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EP-1不育剂对黑线毛足鼠种群繁殖的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为检验EP-1 不育剂对野外鼠类的施用效果,2004 年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟阿巴嘎旗白音图嘎800 hm2 草场进行了大田实验,并随后进行了逐月的夹线跟踪调查,分析了不育剂(EP-1) 对黑线毛足鼠种群繁殖的效应。结果表明,EP-1 不育剂对黑线毛足鼠种群繁殖的抑制效果良好,投药区与对照区相比,投药区黑线毛足鼠的子宫损伤率达到80% ,平均胎仔数下降到对照区的2 /3 水平,妊娠率也下降到对照区的20% 。但EP-1 不育剂对雄鼠睾丸下降率的作用不明显。一次性投放EP-1 不育剂,对黑线毛足鼠种群的繁殖作用时间可维持4 个月以上,基本可实现对整个繁殖期的控制成效,这可能与黑线毛足鼠具有储藏种子的习性,储藏药饵多次进食有关。  相似文献   

EP-1 不育剂对长爪沙鼠野生种群增长的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长爪沙鼠在内蒙古地区的分布非常广泛,长期以来由其造成的“鼠害” 不仅给农牧业生产带来危害,而且还传播疾病。2009 年3 ~ 10 月,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯荒漠草原,利用复合不育剂左炔诺孕酮- 炔雌醚(EP-1)
对长爪沙鼠野生种群进行了不育控制试验研究。结果表明,复合不育剂EP-1 对长爪沙鼠种群结构和种群密度均有显著影响,在5 月和6 月两个繁殖高峰期,不育剂EP-1 显著降低了幼体出生的数量,实验区与对照区幼体组
成差异和成体组成差异均达到极显著(P < 0.01)。在8 ~ 10 月,实验区和对照区种群结构组成中,幼体之间、成体之间差异均达到显著和极显著(P < 0.05, P < 0.01)。在整个发育生长期,实验区长爪沙鼠幼体种群从6 月
份开始出现,9 月达到数量最高值,幼体种群全年呈现下降趋势。而对照区幼体种群从5 月份开始出现,且数量在5 月份达到全年的最高值,幼体种群与实验区相反呈增长趋势。实验区种群总体数量全年呈下降趋势,而对
照区相反,呈增长趋势。因此,复合不育剂EP-1 显著降低了长爪沙鼠种群的繁殖率、幼体出生比例和种群密度,可以对长爪沙鼠野生种群起到有效的繁殖控制作用,进而降低该鼠对农牧业生产的危害和对人类疾病传播
的风险。  相似文献   

炔雌醚是一种激素类新型鼠类不育剂,已有研究表明,炔雌醚对某些鼠类种群繁殖具有良好的控制成效。为检验新型不育剂对长爪沙鼠种群的控制效果,2006年5月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市农牧交错带开展了炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的控制实验,本次实验设投药区和对照区2个组别,5—8月开展逐月的夹线调查以及四分之一圆洞口计数法,对样地内长爪沙鼠进行系统的追踪调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群数量以及种群性比的作用。结果显示:投药1个月之后,投药区雌鼠比例(16.3%)不及对照组雌鼠比例(51.9%)的三分之一,投药区的雌鼠比例(16.3%)仅为雄鼠比例(83.7%)的五分之一;与对照区相比,投药区长爪沙鼠的密度下降达60%以上。这表明:炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的不育控制具有良好效果,且炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠的种群性比影响很大,过量投放炔雌醚可造成雌鼠死亡,单独使用炔雌醚可降低野外不育剂的药物成本。  相似文献   

安徽淮北农区三种鼠的种群数量动态与年龄结构的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对安徽省淮北农业区的黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠的种群数量及与年龄组成变化的关系进行探讨。结果表明,其各鼠的年龄组成在每年的不同时段内的变化有一定的规律:各鼠主要繁殖群体的年龄组也是有区别的,如黑线姬鼠和黑线仓鼠主要是成年Ⅱ组,大仓鼠主要是成年Ⅰ组。如果种群中幼年组+亚成年组+成年Ⅰ组的比例高时,则当年数量就可能较高,如果种群中成年Ⅱ组和老年组的比例较高时,当年数量则低。  相似文献   

