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Throughout an organism's lifetime, resources are strategically allocated to many different functions, including reproduction. Reproduction can be costly for both sexes; females produce nutrient‐rich eggs, whereas males of many species produce large and complex ejaculates. In capital breeding insects, nutrients are mainly acquired during the larval period, yet allocation decisions impact the reproductive fitness of adults. The present study examines the effect of larval dietary nitrogen on both male and female reproductive traits in the European corn borer moth Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, whose adults do not feed and whose males transfer a large, nitrogen‐rich spermatophore. One day post‐eclosion, O. nubilalis adults reared on one of three different diets (3.0%, 1.6%, or 1.1% nitrogen) are mated and two experiments are undertaken: one to measure nitrogen and carbon content of male ejaculates, and the other to determine female fecundity and fertility. Although male larval diet does not alter the percentage nitrogen content of adult somatic tissue, males reared on the higher nitrogen diet (3.0%) produce spermatophores with increased nitrogen relative to somatic nitrogen. Furthermore, females raised on the 3.0% nitrogen diet receive spermatophores with lower carbon : nitrogen ratios and thus more nitrogen. Overall, females lay more eggs as their larval dietary nitrogen increases, although they lay fewer eggs when their mates are raised on the higher (3.0%) nitrogen diet. This suggests that O. nubilalis females may use male‐derived nitrogen not to supplement egg production, but rather for somatic maintenance. Overall, the present study furthers our understanding of how larval diet can affect adult fitness in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   
Phase movements of apparent circadian rhythms during 2 wk of forward or backward displacement of the sleep-wake cycle were investigated in four experimental series in a subject. The 7-hr delay or advance of sleep due to a westward or an eastward transmeridian flight was duplicated by corresponding sleep displacements during experimental night shifts. Sudden phase advances (or delays) by several hours were observed in the rhythms of continuously recorded rectal temperature and urinary excretion rates (4-hr collection intervals) of adrenaline, noradrenaline and aldosterone the first day after sleep-wake displacement. The desired 7-hr phase-shifts were reached more quickly and completely when the phase was delayed than when it was advanced. In addition, the best-fitting period of these rhythms became shorter than 24 hr when the phase was delayed, and longer than 24 hr when it was advanced. The apparent rhythms of urine flow and electrolyte excretions (potassium, sodium, zinc) were much weaker and their phase movements more irregular than those of hormonal excretion. It is concluded that the sudden phase-shifts resulted from the immediate adaptation of the exogenous components of the rhythms to the demands of the displaced sleep-wake patterns (masking effects) and that the true phase-shifts of the endogenous components followed more slowly and gradually.  相似文献   
红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是国际最具危险性的入侵性物种之一,传播扩散速度快、适生能力强。云南由于其独特的地理和气候环境,给红火蚁的入侵和发生提供了丰富的栖息环境和食物。本研究对云南高海拔冷凉区域人工草坪条件下红火蚁婚飞有翅蚁、工蚁活动规律,以及蚁巢变化规律进行了系统的调查研究。结果表明,在人工草坪条件下,红火蚁婚飞活动主要发生在每年的5-8月,6月初和8月初为婚飞生殖蚁发生高峰期,婚飞生殖蚁数量分别达到390.33头/1 000 m^2和523.33头/1 000 m^2,分别占到全年婚飞生殖蚁总量的25.19%和33.77%;诱集工蚁数量在6月下旬-7月上旬、8月下旬-9月下旬达到两个高峰,合计诱集数量分别为634.66头/1 000 m^2和1 636.00头/1 000 m^2,分别占到全年诱集工蚁总量的44.59%和17.30%;新增蚁巢数量在6月1日-7月1日、8月16日、9月15日-12月16日、次年3月14日-4月15日为4个增长阶段,新增蚁巢数量分别为9.66个/1 000 m^2、4.33个/1 000 m^2、5.67个/1 000 m^2、2.00个/1 000 m^2、分别占到全年新增蚁巢总数的44.62%、20.00%、26.15%、9.23%。综合婚飞年度规律、全年诱集工蚁数量、活动蚁巢数量和新增蚁巢数量方面的结果,人工草坪条件下,6-9月为红火蚁的活动发生高峰期,结合当地的实际情况,建议每年的4-6月和8-9月采用毒饵与粉剂相结合的方式进行防治,在12月份采用低毒农药灌巢进行防治。  相似文献   
Investment in current versus future reproduction represents a prominent trade‐off in life‐history theory and is likely dependent on an individual's life expectancy. The terminal investment hypothesis posits that a reduction in residual reproductive value (i.e. potential for future offspring) will result in increased investment in current reproduction. We tested the hypothesis that male decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus), when cued to their impending mortality, should increase their reproductive effort by altering the composition of their nuptial food gifts (i.e. spermatophylaxes) to increase their gustatory appeal to females. Using a repeated‐measures design, we analysed the amino acid composition of spermatophylaxes derived from males both before and after injection of either a saline control or a solution of heat‐killed bacteria. The