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目的:通过对儿童急性暴发性心肌炎的临床表现、实验室指标、抢救治疗和转归进行回顾性分析研究,探讨小儿暴发性心肌炎的临床特点及有效安全的救治方法。方法:收集并分析2008年1月-2012年12月四川大学华西第二医院符合纳入标准的急性暴发性心肌炎16例,回顾性分析临床表现、心电图、心脏B超、血清生化指标、抢救治疗方法及预后,并总结其诊断和抢救治疗的特点。结果:16例暴发性心肌炎以学龄期儿童为主,平均年龄(7.19±4.69)岁,入院时有消化道症状表现者10例(62.5%),有呼吸道症状表现者7例(43.75%),有循环灌注不足表现者10例(62.5%),有心脏症状(心悸、胸痛)表现者6例(37.5%),其中8例伴发热(50%)。16例暴发性心肌炎患儿入院时X线胸片9例异常表现(56.25%),其中心影增大3例,肺水肿/充血5例,胸腔积液6例;超声心动图检查8例有异常表现(50%),平均射血分数(EF)为(50±15)%,平均缩短分数(FS)为(29±15)%,左心室增大5例,左室收缩功能下降4例,瓣膜反流4例,心包积液3例;心电图均有不同程度异常表现(100%),其中Ⅲ度阻滞8例(50%);肌钙蛋白升高者15例(93.75%)。抢救治疗过程中,15例使用甲强龙冲击治疗(93.75%),11例使用丙种球蛋白冲击治疗(68.75%),8例安置临时起搏器(50%),5例行呼吸机支持(31.25%),4例行血液净化治疗(25%)。其中6例于急性期死亡(37.5%),平均住院日5.3天,10例存活并好转出院,平均住院日26.5天,出院1月门诊随访,患者心肌酶、肝肾功能正常,超声心动图恢复正常,2例有继发性癫痫后遗症并长期口服抗癫痫药物。16例暴发性心肌炎中,9例合并多器官功能障碍综合征(56.25%),其中4例重症多器官功能衰竭患儿予以呼吸机辅助通气、安置临时起搏器并连续性血液净化联合治疗,3例存活,1例死亡。结论:暴发性心肌炎起病急,病情重,起病初期多以心外症状为主,易误诊漏诊,急性期死亡率高,对疑诊病例应行心电图、超声心动图、胸片检查并综合判断。一旦确诊需早期予抗心力衰竭,心源性休克,抗心律失常治疗。  相似文献   
The cantilever sensor, which acts as a transducer of reactions between model bacterial cell wall matrix immobilized on its surface and antibiotic drugs in solution, has shown considerable potential in biochemical sensing applications with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity1-5. The drug-target interactions generate surface stress, causing the cantilever to bend, and the signal can be analyzed optically when it is illuminated by a laser. The change in surface stress measured with nano-scale precision allows disruptions of the biomechanics of model bacterial cell wall targets to be tracked in real time. Despite offering considerable advantages, multiple cantilever sensor arrays have never been applied in quantifying drug-target binding interactions.Here, we report on the use of silicon multiple cantilever arrays coated with alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers mimicking bacterial cell wall matrix to quantitatively study antibiotic binding interactions. To understand the impact of vancomycin on the mechanics of bacterial cell wall structures1,6,7. We developed a new model1 which proposes that cantilever bending can be described by two independent factors; i) namely a chemical factor, which is given by a classical Langmuir adsorption isotherm, from which we calculate the thermodynamic equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) and ii) a geometrical factor, essentially a measure of how bacterial peptide receptors are distributed on the cantilever surface. The surface distribution of peptide receptors (p) is used to investigate the dependence of geometry and ligand loading. It is shown that a threshold value of p ~10% is critical to sensing applications. Below which there is no detectable bending signal while above this value, the bending signal increases almost linearly, revealing that stress is a product of a local chemical binding factor and a geometrical factor combined by the mechanical connectivity of reacted regions and provides a new paradigm for design of powerful agents to combat superbug infections.  相似文献   
