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Young organisms have relatively strong resistance to diseases and adverse conditions. When confronted with adversity, the process of development is delayed in plants. This phenomenon is thought to result from the rebalancing of energy, which helps plants to coordinate the relationship between development and stress tolerance; however, the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains mysterious. In this study, we found that miR156 integrates environmental signals to ensure timely flowering, thus enabling the completion of breeding. Under stress conditions, miR156 is induced to maintain the plant in the juvenile state for a relatively long period of time, whereas under favorable conditions, miR156 is suppressed to accelerate the developmental transition. Blocking the miR156 signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana with 35S::MIM156 (via target mimicry) increased the sensitivity of the plant to stress treatment, whereas overexpression of miR156 increased stress tolerance. In fact, this mechanism is also conserved in Oryza sativa (rice). We also identified downstream genes of miR156, i.e. SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEINLIKE 9 (SPL9) and DIHYDROFLAVONOL‐4‐REDUCTASE (DFR), which take part in this process by influencing the metabolism of anthocyanin. Our results uncover a molecular mechanism for plant adaptation to the environment through the miR156‐SPLs‐DFR pathway, which coordinates development and abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   
蒙农红豆草不仅是良好的饲草作物,还可以用作庭院观赏及蜜源植物。该研究以蒙农红豆草浅色花瓣突变体与对照群体中的粉红色、紫红色花瓣为试验材料,通过对花瓣颜色的表型和色素种类及含量的综合分析,明确影响花色形成的主要物质。结果表明:(1)蒙农红豆草浅色花突变体与对照的粉红色花和紫红色花为3种不同的色系,根据黄度(b*)和色相角(h°)将浅色花突变体的花色定义为黄白色花。(2)在3种花色中共检测到10种类黄酮和5种花青素,其中6种山奈酚衍生物、2种矮牵牛素衍生物、2种飞燕草素衍生物和1种锦葵素衍生物为首次在蒙农红豆草中报道;同时还发现山奈酚-3-芸香苷、山奈酚-3-葡萄糖苷和飞燕草素-3-羧基修饰芸香苷在3种花色中含量(36%~50%、21%~35%和27%~65%)最多。研究推测:芦丁、山奈酚-3-芸香苷-5-鼠李糖苷和山奈酚-3-p-香豆酰葡萄糖苷为影响蒙农红豆草花色变化的主要成分。  相似文献   
以生长于同一生境下的粉红珙桐(粉红色叶片、苞片)与普通珙桐(绿色叶片、白色苞片)为试材,对比两种色彩珙桐叶片/苞片解剖结构和色素含量的差异,以揭示珙桐色彩转变的规律。结果显示:(1)两种珙桐叶片均属于异面叶类型,栅栏组织由一层长柱形细胞整齐排列而成,海绵组织排列疏松,部分粉红叶片的上表皮细胞向外凸起,绿叶无此现象;粉红叶片的总厚度及其表皮角质层、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度都高于绿叶,而表皮较薄。(2)两种珙桐苞片均无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,粉红苞片上表皮细胞明显隆起,上表皮角质层增厚,而下表皮变薄。(3)粉红叶片的类黄酮、花色苷含量分别是绿色叶片的1.52倍、3.67倍,两者的光合色素含量无显著差异,但粉红叶片的叶绿素a/b值比绿色叶低很多;粉红苞片花色苷含量显著高于白色苞片,而两者类黄酮含量差异不大。研究表明,花色苷是珙桐叶片和苞片色彩转红的直接因素,类黄酮有助于叶片呈红色;粉红珙桐叶片/苞片的解剖结构发生了一定变化,对光能的利用效率更高,对阴湿环境的适应性增强。  相似文献   
Functional divergence after gene duplication plays a central role in plant evolution. Among cereals, only Hordeum vulgare (barley), Triticum aestivum (wheat) and Secale cereale (rye) accumulate delphinidin‐derived (blue) anthocyanins in the aleurone layer of grains, whereas Oryza sativa (rice), Zea mays (maize) and Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) do not. The underlying genetic basis for this natural occurrence remains elusive. Here, we mapped the barley Blx1 locus involved in blue aleurone to an approximately 1.13 Mb genetic interval on chromosome 4HL, thus identifying a trigenic cluster named MbHF35 (containing HvMYB4H, HvMYC4H and HvF35H). Sequence and expression data supported the role of these genes in conferring blue‐coloured (blue aleurone) grains. Synteny analyses across monocot species showed that MbHF35 has only evolved within