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EV71感染抗病毒药物及疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
手足口病在世界多个地区,尤其是亚洲爆发并流行,且其感染率和死亡率逐年增高,危害十分严重。肠道病毒71(Enterovirus 71,EV71)是手足口病(Hand,foot,andmouth disease,HFMD)的主要病原体,以感染婴幼儿为主,其感染常伴随神经系统并发症,严重可导致儿童死亡。近年来,分子生物学和抗病毒研究方面取得的进展为EV71感染的预防及治疗提供了新的途径。本文对EV71病毒学特点及抗EV71药物的筛选、疫苗开发、RNA干扰等进行了综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型的功能基因组学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道病毒71型(enterovirus type 71,EV71)感染通常引起婴幼儿手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD),但少数可引起无菌性脑膜炎(asepic meningitis)、脑炎(encephalitis)和类脊髓灰质炎的麻痹性疾病(poliomyelitis-like paralysis)等严重的神经系统疾病。功能基因组学研究对于探讨EV71的感染及复制过程、药物及疫苗的研制具有重大意义。该文就EV71的基因组结构及其功能的研究进展作简要的概述。  相似文献   

目的:分析2013-2014年湖南省湘潭市手足口病(HFMD)病原体型别及分布特征,为进一步完善HFMD的预防和治疗提供依据。方法:采用RT-PCR方法,对571例HFMD患儿进行肠道病毒通用型核酸(EV-RNA)、EV71及柯萨奇病毒A16(CA16)检测。结果:2013年除EV71及CA16外其他EV核酸阳性率75.30%,明显高于EV71的17.65%和CA16的7.05%(P0.05),2014年EV71型核酸阳性率为50.68%,明显高于CA16的19.93%和其他EV的29.39%(P0.05)。重症HFMD患儿EV71感染率明显高于轻症。结论:2013年湘潭地区HFMD患儿以除EV71及CA16外的其他EV病毒感染为主,2014年湘潭地区HFMD患儿以EV71感染为主。  相似文献   

为了探究2010年海南省手足口病(Hand-foot-and-mouth disease,HFMD)的流行病学及病原学特征,本研究对2010年海南省HFMD病例报告信息进行整理分析,并对2010年海南省18县市1346份HFMD病例临床标本进行肠道病毒(enterovirus,EV)实验室检测。核酸检测阳性标本进行EV分离和鉴定,对分离到的肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)的VP1编码区全长基因进行扩增及序列测定,用Sequencher 5.0和MEGA 5.0等生物信息学软件基于VP1编码区进行EV71的分子流行病学分析。流行病学分析表明:全省18个县市均有病例报告,尤其以东北部县市高发,同时以4岁以下的婴儿为高发人群;而与全国大多省份流行规律不同的是其发病高峰期为9和10月份。实验室结果显示:EV71和CA16是引起2010年海南省HFMD流行的主要病原,但EV71感染在重症病例和死亡病例中占绝对优势。除此之外,还存在部分由其它EV感染引起的HFMD病例。分子流行病学分析提示:2010年海南省流行的EV71均属于C4a亚型,该亚型为我国近年来流行的优势基因型,同时进化分析提示至少存在3条传播链。本研究数据对阐明海南HFMD的流行传播规律,以进一步指导HFMD防控具有重要理论价值。  相似文献   

目的:研究白介素18基因启动子多态性与儿童EV71感染遗传易感性的关系.方法:收集EV71感染患儿177例,单纯HFMD组127例,HFMD并脑炎组50例,提取外周血DNA,用序列特异性引物-聚合酶链反应(SSP-PCR)技术及基因测序法检测IL-18启动子区-137G/C、-607A/C位点的基因多态性.结果:EV71感染患儿与健康儿童IL-18-607基因型以CA为主,AA、CC次之,EV71感染患儿AA基因型、A等位基因分布频率显著高于健康儿童.EV71感染HFMD并脑炎组患儿AA基因型分布显著高于单纯HFMD组患儿,差异有统计学意义.EV71感染患儿与健康儿童IL-18-137基因型以CC为主,CG次之,GG占少数.该位点基因型及等位基因在EV71感染组与健康儿童、单纯HFMD与HFMD并脑炎组的分布无显著差异.结论:IL-18基因多态性与EV71感染相关,IL-18-607AA基因型、A等位基因携带儿童更易感染EV71病毒,且AA基因型患儿易并发脑炎,-607AA基因型可能为EV71感染的易感基因型.-137C/G位点基因多态性与EV71感染无相关性.  相似文献   

