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2003年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟浑善达克沙地进行了EP-1不育剂控制黑线仓鼠的野外实验,分析新型EP系列不育剂对黑线仓鼠种群结构和繁殖的影响。采用逐月夹线调查方法,监测EP-1不育剂对沙地黑线仓鼠种群结构与数量动态的作用。结果表明,投药区与对照区相比,不育剂对黑线仓鼠的性别比例没有影响,对照区域投药区相比雄性比例没有差异。投药区黑线仓鼠种群幼鼠比例下降,比对照区相比幼鼠比例下降40%—60%,持续时间达4个月以上。春季一次性投放EP-1不育剂,可实现对沙地黑线仓鼠整个繁殖季节的繁殖控制。此外,EP-1不育剂对沙地鼠类种群年龄结构与数量的作用成效,随着时间的推移逐渐下降,这可能跟沙地鼠类具有扩散迁移习性有关。  相似文献   

炔雌醚是一种激素类新型鼠类不育剂,已有研究表明,炔雌醚对某些鼠类种群繁殖具有良好的控制成效。为检验新型不育剂对长爪沙鼠种群的控制效果,2006年5月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市农牧交错带开展了炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的控制实验,本次实验设投药区和对照区2个组别,5—8月开展逐月的夹线调查以及四分之一圆洞口计数法,对样地内长爪沙鼠进行系统的追踪调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群数量以及种群性比的作用。结果显示:投药1个月之后,投药区雌鼠比例(16.3%)不及对照组雌鼠比例(51.9%)的三分之一,投药区的雌鼠比例(16.3%)仅为雄鼠比例(83.7%)的五分之一;与对照区相比,投药区长爪沙鼠的密度下降达60%以上。这表明:炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的不育控制具有良好效果,且炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠的种群性比影响很大,过量投放炔雌醚可造成雌鼠死亡,单独使用炔雌醚可降低野外不育剂的药物成本。  相似文献   

EP-1 不育剂对长爪沙鼠野生种群增长的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长爪沙鼠在内蒙古地区的分布非常广泛,长期以来由其造成的“鼠害” 不仅给农牧业生产带来危害,而且还传播疾病。2009 年3 ~ 10 月,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯荒漠草原,利用复合不育剂左炔诺孕酮- 炔雌醚(EP-1)
对长爪沙鼠野生种群进行了不育控制试验研究。结果表明,复合不育剂EP-1 对长爪沙鼠种群结构和种群密度均有显著影响,在5 月和6 月两个繁殖高峰期,不育剂EP-1 显著降低了幼体出生的数量,实验区与对照区幼体组
成差异和成体组成差异均达到极显著(P < 0.01)。在8 ~ 10 月,实验区和对照区种群结构组成中,幼体之间、成体之间差异均达到显著和极显著(P < 0.05, P < 0.01)。在整个发育生长期,实验区长爪沙鼠幼体种群从6 月
份开始出现,9 月达到数量最高值,幼体种群全年呈现下降趋势。而对照区幼体种群从5 月份开始出现,且数量在5 月份达到全年的最高值,幼体种群与实验区相反呈增长趋势。实验区种群总体数量全年呈下降趋势,而对
照区相反,呈增长趋势。因此,复合不育剂EP-1 显著降低了长爪沙鼠种群的繁殖率、幼体出生比例和种群密度,可以对长爪沙鼠野生种群起到有效的繁殖控制作用,进而降低该鼠对农牧业生产的危害和对人类疾病传播
的风险。  相似文献   

2011 ~ 2012 年在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区,利用复合不育剂EP - 1 (左炔诺孕酮- 炔雌醚),设试验区和对照区,采用春季试验区一次性投饵的方法,对子午沙鼠、小毛足鼠和三趾跳鼠3 种荒漠啮齿动物优势种群的不育控制进行研究。结果表明,不育剂EP - 1 显著降低了优势种群当年的幼体出生率,试验区5 ~ 6 月小毛足鼠幼体比例较对照区显著降低(P < 0. 05),5 ~ 8 月子午沙鼠和6 ~ 8 月三趾跳鼠成体比例分别较对照区显著增加(P < 0. 05),同时显著降低了优势鼠种当年的种群数量,试验区子午沙鼠和小毛足鼠种群在繁殖高峰期的数量均显著低于对照区(P < 0.05),4 ~ 5 月三趾跳鼠种群数量显著低于对照区(P < 0. 05)。次年,试验区5 ~ 7 月子午沙鼠种群成体比例显著高于对照区(P < 0. 05),全年种群数量显著低于对照区(P < 0.05),而三趾跳鼠种群数量与对照区差异并不显著。因此,不育剂EP - 1 对3 种荒漠啮齿动物优势种群数量增长均具有控制作用,尤其对子午沙鼠种群的持续控制效果更加明显。可见,种群在繁殖期年龄结构的变化是影响其种群数量动态的重要因素。  相似文献   

