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以盆栽草莓(Fragaria×ananassa)为材料研究了水分胁迫下克隆植物草莓母株和子株间的水分调控机制及其与碳同化、光系统Ⅱ激发能分配的关系.实验材料分为匍匐茎连接和剪断两个大组,进行两步实验.第1步实验,对连接组和剪断组的所有母株控水,子株充分供水;4d后进入第2步实验,把连接组分为两小组,对其中一组充分供水子株开始控水,另一组保持不变.结果表明,土壤干旱引起母株叶片失水,并使其净光合速率和气孔导度显著降低.但是连接组中供水良好的子株能有效缓解缺水母株的水分胁迫.当供水良好的子株也开始受到干旱处理的时候,则会加剧与之相连母株的水分胁迫.受胁迫母株可以通过加强渗透调节能力和降低水势从相连子株获取水分.虽然土壤干旱会造成受胁迫母株叶片脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量的大幅度增加,但是与之相连子株的叶片ABA含量并没有增加;并且气孔导度与ABA变化趋势一致.(1)草莓母株和子株间的水分运输是由二者的水势差驱动的;(2)ABA不会通过匍匐茎在母株和子株间传递并影响相邻子株气孔导度;(3)在水分异质性较大情况下,生理整合可明显提高克隆系统的碳同化能力和光系统Ⅱ激发能利用效率.  相似文献   

本文以分株相连的美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus)盆栽苗为试材,设置3个盆栽基质相对含水率(90%±5%高水势、60%±5%中水势、30%±5%低水势)和3个水势差处理(90%~60%、60%~30%、90%~30%),研究美丽箬竹克隆分株抗氧化系统对异质水分环境的响应规律,分析水分生理整合发生条件、方向和强度。结果表明:随处理时间的延长,美丽箬竹叶片MDA、可溶性蛋白质含量和CAT、POD活性总体上呈升高趋势;SOD活性呈降低趋势;随分株间水势差的增大,低水势处理分株叶片CAT、SOD活性和可溶性蛋白质含量升高,POD活性、MDA含量降低,高水势处理分株的变化规律相反,中水势处理分株叶片抗氧化生理指标总体上变化不明显;在异质水分环境下美丽箬竹克隆系统存在水分生理整合作用,分株首先保障自身的水分需求,当克隆分株同时存在水分丰盈、亏缺时,会发生强烈的从高水势向低水势分株的水分转移,分株间水势差越大,整合强度越高;克隆分株在水分生理整合上存在"利己"和"利他"行为。本研究为商品竹林水分人工供应提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

李倩  刘晓  张晓飞  张瑞昌  柴永福  岳明 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3568-3575
增强UV-B辐射会对植物生长和生理生化过程产生有害效应。克隆植物中,相连的克隆分株对经常共享资源和激素,然而鲜有关于异质性UV-B辐射下UV-B辐射方向对克隆整合的影响及克隆植物形态结构变化的报道。模拟同质(克隆分株片段均处于自然背景辐射)和异质(克隆分株一端处于自然背景辐射,另一端处于补加的UV-B辐射)UV-B辐射,以克隆植物白三叶为材料,进行连接和隔断处理,研究UV-B辐射方向对克隆整合强度变化、叶片形态结构特化及生理可塑性的影响。结果表明:异质性UV-B辐射下,15N同位素标记端保留的15N百分比高于同质UV-B辐射处理,转移到无标记相连端的15N含量则降低,紫外辐射处理和同位素标记是否处于同一分株端对结果无显著性影响,说明克隆植物白三叶生理整合存在但整合强度降低,辐射方向与克隆整合强度无关;隔断处理组气孔长度增加,栅栏组织增厚,但连接处理组却无此变化,表明生理整合在白三叶叶片形态结构特化中发挥作用。UV-B辐射下,最小荧光、电子传递速率及光化学淬灭系数降低但非光化学淬灭系数升高,而生理整合却使结果相反;叶绿素和紫外吸收物可在异质性UV-B辐射相连的两端运输分享。以上均表明异质UV-B辐射环境中,UV-B辐射胁迫端克隆分株通过生理整合从非胁迫端获益,并以此提高胁迫环境中克隆植物对资源的利用效率。  相似文献   

