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在扫描电镜和解剖镜下研究鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)勾儿茶属(Berchemia)和小勾儿茶属(Berchemiella)共17种植物的果实和种子形态.结果表明:小勾儿茶属的核果1室,具1枚种子,勾儿茶属大多数种的核果2室,每室具1枚种子,但多叶勾儿茶(B.polyphylla)的核果1室较大,具1枚种子,另一室较小而没有种子,该种可能是连接勾儿茶属和小勾儿茶属的中间类群.这两个属的种子形状通常为不规则长椭圆形,种皮纹饰可划分为光滑或几乎光滑、具不明显或稀疏的条纹以及具明显的条纹或沟这三种类型.种皮纹饰的差异对这两个属属下种类的划分具有一定的意义.讨论了与前人研究结果不同之处和可能的原因.  相似文献   

长柄鼠李(Rhamnus longipes Merr.et Chun)是鼠李科鼠李属植物,是一种广布于华南山地疏林中的灌木。民间以根皮或全株入药,有解热、泻下,治瘰疬的功效。该属植物在国内外曾有其化学成分研究的报道,本文对长柄鼠李的化学成分的研究的报道还属首次。作者从长柄鼠李中分离得到6种蒽醌类成分,为大黄素(emodin)、大  相似文献   

朱华 《云南植物研究》2008,30(3):308-314
茜草科粗叶木属植物是亚洲热带原始林下优势地位明显的一类灌木植物.依据标本资料和分类学修订,研究了东亚产粗叶木属植物33个种的地理分布式样,并将其划分为热带亚洲、东亚和中国特有3个分布区类型,其中热带亚洲分布型可以进一步划分为印度(喜马拉雅)至马来西亚分布、印度(喜马拉雅)至中国南部和大陆东南亚分布及中国南部至大陆东南亚分布3个亚型.中国粗叶木属植物中热带亚洲分布型占总种数的72.7%,显示了中国热带地区植物区系的热带亚洲亲缘.一些粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样暗示了中国-日本、中国-喜马拉雅森林植物区系的分区及物种形成,喜马拉雅(横断山)-台湾山地植物区系的联系及台湾-琉球-日本物种迁移通道.海南、台湾植物区系缺少特有种反映了它们的植物区系大陆性很强. 粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样对中国热带植物种分布区类型的划分提供了参考.  相似文献   

本文对国产鼠李科鼠李族5属25种的花粉形态进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜的观察,并观察了 乌苏里鼠李的外壁超微结构。根据花粉大小、孔沟交界处四块加厚的程度和所形成的H形明显与否以及纹饰的不同作出了分类检索表,同时根据花粉形态特征认为把鼠李属的裸芽亚属和鳞芽亚属分立成为两个独立的属是比较适宜的。  相似文献   

中国粗叶木属(茜草科)植物的分类研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文修订了中国产粗叶木属植物,共记录31种、4亚种和10变种。其中,报道了一个新种、1个新亚种、2个新变种、8个新组合和9个分布新记录,新归并学名12个,并且对中国粗叶木属植物文献记载中的一些错误和混淆作了澄清。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)14属41种4变种的叶表皮形态进行了观察。结果表明:鼠李科植物叶表皮纹饰为皱状或网状,表面近光滑、具条纹或鳞片状粗糙;除蛇藤(Colubrina asiatica)叶上表皮有少量气孔外,其余植物气孔只存在于下表皮,椭圆形、卵形或圆形,孔盖光滑或具波纹状、颗粒状、瘤状、鳞片状附属物;孔盖内缘光滑、浅波状或外卷。这些叶表皮微形态对于一些种及种下分类群的划分有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

中国清风藤科一新记录种——狭叶清风藤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了清风藤科Sabiaceae狭叶清风藤Sabia lanceolata Colebr.在中国的分布新记录。该种与其他国产种类的区别在于叶基部心形,抱茎。该种与小花清风藤S.parvifolia Wall.区别在于叶椭圆状矩圆形至披针形,基部心形,聚伞花序具花10-30朵,核果倒卵球形至矩圆状倒卵球形或梨形,直径7-10mm。  相似文献   

