液传播最高为70.18%(852/1214),知晓经共用牙刷及剃须刀传播为48.76%(592/1214),知晓经母婴传播为37.73%(458/1214),知晓经性生活传播为34.68%(421/1214),知晓经污染的医疗器械传播为34.18%(415/1214),5条传播途径均知晓为27.92%(339/1214);90.77%(1102/1214)的调查者知晓"乙肝是否具有传染性",乙肝知识的总体知晓率为21.91%(266/1 214)。79.90%(970/1214)的调查对象不愿意和乙肝患者恋爱/结婚,60.96%(740/1214)的调查对象不愿意和乙肝患者共同进餐;无歧视、中轻度歧视及重度歧视的比例分别为24.87%(302/1214)、50.91%(618/1214)及24.22%(294/1214);不同年龄、职业、文化程度、月收入人群之间乙肝歧视程度的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示年龄、职业、文化程度、月收入均是造成乙肝歧视的影响因素。结论:天津市鸿顺里社区居民的乙肝防控知识知晓率较低且歧视现象严重,应加强对乙肝知识的宣传教育,纠正对乙肝的歧视心态。  相似文献   

Background: Cancer registration is indispensable, providing useful statistical measures for the appropriate evaluation of cancer control programs and medical treatment or screening. Methods: Following the British national survey on attitudes toward cancer registration, we conducted an investigation to correctly evaluate the general opinion of the Japanese population in this regard. We randomly recruited 3000 men and women aged 20–69 years from a research database. Results: Only 4% of all respondents had heard about the cancer registry system before the investigation. However, 77% of respondents thought that cancer registration was useful. Forty-three percent of respondents answered, regardless of the strictness of the data protection, that privacy had been violated if the registration occurred without an individual explanation. Compared with the British survey results, Japanese people seemed to be more suspicious about the largely unknown system of cancer registry. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that Japanese respondents did not show active opposition to cancer registration; they tended to choose “I don’t know” instead of “no” to questions asking if they supported the registry system. Multivariate analysis showed that male sex, older age, and living in the southern region were the factors significantly associated with support for cancer registration. Conclusions: We can seek society's understanding toward cancer registration by actively utilizing information from cancer registries, by using examples of how data are actually used that have wide appeal, and by educating the public on how the data are treated under the complete privacy policy.  相似文献   

Background: The medical profession has undergone a significant demographic change, with a dramatic increase in the number of women applying to medical school and practicing medicine.Objectives: In recognition of the changing demographics in the medical profession, the American Medical Association's Women Physicians Congress (AMA-WPC) conducted a members' survey to identify the issues affecting women physicians and to ascertain certain practice characteristics.Methods: In 2008, an e-mail survey link was sent to a randomly selected nationwide sample of 4992 WPC members, and a second, identical survey was sent to 596 female AMA members, utilizing the Epocrates database (Epocrates, Inc., San Mateo, California). Two e-mail reminders were sent for the first survey, which had a 15% response rate. A quota of 148 physicians was received within 4 days and was utilized to interpret results from the second survey.Results: Achieving work-life balance was a significant concern for 91% of the respondents (n = 884). Half of the respondents believed that pay is gender neutral, and 28% indicated that they were “somewhat or very concerned about sexual harassment”. When queried regarding practice patterns, 29% of respondents indicated that they had worked part-time at some point during their careers.Conclusions: In this survey, women physicians indicated that gender pay disparity and sexual harassment remain important issues in the medical profession. Less than a third of respondents had ever worked part-time, which should be a consideration for physician workforce studies. Barriers to part-time practice may exist.  相似文献   

Background: Patients in different countries have different attitudes toward self-determination and medical information. Little is known how much respect Japanese patients feel should be given for their wishes about medical care and for medical information, and what choices they would make in the face of disagreement.
Methods: Ambulatory patients in six clinics of internal medicine at a university hospital were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire.
Results: A total of 307 patients participated in our survey. Of the respondents, 47% would accept recommendations made by physicians, even if such recommendations were against their wishes; 25% would try to persuade their physician to change their recommendations; and 14% would leave their physician to find a new one.
Seventy-six percent of the respondents thought that physicians should routinely ask patients if they would want to know about a diagnosis of cancer, while 5% disagreed; 59% responded that physicians should inform them of the actual diagnosis, even against the request of their family not to do so, while 24% would want their physician to abide by their family's request and 14% could not decide. One-third of the respondents who initially said they would want to know the truth would yield to the desires of the family in a case of disagreement.
Interpretations: In the face of disagreement regarding medical care and disclosure, Japanese patients tend to respond in a diverse and unpredictable manner. Medical professionals should thus be prudent and ask their patients explicitly what they want regarding medical care and information.  相似文献   