炔雌醚对一些鼠类种群具有良好的控制效果。为探究炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠Meriones unguriculataus种群繁殖的影响,于2006年5—8月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场农牧交错带展开了炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠野生种群繁殖的控制实验。设置了投药区和对照区,5月初进行投药,实验期间采用夹线调查法逐月对样地内的长爪沙鼠进行系统的取样调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的影响。结果显示:在投药之后的6—8月,投药区成体鼠的子宫坏死率分别为75.3%、61.5%和48.7%,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区成体鼠的怀孕率下降,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区的胎仔数显著低于对照区(P0.05)。综上表明,炔雌醚对农牧交错带长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的控制具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

短效不育剂控制下季节性繁殖害鼠种群的动态模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害鼠给人类带来很大的危害,人们可以利用杀鼠剂和不育剂对其进行控制.害鼠在摄食不育剂后导致不育,但有时不育鼠会恢复生育能力,生育后代,使种群规模增大.本文建立了灭杀控制和短效不育控制下害鼠种群的动态模型,在模型中每隔固定时间施行两种控制,在害鼠的繁殖具有季节性的前提下,分析了模型的形态以及害鼠不育率、灭杀率、控制间隔、不育剂有效期等参数对种群动态的影响.结果表明: 较高的不育率和灭杀率,以及较短的控制间隔会达到更好的控制效果,可以使种群较小,甚至灭绝.短效不育剂限制了不育剂在控制害鼠上的作用,也降低了控制的效果.在使用短效不育剂控制害鼠的情况下,在繁殖季节后期,害鼠种群会有小的恢复.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔种群数量过多被认为是青藏高原草地退化的主要原因之一。2007年4月,在青海省果洛州大武镇开展了高原鼠兔不育控制实验。为了解3种不育剂(炔雌醚、左炔诺孕酮和EP-1)对高原鼠兔和土著鸟类的影响,分别在2007年和2008年8-9月调查了高原鼠兔种群数量与鸟类多样性。结果表明,投药次年,炔雌醚能显著降低高原鼠兔各群数量,而对鸟类多样性和物种数均无显著影响;炔雌醚组白斑翅雪雀的数量显著低于对照组,棕颈雪雀的数量显著高于EP-1组。因此,炔雌醚能有效降低高原鼠兔种群数量,对土著鸟类多样性影响较小。使用炔雌醚开展不育控制是高原鼠兔种群管理的一种新途径。  相似文献   

为了检测左炔诺孕酮-炔雌醚(EP-1)对雄性中华姬鼠和黑线姬鼠的不育效果, 将32只雄性中华姬鼠和30只雄性黑线姬鼠分为 30mg/kg 单剂量组、30mg/kg多剂量组和对照组, 15d 和 45d 后剖检, 比较睾丸、附睾、储精囊、精子密度、睾酮含量及睾丸组织形态的变化。结果发现:给药后第 15 天,两种试鼠的睾丸、附睾、储精囊的重量较对照组明显降低; 精子密度、睾酮含量显著下降; 曲细精管结构破坏明显。给药后第45天,处理组各生理指标继续下降,但与第15天相比差别不显著;单剂量组和多剂量组在两个时间点的差别并不显著。结果表明,EP-1对雄性中华姬鼠和黑线姬鼠的繁殖器官有显著抑制效果,单次给药与多次给药的不育效果差别不大。  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是贵州地区分布广泛的主要农田害鼠之一,掌握其种群繁殖特征可为种群动态的预测预报提供基础资料。1984~2014年间,采用夹夜法逐月调查了贵州省余庆县8个县(市)监测点黑线姬鼠种群动态数据,分析了其种群性比、雌鼠怀孕率和平均胎仔数、雄鼠睾丸下降率等主要繁殖生物学指标及其地理差异和季节性变动规律,明确了贵州地区黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖特征。共捕获黑线姬鼠20 113只,不同地区种群间,除平均胎仔数有显著差异外(χ~2=36.503,df=7,P0.01),其他繁殖特征值均没有差异。从时间序列看,种群中雌鼠怀孕率和雄鼠睾丸下降率的季节性变化均表现为春季(4~5月)及夏末秋初(8~9月)达到高峰的双峰型。雌鼠产仔数一般2~10只,4~7只最为常见(占93.87%)。不同季节平均胎仔数差异不大。贵州地区黑线姬鼠繁殖的总体特点为全年繁殖,春秋两季为繁殖的高峰期,冬季(12月份和翌年1、2月份)繁殖强度明显低于其他季节(F_(11,84)=61.92,P0.01),但种群密度表现为6月达到最高点的单峰型特点。  相似文献   

