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<正>羚牛是一种栖息于高山或亚高山地区的大型偶蹄类动物,在我国主要分布在陕西、甘肃、四川、云南和西藏。羚牛有4个亚种,即:秦岭亚种、四川亚种、指名亚种以及不丹亚种,其中前两者为中国所特有。在上世纪60年代我国发布的"关于积极保护和合理利用野生动物资源的指示"中,羚牛被列为国家一级保护野生动物。客观地说,羚牛在野外的数量  相似文献   

羚牛(Budorcastaxicolor),别名扭角羚,隶属偶蹄目牛科,有4个亚种,分别为指名亚种(B.t.taxicolor)、不丹亚种(B.t.whitei)、四川亚种(B.t.tibetana)和秦岭亚种(B.t.bedfordi),四川亚种和秦岭亚种为中国所特有(吴家炎,1986;吴家炎等,1990)。羚牛四川亚种(简称四川羚牛)分布于甘肃东南部、四川盆地西缘和西北缘的中高山地带,其分布区跨越岷山山系、邛崃山系、相岭山系、凉山山系、大雪山和沙鲁里山系(吴家炎等,1990;胡锦矗、魏辅文,1993;魏辅文、胡锦矗,1993);秦岭亚种(简称秦岭羚牛)仅分布于秦岭山脉的山地森林中(吴家炎等,1983,1990;吴家炎…  相似文献   

太白山自然保护区羚牛分布的初步调查   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
马亦生 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):155-157,149
羚牛(Budorcastaxicolor),为国家一级保护野生动物。羚牛秦岭亚种为我国特产亚种,分布于甘肃、陕西两省。在陕西省内分布于秦岭中、西段。羚牛在太白山自然保护区的分布情况,迄今仅见一些零星报道[1,2]。1996年6~9月,作者在太白山自然...  相似文献   

羚牛(BudorcastaxicolorHodgson,1850)仅产于亚洲大陆的印度、尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸及中国,为我国一级重点保护动物。羚牛共有4个亚种,我国均产,其中四川亚种与秦岭亚种为我国特有的大型珍稀动物。自80年代初以来,我国动物科技工作者(1-10)先后对我国羚牛的寄生虫与寄生  相似文献   

羚牛(Buborcas taxicolor)又称扭角羚,是亚洲的特有物种,主要分布在中国。还见于缅甸、印度和不丹,有4个亚种。7—8月发情.2—4月产仔。已经被列为CTFES附录I.是我国国家I级重点保护野生动物。其中四川亚种和秦岭亚种为中国所特有,与大熊猫、金丝猴和小熊猫等众多珍稀野生动物同域分布。  相似文献   

羚牛的遗传多样性及其种群遗传结构分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
羚牛是亚洲大陆一种特有的大型珍稀动物,目前正面临着栖息地丧失、片段化和人类活动的严重威胁。为了有效地保护这种濒危动物,全面了解羚牛的种群结构、进化历史和整个分布区内遗传多样性的分布是至关重要的。本研究以mtDNA D-loop330bp基因片段为分子标记,比较分析了来自陕西秦岭、甘肃南部、四川岷山、邛崃山和云南贡山的40个样品的序列差异,根据分布特点将所采集到的羚牛分为3个地理单元,即秦岭、四川和云南。结果表明,在3个地理单元中存在4种单倍型,且地理单元间不存在共享单倍型,相互单倍型之间的平均序列差异为1.66%。进一步分析表明,3个地理单元间的基因流较低,存在着显的遗传分化 ,说明羚牛具有明显的系统地理分布格局。同时提出应将分布于秦岭山区、唐家河青川地区、天全以及云南贡山地区作为独立的管理单元分别加以保护。  相似文献   

羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)属国家第一类保护的珍稀动物。羚牛包括4个亚种,其中四川亚种和秦岭亚种为我国所特有。随着野生动物科研工作的发展。有关羚牛的生态、遗传、血液生化等研究工作正逐步进行,羚牛的疾病诊治、捕捉、搬迁等工作也日益频繁。羚牛性情凶猛,不易保定,人工强行保定极易造成动物和人员的伤亡。因此,如何解决羚牛的化学保定问题,是进一步开展羚牛科研工作的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛中独栖现象的初步观察   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
曾治高  宋延龄 《兽类学报》1999,19(3):169-175
在群栖的秦岭羚牛种群中,存在着少数单独活动的羚牛, 称为独牛。野外见到独牛50只次, 占见到羚牛总数的4.59 %。独牛中有老年雄性个体、青壮年雄性个体、雌性个体、亚成体和幼仔。在繁殖季节独牛出现的次数最多, 其中大部分是雄性个体, 也有雌性个体。与羚牛的四川亚种不同, 在秦岭亚种中很少见到公牛集群的现象。羚牛种群中独牛的形成主要与繁殖有关, 同时还与疾病及防御迁移有关。独牛在不同季节、不同生境内均可见到 , 绝大多数老年独牛活动区域的海拔高度低于集群的羚牛活动的高度。老年独牛在离群活动后,其活动节律与群体中的雄牛有一定的差异, 这种差异在夜间的活动时间和活动率方面表现得更加明显。  相似文献   

马麝诸种群地理分化初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马麝是我国的一种重要经济动物, 是古北界特有种, 主要分布在我国青藏高原及其临近地区。为保护物种多样性, 本文利用分子生物学技术在分子水平探讨了马麝各地理种群之间遗传多样性问题。用线粒体细胞色素b(Cytochrome b) 的DNA 序列进行系统进化分析显示: 马麝四川种群、甘肃种群和西藏两种群在大约100 万年前具有共同祖先。四川种群最先分化出来, 甘肃马麝与西藏马麝的关系最近, 四川马麝与西藏马麝、甘肃马麝间的关系较远, 甘肃马麝与四川马麝约在80 万年前分化, 而甘肃与西藏察隅和类乌齐两种群马麝间分化时间则分别为34万年和57 万年前, 四川马麝与西藏察隅和类乌齐两种群马麝分化时间在90 万年和100 万年前。结果初步表明分布于甘肃、四川和西藏的马麝种群可能为不同的亚种。  相似文献   

秦岭太白山区羚牛生态的初步观察   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
前言 羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor Hodgson)俗名金毛扭角羚或白羊,隶属于偶蹄目、牛科、羚羊亚科(Antilopinae)。国内计有三个亚种:模式亚种(B.t.taxicolor)产于云南西北部;西南亚种(B.t.tibetana)产于青海、四川;秦岭亚种(B.t.bedfordi)产于陕西、甘肃之秦岭山脉(王宗禕、汪松等,1963)。 1961年5月我们在陕西周至县捕获秦岭亚种幼兽1只。1964年4—11月间又在秦岭太白山区羚牛  相似文献   

甘肃仓鼠的分类地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1928年Allen发表采自甘肃卓尼的甘肃仓鼠(Cansumys canus)以来,对其分类地位的争论就没有停止,不同学者从形态学和生态学方面研究得出了不同的结论。为了确认Allen所命名的甘肃仓鼠的分类地位,本研究利用形态性状和遗传性状,比较研究了甘肃、宁夏标本(包括模式产地标本)与华北、东北大仓鼠标本共计169只。结果显示:甘肃、宁夏地区标本身体及头骨量度与大仓鼠指名亚种、东北亚种间大多无显著性差异;地理分布连续,其间无隔离,也无地理重叠;生态特征与华北、东北的大仓鼠相似;基于线粒体DNA D-loop区序列的遗传变异分析表明,甘肃、宁夏地区种群与大仓鼠东北亚种种群关系较大仓鼠东北亚种种群与指名亚种种群关系更近;单倍型演化关系显示,指名亚种种群和东北亚种种群分别独立地由甘肃种群单倍型衍生而来,并且三个种群单倍型之间的分歧较浅,没有形成种上的分歧程度。据此,甘肃、宁夏地区“甘肃仓鼠”应为大仓鼠甘肃亚种[Cricetulus triton canus(Allen),1928]。  相似文献   

