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中国柽柳科植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
席以珍 《植物研究》1988,8(3):23-42
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了分布于我国的4属30种柽柳科植物花粉形态。并用透射电镜研究了柽柳属的代表种, Tamarix elongata外壁内部的超微结构。本科花粉为三沟, 少数属种为三拟孔沟。根据扫描电镜观察, 柽柳属花粉外壁表面具粗网状纹饰和细网状纹饰, 以及界于这两个类型之间的过渡类型。水柏枝属外壁表面具粗网状纹饰, 细网状纹饰, 小穿孔以及小的蠕虫状突起。红沙属和枇杷柴属均为细网状纹饰。 本科柽柳属花粉与杨柳科中柳属的花粉特征较相似, 本文提出了它们之间的区别。  相似文献   

国产爵床科芦莉花族植物的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae芦莉花族Ruellieae芦莉花亚族Ruelliinae 2属7种、假杜鹃亚族Barlerinae 1属3种和马蓝亚族Strobilanthinae 16属34种植物扫描电镜下的花粉形态.芦莉花亚族的地皮消属Pararuellia和喜花草属Eranthemum的花粉均为圆球形,具3孔或3孔沟,外壁为不同的网状结构; 假杜鹃亚族的假杜鹃属Barleria的花粉为长球形,具3孔沟,外壁亦为网状结构;马蓝亚族植物(包含广义的马蓝属Strobilanthes s.l.)花粉形态多样,结构复杂.依据花粉萌发孔和外壁纹饰特征,可将马蓝亚族16属植物和上述两亚族3属植物的花粉形态归纳成3大类型: 1. 具3孔类型.其中又有(1)外壁具网状纹饰者,见于地皮消属; (2)外壁具芽胞状纹饰者,见于黄猄草属Championella; (3)外壁具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属Paragutzlaffia、叉花草属Diflugossa和假蓝属Pteroptychia.2. 具3孔沟及具3孔沟与假沟类型(肋条带型).其中又有(1)具3孔沟和网状纹饰者,见于喜花草属和假杜鹃属; (2)具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属、叉花草属和假蓝属; (3)具3孔沟与假沟,外壁纹饰具节隔、肋条带状或网状,网眼纵向排列成行,网眼内有细网纹者,见于耳叶马蓝属Perilepta、马蓝属Pteracanthus(大部分)、金足草属Goldfussia、紫云菜属Strobilanthes(部分)和合页草属Sympagis; (4)具3孔沟与假沟类型,肋条带状,但不具节隔,外壁纹饰网状,网眼不成行或不明显纵向排列,网内无细网纹者,见于尖蕊花属Aechmanthera、板蓝属Baphicacanthus、马蓝属(部分)和糯米香属Semnostachya; (5)具双脊及细网状纹饰者,见于环毛紫云菜Strobilanthes cycla.3. 具(4-)5孔沟及假沟类型(肋条带型),外壁具网状或拟网状纹饰,见于腺背蓝属Adenacanthus.另外兰嵌马蓝属Parachampionella、山一笼鸡属Gutzlaffia和肖笼鸡属Tarphochlamys的花粉有无萌发孔尚不清楚,有待进一步研究.综上所述,芦莉花族植物的花粉形态具有较高的多样性,是重要的分类性状.利用花粉形态特征能较好地区分高级分类群如亚科、族以及亚族,有时也有助于阐明类群之间的相互关系,甚至也能用于区分属、种和阐明其关系.  相似文献   

