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Survival times of metamorphosing leptocephali of the bonefish Albula sp. placed in hypoxic sea water (0·68 mg O2 l-1) decreased by about three-fold (from c. 15 to 5 min) over the 10 day metamorphic period. Increased sensitivity to hypoxia coincided with increased larval oxygen demand during metamorphosis. Plots of hypoxic survival time against standard length or wet mass suggested that metamorphosis (phase II of larval development) could be divided into subphases (IIa and IIb). American Public Health Association.  相似文献   
The effect of a juvenile hormone analogue, S-71639, was tested on the eggs, four larval instars and adults of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, by topical application or after treatment of the foodplant. The last larval instar is very sensitive to S-71639. Treatment of this instar delayed the onset of pupation and prevented adult emergence. Treated animals showed severe abnormalities, but they were not immediately killed at the doses used in this study. Treatment of larvae also interfered with the photoperiodic induction of diapause. Adults, kept under diapausing conditions, started to lay eggs after treatment with S-71639. The ovicidal effect of the compound was rather weak. The implications for practical use of S-71639 in control of the Colorado potato beetle are being discussed.
Résumé L'effet d'un analogue de l'hormone juvénile, S-71639, a été testé sur les oeufs, les quatre stades larvaires et les adultes du doryphore, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, par application topique ou après traitement de la plante-hôte. Le dernier stade larvaire est très sensible au S-71639. Le traitement de ce stade retarde le début de la métamorphose et empêche l'émergence adulte. Les animaux traités montrent de graves anomalies, mais ne sont pas immédiatement tués par les doses utilisées dans cette étude. Le traitement des larves perturbe aussi l'induction photopériodique de la diapause. Les adultes placés dans des conditions de diapause, commencent à pondre après traitement au S-71639. L'effet ovicide de la substance est plutôt faible. Les implications pour l'utilisation pratique du S-71639 dans la lutte contre le doryphore sont discutées.
Regulation of ecdysteroid production in lepidopteran prepupae was studied using a parasitic wasp (C. near curvimaculatus) which specifically suppresses host prepupal ecdysteroid production after the induction of precocious host metamorphosis. At the developmental stage at which the hemolymph of the unparasitized metamorphosing host has its maximum titer of prepupal ecdysteroids, the hemolymph of 4th instar "truly parasitized" hosts (hosts with a surviving endoparasite) had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. However, during the photophase about 12 h later, just prior to emergence of the parasite larva, an ecdysteroid peak was observed in the host hemolymph. Fourth instar pseudoparasitized prepupal hosts (in which the endoparasite was not present or died early in development) exhibited a sustained suppression in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer. Small 5th instar pseudoparasitized hosts, which normally would molt to a 6th instar prior to metamorphosis, but which precociously attained the prepupal stage, also had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. The late increase observed in truly parasitized hosts could be completely prevented by surgical removal of the parasite 24 h earlier, resulting in a titer similar to that in pseudoparasitized hosts. HPLC analysis of ecdysteroids in normal, truly parasitized, and 4th or 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae showed that both ecdysone and 20-OH ecdysone* were suppressed in truly and pseudoparasitized prepupae, with ecdysteroid levels being lowest in pseudoparasitized hosts. These data, and those of Brown and Reed-Larsen (Biol Contr 1, 136 [1992]), showing endoparasite secretion of ecdysteroids just prior to its emergence from the host, strongly indicate that: (1) the prepupal peak in truly parasitized hosts originates from the endoparasite, and (2) the low level of ecdysteroids in pseudoparasitized hosts results from the host's intrinsic inability to express a normal level of prepupal ecdysteroid titer. While precocious 4th or 5th instar prepupae of similar size had similarly suppressed ecdysteroid titers, smaller 4th instar prepupae had a lower ecdysteroid titer than larger, precocious 5th instar prepupae. Rare 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae that were of nearly normal size showed a prepupal ecdysteroid titer distinctly greater than those of the usual smaller, precocious 5th instar prepupae. The data suggest that the competence of the host to express a normal hemolymph titer of prepupal ecdysteroids is more closely correlated with the size of the prepupae than with the instar attained.  相似文献   
Locke M 《Tissue & cell》1985,17(6):901-921
Epidermal cells in Calpodes and other insects form basal processes or feet that at first extend axially and later shorten at the same time as the larval segment shortens to the pupal shape. The feet grow into spaces at the surfaces of other cells to make a basal interlacing meshwork of cellular extensions that are combined mechanically by their desmosomal attachments to cell bodies above and to the basal lamina below. Microtubules and microfilaments are linked to these junctions by a reticular fibrous matrix. Gap junctions on the feet may couple cells that are several cell bodies removed from one another. The meshwork is also a sieve separating the hemolymph from the spaces between cells to form an intercellular compartment. Entry to the intercellular compartment is through the sieve made by the negatively charged basolateral cell surfaces that can prevent the entry of positively charged molecules such as cationic ferritin. As the cells become columnar, coincident with the metamorphic change in segment shape, the feet shorten and pack more densely together. At this time the basal lamina buckles axially as if responding to contraction of the feet. Segment shape change involves cell rearrangement and relative cell movement, necessitating the transient loss of plasma membrane plaque attachments to the cuticle apically and the loss of junctions laterally. Gap junctions involute in characteristic vacuoles. The metamorphic reduction in cell surface area coincides with the loss of basolateral membrane in smooth tubes and vesicles and the turnover of the apical surface in multivesicular bodies. New apical plasma membrane plaques and new lateral and basal junctions stabilize the cells in their pupal positions.  相似文献   