EV71是儿童手足口病的主要病原体,部分感染儿童会出现疱疹性咽峡炎以及严重的肺水肿和/或脑干脑炎。近几年,EV71感染引起的疾病机制研究取得了诸多进展。本文针对目前EV71的敏感细胞、EV71感染激活的信号途径以及EV71感染活化的天然免疫应答或免疫逃逸机制研究进行综述,旨在为EV71抗病毒药物研制和免疫致病机理的研究提供思路。  相似文献   

目的分析2009—2019年平顶山市手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease, HFMD)流行特征,为今后本地制定防控措施提供依据。方法对中国疾病预防控制信息系统报告的平顶山市2009—2019年HFMD病例信息进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2009—2019年平顶山市共有HFMD报告病例53 477例,重症病例5 878例,死亡16例,年均发病率为109.70/10万,重症比例为10.99%,年均死亡率为0.03/10万。2010年和2014年出现了2次HFMD大规模流行。城市市区发病率明显高于郊县。报告病例时间分布呈现明显的春、夏季节性高发,呈单峰分布,4—5月出现高峰。人群分布情况,男性明显多于女性;报告病例集中在0~5岁组儿童,有50 557例,占94.54%;人群散居儿童报告病例较多,有40 352例,占75.46%。病原学特征以肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus71, EV71)阳性为主,HFMD病原谱有一定变化,EV71阳性构成比自2015年以来逐渐降低,EV71构成比的变化与重症比例呈正比例变化,两者呈正相关(r=0.876),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。全市聚集性疫情的发生与HFMD疫情的整体趋势一致,而幼托机构是聚集性发生的主要场所。接种肠道病毒71型灭活疫苗(简称EV71疫苗)的HFMD病例中无EV71阳性病例,接种EV71疫苗和未接种疫苗病例的EV71阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(χ~2=2.517、P=0.113,P0.05)。结论在HFMD流行季节,须加强5岁以下儿童及托幼机构等场所的防控工作,减少聚集性疫情的发生,推广EV71疫苗接种是控制HFMD疫情的关键。  相似文献   

目的通过对2013年大连市手足口病(HFMD)的病原进行鉴定,以了解其型别分布。方法采用realtime-PCR方法对754份标本进行肠道病毒(EV)通用引物和肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CVA16)、柯萨奇病毒A组6型(CVA6)型特异性引物检测,对EV通用引物检测结果为阳性,但EV71、CVA16和CVA6检测结果均为阴性的标本采用巢氏PCR进行肠道病毒VP1基因部分序列的扩增、测序和生物信息学分析以鉴定其型别。结果 2013年引起大连市HFMD的主要病原CVA6占44.30%(334/754)、CVA16占19.12%(114/754)、EV71占11.54%(87/754),另有少数病例由CVA2、4、5、8型,CVB2、4型,ECHO9型及EV的其他型别引起。结论 CVA6取代EV71和CVA16成为2013年大连市HFMD病原的主要流行型别,后续应加强对HFMD病原的监测,全面了解其型别分布及毒株变异情况以更有效地控制疾病流行。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)全病毒灭活疫苗的研发成功,对严重影响婴幼儿健康的手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)的流行提供了防控手段。在婴幼儿目标人群中大量推广疫苗接种,有望降低HFMD的重症和死亡病例的发生率,具有重大的公共卫生意义。本文旨在分析中国EV71疫苗上市后所产生的结果和影响、HFMD的防控形势及疫苗应用策略等,从而对有关HFMD流行的防控策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