东北杜鹃花科4属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对东北杜鹃花科甸杜属(Chamaedaphne Moench.)、杜香属(Ledum Linn.)、松毛翠属(Phyllodoce Salisb.)、越橘属(Vaccinium Linn.)4属6种, 1变种的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究。以上4属花粉粒均为四合花粉。四合花粉呈正四面体排列。花粉粒近球形。每粒花粉均具3沟,在四合花粉粒上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有些种可见沟内的萌发孔。光镜下可见花粉外壁为内外两层,厚度约相等。不同属种的花粉粒在大小上有区别,花粉粒平均直径为34.0~43.7μm。在扫描电镜下观察可见不同的种花粉表面具有不同的纹饰。为分类学提供了孢粉学方面的证据。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of seven species in two genera in the Ruelliinae, three species in one genus in the Barlerinae and 34 species in 16 genera in the Strobilanthinae (Ruellieae, Acanthaceae), were observed under SEM. Pollen grains in Ruellieae, particularly in Strobilanthinae (including Strobilanthes s.l.) exhibit great diversity and are most eurypalynous in the family. In light of the aperture types and exine ornamentation patterns, pollen grains of the genera examined fall into three major types: 1. 3-porate pollen, which includes, (1) pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Pararuellia); (2) pollen with gemmate exine ornamentation (Championella); (3) pollen with echinate exine ornamentation (Paragutzlaffia, Diflugossa and Pteroptychia). 2. 3-colporate pollen or 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi, which includes, (1) 3-colporate pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Eranthemum and Barleria); (2) 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and ribbed or banded, and septate exine ornamentation, the lumina rounded, finely reticulate inside and arranged in longitudinal rows (Perilepta, Pteracanthus, Goldfussia, Sympagis and some species of Strobilanthes); (3) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed or banded yet not septate exine ornamentation, the lumina neither distinctly rounded and finely reticulate inside, nor conspicuously arranged in longitudinal rows (Aechmanthera, Baphicacanthus, Semnostachya and some species of Pteracanthus); and (4) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed and finely reticulate exine ornamentation but with broader bands, each band with two ridges (Strobilanthes cycla). 3. (4-)5-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and reticulate or ornate exine ornamentation (Adenacanthus). No distinct apertures were observed in three genera, Parachampionella, Gutzlaffia and Tarphochlamys. Pollen morphological characters in the Acanthaceae can be used not only to distinguish taxa of higher ranks (subfamily, tribe and subtribe) and elucidate their relationships, but sometimes can also be used to distinguish genera and species.  相似文献   

东北杜鹃花属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对东北杜鹃花属(Rhododendron Linn.)6种, 1变种, 1变型的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究。该属花粉粒均为四合花粉。四合花粉呈正四面体排列。花粉粒近球形。每粒花粉均具3沟,在四合花粉粒上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有些种可见沟内的萌发孔。光镜下可见花粉外壁为内外两层,厚度约相等。不同的种在花粉粒大小上有区别。在扫描电镜下观察可见不同的种花粉表面具有不同的纹饰。即该属在花粉形态上具有种的特性。  相似文献   

水鳖科9属15种植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水鳖科Hydrocharitaceae 9属15种植物的花粉形态进行 了观察。水鳖科植物花粉为圆球形至近椭球形,无萌发孔或偶为单沟萌发孔,外壁纹饰通常为小刺状纹 饰,刺密集或稀疏,花粉表面具瘤状、疣状、颗粒状、皱波状突起或光滑。外壁由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组 成。覆盖层厚或较薄,柱状层小柱发育不明显,基层薄。水鳖科植物在花粉大小、纹饰类型、刺的长短、 密度、形态、萌发孔的有无以及花粉壁的结构等方面表现出了较为明显的差异,这些特征对探讨类群间 关系具有较重要意义。由于黑藻属Hydrilla和Stratiotes属花粉较为特殊,支持将它们各自作为一个独立 的族处理。水鳖科植物花粉外壁纹饰和结构特点表明该科与水雍科Aponogetonaceae、泽泻科Alismataceae 和花蔺科Butomaceae等近缘,而该科植物花粉大多无萌发孔等则反应了该科与茨藻目Najadales植物有密切联系。  相似文献   

