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低温对沙葱萤叶甲越冬卵存活和发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】沙葱萤叶甲Galeruca daurica(Joannis)是近年来在内蒙古草原暴发成灾的一种新害虫,以卵在牛粪、石块及草丛下越冬,了解其越冬卵的抗寒能力有助于预测其分布范围及种群数量动态。【方法】在室内测定了沙葱萤叶甲越冬卵在不同低温条件下(-18~-39℃)暴露12和24 h及在-30℃低温条件下暴露不同时间(0~60 d)的存活率以及存活卵的发育历期。【结果】低温强度和暴露时间对沙葱萤叶甲越冬卵的存活率有显著影响,随着温度的降低和暴露时间的延长,越冬卵的存活率降低。当温度≤-33℃暴露12 h或≤-30℃暴露24 h,越冬卵存活率显著低于其相应的对照(25℃)。越冬卵低温暴露12和24 h的致死中温度(LT50)分别为-33.08和-32.13℃,在-30℃下的致死中时间(Lt50)为33.33 d。经-36℃低温暴露12 h或≤-33℃低温暴露24 h后,存活的越冬卵发育历期显著延长,而-30℃低温暴露30 d内差异不显著。【结论】沙葱萤叶甲越冬卵抗寒能力强,冬季低温通常不会造成越冬卵的大量死亡。  相似文献   

甜杨6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶在抗冻性低温诱导中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对-20℃低温锻炼及脱锻炼过程中甜杨(Populus suaveolens)幼苗的G6PDH、SOD和POD活性、MDA含量和半致死温度(LT50)进行了测定和分析.结果发现,低温锻炼在一定程度上提高了幼苗6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)、SOD和POD活性,降低了MDA含量和幼苗半致死温度(LT50).另外,将幼苗放回常温(脱锻炼)2 d能引起幼苗的G6PDH、SOD和POD活性的显著下降,并使LT50和MDA含量的迅速回升.结果表明,低温锻炼中G6PDH活性的增加有助于SOD和POD活性的提高,进而对幼苗的LT50和MDA含量的降低有明显的促进作用,G6PDH可能参与了SOD和POD活性的调节和抗冻性的低温诱导.  相似文献   

比较了孟加拉型和生物型Ⅱ褐飞虱种群对高温、饥饿、浸水和杀虫剂等因子的反应。结果表明,35.0℃下孟加拉型若虫的致死中量时间(LT50)显著高于生物型Ⅱ,但两个生物型在26℃和37.5℃下的LT50间差异均不显著,而40.0℃时生物型Ⅱ若虫的LT50显著高于孟加拉型。在26、35.0℃和室内自然变温(26~35.0℃)条件下测定成虫耐饥力,两生物型间LT50均差异不显著。在各饥饿处理时间下,两生物型褐飞虱单雌平均产卵量差异均不显著。褐飞虱卵浸水1、3d和5d,两个生物型孵化率无显著差异,但生物型Ⅱ卵浸水5d后孵化率与对照相比差异显著,说明浸水5d对褐飞虱生物型Ⅱ卵的孵化率有影响。取食经浸水5d处理的稻株168h后,生物型Ⅱ若虫的死亡率与对照有显著差异,而孟加拉型死亡率与对照相比差异不显著;不浸水对照处理两个生物型的2~3龄若虫168h时就已全部发育为成虫,而浸水处理则到216h时才全部发育为成虫,这表明水稻浸水处理延迟了两个生物型若虫的发育进度。对于甲胺磷,药后1d、2d孟加拉型的致死中浓度(LC50)均显著小于生物型Ⅱ;对于噻嗪酮,孟加拉型药后5d的LC50均显著小于生物型Ⅱ,表明孟加拉型对这两种杀虫剂较生物型Ⅱ敏感。  相似文献   

光照与飞蝗卵耐寒性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景晓红  康乐 《动物学研究》2003,24(3):196-199
用热电偶法测定长光照(L:D=14:10)和短光照(L:D=10:14)条件下饲养的飞蝗所产卵的过冷却点;并对长、短光照组分别设置5个温度(0、-5、-10、-15和-20℃)处理,每一温度又设置5个时间(6h,1、3、5和10d)处理,然后检查其28℃的孵化数,以此计算低温存活率和半致死温度。长、短光照组卵的过冷却点没有差异;两种光照条件下的低温存活率随着卵处理温度的降低和时间的延长而下降,在-5和-10℃时短光照组的低温存活率显著高于长光照组;卵的半致死温度随低温处理时间的延长而升高,短光照组的半致死温度明显低于长光照组。接受短光照的飞蝗母本能产出耐寒性较高的卵,暗示秋天所产的卵能更成功地越冬。  相似文献   

