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Intorno alla esistenza di forme di canapa diverse per caratteri morfofisologici entro la popolazione solitamente coltivata nella prov. di Torino e che dal maggior centro di diffusione e smercio, Carmagnola, porta il nome, l'A. ha dato pi[ugrave] d'una dimostrazione. Proseguendo la strada iniziata or è un quindicennio, questà indagine tratta della germinabilità della canapa nelle sue espressioni di potenza germinativa (% di semi nati), energia germinaliva (rapidità di germinazione) e longevilà (durata della vitalità dei semi) alla stregua di manifestazioni d'ordine genofenotipico. Onde poter affrontare le non facili ricerche è stato necessario analizzate le cause, di natura a così dire ambientale, che in un senso o nell'altro influenzano la germinabilità della canapuccia. Tra esac, l'A. ha indagato le seguenti:

a) lo stadio di maturazione del seme;

b) il sistema di raccolta del seme;

c) il mezzo o ambiente di conservazione del seme quanto a temperatura e umidità relativa dell'aria;

d) il sistema di conservazione del seme.

Ciò fatto, l'A. passa all'analisi del comportamento ereditario della germinabilità partendo da linee puree di canapa a bassa e ad alta potenza germinativa, a bassa e ad alta energia germinativa estratte, or è un decennio, dalla predetta popolazione di Cannabis saliva. Le ricerche hanno dimostrato che nella fecondazione incestuosa della canapa è possibile ottenere linee diverse nella germinabilità; che tanto la potenza quanto l'energia germinativa sono caratteri ereditari; che la fecondazione incrociata annulla il carattere « bassa germinabilità » emerso nell'incesto e dovuto probabilmente a fattori letali onde s'ottengono forme di canapa a germinabilità elevata anche nelle generazioni — in libera fecondazione — successive alla prima; che la potenza e l'energia germinativa sembrano caratteri geneticamente complessi e sono tra loro indipendenti; che la longevità della canapuccia è apparsa indipendente, dal lato creditario, dalla potenza e dalla energia germinativa accertate nel primo anno di vita di essa.  相似文献   

<正>苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是世界重要的苹果害虫,原产于欧洲中南部,现在已经入侵世界5大洲71个国家。该入侵昆虫1953年首次报道在中国新疆发现,目前已入侵新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、黑龙  相似文献   

MoP中。几or“qeeK“e np“enoc叱几eH“,IK几月aREPosaH“幻y3旧epe众双a日Ho一zP”朋eKa刀““nPo只。卫狱a助T nPHa月eKaTb K ee6e BH“MaH“e aHaToM阳·代PH溯oros,Ho,Ke咪a几eHH幻,八0代x flop OH“ocTaIOTc只Bce水cHe双OCTaToqHo”3y叨HH日MH· KaK H3留eTHo,HeRoTop目e eoe江eH。,0 Mop中朗orM“6e几RH”MeloTe只B Tpy仄axC·K .Hoffmann“H.weyoberzh(2572),:M:彻or”,月e丁,r”。neps目e6日几0 onoeaoaF .G,Parsons,(189斗).Qe仄yeTo及HaKoo丁Me丁。T、,qTo onoeaH“e Parson,毗八oe,aTo·qHo…  相似文献   


Observations on needle length and longevity of Pinus pinea L. - We investigated needle length and longevity of Pinus pinea L. to understand their ecological significance. Samplings regarded five coastal pinewoods (four in the province of Grosseto, one in the province of Lucca) and isolated trees in different sites of Tuscany. We found a significant variation in needle length among different positions of the crown (central, intermediate and peripheral), among individuals of the same site and among different sites; isolated trees showed longer needles and a longer retention than pines in stands. We also obtained a highly significant linear regression between length of different-aged needles (from 1988 to 1992) and rainfall of the period march-august of the same years. Our results suggest that, despite its high variability, needle ength is influenced by climatic conditions (overall by rainfalls) and by the water availability of the site where pines grow. Needle retention depends largely on the position of needles within the crown and on the drought effect: at the upper position, three or, seldom, four-year old needle can persist if the summer drought period is not too long and the site conditions are favourable; at the lower level only two-year old needles are retained. Needle longevity decreases sharply in years with severe drought, therefore it can be used as an index of climatic and edaphic stress.  相似文献   

以海巴戟(Morinda citrifolia L.)种子为试材,在不剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上播种1年内未见发芽,在剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上发芽率最高,50d内可达75%。海巴戟子叶和下胚轴均能单独由细胞分裂素BA0.7~2.0mg/L诱导不定芽发生,不定芽可直接从外植体发生,也可从愈伤组织发生,添加生长素NAA0.05~0.1mg/L则完全抑制不定芽发生,同时强烈促进愈伤组织生长和不定根发生。带芽茎段在BA1.5mg/L配合低浓度生长素时均能通过腋芽萌发和不定芽发生而增殖。芽梢在NAA0.1mg/L、IBA0.1mg/L或IAA0.1mg/L均有根群发生,但NAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时切口愈伤组织较多,部分不定根由愈伤组织发生。而IAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时根群欠发达,以IBA0.1mg/L最佳。  相似文献   