克隆植物分株间隔子长度(即相邻分株间距离)可能对生理整合产生显著的影响,其抗氧化系统与光合色素的变化可能影响植物对水分异质性的响应能力。该研究以克隆植物美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus)为材料,设高[H,(90±5)%]、中[M,(60±5)%]和低[L,(30±5)%]3个基质相对含水率和2个水势梯度(H-L和M-L),测定了3种间隔子长度(10、25和40cm)根状茎相连克隆分株叶片抗氧化酶活性、相对电导率以及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白质和光合色素含量,分析美丽箬竹水分生理整合的水分梯度效应、间隔子长度效应与时间效应。结果显示:(1)随处理时间的延长,分株叶片CAT活性、相对电导率及MDA含量均先升高后降低,而叶片SOD活性则与之相反;叶片POD活性和光合色素含量总体上呈"N"型变化,而可溶性蛋白质含量的变化趋势与POD活性呈倒"N"型。(2)水分梯度和间隔子长度均会对美丽箬竹分株间水分生理整合产生影响,随分株间隔子长度增大和水势梯度差减小,低水势受体分株叶片抗氧化酶活性、可溶性蛋白质含量和光合色素含量明显降低,而其相对电导率和丙二醛(MDA)含量明显升高;供体分株水势越高,分株间间隔子越长,供体分株叶片抗氧化酶活性、可溶性蛋白质和光合色素含量越高,而其相对电导率和MDA含量明显降低。研究表明,在异质水分环境下美丽箬竹克隆系统发生了从高水势向低水势分株的水分转移,分株间水势梯度差越大、间隔子长度越短,水分传输的整合强度越高,低水势受体分株获益越明显;随着处理时间的延长,分株间水分生理整合强度在处理前期增强,而在处理后期减弱,反映出供体分株与受体分株间损耗-受益在时间序列上是有变化的,且处理前期损耗-受益表现更为明显。  相似文献   

生理整合是克隆植物实现资源共享, 增强对异质生境适应能力的重要手段。其中, 水分生理整合是克隆植物最为重要的生理整合, 解析竹子水分生理整合特征对于竹林水分科学管理具有重要意义。该研究以分株地下茎相连的美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus)盆栽苗为试验材料, 设置2个盆栽基质相对含水率(高水势(90% ± 5%)和低水势(30% ± 5%))和5个分株比例(1:3、1:2、1:1、2:1、3:1, 高水势分株与低水势分株数量比值, 地下茎相连的分株总数12株)处理。处理后15、30、45、60天分别取不同处理的克隆分株成熟叶测定抗氧化酶活性、相对电导率和丙二醛含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、光合色素含量, 分析基于分株比例的美丽箬竹水分生理整合方向、强度和效率的变化规律。结果表明: 在异质水分条件下, 美丽箬竹分株间存在着从高水势供体分株向低水势受体分株进行水分转移的生理整合作用, 并随着分株比例的增大, 整合强度增强, 受体分株获益提高, 供体分株耗损增大。随着处理时间的延长, 处理前期分株间水分生理整合强度增强, 处理后期整合强度减弱, 反映出供体分株与受体分株间耗-益在时间序列上是有变化的, 处理前期耗-益更为明显。研究表明克隆系统分株比例对竹子水分生理整合有重要影响, 分株间水分梯度差是水分传导的潜在驱动力, 决定水分生理整合方向、强度和效率的是分株间水分供需关系。  相似文献   