为明确东北地区亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)野生滞育幼虫耐寒能力和耐寒性策略,利用比较过冷却点(supercooling points,SCP)和低温存活率的方法,对东北地区7个地理种群(佳木斯、德惠、公主岭、沈阳、瓦房店、普兰店和旅顺)亚洲玉米螟野生滞育幼虫的耐寒能力和耐寒性策略进行了研究。结果表明,试虫SCP介于-6.18-29.98℃间,7种群SCP均值介于-13.95-29.98℃间,7种群SCP均值介于-13.95-25.85℃间,种群间差异显著(P<0.05),但种群SCP高低与其纬度分布无关;7种群12 h低温暴露死亡率随纬度升高而降低,差异显著(P<0.05),其致死中温(LT50)介于-52.19-25.85℃间,种群间差异显著(P<0.05),但种群SCP高低与其纬度分布无关;7种群12 h低温暴露死亡率随纬度升高而降低,差异显著(P<0.05),其致死中温(LT50)介于-52.19-68.19℃间,LT50亦随纬度升高而降低,种群间差异显著(P<0.05);试虫-30℃以上低温暴露12h无死亡,-30℃以下处理后死亡率随温度降低而升高,-80℃冷冻处理12 h后仍有部分能够复苏,表明东北地区亚洲玉米螟耐寒能力极强,以耐结冰的耐寒性策略越冬,SCP不能评价其耐寒性强弱,低温存活率和LT50可以作为界定其耐寒性强弱的指标。  相似文献   

快速启动游泳是鱼类的游泳方式之一,与捕食和逃避敌害行为密切相关。为了考察饥饿对捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)和猎物麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)快速启动游泳能力的影响及其与捕食-逃逸行为的关联,在水温(25±1)℃条件下,测定不同饥饿程度乌鳢[0、7、14、28、63(饥饿半致死)d]和麦穗鱼[0、7、14(饥饿半致死)d]的快速启动游泳能力并观测二者组成的捕食对的捕食-逃逸行为。结果表明:乌鳢快速启动的最大线速度(Vmax)、120 ms移动距离(S120ms)和最大线加速度(Amax)均显著大于麦穗鱼(P0.05),而二者的反应时滞(R)无显著差异;两种鱼的各快速启动参数均较保守,仅在半致死组(14 d或63 d)表现出Vmax、S120ms的下降和R的延长(P0.05),其中捕食者反应时滞的变化更为明显而猎物速度变化更为明显;14 d饥饿导致乌鳢捕食麦穗鱼的追击活动增加和成功捕食历时缩短;由于食物可获得性和觅食方式的差异,猎物鱼快速启动能力对饥饿的响应更为敏感,且二者在对策上存在差异;从捕食-逃逸的结果评判,同等程度的饥饿对捕食者可能更为有利。  相似文献   

【目的】旨在明确黑水虻Hermetia illucens幼虫的耐饥力及饥饿幼虫复食后的发育、生殖力等生物学特性,为评估饥饿对黑水虻后续发育的影响并指导生产实践提供依据。【方法】将不同日龄或不同体重黑水虻幼虫进行不同时长的饥饿处理,测定和分析其耐饥力与日龄、百头重的关系;对7日龄幼虫进行不同时长的饥饿处理后再复喂,测定不同饥饿时长对其预蛹出现时间、总预蛹率、预蛹重、成虫繁殖等的影响。【结果】黑水虻幼虫饥饿后的半数致死时间(LT50)与日龄成指数关系,与体重呈线性相关。7日龄幼虫的耐饥力较强,LT50超过了50 d,饥饿30 d时存活率仍然达到了95%。百头重小于0.5 g的个体,其LT50小于30 d;百头重在2~2.5 g的个体,其LT50在45~70 d。幼虫超过8日龄时或百头重超过4.5 g时,多数个体在饥饿5 d时就提前进入了后续发育阶段。7日龄幼虫饥饿40 d内复食,其预蛹率未受到影响,但预蛹重显著增加;短期饥饿(0~10 d)对其成虫产卵量无显著影响,长期饥饿(30~40 d)使其成虫产卵量显著下降;饥饿长达30 d以上时,卵孵化率也显著降低。【结论】本研究明确了不同体重或不同日龄的黑水虻幼虫都具有一定的耐饥力;饥饿幼虫复食后预蛹重显著增加。  相似文献   

