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疏叶骆驼刺母株与子株间的水分整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在未灌溉的土地上, 疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)通常不能进行有性繁殖, 克隆繁殖是其种群维持和延续的唯一方式。因此, 克隆性及其相关克隆性状(如水分整合)在疏叶骆驼刺自然种群的维持过程中可能扮演了极其重要的角色。该文通过疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株之间的间隔子切断和给母株补充水分的方法, 研究了母株和子株在各处理下的水势、叶形态和植株生长变化情况。结果表明: (1)间隔子切断后, 疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株正午水势均明显增大(p < 0.01), 说明间隔子切断使得母株和子株水分亏缺值都增大。(2)给母株补水后, 间隔子切断组和间隔子相连组中的母株水势均有明显增加, 同时间隔子相连组的子株水势明显增加(p < 0.01), 而间隔子切断组子株水势没有明显变化(p > 0.05)。(3)间隔子切断组的子株叶片含水率明显低于间隔子相连组子株, 而其株高、冠幅、分枝数和基径的增长量都明显小于间隔子相连组的子株(p < 0.01)。疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株间存在水分整合, 母株会通过根系向子株传输水分。研究成果对塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的植被恢复以及水资源的合理利用有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

冬小麦叶片气孔导度模型水分响应函数的参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物气孔导度模型的水分响应函数用来模拟水分胁迫对气孔导度的影响过程, 是模拟缺水环境下植物与大气间水、碳交换过程的关键算法。水分响应函数包括空气湿度响应函数和土壤湿度(或植物水势)响应函数, 该研究基于田间实验观测, 分析了冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)叶片气孔导度对不同空气饱和差和不同土壤体积含水量或叶水势的响应规律。一个土壤水分梯度的田间处理在中国科学院禹城综合试验站实施, 不同水分胁迫下的冬小麦叶片气体交换过程和气孔导度以及其他的温湿度数据被观测, 同时观测了土壤含水量和叶水势。实验数据表明, 冬小麦叶片气孔导度对空气饱和差的响应呈现双曲线规律, 变化趋势显示大约1 kPa空气饱和差是一个有用的阈值, 在小于1 kPa时, 冬小麦气孔导度对空气饱和差变化反应敏感, 而大于1 kPa后则反应缓慢; 分析土壤体积含水量与中午叶片气孔导度的关系发现, 中午叶片气孔导度随土壤含水量增加大致呈现线性增加趋势, 但在平均土壤体积含水量大于大约25%以后, 气孔导度不再明显增加, 而是维持在较高导度值上下波动; 冬小麦中午叶片水势与相应的气孔导度之间, 随着叶水势的增加, 气孔导度呈现增加趋势。根据冬小麦气孔导度对空气湿度、土壤湿度和叶水势的响应规律, 研究分别采用双曲线和幂指数形式拟合了水汽响应函数, 用三段线性方程拟合了土壤湿度响应函数和植物水势响应函数, 得到的参数可以为模型模拟冬小麦的各类水、热、碳交换过程采用。  相似文献   

利用大型移动防雨棚开展了玉米水分胁迫及复水试验,通过分析玉米叶片光合数据,揭示了不同生育期水分胁迫及复水对玉米光合特性及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:水分胁迫导致玉米叶片整体光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度下降以及光合速率日变化的峰值提前;水分胁迫后的玉米叶片蒸腾速率、光合速率和气孔导度为适应干旱缺水均较对照显著下降,从而提高了水分利用效率,缩小了与水分充足条件下玉米叶片的水分利用效率差值;在中度和重度水分胁迫条件下,玉米叶片的水分利用效率降幅低于光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的降幅, 有时甚至高于正常供水条件下的水分利用效率;适度的水分胁迫能提高玉米叶片的水分利用效率,从而增强叶片对水分的利用能力,抵御干旱的逆境;水分亏缺对玉米光合速率、蒸腾速率及水分利用效率的影响具有较明显滞后效应,干旱后复水,光合作用受抑制仍然持续;水分胁迫时间越长、胁迫程度越重,叶片的光合作用越呈不可逆性;拔节-吐丝期水分胁迫对玉米叶片光合作用的逆制比三叶-拔节期更难恢复。  相似文献   

