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冠状病毒是自然界中广泛存在的一大类家族,人和多种动物易感。人冠状病毒感染后,通常引起普通感冒症状,严重者能造成死亡。冠状病毒广泛的宿主性以及自身基因组的结构特征使其在进化过程中极易发生基因重组,呈现遗传多样性;新亚型及新的冠状病毒在此过程中不断出现。本文针对新近出现的冠状病毒,尤其是SARS样冠状病毒(SARS-like-CoVs)以及2012年发现的新型人冠状病毒EMC(HCoV-EMC)的基因组结构特征及冠状病毒跨种属传播机制的最新研究进展作简要论述。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒感染者在康复后可能会出现长期且持续的症状,受累器官系统广泛,给感染者造成健康损害。新型冠状病毒仍可能在全球范围内持续流行且免疫逃逸突变株不断出现,新冠肺炎后综合征已成为人类与新冠病毒抗衡道路上的又一重要挑战。本文对新冠肺炎长期健康损害的发生风险、临床表现及影响因素进行综述,以期为新冠肺炎后综合征的管理及疫情防控策略制定提供参考。  相似文献   

冠状病毒广泛存于自然界中,人和多种动物均易感。虽然冠状病毒具有相对严格的宿主特异性,但是其广泛的宿主性及其自身基因组的结构特性使得该病毒在进化过程中极易发生基因重组和突变,新型冠状病毒在此过程中不断出现。近年来,反向遗传学技术的发展为冠状病毒跨种属传播及致病机制、疫苗以及抗病毒药物的研发开辟了新的思路。对冠状病毒反向遗传操作技术的进展及其应用现状进行了简要综述与展望。  相似文献   

跨膜丝氨酸蛋白酶2(transmembrane serine proteinase 2,TMPRSS2)是细胞膜表面丝氨酸蛋白酶家族的一员,它具有介导冠状病毒棘突蛋白水解的作用,为冠状病毒感染宿主必需的宿主蛋白。现就近年来TMPRSS2在分子生物学功能方面的研究;TMPRSS2在呼吸系统病毒感染,尤其是在冠状病毒感染中的作用,以及以TMPRSS2为靶点的药物研究进展作一概述,旨在对冠状病毒特别是新冠病毒的预防和治疗,提供新的靶点和方向。  相似文献   

本文分析了新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2,新冠病毒)的进化来源及刺突蛋白(spike protein, S)基因的突变情况。从GenBank数据库中下载相关病毒全基因组序列及S基因序列,运用DNAMAN 9.0、MEGAX等生物信息学软件,进行多序列比对,构建系统进化树,并统计S基因位点突变情况。分析结果提示,新冠病毒不可能来源于已知的6种人冠状病毒,相较于穿山甲,新冠病毒来源于蝙蝠的可能性更大。S基因的突变率应该和新冠病毒的流行时间及感染人数密切相关。未来,类似于SARS、MERS和新冠病毒这样由动物传播至人的冠状病毒可能还会出现,其流行趋势将取决于其致病性和变异性。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠)疫情仍在发展,新型冠状病毒变异株的出现致使其传染性和致病性增强,部分国家的政府和民众防控措施松懈导致某些地区疫情加剧。新型冠状病毒疫苗广泛使用后,接种情况会影响疫情发展。本文主要阐述新冠疫情与疫苗接种、病毒变异的关联性,接种疫苗存在的问题及其应对措施,并建议在加快疫苗接种的同时应做好各项新冠防控工作。  相似文献   

