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食品微生物学实验课立体化教学体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对食品微生物学实验课教学内容、教学手段和方法以及考核方法等方面进行改革,构建了一套基础性实验—综合提高性实验—创新性实验的立体化实验教学体系,使其教学系统化、课程层次化、内容多样化,使学生的综合能力得到了良好的训练,培养了创新意识和综合实验能力,达到了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

"微生物学"课程是高等教育生命科学教学中一门重要的基础课程。微生物学实验作为独立于微生物学理论课的基础实验课,对学生基本实验技能的培养和综合素质的提高,培养学生探索精神、创新意识和创新能力方面起着至关重要的作用。南开大学微生物学教学实验室依托"微生物学"国家重点学科、"教育部分子微生物学重点实验室"和"国家级生物实验教学示范中心",建立了多级别分层次的微生物学实验教学体系;确立了由基础性实验、综合性实验、创新性实验相结合的实验内容;同时充分利用本校教学科研资源优势,为学生搭建了多级别的科研创新训练实践平台,着重培养学生的科研素质、创新意识和创新能力,在微生物学科研创新型人才的培养中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

创新性综合实验在食品科学专业人才培养中应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以培养学生综合素质为指导思想,针对传统实验教学中的不足,在食品微生物实验中建立新的实验教学体系,验证性实验改为连续综合性实验,逐步引入创新设计性实验。微生物学实验改革使学生的综合能力得到了良好的训练,同时提供了实践的平台,学生可以将自己的创意通过创新性综合实验付诸实施,培养了创新意识和综合实验能力,收到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

"食品微生物学"是高等院校食品科学与工程、食品质量与安全及其相关专业的一门必修专业基础课,该课程实验技术是食品类专业学生必须掌握的基本技能,而传统的实验教学存在着与就业岗位需求脱节、学生参与度低等诸多问题,难以培养学生独立完成岗位工作的能力。为了培养学生的综合实践能力,适应就业岗位需求,保证该课程的实践教学质量,课题组通过调研30余家就业单位微生物岗位实际,将课程原有实验教学内容整合为两大综合性实验项目,涵盖了食品微生物学全部基本实验技能。实践表明,两大综合性实验项目的开展可有效提高食品微生物学实验教学效果,使学生全面获得食品微生物学的基本实验技能,有助于提高学生的综合能力,实现学生与就业岗位的无缝对接。  相似文献   

改革微生物学实验教学,提高学生实验技能   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
微生物学是一门实验性和应用性很强的学科,它具有一套独特的实验技术和方法,微生物学实验技术已被广泛应用于生产实践、科学研究过程中.从课程实验和综合实验两方面就不断改进微生物学实验教学,训练学生基本实验操作技能,培养学生综合创新能力的方法和途径.  相似文献   

微生物学实验作为独立于微生物学理论课的基础实验课程, 是当代生命科学中一门重要的专业必修课。南开大学“微生物学”国家精品课程教学组针对提升大学生核心竞争力的培养目标, 在实验教学中以夯实基本实验技能为指导思想, 建立了分层次的微生物学实验内容; 采用分级式教学新模式, 以强化基本技能训练为基石, 全面提升学生的综合素质, 激发学生的创新能力; 并将实验素养纳入实验成绩的评价体系, 规范学生的科研道德。  相似文献   

食品微生物学实验课教学改革的初步探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高学生实验动手能力和实验教学效果 ,对食品科学与工程专业《食品微生物学》实验课教学进行了改革探索 ,在原有实验的基础上增加了综合性大实验“食品卫生微生物指标检测”。对实验教学方法进行了改革 ,结果证明 :综合实验对学生实验动手能力有很大提高。实验教学方法的改革 ,提高了实验教学效果。  相似文献   