根源ABA参与气孔调节的数学模拟   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
建立了包括植物体内的水分传输,并有根源ABA参与的气孔调节模型,模拟了饱和水气压差(VPD)、气温、表层土壤含水量(θ_(s1))等环境因子对叶片水势、木质部汁液中ABA浓度([ABA]_x)及气孔导度的影响。结果显示,VPD和气温的变化能够改变叶片水势及气孔导度;[ABA]_x几乎不受VPD和气温变化的影响,却决定着叶片水势及气孔导度对VPD和气温变化的响应幅度;θ_(s1)影响[ABA]_x,并由此影响气孔导度,但相比之下对叶片水势的作用并不显著。  相似文献   

作物干旱指标对西北半干旱区春小麦缺水特征的反映   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张杰  张强  赵建华  王胜  赵宏  王静 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1646-1654
针对作物水分胁迫较为严重的西北半干旱区,应用CI301-PS光合作用仪对春小麦开花到乳熟期间的生理特征和环境因子进行了近1个月的观测, 并研究分析了3种作物干旱指标叶水势、作物水分胁迫指数以及气孔导度随时间变化和对气象因子的响应.发现干旱胁迫增加时,叶片水分减少,作物水分胁迫指数增大,叶水势降低,气孔导度有所减小.因此,气孔下腔的CO2浓度降低,作物净光合速率有所减小,不利于半干旱区小麦生物量的累积;三者相比,叶水势是反应西北半干旱区作物干旱最敏感的指标;受半干旱区逆湿现象的影响,9:00或之后一段时间观测叶水势和气孔导度对小麦等作物缺水状况反映得更客观.  相似文献   

硅对干旱胁迫下玉米水分代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李清芳  马成仓  季必金 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4163-4168
利用盆栽试验研究了施硅(K2SiO3)对玉米植株水分代谢的影响.结果表明:施硅降低了干旱胁迫下玉米植株的气孔导度,降低了干旱胁迫早期到中期的蒸腾速率,保持了干旱胁迫后期较高的蒸腾速率,从而导致施硅玉米植株的叶片含水量和水势高于对照.由于植株的水分状况改善,施硅玉米植株生物量高于对照.硅增强玉米植株的抗旱性,而提高植株保水能力是硅提高抗旱性的重要原因.  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干南缘的优势物种疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)和引进种大果白刺(Nitraria roborowskii)的离体叶片为实验材料,比较了不同水分状况下水势、气孔导度和叶绿素荧光参数的变化特征。结果显示:(1)大果白刺在脱水胁迫初期气孔导度值(Gs)高达495.7mmol.m-2.s-1,相对含水量(RWC)>96%时Gs降幅较小,维持较高气孔开度进行光合作用;骆驼刺气孔对脱水胁迫反应较灵敏,Gs值控制在180mmol.m-2.s-1以内且Gs总体下降缓慢。(2)大果白刺在RWC>84%时水势高于骆驼刺并保持平稳下降,骆驼刺始终保持较缓慢下降趋势。(3)二者叶片气孔导度与水势绝对值均呈负指数回归关系,-2.2Mpa为大果白刺水势临界点,未发现骆驼刺有明显临界点。(4)二者的叶绿素荧光参数在脱水胁迫下均表现为初始荧光F0显著上升,PSⅡ最大光化学效率Fv/Fm和潜在活性中心Fv/F0值下降;骆驼刺的单位反应中心捕获的能量(TRo/RC)和单位反应中心数目(RC/CSo)呈波动变化,大果白刺在RWC<78%时各项荧光比活性值急剧上升且荧光曲线转为平台型。研究表明,骆驼刺具有低水势忍耐脱水的抗旱方式,并且反应中心可能存在可逆失活和能量陷阱等方式响应水分胁迫,而大果白刺具有高水势延迟脱水特征,其水分胁迫极限阈值RWC为78%;骆驼刺作为当地的优势种对干旱具有较强的适应性和耐受性,而大果白刺并不适宜在长期干旱胁迫或者地下水位波动较大的地区进行引种推广。  相似文献   