2011 ~ 2012 年在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区,利用复合不育剂EP - 1 (左炔诺孕酮- 炔雌醚),设试验区和对照区,采用春季试验区一次性投饵的方法,对子午沙鼠、小毛足鼠和三趾跳鼠3 种荒漠啮齿动物优势种群的不育控制进行研究。结果表明,不育剂EP - 1 显著降低了优势种群当年的幼体出生率,试验区5 ~ 6 月小毛足鼠幼体比例较对照区显著降低(P < 0. 05),5 ~ 8 月子午沙鼠和6 ~ 8 月三趾跳鼠成体比例分别较对照区显著增加(P < 0. 05),同时显著降低了优势鼠种当年的种群数量,试验区子午沙鼠和小毛足鼠种群在繁殖高峰期的数量均显著低于对照区(P < 0.05),4 ~ 5 月三趾跳鼠种群数量显著低于对照区(P < 0. 05)。次年,试验区5 ~ 7 月子午沙鼠种群成体比例显著高于对照区(P < 0. 05),全年种群数量显著低于对照区(P < 0.05),而三趾跳鼠种群数量与对照区差异并不显著。因此,不育剂EP - 1 对3 种荒漠啮齿动物优势种群数量增长均具有控制作用,尤其对子午沙鼠种群的持续控制效果更加明显。可见,种群在繁殖期年龄结构的变化是影响其种群数量动态的重要因素。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔种群数量过多被认为是青藏高原草地退化的主要原因之一。2007年4月,在青海省果洛州大武镇开展了高原鼠兔不育控制实验。为了解3种不育剂(炔雌醚、左炔诺孕酮和EP-1)对高原鼠兔和土著鸟类的影响,分别在2007年和2008年8-9月调查了高原鼠兔种群数量与鸟类多样性。结果表明,投药次年,炔雌醚能显著降低高原鼠兔各群数量,而对鸟类多样性和物种数均无显著影响;炔雌醚组白斑翅雪雀的数量显著低于对照组,棕颈雪雀的数量显著高于EP-1组。因此,炔雌醚能有效降低高原鼠兔种群数量,对土著鸟类多样性影响较小。使用炔雌醚开展不育控制是高原鼠兔种群管理的一种新途径。  相似文献   

炔雌醚对一些鼠类种群具有良好的控制效果。为探究炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠Meriones unguriculataus种群繁殖的影响,于2006年5—8月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场农牧交错带展开了炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠野生种群繁殖的控制实验。设置了投药区和对照区,5月初进行投药,实验期间采用夹线调查法逐月对样地内的长爪沙鼠进行系统的取样调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的影响。结果显示:在投药之后的6—8月,投药区成体鼠的子宫坏死率分别为75.3%、61.5%和48.7%,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区成体鼠的怀孕率下降,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区的胎仔数显著低于对照区(P0.05)。综上表明,炔雌醚对农牧交错带长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的控制具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

黑线仓鼠种群数量动态预测研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1984-1991年3-10月,每月中旬在中国农科院草原研究所试验场的不同牧草和作物地进行调查,1984-1991年共捕获鼠4093只,其中黑线仓鼠2920只占71.34%。黑线仓鼠种群数量季节和年度变化明显,利用电子计算机对黑线仓鼠种数量进行分析,提出种群数量繁殖指数和动态模型以及短、中、长期预测公式、预测准确率为90.0%。并对影响种群数量的因素进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

为了揭示顺义农田黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠两大害鼠种群繁殖力存在的差异及其对种群数量变化的影响,从而为制定科学灭鼠策略提供依据,1994-2014年,采用夹线法于每年3~11月(或1~12月)进行调查,每月上旬在5个监测点农田布放鼠夹500夹夜。捕获的样本测量体重、体长、尾长、耳高、后足长,解剖观察繁殖情况。以种群繁殖力为指标,分析黑线姬鼠与大仓鼠在繁殖力方面的差异,由此揭示出黑线姬鼠具有更强的竞争优势。黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠每年都有2个繁殖高峰期,并以成年以上个体为繁殖主体,分别占总胎仔数的94.5%和95.6%。黑线姬鼠的繁殖期和主要繁殖期均比大仓鼠延长1个月,且主要繁殖期的雌、雄繁殖鼠占比均高于大仓鼠,胎次数是大仓鼠的1.7倍,仅平均胎仔数低于大仓鼠,由此说明黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖力比大仓鼠更强,具有更大的竞争优势。  相似文献   