latter, although nonpathogenic, represents an immune challenge that may signal an impending survival threat. One principal component explaining amino acid variation in spermatophylaxes, characterized by a high loading to histidine, was significantly lower in immune‐challenged versus control males. The relevance of this difference for the gustatory appeal of gifts to females was assessed by mapping spermatophylax composition onto a fitness surface derived in an earlier study identifying the amino acid composition of spermatophylaxes preferred by females. We found that immune‐challenged males maintained the level of attractiveness of their gifts post‐treatment, whereas control males produced significantly less attractive gifts post‐injection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cues of a survival‐threatening infection stimulate terminal investment in male decorated crickets with respect to the gustatory appeal of their nuptial food gifts.  相似文献   
Homing studies have provided tantalizing evidence that the remarkable ability of shearwaters (Procellariiformes) to pinpoint their breeding colony after crossing vast expanses of featureless open ocean can be attributed to their assembling cognitive maps of wind-borne odours but crucially, it has not been tested whether olfactory cues are actually used as a system for navigation. Obtaining statistically important samples of wild birds for use in experimental approaches is, however, impossible because of invasive sensory manipulation. Using an innovative non-invasive approach, we provide strong evidence that shearwaters rely on olfactory cues for oceanic navigation. We tested for compliance with olfactory-cued navigation in the flight patterns of 210 shearwaters of three species (Cory''s shearwaters, Calonectris borealis, North Atlantic Ocean, Scopoli''s shearwaters, C. diomedea Mediterranean Sea, and Cape Verde shearwaters, C. edwardsii, Central Atlantic Ocean) tagged with high-resolution GPS loggers during both incubation and chick rearing. We found that most (69%) birds displayed exponentially truncated scale-free (Lévy-flight like) displacements, which we show are consistent with olfactory-cued navigation in the presence of atmospheric turbulence. Our analysis provides the strongest evidence yet for cognitive odour map navigation in wild birds. Thus, we may reconcile two highly disputed questions in movement ecology, by mechanistically connecting Lévy displacements and olfactory navigation. Our approach can be applied to any species which can be tracked at sufficient spatial resolution, using a GPS logger.  相似文献   
贺春玲  嵇保中  刘曙雯 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1751-1758
长木蜂Xylocopa tranquebarorum(Swederus)属于多访花性昆虫。本文报道了长木蜂的形态特征、生活史及幼虫和成虫的行为等生物学特性。该蜂在南京地区1年发生1代,以成虫在巢室内越冬。翌年的3月下旬成虫开始外出活动,主要是筑巢、采集粉蜜、酿贮蜂粮和产卵。6月中旬至7月下旬新一代成虫羽化,新羽化的成虫群集在蜜源植物青桐树上补充营养,并在青桐的附近空中婚飞、交配。室内观察长木蜂的卵期9~11d,平均(9.97±0.76)d;幼虫期19~22d,平均(20.30±1.18)d,预蛹期8~9d,平均(8.53±0.51)d,蛹期19~21d,平均(19.67±0.66)d。雌雄比为2.17∶1。雌蜂酿制蜂粮的盛期在5月上旬,采集蜂粮的最佳时期在5月上中旬。该蜂的卵产在块状的蜂粮上,卵长10.06~13.34mm,腊肠形或香蕉形,略弯曲,两端钝圆,头部略窄与尾部,尾部最宽,重(0.0438±0.0122)g。  相似文献   
Reproduction often comes at a cost of a reduction in body functions. In order to enhance their reproductive output, some insect species degenerate their thoracic muscles, typically resulting in reduced flight ability. From a life‐history trade‐off perspective, we expect the importance of body resource utilization to be amplified both with increased reproductive expenditure and with increased resource limitation. In this study, we measured age‐related changes in thorax weight, as a measure of flight muscle size, during a major part of the adult lifespan in males and females of the scorpionfly Panorpa vulgaris. The aim of the study was twofold: first to investigate whether scorpionflies have the potential to degenerate their flight muscles; second, and more importantly, to determine whether the magnitude of flight muscle degeneration is a plastic response in relation to resource availability, and if it differs between the sexes. The results clearly demonstrate that food availability does influence investment in flight muscle development. The build‐up of the thoracic muscles was strongly influenced by nutrient availability. Furthermore, the age‐related decrease in thorax weight was significantly different for males and females. Only females showed a strong age‐dependent decrease in thorax weight, indicative of muscle degeneration, yet no difference between food treatments was detected. For males, there was no significant directional change in thorax weight. Nevertheless, with increasing age, the difference in thorax weight between food treatments increased significantly. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 199–207.  相似文献   