用试管受精方法来克服远缘杂交不亲和性,以获得用常规杂交技术所不能得到的远缘杂种,仅有石竹科和茄科的例子,而且其中也尚缺乏细胞学和生化方面的资料。在栽培红花烟草×栽培黄花烟草中的种间试管受精工作迄今尚未见报道。我们用试管受精方法在上述种间杂交组合中克服了烟草远缘杂交不亲和性并获得了种间杂种,同时对其进行了形态学和细胞学观察以及过氧化物酶同功酶分析。供试材料为栽培红花烟草(Nicotianatabacum L.cv.千斤黄,2n=48)和栽培黄花烟草(M.rustica L.cv.蛤蟆烟、羊耳烟,2n=48)。其杂交组合为:千斤黄×蛤蟆烟和千斤黄×羊耳烟。  相似文献   

伊宁苹果蠹蛾(Carpocapsa pomonella L.)之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

红毛丹(Nephelium lappaceum L.)生态适应性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用欧氏距离统计方法,对海南18县市与泰国、马来西亚红毛丹主产区的7个主要气候因子间的距离相似程度进行了分析,发现海南岛保亭县是红毛丹最佳气候宜植区。这与海南试种结果完全吻合,通过实地调查、土样采集分析,结合多年观察以及同泰国、马来西亚产区对比分析,初步明确了引种红毛丹的生态环境条件要求。  相似文献   

岩高兰(Empetrum nigrum L.)新变种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马俊莹  张悦 《植物研究》2002,22(4):389-389
发表了采自大兴安岭的岩高兰,与原种的主要区别为果白色(非黑色)。命名为Empetrum nigrum L. var. albium J. Y. Ma et Y. Zhang。  相似文献   

1.狼尾草花粉可以在水稻柱头上萌发并能长入胚囊,但受精过程缓慢而且不正常,单受精现象经常出现。2.胚胎发育滞缓,长时间停留在球状胚阶段,很难进一步分化,而且不时败育,只在传粉后16—24天的一些胚囊中看到有简单分化的胚胎。3.胚乳发育异常,由游离核形成细胞的时间推迟到传粉后第八天。整个胚乳组织由形状及功能上均有很大差异的细胞团块组成。其中一部分细胞缺乏合成淀粉的能力,胚乳在发育过程中不时出现解体现象。4.在反足细胞附近的一些珠心细胞中出现多量淀粉积累,反映因杂交而出现的胚囊代谢上的某些变化。讨论了胚和胚乳发育困难的原因和得到杂种种子的可能性。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的受精作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对四个水稻品种的双受精过程作了细胞形态学的观察。作者看到,水稻在受精过程中常常有多条花粉管相继伸向珠孔,并把花粉管内含物注入胚囊。注入胚囊的内含物进入两助细胞之一,在卵细胞的一侧形成钩状构造。当合子发育成原胚时,钩状构造就逐渐消失。卵细胞与极核,除了通常的单精受精以外,有少数可能是属于多精受精的现象。卵细胞多精受精时,超数精子不但进入细胞质,而且进入细胞核。精子还可能进入原胚的胚胎细胞。  相似文献   

本试验采用常规压片技术,对两种应用较广的中药材——红花和党参的染色体核型进行了分析,其结果报道如下: 1.红花(图1):淋细胞染色体数为2n=24,有10对染色体具中部着丝点,1对具随体(表1),2对染色体为亚中部着丝点。核型公式为:2n=24=20m(2SAT)+4sm。染色体绝对长度介于1.990μm-3.483μm之间,相对长度变动幅度为3.663—4.649。  相似文献   

Martin  A. J.  Seaby  R. M. H.  Young  J. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,273(2):67-75
The effect of predator and prey body size on the feeding success of the British lake-dwelling leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis was examined in the laboratory, and any involvement of size difference between the leeches in allowing coexistence in the field assessed. G. complanata breeds in advance of H. stagnalis and maintains a body size advantage throughout their annual life-cycle. In experiments, conducted at 14 °C and a photoperiod of 16 hrs L: 8 hrs D, three size classes of leeches of each species were each exposed to each of three size classes of each of five prey species, viz. Tubifex sp., Chironomus sp., Asellus aquaticus, Lymnaea peregra and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. For each prey species, three different types of experiments were performed: one leech exposed to four prey individuals; four leeches of the same species with sixteen prey; and two leeches of each species with sixteen prey. In the first experiment, all sizes of G. complanata were capable of feeding on all sizes of the prey types offered; the same was true for H. stagnalis with exceptions of feeding on large A. aquaticus and large L. peregra. For both species, but especially for G. complanata, there was a trend within each size class of leech for decreasing proportions of fed leeches with increasing prey size, and within each size class of prey for an increasing proportion of fed leeches with increasing leech size; however there were several exceptions to these trends. Both leeches fed extensively on Tubifex sp. but there were significant differences in the proportions feeding on other prey types; G. complanata fed more on A. aquaticus and the two snail species, and less on Chironomus, than H. stagnalis. The effect of increasing the number of leech individuals from one to four individuals, of the same or mixed species, had little effect on the proportion of leeches which had fed. It is concluded that large G. complanata will have access to large individuals of certain prey taxa denied H. stagnalis, which may lessen the intensity of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

