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If connected ramets are growing in heterogeneous environments, Division of Labour (DoL) among ramets potentially will result in more efficient sharing of resources and an overall benefit to the plants. As a result of DoL, connected ramets growing in a heterogeneous environment might achieve more biomass than ramets growing in a homogeneous environment. DoL has been demonstrated to occur in a few clonal plant species, although most studies simply focussed on biomass allocation, not on actual resource capturing such as water and nutrient consumption. The model system for our study is one in which two connected ramet groups of Schoenoplectus americanus were placed into contrasting environments. In one treatment, the connected ramets grew in heterogeneous environments and in the other treatment, the connected ramets grew in the same (i.e. homogeneous) environment. We manipulated two variables (light and salinity) in the experiment. We hypothesized that ramets growing in a shaded and fresh water condition in a heterogeneous environment would use more water than ramets growing in a similar condition but in a homogeneous environment. We further hypothesized that ramets growing in a light and saline condition in a heterogeneous environment would assimilate less water than ramets growing in a similar condition but in a homogeneous environment. These hypotheses are based on the assumption that ramets in a heterogeneous environment would translocate water from ramets growing in a shaded and fresh water condition to ramets growing in a light and saline water condition. We also hypothesized that ramets growing in heterogeneous environments achieve larger biomass than ramets in homogeneous environments. Ramets grown in light and saline conditions in heterogeneous environments allocated more biomass to aboveground parts, had taller shoots, larger Specific Green (leaf) Area and consumed less water than ramets grown in similar conditions but in a homogeneous environment. Results confirm the hypothesis that connected ramets in heterogeneous environments are specialised to capture locally abundant resources and share these with connected ramets growing in other habitats. The result of DoL is that the entire connected ramet system benefits and achieves higher biomass.  相似文献   

In order to examine whether the translocation of water and nitrogen in clonal plants is interdependent, interramet translocation of these two resources was investigated in the greenhouse. Two-ramet systems of Carex flacca were imposed to different spatial patterns of water and nitrogen supply. The experimental design allowed to examine the effects of water heterogeneity on nitrogen sharing, and, vice versa, the effects of nitrogen heterogeneity on water sharing. Interramet translocation of both water and nitrogen was quantified by stable isotope labelling. If one of the ramets was deprived of water, nitrogen or both resources (parallel resource heterogeneity), resource translocation towards this ramet was markedly enhanced compared to a control treatment in which both ramets received ample water and ample nitrogen. Under these conditions, the amount of water or nitrogen translocated was not significantly affected by the pattern of heterogeneity of the other resource imposed on the two-ramet system. If one of the interconnected ramets was rooted in dry but nitrogen-rich soil and the other ramet was placed in nitrogen-deficient but well-watered soil (reciprocal resource heterogeneity), a significant amount of water was translocated towards the ramet in dry soil, while the low-N ramet hardly received any nitrogen. These results show that little nitrogen is translocated between ramets in a direction opposite to the transpiration stream within the rhizome. However, nitrogen may be translocated independently from water if both are transported in a similar direction within the clonal system. The effects of translocation on ramet performance (in terms of transpiration, nitrogen accumulation, and biomass) were assessed by comparing interconnected ramets with isolated (severed) ramets that were treated identically. Integration enhanced the performance of ramets deficient of one or both of the resources. In case of water translocation, the transpiration and growth of the water exporting (donor) ramets was similar to the transpiration and growth of their isolated counterparts. When nitrogen was heterogeneously supplied, however, nitrogen accumulation and growth of the donor ramet was reduced to the same extent as the performance of the nitrogen-deficient ramet was increased. Water translocation thus enhanced the performance of the whole plant, while nitrogen only reduced the differences in ramet performance within the plant. In the case of the reciprocal heterogeneity treatment, the benefits of translocation were strongly unidirectional towards the ramet in dry soil. The data for this treatment suggested that total nitrogen accumulation was enhanced by the acquisition of nitrogen from the dry pot as a result of “hydraulic lift” and water exudation in the dry soil. We conclude that nitrogen translocation in clonal plants, and the associated benefits in terms of resource utilization and growth, may strongly depend on the pattern of interramet water transport. The implications are discussed for studies of physiological integration in clonal plants and the patterns of interramet resource sharing in the field. Received: 2 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