干热河谷9种造林树种在旱季的水分关系和气孔导度   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
 对元谋干热河谷人工混交林中9个树种叶片的水势、饱和渗透势、气孔导度、渗透调节和季节变化进行了测定,同时对树高和胸径也进行了比较。水分生理特征表明: 1)随着旱季的深入,除刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、黄荆(Vitex negundo)、滇榄仁(Terminalia franchetii)落叶外,其余常绿树种叶片的气孔导度、水势和饱和渗透势都呈下降的趋势,在最旱的三、四月份,它们适应干旱的方式有4种:①低水势、气孔导度近似关闭的厚荚相思(Acacia leptocarpa)、大叶相思(A. auriculiformis)和肯氏相思(A. cunninghamii);②低水势、低气孔导度的赤桉(Eucalyptus dulebsis)、娟毛相思(A. holosericea)和车桑子(Dodonaea wiscosa)loserice气孔导度的柠檬桉(Eucalyptus citriodora)和新银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala);④较高水势、气孔导度近似关闭的马占相思(Acacia mangium)。2)在干旱胁迫过程中,主要渗透调节物质出现的先后顺序是K+、游离脯氨酸、游离氨基酸和可溶性糖, K+和可溶性糖贡献最大,分别在干旱的前后期起渗透调节作用,游离脯氨酸和游离氨基酸在干旱的中期起渗透调节作用。大多数树种适应干热河谷生境的主要抗旱途径是有效的吸水能力和完善的保水机制。  相似文献   

为探讨未来降水减少对内蒙古皇甫川流域沙棘幼苗生理生态特征的影响,特设计平均降雨水平、偏旱、干旱和极端干旱4种不同的水分梯度处理,开展人工水分梯度实验.方差分析表明,不同的水分梯度显著影响土壤的含水量、土壤温度等微生境因子,并显著影响净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率等气体交换特征、资源利用效率和叶片水势特征.适度的水分胁迫(干旱环境)能够提高沙棘的水分利用效率,同时却降低净光合速率和蒸腾速率.各种生理生态指标表明,4种水分处理的沙棘幼苗都受到不同程度的水分胁迫的影响,极端干旱环境中沙棘幼苗的内在生理调节机制出现紊乱,皇甫川流域沙棘不适宜在极端干旱环境中生长.  相似文献   

讨论了植物气孔气态失水与SPAC系统液态供水相互作用研究领域的一些重要现象和行为.当植物水力信号和化学信号共同作用促进气孔对叶水势的调节时,植物对叶水势的调节表现为等水行为.气孔对环境湿度变化响应的反馈机制可用来解释土壤干旱条件下气孔和光合的午休现象,以及气孔导度和水流导度之间的相关关系;而气孔对环境湿度变化响应的前馈机制,则可用来解释气孔导度对大气 叶片间水汽饱和差的滞后反应.植物最大限度地利用木质部传输水分的策略,要求气孔快速响应以避免木质部过度气穴化和短时间内将气穴逆转的相应机制.  相似文献   