运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了李属、杏属、樱桃属和桃属的花粉形态,观察结果表明:核果类果树的花粉均为近扁球形,等极,辐射对称,极面观为三角形或钝三角形,赤面观均为椭圆形,花粉粒大小在各属间差异明显。核果类果树花粉属N3P4C5类型,3条孔沟沿极轴方向在赤道面上等间距环状分布,内孔位于沟的中央,完全独立于外壁,孔盖覆不规则的拟网状或脑纹状纹饰。供试核果类果树花粉的表面纹饰由平行条纹或不规则条脊及散落于条脊间的穿孔组成,各属间条脊的排列方式、宽窄、脊洼深浅及穿孔有无等性状上存在明显差异。根据花粉大小、表面纹饰及覆盖层穿孔等的一般演化规律,推测核果类果树由低到高的演化顺序为李属→杏属→樱桃属→桃属,并在聚类分析的基础上对属间亲缘关系进行了探讨,旨在为核果类系统关系的研究提供孢粉证据。  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科植物一新记录属——报春苣苔属,该属为中国特有的单型属,仅报春苣苔一种。报春苣苔分布狭域,数量稀少,已被列为国家一级重点保护植物。报春苣苔在广西境内仅知一个分布点,对其野外种群进行了实地调查。  相似文献   

中国粗叶本属(茜草科)的植物地理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱华   《广西植物》1995,15(4):307-318
本文研究了中国产粗叶木属植物30种4亚种和7变种的地理分布,划分出三个分布区类型,十二个变型和四个亚变型,根据种多度和分布特征,中国粗叶木属植物在分布上表现出与中国的热带雨林、季雨林区,南亚热带常绿阔叶林带和中亚热带常绿阔叶林带相匹配的分布规律,并受几条植物地理界线的作用。通过对地理替代类群和一些特殊分布式样的分析,显示了所谓的“田中线”和一条北起四川蛾眉向南经贵州西南部至广西醅的界线对粗叶木各的  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of Chinese 19 species representing 6 genera in the tribe Zizipheae Brongn., Rhamnaceae, was examined under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The pollen grains oblate or suboblate, rarely subspheroidal. Polar axis 13.1-26.1μm long, equatorial axis 16.5-29.6μm long, 3-colporate, colpus generally narrow, ora lalongate, with two ends connected with the thinned part of exine, forming a H-shape. There are 4 thickenings where colpi and ora pass across, or sometimes the thickenings indistinct, forming a ring. Stratification couspicuous or inconspicuous. Ornamentation of exine obscure, rarely obscurely reticulate under light microscope, but conspicuously fine-reticulate, finely reticulate-foveolate, foveolate, striate-reticulate and shortly striate under scanning electron microscope. A key to the genera based on pollen grains is provided and the general morphology of 6 genera: Paliurus, Ziziphus, Chaydaia, Berchemia, Berchemiella and Rhamnella are described. Based on 4 thickenings and H-shape, pollen grains of the tribe Zizipheae may be divided into two groups: 1. the four thickenings rather larger and conspicuous, or stretched along the colpus in some species, H-shape distinct, e.g. in Berchemiella, Chaydaia and Rhamnella, and 2. the four thickenings smaller, sometimes forming a ring, H-shape more or less conspicuous, e.g. in Berchemia, Paliurus and Ziziphus. With respect to the concept of the genera Berchemiella and Berchemia, there were two different ideas among a number of taxonomists. H. Koidzumi, J. Ohwi and S. Kitamura place the former in Berchemia as a section, but on the contrary, T. Nakai, T. Yamazaki and K. Suessenguth consider Berchemiella and Berchemia as two separate genera. The data from pollen morphology support the latter treatment. Berchemia is closely related to Berchemiella, Chaydaia and Rhamnella in the habit and the floral morphology, but differs from the others by its disc well-developed, eularged and becoming cup-shaped in fruit. They are also different from each other in the characters of pollen grains. T. Yamazaki places the genus Chaydaia in Rhamnella as a section, but according to the pollen morphology to treat Chaydaia and Rhamnella as two independent genera woild be reasonable.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 25 Chinese species, representing 6 five genera in the tribe Rhamneae of Rhamnaceae, was examined under LM and SEM. Pollen grains are subspheroidal or suboblate, obtuse-triangular in polar view, 3-colporate, with the polar axis (P)10.4-28.7μm long and equatorial axis (E) 11.3-30.5μm long, P/E = 0.81-1.11. Colpi generally narrow and long, ora lalongate, with two ends connected with the thinned part of exine, forming a H-shape. Four thickenings were observed where colpi and ora cross, but sometimes the thickenings were indistinct or formed a ring. The stratification indistinct. The ornamentation of exine obscure or indistinctly reticulate under LM, but rugulose, short-striate, rugulose-foveolate or reticulate under SEM. The exine ultrastructure of Rhamnus ussuriensis was examined under TEM. It consists of imperforate tectum, granular layer, foot layer and endexine. The tectum is rather thick with uneven surface, while the granular layer is rather thin. A key to the genera based on pollen characteristics is provided and the general pollenmorphology of five genera, i.e. Sageretia, Rhamnus, Hovenia, Colubrina and Alphitonia, is described respectively. Based on pollen size, the four thickenings and the ornamentation, the five genera under study may be distinguished from each other. For example, pollen grains are smaller in Sageretia; the four thickenings are larger and distinct in Hovenia and Alphitonia. However, the ornamentation is short-striate under SEM in Hovenia and Alphitonia, while reticulate in the Colubrina and Rhamnus ( Subgen. Rhamnus) .Two different concepts of Rhamnus exist among taxonomists. Heppeler and Suessenguth divided Rhamnus into two subgenera (Subgen. Frangula and Subgen. Rhamnus), whereas Grubov separated Subgen. Frangula from Rhamnus as an independent genus. According to the pollen morphology, the separationis reasonable.  相似文献   