Summary The costs and benefits of resource integration in Hydrocotyle bonariensis were examined by comparing severed and intact clones grown across multiple resource gradients. Basipetal movement of water, nitrogen and photosynthates was demonstrated to occur between two rhizome branch systems interconnecting hundreds of ramets within a clone. Hydrocotyle clones of this size and larger have been shown to span highly patchy and unpredictable resource conditions in coastal dune environments. The extensive movement of water and nitrogen to portions of a clone deficient in these resources, resulted in a significant net benefit to the clone in terms of fitness-related traits: total biomass, ramet proliferation and seed production. The translocation of photosynthates across light gradients allowed for sexual reproduction and clonal expansion in the shade although this incurred a net cost to the clone in terms of ramet and seed production.  相似文献   

Pauliukonis  Nijole  Gough  Laura 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):1-15
Although clonal growth is a dominant mode of plant growth in wetlands, the importance of clonal integration, resource sharing among ramets, to individual ramet generations (mother and daughter) and entire clones of coexisting species has not been well investigated. This study evaluated the significance of clonal integration in four sedge species of varying ramet aggregations, from clump-forming species (Clumpers –Carex sterilis, Eleocharis rostellata), with tightly aggregated ramets (rhizomes<1cm), to runner species (Runners –Schoenoplectus acutus, Cladium mariscoides), with loosely aggregated ramets. We manipulated clonal integration by either severing connections between target mother and daughter ramets or leaving connections intact, and then planted them in an intact neighborhood of a fen in Michigan, USA. We measured growth parameters of original and newly produced ramets over two growing seasons and conducted a final biomass harvest, to address four hypotheses. First, we expected integrated clones to accumulate more biomass than severed clones. However, final clone-level biomass and ramet production were the same for both treatments in all species although severing initially stimulated ramet production by Schoenoplectus and produced a more compact ramet aggregation in Cladium. Second, we hypothesized that mother ramets would experience a cost of integration, through reduced ramet or biomass production, while daughters would experience a benefit, through increased resource availability from mothers. Mother ramets of Cladium suffered a cost from integration, while Schoenoplectus mothers suffered a slight cost and Carex daughters saw a slight benefit. Finally, we hypothesized that integration would be more active in runner species than in clumper species. Indeed, we documented more active integration in runners than clumpers, but none of the study species were dependent upon integration for growth or survival once daughter ramets were established with their own roots and shoots. This study demonstrates that integration between established ramets may not be the most important advantage to clonal growth in this wetland field site. The loss of integration elicited varied responses among coexisting species in their natural habitat, somewhat but not completely related to their growth form, suggesting that a combination of plant life history traits contributes to the dependence upon clonal integration among established ramets of clonal species.  相似文献   

A clonal plant in heterogeneous environments is usually expected to profit from resource exchange via a clonal network where ramets placed in contrasting environments can specialise so to acquire the most abundant resources. An experiment was designed using the three member clonal system of Eriophorum angustifolium, which consisted of one parent ramet growing in a resource poor environment and two offspring: one was limited in growth by nutrients while the other was light limited; the contrast in availability of limited resources between the offspring ramets was high, medium or none, with the system either connected or severed. The total resource availability was the same in all treatments. We proposed four possible scenarios for the system: offspring ramets will share resources via the deficient parent ramet, and the whole clone will profit from the contrasting environment (scenario 1); offspring ramets will support exclusively the parent ramet, and the whole clone will profit from a homogeneous environment (scenario 2); offspring ramets will stop the export of the limiting resource to the parent ramet, with split and connected treatments not differing (scenario 3); and offspring ramets will exhaust the carbon stored in the biomass of the parental ramet; offspring ramet will profit from connection (scenario 4). In the experiment, the limiting resources were sent to the strongest sink (scenario 2). The parent ramet growing in a deficient environment received the highest support in the treatment where both offspring ramets were growing in the same conditions (no-contrast treatment). Production of new shoots, but not biomass of whole clone, was supported in a homogenous environment. The experiment revealed that multiple stresses might prohibit free exchange of limiting resources via the clonal network and supports the idea that experimental studies on more complex clones are essential for understanding the costs and benefits of clonal growth.  相似文献   