To explore the mechanisms underlying water regulation in clonal plants and its effects on carbon assimilation under water stress, we studied the responses of water status, gas exchange and abscisic acid (ABA) contents to water stress in leaves of pairs of strawberry ramets that consist of mother and daughter ramets. There was a greater decrease in photosynthetic rates (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) in the disconnected mother ramets than the connected mother ramets upon exposure to water stress, indicating that water stress in mother ramets was alleviated by water translocation from the well‐watered daughter ramets. Conversely, the connected mother ramets displayed enhanced symptoms of water stress when the connected daughter ramets were exposed to water deficit. The mother ramets had lower water potential (ψw) due to their stronger osmotic adjustment than in well‐watered daughter ramets; this resulted in water flow from the connected daughter ramets to mother ramets, thus alleviating water stress of mother ramets. During soil drying, there was a striking increase in ABA concentrations in leaves of the disconnected mother ramets, whereas leaf bulk ABA was much lower in the connected and water‐stressed mother ramets than that in the drought‐affected mother ramets in the disconnected group. In this study, though Gs was linearly correlated with leaf bulk ABA and ψw, Gs in water‐stressed mother ramets in disconnected group exhibited less sensitivity to the variation in leaf bulk ABA and ψw than that in connected and water‐stressed mother ramets. Taken together, these results indicate that: (1) the flux of water translocation between the connected ramets is determined by a water potential gradient; (2) water translocation between connected ramets helps to keep sensitivity of Gs to ABA and ψw in drought‐affected ramets, thereby benefit to effectively maintain the homeostasis of leaf water status and (3) the improvements in Pn in water‐stressed ramets due to water translocation from well‐watered ramets suggest the advantages of physiological integration in clonal plants in environments with heterogeneous water distribution.  相似文献   

The karst habitats of southwestern China are characterized by a highly heterogeneous distribution of water resources. We hypothesized that the clonal integration between connected ramets of the clonal vine Ficus tikoua was an important adaptive strategy to the patchy distribution of water resources in these habitats. We grew ramet pairs (each consisting of a parent and an offspring ramet) in both homogeneously and heterogeneously watered conditions. The offspring ramets were well-watered, whereas their connected parent ramets were randomly assigned to four water treatments: well-watered, mild water stress, moderate water stress, and severe water stress. Increasing water stress decreased leaf water potential, relative water content, net assimilation rate, maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v/F m), and biomass of the parent ramets. Subjecting the parents to water stress significantly increased root biomass and root mass ratio (RMR) of their offspring ramets. Exploitation of plentiful water resources through the increased adventitious roots connected to another soil patch permitted the complete restoration of water relations and photosynthetic capacity of offspring ramets after an initial depression. Water relations and gas exchange of the parents were not affected by the water supply to their connected offspring ramets, suggesting that offspring ramets hardly exported water to the stressed parents. However, net assimilation rate and proline content of the offspring ramets increased when they were connected to water-stressed parents. The compensatory photosynthetic responses of offspring ramets connected to stressed parents revealed an increasing trend as the experiment progressed. Morphological and physiological plasticity of F. tikoua in response to heterogeneous water resources allow them to adapt to karst habitats and be suitable candidates for vegetation restoration projects.  相似文献   

钱永强  孙振元  韩蕾  巨关升 《生态学报》2010,30(15):3966-3973
异质环境下,克隆植物通过生理整合机制使资源在分株间实现共享,提高了其对异质性环境的适应能力,具有重要的生态进化意义,研究生理整合机制及其调控机理可为进一步发掘克隆植物应用潜力提供理论依据。以野牛草3个相连分株为材料,对其中一个分株用30%聚乙二醇6000(PEG-6000)模拟水分胁迫,通过Hoagland营养液培养试验,研究了异质水分环境下光合同化物在野牛草相连分株间的生理整合及分株叶片与根系内源激素ABA与IAA含量的变化规律。结果表明,14C-光合同化物在克隆片断内存在双向运输,但以向顶运输为主,异质水分环境下,受胁迫分株光合同化物的输出率明显降低,而与其相邻分株合成的光合同化物向受胁迫分株方向运输率明显增加;异质水分环境下,各分株ABA含量均明显增加,但以受胁迫的分株叶片及根系ABA的含量增加幅度最大,各分株IAA含量较对照均显著下降(P0.05),且以受胁迫分株IAA含量下降幅度最大;各分株叶片与根系ABA/IAA均显著提高(P0.05),相邻分株ABA/IAA增加幅度低于受胁迫分株。异质水分环境影响野牛草克隆分株间光合同化物的生理整合,且ABA与IAA在分株间光合同化物运输与分配过程中具有重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

