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莴苣柱头呈两裂片状,有接受花粉的接受面和非接受面之分。授粉前后,柱头接受面乳突细胞的细胞壁中贮存丰富的细小钙颗粒,而非接受面的表皮细胞壁中的钙颗粒很少。在花柱组织中钙的分布具有明显特征,在同一水平上,钙主要分布在引导组织的质外体中,如细胞壁和细胞间隙中,而在引导组织外的薄壁组织中钙主要分布在的细胞内液炮和细胞壁中以及维管束导管内。在花柱不同水平上,花柱中的钙呈现出梯度分布,顶端各组织中的钙颗粒较少,基部各组织中的钙颗粒较多。授粉后1h花柱基部组织的钙颗粒增多,钙梯度分布现象增强。花柱引导组织中的钙梯度分布很可能是吸引花粉管向下生长的原因。讨论了莴苣花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布特征和花粉管在其体内生长的关系。  相似文献   
青藏公路沿线白昼交通运输等人类活动对藏羚羊迁徙的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
裘丽  冯祚建 《动物学报》2004,50(4):669-674
To study effects of traffic during daytime and other human activities, we conducted surveys on the migration of Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni along the Qinghai-Tibet highway between Kunlun Mountain Pass to Wudaoliang,using line transects (LT) from June to September in 2001 and 2002, Data were collected for 64 days with 17 days in 2001, and 47days in 2002. The Stationary Observation Method (SOM) was also adopted for the investigation of status of the disturbance from traffic when antelopes passing the highway and the traffic situation from August 6 to 28 (6 : 30-19: 00), 4 to 20 (6: 00- 18: 00) and from December 21 to 29 (9:00- 19: 00) in 2002. The results showed that,the period of migration in 2002 was more prolonged than in 2001, and it took at least 45 min for each group to cross the highway, with success ratio of only 30.2 %, and the traffic flow of summer daytime was 76/h, while the winter‘s traffic flow was 29/h. Highway and rail traffic should be managed during daylight hours from June to August, to allow for the migration of the antelopes. Also conservation education and a further survey should be emphasized for the protection on the species [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (4) : 669-674, 2004].  相似文献   
唐崇惕  顾嘉寿 《四川动物》1999,18(4):152-156
内蒙科尔沁草原是牛羊胰脏阔盘吸虫病及肝脏双腔吸虫病严重的流行区。作者从双腔吸虫的昆虫宿主(第二中间宿主) 黑玉蚂蚁(Formica gagates) 腹中查获索线虫幼虫, 检到从黑玉蚂蚁腹部自动弹出的后感染期的索幼虫。与此后感染期索幼虫同形态的索幼虫在黑玉蚂蚁巢窝土壤中也找到。黑玉蚂蚁巢窝土壤中有数种索科线虫, 仅中华二索线虫( Amphimermischinensis) 的雌雄成虫在长细大小以及形态结构上与黑玉蚂蚁索幼虫相像, 它们是否同一种类尚待实验证实。  相似文献   
本文研究大剂量胸腺肽联合干扰素对慢性乙肝患者的治疗作用,发现胸腺肽联合干扰素治疗三个月后,患者的ALT复常率、HBeAg转阴率、HBVDNA阴转率和HBVDNA有效下降率分别为760%、440%、560%和960%。T淋巴细胞亚群分析结果表明,联合治疗后,患者外周血CD4+淋巴细胞亚群上调,CD8+亚群下调,二者比值趋于正常,说明国产胸腺肽联合干扰素治疗慢性乙肝的治疗机理与免疫调节作用有关。  相似文献   
Marine photosynthesis drives the oceanic biological CO2 pump to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, which sinks more than one third of the industry-originated CO2 into the ocean. The increasing atmos-pheric CO2 and subsequent rise of pCO2 in seawater, which alters the carbonate system and related chemical reactions and results in lower pH and higher HCO3- concentration, affect photosynthetic CO2 fixation processes of phytoplanktonic and macroalgal species in direct and/or indirect ways. Although