Summary The costs and benefits, measured in terms of dry weight, of physiological integration between clonal ramets, were analysed in two experiments conducted on the clonal herb Glechoma hederacea. Firstly, integration between consecutively-produced ramets was examined in an experiment in which stolons grew from one set of growing conditions (either unshaded or shaded and either nutrient-rich or nutrient-poor) into conditions in which light or nutrient level was altered. Comparisons were made between the dry weight of the parts of the clones produced before and after growing conditions were changed, and the dry weights of the corresponding part of control clones subjected to constant growing conditions. In a second experiment, integration between two distinct parts of G. hederacea clones was investigated. In this experiment clones were grown from two connected parent ramets and the parts of the clone produced by each parent ramet were subjected independently to either nutrient-rich or nutrient-poor conditions. Ramets in resource-rich conditions provided considerable physiological support to those in resource-poor conditions. This was measured as a dry weight gain compared with the weight of the corresponding part of the control clones growing in resource-poor conditions. However, when stolons grew from resource-poor conditions into resource-rich conditions, there was no similar evidence of the resourcepoor ramtes receiving support from resource-rich ramets. Physiological integration did not result in dry weight gains when this would have necessitated basipetal translocation of resources.Because of the predominantly acropedal direction of movement of translocates in G. hederacea, the structure of the clone was important in determining the effectiveness of integration between ramets. Where physiological integration was effective, the cost to the supporting ramets in terms of dry weight was insignificant. Physiological integration allows clones to maintain a presence in less favourable sites with insignificant cost to ramets in favourable sites, thereby reducing the probability of invasion by other plants, and providing the potential for rapid clonal growth if conditions improve. Integrated support of ramets in unfavourable conditions also enables the clone to grow through unfavourable sites, thus increasing the probability of encountering more favourable conditions by wider foraging.  相似文献   

The effects of the availability of light (high, medium and low) and soil water (wet and dry) on morphological and physiological traits responsible for whole plant carbon gain and ramet biomass accumulation were examined in a splitter-type clonal herbaceous species Primula sieboldii, a spring plant inhabiting broad range of light environments including open grassland and oak forest understory. Growth experiments were conducted for three genets originated from natural microhabitats differing in light and soil water availability. Ramets of a genet from high light and wet microhabitat, which were grown in low light (relative photon flux density: R-PPFD of 5%) showed 41% less light-saturated photosynthetic rate, 50% less dark respiration rate and earlier defoliation than the ramets in high light (R-PPFD of 61%). The estimation of daily photosynthesis revealed that the light acclimation response in leaf gas exchange contributes to efficient carbon gain of whole plants, irrespective of experimental light conditions. Water stress increased root weight ratio, decreased ramet leaf area, petiole length and photosynthetic capacity. These morphological effects of water stress were larger in high and medium light regimes than in low light regime. The consequence of the above responses was recognized in the relative growth rate of the ramets. The relative growth rate of the ramets in high light with wet regime was four-fold of that in low light plus wet regime, and was 1.5-fold of that in high light plus dry regime. However, even in low light and/or dry regimes, ramets kept positive relative growth rates and produced gemma successfully. We could not detect significant variation in growth responses among genets. The high photosynthetic plasticity revealed in the present study should enable Primula sieboldii to inhabit in a broad range of light and soil water availability.  相似文献   

Summary Within a physiologically integrated clone, the structure and functioning of an individual ramet is determined by: 1) the response of that ramet to its local environment and 2) its response to resource integration within the clone. In a multifactorial experiment, Hydrocotyle bonariensis ramets were grown in limiting resource environments with and without the benefit of basipetal resource movement from another branch of the clone. Ramets were analyzed for their morphological responses to variation in local light, water and nitrogen availability and to the superimposed effect of resource integration on these conditions. The expression of ramet morphology, from induction to development, was highly plastic in response to variable local resource availability. Resource integration changed a ramet's local response in a variety of ways depending on the resource(s) being translocated and the character involved. Among leaf characteristics (leaf weight, petiole height, blade area), resource translocation into the shade resulted in an enhancement of the local response. Similarly, the translocation of nitrogen and water generally increased clonal proliferation and sexual reproduction among ramets. In contrast, the translocation of water reversed the effect of local low water conditions on ramets by inhibiting root production. Some characters such as internode distance and leaf allometry were unaffected by integration. The maintenance of connections between ramets as a Hydrocotyle clone expands allows for resource sharing among widely separated ramets and can result in an integrated morpological response to a resource environment that is patchy in time and space.  相似文献   

