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香菇单孢杂交子代群体灰色关联度和ISSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以香菇Lentinula edodes栽培菌株秋6和K95-1为亲本,通过单孢菌株配对杂交获得21个杂交子,观察杂交子及亲本菌丝体生长情况,进行栽培出菇试验。采用灰色关联度分析法,对9个正常出菇的杂交子从8个性状方面进行综合评价,结果表明,杂交子QK-8和QK-15关联度仅次于亲本秋6,农艺性状和子实体性状表现最好。采用ISSR技术对21个杂交子及亲本进行DNA多态性聚类分析,单孢杂交后代遗传分化十分明显,归于同一类群的杂交子在菌丝生长、子实体形态和农艺性状等方面常表现相似,ISSR分析能为优良杂交子初步筛选提供重要参考。  相似文献   

渐渗杂交的研究进展及其理论实践意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渐渗杂交(Introgressive hybridization)一词最早是由Anderson和Hubricht 在1938年通过植物杂交研究提出,指两物种的杂交后代与亲本之一或双亲反复回交,把某一亲本的性状带至另一亲本.本文阐述了渐渗杂交的定义发展,各物种渐渗杂交的研究进展以及相关研究方法的发展.相关研究文献主要讨论了这样一些问题:渐渗杂交形成机制的探讨;基因渗透程度;在进化上的重要意义;对生物多样性的影响以及对物种保护上的贡献;作物育种上的应用等.最后从进化、生物多样性、作物育种等角度讨论了渐渗杂交的理论实践意义,提出了一些关于渐渗杂交有待于进一步深入研究的建议.  相似文献   

四川省小麦育成品种系谱分析及发展进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品种系谱蕴含亲本来源、选育方式、亲缘关系等大量信息,对揭示农作物品种演变特点、规律并最终指导育种实践具有重要意义。本文汇总了四川省1936~2017年间326个小麦品种的系谱信息,对育种方式、亲本构成、高频亲本及骨干亲本的变化、遗传贡献、易位系及人工合成种质分布等情况进行了梳理与分析。从20世纪30年代至今,四川省育种家从大量材料中选用387个直接亲本,采用杂交育种等方式,配制数千个组合,从256个组合中选育出314个品种,对四川省小麦生产做出了重要贡献,同时也为小麦育种提供了更为优异的材料基础。四川省小麦育种经历了从无到有,从主要依靠引进材料、地方品种到自主创制材料的过程;高频亲本、骨干亲本随育种进程推进而逐渐变化。易位系和人工合成种质对四川省小麦育种贡献巨大。育种目标的一致性必然导致遗传多样性散失和遗传基础脆弱,今后重点应加强资源的创制、保护和利用。本文通过育成品种的系谱梳理,对四川省小麦的育种发展进程进行了分析,以期为未来种质资源的收集创制和育种研究提供重要参考信息。  相似文献   

不同倍性小麦和玉米不同群体杂交诱导小麦单倍体的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自从Zenkteler等[1]首先报道了小麦×玉米受精现象以来,许多学者对六倍体普通小麦与玉米杂交进行了广泛的研究,获得单倍体的普通小麦,并筛选到一些杂交亲和性较高的亲本材料[2]。但四倍体小麦与玉米杂交研究报道较少。ODonoughue等用四倍体小麦与玉米杂交获得单倍体胚[3]。随后,Amrani等[4]和孙敬三等[5]利用这一方法相继获得四倍体小麦的单倍体苗。本文报道了不同倍性的小麦基因型与玉米不同群体杂交对诱导小麦单倍体的影响1 材料和方法1.1 亲本材料用作母本的二倍体小麦有一粒小麦(…  相似文献   

雄性不育技术在作物杂种优势利用和杂交种生产中发挥着重要作用。基于核质互作雄性不育的“三系法”与光温敏核不育的“两系法”已经在水稻等主要作物的杂交制种中获得了广泛应用,但是存在着资源利用效率低、育性不稳定、易受外界环境影响等诸多问题。近三十年来,利用生物技术创建不同类型的植物雄性不育系取得了一系列突破性进展。主要针对玉米、水稻、小麦三大作物的基因工程雄性不育技术的最新进展进行总结,特别详细地描述了本实验室最近研究创制的玉米多控不育技术体系,以期为相关研究和产业化应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