S J Genuis  W C Chang  S K Genuis 《CMAJ》1993,149(2):153-161
OBJECTIVE: To determine public attitudes toward the use and possible limitations of assisted reproductive technology (ART). DESIGN: Mail survey based on telephone numbers selected at random by computer. SETTING: Edmonton. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 602 Edmonton residents aged 16 years or more (57% of eligible subjects) reached by telephone agreed to participate. Completed questionnaires were received from 455 subjects (76%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Attitudes toward egg donation, sperm donation, selective fetal reduction, embryo freezing and experimentation, and surrogacy, as determined through responses to five cases. Comments and demographic data were also solicited. MAIN RESULTS: Overall, 66% and 63% respectively of the respondents would donate an egg or sperm to a sibling; the corresponding rates for donation to a stranger were 41% and 44%. Selective fetal reduction was supported by 47% of the respondents, although only 24% would support fetal reduction to eliminate fetuses of an undesired sex. Most (64%) thought that live embryo freezing should be permitted by law. A total of 74% agreed with surrogacy if done for medical reasons, but 85% opposed its use for reasons of convenience. Overall, 72% of the respondents thought that ART should be regulated. A total of 58% felt that physicians should be primarily responsible for determining the allowable limits of this technology, and 38% felt that the public should be primarily responsible. Only 21% agreed with public funding of ART. Religious affiliation strongly influenced attitudes toward ART. CONCLUSIONS: Public support for ART varies depending on the circumstances of its use. Education is needed to make the general community aware of the various aspects of ART. The results of this survey should help physicians and governing bodies make informed decisions about the future directions of ART in Canada.  相似文献   

?????? 目的 了解门诊患者对于非医疗技术服务的满意度现状,探讨影响门诊患者满意度的非技术因素。方法 对广州市某三甲医院2012年3—6月就诊的208名门诊患者进行问卷调查。结果 与“等候时间”、“诊疗费用”相关的满意度水平显著低于“服务态度”、“环境设施”类,且满意度水平存在着社会人口学差异结论 医院应注重非医疗技术服务的改进,可从营造舒适就诊环境、加强医患沟通、降低医疗费用合理门诊布局等方面入手。同时,优化门诊预约服务可有效提高门诊患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的:调查肾移植受者生活质量(QOL)、健康素养(HL)现状,并分析其QOL、HL的影响因素。方法:选择我院2015年1月~2016年1月收治的369例肾移植受者为研究对象,采用自制问卷结合病历信息的方式收集入选患者的临床资料,分别采用健康状况调查简表(SF-36)、中文版成人快速健康素养评估量表(REALAM-T)对肾移植受者的QOL、HL的现状进行调查,并分析肾移植受者QOL、HL的影响因素。结果:369例肾移植受者QOL评分为(561.08±54.95)分,HL评分为(62.75±5.26)分,其中288例(78.05%)患者处于HL充足水平,56例(15.18%)患者处于HL临界水平,25例(6.78%)患者处于HL缺乏水平。单因素分析结果显示,不同婚姻状况、家庭人均月收入、文化程度、费用支付方式、移植肾来源、移植术后时间的肾移植受者QOL评分比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);不同家庭人均月收入、文化程度、费用支付方式、移植肾来源、移植术后时间的肾移植受者HL评分比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,家庭人均月收入、费用支付方式、移植肾来源、移植术后时间是肾移植受者QOL的影响因素(P0.05),文化程度、移植肾来源、移植术后时间是肾移植受者HL的影响因素(P0.05)。结论:肾移植受者QOL较差,HL整体不高,家庭人均月收入、费用支付方式、移植肾来源、移植术后时间是肾移植受者QOL的影响因素,文化程度、移植肾来源、移植术后时间是肾移植受者HL的影响因素,临床应根据以上因素采取针对性的措施,以提高肾移植受者的QOL和HL。  相似文献   

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