This study examined the benefits associated with resource sharing among interconnected ramets spanning a soil salinity gradient. Clones of Hydrocotyle bonariensis, a rhizomatous dune perennial, expand into salt marsh communities from surrounding upland dune systems in coastal North Carolina. In rhizome-severing experiments conducted under both field and laboratory conditions, Hydrocotyle was shown to proliferate ramets under saline conditions, provided that these ramets were connected to other ramets growing in nonsaline conditions. Ramets that benefited from resource integration did not appear to be affected by local salt exposure in that these ramets were morphologically similar to those grown under nonsaline conditions. Supporting ramets incurred no net cost in terms of biomass or ramet production, but there was an increased percent allocation to roots and rhizomes. Ramets grown in saline conditions without the benefit of clonal integration showed high mortality and produced little or no net clonal growth. It is likely that the acropetal movement of water allowed Hydrocotyle clones to ameliorate the heterogeneous saline conditions associated with coastal environments.  相似文献   

Clonal fragments of the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba were subjected to a complementary patchiness of light and soil nutrients including two spatially homogeneous treatments (SR–SR and IP–IP) and two spatially heterogeneous treatments (IP–SR and SR–IP). SR and IP indicate patches (shaded, rich) with low light intensity (shaded, S), high nutrient availability (rich, R) and patches (illuminated, poor) with high light intensity (illuminated, I) and low nutrient availability (poor, P), respectively. Plasticity of the species in root–shoot ratio, fitness-related traits (biomass, number of ramets and dry weight per ramet) and clonal morphological traits (length and specific length of stolon internodes, area and specific area of laminae, length and specific length of petioles) were experimentally examined. The aim is to understand adaptation of G. longituba to the environment with reciprocal patches of light and soil nutrients by plasticities both in root–shoot ratio and in (clonal) morphology. Our experiment revealed performance of the clonal fragments growing from patches with high light intensity and low soil nutrient availability into the adjacent opposite patches was increased in terms of the fitness-related characters. R/S ratio and clonal morphology were plastic. Meanwhile, the capture of light resource from the light-rich patches was enhanced while the capture of soil nutrients from either the nutrient-rich or the nutrient-poor patches was not. Analysis of cost and benefit disclosed positive effects of clonal integration on biomass production of ramets in the patches with low light intensity and high soil nutrient availability. These results suggest an existence of reciprocal translocation of assimilates and nutrients between the interconnected ramets. The reinforced performance of the clonal fragments seems to be related with specialization of clonal morphology in the species.  相似文献   