本研究对上海市手足口病(Hand-foot-and-mouth disease,HFMD)的流行病学和病原学特征进行了分析。从国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统获取上海市2009年HFMD的流行病学数据;采用荧光定量RT-PCR方法对来自上海15个区县的799例HFMD进行肠道病毒(Enterovirus,EV)核酸检测;对部分肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus71,EV71)的VP1区和部分其它EV的VP4区序列进行测定和分析。采用Office excel软件进行简单数据统计分析,用BioEdit和MEGA软件进行病毒基因特征分析,通过BLAST服务器的在线比对进行EV型别鉴定。分析显示:上海市18个区县均有病例报告,地区分布无显著特点;小于6岁的婴幼儿期为疾病高发年龄段;4~7月为发病高峰期;EV71和柯萨奇病毒A16(Coxsackie virus A16,CA16)为主要病原,不同地区、不同月份的病原构成各不相同,CA16为轻症病例的主要病原,EV71则为重症病例的主要病原;基于VP1区序列分析,上海EV71毒株与C4a亚型毒株具有最近的亲缘性和最高的同源性;2株其它肠道病毒经鉴定属于CA2和CA10型。结果表明:EV71和CA16为2009年上海HFMD流行的主要病原,EV71属于C4a亚型;除EV71和CA16外,还存在小部分其它EV(如:CA2和CA10)引起的HFMD。  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71(EV71) is one of the main pathogens that causes hand-foot-and-mouth disease(HFMD). HFMD caused by EV71 infection is mostly self-limited; however, some infections can cause severe neurological diseases, such as aseptic meningitis, brain stem encephalitis, and even death. There are still no effective clinical drugs used for the prevention and treatment of HFMD. Studying EV71 protein function is essential for elucidating the EV71 replication process and developing anti-EV71 drugs and vaccines. In this review, we summarized the recent progress in the studies of EV71 noncoding regions(50 UTR and 30 UTR) and all structural and nonstructural proteins, especially the key motifs involving in viral infection, replication, and immune regulation. This review will promote our understanding of EV71 virus replication and pathogenesis, and will facilitate the development of novel drugs or vaccines to treat EV71.  相似文献   

Periodic outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease(HFMD) occur in children under 5 years old, and can cause death in some cases. The C4 strain of enterovirus 71(EV71) is the main pathogen that causes HFMD in China. Although no drugs against EV71 are available, some studies have shown that candidate vaccines or viral capsid proteins can produce anti-EV71 immunity. In this study, female BABL/c mice(6–8 weeks old) were immunized with virus-like particles(VLPs) of EV71 produced in yeast to screen for anti-EV71 antibodies. Two hybridomas that could produce neutralizing antibodies against EV71 were obtained. Both neutralizing m Abs(D4 and G12) were confirmed to bind the VP1 capsid protein of EV71, and could protect 95% cells from 100 TCID50 EV71 infection at 25 μg/m L solution(lowest concentration). Those two neutralizing m Abs identified in the study may be promising candidates in development for m Abs to treat EV71 infection, and utilized as suitable reagents for use in diagnostic tests and biological studies.  相似文献   