以含1%氟虫腈、植物淀粉、引诱物质及粘附剂等自制的红蚁净(Pyragne)粉剂,在室内测定红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren各虫态的毒力。结果显示:红蚁净粉剂对红火蚁工蚁LT50=20.106h、LT90=23.78h,对有翅繁殖蚁LT50=20.951h、LT90=25.64h;工蚁能将红蚁净传递给蛹和卵引起中毒死亡。  相似文献   

卵育型(Synovigenic)植食性昆虫的雌成虫需要取食寄主植物组织或非寄主食物(如花蜜、花粉等)以延长寿命和促进产卵。为了明确寄主食物和非寄主食物对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae卵子发生的功能差异,本实验在明确美洲斑潜蝇成虫卵巢发育动态和结构的基础上,比较了清水(饥饿,对照)、菜豆叶片、20%葡萄糖溶液、菜豆叶片+20%葡萄糖溶液四种处理下的雌成虫卵子发生动态。结果显示:美洲斑潜蝇为强卵育型昆虫,初羽化成虫体内无卵子;两侧卵巢管数之和为11-18根,大多数情况下,左右两侧卵巢管数目不等。成虫在饥饿条件下,几乎不能形成成熟卵子;继续取食寄主叶片、20%葡萄糖溶液和寄主叶片+20%葡萄糖溶液,均可显著促进卵子发生和卵成熟,但补充葡萄糖溶液起到极显著促进作用;成虫不具备卵子重吸收功能。本文重点从卵育型角度,对美洲斑潜蝇取食寄主食物和非寄主食物的营养功能进行了讨论。研究结果为美洲斑潜蝇以及该类植食性害虫的室内饲养和田间生态调控提供了依据。  相似文献   

亚致死浓度除虫脲对朱砂叶螨生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】除虫脲属于苯甲酰脲类杀虫剂,本研究旨在探讨亚致死浓度除虫脲对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus生长发育和繁殖的影响,为除虫脲的合理使用提供一定的理论依据。【方法】本文采用叶碟浸渍法测定了除虫脲对朱砂叶螨的毒力,生命表技术探讨亚致死剂量除虫脲对朱砂叶螨实验种群生长发育和繁殖的影响。【结果】结果表明除虫脲对朱砂叶螨卵的LC50、LC30、LC10分别是15.825、6.089、1.534mg/L。和对照组相比,亚致死剂量(LC10和LC30)除虫脲处理朱砂叶螨卵后,幼螨期、前若期、后若期历期无显著差异,卵期、静息期却显著延长;卵的孵化率、幼螨存活率、若螨存活率、每雌日均产卵量、平均每雌产卵量、雌螨平均寿命均降低;各处理组产卵前期显著延长;产卵期缩短,其中LC30处理组产卵期显著缩短;各处理组的净生殖率(R0)显著降低,LC30组最低;内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)均降低,而LC30组显著降低;种群倍增时间(Dt)延长,其中LC30组显著延长;平均世代历期(T)、性比例各处理组均无显著差异。【结论】亚致死剂量(LC10和LC30)除虫脲能够抑制朱砂叶螨的寿命和繁殖力。  相似文献   

1. Animals raised in good environmental conditions are expected to have more resources to invest in immunity than those raised in poor conditions. Variation in immune activity and parasite resistance in response to changes in environmental temperature, population density and food quality have been shown in many invertebrate species. 2. Almost all studies to date have examined the effects of individual variables in isolation. The aim of this study was to address whether environmental factors interact to produce synergistic effects on phenoloxidase (PO) activity and haemocyte count, both indicators of immune system activity. Temperature, food quality and density were varied in a fully factorial design for a total of eight treatment combinations. 3. Strong interactions between the three environmental variables led to the magnitude and in some cases the direction of the effect of most variables changing as the other environmental factors were altered. Overall, food quality had the most important and consistent influence, larvae raised on a good-quality diet having substantially higher PO activity in every case and substantially higher haemocyte counts in all treatments except unheated/low density. 4. When food quality was good, the larvae showed 'density-dependent prophylaxis': raising their investment in immunity when population density is high. When food quality was poor and the temperature low, however, those larvae raised at high densities invested less in immunity. 5. Increased temperature is often thought to lead to increased immune reactivity in ectotherms, but we found that the effect of temperature was strongly dependent on the values of other environmental variables. PO activity increased with temperature when larvae were raised on good food or when density was high, but when food was poor and density low, a higher temperature led to reduced PO activity. A higher temperature led to higher haemocyte counts when density was high and food quality was poor, but in all other cases, the effect of increased temperature was either close to zero or somewhat negative. 6. Although PO activity and haemocyte count were weakly correlated across the whole data set, there were a number of treatments where the two measures responded in different ways to environmental change. Overall, effect sizes for PO activity were substantially higher than those for haemocyte count, indicating that the different components of the immune system vary in their sensitivity to environmental change. 7. Predictions of the effect of environmental or population change on immunity and disease dynamics based on laboratory experiments that only investigate the effects of single variable are likely to be inaccurate or even entirely wrong.  相似文献   