结核性脑膜炎是由结核杆菌引起的中枢感染性疾病,是肺外结核病中最严重的一种,其多侵袭脑膜,有时可累及脑实质、脊髓,有很高的致死率。结核病在发展中国家中的感染趋势尤为突出。我国为人口大国,抗结核治疗和预防的形势异常严峻。随着抗结核药物的广泛使用,耐药性结核性脑膜炎患者数量增加,严重影响了结核性脑膜炎的预后。在耐药性结核性脑膜炎患者的治疗中,早期诊断、经验性治疗、调整治疗方案对患者的预后尤为重要。本文对耐药性结核性脑膜炎的分布、临床诊断、基因检测、治疗方案及预后进行系统性的总结。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo study the early predictive value of cord blood bilirubin and dynamic monitoring of transcutaneous bilirubin for hyperbilirubinemia of newborns.Methods389 newborns delivered from June 2014 to December 2015 were enrolled as the research subjects; detailed records were made about the general data of newborns and mothers, and after cord blood bilirubin being graded, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was counted, and the prediction efficiency of cord blood bilirubin was analyzed by receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve. At the same time, the transcutaneous bilirubin was detected continuously when the neonate was born and 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after birth, and the relativity between transcutaneous bilirubin at 72 h and serum bilirubin was analyzed.ResultsNo significant difference was found in the hyperbilirubinemia group and the non-hyperbilirubinemia group concerning general data of the newborns and their mothers. With the concentration of cord blood bilirubin increased, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia also increased; separate prediction of hyperbilirubinemia by cord blood bilirubin showed a sensitivity and specificity of 71.4% and 65.6% respectively, and they need further dynamic monitoring. The daily mean of transcutaneous bilirubin in hyperbilirubinemia group was significantly higher than that in non-hyperbilirubinemia group at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h, and the measurement value of transcutaneous bilirubin at 72 h had a high correlation with serum bilirubin. When transcutaneous bilirubin value is higher than 18, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia should be considered.ConclusionsThe increase of cord blood bilirubin effectively predict the occurrence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. There is a good correlation between levels of transcutaneous bilirubin and serum bilirubin. Moreover, combined detection of transcutaneous bilirubin and cord blood bilirubin can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of hyperbilirubinemia.  相似文献   
目的:探讨结直肠癌中IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3等的阳性表达及诊断价值。方法:收集我院45例结直肠癌、33例炎性息肉、40例腺瘤以及35例正常肠粘膜组织予以免疫组织化学SP法进行IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3检测,并统计结直肠腺瘤不同组织类型和结直肠癌不同Dukes分期的阳性表达差异。结果:结直肠癌组织中IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3表达均呈高阳性率,并且显著高于其他3组(P0.05)。结直肠腺瘤管状、混合型、绒毛状等不同组织类型IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3表达阳性率呈逐渐增高趋势,绒毛状腺瘤显著高于其他两型(P0.05)。45例结直肠癌中,Dukes分期A、B两期显著低于C期和D期,比较差异具有显著性(P0.05)。结论:IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3可能在结直肠腺瘤发生、发展及进展为结直肠癌的过程中起一定作用,对结直肠癌早期诊断具有一定价值。  相似文献   
