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Aspects of the nymphal/adult developmental change were investigated in biometric studies of several species of Plecoptera: Nemouridae near Schlitz, Hesse, Germany. Preliminary information on the mayfly, Baetis vernus Curtis, is also provided. Nemourid nymphs pass through 3 wing bearing stages before reaching adulthood. Instars can be identified by their characteristic shapes, as expressed by the wing length/head width (WL/HW) ratio. Size does not allow instar discrimination, mainly due to sexual size differences. HW is ca 10% larger in last instar female than in male nemourid nymphs; exuviae shed at the moult to adult represent about 14% of nymphal ash free dry weight (AFDW). Biomass lost with exuviae during the many larval moults should be accounted for in estimates of production. Freshly emerged nemourid females are about 6% larger and 30% heavier than males. The HW/AFDW relationship is the same in both sexes. Through terrestrial feeding during adult life, males double their weight on average. Mature females are up to three times heavier than freshly emerged ones. They invest about 30% of their final AFDW in reproduction.Shape of last instar nymphal Baetis was expressed as the ratio wing length/mesonotum length. It is size-dependent, a characteristic, instar-specific shape may not occur in this mayfly. Nymphal and subimaginal exuviae together represent about 14% of last instar nymphal dry weight. Females of Baetis are about 55% heavier than males. Unlike in Plecoptera, the size/weight (ML/AFDW) relationship differs between sexes.  相似文献   

1. 1.|Critical thermal maxima (CTMax) and minima (CTMin) were measured to evalute thermal hardening in Rana catesbeiana.

2. 2.|Tadpoles show heat hardening and CTMax acclimation, and both responses are influenced by developmental stage.

3. 3.|The first evidence of cold hardening in vertebrates is reported here.

4. 4.|Heat hardening significantly reduces cold tolerance, but there is otherwise no evidence of a cross-hardening effect.

Author Keywords: Thermal acclimation; thermal hardening; hardening; heat hardening; cold hardening; critical thermal maxima; critical thermal minima; developmental stage; metamorphosis; tadpoles; Rana catesbeiana  相似文献   