Stonis JR  Diskus A 《Zoological science》2007,24(12):1286-1291
We describe Tischeria gouaniae sp. n. from the tropical forests of Belize. The new species is a leaf-miner of Gouania polygama (Rhamnaceae). Together with the related T. bifurcata Braun, it is among the most striking representatives of Tischeria. Both species possess a pseudognathos and very broad aedeagus fused with extremely long lateral processes of the juxta. The new species differs from T. bifurcata in the broadly rounded vinculum, spiny juxta, and slender apical processes of the aedeagus, and in its host plant. The external features and male genitalia of Tischeria gouaniae sp. n. are figured and described. A checklist and distribution map for all nine currently known Tischeria species from North and South America are given. Most American species are known from USA, but others are now known from tropical forest habitats of Central America, the Caribbean, and Guyana. Host-plants are known for five of the nine species reviewed here, belonging to four genera and two plant families (Fagaceae and Rhamnaceae).  相似文献   

Kwon JA  Morden CW 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(6):991-1001
Hawaiian dry and mesic forests contain an increasingly rare assemblage of species due to habitat destruction, invasive alien weeds and exotic pests. Two rare Rhamnaceae species in these ecosystems, Colubrina oppositifolia and Alphitonia ponderosa, were examined using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to determine the genetic structure of the populations and the amount of variation relative to other native Hawaiian species. Relative variation is lower than with other Hawaiian species, although this is probably not a consequence of genetic bottleneck. Larger populations of both species contain the highest levels of genetic diversity and smaller populations generally the least as determined by number of polymorphic loci, estimated heterozygosity, and Shannon's index of genetic diversity. Populations on separate islands were readily discernible for both species as were two populations of C. oppositifolia on Hawai'i island (North and South Kona populations). Substructure among Kaua'i subpopulations of A. ponderosa that were ecologically separated was also evident. Although population diversity is thought to have remained at predisturbance levels, population size continues to decline as recruitment is either absent or does not keep pace with senescence of mature plants. Recovery efforts must focus on control of alien species if these and other endemic dry and mesic forest species are to persist.  相似文献   

Leaf compressions, previously assigned to Rhamnus marginatus Lesquereux, were collected from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation of western Kentucky and Tennessee. The leaf architecture and cuticular features of over 40 compressions were carefully examined and compared to those of many extant species of Rhamnaceae and related families as well as fossil specimens previously assigned to this taxon. This leaf type appears to belong to the Rhamnaceae, however, it conforms more closely to species of several genera in the tribe Zizypheae than to those of Rhamnus or other genera in the tribe Rhamneae. Confident assignment to any specific genus within this complex of genera cannot be made on the basis of leaf characteristics alone and would require discovery and analysis of additional vegetative and reproductive organs. Because this fossil leaf form cannot be confidently assigned to any modern genus and earlier classifications appear to be improper, this leaf type has been reassigned to the taxon Berhamniphyllum claibornense gen. et sp. nov. The transfer of this leaf form at the tribe level reaffirms the need for close examination of taxonomic determinations made by early workers.  相似文献   