Abstract. Maize seedlings ( Zea mays L. John Innes F1 hybrid) were grown in a greenhouse in l-m-long tubes of soil. When the plants were well established, water was withheld from half of the tubes. Control plants were watered every day during the 20-d experimental period. The soil drying treatment resulted in a substantial restriction of stomatal conductance and a limitation in shoot growth, even though there was no detectable difference in the water relations of watered and unwatered plants. From day 7 of the soil drying treatment, xylem ABA concentrations (measured using the sap exuded from detopped plants) were substantially increased in unwatered plants compared to values recorded with sap from plants watered every day. Measurements of water potential through the profile of unwatered soil suggest that xylem ABA concentrations reflects the extent of soil drying. Leaf ABA content was a much less sensitive indicator of the effect of soil drying and during the whole of experimental period there was no significant difference between ABA concentration in leaves of well watered and unwatered plants. In a second set of experiments, ABA was fed to part of the roots of potted maize plants to manipulate xylem ABA concentration. These manipulations suggested that the increases in ABA concentration in xylem sap, which resulted from soil drying, were adequate to explain the observed variation in stomatal conductance and might also explain the restriction in leaf growth rate. These results are discussed in the light of recent work which suggests that stomatal responses to soil drying are partly attributable to an as-yet unidentified inhibitor of stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the invasion of the clonal plant Spartina alterniflora into coastal wetlands at lower elevations. In this experiment, we tested whether clonal integration improved flood tolerance in S. alterniflora daughter ramets. Daughter ramets at two growth stages (young and old ramets) were flooded to water levels of 0, 9 and 18 cm above the soil surface, and the rhizomes between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Biomasses of connected ramets grown in controls or in shallow and deep water treatments were 119%, 108% and 149% higher in the old ramet group than those of severed ramets, respectively, whereas they were 3.0, 3.3 and 11.2 times higher in the young ramet group, respectively. At the end of the experimental period, the shoot height, connected with young ramets, in shallow and deep water treatments increased by 19% and 26%, respectively, over that in the control treatments, whereas the old ramets increased by 11% and 39%, respectively. In contrast, the shoot height of the severed young ramets was 27% and 26% lower in shallow and deep water treatments than in the control treatment, respectively. However, the shoot height of the severed old ramets remained constant with increasing water depth. We conclude that clonal integration enhances the flood tolerance of S. alterniflora daughter ramets, and the trait of clonal integration plays more important roles in severe flooding stress conditions and at early growth stages.  相似文献   

The capacity to exchange resources and non-resource agents is one of the most outstanding features of clonal plants. Contrast between patches in a heterogeneous environment is the main external driving force behind integration effects. It was hypothesized, on the basis of the source–sink hypothesis, that assimilate demand from drought-stressed ramets will result in enhancement of the photosynthesis of well-watered ramets by a mechanism of feedback regulation, that the negative effect of drought on the photosynthesis of drought-stressed ramets will be ameliorated by physiological integration, and that these effects will be enhanced by increasing contrast. A pot experiment was conducted with clonal fragments consisting of two interconnected ramets of Fragaria orientalis. In the experiment, both the connected and the disconnected clonal fragments were divided into three water contrast groups: (1) homogeneous (no contrast) group; (2) low-contrast group; (3) high-contrast group. The photosynthesis and stress tolerance of drought-stressed ramets did not decrease under the support of well-watered ramets when they were connected, allowing clones to maintain their performance in less favorable environments. But the photosynthesis and stress tolerance of drought-stressed ramets decreased with increasing drought-stress when stolons were disconnected. With a feedback regulation process, the photosynthesis of well-watered ramets connected to drought-stressed ramets was enhanced by the latter, which can compensate, at least partially, for the cost of maintaining the stressed ramets. Drought-stressed ramets gained more benefits in a high-contrast environment than in a lower-contrast environment; this can enhance the survival of drought-stressed ramets in unfavorable habitats, especially stressed patches that would otherwise be unexploitable by independent ramets. But photosynthesis of well-watered ramets did not increase with increasing water availability contrast. It can be concluded that photosynthesis and stress tolerance of F. orientalis was affected by clonal integration and by contrasts of water availability.  相似文献   