Factors controlling sperm production in members of the Orthoptera have not been fully elucidated. In this study, the influence of intermating interval and ad libidum mating on sperm number was investigated in black field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus). Remating at a variety of time intervals was not characterized by a significant change in sperm number compared with the first mating. Ad libitum mating (i.e., continuous availability of unmated females) had two main effects on spermatophore production and sperm number: first, there was a trend toward increased time between copulations with each successive remating, and second, the number of spermatozoa encapsulated in the transferred spermatophore declined after most rematings, with 61.8% of the initial sperm number being produced for the second spermatophore and 51.3% of the initial sperm number being produced for the third. The decrease in mean sperm number was accompanied by increased variance in sperm number in later rematings. This study suggests that males are willing to suffer a decrease in sperm number if a mating opportunity occurs before the completion of sperm production.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence suggests that resources invested in reproduction often come at the expense of the ability to mount an immune response. During mating, female sagebrush crickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, consume the ends of the male’s hind wings and ingest his haemolymph. Previous research has shown that this behaviour impairs the ability of males to secure additional matings. One hypothesis to account for this effect is that wing wounding triggers an energetically costly immune response, such that nonvirgin males are unable to sustain the costly acoustical signalling needed to attract additional females. To test this hypothesis, we injected virgin males with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to provoke an immune response, and monitored their mating success in the field. LPS‐injected virgin males took significantly longer to mate than sham‐injected virgin males, and spent significantly less time calling. We also compared virgin, nonvirgin and experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males with respect to: (1) their ability to encapsulate a foreign invader via the accumulation of haemocytes and deposition of melanin and (2) baseline levels of phenoloxidase (PO), a key enzyme in the biochemical cascade leading to the production of melanin. Although encapsulation ability did not differ with reproductive experience, virgin males had significantly higher levels of PO than either nonvirgin or experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males. These results suggest that wing‐wounding alone is sufficient to impair male immunity, and that males trade‐off investment in reproduction and immunity.  相似文献   
A wide variety of the barrier crossing strategies exist among migrating songbirds, ranging from strict nocturnal flights to non‐stop flights over a few days. We evaluate barrier crossing strategies in a nocturnally migrating songbird crossing the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, the great reed warbler, exploring variation between the sexes and within individuals. We used data from 31 year‐round light‐level geolocators tracks from 26 individuals (13 males and 13 females), with four individuals tracked for 2–3.5 consecutive years. Almost all individuals (25 of 26) prolonged their flights into the day at least on one occasion. The mean duration of these prolonged flights was 19.9 h and did not differ between sexes or seasons. Fifteen birds performed non‐stop flights during more than one full day and night (≥ 24 h; mean = 31.9 h; max = 55 h) in autumn and/or spring, but these flights were generally too short to cross an entire barrier (such as the Sahara Desert) in one non‐stop flight. Patterns of prolonged flights showed considerable within‐individual variation in females between seasons (autumn versus spring) and in both males and females between years, suggesting high individual flexibility in migration strategy. Significantly more males than females performed prolonged flights during autumn migration, but not spring, possibly reflecting sex‐specific carry‐over effects. We conclude that great reed warblers have the ability to conduct prolonged continuous flights for up to several nights and days, which potentially would allow them to cross the Sahara Desert in one non‐stop flight. However, they typically use a mixed strategy of several nocturnal flights with intermittent stopovers in combination with 1–3 prolonged flights. Prolonged flights covered less than half (44%) of the total flight time across the barriers, and the diurnal parts of the flights covered only 18% of this time.  相似文献   
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