宁夏国外小麦种质资源考察、引进和利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外小麦种质资源引进在宁夏小麦引种中发挥着重要的作用。碧玉麦、阿勃、墨卡(卡杰姆F-71)、WC-20(宁春37)、9186(宁冬6号)等国外小麦品种在宁夏生产上直接利用。宁夏春小麦的品质杂交选育始于1953年,利用国外小麦种质资源先后培育出斗地1号、宁春4号等50余个春麦品种。1990年宁夏国外冬麦种质资源的引进带动了宁夏引黄灌区冬麦北移和耕作改制的研究,也引发了宁夏冬麦品种杂交选育的研究。宁夏引黄灌区冬小麦品种的杂交选育的工作始于1991年,经过15年的努力,杂交选育出第一批冬麦品种宁冬10号、宁冬11号,2010年在冬麦生产上取代了明丰5088,不仅实现了宁夏引黄灌区冬小麦品种第3次更新、实现了小麦品种的5次更新,而且使宁夏小麦生产水平跃上新台阶,有力地促进宁夏引黄灌区耕作制度改善和种植业结构的调整。  相似文献   

Ren Y  Li SR  Li J  Zhou Q  DU XY  Li TJ  Yang WY  Zheng YL 《遗传》2011,33(11):1263-1270
小麦条锈病是影响杂交小麦普及推广的重要因素。文章利用基因推导法和SSR分子标记技术,研究了温光型两系杂交小麦恢复系MR168的抗条锈性遗传规律及其控制基因染色体位置。结果表明,MR168对CY29、CY31、CY32、CY33等条锈菌生理小种表现高抗至免疫;对SY95-71/MR168杂交组合的正反交F1、BC1、F2和F3群体分单株接种鉴定显示,MR168对CY32号小种的抗性受1对显性核基因控制,该抗病基因来源于春小麦品种辽春10号。利用集群分离分析法(Bulked segregant analysis,BSA)和简单重复序列(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)分子标记分析抗病亲本MR168、感病亲本SY95-71及183个F2代单株,发现了与MR168抗条锈病基因连锁的5个微卫星标记Xgwm273、Xgwm18、Xbarc187、Xwmc269、Xwmc406,并将该基因初步定位在1BS着丝粒附近,暂命名为YrMR168;构建了包含YrMR168的SSR标记遗传图谱,距离YrMR168最近的两个微卫星位点是Xgwm18和Xbarc187,遗传距离分别为1.9 cM和2.4 cM,这两个微卫星标记可用于杂交小麦抗条锈病分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

杂交小麦品质改良技术体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生化标记辅助选择与温室加代回交育种相结合的方法,将优质高分子量谷蛋白亚基14+15与5+10的基因分别导入和聚合到高产杂交小麦‘西杂一号’亲本,用含有目标亚基的杂交小麦亲本组配杂交组合,获得含有单个优质亚基144-15、5+10和聚合这两种优质亚基的‘西杂一号’,在保持原品种高产性状的同时提高了其HMW-GS组成品质评分,有望实现杂交小麦高产优质。  相似文献   

采用大田栽培的杂交小麦901及其父本恢复系R205,母本不育系K3314A和常规小麦陕229(对照)为试材,在花后15~20d内采样,用常规石蜡切片法和显微测量的方法,对旗叶、叶鞘、穗下第一节间及穗轴的维管束结构等进行了系统测定。结果表明,杂交小麦901及其亲本恢复系花后旗叶、鞘、茎节间、穗轴的维管束数目、横截面积均比对照陕229高,输导组织发达,物质运输能力强。这些特征可能是其穗大、小穗数多、颖花较多的结构基础。其同化产物滞留源端可能是其它原因所导致。而不育系的维管束数目少,横截面积小,可能与其不育特性有关。  相似文献   

春小麦品种数量性状遗传距离的测定及其系谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,有些遗传育种工作者按品种地理来源或表现型差异的大小进行选配亲本,取得了初步成效。Bhatt在小麦育种中,对选配杂交的几种方法进行了对比,结果表明,以多元分析法选择那些遗传差异较大的亲本间杂交更有效,毛盛贤等有关这方面的研究亦得到了  相似文献   

利用杂种优势提高作物产量时, 生产杂交种的主要授粉控制系统是细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统。在杂交品种的选育过程中, 优良恢复系选育至关重要。为了高效并准确地鉴定选择恢复材料, 同时更深入地研究恢复基因的作用机理, 近年来植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因分子标记研究受到了广泛重视。本文综述了主要农作物水稻、油菜、小麦、棉花和玉米等细胞质雄性不育类型恢复基因的定位和分子标记研究进展, 并讨论了恢复基因的精确定位和分子标记鉴定在基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中的意义和应用前景。  相似文献   