黄紫妍  侯汪衡  袁权 《微生物学报》2023,63(11):4081-4100
新型冠状病毒的全球大流行,给人类的生命健康和社会秩序带来了巨大的危害。疫苗、小分子药物及各类抗体药物的研发在遏制新型冠状病毒感染传播、降低重症率和死亡风险上发挥了积极的作用。然而,由于新冠病毒庞大的感染基数及自身易突变的特征,当前已经演化出多种能逃逸疫苗及中和抗体的变异株,显著削弱了抗体的保护效果。研发新型冠状病毒广谱甚至泛β冠状病毒广谱的中和抗体对于未来新冠变异株及其他高致病性β冠状病毒的防治具有重要意义。本文从新型冠状病毒中和抗体的筛选制备策略、作用机制、中和效果及广谱性等方面进行了系统综述,并对当前面临的挑战和未来的发展方向进行了讨论和展望,以期为后续相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)引起的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称新冠肺炎)的出现,对国际公众健康构成了严重威胁,伴随COVID-19大流行而来的是SARS-CoV-2基因组的不断突变,尤其是受关注的变异体(variants of concern,VOCs)给全球COVID-19疫情防控带来了挑战。本文综述了SARS-CoV-2的突变情况和现阶段主要流行的VOCs的特征,总结了现有及潜在的COVID-19预防、诊断和治疗手段,并通过分析SARS-CoV-2变异体对全球COVID-19疫情防控措施的影响,提出合理的建议,以期为今后可能爆发的大范围流行病的防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2型(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)感染引起的2019冠状病毒病(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)暴发,给人类公共卫生安全和全球经济发展造成了严重威胁。疫苗和药物是防治疫情的重要手段,但目前研发的针对冠状病毒的疫苗和药物大多以SARS-CoV-2为靶点,该病毒若发生重大突变或出现新的高致病性冠状病毒,目前研发的有效疫苗或药物可能会无效,而且疫苗和新药的研发往往比较滞后,难以在疫情发生早期投入使用。因此,亟须研发高效、安全、广谱的冠状病毒疫苗和药物,以应对未来可能出现的冠状病毒疫情。本文对广谱冠状病毒疫苗和抗冠状病毒多肽的研究进展进行综述,期望为研发此类疫苗和药物提供参考。  相似文献   

冠状病毒(CoV)属于套式病毒目冠状病毒科,为有包膜的单股正链RNA病毒,基因组约27~32 kb。近年来,冠状病毒对人类的生命健康造成了巨大的威胁,如2002年出现的严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(SARSCoV)以及2012年出现的中东呼吸系统综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV),特别是2019年出现并流行至今的严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2),其在全世界范围内暴发,严重危害了人类健康和社会秩序,引发了人们的高度关注。迄今为止,SARS-CoV-2已经演化出了多个变体,且仍处于不断变异中。目前流行株型以Omicron为主,同时伴有其他多个变异型。当前我国新冠疫情防控已进入“乙类乙管”常态化防控阶段,SARS-CoV-2依然是未来一段时间内重要的公共卫生问题之一。本综述总结了SARS-CoV-2 Omicron主要株型的关键突变以及其与病毒传染致病、免疫逃逸等特性的关系,为了解SARS-CoV-2演化传播、流行现状等提供了参考。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,冠状病毒频频引起危害人类健康的重要传染病,其中包括2003年严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)、2012年中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)和新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2),目前对这些病毒引发的疾病并无特效的治疗药物。G-四链体(G-quadruplex,G4)是在DNA或RNA的鸟嘌呤富集区形成的非典型二级结构,可存在于人类和病毒基因组中,G-四链体的不同位置对病毒复制和感染等过程发挥重要调控作用。本研究针对七种与人类疾病相关的冠状病毒以及与SARS-CoV-2同源性较高的三种蝙蝠相关病毒,通过全基因组序列分析潜在四链体形成序列(Potential quadruplex-forming sequences,PQS),结果发现,十种病毒中均存在一定数量的PQS基序,同时对SARS-CoV-2 G-四链体存在位置及形成潜力进行评估,并分析了不同变异株间G-四链体基序的保守性。本研究对SARS-CoV-2基因组中G-四链体进行初步预测与探讨,旨在为COVID-19治疗提供一种新的药物靶点,使其更好地应用于临床研究。  相似文献   

Until COVID‐19, coronaviruses were largely overlooked by virologists. Yet, their abundance in mammalian species could cause new spillover events into humans. Subject Categories: Ecology, Microbiology, Virology & Host Pathogen Interaction