Numbers of successfully metamorphosing juvenile amphibians were tabulated at three wetlands in South Carolina, U.S.A. using terrestrial drift fences with pitfall traps. A relatively undisturbed Carolina bay was studied for eight years, a partially drained Carolina bay for four years, and a man-made borrow pit for three years. Annual production of juveniles at the undisturbed Carolina bay ranged from zero to 75,644 individuals of 15 species. Fewer individuals of fewer species typically metamorphosed at the borrow pit than at the undisturbed bay, with the least numbers at the partially drained Carolina bay. Both total number and species diversity of metamorphosing juveniles at each site each year showed a strong positive correlation with hydroperiod, i.e., the number of days a site contained standing water that year. Data for one common anuran species and the most common salamander species were analyzed separately by multiple regression, in addition to the community analyses. For the mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, hydroperiod was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but the number of breeding females was not. For the ornate chorus frog, Pseudacris ornata, the number of breeding females was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but hydroperiod was not. Variation in the dates of wetland filling and drying interacts with other factors to determine amphibian community structure and diversity. Either increasing or decreasing the number of days a wetland holds water could increase or decrease the number and species diversity of amphibians in and around a wetland.  相似文献   
Summary In most nereids sexual maturation is accompanied by a dramatic reorganization of the body that enables swarming of the formerly benthic worms. However, a border exists between unchanged anterior (atokous) and metamorphosed posterior (epitokous) segments. The site of this atokous-epitokous border (a/e border) is different in sexually mature males and females of Platynereis dumerilii. There is no correlation between the total number of setigerous segments of a specimen and the location of the a/e border. The location of the a/e border and sexual development are affected neither by cutting off caudal segments of juveniles (including the prospective a/e border) nor by transecting the ventral nerve cord. When parapodia are transplanted from prospective epitokous regions to prospective atokous regions and vice versa, they maintain their original character during metamorphosis. The results presented here suggest that prospective atokous as well as epitokous characters are determined at or only very shortly after formation of the respective segments. Thus the a/e border is established well in advance of the onset of epitokous metamorphosis.  相似文献   
The greening of the upper part of the outerAllium cepa L. bulb scales, in particular along the vascular regions, is limited to the hypodermal cells in which typical leucoplasts are transformed to normal and functional chloroplasts. This process is light dependent and cannot afterwards be reversed or modified by darkness. The changes in fine structure are described and briefly discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday and 55 years after the publication of his Grundriß der Cytologie.  相似文献   
S. Ito  H. Kitamura 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):281-284
The mass production of juvenile seeds of the sea cucumber,Stichopus japonicus has recently developed by the SeaFarming Center of Saga Prefecture. Methods for the culture ofperiphicic diatoms have been improved. There are three importantsteps in propagating the diatoms. The first step is theenrichment, with the addition of the nutrient salts, undercontrolled light intensity. The second step is washing withhigh pressure seawater and reversal of the plates. The laststep is elimination of copepods, which feed on diatoms, usinga pesticide. Small periphitic diatoms such as Navicula,Amphora, Achnanthes, and Nitzschia are easily culturedat a density of more than one million cells cm–2, andthese diatoms are able to induce larval metamorphosis andserve as a food source for juvenile sea cucumbers.  相似文献   
The R1 abdominal retractor muscles of the insect Tenebrio molitor change position during the course of metamorphosis. These muscles detach from the epidermal tendon cells at their anterior ends, and migrate in a posterior direction, parallel to the body axis, to form completely new attachments shortly before adult emergence. Movement is preceded by the loss of sarcomere structure, and the muscles migrate in a partially dedifferentiated condition, closely accompanied by satellite cells and haemocytes. Movement appears to result from the extension of muscle processes towards the epidermis posterior to the larval attachment sites, which contact reciprocal processes extended from the epidermis. Contacts at the new posterior sites are then reinforced, and relinquished at the anterior. This cycle is subsequently repeated. It is envisaged that migration ceases when the muscles encounter a contour in the epidermal gradient known to specify the position of the adult muscle attachment sites. This positional information may be encoded in the epidermal basal lamina. The muscles then redifferentiate, with concurrent differentiation of new epidermal tendon cells. Development of adult muscle attachments appears to require reciprocal morphogenetic interactions between muscle and epidermis.  相似文献   
A double-antibody ecdysone-specific radioimmunoassay was used to clarify whether the effects on metamorphosis of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene are correlated with changes in ecdysteroids level. It appears that a small ecdysteroids peak, 5 days before pupation, is responsible for the transition from inhibition to defective metamorphosis. Study of the changes in ecdysteroid titer in last-instar larvae treated with the JHA 2 days prior to the appearance of the above small ecdysteroids' peak showed an immediate reduction in ecdysteroid level, followed by cyclic, successively reduced titer for about 20 days. After this period the larvae ceased to feed and entered to a diapauselike stage which ended in the death of the larvae. A similar effect on ecdysteroid titer and developmental arrest was exhibited by JHA-treated first-instar larvae. The mechanism of the interactions between JHA and ecdysteroid level deserves further investigation.  相似文献   
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