In patients with unexplained hypertension, especially in combination with a cardiac murmur, the presence of an aortic coarctation should always be ruled out given the high morbidity and mortality. However, particularly patients with an isolated coarctation often remain asymptomatic for years and the defect may be unnoticed even until the fifth or sixth decade of life. In the present article, we describe two patients with late detected coarctation to illustrate the clinical consequences, diagnostic clues for earlier detection and current therapeutic options to achieve optimal treatment. The key sign of an aortic coarctation, a difference in arterial blood pressure measured between the upper and lower extremities, should always be examined, followed by echocardiography. We conclude that even in case of a late detected severe coarctation, surgical or percutaneous repair has proven to be feasible and substantially effective, improving quality of life and lowering the risk of further hypertension-associated problems.  相似文献   
蚊虫传播的黄病毒造成的传染病是人类健康的重要威胁,有效的早期精确诊断对预防与控制黄病毒感染并及时有效开展病患救治至关重要。然而由于黄病毒在血液中核酸可检测窗口短,核酸检测手段难以发挥优势,必须要通过血清学的诊断与病毒分离予以佐证,而血清学检测也要面对黄病毒之间存在的交叉反应问题。本文介绍了基于黄病毒非结构蛋白1(NS1)建立的检测手段。NS1蛋白在病人血清中含量很高是良好早期诊断靶标,基于NS1蛋白的黄病毒血清学诊断的检测窗口较长、灵敏度高、特异性强,具有独特的优势。尤其是2016年寨卡病毒暴发以来基于NS1的检测技术在灵敏度与特异性上得到快速与多元的发展,为黄病毒的精确检测带开启了新的局面。  相似文献   
目的:探讨肺脏超声对新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)的诊断价值,并分析肺超声评分的临床应用价值。方法:本研究选择2017年5月至2018年5月于我院确诊的NRDS患儿45例作为观察组,选择同期于我院就诊的非肺病患儿45例作为对照组,所有患儿均行肺脏超声检查。分析NRDS患儿肺脏超声特征性征象,比较肺脏超声对两组患儿各种征象的检出率,分析肺脏超声对NRDS的诊断价值,比较两组肺超声评分。结果:NRDS患儿全部存在肺实质征象,超声下肺组织回声呈肝样伴支气管充气征,轻度的NRDS患儿于肺脏超声下表现为局灶性的肺实质,且支气管充气征不明显;重度的NRDS患儿于肺脏超声下表现为肺实质范围的进一步扩大,且支气管充气征随病情的加重而愈发明显。观察组肺实质、胸膜线异常、A线消失、弥漫性肺水肿、支气管充气征等征象的检出率显著高于对照组(P0.05),两组B线存在征象的检出率比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。肺实质、胸膜线异常和A线消失三种特征征象同时存在时对NRDS诊断的灵敏度和特异性均为100.00%,肺实质、胸膜线异常和支气管充气征三种特征征象同时存在时对NRDS诊断的灵敏度为80.00%,特异性为100.00%。观察组双肺、左肺、右肺、双侧肺、双肺底肺超声评分均高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:肺脏超声对NRDS的诊断价值较高,且肺超声评分可以评估NRDS患儿的病情严重程度,有助于指导患儿的治疗。  相似文献   
目的:探讨非ST段抬高型急性冠脉综合征(NST-ACS)患者血浆S100A1水平与全球急性冠状动脉事件注册(GRACE)评分之间的关系,以及S100A1水平对NST-ACS患者30天预后的判定价值。方法:共有162例NST-ACS患者符合入选标准,收集基本临床资料,进行GRACE评分,同时收集次日清晨空腹采集肘静脉血,检测血浆S100A1浓度,与患者的GRACE评分进行比较。根据S100A1的水平进行分组随访,KM生存分析不同组患者30天预后进行评价。结果:不同GRACE分组患者间S100A1水平具有显著性差异(P0.05);相关性分析显示,NST-ACS患者S100A1与GRACE评分呈显著正相关(r=0.49,P0.01);KM生存分析显示,S100A1水平3.41 ng/mL的患者30天内心血管事件发生率显著升高(P0.05)。结论:S100A1可作为预测NST-ACE患者病情的发生发展的生化指标;在NST-ACS患者中运用S100A1有助于对患者早期危险分层及评估预后有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   
目的:回顾结节性硬化症(TSC)在中国的诊断现状,分析中国TSC患者的临床特点,促进TSC的识别、规范化诊治和管理。方法:在维普数据库、万方数据库、中国知网、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed数据库中全面检索2001年-2014年13年间国内外发表的关于中国患者TSC的269篇所涉及的3171例TSC患者从皮肤、神经系统、肾脏、心脏、肺等多系统的临床特点对文献进行了统计和分析,并对TSC患者遗传学方面的基因检测情况进行了归纳和总结。结果:对照2012年TSC诊断指南,在对诊断标准中主要指征的报道中,共有247篇文献对2607例TSC患者的皮肤损害进行了描述,212篇文献对2395例TSC患者的神经系统损害的影像学表现进行了报道,有55篇文献报道了对348例患者进行的眼底检查中发现多发性视网膜错构瘤84例,32篇文献报道了对282例患者进行的心脏彩超检查中发现162例心脏横纹肌瘤,45篇文献在对282例患者进行的胸片检查、20篇文献在对36例患者进行的胸部CT检查中共发现淋巴管肌瘤病50例。在98篇文献报道的对696例患者进行的肾脏超声检查、51篇文献报道的对221例患者进行的肾脏CT检查和2篇文献报道的对2例患者进行的肾脏MRI检查中共发现肾脏血管平滑肌脂肪瘤416例;在58篇文献报道的对586例TSC患者进行的肝脏超声检查、30篇文献报道的对104例患者进行的腹部CT检查、2篇文献报道的对3例患者进行的腹部MRI检查中共发现肝脏血管平滑肌脂肪瘤141例。在诊断标准中的次要指征的报道中,对多发性肾囊肿的报道最多,而对牙釉质凹陷、Confetti皮损的描述却几乎缺失。在其他临床表现的研究中,癫痫的相关文献最多,有关智力评估的文献尚缺乏客观的智力评估标准。遗传学基因检测逐渐成为近几年文献报道的热点。结论:在过去13年间,中国医生对TSC的诊治作出了很大贡献,但诊断过程中仍存在对疾病认识的不足和对全局观念的缺乏,推广新版指南的诊断标准对于中国医生是十分有意义的。  相似文献   
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