山茶属华东山茶(Camellia japonica)是我国的传统名花,从生殖生物学、细胞染色体、遗传多样性、育种方法、繁殖技术、化学成分、园林观赏价值、生态价值、食用、油用及药用价值等方面对华东山茶的研究进展进行综述,并对华东山茶未来的育种方向和开发前景进行展望。将现代分子育种与传统育种手段结合运用,同时进一步深入挖掘华东山茶的油用和药用价值并对其合理地开发利用是未来的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾(Carpocapsa pomonella L.)在我国的新发现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张学祖 《昆虫学报》1957,(4):467-472
苹果蠹蛾的原产地为欧洲,是世界上具有毁灭性的果虫之一。我国向无此虫之报导及描述。1953年作者到南疆库尔勒调查果虫时,发现此虫,为害极其猖獗。此后曾在全疆各地调查,方知此虫遍及北疆塔城、伊犁果区,乌鲁木齐专区的玛纳斯、吐鲁番及鄯善,南疆沿塔里木盆地边缘之库尔勒、轮台、库车、沙雅、新和、拜城、温宿、阿克苏、伽  相似文献   

鉴于云杉大树蜂(又名冷杉大树蜂)在我国研究报导的资料很少,及一般《森林昆虫学》书籍对雄虫形态特征记载有错误,兹根据我们1955—1957年在甘肃兴隆山林区所采到的标本和片断观察,简要叙述如下。 一、为害情况 仅为害青杆(Picea wilsonii Mast.)(又名魏氏云杉)的濒死木、枯立木及新伐倒木,幼虫在木盾部蛀食成许多粗大的隧道。树木受害严重时,每株树上有羽化孔达20余个,使木材工艺价值大为降低。如把未发现羽化孔的被害木材用作建筑等,将会造成更大损害。 二、形态特征 成虫 雌虫体长为20—35毫米,雄虫20—25毫米。体呈圆筒形,大部分为黑色而有光泽。触角丝状,雌虫为黄褐色,雄虫为暗褐色。头部两侧复眼后方、足的胫节和跗节(除雄虫后足外)均力黄褐色。翅膜盾透明黄褐色,脉纹茶褐色。雌虫腹部第1、2、7、8节及第9节后缘两侧与末端的角状空起为赤褐色或褐色,第3—6节及第9节大部分为黑色;而雄虫腹部第1、2  相似文献   

甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)品种S基因型鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈晓流  陈学森  束怀瑞 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1142-1148
根据蔷薇科S-RNase基因(S基因)高度保守区C2和RC4区设计一对特异引物PruC2和PruC4R,对甜樱桃品种的基因组DNA进行S基因特异PCR扩增。克隆S基因的扩增片段,核酸序列在GenBank上搜索,确定了4种S基因的核酸序列和大小。结果表明,在琼脂糖凝胶上位置相同的扩增带其核酸序列相同,是同一种S基因。4种S基因扩增片段的大小分别是:S1为677bp,S3为762bp,S4为945bp,S6为456bp。参试的自交不亲和品种的S基因型分别是:红灯、红艳、早红宝石和先锋相同,为S1S3;抉择、红丰和那翁相同,为S3S4;大紫为S1S6;长把红为S1S4;养老为S2S6;自交亲和品种外引7号和斯太拉为S3S4。  相似文献   

玉米(Zea mays L.)叶脉发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈健辉   《广西植物》1999,19(1):65-69+97
玉米的叶脉在单子叶植物中有一定的代表性,叶脉由四级组成,粗细不同的一、二、三级叶脉均从叶基向叶尖方向延伸,属叶片的纵向叶脉,四级脉横向与一、二、三级叶脉连接,是横向的叶脉,各级叶脉有各自的形成方式,由于它们有规律的分布,从而构成了叶片的输导网络,各级叶脉的发生和发育与叫片的生长有直接的关系。  相似文献   

杨属(Populus L.)种质资源遗传学评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨属(Populus L.)种质资源极其丰富, 为了有效保存、合理利用杨属种质资源, 国内外开展了大量的种质资源遗传学评价研究。该文在介绍杨树系统分类的基础上, 概述了白杨派、青杨派和黑杨派等在生物学特性、抗性(耐盐、抗旱、抗冻及抗病虫)、适应性及DNA遗传多态性等方面的遗传学评价研究进展, 重点讨论了杨树种质资源评价研究中存在的问题和不足, 并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘建国 《植物研究》1991,11(1):101-107
本文论述了猪毛菜属系统分类的简史。依据该属的系统分类新资料,对我国猪毛菜属的分组系统作了进一步整理,将国产猪毛菜属植物归为6组5亚组。文中还讨论了该属的起源发生、迁移、分化以及地理分布等问题。  相似文献   

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