在ArcGIS软件中,以中国鼠李科植物物种分布数据为基础,以县为基本单元,制作属的空间分布数据,从空间分布图中提取各属的斑块面积、周长、数目,计算属的Simpson均匀度指数、形状指数及最大斑块指数,分析中国鼠李科植物属的空间分布特点,为确定其空间分布最小范围、定量研究及植物的保护、利用、资源的开发和恢复提供依据。结果表明:①麦珠子属、对刺藤属、苞叶木属、小勾儿茶属、蛇藤属、咀签属和翼核果属为狭域属,马甲子属、猫乳属、雀梅藤属、枳椇属、勾儿茶属、枣属和鼠李属为广域属,狭域属和广域属均占中国鼠李科植物总属数的50%。狭域属的总面积小于30×104km2,其中小勾儿茶属主要分布在我国亚热带中部,其他狭域属主要分布在北回归线附近及其以南地区;广域属的总面积大于40×104km2,分布在我国大部分地区,西北地区呈零星分布。②中国鼠李科植物中,鼠李属的分布范围和总面积最大,几乎涵盖所有属的分布范围,它能体现出鼠李科植物在中国的空间分布及其特点。③麦珠子属是中国鼠李科植物中唯一呈连续分布且分布最狭窄的属,其他属均为间断分布。苞叶木属、咀签属、勾儿茶属和鼠李属呈现只有主分布区,对刺藤属、雀梅藤属和枳椇属呈主次分布区,小勾儿茶属、蛇藤属、翼核果属、马甲子属、猫乳属和枣属均呈星散分布。  相似文献   

蓼科花粉外壁超微结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
用扫描电镜和透射电镜对蓼科6属15种的花粉壁构造的特点进行了观察和研究。结果表明:(1)外壁纹饰有如下几种:颗粒-穿孔,微刺-穿孔,微刺-穿孔-光滑,颗粒-穿孔-光滑,细网状,粗网状,皱块状,鼓锤状;(2)外壁结构分化成两个明显的层次,即外壁外层以及外壁内层。其外壁外层由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成。然而,由于每一部分发育状况的不同而导致外壁结构有各种变化,如无覆盖层或无外壁内层。  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 16 species of Microula Benth. and six species of three related genera were examined under LM and SEM, and four of them also under TEM. Pollen grains of Microula and three related genera are dumb-bell-shaped, 3-colporate apertures alternate with three pseudocolpi. Pollen grains are very small,ranging from 12.18 x 7.13 μm to 6.36 x 3.66μm. In general, colpi with os are wider and shorter, rhomboid, but sometimes they are equal to pseudocolpi in length. Colpus margins are regularly or irregularly tooth-like. The surface of colpi is psilate or processed. Ora are circular or lalongated in outline, protruded or not; surface of os membrane is smooth or scabrid. The exine is usually indistinctly layered under LM. The exine surface is psilate, and more or less perforate. TEM examination shows that the pollen wall is differentiated into exine and intine: the exine includes ectexine and endexine, while the ectexine consists of tectum, columellae and foot-layer. However, there are differences in constriction of equatorial area, apertural characters, ornamentation and exinous ultrastructure between these genera. Pollen morphology indicates that the genus Microula Benth. is primitive, directly related to the genus Actinocarya Benth .; the genus Asperugo L. Is more advanced. The genus Eritrichium Schrad. which has two ora or one os and is anisopolar, represents the most advanced group among them. Noteworthily, the diorate phenomenon is found for the first time not onlyin the genus but in the family Boraginaceae.  相似文献   

三种黄花石蒜植物的花粉形态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对三种开黄花的石蒜属(Lycoris Herb.)植物的花粉形态进行观察和比较.结果表明:三种植物花粉均为两侧对称,赤道面观呈舟形或肾形,极面观为椭圆形或长椭圆形,萌发孔类型为远极单槽,槽长几达两端;三种植物花粉外壁具网状纹饰,且在网眼底壁及网脊多附有小乳突.通过花粉特征及其他性状的比较研究,对三种黄花石蒜植物的分类鉴定和系统演化关系进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

张平  徐凤霞 《广西植物》2011,31(3):328-331
采用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对滇南风吹楠的花粉形态进行观察.滇南风吹楠的花粉粒呈单粒存在,远极面观为椭圆形,近极面观大体为三角形,为不等极,两侧对称.花粉粒具一条远极单萌发沟;花粉大小为(15)19.90(21) μm×(20)22.50(25) μm.花粉粒外壁纹饰为网状,网脊平均宽度为0.29 μm;网眼形状不规则...  相似文献   