TOURN, G. M., TORTOSA, R. D. & MEDAN, D., 1992. Rhamnaceae with multiple lateral buds: an architectural analysis. A study was made of the morphology and architecture of three species of Rhamnaceae (Ziziphusjujuba, Zjziphus mistol and Paliurus spina-Christi) with multiple lateral buds. The developmental potential of individual meristems of bud complexes was studied and different kinds of shoots were recognized: vegetative long shoots (dominant and subordinate), flowering branches, short shoots and thorn-tipped branchlets. According to the different orders of branching and the patterns of growth, the architectural model for every species was determined. The architecture of the three species does not conform to that of known tree models. Ziziphus mistol and Paliurus spina-Christi have an architecture intermediate between Attim's and Roux's models; Ziziphusjujuba results in a combination of Koriba's and Roux's models.  相似文献   

广西岩溶植被植物区系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对数十年来广西植物研究所对广西岩溶植被全面调查积累的资料进行分析研究 ,结果表明 :( 1 )广西岩溶植被的植物区系成分有 1 75科 662属 1 5 0 0种 ,其中 6科 1 71属 83 4种为岩溶植被专有 ;( 2 )广西岩溶植被的区系成分以番荔枝科、椴树科、大戟科、苏木科、榆科、鼠李科、楝科、无患子科、漆树科等为主 ,与岩溶植被区系关系密切的科或乔木层优势科一般是落叶种类多或藤本种类多的科 ,如果优势科多数种类或优势种类是常绿的 ,这些种类不是热带植物区系成分 ,就是一类硬叶阔叶或针叶的亚热带种类 ;( 3 )岩溶植被植物区系组成为地域性但带有明显的地带性烙印 ;( 4 )广西岩溶植被区系成分以热带成分为主 ,温带成分为辅 ,62 2属种子植物 ,热带分布占 76.2 1 % ,温带分布占 2 1 .1 3 % ,中国特有占 2 .66% ;( 5 )组成山顶矮林的区系成分比较固定 ,乔木种类主要有 :乌冈栎、铁屎米、山胶木 (假水石梓 )、圆叶乌桕、铜钱树、化香树、广东松、翠柏等 ;( 6)与广西酸性土植被比较 ,岩溶植被植物区系中蕨类植物、裸子植物、双子叶植物以及单子叶植物 ,无论是科属组成 ,还是种的组成 ,均没有酸性土植被植物区系占的比例高 ,另外 ,与组成酸性土植被乔木层优势科的关系也很疏远  相似文献   