利用~(60)Co-γ射线对柞蚕卵进行辐射,探讨了~(60)Co-γ射线辐射对柞蚕生物学特征的影响.结果表明:120 Gy以下辐射剂量对柞蚕卵孵化率及柞蚕死亡率影响不大,但随着~(60)Co-γ射线辐射剂量的增加,孵化率明显降低而死亡率显著升高;血液蛋白质图谱和相关基因序列在辐射前后亦存在差异.这些生物性状的改变说明~(60)Co-γ射线对柞蚕生长发育具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

陈金印  张坤  沈勇  徐敏  蒋福升  丁志山  范永升 《蛇志》2012,24(2):156-159,184
目的观察投喂不同食物时尖吻蝮(Dienagkistrodon acutus)幼蛇的开口率,研究尖吻蝮幼蛇对食物的选择性,寻找最适宜的尖吻蝮幼蛇开口饵料;研究气味对尖吻蝮进食行为的影响,为人工配合饲料开发提供理论基础。方法将尖吻蝮幼蛇随机分组,在相同条件下对幼蛇进行饲养,分别使用泽蛙、幼体蟾蜍、SD大鼠的乳鼠、昆明种小鼠幼鼠、大麦虫、蚯蚓、中华蟋蟀、蟑螂对尖吻蝮幼蛇进行投喂,并统计开口率;在黑暗条件下投喂新鲜的死泽蛙和小鼠肉块,减少振感和食物与环境间温差对尖吻蝮的刺激,观察记录尖吻蝮的进食行为。结果尖吻蝮幼体开口率与食物种类有明显相关性,对蛙类和鼠类的开口率较高,而对昆虫类几乎无捕食。同时存在多种食物时尖吻蝮对食物有一定选择性,对运动较活跃和体温较高的食物选择性高。尖吻蝮可凭借气味寻找到食物并完成进食,对死食的进食率较活食低。结论 (1)泽蛙和幼鼠是尖吻蝮幼蛇的理想开口饵料;(2)尖吻蝮捕食过程中,除依赖视觉、震感、颊窝红外热感等感知食物外,还可通过气味来识别食物。  相似文献   

钙-钙调素在零下低温诱导毛白杨扦插苗抗冻性中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以零下低温锻炼和结合效应剂(CaCl2、钙离子螯合剂EGTA、钙离子通道阻断剂LaCl3或钙调素拮抗剂CPZ)处理的低温锻炼下的毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)扦插苗为试材,对其体内丙.醛(M D A)及钙调素(CaM)含量,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)及线粒体腺苷三磷酸酶(Ca2 -ATPase)活性,以及幼苗的半致死温度(LT50)分别进行测定.结果表明,低温锻炼不仅在一定程度上提高了幼苗 CaM含量,SOD、POD和线粒体Ca2 -ATPase活性,降低了MDA含量和幼苗半致死温度;而且减小了低温胁迫所引起的SOD、POD、线粒体Ca2 -ATPase活性和CaM含量的下降程度以及MDA的增加幅度,促进了胁迫后恢复过程中SOD、POD、线粒体Ca2 -ATPase活性和CaM水平的迅速回升以及MDA的下降.在低温锻炼的同时,用CaCl2处理能加强低温锻炼的效果,但这种效应可被EGTA、LaCl3或CPZ处理抑制.经或未经CaCl2处理的低温锻炼后,幼苗中CaM含量的增加有助于SOD、POD和线粒体Ca2 -ATPase活性的提高,进而对幼苗抗冻性的提高有明显的促进作用.看来,Ca2 -CaM信号系统可能参与了SOD、POD和线粒体Ca2 -ATPase活性的调节和抗冻性的低温诱导.  相似文献   