为了揭示肠道病毒71型(enterovirus71,EV71)的复制与宿主细胞Raf/MEK/ERK信号通路(简称ERK通路)的相互关系,本研究应用临床诊断为手足口病的患儿疱疹液,通过易感细胞分离培养、RT-PCR及序列测定,以及Western印迹技术等方法,成功分离到EV71临床株.进一步用该分离株感染易感细胞,通过观察宿主细胞p-ERK1/2蛋白磷酸化水平、病毒特异性衣壳蛋白VP1水平、病毒半数组织培养感染量(50%tissue culture infectious dose,TCID50),以及感染细胞的CPE等指标,以期揭示ERK通路在EV71复制的作用.结果表明,EV71的复制可引起细胞ERK通路的活化;而用MEK1/2特异性的抑制剂U0126预先抑制ERK通路的活化,可显著地降低受染细胞上清液中的病毒的感染滴度(以TCID50表示)、受染细胞中EV71VP1蛋白水平、受染细胞中EV71核酸水平,以及受染细胞的细胞病变效应(cytopathic effect,CPE).提示ERK信号通路的活化对EV71的复制具有重要的作用.本研究为进一步阐明EV71在宿主细胞内的复制机制、寻找新型抗病毒靶标等研究奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

人免疫球蛋白中肠道病毒71型中和抗体效价的测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用经典微量细胞病变法,应用近两年分离自中国手足口病(HFMD)高发区的3株肠道病毒71型(EV71)病毒株,对中国不同血液制品厂家生产的35批人免疫球蛋白制品进行抗-EV71中和效价检测。结果显示,3株不同EV71病毒株间的抗-EV71中和效价差异均在4倍以内,差异无显著的统计学意义(F=2.323,P0.05)。根据这3株毒株检测结果判定,35批人免疫球蛋白的抗-EV71均为阳性,肌肉注射用免疫球蛋白(简称肌丙)的抗-EV71-GMTs(525.9)显著高于静脉注射用免疫球蛋白(简称静丙)的GMTs(252.3,F=66.518,P0.01)。30批静丙的抗-EV71-GMTs中和效价分布在128.0~384.0之间。应开展原料血浆中抗-EV71中和效价的筛选,研制高效价的EV71特异性免疫球蛋白制品,用于HFMD的治疗和预防。  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) has led to recent outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in China, resulting in high mortality. In this study, several monoclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice with two synthetic peptides, SP55 and SP70, containing amino acids 163-177 and 208-222 of VP1. The specificities of the anti-EV71 peptide monoclonal antibodies were confirmed by Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry against EV71 virus. Most importantly, we have identified a monoclonal antibody, clone 22A12, which shows strong neutralizing activity against EV71 in an in vitro neutralization assay. Because there is no vaccine available and treatment is very limited, mouse anti-EV71 monoclonal antibody, clone 22A12, could be a promising candidate to be humanized and used for treatment of EV71 infection.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection is more likely to induce severe complications and mortality than other enteroviruses. Methods for detection of IgM antibody against EV71 had been established for years, however, the performance of the methods in the very early diagnosis of EV71 infection had not been fully evaluated, which is especially meaningful because of the short incubation period of EV71 infection. In this report, the performance of an IgM anti-EV71 assay was evaluated using acute sera collected from 165 EV71 infected patients, 165 patients infected with other enteroviruses, and more than 2,000 sera from healthy children or children with other infected diseases. The results showed a 90% sensitivity in 20 patients who were in their first illness day, and similar sensitivity remained till 4 days after onset. After then the sensitivity increased to 95% to 100% for more than one month. The specificity of the assay in non-HFMD children is 99.1% (95% CI: 98.6–99.4), similar as the 99.9% specificity in healthy adults. The cross-reaction rate in patients infected with other non-EV71 enteroviruses was 11.4%. In conclusion, the data here presented show that the detection of IgM anti-EV71 by ELISA affords a reliable, convenient, and prompt diagnosis of EV71 infection.  相似文献   