New somatic chromosome numbers for nine species eight families and eight gen era in the Sino-Japanese Region are reported here as shown in Table 1. Data of six genera are previously unknown cytologically. The bearings of these new data on the systematics and evolution of the related species, genera or families are discussed as follows: (1) Platycarya strobilacea Sieb. et Zucc. (Juglandaceae). The chromosome number of this species is 2n=24, with a basic number of x=12, which deviates from 2n=32 occurred in Juglans, Carya, Pterocarya and Engelhardtia with the basic number x= 16. The Juglandaceae appears to be fundamentally paleotetraploid, with an original basic number of x = 6 in Platycarya and x-8 in the other four genera, although secondary polyploidy occurs in Carya. Based on the remarkable morphological differences between Platycarya and the rest seven genera of the family, Manning (1978) established two subfamilies: Platycaryoideae for Platycarya and Juglandoideae for the other genera. Iljinskaya (1990), however, recently established a new subfamily: Engelhardioideae for Engelhardtia. Lu (1982) points out that because of a great number of primitive characters occurring in Platycarya, the genus could not be derived from any other extant juglandaceous taxa but probably originated with the other groups from a common extinct ancestor. The present cytological data gives support to Manning′s treatment. We are also in favor of Lu′s supposition and suggest that basic aneuploid changes, both ascending and descending, from a common ancestor with the original basic number x=7, took place during the course of early evolution of the Juglandaceae and led to the origin of taxa with x=6 and 8. Subsequent polyploidy based on these diploids occurred and brought forth polyploids of relic nature today, whereas their diploid progenitors apparently have become extinct. (2) Nanocnide pilosa Migo (Urticaceae). The chromosome number of this Chinese endemic is 2n-24, with a basic number of x=12. An aneuploid series occurs in the Urticaceae, with x--13, 12, I1, 10, 9, 8, 7, etc. According to Ehrendorfer (1976), x = 14, itself being of tetraploid origin, is the original basic number of the whole Urticales, and descending aneuploid changes took place in the early stage of evolution of the Urticaceae and Cannabinaceae. In addition to Nanocnide, x= 12 also occurs in Australina, Hesperonide and Lecanthus, and partly in Chamabainia, Elatostema, Girardinia, Pouzolzia and Urtica. (3--4) Sedum sarmentosum Bunge and S. angustifolium Z. B. Hu et X. L. Huang (Crassulaceae). The former is a member of the Sino-Japanese Region, while the latter is only confined to eastern China. The chromosome number of Sedum is remarkably complex with n=4-12, 14-16…74, etc. S. angustifolium with 2n=72 of the present report is evidently a polyploid with a basic number of x =18 (9?) Previous and present counts of S. sarmentosum show infraspecific aneupolyploidy: n = c. 36 (Uhl at al. 1972) and 2n=58 (the present report). These two species are sympatric in eastern China and are morphologically very similar, yet distinguishable from each other (Hsu et al. 1983) S. sarmentosum escaped from cultivation in the United States gardens exhibited high irregularity in meiosis (Uhl et al. 1972). Uhl (pets. comm. ) suspected strongly that it is a highly sterile hybrid. R. T. Clausen (pets. comm.) found that plants of S. sarmentosum naturalized in the American Gardens propagated by means of their long stolons and broken stem tips, and could not yield viable seeds. Hsu et al. (1983) found that some of the plants of S. sarmentosum and S. angustifolium did yield a few seeds, but other did not. These species are, therefore, by the large vegetatively apomictic. (5) Glochidion puberum (L. ) Hutch. (Euphorbiaceae). The genus Glochidion includes about 300 species, but only eigth species from the Himalayas have been studied cytologically, with n= 36 and 2n= 52, having a basic number of x= 13. The present count for the Chinese endemic G. puberum establishes the tetraploid chromosome number 2n= 64, and adds a new basic number x= 16 to the genus. (6) Orixa japonica Thunb. (Rutaceae). Orixa is a disjunct Sino-Japanese monotypic genus. Out of the 158 genera of the Rutaceae, chromosome numbers of 65 genera have hitherto been investigated, of which 42 genera are with x=9 (66.61%), some with x=7, 8 and 10, and rarely with x=13, 15, 17 and 19. The present count of 2n=34 for O. japonica may have resulted from a dibasic tetraploidy of n=8+9. (7) Rhamnella franguloides (Maxim.) Weberb. (Rhamnaceae). The chromosome number of this member of the Sino-Japanese Region is 2n= 24. with a basic number of x= 12. The basic number x= 12 also occurs in Hovenia, Paliurus, Sageretia, Ceanothus and Berchemia. Hong (1990) suggested that x= 12 in Rhamnaceae may be derived from descending aneuploidy of a paleotetraploid ancestor. (8) Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu (Styracaceae). The chromosome number of this rare Chinese endemic is 2n= 24, with a basic number of x =12, which is identical with that in Halesia and Pterostyrax, but deviates from that in Styrax (x=8). The basic number x=8 in the Styracaceae may be derived from the original basic number x=7 by ascending aneuploidy in the early stage of evolution of the family, and x=12 may be derived from polyploidy. (9) Thyrocarpus glochidiatus Maxim. (Boraginaceae). The chromosome number of this Chinese endemic species is 2n=24, with a basic number of x=12. An extensive aneuploid sequence of x = 4-12 occurs in the Boraginaceae, of which x = 8, 7 and 6 are the most common. The basic number x=12 also occurs in Cynoglossum and Mertensia. It is evident that aneuploid changes, both descending and ascending, from an ancestor with x = 7, have taken place in the primary phase of evolutionary diversification of the Boraginaceae, and subsequent polyploidy has given rise to x=15, 17 and 19 in a few genera (e. g. Amsinskia and Heliotropium). The origin of x=12 is not certain. Either it be a result of ascending aneuploidy, or a product of polyploidy on the basis of x = 6. The present authors are in favorof the latter.  相似文献   

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