利用杂种优势提高作物产量时,生产杂交种的主要授粉控制系统是细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统。在杂交品种的选育过程中,优良恢复系选育至关重要。为了高效并准确地鉴定选择恢复材料,同时更深入地研究恢复基因的作用机理,近年来植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因分子标记研究受到了广泛重视。本文综述了主要农作物水稻、油菜、小麦、棉花和玉米等细胞质雄性不育类型恢复基因的定位和分子标记研究进展,并讨论了恢复基因的精确定位和分子标记鉴定在基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中的意义和应用前景。  相似文献   


Key message

The predicted future yield potential of hybrids was competitive with lines in the near future, but on a long term the competitiveness of hybrids depends on a number of factors.


The change from line to hybrid breeding in autogamous crops is a recent controversial discussion among scientists and breeders. Our objectives were to employ wheat as a model to: (1) deliver a theoretical framework for the comparison of the selection gain of hybrid versus line breeding; (2) elaborate key parameters affecting selection gain in this comparison; (3) and evaluate the potential to modify these parameters in applied breeding programs. We developed a prediction model for future yield potential in both breeding methods as the sum of the population mean and the expected selection gain. The expected selection gain was smaller in hybrid than in line breeding and depended strongly on the hybrid seed production costs and the genetic variance available in hybrid versus line breeding. Owing to heterosis, the predicted future yield potential of hybrids was competitive with lines in the near future. On a long term, however, the competitiveness of hybrid compared to line breeding is questionable and depends on a number of factors. However, market specifications and political reasons might justify the current high interest in hybrid wheat breeding.  相似文献   

中国水稻遗传育种历程与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴比  胡伟  邢永忠 《遗传》2018,40(10):841-857
我国的水稻育种经历了矮化育种、杂种优势利用和绿色超级稻培育3次飞跃,其间伴随矮化育种(第一次绿色革命)、三系杂交稻培育、二系杂交稻培育、亚种间杂种优势利用、理想株型育种和绿色超级稻培育等6个重要历程。育种目标从唯产量是举到高抗、优质和高产并重,育种理念从高产优质逐步提升为“少投入,多产出,保护环境”。水稻功能基因组研究为第二次绿色革命准备了大量的有重要利用价值的基因,水稻育种正迈向设计育种的新时代。基因组选择技术和转基因技术将为培育“少打农药,少施化肥,节水抗旱,优质高产” 绿色超级稻保驾护航。本文对我国水稻遗传育种的发展历程进行了概括,指出了各种育种方法和育种技术的优缺点,系统介绍了水稻细胞质雄性不育和光温敏雄性核不育以及籼粳杂种不育的分子机制的研究进展,综述了水稻株型、穗型、粒形和养分高效利用相关的重要功能基因,阐明了产量与开花期联动的关系,凸显了我国水稻基础研究在国际上的重要地位。特别指出,近年来,我国水稻生产方式发生了或正在发生巨大变革,育种理念也要与时俱进。未来,杂交育种技术要与现代育种技术紧密结合,选育水稻品种不仅要满足市场需求,而且更要具备绿色健康的特点,同时还要适应新耕作制度和新耕作方法。  相似文献   

The development and adoption of hybrid seed technology have led to dramatic increases in agricultural productivity. However, it has been a challenge to develop a commercially viable platform for the production of hybrid wheat (Triticum aestivum) seed due to wheat's strong inbreeding habit. Recently, a novel platform for commercial hybrid seed production was described. This hybridization platform utilizes nuclear male sterility to force outcrossing and has been applied to maize and rice. With the recent molecular identification of the wheat male fertility gene Ms1, it is now possible to extend the use of this novel hybridization platform to wheat. In this report, we used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to generate heritable, targeted mutations in Ms1. The introduction of biallelic frameshift mutations into Ms1 resulted in complete male sterility in wheat cultivars Fielder and Gladius, and several of the selected male‐sterile lines were potentially non‐transgenic. Our study demonstrates the utility of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for the rapid generation of male sterility in commercial wheat cultivars. This represents an important step towards capturing heterosis to improve wheat yields, through the production and use of hybrid seed on an industrial scale.  相似文献   