王晓佳  秦婷婷  胡霞  胡纤  黄银春  张洪茂 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5228-5233
EP-1是由炔雌醚和左炔诺孕酮按照1∶2的比例配制而成的一种用于鼠类不育控制的激素类复合不育剂,对鼠类的繁殖及繁殖行为等有一定影响,但对鼠类空间学习与记忆、焦虑行为等非繁殖行为的影响还没有报道。为此,用0(对照)、1.0、2.0、3.0 mg/kg剂量的EP-1对昆明小鼠(Mus musculus)进行灌胃处理,然后用Morris水迷宫和高架十字迷宫分别测定其空间记忆、焦虑行为。结果发现灌胃后15 d,剂量为2.0 mg/kg的EP-1使小鼠空间记忆能力显著下降,但30 d后其空间记忆能力有所恢复,表明2.0 mg/kg剂量的EP-1可以在一定时间范围内降低小鼠的空间记忆能力。但不同剂量的EP-1对小鼠焦虑行为无显著影响。该结果可以为从对非繁殖行为的影响的角度研究EP-1对鼠类的作用提供一定启示。  相似文献   

徐德立  徐来祥 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1882-1890
温带地区小型哺乳动物经常面临着食物资源的波动。食物对动物的免疫功能具有重要影响。将19只成年雄性黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)随机分为自由取食组(n=9)和限食组(n=10)。注射植物血球凝集素(PHA)来测定细胞介导的免疫反应,用匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)免疫动物,然后测定抗KLH抗体的浓度以反映其体液免疫功能。旨在检验食物限制是否会抑制黑线仓鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能。结果发现,与对照组相比,限食组黑线仓鼠具有较低的体重、体脂、脾脏鲜重、血清瘦素水平、免疫球蛋白Ig G和Ig M浓度。而限食对胸腺鲜重、白细胞数、皮质酮水平以及PHA反应没有显著影响。结果表明黑线仓鼠免疫系统的不同成分对限食反应存在差异,在食物资源短缺时,黑线仓鼠防御细胞外病原体的能力降低,从而导致生存能力的下降。  相似文献   

Abstract We report on the effects of almost a decade of 1080‐fox baiting on a lizard community in a mosaic Australian habitat. Replicated comparisons of baited versus non‐baited control areas with near‐identical histories of bush fires, grazing and climate showed a higher density of red fox tracks (Canis vulpes) in the non‐baited areas. Furthermore, the fox‐baited areas showed a more than five times higher density of sand goannas (Varanus gouldii), a species that strongly overlaps the red fox in food niche breadth and is itself a direct target of fox predation, in particular its eggs and young. Exclusion of predators from a natural habitat led to significant increases in the density of small lizards, suggesting that predation can drive lizard population dynamics in this ecosystem. Replicated pitfall‐trapping in three habitats in the control areas (with high fox and low goanna density) versus the baited areas (with low fox and high goanna density) showed that fox baiting had positive effects on the density of diurnal scincid lizards in open grassland, whereas the control areas showed higher density of nocturnal gecko lizards. Our interpretation is that fox removal may result in a shift in the top predator towards the sand goanna. Historically, this indigenous, endemic species was the natural top predator. It has co‐evolved with its prey and that may have moulded it into a more efficient lizard predator per encounter than the introduced fox.  相似文献   