By now, coronaviruses have become notorious. Yet, before the SARS coronaviruses started wreaking havoc with human society, coronaviruses were largely overlooked, even amongst virologists. “When I told another virologist at a meeting what I was working on”, recalled Peter Rottier at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, who began his coronavirus research in 1979, “that person said they''d never heard of coronaviruses”. With plenty of other viruses such as influenza and HIV demanding attention, funders saw no reason to support research on the endemic human coronaviruses in the 1980s and 1990s since they caused mostly common cold.
With plenty of other viruses such as influenza and HIV demanding attention, funders saw no reason to support research on the endemic human coronaviruses in the 1980s and 90s…
Clinicians and virologists began taking much notice around 2003 and 2004 after the SARS coronavirus inflicted about 800 deaths before the outbreak receded, but the potential of this virus family to spillover into new species and mutate to more virulent strains had long been recognized by veterinarians, because coronaviruses inflict significant diseases in poultry, cattle and especially pigs. Virologists now are taking a closer look at some of these diseases to better understand coronaviruses and why they may be relevant for potential future pandemics.  相似文献   

冠状病毒可引起哺乳动物和鸟类的多种疾病,从牛和猪的肠炎、鸡的上呼吸道疾病到可能致命的人类呼吸道感染。本文就冠状病毒的分类、结构、致病性、冠状病毒纤突蛋白、致病机理和跨物种传播等问题作一简要介绍。此外,还讨论了冠状病毒引起各种动物疾病的临床症状。  相似文献   

何丽红  刘文军  李晶 《生物工程学报》2020,36(10):1961-1969
冠状病毒是一类具有囊膜包裹的线性单股正链RNA病毒,在自然界广泛存在,可引起不同程度的呼吸性传染病。新型冠状病毒是一种新发突发病毒,对各类人群均易感。截止目前,该病已经在世界范围内广泛流行,对公共卫生安全构成极大的威胁。文中从冠状病毒及新型冠状病毒的基因组特征、关键蛋白、对宿主的感染和复制的角度加以综述,旨在为获得病毒侵染宿主细胞致病机制的探究提供理论依据,也为特异的抗病毒药物的研发提供基础支持。  相似文献   

Coronaviruses have been closely related with mankind for thousands of years. Communityacquired human coronaviruses have long been recognized to cause common cold. However, zoonotic coronaviruses are now becoming more a global concern with the discovery of highly pathogenic severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses causing severe respiratory diseases. Infections by these emerging human coronaviruses are characterized by less robust interferon production. Treatment of patients with recombinant interferon regimen promises beneficial outcomes, suggesting that compromised interferon expression might contribute at least partially to the severity of disease. The mechanisms by which coronaviruses evade host innate antiviral response are under intense investigations. This review focuses on the fierce arms race between host innate antiviral immunity and emerging human coronaviruses. Particularly, the host pathogen recognition receptors and the signal transduction pathways to mount an effective antiviral response against SARS and MERS coronavirus infection are discussed. On the other hand, the counter-measures evolved by SARS and MERS coronaviruses to circumvent host defense are also dissected. With a better understanding of the dynamic interaction between host and coronaviruses, it is hoped that insights on the pathogenesis of newly-identified highly pathogenic human coronaviruses and new strategies in antiviral development can be derived.