Previous lines of investigation assuming potential advantage of clonal integration generally have neglected its plasticity in complex heterogeneous environments. Clonal plants adaptively respond to abiotic heterogeneity (patchy resource distribution) and herbivory‐induced heterogeneity (within‐clone heterogeneity in ramet performance), but to date little is known about how resource heterogeneity and simulated herbivory jointly affect the overall performance of clones. Partial damage within a clone caused by herbivory might create herbivory‐induced heterogeneity in a resource‐homogeneous environment, and might also decrease or increase the extent of heterogeneity under resource‐heterogeneous conditions. We conducted a greenhouse experiment in which target‐ramets of Leymus chinensis segments within homogeneous or heterogeneous nutrient treatments were subject to clipping (0% or 75% shoot removal). In homogeneous environments with high (9:9) nutrient availability, ramet biomass of L. chinensis with intact or severed rhizomes is 0.70 or 0.69 g. Conversely, target‐ramet biomass with intact rhizomes is obviously lower than that of the severed target‐ramets in the homogeneous environments with medium (5:5) and low (1:1) nutrient availability. High resource availability and the presence of herbivory can alleviate negative effects of rhizome connection under homogeneous conditions, by providing copious resource or creating herbivory‐induced heterogeneity respectively. Herbivory tolerance of clonal fragments with connected rhizomes was higher than that of fragments with severed rhizomes under heterogeneous conditions. These findings confirmed the unconditional advantage of clonal integration on reproduction under the combined influence of resource heterogeneity and simulated herbivory. Moreover, our results made clear the synergistically interactive effects of resource heterogeneity and simulated herbivory on costs and benefits of clonal integration. This will undoubtedly advance our understanding on the plasticity of clonal integration under complex environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  Q Zhang  M Sammul 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44221
Clonal growth allows plants to spread horizontally and to establish ramets in sites of contrasting resource status. If ramets remain physiologically integrated, clones in heterogeneous environments can act as cooperative systems - effects of stress on one ramet can be ameliorated by another connected ramet inhabiting benign conditions. But little is known about the effects of patch contrast on physiological integration of clonal plants and no study has addressed its effects on physiological traits like osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates and antioxidant enzymes. We examined the effect of physiological integration on survival, growth and stress indicators such as osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and antioxidant enzymes in a clonal plant, Fragaria orientalis, growing in homogenous and heterogeneous environments differing in patch contrast of water availability (1 homogeneous (no contrast) group; 2 low contrast group; 3 high contrast group). Drought stress markedly reduced the survival and growth of the severed ramets of F. orientalis, especially in high contrast treatments. Support from a ramet growing in benign patch considerably reduced drought stress and enhanced growth of ramets in dry patches. The larger the contrast between water availability, the larger the amount of support the depending ramet received from the supporting one. This support strongly affected the growth of the supporting ramet, but not to an extent to cause increase in stress indicators. We also found indication of costs related to maintenance of physiological connection between ramets. Thus, the net benefit of physiological integration depends on the environment and integration between ramets of F. orientalis could be advantageous only in heterogeneous conditions with a high contrast.  相似文献   

钱永强  孙振元  韩蕾  巨关升 《生态学报》2010,30(15):3966-3973
异质环境下,克隆植物通过生理整合机制使资源在分株间实现共享,提高了其对异质性环境的适应能力,具有重要的生态进化意义,研究生理整合机制及其调控机理可为进一步发掘克隆植物应用潜力提供理论依据。以野牛草3个相连分株为材料,对其中一个分株用30%聚乙二醇6000(PEG-6000)模拟水分胁迫,通过Hoagland营养液培养试验,研究了异质水分环境下光合同化物在野牛草相连分株间的生理整合及分株叶片与根系内源激素ABA与IAA含量的变化规律。结果表明,14C-光合同化物在克隆片断内存在双向运输,但以向顶运输为主,异质水分环境下,受胁迫分株光合同化物的输出率明显降低,而与其相邻分株合成的光合同化物向受胁迫分株方向运输率明显增加;异质水分环境下,各分株ABA含量均明显增加,但以受胁迫的分株叶片及根系ABA的含量增加幅度最大,各分株IAA含量较对照均显著下降(P0.05),且以受胁迫分株IAA含量下降幅度最大;各分株叶片与根系ABA/IAA均显著提高(P0.05),相邻分株ABA/IAA增加幅度低于受胁迫分株。异质水分环境影响野牛草克隆分株间光合同化物的生理整合,且ABA与IAA在分株间光合同化物运输与分配过程中具有重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigejos(L.)Roth.)为根茎型多年生禾草,具细长根茎.为了探讨拂子茅在异质性水分环境中的表型差异,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原的毛乌素沙地对拂子茅由母株、子株组成的分株对给予了高水、低水两种不同的异质性土壤水分处理.实验结果表明:土壤水分状况显著地影响着拂子茅分株的生长表型.在高土壤水分条件下,拂子茅的分株产生的根茎、新生后代分株较多,并使生物量主要分配于地上部分,地上生物量积累多;在低土壤水分条件下,拂子茅分株产生较少的根茎与新生后代分株,并且分配到根系的生物量明显增大.在具有一定对比度的异质性土壤水分环境中,拂子茅分株并不因相连的其他分株所处的土壤水分状况而在根茎生长、新生后代分株的产生和生物量分配等特征上,与同质环境中的具有相同土壤水分状况的分株相比,有明显差异.这些结果揭示:拂子茅仅以分株的形式对异质性水分供应发生表型反应;相连的克隆分株在向顶向和向基向这两个基本方向上,不能对另一分株的土壤水分状况在生长表型上发生反应,它们在水分关系上可能是相互相对独立的.分株的相对独立可能有利于在气候干旱、扰动强烈的沙地环境中实现风险分摊,提高基株的存活几率.  相似文献   

拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigejos(L.)Roth)为根茎型多年生禾草,具细长根茎。为了探讨拂子茅在异质性水分环境中的表型差异,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原的毛乌素沙地对拂子茅由母株、子株组成的分株对给予了高水、低水两种不同的异质性土壤水分处理。实验结果表明:土壤水分状况显著地影响着拂子茅分株的生长表型。在高土壤水分条件下,拂子茅的分株产生的根茎、新生后代分株较多,并使生物量主要分配于地上部分,地上生物量积累多;在低土壤水分条件下,拂子茅分株产生较少的根茎与新生后代分株,并且分配到根系的生物量明显增大。在具有一定对比度的异质性土壤水分环境中,拂子茅分株并不因相连的其他分株所处的土壤水分状况而在根茎生长、新生后代分株的产生和生物量分配等特征上,与同质环境中的具有相同土壤水分状况的分株相比,有明显差异。这些结果揭示:拂子茅仅以分株的形式对异质性水分供应发生表型反应;相连的克隆分株在向顶向和向基向这两个基本方向上,不能对另一分株的土壤水分状况在生K表型上发生反应,它们在水分关系上可能是相互相对独立的。分株的相对独立可能有利于在气候干旱、扰动强烈的沙地环境中实现风险分摊,提高基株的存活几率。  相似文献   

以盆栽草莓(Fragaria×ananassa)为材料研究了水分胁迫下克隆植物草莓母株和子株间的水分调控机制及其与碳同化、光系统Ⅱ激发能分配的关系.实验材料分为匍匐茎连接和剪断两个大组,进行两步实验.第1步实验,对连接组和剪断组的所有母株控水,子株充分供水;4d后进入第2步实验,把连接组分为两小组,对其中一组充分供水子株开始控水,另一组保持不变.结果表明,土壤干旱引起母株叶片失水,并使其净光合速率和气孔导度显著降低.但是连接组中供水良好的子株能有效缓解缺水母株的水分胁迫.当供水良好的子株也开始受到干旱处理的时候,则会加剧与之相连母株的水分胁迫.受胁迫母株可以通过加强渗透调节能力和降低水势从相连子株获取水分.虽然土壤干旱会造成受胁迫母株叶片脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量的大幅度增加,但是与之相连子株的叶片ABA含量并没有增加;并且气孔导度与ABA变化趋势一致.(1)草莓母株和子株间的水分运输是由二者的水势差驱动的;(2)ABA不会通过匍匐茎在母株和子株间传递并影响相邻子株气孔导度;(3)在水分异质性较大情况下,生理整合可明显提高克隆系统的碳同化能力和光系统Ⅱ激发能利用效率.  相似文献   