分株数量或生物量比例差异会明显影响克隆系统对资源异质性环境的生态适应性, 地下茎木质化、连接稳固的竹类植物在生长过程中相连克隆分株通常会生活在异质光环境中, 但其叶片光合生理特性对异质光环境的响应及其分株比例效应则未见报道。该研究以地下茎相连的美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus)克隆系统为实验材料, 设置2个遮光率(分别为50% ± 5%和75% ± 5%)和3个分株比例(遮光与未遮光分株比例分别为1:3、2:2、3:1)处理, 分株数量为4株。分别测定了遮光处理后30、90、150天遮光和未遮光分株叶片光响应特征、气体交换参数、光合色素含量, 分析了异质光环境下美丽箬竹光合生理的变化规律。结果显示: 分株比例对美丽箬竹光合生理有显著影响, 且其与遮光、处理时间交互作用显著。美丽箬竹克隆系统遮光分株比例越大, 即遮光相对分株数量越多, 其表观量子效率(AQE)、光饱和点、最大净光合速率(Pn max)、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率越大, 光补偿点暗呼吸速率越小, 其光合效率越高, 光能利用能力越强, 而与之相连的未遮光分株则相反; 随遮光分株比例的增大, 遮光分株叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量呈先升高而后下降的变化趋势, 类胡萝卜素(Car)含量则持续下降, 而与之相连的未遮光分株叶片光合色素含量则呈下降趋势; 遮光率提高, 相同分株比例美丽箬竹克隆系统遮光分株叶片AQE、Pn maxPnGs、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和光合色素含量总体升高, 而与之相连的未遮光分株叶片Pn maxCi以及Car含量则总体下降。研究结果表明异质光环境下, 遮光分株光合效率和弱光利用能力明显增强, 而未遮光分株则相反, 克隆系统内分株间发生了明显的克隆分工, 且2:2、3:1分株比例克隆系统较1:3分株比例对异质光环境具有更好的适应能力。美丽箬竹克隆系统可通过差异性调节分株光合生理特性和光合色素含量, 提高遮光分株光能利用和光合效率来适应异质光环境, 以提高克隆系统的适合度。  相似文献   

生理整合是克隆植物实现资源共享,增强对异质生境适应能力的重要手段。其中,水分生理整合是克隆植物最为重要的生理整合,解析竹子水分生理整合特征对于竹林水分科学管理具有重要意义。该研究以分株地下茎相连的美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus)盆栽苗为试验材料,设置2个盆栽基质相对含水率(高水势(90%±5%)和低水势(30%±5%))和5个分株比例(1:3、1:2、1:1、2:1、3:1,高水势分株与低水势分株数量比值,地下茎相连的分株总数12株)处理。处理后15、30、45、60天分别取不同处理的克隆分株成熟叶测定抗氧化酶活性、相对电导率和丙二醛含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、光合色素含量,分析基于分株比例的美丽箬竹水分生理整合方向、强度和效率的变化规律。结果表明:在异质水分条件下,美丽箬竹分株间存在着从高水势供体分株向低水势受体分株进行水分转移的生理整合作用,并随着分株比例的增大,整合强度增强,受体分株获益提高,供体分株耗损增大。随着处理时间的延长,处理前期分株间水分生理整合强度增强,处理后期整合强度减弱,反映出供体分株与受体分株间耗-益在时间序列上是有变化的,处理前期耗-益更为明显。研究表明克隆系统分株比例对竹子水分生理整合有重要影响,分株间水分梯度差是水分传导的潜在驱动力,决定水分生理整合方向、强度和效率的是分株间水分供需关系。  相似文献   