Sunflower plants ( Helianihus animus cv. Tall Single Yellow} were grown in the greenhouse in drain pipes (100 mm inside diameter and 1 m long) rilled with John Innes No. 2 compost. When the fifth leaf had emerged, half of the plants were left unwatered for 6 days, rewatered for 2 days and then not watered for another 12 days. Measurements of water relations and abaxial stomatal conductance were made at each leaf position at regular intervals during the experimental period. Estimates were also made of soil water potentials along the soil profile and of ABA concentrations in xylem sap and leaves.
Soil drying led to some reduction in stomatal conductance alter only 3 days but leaf turgors were not reduced until day 13 (6 days after rewatering). When the water relations of leaves did change, older leases became substantially dehydrated while high turgors were recorded in younger leaves. Leaf ABA content measured on the third youngest leaf hardly changed over the first 13 days of the experiment, despite substantial soil drying, while xylem ABA concentrations changed very significantly and dynamically as soil water status varied, even when there was no effect of soil drying on leaf water relations. We argue that the highest ABA concentrations in the xylem, found as a result of substantial soil drying, arise from synthesis in both the roots and the older leaves, and act to delay the development of water deficit in younger leases.
In other experiments ABA solutions were watered on to the root systems of sunflower plants to increase ABA concentrations in xylem sap. The stomatal response to applied ABA was quantitatively very similar to that to ABA generated as a result of soil drying. There was a log-linear relationship between the reduction of leaf conductance and the increase of ABA concentration m xylem sap.  相似文献   

克隆整合影响严重光胁迫下第一分株世代的生长和沉积物特征但不影响 后续分株世代的生长和沉积物特征 克隆整合通过缓冲环境压力和提高资源获取效率使克隆植物受益。然而,在一个克隆系统中,受益于克隆整合的连接分株世代的数量很少受到关注。我们进行了一个盆栽实验来评估沉水植物苦草 (Vallisneria natans)克隆系统内的生理整合程度,该克隆系统由一个母株和3个依次连接的后代分株组成。 母株生长在正常光照下,而后代分株被严重遮荫。母株与后代分株间的匍匐茎被切断或保持连接,但3个后代分株之间的连接仍然存在。与遮荫的后代分株连接时,苦草未遮荫的母株的光合能力显著增强,但其生物量积累大大减少。克隆整合显著增加了第一分株世代(相邻分株)的生物量积累和土壤的碳氮可用性、胞外酶活性和微生物生物量,但没有增加后续分株世代的这些特征。我们的结果表明,在严重光胁迫下,来自苦草母株的支持可能仅限于克隆系统中相邻的后代分株,这暗示着一个分株世代的效应。我们的结果有助于更好地理解克隆植物的层次结构和分段化。这些发现表明克隆整合程度在分株种群的生态相互作用中起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Many clonal plants consist of many connected individual ramets, allowing them to share water and nutrients via physiological integration. Integration among ramets may also improve the ability of clonal plants to tolerate abiotic stress or improve the competitive ability of individual ramets. Here I use a field experiment to determine whether clonal integration improves ramet performance for a widespread clonal tree species invading into native prairie. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) dominates the southern treeline in western Canada, has long-lived belowground connections between mother and daughter ramets, and reproduces vegetatively via resprouting rhizomes after disturbance. I applied two competition treatments (neighbors present or absent) and two clonal integration treatments (belowground rhizomes between mother and daughter ramets either severed or left intact) to 12 replicate Populus daughter ramets at each of three sites. Neighbors improved the survivorship of Populus ramets by 25-35% after 2 yr, but decreased growth by ~20%. Clonal integration tended to improve ramet survival and growth, but these trends were often not significant. Clonal integration did not alter the effects of competition from neighboring vegetation, suggesting that connections between ramets do not necessarily improve the competitive ability of Populus invading into native prairie.  相似文献   

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