Xiao-Ling Sun  Jian-Zhong Niu  He Zhou 《Flora》2011,206(4):380-386
Buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides) is known for its low-nutrient tolerance. However, in natural habitats, nutrients are usually patchily distributed. For clonal plants like buffalograss, physiological integration is an important strategy to cope with adverse environmental conditions. In order to examine how integration helps buffalograss to survive in patchy conditions, a greenhouse experiment was conducted for 91 days. Interconnected ramet pairs of stoloniferous buffalograss were planted in two partitioned same-sized containers, and subjected to identical or contrasting nutrient supply. In contrast to normally perceived resource-sharing concepts, results showed that buffalograss genets reduced production of new ramets in nutrient-poor patches promoting at the same time propagation of interconnected ramets in nutrient-rich patches. Ramets in nutrient-rich patches gained significant benefit from heterogeneous treatments, whereas nutrient-poor ramets performed even worse than in uniform low-nutrient treatment. Younger ramets developed more biomass than elder ramets with the same amounts of nutrient supply under homogeneous treatment, while elder ramets were more tolerant when nutrients were scarce. Heterogeneity had a particular strong effect on stolons and new ramet production in nutrient-rich patches. Rooted ramets in nutrient-poor patches suffered from a by-pass of nutrients to interconnected ramets on nutrient-rich substrate that probably resulted from different transpiration rates. We conclude that this resource-sharing strategy is advantageous for buffalograss to concentrate more ramets in fertile patches, and facilitate the survivorship of more buffalograss ramets in adverse environments with uneven nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Summary Lathyrus sylvestris is a pioneer legume often found in disturbed habitats. Mainly reproduced through vegetative propagation, this clonal species presents a system of ramets that remain connected for several years. The existence of carbon transfer among ramets within a clone has been studied using 14C in situ. Assimilate translocation from primary to secondary ramets was observed in all clones when the primary ramet was exposed to 14CO2. The amount of transfer ranged from trace up to 90% of the total 14C incorporated. However, in only half of the clones there was consistent enrichment of the secondary ramet (5 to 89%) suggesting that interramets transfer of carbon may be facultative. Furthermore, when significant export occurred from the primary ramet, it was always principally towards only one ramet even when the clone included more than one. The transfer of 14C from secondary to primary ramets was shown to be significant only when photosynthesis of the latter was decreased by shading. In this case import of carbon was never more than 60% of the incorporated 14C.No correlation was found between age or size of the ramets and the intensity of transfer. The shading effect let suppose that transfers are mainly driven by carbon limitation due to changing environmental conditions and not to the state of ramet maturity. The adaptative advantage of such facultative physiological integration between ramets of a clone is discussed.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地芦苇分株生态可塑性及其对土壤因子的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  于欣宇  王昱深  潘林  杨允菲 《生态学报》2019,39(11):4149-4157
扎龙湿地的芦苇既可形成大面积的单优群落,也可形成不同群落斑块。采用大样本抽样调查与统计分析方法,对湿地内水生生境、湿生生境、旱生生境和盐碱生境芦苇种群分株高度和生物量进行比较。结果表明,6—10月份,4个生境芦苇种群分株高度及生物量均以水生生境最高,盐碱生境最低,水生生境株高为盐碱生境的1.5—2.3倍,分株生物量为2.0—5.1倍,生境间的差异性以及差异序位均相对稳定。4个生境株高生境间变异系数(19.45%—31.56%)均高于生境内变异系数(8.07%—17.61%),分株高度在生境间的可塑性更大;分株生物量中水生生境、湿生生境和盐碱生境3个生境间的变异系数(33.43%—55.61%)均低于生境内变异系数(44.85%—79.82%),分株生物量在生境内的可塑性更大。不同生境条件下芦苇种群分株,在生长和生产上均存在较大的生态可塑性,表现出明显的环境效应,其中土壤含水量是该地区芦苇分株生态可塑性变异的主要驱动因子(R0.80),为正向驱动。  相似文献   

Fifteen relatively narrow stands of Typha angustifolia, including both stands bounded to open water and ridged boundary, were investigated in terms of the distributions of ramet density as well as the fraction of flowering ramets. The ramet density, fraction of flowering ramet and morphological characteristics of ramets were measured continuously from one side of the stand to the other, together with depth and the nutrient concentration of pore water. The rhizome biomass was also measured at the periphery and at the center of the stand. The results indicated that the shoot density declined gradually from the edge to the center, however, the fraction of the flowering ramets were significantly higher at the edge while it rapidly declined away from the edge. Statistical analyses indicate that the ramet density depends on either depth or nutrient level of the pore water; however, the distance from the edge was the most probable factor to reduce the fraction of the flowering ramets. The rhizome biomass was mostly larger at the periphery than at the center, likely because the accumulation of the horizontal rhizomes as extension was blocked by the boundary. High flowering fraction near the periphery was probably induced by the hormonal change caused by the blockage. However, a large fraction of ramets flowered simultaneously with large rhizome biomass at the periphery, likely because of the preferable light climates compared with inside the stand.  相似文献   

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