many unicellular and multicellular species can operate CO2-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) to util-ize the large HCO3- pool in seawater, enriched CO2 up to several times the present atmospheric level has been shown to enhance photosynthesis and growth of both phytoplanktonic and macro-species that have less capacity of CCMs. Even for species that operate active CCMs and those whose photo-synthesis is not limited by CO2 in seawater, increased CO2 levels can down-regulate their CCMs and therefore enhance their growth under light-limiting conditions (at higher CO2 levels, less light energy is required to drive CCM). Altered physiological performances under high-CO2 conditions may cause genetic alteration in view of adaptation over long time scale. Marine algae may adapt to a high CO2 oceanic environment so that the evolved communities in future are likely to be genetically different from the contemporary communities. However, most of the previous studies have been carried out under indoor conditions without considering the acidifying effects on seawater by increased CO2 and other interacting environmental factors, and little has been documented so far to explain how physi-ology of marine primary producers performs in a high-CO2 and low-pH ocean.  相似文献   
中国海洋浮游端足类的物种多样性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中国海域已发现浮游端足类122种,呈现从北部往南部海区、从近海往外海区种数逐渐增加,且暖水性也逐渐增强的分布特征。渤海、黄海北部和西南部的浮游端足类同属暖温带分布,黄海东南部和东海西北部为暖温带分布和热带分布的过渡带,东海东部和东海西南部以及台湾海峡、南海均属热带分布,其中东海东部和南海中、南部热带大洋分布的特征显著。  相似文献   
羊奶果是桤木型根瘤。根瘤的横切面是轴对称的圆形结构,含菌细胞分散于皮层组织中。随着根瘤的发育,内生菌也有不同的形态结构。侵染初期的内生菌是一种分枝、具隔膜的菌丝体。幼龄菌丝中含有电子半透明的颗粒,成熟菌丝没有这种颗粒。成熟菌丝顶端会臌大形成具隔膜的椭圆球状泡囊,直径比菌丝大。不同发育时期的泡囊,其形态结构也有差异。  相似文献   
鳞片状细胞癌抗原Ⅰ (SCCA1)是丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂 (serpin)超家族的成员 ,具有多种变异体。有报道其中的两种(BP和AJ515706 )能通过乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)的前S1抗原促进表达SCCA1的细胞与HBV的结合。本研究从HepG2细胞中扩增出的一株SCCA1(A1)却不具备HBV结合能力。将A1的C末端与BP的C末端互换 ,获得的A1-BP能够结合HBV ,而BP-A1却不能。A1与BP的C末端仅有 3个氨基酸的差异 ,其中 2个位于反应位点环域。一级结构分析发现在该区域内 ,A1的疏水性较弱 ,而BP和AJ515706的疏水性较强。将A1的aa349位的弱疏水性的谷氨酸突变为强疏水性的缬氨酸 ,则可获得HBV结合能力。反之 ,将BP同一位点的缬氨酸突变为谷氨酸 ,则会丧失HBV结合能力。这些结果提示SCCA1与HBV的结合受反应位点环域的疏水性的影响。  相似文献   
本文阐述中国海及其邻近海域浮游介形类的物种和生态类群多样性及其分布特点。本文记录浮游介形类183种,但各海区种数差异极大,其中,南海种数最多,达122种,而黄海南部和北部湾东北部的种类极少,都只有7种。同时,将浮游介形类划归4个生态类群:1.高温高盐类群,其种数最多,约占介形类总种数的46.8%,主要分布于受暖流控制的海域;2.低盐暖水类群,其种数约占介形类总种数的31.2%,但个体数极少,主要分布于近岸暖水区;3.广温广盐类群,种数极少,仅占介形类总种数的1.7%,但个别种类的个体数很多,在许多海区形成优势种,并常以生态交错带为其密集区和运移通道;4.低温高盐类群,由深水或较深水种构成,主要分布于500m以深海域,且个体数极少。  相似文献   
外源胆固醇对水稻根端线粒体膜流动性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用荧光探剂 1,6-二苯基-1,3,5-己三烯(DPH)观察外源胆固醇对水稻极端线粒体膜流动性的影响。结果表明,无论外源胆固醇通过水培根系吸收或是直接添加给予水稻根端线粒体,都能使DPH与线粒体结合后的荧光强度减弱,使荧光偏振度和微粘度降低,增加水稻根端线粒体膜流动性。  相似文献   
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