微生物学开放性实验的探索与研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
微生物学是生物工程专业的主干课程,其对学生的实践能力要求很高,目前实验教学中,验证性实验较多,而综合性、设计性实验相对不足的问题很突出。为了更好地提高学生的微生物学实验技能,培养学生在较高的层次上发现问题并解决问题的能力,从2006学年起,微生物学实验课程在原教学计划的基础上增加了一个开放性综合大实验——环境中微生物的分离纯化培养及鉴定大实验,要求学生独立查阅文献、设计实验方案,并在教师的指导下完成整个实验过程,并将此综合实验与学校创新大赛相结合,提高了学生的兴趣和积极性。通过此项训练,学生对微生物学的操作技能有了显著的提高,其独立解决问题及团队协作能力也得以增强。经过5年的实践,证明该模式取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

改革微生物学实验教学,激发学生创新潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养创新型人才是"双一流"的重要建设任务,微生物学实验作为生物学科的重要基础课程,对学生实践能力和综合素质的提高,培养学生的创新意识和科研精神起着至关重要的作用。通过理清微生物学实验项目间内在联系,优化实验方案,构建细菌分离鉴定综合实验,改革微生物学实验教学体系;同时,引入新媒体教学,改革考评方式,以注重培养学生的学习兴趣、自主学习能力、创新思维和综合能力。  相似文献   

《医学微生物学及实验技术》是医学实验技术专业的一门重要专业主干课程,该课程的实验技术部分是学生必须掌握的基本技能。经过数年的教学实践,本着培养应用型人才的目标和重实践教学的教学理念,引入企业实践教学,逐步形成了"医学微生物学实验技术"教学体系,由基础性实验、综合性实验、企业实践三部分组成,并初步建立和实施了形成性考核评价体系。教学实践表明,学生较为全面地掌握了医学微生物学实验技术,对全面提高学生的实验实践能力和综合素质有所助益,有效提高了医学微生物学实验技术教学效果。  相似文献   

Molecular biophysics is a broad, diverse, and dynamic field that has presented a variety of unique challenges and opportunities for training future generations of investigators. Having been or currently being intimately associated with the Molecular Biophysics Training Program at Northwestern, we present our perspectives on various issues that we have encountered over the years. We propose no cookie-cutter solutions, as there is no consensus on what constitutes the "ideal" program. However, there is uniformity in opinion on some key issues that might be useful to those interested in establishing a biophysics training program.  相似文献   

A study of 1 year was performed on nine elite endurance-trained athletes (swimmers) and on eight elite strength-trained athletes (weightlifters) in order to examine the effects of training on the endocrine responses and on physical performance capacity. The measurements for the determination of serum hormone concentrations were performed at about 4-month intervals during the course of the year. The primary findings demonstrated that during the first and most intensive training period of the year in preparing for the primary competitions similar but statistically insignificant changes were observed in the concentrations of serum testosterone, free testosterone and cortisol in both the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups. After that period the changes in hormonal response over the year were infrequent and minor. A significant (p less than 0.01) decrease occurred in the strength-trained group in serum-free testosterone during the second period, which was characterized by the highest overall amount of training. Over the entire year the concentrations of serum hormones remained statistically unaltered in both groups. Slight but statistically insignificant increases of 1.2% +/- 0.8% and 2.1% +/- 5.1% were observed in the competitive performances over the year in the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups, respectively. The present findings in the two groups of elite athletes, who differed greatly with regard to the type of physiological loading, demonstrated that the overall hormonal responses both during the most intensive and during prolonged training periods were rather similar and the infrequent small changes remained well within the normal physiological range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training of one side of the body on the muscle torques and power output on the trained and untrained side. Seventeen female and twenty-two male students were subject to a four-week knee joint power training regimen on a specially designed stand. The subjects were divided into two groups: a training group (female – N = 11 and male – N = 16) and a control group (female – N = 6 and male – N = 6). Effectiveness of power training on the stand described previously was estimated based on bilateral knee torque and power under static and isokinetic conditions. The experiment lasted for 39 days and was preceded by preliminary studies (pre-training). Control measurements in training groups were made after four weeks of training (post-training) and after the next two weeks (de-training). Power training caused an insignificant increase in force and power in both groups for the untrained leg and a significant increase in RMS EMG. Therefore, the study confirmed the hypothesis that resistance training performed in dynamic conditions can affect the contralateral limb and may also trigger delayed adaptations to training conditions during the detraining phase. Sex differences in adaptation to power training are not clear; however, the differences in gains in contralateral effects between men and women were not confirmed.  相似文献   