Interactions between pollutants and suboptimal environmental conditions can have severe consequences for the toxicity of pollutants, yet are still poorly understood. To identify patterns across environmental conditions and across fitness-related variables we exposed Enallagma cyathigerum damselfly larvae to the pesticide chlorpyrifos at two food levels or at two temperatures and quantified four fitness-related variables (larval survival, development time, mass at emergence and adult cold resistance). Food level and temperature did not affect survival in the absence of the pesticide, yet the pesticide reduced survival only at the high temperature. Animals reacted to the pesticide by accelerating their development but only at the high food level and at the low temperature; at the low food level, however, pesticide exposure resulted in a slower development. Chlorpyrifos exposure resulted in smaller adults except in animals reared at the high food level. Animals reared at the low food level and at the low temperature had a higher cold resistance which was not affected by the pesticide. In summary our study highlight that combined effects of exposure to chlorpyrifos and the two environmental conditions (i) were mostly interactive and sometimes even reversed in comparison with the effect of the environmental condition in isolation, (ii) strongly differed depending on the fitness-related variable under study, (iii) were not always predictable based on the effect of the environmental condition in isolation, and (iv) bridged metamorphosis depending on which environmental condition was combined with the pesticide thereby potentially carrying over from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. These findings are relevant when extrapolating results of laboratory tests done under ideal environmental conditions to natural communities.  相似文献   

利用柞蚕卵繁殖的松毛虫赤眼蜂的适宜冷贮虫期和温度   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国普遍利用柞蚕Antheraea pernyi卵大量繁殖和释放赤眼蜂防治多种农林害虫。对赤眼蜂进行冷贮有助于其商品化生产、运输和释放应用。为了全面评价冷贮对柞蚕卵繁殖赤眼蜂的影响,作者采用柞蚕卵为寄主,以贮存温度(4℃、7℃、10℃和13℃)、贮存虫期(卵、幼虫、预蛹和蛹期)和贮存时间(2周、4周、6周和8周)为参试因子,研究了冷贮对松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimi羽化出蜂率、单卵出蜂数、单卵雌蜂比的影响。结果表明,3个因素均可单独或互作显著影响羽化出蜂率和单卵出蜂数,尤以贮存虫期的影响更为明显;但3个因素对单卵出蜂性比影响不大。综合各冷贮虫期对低温的反应,松毛虫赤眼蜂对10℃反应最敏感,各虫期羽化出蜂率和单卵出蜂数明显降低,不适宜长期冷贮;对7℃反应相对较不敏感,最适宜长期贮存。在适宜长期冷贮温度(4℃和7℃)条件下,适宜贮存虫期有所不同,4℃下为幼虫期和蛹期,7℃下为卵期和蛹期,在这些虫期和贮存温度条件组合下羽化出峰率和单卵出蜂数相对于其他虫期受冷贮的不利影响较小。从对羽化出蜂率的影响来看,于卵期7℃下冷贮为最适宜;从对单卵出蜂数的影响来看,于蛹期在4℃和7℃冷贮为适宜。  相似文献   