Pollen grains were studied on acetolysed material with the aid of the SEM. They may be classified into four types. Type I is characterized by thick (0.92.1 μm) exine with reticulate surface, by distinct colpi with acute ends, and by distinct ora. It occurs in the genera Alseis, Calycophyllum, Ferdinandusa , and Schizocalyx. Ferdinandusa is further characterized by its lumina being differentiated into two distinct size classes. Type II is characterized by a usually thin (usually 0.7–1.1 μm) exine with foveolate surface, by distinct colpi with obtuse to truncate ends, and by poorly demarcated ora. It occurs in Cinchona, Joosia, Ladenbergia , and Remijia . Pollen grains of Joosia are mostly 4–colporate. Type III is characterized by a thick (1.7–2.0 μm) exine with coarsely reticulate surface, colpi are lacking or short and the ora are clearly demarcated. It occurs only in Capirona . Type IV is characterized by a thin (0.5–0.8 μm) exine with a psilate or foveolate surface and usually indistinct colpi with obtuse ends, and by distinct ora. It occurs in Cosmibuena and Dolicholobium . Pollen grains of Balmea, Hillia, Macrocnemum, Stilpnophyllum , and Wittmackanthus , combining features of Type I and II, do not fit into either of these four groups. It is concluded that both the tribes Calycophylleae and Cinchoneae remain eurypalynous in spite of a recent emendation. It is suggested that pollen characters serve best to characterize genera and small groups of genera. It is further suggested that Type I pollen is plesiomorphic in most or all characteristics.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of Chinese 19 species representing 6 genera in the tribe Zizipheae Brongn., Rhamnaceae, was examined under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The pollen grains oblate or suboblate, rarely subspheroidal. Polar axis 13.1-26.1μm long, equatorial axis 16.5-29.6μm long, 3-colporate, colpus generally narrow, ora lalongate, with two ends connected with the thinned part of exine, forming a H-shape. There are 4 thickenings where colpi and ora pass across, or sometimes the thickenings indistinct, forming a ring. Stratification couspicuous or inconspicuous. Ornamentation of exine obscure, rarely obscurely reticulate under light microscope, but conspicuously fine-reticulate, finely reticulate-foveolate, foveolate, striate-reticulate and shortly striate under scanning electron microscope. A key to the genera based on pollen grains is provided and the general morphology of 6 genera: Paliurus, Ziziphus, Chaydaia, Berchemia, Berchemiella and Rhamnella are described. Based on 4 thickenings and H-shape, pollen grains of the tribe Zizipheae may be divided into two groups: 1. the four thickenings rather larger and conspicuous, or stretched along the colpus in some species, H-shape distinct, e.g. in Berchemiella, Chaydaia and Rhamnella, and 2. the four thickenings smaller, sometimes forming a ring, H-shape more or less conspicuous, e.g. in Berchemia, Paliurus and Ziziphus. With respect to the concept of the genera Berchemiella and Berchemia, there were two different ideas among a number of taxonomists. H. Koidzumi, J. Ohwi and S. Kitamura place the former in Berchemia as a section, but on the contrary, T. Nakai, T. Yamazaki and K. Suessenguth consider Berchemiella and Berchemia as two separate genera. The data from pollen morphology support the latter treatment. Berchemia is closely related to Berchemiella, Chaydaia and Rhamnella in the habit and the floral morphology, but differs from the others by its disc well-developed, eularged and becoming cup-shaped in fruit. They are also different from each other in the characters of pollen grains. T. Yamazaki places the genus Chaydaia in Rhamnella as a section, but according to the pollen morphology to treat Chaydaia and Rhamnella as two independent genera woild be reasonable.  相似文献   