Since 2008, enterovirus 71 (EV71) has been responsible for high-mortality seasonal epidemics of hand, foot and mouth disease in China. Currently many groups in the world are in the process of developing EV71 vaccines to combat this deadly disease. We have developed three EV71-specific monoclonal antibodies, and in this study we report the establishment of a fast and cost-effective sandwich ELISA kit for measurement of virus concentration in EV71 vaccines using a pair of mouse anti-EV71 monoclonal antibodies. The system is specific for EV71 virus, with no cross-reactivity to coxsackievirus A16, H1N1, rabies, and hepatitis A. Using a reference EV71 vaccine standard, the sensitivity of the assay kit was determined to be 0.82 U/ml, with a linear range between 3.75 and 120 U/ml.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71), one of the major causative agents for hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), has caused more than 100 deaths among Chinese children since March 2008. The EV71 genome encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), denoted 3Dpol, which is central for viral genome replication and is a key target for the discovery of specific antiviral therapeutics. Here we report the crystal structures of EV71 RdRp (3Dpol) and in complex with substrate guanosine-5'-triphosphate and analog 5-bromouridine-5'-triphosphate best to 2.4 ? resolution. The structure of EV71 RdRp (3Dpol) has a wider open thumb domain compared with the most closely related crystal structure of poliovirus RdRp. And the EV71 RdRp (3Dpol) complex with GTP or Br-UTP bounded shows two distinct movements of the polymerase by substrate or analogue binding. The model of the complex with the template:primer derived by superimposition with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) 3D/RNA complex reveals the likely recognition and binding of template:primer RNA by the polymerase. These results together provide a molecular basis for EV71 RNA replication and reveal a potential target for anti-EV71 drug discovery.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a major causative agent for hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), and fatal neurological and systemic complications in children. However, there is currently no clinical approved antiviral drug available for the prevention and treatment of the viral infection. Here, we evaluated the antiviral activities of two Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids (GLTs), Lanosta-7,9(11),24-trien-3-one,15;26-dihydroxy (GLTA) and Ganoderic acid Y (GLTB), against EV71 infection. The results showed that the two natural compounds display significant anti-EV71 activities without cytotoxicity in human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells as evaluated by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) cell proliferation assay. The mechanisms by which the two compounds affect EV71 infection were further elucidated by three action modes using Ribavirin, a common antiviral drug, as a positive control. The results suggested that GLTA and GLTB prevent EV71 infection through interacting with the viral particle to block the adsorption of virus to the cells. In addition, the interactions between EV71 virion and the compounds were predicated by computer molecular docking, which illustrated that GLTA and GLTB may bind to the viral capsid protein at a hydrophobic pocket (F site), and thus may block uncoating of EV71. Moreover, we demonstrated that GLTA and GLTB significantly inhibit the replication of the viral RNA (vRNA) of EV71 replication through blocking EV71 uncoating. Thus, GLTA and GLTB may represent two potential therapeutic agents to control and treat EV71 infection.  相似文献   

建立一种以EV71 3C蛋白酶为靶标的抗肠病毒药物筛选模型,并应用于小分子化合物库筛选具有抗EV71活性的化合物.从临床手足口病例标本中分离肠道病毒进行PCR鉴定及基因组测序.通过插入突变在黄色荧光YFP编码框合适位点处引入EV71 3C酶切位点,构建对3C蛋白酶敏感的报告质粒pc DNA3-m YFP,然后将其与表达3C的质粒共转293A细胞,在3C抑制剂Rupintrivir存在与否的情况下通过荧光显微镜和酶标仪检测Ex(500nm)/Em(535nm)荧光信号的变化,判断建模是否成功;利用建好的筛选模型在高通量药物筛选平台对小分子化合物库进行初筛和复筛;再利用空斑分析检测筛选出的活性化合物是否对临床分离的EV71毒株具有抑制作用.m YFP在293A细胞中表达良好,3C的表达使荧光信号下降80%,Rupintrivir的存在则几乎不影响荧光表达,说明以3C为靶位的筛选模型构建成功.经过高通量初筛和复筛从26 000多种小分子化合物中获得26种能够显著回复m YFP表达的活性化合物;空斑分析显示其中2种化合物具有较为明显的抑制EV71复制的活性.因此,我们所构建的3C-m YFP共表达系统是一种简便有效的、可用于高通量筛选抗EV71 3C~(pro)药物的筛选模型.  相似文献   

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