Electrical characteristics in a membrane constructed from a porous filter adsorbed with a lipid analogue, dioleoyl phosphate (DOPH), were investigated in a situation interposed between 100 mM NaCl + 3 mM CaCl2 and 100 mM KCl. Calcium ions affected significantly the membrane characteristics. The membrane potential was negative on the KCl side, which implies the higher permeability to K+ than Na+; this tendency was increased by a tiny amount of Ca2+. While the membrane showed a low electrical resistance of several k omega . cm2 under K+/Na+ gradient, it showed several M omega . cm2 by Ca2+. The surface structure of the membrane exhibited many voids in the low-resistance state, but the surface was covered by oil droplets in the high-resistance state. Oscillations of the membrane potential appeared spontaneously with application of the electrical current from the KCl side to the NaCl + CaCl2 side. The frequency was increased with the electrical current. All these results were explained comprehensively using an electrochemical kinetic model taking account of the Ca2+ binding effect, where DOPH assemblies make a phase transition between oil droplets due to Ca2+ and multi-bilayers with excess K+. The oscillation arises from coupling of the phase transition to accumulation and release of K+ or Ca2+. This membrane can be used as an excitable element regulated by Ca2+ in neuro-computer devices.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Cui Y  Wang X  Fan YZ  Liu J  Yan X  Wang R 《Peptides》2006,27(7):1846-1851
In the present study, we determined whether endomorphin1 (EM1) and endomorphin2 (EM2), selective endogenous mu-opioid receptor (MOR) agonists, inhibited the response to EFS in rat isolated bronchus in a concentration- and frequency-dependent manner. EM1 (1 microM) produced significant inhibition at relatively low frequencies (< 5 Hz) (74.02 +/- 5.53%, 56.16 +/- 10.24% and 37.64 +/- 5.92% inhibition at 1, 2 and 4 Hz, respectively, p < 0.05 versus control), but no significant inhibition at 8, 16, 32 and 64 Hz (17.15 +/- 9.4%, 14.51 +/- 4.23%, 9.11 +/- 2.38% and 5.93 +/- 3.5%, respectively, p > 0.05 versus control). Similar modulations were observed in response to EM2 (1 microM). It is therefore considered that the inhibition effects of EM1 and EM2 may take place at frequencies under physiological conditions. Furthermore, EM1 and EM2 (0.01-10 microM) induced inhibition of cholinergic constriction in a dose-dependent manner at 1, 2 and 4 Hz. The inhibitory effect on EFS was blocked by the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (10 microM), indicating that opioid receptors were involved. Neither EM1 nor EM2 (1 microM) had an effect on the contractile response to exogenous acetylcholine, indicating a prejunctional effect. All the results indicate that EM1 and EM2 are potent inhibitors of EFS-induced cholinergic bronchoconstriction. These also imply that EM1 and EM2 may modulate cholinergic bronchoconstriction under physiological conditions and that these tetrapeptides could have therapeutic potential in the treatment of airway diseases.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility that sublethal food preservation stresses (high or low temperature and osmotic and pH stress) can lead to changes in the nature and scale of antibiotic resistance (ABR) expressed by three food-related pathogens (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus). The study found that some sublethal stresses significantly altered antibiotic resistance. Incubation at sublethal high temperature (45 degrees C) decreased ABR. Incubation under increased salt (>4.5%) or reduced pH (<5.0) conditions increased ABR. Some of the pathogens continued to express higher levels of ABR after removal of stress, suggesting that in some cases the applied sublethal stress had induced stable increases in ABR. These results indicate that increased use of bacteriostatic (sublethal), rather than bactericidal (lethal), food preservation systems may be contributing to the development and dissemination of ABR among important food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

Robert A. Newman 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):9-16
Phenotypic plasticity is adaptive for an organism inhabiting a variable environment if the optimal phenotype of a trait that affects fitness varies with environmental conditions, and if the organism can perceive environmental conditions and respond appropriately. Wilbur and Collins have proposed that amphibian larvae might respond adaptively to changes in their resource environment. If conditions for growth in the aquatic environment deteriorate, then a tadpole should metamorphose earlier and smaller than a tadpole under constant high growth conditions. Several experiments on a variety of species have tested this prediction, but only one demonstrated such a response. That experiment involved Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) and employed a gradual decrease in food level, whereas the others all used an abrupt switch from high to low food. The purpose of the present experiment was to examine the response of S. couchii to an abrupt change in food level, and to determine if the response depended on the level of two other factors, density and temperature, that also affect larval development. The average effects of the abrupt change in food level were similar to those seen in studies on other species: age at metamorphosis was primarily determined by the early food regime, and size at metamorphosis was determined by food level late in the larval period, suggesting that the effect of decreased food depends on how the food change is done. However, the response to even an abrupt food change depended on interactions with other environmental factors. At high temperature, high initial food, and low density, development was very rapid and tadpoles switched from high to low food metamorphosed at about the same time and size as those at constant high food. In contrast, under high temperature and high initial food conditions, but at high density, tadpoles switched to low food metamorphosed somewhat earlier and smaller, on average, than tadpoles kept at high food. At low temperature, the direction of response depended on density: tadpoles metamorphosed much smaller and slightly, but significantly, earlier at low density, but smaller and later at high density. The developmental response to increased food also varied with temperature. Larvae at high temperature metamorphosed earlier and larger than those at constant low food. At low temperature, larvae metamorphosed larger, but at nearly the same time as their counterparts at constant low food. The combination of high density and constant low food prevented any tadpoles from metamorphosing at high temperature, and allowed relatively few metamorphs at low temperature. Under conditions which impose either very rapid or retarded development, the opportunity to respond to altered food level may be limited. Interactions among environmental factors, therefore, may constrain responses to changing conditions, and may even prevent completion of development. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

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