目的 纯化黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠血清IgG,制备兔抗金仓鼠和黑线毛足鼠血清IgG的抗血清。方法 用Hitrap Protein G亲和层析纯化黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠血清IgG,经SDS-PAGE电泳鉴定纯度,标准免疫方法免疫兔子制备抗血清。结果 黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠血清IgG对protein G有很高的亲合性,用Hitrap Protein G亲和层析纯化,得到高纯度黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠IgG,利用纯化的IgG作抗原制备了高效价的抗血清,免疫双扩散测定效价达1∶32和1∶16。结论 证实黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠IgG和Protein G具有很高的亲和性,Protein G亲和层析是纯化黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠IgG有效的方法之一,制备了黑线毛足鼠和金仓鼠IgG的抗血清。  相似文献   

复方避孕药物(EP-1) 对雄性大仓鼠繁殖器官的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
鉴于传统化学灭杀方法存在的不足和缺陷,各国都在致力于研究无公害、可持续的鼠害防治技术与策略,其中不育控制是当前研究的一个热点:近年来我国在鼠类不育控制方面也开展了一些研究(张知彬等,1997a,1997b,2001;Shi et a1..2002;Li et a1.,2006)。  相似文献   

一种复方避孕药物对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
本文报道了由左炔诺孕酮和炔雌醚配伍制成的复方避孕药物(代号: EP -1) 对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响。实验分为4 个组: 对照组、0.001 %毒饵组、0.003 %毒饵组和0.003 %毒饵预处理组, 并各设有一组重复。于2001 年6 月, 在每组围栏内各放入5 雄5 雌成年大仓鼠, 检验投放EP-1 毒饵后对大仓鼠繁殖力的影响。至9 月份, 2 个对照组新出生鼠数量均为12 只, 平均每雌繁殖力为214 ; 而所有6 个EP -1 处理组新出生鼠数量均为4 只或以下, 平均每雌繁殖力在014~018 之间。结果表明, 处理组大仓鼠的繁殖力明显受到了不育剂EP-1的抑制。在半自然状况下, 投放足量的EP-1 毒饵可以有效降低大仓鼠种群的繁殖力和数量。  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the induction of buffalo sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction in the excised reproductive tract of hamsters at the estrogen- and progesterone-dominated stages of estrus. The percentages of the maximum capacitation and acrosome reaction were significatly (P < 0.01) higher for spermatozoa incubated in the uterus with oviducts of estrogen dominated hamsters compared with those incubated in BWW medium in a test tube (64.6%, 60.2%; 16.2%, 14.7%). Buffalo spermatozoa incubated in the uterus and oviducts of progesterone-dominated hamsters showed significantly (P < 0.01) lower capacitation and acrosome reaction rates than those incubated in the uterus and oviducts of estrogen-dominated hamsters (34.8%, 34.3%: 64.6%, 60.2%). The percentage of capacitation and acrosome reaction in spermatozoa were significantly (P < 0.01) more when incubated in the uterus plus oviducts than without the oviduct irrespective of whether the reproduct tract of hamster was estrogen- or progesterone-dominated. The time for the onset of maximum capacitation and acrosome reaction was reduced from 12 to 10 h when the spermatozoa were incubated in the hamster reproductive tract rather than in BWW medium in test tubes. The significance of the results in relation to hormonal regulation of sperm capaciation and acrosome reaction are also discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of sex steroids to plasma proteins was examined in post-natal Djungarian and golden hamsters. With dihydrotestosterone or testosterone as ligands, steady-state polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed 2 androgen binding components in the plasma of young Djungarian hamsters of both sexes. The fast-moving component exhibited a low affinity and high capacity for androgens and corresponded to albumin in stained gels. In contrast, the slow moving component was a beta-globulin with high affinity (Ka = 10(9) M-1) and low capacity for androgens, and was identified as a specific sex steroid-binding protein (SBP; also SHBG). This SBP did not bind oestrogens or corticosteroids and was electrophoretically distinct from corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). In addition, this protein did not appear to be of testicular origin because it was present in immature females and in immature males that had been castrated for 8 days. Plasma concentrations of SBP in males as measured by a diethyl-aminoethyl-cellulose binding assay were low at birth, became significantly elevated shortly thereafter when plasma androgen values were also elevated, and subsequently fell to low levels during puberty. These changes follow the same general pattern that has been described for other mammals, including humans, during this period of reproductive development. Although the significance of elevated SBP concentrations during prepuberty has yet to be determined, it appears that the increased concentrations of high-affinity androgen binding in the plasma of Djungarian hamsters plays a role in the asynchronous pubertal development of the testes and accessory organs which occurs in this species. The post-natal SBP pattern in females was similar to that observed in males. Plasma SBP levels were low or undetectable in adults of both sexes. As previously described for adult golden hamsters, the plasma of post-natal male and female golden hamsters lacked a specific SBP: androgen binding in this species is apparently limited to albumin and CBG.  相似文献   