野牛草叶片活性氧及其清除系统对水分胁迫的响应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
逆境条件下活性氧产生及其清除效率是衡量植物抗性的重要指标,而活性氧对植物组织的氧化伤害和抗氧化酶活性常因材料的遗传或生理差异性而发生变化。以同一基因型的野牛草(Buchloe dactyloides(Nutt.)Engelm'texoka')克隆分株叶片为材料,采用Hoagland营养液培养,研究了10%、20%和30%PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫下,野牛草叶片活性氧的产生、脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶活性变化规律。结果表明:随着PEG-6000浓度的增加及胁迫时间的延长,超氧阴离子(O2-.)的产生速率、过氧化氢(H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著增加;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD EC1.15.1.1)、愈创木酚过氧化物酶(G-POD EC1.11.1.7)和过氧化氢酶(CATEC1.11.1.6)活性呈先上升后下降的变化趋势;SOD、G-POD与CAT活性达到峰值的时间随PEG-6000浓度的增加而提前。认为水分胁迫下,抗氧化酶可有效清除活性氧自由基,但随胁迫时间的延长,抗氧化酶活性受到抑制。  相似文献   

自然界中植物生长所需资源通常呈异质性分布, 具有发达匍匐茎的野牛草(Buchloe dactyloides)在蔓延过程中相连克隆分株常生活在异质性的光环境中。有研究证明, 在异质性光条件下, 植株幼叶的叶片解剖结构受成熟叶所处光照条件的影响, 而异质性光条件下克隆分株的叶片形态解剖结构是否也受相连分株所处光照条件的影响则未见报道。通过设置高光(全光照)和低光(遮阴)两个水平, 对由匍匐茎相连的野牛草克隆分株施以同质和异质性光处理, 研究了异质性光对野牛草叶片解剖结构的影响。结果发现: 在异质性光环境中, 遮阴的野牛草克隆分株的主脉直径、维管束鞘细胞个数、叶片厚度以及近轴侧和远轴侧叶肉细胞的厚度均显著降低; 同质性的低光处理对这些指标则没有显著影响。在异质性光处理下, 未遮阴姊株近轴侧和远轴侧叶肉细胞的厚度以及远轴侧的气孔大小显著增加, 而未遮阴的妹株近轴侧和远轴侧叶肉细胞的厚度、气孔密度和气孔大小、叶片厚度和维管束鞘细胞个数则会降低。同质高光处理下克隆分株近轴侧和远轴侧的气孔密度和气孔大小显著高于同质低光。野牛草克隆分株近轴侧和远轴侧叶肉细胞的厚度、气孔密度和气孔大小受相连分株所处光照条件的显著影响。该研究结果表明: 未遮阴的姊株因为与遮阴的妹株相连而显著受益, 而未遮阴的妹株则因为与遮阴的姊株相连而损耗严重; 在异质性光处理下, 遮阴分株叶片形态上缩减的可塑性生长是为减少维持其存活的消耗, 提高遮阴分株存活率的一种适应性表现。  相似文献   

高羊茅草坪草施用多效唑后,叶片的垂直生长受抑,叶片光合同化物向根系运输增强,叶片和根系中淀粉及可溶性糖含量升高,且叶片中淀粉含量与淀粉增活性正相关(r=0.88),另外,酸性转化酶活性也增加,但中性转化酶活性则降低,叶片中可溶性碳水化合物含量一直维持在较高水平。  相似文献   

Hedysarum laeve, a rhizomatous clonal half-shrub, commonly dominates in inland dunes in semiarid areas of northern China. This species propagates vegetatively by the extension of horizontal rhizomes resulting in programmed reiteration of apical and/or axillary meristems. In this study, (14)C labeling and experimental defoliation were employed to test the photosynthate translocation within the interconnected parent-daughter ramet pairs. A proportion of (14)C-photosynthates was transported from the parent ramet into the daughter ramet, the roots of the daughter ramet, and the rhizome; these three components showed more than 70% sink activity after 24-h translocation. On the other hand, the basipetal translocation (from daughter ramet into parent ramet) was relatively small with sink activity of less than 5%, but sink activity of the rhizome exceeded 10%. Defoliation had an influence on the photosynthate translocation between parent and daughter ramets. The intact parent ramets significantly increased their (14)C-photosynthate translocation into defoliated daughter ramets when compared to intact daughter ramets. The daughter ramets transported significantly more (14)C-photosynthates to the defoliated parent ramets than to the intact parent ramets. A portion of (14)C-photosynthates was transported into the rhizome from both parent and daughter ramets, indicating that the rhizome is supported by both ramets for photosynthates. The clonal integration between ramets of the species through rhizome connection may confer benefit both to the ramets and the genet in adverse environments.  相似文献   