European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) baiting with 1080 poison (sodium fluoroacetate) is undertaken in many Australian sites to reduce fox abundance and to protect vulnerable native species from predation. The longest continuous use of fox baiting for fauna conservation commenced in south‐west Western Australia in the 1980s and includes baiting Dryandra Woodland and Tutanning Nature Reserve. The trap success of the Woylie (Bettongia penicillata) in these two reserves initially increased more than 20‐fold after the commencement of baiting and was maintained until 2000. Woylie captures then decreased rapidly, despite ongoing fox baiting, so the long‐term efficacy of 1080 baiting was questioned. Here, fox density and probabilities of detection, re‐detection and survival between replicated baited and unbaited sites were compared by modelling capture–recapture of individual foxes. These were identified from microsatellite DNA genotypes obtained non‐invasively from hair, scat and saliva samples. The frequency and duration of fox residencies were also quantified. Remote cameras were used to determine the fate of baits but uptake by foxes was low, whereas nontarget species' bait uptake was high. Nevertheless, foxes inhabiting baited reserves had significantly higher mortality, shorter residency times, and 80% lower density than foxes inhabiting unbaited reserves. Baiting continues to significantly reduce fox abundance after more than 25 years of continuous use. This has positive implications for fox control programmes throughout Australia but reduced fox abundance may facilitate increased predation by feral Cats (Felis catus).  相似文献   

  • 1 The European red fox Vulpes vulpes represents a continuing threat to both livestock and native vertebrates in Australia, and is commonly managed by setting ground‐level baits impregnated with 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) poison. However, the long‐term effectiveness of such control campaigns is likely to be limited due to the ability of foxes to disperse over considerable distances and to swiftly recolonize areas from where they had been removed.
  • 2 To investigate the effectiveness of fox baiting in a production landscape, we assessed the potential for foxes to reinvade baited farm property areas within the jurisdiction of the Molong Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB), an area of 815 000 ha on the central tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. The spatial distribution and timing of fox baiting campaigns between 1998 and 2002 was estimated from RLPB records and mapped using Geographical Information System software. The effectiveness of the control campaign was assessed on the basis of the likely immigration of foxes from non‐baited farms using immigration distances calculated from published relationships between dispersal distance and home range size.
  • 3 Few landholders undertook baiting campaigns in any given year, and the area baited was always so small that no baited property would have been sufficiently far from an unbaited property to have been immune from immigrating individuals. It is likely, therefore, that immigration onto farms negated any long‐term effects of baiting operations. This study highlights some of the key deficiencies in current baiting practices in south‐eastern Australia and suggests that pest management programmes should be monitored using such methods to ensure they achieve their goals.

RFamide-related peptides (RFRPs) are orthologous to gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) inhibiting gonadotropin release. There are only two RFRP sequences (RFRP-1 and RFRP-3) encoded in rodents. RFRP-3, which was considered as a hypothetical inhibitor on GnRH, shows a stimulatory effect on the male Syrian and male Siberian hamster in short days. As a dominant rodent pest in northern China farmland, the striped hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) has higher reproductive activities and could act as a model to study the mechanism of reproduction. However, the effect of RFRP-3 on the reproductive activity for the striped hamster is less understood. In the study, we cloned 643 bp RFRP cDNA from the striped hamster hypothalamus, which contained an ORF of 570 bp encoding two RFamide-related peptide (RFRP) sequences: SPAPANKVPHSAANLPLRF-NH2 (C. barabensis RFRP-1) and TLSRVPSLPQRF-NH2 (C. barabensis RFRP-3). We also investigated the expression variation of RFRP mRNA and GnRH mRNA in the hypothalamus from hamsters with different developmental statuses (7-week-, 13-week- and 1.5-year-olds) using FQ-PCR, in which the 13-week-old female individuals were in estrous. The striped hamsters that are 7 weeks and 1.5 years old are non-breeding individuals, and those that are 13-week hamsters have breeding phenomena. The highest hypothalamus RFRP mRNA level was found in breeding males as compared to non-breeding males. Conversely, the lowest RFRP mRNA level in the hypothalamus was observed in breeding females, with no significant level when the breeding females were compared to the 7-week-old individuals. Additionally, the investigation of GnRH expression level showed a declining expression trend across the developmental stages (7-week-, 13-week- and 1.5-year-olds) in both sexes. Significant negative and positive relationships were detected in the 13-week estrous female (r = − 0.997, P = 0.035) and the 13-week male (r = 0.998, P = 0.029) striped hamsters respectively, which suggest that RFRP-3 has inhibitory and stimulatory effects on female and male adults respectively. Our results suggest that the effects of RFRP-3 on reproduction are sex- and developmental status-dependent in the striped hamster.  相似文献   