A number of structural genomics/proteomics initiatives are focused on bacterial or viral pathogens. In this article, we will review the progress of structural proteomics initiatives targeting the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the etiological agent of the 2003 worldwide epidemic that culminated in approximately 8,000 cases and 800 deaths. The SARS-CoV genome encodes 28 proteins in three distinct classes, many of them with unknown function and sharing low similarity to other proteins. The structures of 16 SARS-CoV proteins or functional domains have been determined to date. Remarkably, eight of these 16 proteins or functional domains have novel folds, indicating the uniqueness of the coronavirus proteins. The results of SARS-CoV structural proteomics initiatives will have several profound biological impacts, including elucidation of the structure-function relationships of coronavirus proteins; identification of targets for the design of anti-viral compounds against SARS-CoV and other coronaviruses; and addition of new protein folds to the fold space, with further understanding of the structure-function relationships for several new protein families. We discuss the use of structural proteomics in response to emerging infectious diseases such as SARS-CoV and to increase preparedness against future emerging coronaviruses.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses infect animals and humans causing a wide range of diseases. The diversity of coronaviruses in many mammalian species is contributed by relatively high mutation and recombination rates during replication. This dynamic nature of coronaviruses may facilitate cross-species transmission and shifts in tissue or cell tropism in a host, resulting in substantial change in virulence. Feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) causes inapparent or mild enteritis in cats, but a highly fatal disease, called feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), can arise through mutation of FECV to FIP virus (FIPV). The pathogenesis of FIP is intimately associated with immune responses and involves depletion of T cells, features shared by some other coronaviruses like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. The increasing risks of highly virulent coronavirus infections in humans or animals call for effective antiviral drugs, but no such measures are yet available. Previously, we have reported the inhibitors that target 3C-like protease (3CLpro) with broad-spectrum activity against important human and animal coronaviruses. Here, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of our 3CLpro inhibitor in laboratory cats with FIP. Experimental FIP is 100% fatal once certain clinical and laboratory signs become apparent. We found that antiviral treatment led to full recovery of cats when treatment was started at a stage of disease that would be otherwise fatal if left untreated. Antiviral treatment was associated with a rapid improvement in fever, ascites, lymphopenia and gross signs of illness and cats returned to normal health within 20 days or less of treatment. Significant reduction in viral titers was also observed in cats. These results indicate that continuous virus replication is required for progression of immune-mediated inflammatory disease of FIP. These findings may provide important insights into devising therapeutic strategies and selection of antiviral compounds for further development for important coronaviruses in animals and humans.  相似文献   

Identification of a novel coronavirus in bats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Exotic wildlife can act as reservoirs of diseases that are endemic in the area or can be the source of new emerging diseases through interspecies transmission. The recent emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) highlights the importance of virus surveillance in wild animals. Here, we report the identification of a novel bat coronavirus through surveillance of coronaviruses in wildlife. Analyses of the RNA sequence from the ORF1b and S-gene regions indicated that the virus is a group 1 coronavirus. The virus was detected in fecal and respiratory samples from three bat species (Miniopterus spp.). In particular, 63% (12 of 19) of fecal samples from Miniopterus pusillus were positive for the virus. These findings suggest that this virus might be commonly circulating in M. pusillus in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

冠状病毒是一种可以引起人呼吸系统、消化系统等疾病的病原体。目前,对冠状病毒的了解还不够深入,尚不清楚新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)与其他人冠状病毒在生物学特点和感染机制、流行病学与临床特点等方面的异同,通过概括包括SARS-CoV-2在内的几种冠状病毒的特点,并分析SARS-CoV-2在特殊人群中的易感性及预后等特点,为临床研究和鉴别诊断提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Coronaviruses can infect a variety of animals including poultry, livestock, and humans and are currently classified into three groups. The interspecies transmissions of coronaviruses between different hosts form a complex ecosystem of which little is known. The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the recent identification of new coronaviruses have highlighted the necessity for further investigation of coronavirus ecology, in particular the role of bats and other wild animals. In this study, we sampled bat populations in 15 provinces of China and reveal that approximately 6.5% of the bats, from diverse species distributed throughout the region, harbor coronaviruses. Full genomes of four coronavirues from bats were sequenced and analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses of the spike, envelope, membrane, and nucleoprotein structural proteins and the two conserved replicase domains, putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and RNA helicase, revealed that bat coronaviruses cluster in three different groups: group 1, another group that includes all SARS and SARS-like coronaviruses (putative group 4), and an independent bat coronavirus group (putative group 5). Further genetic analyses showed that different species of bats maintain coronaviruses from different groups and that a single bat species from different geographic locations supports similar coronaviruses. Thus, the findings of this study suggest that bats may play an integral role in the ecology and evolution of coronaviruses.  相似文献   

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