Hedysarum laeve, a rhizomatous clonal half-shrub, commonly dominates in inland dunes in semiarid areas of northern China. This species propagates vegetatively by the extension of horizontal rhizomes resulting in programmed reiteration of apical and/or axillary meristems. In this study, 14C labeling and experimental defoliation were employed to test the photosynthate translocation within the interconnected parent–daughter ramet pairs. A proportion of 14C-photosynthates was transported from the parent ramet into the daughter ramet, the roots of the daughter ramet, and the rhizome; these three components showed more than 70% sink activity after 24-h translocation. On the other hand, the basipetal translocation (from daughter ramet into parent ramet) was relatively small with sink activity of less than 5%, but sink activity of the rhizome exceeded 10%. Defoliation had an influence on the photosynthate translocation between parent and daughter ramets. The intact parent ramets significantly increased their 14C-photosynthate translocation into defoliated daughter ramets when compared to intact daughter ramets. The daughter ramets transported significantly more 14C-photosynthates to the defoliated parent ramets than to the intact parent ramets. A portion of 14C-photosynthates was transported into the rhizome from both parent and daughter ramets, indicating that the rhizome is supported by both ramets for photosynthates. The clonal integration between ramets of the species through rhizome connection may confer benefit both to the ramets and the genet in adverse environments. Received: April 12, 2001 / Accepted: November 26, 2001  相似文献   

根茎半灌木羊柴对光合同化物的克隆整合   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
张称意  杨持  董鸣 《生态学报》2001,21(12):1986-1993
羊柴为根茎半灌木,主要分布于我国北方半干旱区的沙地。该种的营养繁殖是由根茎的水平延伸使顶端分生组织与腋生分生组织序列化不断产生而进行的。本项研究采用^14C标记和去叶实验,探讨了母株、子株所组成的分株对内的光合同化物的整合。在24h的传输中,相当可观量的14C光合同化物自母株传输给子株、子株的根系和根茎,且它们的汇活度均超过了10%。在^14C-光合化物向基向传输(由子株向母株)中,传输率较小,且汇活度不足1%,但根茎在这一传输中的汇活度却超过2%。去叶影响着母株与子株之间的光合同化物整合。保持完整的母株增大向遭受去叶的子株传输光合产物;反之亦然。母相提并论和子株都向根茎传输一定量的同化物,表明根茎自分株获得光合同化物的支持。羊柴的相连分株间通过根茎而发生克隆整合,可能使其分株和基株在不利的沙地生境中都获得净收益。  相似文献   