中国石蒜属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对我国石蒜属LycorisHerb.11种植物花粉形态进行系统地研究,并对其中6种具有代表性植物花粉进行了透射电镜观察。该属植物花粉舟形或肾形;萌发孔为远极单槽;在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察,外壁具网状纹饰;在透射电镜下观察,外壁包括外壁-1和外壁-2两层,外壁-1是由半覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成,外壁-2很薄。根据花粉形态及其他器官特征,对本属植物分类地位也进行了一些讨论。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 16 Chinese species representing 7 genera in the tribe Cynoglosseae of Boraginoideae(Boraginaceae) was examined under LM and SEM, and 5 species under TEM. Pollen grains are cocoon-shaped, rarely subprolate, prolate or ovoid, very small, 7~ 15.7μm× 3.5 ~ 13.9 μm in size, P/E = 1.6~2.02; 3-colporate apertures alternate with 3-pseudocolpi, with equatorial endocingulus except those in Bothriospermum; exine surface is usually smooth, with or without perforations in two poles, rarely with tuberculate ornamentation; exine is rather thin and includes ectexine and endexine, while ectexine consists of imperforate tectum, columellae and foot-layer. The tribe Cynoglosseae has many common characters of pollen grains, but there are some differences among genera. A key to the genera is given based on pollen morphology. Bothriospermum, without endocingulus, may be a primitive genus in this tribe, and its pollen morphology is more similar to that of Eritrichieae than to Cynoglosseae, thus it seems more reasonable to put it into Eritrichieae. Solenanthus may be the most advanced genus in the tribe Cynoglosseae for its pollen grains of sub-isopolar and ovoid shape.  相似文献   

山西霍山罂粟科植物花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨瑞林  魏学智  毕润成 《广西植物》2003,23(3):231-232,I003,I004
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对山西霍山罂粟科白屈菜属白屈菜、紫堇属延胡索、角茴香属角茴香、秃疮花属秃疮花 4种的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究 ,以上 4种花粉差异大。角茴香花粉粒近球形 ,具合沟 ;延胡索花粉粒长球形 ,表面纹饰较光滑 ;白屈菜花粉粒长球形或近球形 ;秃疮花花粉粒近球形。角茴香花粉表面纹饰为刺状纹和细网状纹的复合纹 ,白屈菜花粉表面纹饰为细网状纹和颗粒状纹的复合纹 ,秃疮花花粉表面纹饰为细颗粒状纹。延胡索、白屈菜、秃疮花花粉粒的萌发沟均为三沟 ,但沟的形态均不相同  相似文献   

国产淫羊藿属花粉形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对我国淫羊藿属Epimedium 14种花粉进行比较深入的研究,试图通过花粉形态的研究为该属的植物分类和原植物鉴定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

禾本科针茅族(Stipeae)7种花粉形态比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了针茅族7种花粉形态.观察显示,花粉形态均为近球形,具远极单孔,并有萌发孔盖(Operculum).LM观察到花粉外壁纹饰具粗细不一的颗粒状结构,SEM则可辨不同种类的颗粒或瘤状结构的大小及其形成图案的差异,其中芨芨草属(Achnatherum)花粉外壁纹饰的种间差异...  相似文献   

报道了中国爵床科Acanthaceae爵床亚科Ruellioideae鳞花草族Lepidagathideae 1属、穿心莲族Andrographideae 2属和爵床族Justicieae 8属共14种植物的花粉形态。根据花粉萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰特征,可将这些植物的花粉归为4个类型: (1)具3孔沟,外壁具网状纹饰。该类型见于色萼花属Chroesthes (采自广西样品)和穿心莲属Andrographis植物。(2)具3孔沟及假沟(肋条带型)类型,外壁具网状纹饰,网眼纵向排列成行,网眼内有细网纹。该类型见于色萼花属(采自云南样品)和鳔冠花属Cystacanthus。(3)具3孔沟,沟两侧各有1条假沟,外壁具网状纹饰。该类型见于瑞丽山壳骨Pseuderanthemum shweliense、狗肝菜属Dicliptera和驳骨草属Gendarussa植物。(4)具2孔沟,沟两侧具斑块。该类型见于山壳骨属Pseuderanthemum 1种、纤穗爵床属Leptostachya、鳄嘴花属Clinacanthus、鸭嘴花属Adhatoda、杜根藤属Calophanoides和野靛棵属Mananthes植物。  相似文献   

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