The reproductive capacity and induction of dominant lethal mutations in adult female guinea-pigs and Djungarian hamsters were tested following treatment with 400 rad X-rays, 1.6 mg/kg triethylenemelamine (TEM) or 75 mg/kg isopropylmethanesulphonate (IPMS). A fairly high level of dominant lethals were observed in female guinea-pigs mated at the first oestrus after irradiation (23.4 +/- 6.4%) with a lower yield at 3 months (9.6 +/- 8.2%). Neither of the chemicals caused any significant induction of dominant lethals at either mating time. In the reproductive capacity experiments, the mean litter size of irradiated female guinea-pigs was reduced for about 12 months and this was especially marked in the first 6 months following treatment. Neither of the chemicals caused any significant differences in early litter sizes but there was a noticeable reduction in the litter sizes of TEM-treated females in the 18--24 month interval. With Djungarian hamsters a marked effect of X-rays on reproductive capacity was apparent. After 400 rad a smaller proportion of irradiated females littered in the first 25-day interval than after the other treatments, and no irradiated females produced more than one litter. Neither of the chemicals caused such a drastic reduction in fertility but TEM-treated females produced fewer litters and became sterile at an earlier age than control or IPMS-treated females. With IPMS, the number of litters produced was similar to the controls. Both chemicals caused a significant reduction in litter-size but further work is needed to establish whether this was due to induction of dominant lethals. No translocations were observed in the sons of treated female guinea-pigs or hamsters, but the numbers of animals studied were too small for any conclusions to be drawn.  相似文献   

High affinity binding sites for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were characterized in Djungarian hamsters. Scatchard analysis was used to demonstrate specific LHRH-binding in hamster and, serving as controls, rat pituitaries (dissociation constant, KD = 0.6 nM, binding capacity, BM = 2.5 +/- 0.7 fmol/mg tissue; KD = 0.6 nM, BM = 6.9 +/- 1.9 fmol/mg tissue, respectively). In contrast to results obtained with rat ovaries (KD = 0.9 nM, BM = 3.0 +/- 0.9 fmol/mg tissue), no specific LHRH-binding was detected in hamster ovaries. Thus, it seems that direct gonadal action of LHRH in the Djungarian hamster is not involved in ovarian regulation.  相似文献   

Changes in diestrous female blood plasma progesterone, estradiol, and cortisol in response to odors of urine and midventral gland secretion (MVGS) of conspecific males during different seasons have been studied in the desert hamster (Phodopus roborowskii and Djungarian hamster (P. sungorus). In desert hamster females, a statistically significant (p ?? 0.05) increase in the plasma hormonal level was observed: for progesterone in response to conspecific male MGVS in all seasons except winter, and to conspecific male urine in spring and summer; for cortisol in response to male MVGS and urine in all seasons except spring; and for estradiol in response to male MGVS in autumn. Djungarian hamster females demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the plasma progesterone level in response to conspecific male MVGS and urine in winter and summer, and no response to the estradiol and cortisol level for both odors in all seasons. The results showed important differences in the physiological response to odors of conspecific males between females of two species of dwarf hamsters.  相似文献   

Lv X  Shi D 《Zoological science》2012,29(1):37-42
The effects of treatment with a combination of levonorgestrel and quinestrol (EP-1; ratio of 2:1) on reproductive hormone levels and the expression of their receptors in female Mongolian gerbils were examined. We show that serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) decreased, whereas serum estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) increased after EP-1 treatment. EP1 down-regulated mRNA expression of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) and the estrogen receptor (ER) βin the ovary. EP-1 up-regulated the mRNA expression of the luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and the progesterone receptor (PR) in the ovary as well as ERα and PR in the uterus of Mongolian gerbils. The effects were time-dependent and dose-dependent. EP-1 had no obvious effects on ERα mRNA expression in the ovary. The current study demonstrates that the effect of EP-1 on the expression of ER subtypes is tissue-specific in Mongolian gerbils. EP-1 disrupted the reproductive endocrinology of the Mongolian gerbil. These findings suggest that the effects of EP-1 on reproductive hormone levels and their receptor expression in Mongolian gerbils may be the result of synergistic actions of levonorgestrel and quinestrol, with quinestrol playing the major role.  相似文献   

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