通过温室控制试验,分析不同光强及光强对比度处理下克隆植物大米草生长性状的差异,研究同质异质光强条件下克隆整合对大米草响应遮阴能力的修饰作用.结果表明: 在同质条件下,大米草在无遮阴(高光强:温室内自然光照强度)条件下的生物量显著大于中度遮阴(中光强:光照强度为高光强的70%)和深度遮阴(低光强:光照强度为高光强的30%).在低对比度异质性光强条件下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株中度遮阴),大米草遮阴分株的叶片数、根长和生物量均显著高于同质中度遮阴处理,而无遮阴分株各生长指标与同质无遮阴处理相比均无显著差异.因此,在低对比度异质性光强下,大米草受体(遮阴)分株通过克隆整合显著受益;同时,对供体(非遮阴)分株没有显著的耗损.然而,在高对比度处理下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株深度遮阴),克隆整合对受体(遮阴)分株的效应不显著.大米草的克隆整合并不随着光强对比度的增加而增加.在自然生境中度遮阴情况下,克隆整合可以提高大米草的生长和克隆繁殖能力,但在深度遮阴情况下,克隆整合对大米草适应性的作用可能很小.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  Q Zhang  M Sammul 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44221
Clonal growth allows plants to spread horizontally and to establish ramets in sites of contrasting resource status. If ramets remain physiologically integrated, clones in heterogeneous environments can act as cooperative systems - effects of stress on one ramet can be ameliorated by another connected ramet inhabiting benign conditions. But little is known about the effects of patch contrast on physiological integration of clonal plants and no study has addressed its effects on physiological traits like osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates and antioxidant enzymes. We examined the effect of physiological integration on survival, growth and stress indicators such as osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and antioxidant enzymes in a clonal plant, Fragaria orientalis, growing in homogenous and heterogeneous environments differing in patch contrast of water availability (1 homogeneous (no contrast) group; 2 low contrast group; 3 high contrast group). Drought stress markedly reduced the survival and growth of the severed ramets of F. orientalis, especially in high contrast treatments. Support from a ramet growing in benign patch considerably reduced drought stress and enhanced growth of ramets in dry patches. The larger the contrast between water availability, the larger the amount of support the depending ramet received from the supporting one. This support strongly affected the growth of the supporting ramet, but not to an extent to cause increase in stress indicators. We also found indication of costs related to maintenance of physiological connection between ramets. Thus, the net benefit of physiological integration depends on the environment and integration between ramets of F. orientalis could be advantageous only in heterogeneous conditions with a high contrast.  相似文献   

Sui Y  He W  Pan X  Dong M 《Annals of botany》2011,107(4):693-697

Background and Aims

Mechanical stimulation (MS) often induces plants to undergo thigmomorphogenesis and to synthesize an array of signalling substances. In clonal plants, connected ramets often share resources and hormones. However, little is known about whether and how clonal integration influences the ability of clonal plants to withstand MS. We hypothesized that the effects of MS may be modulated by clonal integration.


We conducted an experiment in which ramet pairs of Leymus secalinus were subjected to three treatments: (1) connected ramet pairs under a homogeneous condition [i.e. the proximal (relatively old) and distal (relatively young) ramets were not mechanically stressed]; (2) connected ramet pairs under a heterogeneous condition (i.e. the proximal ramet was mechanically stressed but the distal ramet was not); and (3) disconnected ramet pairs under the same condition as in treatment 2. At the end of the experiment, we harvested all plants and determined their biomass and allocation.

Key Results

Clonal integration had no significant influence on measured traits of distal L. secalinus ramets without MS. However, under MS, plants with distal ramets that were connected to a mother ramet produced more total plant biomass, below-ground biomass, ramets and total rhizome length than those that were not connected. Partial MS exerted local effects on stimulated ramets and remote effects on connected unstimulated ramets. Partial MS increased total biomass, root/shoot ratio, number of ramets and total rhizome length of stimulated proximal ramets, and increased total biomass, root weight ratio, number of ramets and total rhizome length of connected unstimulated ramets due to clonal integration.


These findings suggest that thigmomorphogenesis may protect plants from the stresses caused by high winds or trampling and that thigmomorphogenesis can be strongly modulated by the degree of clonal integration.  相似文献   