For up to three days after being treated with the precocene analogue 6-methoxy-7-ethoxy-2,2-dimethylchromene, adult green peach aphids (Myzus persicae) gave birth to offspring (alate and apterous virginoparae, males) which underwent precocious metamorphosis. Only a few precocious gynoparae and no precocious oviparae were recorded. The precocious aphids became adultoid in the third or fourth-instar as a result of corpus allatum destruction. They were able to develop mature embryos, but could not deposit them because of incomplete differentiation of the reproductive tract. The treatment did not induce the production of alate virginoparae in the experimental clone of Myzus persicae. However, a few males were born late in the reproductive sequence of treated apterae. The corpora allata of the treated adults appeared on histological examination to be unaffected by precocene.  相似文献   
Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of the blood of precocious adult females of Oncopeltus demonstrated the presence of the A form of vitellogenin but no detectable AB form, the form present in mature adult-female haemolymph. Although the appearance of the AB form could be induced by topical treatment of precocious adult females with juvenile hormone, no yolk deposition was induced in these females. Histological examination revealed that the ovaries of precocious adult females reached only a previtellogenic stage of development with or without treatment with juvenile hormone. Topical treatment of normal larvae and adults with the hormone demonstrated that vitellogenin synthesis could not be induced with juvenile hormone treatment alone until after adult emergence. Since the precocious adult females are chronologically younger than normal last-stage larval instars, we suggest that a transition period during which juvenile hormone is absent (i.e. the precocious moult in treated animals; the final moult in control animals) must occur before some tissue of the precocious or normal adult females, presumably the fat body, becomes competent to respond to further exposure to the hormone by making the AB form of vitellogenin. The ovary requires a similar transition period prior to becoming capable of depositing vitellogenin; however, the times when the fat body and the ovary become competent to respond to the transition period differ.  相似文献   
Regulation of ecdysteroid production in lepidopteran prepupae was studied using a parasitic wasp (C. near curvimaculatus) which specifically suppresses host prepupal ecdysteroid production after the induction of precocious host metamorphosis. At the developmental stage at which the hemolymph of the unparasitized metamorphosing host has its maximum titer of prepupal ecdysteroids, the hemolymph of 4th instar "truly parasitized" hosts (hosts with a surviving endoparasite) had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. However, during the photophase about 12 h later, just prior to emergence of the parasite larva, an ecdysteroid peak was observed in the host hemolymph. Fourth instar pseudoparasitized prepupal hosts (in which the endoparasite was not present or died early in development) exhibited a sustained suppression in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer. Small 5th instar pseudoparasitized hosts, which normally would molt to a 6th instar prior to metamorphosis, but which precociously attained the prepupal stage, also had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. The late increase observed in truly parasitized hosts could be completely prevented by surgical removal of the parasite 24 h earlier, resulting in a titer similar to that in pseudoparasitized hosts. HPLC analysis of ecdysteroids in normal, truly parasitized, and 4th or 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae showed that both ecdysone and 20-OH ecdysone* were suppressed in truly and pseudoparasitized prepupae, with ecdysteroid levels being lowest in pseudoparasitized hosts. These data, and those of Brown and Reed-Larsen (Biol Contr 1, 136 [1992]), showing endoparasite secretion of ecdysteroids just prior to its emergence from the host, strongly indicate that: (1) the prepupal peak in truly parasitized hosts originates from the endoparasite, and (2) the low level of ecdysteroids in pseudoparasitized hosts results from the host's intrinsic inability to express a normal level of prepupal ecdysteroid titer. While precocious 4th or 5th instar prepupae of similar size had similarly suppressed ecdysteroid titers, smaller 4th instar prepupae had a lower ecdysteroid titer than larger, precocious 5th instar prepupae. Rare 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae that were of nearly normal size showed a prepupal ecdysteroid titer distinctly greater than those of the usual smaller, precocious 5th instar prepupae. The data suggest that the competence of the host to express a normal hemolymph titer of prepupal ecdysteroids is more closely correlated with the size of the prepupae than with the instar attained.  相似文献   
We report here about an antigen that is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) of Drosophila only during the embryonic and metamorphic stages. In Drosophila, axonogenesis and synaptogenesis occur twice during the development: first in the embryonic and second in the metamorphic stages. We generated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in order to obtain molecular probes for analyzing axonogenesis or synaptogenesis in the CNS on the assumption that good candidates for molecules responsible for such phenomena must be present in the neuropil during those stages exclusively. As a result, we found MAb 66B2 whose intense immunoreactivity in the neuropil of the CNS was observed exclusively in the embryo and pupa, and not in the larva and adult. Immunoblot analyses showed that MAb 66B2 binds specifically to a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 350 K and neutral pl in the prepupal CNS. A significant amount of the antigen was isolated in forms that were soluble without detergent. Results of immunohistochemistry with MAb 66B2 in a primary culture of embryos showed that some live cells in the ganglion-like cluster were stained, and that neuronal cell bodies and neurites emanating from there were negative. These results strongly suggest that the 66B2 antigen observed in the CNS is an extracellular matrix component secreted from nonneuronal cells. These developmental changes in the 66B2 immuno-reactivity in the CNS presumably reflect dynamic changes of an extracellular matrix in the CNS that are accompanied by axonogenesis or synaptogenesis. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Adult reproductive performance is linked to the period of feeding done by the final instar larva after attainment of a larval critical weight (LCW). The highest weight attained by a final instar larva is referred to as the larval maximum weight (LMW) and is the onset of the pre-pupal period. The relationships between LCW, pupal weight (PW) and adult weight (AW) are described as functions of the LMW. In the leafroller Cnephasia jactatana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) LCW was dependent on larval size and was approximately 75% of the mean LMW. LCW was about 29 mg and 36 mg for male and female larvae of 1.18 mm and 1.20 mm head-capsule width, respectively. Over three successive generations of laboratory rearing, PW was approximately 30% and 25% lower than the LMW for males and females, respectively. AW was consistently about 50% and 40% lower than the PW for males and females, respectively. The decrease in weight from LMW to PW was named as the constant DP and found to be 0.3 for males and 0.25 for females. The total decrease from LMW to AW was the constant DA and was 0.6 for males and 0.5 for females. The duration of the latent feeding period was positively correlated to PW and AW. LCW may be used to derive quality indices that describe and predict pupal and adult performance.
Résumé Les performances reproductives sont liées à la période d'alimentation du dernier stade larvaire après l'obtention d'un poids critique (LCW). Le poids maximal atteint au dernier stade larvaire est défini comme le poids larvaire maximal (LMW), il correspond au début de la période prénymphale. Les relations entre poids de la chrysalide (PW) et poids de l'audulte AW) sont présentées comme des fonctions de LMW). Chez Cnephasia jactatana Walker (Lep. Tortricidae), LCW dépend de la taille de la chenille et correspond à environ 75% de la valeur moyenne de LMW. LCW est respectivement de 29 mg et 36 mg pour les chenilles mâles et femelles dont les capsules céphaliques ont 1,18 et 1,20 mm. Pour 3 générations successives, PW est environ 30% et 25% inférieur à LMW des mâles et des femelles. La régression du poids de LMW à PW est désignée comme la constante DP et vaut 0,3 pour les mâles et 0,25 pour les femelles. La régression de LMW à AW est désignée comme la régression DM et vaut 0,6 pour les mâles et 0,5 pour les femelles. La durée de la période d'alimentation latente est liée positivement à PW et AW. LCW peut être utilisé comme indice dérivé décrivant et prédisant les potentialités nymphales et imaginales.
Locke M 《Tissue & cell》1985,17(6):901-921
Epidermal cells in Calpodes and other insects form basal processes or feet that at first extend axially and later shorten at the same time as the larval segment shortens to the pupal shape. The feet grow into spaces at the surfaces of other cells to make a basal interlacing meshwork of cellular extensions that are combined mechanically by their desmosomal attachments to cell bodies above and to the basal lamina below. Microtubules and microfilaments are linked to these junctions by a reticular fibrous matrix. Gap junctions on the feet may couple cells that are several cell bodies removed from one another. The meshwork is also a sieve separating the hemolymph from the spaces between cells to form an intercellular compartment. Entry to the intercellular compartment is through the sieve made by the negatively charged basolateral cell surfaces that can prevent the entry of positively charged molecules such as cationic ferritin. As the cells become columnar, coincident with the metamorphic change in segment shape, the feet shorten and pack more densely together. At this time the basal lamina buckles axially as if responding to contraction of the feet. Segment shape change involves cell rearrangement and relative cell movement, necessitating the transient loss of plasma membrane plaque attachments to the cuticle apically and the loss of junctions laterally. Gap junctions involute in characteristic vacuoles. The metamorphic reduction in cell surface area coincides with the loss of basolateral membrane in smooth tubes and vesicles and the turnover of the apical surface in multivesicular bodies. New apical plasma membrane plaques and new lateral and basal junctions stabilize the cells in their pupal positions.  相似文献   
The R1 abdominal retractor muscles of the insect Tenebrio molitor change position during the course of metamorphosis. These muscles detach from the epidermal tendon cells at their anterior ends, and migrate in a posterior direction, parallel to the body axis, to form completely new attachments shortly before adult emergence. Movement is preceded by the loss of sarcomere structure, and the muscles migrate in a partially dedifferentiated condition, closely accompanied by satellite cells and haemocytes. Movement appears to result from the extension of muscle processes towards the epidermis posterior to the larval attachment sites, which contact reciprocal processes extended from the epidermis. Contacts at the new posterior sites are then reinforced, and relinquished at the anterior. This cycle is subsequently repeated. It is envisaged that migration ceases when the muscles encounter a contour in the epidermal gradient known to specify the position of the adult muscle attachment sites. This positional information may be encoded in the epidermal basal lamina. The muscles then redifferentiate, with concurrent differentiation of new epidermal tendon cells. Development of adult muscle attachments appears to require reciprocal morphogenetic interactions between muscle and epidermis.  相似文献   
A double-antibody ecdysone-specific radioimmunoassay was used to clarify whether the effects on metamorphosis of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene are correlated with changes in ecdysteroids level. It appears that a small ecdysteroids peak, 5 days before pupation, is responsible for the transition from inhibition to defective metamorphosis. Study of the changes in ecdysteroid titer in last-instar larvae treated with the JHA 2 days prior to the appearance of the above small ecdysteroids' peak showed an immediate reduction in ecdysteroid level, followed by cyclic, successively reduced titer for about 20 days. After this period the larvae ceased to feed and entered to a diapauselike stage which ended in the death of the larvae. A similar effect on ecdysteroid titer and developmental arrest was exhibited by JHA-treated first-instar larvae. The mechanism of the interactions between JHA and ecdysteroid level deserves further investigation.  相似文献   
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