植物雄性不育是指植物雄性生殖器官不能产生正常有功能花粉的现象.玉米(Zea mays L.)是重要的粮食作物之一,也是较早利用杂种优势的作物之一.当前,生产上广泛种植的玉米品种类型主要是单交种.我国玉米杂交种的播种面积常年稳定在6.2亿亩左右,年用种量10亿公斤以上,常年制种面积高达250多万亩.利用传统的人工去雄或机...  相似文献   

小麦新型不育类型利用潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
K、L、Sh、T、A型 5类小麦杂种 F1研究表明 :1 K、L、Sh、T4类细胞质对杂种 F1不育的恢复度和单株产量均存在不同程度的不良效应 ;2不育系易恢复性能为 K>L≥ Sh>T型 ;3 K型不育系恢复度高的一个重要原因在于小穗中部小花结实性好 ;4研究 K、L、Sh型恢复度时 ,利用国际法表示恢复度较为合理 ;5F1单株籽粒产量普遍存在优势 ,平均超双亲杂种优势为 8.57% ,具有 1 5%以上的杂种组合占总组合 2 3.33%。单株籽粒产量优势为 A>K>Sh>L>T;6产量构成因素超双亲优势为千粒重 >单株穗数 >单穗粒数 ,其中千粒重优势为 K、L、Sh≥ A>T,单穗粒数优势为 A>K>L>Sh>T,单株穗数优势为 A>L>K>Sh>T;7K、L、Sh比 T型细胞质不育类型具有更大利用潜力。  相似文献   

The most important concerns of hybrid rice breeders are selection of donors to improve parental lines and prediction of hybrid performance. In this study, SSR molecular marker technology and a half-diallel method were used to address these related hybrid production issues. The results show that genetic diversity among the parental lines is certainly related to heterosis. The heterozygosity of each parental pair is significantly associated with the general combining ability, not with the specific combining ability. However, neither genetic diversity nor heterozygosity is a good indicator for predicting heterosis. From these results, it is suggested that donors for improving parents of hybrids be selected from the improved inbred lines by conventional breeding programs. In this investigation, we also discovered that four favorable alleles and six favorable heterogenic patterns on the parental lines significantly contribute to the heterosis of their hybrids in grain yield, whereas six unfavorable alleles and six unfavorable heterogenic patterns significantly reduce heterosis. These noticeable findings could be, in practice, useful for hybrid rice breeding programs with SSR marker-assisted selection. It is suggested that the optimal combinations with the superior grain yield could be bred out by assembling those favorable alleles into their parental lines and by removing the unfavorable alleles from the parental lines. This study also indicates that there is still a great heterosis potential to be exploited in indica/indica hybrids by the same strategy. In indica/japonica hybrid breeding programs, it may also be important to remove unfavorable alleles rather than broaden genetic diversity or heterozygosity of the parents.  相似文献   

For autogamous crops, a precondition for using heterosis is to produce sufficient pure male-sterile female parents that can be used to produce hybrid seeds. To date, cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)and environment-sensitive genic male sterility(EGMS) have been used commercially to exploit heterosis for autogamous species. However, neither CMS nor EGMS has been established for foxtail millet(Setaria italica). Here, we report on the establishment and application of a seed production technology(SPT)...  相似文献   

Hybrid breeding relies on the combination of parents from two differing heterotic groups. However, the genetic diversity in adapted oilseed rape breeding material is rather limited. Therefore, the use of resynthesized Brassica napus as a distant gene pool was investigated. Hybrids were derived from crosses between 44 resynthesized lines with a diverse genetic background and two male sterile winter oilseed rape tester lines. The hybrids were evaluated together with their parents and check cultivars in 2 years and five locations in Germany. Yield, plant height, seed oil, and protein content were monitored, and genetic distances were estimated with molecular markers (127 polymorphic RFLP fragments). Resynthesized lines varied in yield between 40.9 dt/ha and 21.5 dt/ha, or between 85.1 and 44.6% of check cultivar yields. Relative to check cultivars, hybrids varied from 91.6 to 116.6% in yield and from 94.5 to 103.3% in seed oil content. Mid-parent heterosis varied from −3.5 to 47.2% for yield. The genetic distance of parental lines was not significantly correlated with heterosis or hybrid yield. Although resynthesized lines do not meet the elite rapeseed standards, they are a valuable source for hybrid breeding due to their large distance from present breeding material and their high heterosis when combined with European winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

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