distinct Triticeae lineages, as a result of dispersed gene duplication. Phylogeny analyses revealed a shared evolution pattern for MbHF35 in Triticeae, suggesting that these genes have co‐evolved together. We also identified a Pooideae‐specific flavonoid 3′,5′‐hydroxylase (F3′5′H) lineage, termed here Mo_F35H2, which has a higher amino acid similarity with eudicot F3′5′Hs, demonstrating a scenario of convergent evolution. Indeed, selection tests identified 13 amino acid residues in Mo_F35H2 that underwent positive selection, possibly driven by protein thermostablility selection. Furthermore, through the interrogation of barley germplasm there is evidence that HvMYB4H and HvMYC4H have undergone human selection. Collectively, our study favours blue aleurone as a recently evolved trait resulting from environmental adaptation. Our findings provide an evolutionary explanation for the absence of blue anthocyanins in other cereals and highlight the importance of gene functional divergence for plant diversity and environmental adaptation.  相似文献   
为进一步理解细风轮花青素合成途径,本研究利用华大基因BGISEQ-500平台对细风轮中的根、茎、叶、花4个组织进行了转录组测序,从头组装后得到128 856个Unigene。KEGG通路表明有40个Unigene编码了细风轮的花青素生物合成途径中6个关键酶。我们对其中的关键酶DFR(二氢黄酮醇还原酶)进行同源比对和空间结构模拟,结果显示DFR序列和结构均具有良好的保守性,且具有高度保守的NAD+结合位点,其二级结构主要由α螺旋和β折叠组成,在空间上α螺旋包裹着β折叠,形成“夹心饼干”样结构。  相似文献   
The promotion of anthocyanin synthesis in red-cabbage seedlings by 5 min exposure to R light is inhibited by subsequent application of CaCl2. The stimulation of dark synthesis of anthocyanin by n-PrOH and by kinetin is also reduced by Ca2+ and by cholesterol, both of which are well known to stabilize cell membranes. By contrast, EDTA, which chelates Ca2+, promotes dark synthesis of anthocyanin. Assay of native Ca2+ extractable from seedlings immersed in EDTA demonstrates that R light exposure promotes a highly significant increase in extractable Ca2+. It is suggested that the molecular configuration of the phytochrome molecule affects the ability of a membrane to bind Ca2+ and that this in turn affects the permeability to substrates which are required for anthocyanin biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Cyanidin 3-glucoside and delphinidin 3-glucoside (minor component) occurred in the bark of Salix purpurea (29 cultivars examined), S. fragilis (3 cvs), S. americana (4 cvs), S. rubra (1 cv.), S. incana (1 cv.), S. aegyptica (1 cv.) and S. alba (3 cvs) and several hybrids. A previously unrecorded anthocyanin was also present in appreciable amounts in the bark of eleven S. purpurea cultivars, notably those with small leaves. In other large-leaved cultivars of S. purpurea (18) it occurred only in traces or was not detected with certainty. A trace was found in one purpurea hybrid, but it was not detected in four others. Small amounts of the new anthocyanin were also found in S. incana (1 cv.), S. fragilis cv. Basfordiana, S. americana cv. Cordata and one hybrid, but were absent from other cultivars of S. fragilis (2) and S. americana (2), and also from S. alba (3), S. aegyptica (1), S. daphnoides (1), S. rubra (1), S. triandra (1), S. viminalis (1) and three hybrids. The new anthocyanin is unique in containing fructose as well as glucose and is based upon a previously undescribed anthocyanidin, possibly dimeric in nature, which is provisionally named purpurinidin.  相似文献   
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