Xiao-Ling Sun  Jian-Zhong Niu  He Zhou 《Flora》2011,206(4):380-386
Buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides) is known for its low-nutrient tolerance. However, in natural habitats, nutrients are usually patchily distributed. For clonal plants like buffalograss, physiological integration is an important strategy to cope with adverse environmental conditions. In order to examine how integration helps buffalograss to survive in patchy conditions, a greenhouse experiment was conducted for 91 days. Interconnected ramet pairs of stoloniferous buffalograss were planted in two partitioned same-sized containers, and subjected to identical or contrasting nutrient supply. In contrast to normally perceived resource-sharing concepts, results showed that buffalograss genets reduced production of new ramets in nutrient-poor patches promoting at the same time propagation of interconnected ramets in nutrient-rich patches. Ramets in nutrient-rich patches gained significant benefit from heterogeneous treatments, whereas nutrient-poor ramets performed even worse than in uniform low-nutrient treatment. Younger ramets developed more biomass than elder ramets with the same amounts of nutrient supply under homogeneous treatment, while elder ramets were more tolerant when nutrients were scarce. Heterogeneity had a particular strong effect on stolons and new ramet production in nutrient-rich patches. Rooted ramets in nutrient-poor patches suffered from a by-pass of nutrients to interconnected ramets on nutrient-rich substrate that probably resulted from different transpiration rates. We conclude that this resource-sharing strategy is advantageous for buffalograss to concentrate more ramets in fertile patches, and facilitate the survivorship of more buffalograss ramets in adverse environments with uneven nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Physiological integration has been documented in many clonal plants growing under resource heterogeneity. Little is still known about the response of physiological integration to heterogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation. In this paper, the changes in intensity of physiological integration and of physiological parameters under homogeneous and heterogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation (280-315 nm) were measured in order to test the hypothesis that in addition to resource integration a defensive integration in Trifolium repens might exist as well. For this purpose, homogeneous and heterogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation was applied to pairs of connected and severed ramets of the stoloniferous herb Trifolium repens. Changes in intensity of water and nutrient integration were followed with acid fuchsin dye and 15N-isotope labeling of the xylem water transport. In order to assess the patterns of physiological integration contents of chlorophyll, ultraviolet-B absorbing compounds, soluble sugar and protein were determined and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) measured. When ramets were connected and exposed to heterogeneous UV-B radiation, the velocity of water transportation from the UV-B treated ramet to its connected sister ramet was markedly lower and the percentage of 15N left in labelled ramets that suffered from enhanced UV-B radiation was higher and their transfer to unlabelled ramets lower. In comparison with clones under homogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation, the content of chlorophyll, ultraviolet-B absorbing compounds, soluble sugar and activities of SOD and POD increased notably if ultraviolet-B stressed ramets were connected to untreated ramets. Chlorophyll and UV-B absorbing compounds were shared between connected ramets under heterogeneous UV-B radiation. This indicated that physiological connection improved the performance of whole clonal plants under heterogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation. The intensity of physiological integration of T. repens for resources decreased under heterogeneous ultraviolet-B radiation in favor of the stressed ramets. Ultraviolet-B stressed ramets benefited from unstressed ramets by physiological integration, supporting the hypothesis that clonal plants are able to optimize the efficiency of their resistance maintaining their presence also in less favorable sites. The results could be helpful for further understanding of the function of heterogeneous UV-B radiation on growth regulation and microevolution in clonal plants.  相似文献   

We studied water trnaslocation between interconnected mother and daughter ramets in two rhizomatous Carex species, using a newly developed quantitative method based on deuterium tracing. Under homogeneous conditions, in which both ramets were subjected either to wet or dry soil, little water was exchanged between the ramets. When the ramet pair was exposed to a heterogeneous water supply, water translocation became unidirectional and strongly increased to a level at which 30–60% of the water acquired by the wet ramet was exported towards the dry ramet. The quantity of water translocated was unrelated to the difference in water potential between the ramets, but highly correlated to the difference in leaf area. In both species, the transpiration of the entire plant was similar under heterogeneous and homogeneous wet conditions. This was a direct result of an increase in water uptake by the wet ramet in response to the dry conditions experienced by the interconnected ramet. In C. hirta, the costs and benefits of integration in terms of ramet biomass paralleled the responses of water consumption. This species achieved a similar whole-plant biomass in heterogeneous and homogeneous wet treatments, and water translocation was equally effective in the acropetal and basipetal directions. In C. flacca, responses of biomass and water consumption did not match and, under some conditions, water translocation imposed costs rather than benefits to the plants of this species. It is concluded that enhanced resource acquisition by donor ramets may be of critical importance for the net benefits of physiological integration in clonal plants.  相似文献   

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