The role of Beringia as a refugium and route for trans-continental exchange of fauna during glacial cycles of the past 2million years are well documented; less apparent is its contribution as a significant reservoir of genetic diversity. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences and 14 microsatellite loci, we investigate the phylogeographic history of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in western North America. Patterns of genetic diversity reveal two distinct groups of caribou. Caribou classified as a Northern group, of Beringian origin, exhibited greater number and variability in mtDNA haplotypes compared to a Southern group originating from refugia south of glacial ice. Results indicate that subspecies R. t. granti of Alaska and R. t. groenlandicus of northern Canada do not constitute distinguishable units at mtDNA or microsatellites, belying their current status as separate subspecies. Additionally, the Northern Mountain ecotype of woodland caribou (presently R. t. caribou) has closer kinship to caribou classified as granti or groenlandicus. Comparisons of mtDNA and microsatellite data suggest that behavioural and ecological specialization is a more recently derived life history characteristic. Notably, microsatellite differentiation among Southern herds is significantly greater, most likely as a result of human-induced landscape fragmentation and genetic drift due to smaller population sizes. These results not only provide important insight into the evolutionary history of northern species such as caribou, but also are important indicators for managers evaluating conservation measures for this threatened species.  相似文献   

粒体DNA 的变异水平并确定朝鲜亚种的分类地位,我们测序分析了两亚种的线粒体DNA 细胞色素b 的部分序列
(1 054 bp)和控制区的部分序列(860 bp),并与基因库中黑线姬鼠相应的单倍型序列进行了比较。可以看出东
北亚种的序列显示出某些分异,可以被分为2 或3 个亚群,所以我们提出需要更多标本的DNA 分析来确定东北
群相似(1 个亚群是细胞色素b 的两个单倍型,另1 个是控制区的两个单倍型),表明基于线粒体DNA 序列的遗
个只在形态特异上不同于东北亚种的地方亚种,我们建议通过其他DNA 标记来进一步验证其亚种地位。我们还
认为朝鲜半岛不是最近的冰川期黑线姬鼠残遗种的保护区。  相似文献   

The genus Ovis (Bovidae, Artiodactyla) includes six species, i.e. Ovis ammon, Ovis aries, Ovis canadensis, Ovis dalli, Ovis nivicola and Ovis vignei. Based on morphology, geographical location, habitat, etc., the species O. ammon is divided into nine subspecies. The near threatened Tibetan argali is distributed across the Tibetan Plateau and its peripheral mountains, and believed to be one of the O. ammon subspecies (O. a. hodgsoni). However, considering its morphological features and distributions, a question has been proposed by some researchers about the subspecies status of Tibetan argali. In this study, we employed complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to explore the phylogenetic relationship and population genetic structure of Tibetan argali. The results revealed that the nucleotide composition, gene arrangement and codon usage pattern of the mitochondrial genome of Tibetan argali are similar to those of other caprines. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Tibetan argali was clustered with O. ammon. Interestingly, five Tibetan argali individuals and one of the three Gansu argali (O. a. dalailamae) individuals were clustered in the same branch, which is a sister group to other two Gansu argali individuals. Together with morphological characteristics, our results suggested that Tibetan argali and Gansu argali may belong to the same subspecies (O. a. hodgsoni) of O. ammon, rather than two different subspecies.  相似文献   

唐家河自然保护区扭角羚的兽群结构及数量分布   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
四川唐家河自然保护区有扭角羚480-520只。喜聚群活动,其兽群可分为家群、族群和聚集群。并随季节变化而有分群和合群现象。此外还有游离于群体之外的独羚,多为成年雄体。其兽群幼仔占17.52±6.48,亚成体占17.25±9.16%,成体占65.23±12.59%,聚集群中成体雄雌比为1:8,雌体占多数。  相似文献   