Changes in the testosterone concentrations after single sessions of endurance and strength training were measured in seven well trained men, experienced in both forms of training. Both training sessions were rated as hard to very hard on the Borg scale. Blood samples for testosterone measurements were taken before, immediately after, and 2, 4 and 6 h after the training sessions as well as the next morning. The mean testosterone concentration increased 27% (P less than 0.02) and 37% (P less than 0.02) during the strength and endurance training session, respectively. Two hours after the training sessions the mean testosterone concentration had returned to the pre-training level and remained at that level for the length of the observation period. There were no significant differences in the changes in testosterone concentration after strength and endurance training but there were large differences in the testosterone response at the level of the individual. A high correlation (r = 0.98; P less than 0.001) for individuals was found between increases in testosterone concentration after strength and after endurance training. It was concluded that the changes in mean testosterone values followed the same timecourse after single sessions of strength and endurance training of the same duration and perceived exertion. The interindividual differences in testosterone response may be of importance for individual adaptation to training.  相似文献   

Implementing user-driven treadmill control in gait training programs for rehabilitation may be an effective means of enhancing motor learning and improving functional performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of a user-driven treadmill control scheme on walking speeds, anterior ground reaction forces (AGRF), and trailing limb angles (TLA) of healthy adults. Twenty-three participants completed a 10-m overground walking task to measure their overground self-selected (SS) walking speeds. Then, they walked at their SS and fastest comfortable walking speeds on an instrumented split-belt treadmill in its fixed speed and user-driven control modes. The user-driven treadmill controller combined inertial-force, gait parameter, and position based control to adjust the treadmill belt speed in real time. Walking speeds, peak AGRF, and TLA were compared among test conditions using paired t-tests (α = 0.05). Participants chose significantly faster SS and fast walking speeds in the user-driven mode than the fixed speed mode (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference between the overground SS walking speed and the SS speed from the user-driven trials (p < 0.05). Changes in AGRF and TLA were caused primarily by changes in walking speed, not the treadmill controller. Our findings show the user-driven treadmill controller allowed participants to select walking speeds faster than their chosen speeds on the fixed speed treadmill and similar to their overground speeds. Since user-driven treadmill walking increases cognitive activity and natural mobility, these results suggest user-driven treadmill control would be a beneficial addition to current gait training programs for rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的 旨在通过对我院岗前培训8年经验的总结,摸索出一套在医院文化背景下的岗前培训体系。方法 采用问卷方法对2007—2009年新员工岗前培训效果进行匿名调查,并使用Excel进行数据录入和统计。结果 调查对象中76.63%的员工对师资配置情况及课程设置情况表示满意,54.08%的员工对培训时间与进度表示很合适,69.47%的员工对培训保障措施表示满意,69.42%和80.08%的员工分别对授课形式和培训受益情况表示满意。结论 医院文化及人文医学培训是医院人力资源处岗前培训的核心内容,这对每个从医人员树立正确的职业价值观具有指导作用和现实意义。岗前培训中培训师的授课技巧、专业知识及能力有待进一步提高,今后应不断完善内部培训师的培养途径与方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨短期整体身心调节法练习者的全身皮肤电导反应特点。方法:采用单因素完全随机实验设计,将68名在校大学生分为整体身心调节组和放松组,分别进行为期10天的整体身心调节训练和经典的肌肉放松训练,并于训练前和训练结束后,测试两组学生身体7个分支的皮肤电导反应。结果:训练前,大学生前3支皮肤电导反应大于后4支;训练10天后,与训练前相比,整体身心调节训练组第1、2支皮肤电导反应显著减小,7个分支的皮肤电导反应出现均衡的规律;放松训练组学生身体7个分支皮肤电导反应变化不显著。结论:短期整体身心调节法形成了全身皮肤电导反应的均衡,可能反映短期整体身心调节法的整体身心相互作用原理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of unilateral isometric leg extension strength training on the strength and integrated electromyogram (IEMG) of both the trained and untrained limbs at multiple joint angles. A training (TRN) group [nine women; mean (SD) age, 20(1) years] exercised for 6 weeks with isometric leg extensions at 80% of maximal isometric torque. A control (CTL) group [eight women; 21(1) years] did not exercise. The training was performed three times per week on a Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer at a joint angle where the lever arm was 0.79 rad below the horizontal plane. The subjects were tested pre- and posttraining for maximal unilateral isometric torque in both limbs at joint angles of zero, 0.26, 0.79,1.31, and 1.57 rad below the horizontal plane. Bipolar surface electrodes were used to record the IEMG of the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) during the isometric tests. Three univariate (torque, IEMG-VL, and IEMG-VM) four-way (group x time x limb x angle) mixed factorial ANOVAs were used to analyze the data. The results indicated joint angle specificity for isometric torque in the TRN group only, with significant increases in torque at 0.79 (P = 0.0004) and 1.31 (P = 0.0039) rad. No significant increases in torque were found in the untrained limb of the TRN group or in either limb of the CTL group. Similarly, there were no significant changes in IEMG as a result of the training for the VL or VM. The joint-angle-specific strength increases without concomitant increases in IEMG were hypothesized to result from joint-angle-specific decreases in antagonistic co-contraction and/or preferential hypertropy of the quadriceps femoris at specific levels of the muscle group.  相似文献   