Lethal control of wild dogs – that is Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) and Dingo/Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) hybrids – to reduce livestock predation in Australian rangelands is claimed to cause continental‐scale impacts on biodiversity. Although top predator populations may recover numerically after baiting, they are predicted to be functionally different and incapable of fulfilling critical ecological roles. This study reports the impact of baiting programmes on wild dog abundance, age structures and the prey of wild dogs during large‐scale manipulative experiments. Wild dog relative abundance almost always decreased after baiting, but reductions were variable and short‐lived unless the prior baiting programme was particularly effective or there were follow‐up baiting programmes within a few months. However, age structures of wild dogs in baited and nil‐treatment areas were demonstrably different, and prey populations did diverge relative to nil‐treatment areas. Re‐analysed observations of wild dogs preying on kangaroos from a separate study show that successful chases that result in attacks of kangaroos by wild dogs occurred when mean wild dog ages were higher and mean group size was larger. It is likely that the impact of lethal control on wild dog numbers, group sizes and age structures compromise their ability to handle large difficult‐to‐catch prey. Under certain circumstances, these changes sometimes lead to increased calf loss (Bos indicus/B. taurus genotypes) and kangaroo numbers. Rangeland beef producers could consider controlling wild dogs in high‐risk periods when predation is more likely and avoid baiting at other times.  相似文献   

一种复方避孕药物对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
本文报道了由左炔诺孕酮和炔雌醚配伍制成的复方避孕药物(代号: EP -1) 对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响。实验分为4 个组: 对照组、0.001 %毒饵组、0.003 %毒饵组和0.003 %毒饵预处理组, 并各设有一组重复。于2001 年6 月, 在每组围栏内各放入5 雄5 雌成年大仓鼠, 检验投放EP-1 毒饵后对大仓鼠繁殖力的影响。至9 月份, 2 个对照组新出生鼠数量均为12 只, 平均每雌繁殖力为214 ; 而所有6 个EP -1 处理组新出生鼠数量均为4 只或以下, 平均每雌繁殖力在014~018 之间。结果表明, 处理组大仓鼠的繁殖力明显受到了不育剂EP-1的抑制。在半自然状况下, 投放足量的EP-1 毒饵可以有效降低大仓鼠种群的繁殖力和数量。  相似文献   

Summary In south‐eastern Australia, the introduced Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a major predator of native wildlife and livestock. Fox control in agricultural landscapes is heavily reliant on the laying of poisoned baits by private landholders, yet there have been few assessments of the application or success of landholder‐baiting practices. We evaluated a community‐based fox‐baiting campaign, typical of programs employed throughout the agricultural regions of south‐eastern Australia to control foxes. We recorded the spatial coverage of 1080 baits deployed by landholders, assessed baiting procedures, monitored the survival of six radio‐collared foxes during and after baiting, and compared the spatial coverage and likely effectiveness of the baiting program with two alternative (theoretical) baiting strategies. Relative to other baiting programs, coordination among neighbours was reasonably high, with 37.5% of baited properties (n = 40) adjoining ≥3 neighbouring properties that also contained baits. Nevertheless, the maximum distance from the centre of a baited property to the nearest edge of an unbaited property was <750 m (mean = 380 m ± 147 m SD). On average, 33% (±17% SD) of each fox’s home range overlapped with baited properties, but only two foxes died during the baiting program. The remaining four foxes were still alive 10 weeks after baiting ceased. Modelling of simulated fox home ranges showed that 13.5% contained no bait stations based on the community baiting program, whereas alternative roadside‐ and grid‐baiting strategies (theoretically) delivered baits to all simulated home ranges. Some landholders employed practices that could reduce the effectiveness of baiting programs such as not removing decayed baits before deploying new ones or placing bait stations too close together. Our research illustrates the difficulties of managing a coordinated baiting program on private land that effectively controls foxes. Alternative baiting strategies such as roadside baiting need to be considered to improve fox control in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

复方避孕药物(EP-1) 对雄性大仓鼠繁殖器官的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
鉴于传统化学灭杀方法存在的不足和缺陷,各国都在致力于研究无公害、可持续的鼠害防治技术与策略,其中不育控制是当前研究的一个热点:近年来我国在鼠类不育控制方面也开展了一些研究(张知彬等,1997a,1997b,2001;Shi et a1..2002;Li et a1.,2006)。  相似文献   

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