Two subspecies of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are alleged to co‐exist in the Philippines, M. f. philippensis in the north and M. f. fascicularis in the south. However, genetic differences between the cynomolgus macaques in the two regions have never been studied to document the propriety of their subspecies status. We genotyped samples of cynomolgus macaques from Batangas in southwestern Luzon and Zamboanga in southwestern Mindanao for 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci and sequenced an 835 bp fragment of the mtDNA of these animals. The STR genotypes were compared with those of cynomolgus macaques from southern Sumatra, Singapore, Mauritius and Cambodia, and the mtDNA sequences of both Philippine populations were compared with those of cynomolgus macaques from southern Sumatra, Indonesia and Sarawak, Malaysia. We conducted STRUCTURE and PCA analyses based on the STRs and constructed a median joining network based on the mtDNA sequences. The Philippine population from Batangas exhibited much less genetic diversity and greater genetic divergence from all other populations, including the Philippine population from Zamboanga. Sequences from both Batangas and Zamboanga were most closely related to two different mtDNA haplotypes from Sarawak from which they are apparently derived. Those from Zamboanga were more recently derived than those from Batangas, consistent with their later arrival in the Philippines. However, clustering analyses do not support a sufficient genetic distinction of cynomolgus macaques from Batangas from other regional populations assigned to subspecies M. f. fascicularis to warrant the subspecies distinction M. f. philippensis. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:136–148, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is a threatened subspecies and the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of special concern in the western United States. Concern for their continued viability has arisen because of habitat loss caused by timber harvesting. The taxonomic status of the northern subspecies has been the subject of continuing controversy. We investigated the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of northern and California spotted owls with special reference to their region of contact. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences confirmed the existence of two well-differentiated lineages connected by a narrow hybrid zone in a region of low population density in north central California. Maximum-likelihood estimates indicated bidirectional gene flow between the lineages but limited introgression outside the region of contact. The lengths of both the mtDNA hybrid zone and the reduced density patch were similar and slightly exceeded estimates of natal dispersal distances. This suggests that the two subspecies were in secondary contact in a hybrid zone trapped by a population density trough. Consequently, the zone of interaction is expected to be geographically stable. We discovered a third, rare clade of haplotypes, which we interpreted to be a result of incomplete lineage sorting; those haplotypes result in a paraphyletic northern spotted owl with respect to the California spotted owl. A congeneric species, the barred owl (Strix varia), occasionally hybridizes with spotted owls; our results indicated an upper bound for the frequency of barred owl mtDNA haplotypes in northern spotted owl populations of 3%.  相似文献   

Zapus hudsonius preblei, listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA), is one of 12 recognized subspecies of meadow jumping mice found in North America. Recent morphometric and phylogenetic comparisons among Z. h. preblei and neighbouring conspecifics questioned the taxonomic status of selected subspecies, resulting in a proposal to delist the Z. h. preblei from the ESA. We present additional analyses of the phylogeographic structure within Z. hudsonius that calls into question previously published data (and conclusions) and confirms the original taxonomic designations. A survey of 21 microsatellite DNA loci and 1380 base pairs from two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions (control region and cytochrome b) revealed that each Z. hudsonius subspecies is genetically distinct. These data do not support the null hypothesis of a homogeneous gene pool among the five subspecies found within the southwestern portion of the species' range. The magnitude of the observed differentiation was considerable and supported by significant findings for nearly every statistical comparison made, regardless of the genome or the taxa under consideration. Structuring of nuclear multilocus genotypes and subspecies-specific mtDNA haplotypes corresponded directly with the disjunct distributions of the subspecies investigated. Given the level of correspondence between the observed genetic population structure and previously proposed taxonomic classification of subspecies (based on the geographic separation and surveys of morphological variation), we conclude that the nominal subspecies surveyed in this study do not warrant synonymy, as has been proposed for Z. h. preblei, Z. h. campestris, and Z. h. intermedius.  相似文献   

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