目的:探讨短期整体身心调节法练习者的全身皮肤电导反应特点。方法:采用单因素完全随机实验设计,将68名在校大学生分为整体身心调节组和放松组,分别进行为期10天的整体身心调节训练和经典的肌肉放松训练,并于训练前和训练结束后,测试两组学生身体7个分支的皮肤电导反应。结果:训练前,大学生前3支皮肤电导反应大于后4支;训练10天后,与训练前相比,整体身心调节动I练组第1、2支皮肤电导反应显著减小,7个分支的皮肤电导反应出现均衡的规律;放松训练组学生身体7个分支皮肤电导反应变化不显著。结论:短期整体身心调节法形成了全身皮肤电导反应的均衡,可能反映短期整体身心调节法的整体身心相互作用原理。  相似文献   

To determine if exercise training alters the pattern and magnitude of plasma concentrations of proenkephalin Peptide F and epinephrine, plasma proenkephalin [107–140] Peptide Fir and catecholamines were examined pre-training (T-1), and after 4- (T-2), 8- (T-3), and 12-weeks (T-4) of training. 26 healthy men were matched and randomly assigned to one of three groups: heavy resistance strength training (Strength, n = 9), high intensity endurance training (Endurance, n = 8), or both training modalities combined (Combined, n = 9). Blood was collected using a syringe with a cannula inserted into a superficial arm vein with samples collected at rest, after each 7 min stage and 5 and 15 min into recovery. With training, all groups observed shifted plasma Peptide F responses to graded exercise, where significant increases were observed at lower exercise intensities. Increases in plasma epinephrine with exercise were observed in all groups. The Combined group saw increases at 25% at T-3 and for 50% at T-2, T-3, and T-4 which was higher than T-1. The Endurance group demonstrated increases for 50% at T-1, T-2, T-3 but not at T-4. The plasma epinephrine response to graded exercise was reduced in the Strength group. Increases in plasma norepinephrine above rest were observed starting at 50%
. The Strength group demonstrated a significant reduction in norepinephrine observed at 100% at T-3 and T-4. Peptide F and catecholamines responses to graded exercise can be altered by different types of physical exercise training. Simultaneous high intensity training may produce adrenal medulla exhaustion when compared to single mode training.  相似文献   

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