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Interleukin-10 (IL10), an anti-inflammatory cytokine, has been implicated in a variety of immune- and inflammatory-related diseases. We investigated the following SNPs: -1082, -819, -592 in the promoter region of IL10 in a normal (control) population and selected diseases: breast cancer (BrCa), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and found distinct genotype and haplotype patterns. DHPLC was performed using the Transgenomic WAVE instrument, a mutational discovery tool that allows for high throughout analysis of SNPs. The principle of DHPLC is based on separation of homo- and heteroduplex formation of individual polymerase chain reaction products at specific melting temperatures and set gradients. The melting temperature selected for each SNP was based on size and sequence of the polymerase chain reaction product (for -1082, 57 degrees C; for -819, 58 degrees C; and for -592, 59.2 degrees C). Before fragment mutational analysis, all samples were denatured at 95 degrees C and slowly reannealed to allow for reassociation of different strands. Heteroduplex samples were easily distinguished from homoduplex samples. In order to identify wild type from homozygous mutant, two homoduplex polymerase chain reaction samples had to be mixed together, denatured at 95 degrees C and reannealed. The homozygous mutant, when combined with wild type, displayed a double peak on chromatogram. Once distinct chromatograms were established for each of the SNPs and the nucleotide changes confirmed by sequencing, genotype and haplotype frequencies were tabulated for the groups studied.  相似文献   
将大麦β-1,3-葡聚糖酶同功酶基因(GIII)启动子(PGIII)与其报告基因gus(β-葡聚糖酸醛苷酶基因)耦联,构建植物表达载体,通过衣杆菌介导法转化水稻。PCR、DNA印迹法结果显示,构建的pGIII-gus表达载体已整合到水稻基因组DNA中。GUS组织化学染色、RNA印迹法及荧光法结果显示,该启动子驱动的gus在水稻叶片中为低水平表达;而用水扬酸(SA)与稻瘟菌来源的激发子处理,可诱导gus的高水平表达。T1代种子的GUS组织化学染色结果也表明,SA与激发子可以诱导高水平的PGIII活性。这些结果表明PGIII是一种强诱导型启动子,并可能是一种病原菌诱导型的启动子。  相似文献   
Ac/Ds(GUS)结构介导的水稻启动子捕获系统的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建了基于Activator/Dissociation(β-glucuronidase)[简称Ac/Ds(GUS)]结构的捕获质粒p13B,用于分离水稻基因启动子.以此质粒用衣杆菌介导的方法转化粳稻品种中花11的胚性愈伤组织,对获得的18个独立转化株的T2代植株进行了抗除草剂筛选,从141个抗除草剂转基因植株中用PCR方法检测到其中37株是Ds因子发生了转座的植株,而且这种转座到新位置上的Ds因子是遗传的.初步观察到其中5株的GUS染色呈阳性.  相似文献   
In order to over express the xylA gene of Streptomyces sp. SK strain, it was cloned under the control of the constitutive ermE-up promoter. This construct was integrated through site-specific recombination process into the chromosome of a Streptomyces violaceoniger glucose isomerase deficient strain using the non-replicative vector pTS55. The resulting CBS4 strain shows a perfect stability in the absence of selection pressure. Its glucose isomerase activity was about four and nine-fold greater, than that obtained from Streptomyces sp. SK, respectively fully induced or not by xylose.  相似文献   
利用PCR技术从北京黑白花奶牛(Bostaurus)的基因组DNA中克隆了SRY(Sex-determiningregionontheYchromosome)基因编码区全长序列。序列分析表明牛SRY基因的HMG区(Highmobilitygroup)呈现高度的保守性,与人、小鼠、猪等的相似性达到70%。将SRY基因与pET-28a( )载体相连,构建表达载体pET-28a/SRY;把该表达载体转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),以IPTG诱导30℃诱导4h,SRY蛋白可高效表达,表达产物占总蛋白量的26%。对表达产物进行了Western-blotting检测,并采用亲和层析技术获得了高纯度的牛SRY蛋白。通过PCR技术分别获得牛、人、鼠的苗勒氏管抑制物(MullerianInhibitingsubstances,MIS)启动子,凝胶阻滞试验证明,牛SRY蛋白可与人及牛的MIS启动子结合,但与鼠的Mis启动子不发生相互作用。  相似文献   
目的:构建Gassericin T基因毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)组成型表达载体。方法:根据乳酸菌素Gassericin T的基因序列,把Gassericin T的结构基因gatA编码的氨基酸的密码子转换成P.pastoris偏爱的形式,设计了6条59nt的寡聚核苷酸引物,通过3次连续PCR反应,获得了250bp左右的gat A片段(简称gat基因)。应用PCR方法从P.pastoris染色体中扩增了GAP启动子,大小为500bp左右,以其取代诱导型表达载体pPIC9K上的pAOX1,构建了组成型表达载体pGAP9K。将合成的gat基因克隆到pGAP9K质粒的多克隆位点中。结果:获得的gat及gap基因与预期结果一致,序列无碱基突变,构建的表达载体pGAP9K-gat经PCR、酶切鉴定完全正确。结论:成功构建了Gassericin T基因P.pastoris组成型表达载体,为下一步高效表达Gassericin T蛋白,进一步研究其作用机理及应用价值打下基础。  相似文献   
过表达E2F6基因抑制BRD7基因启动子活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BRD7基因是采用cDNA代表性差异分析法克隆的一个新Bromodomain基因(GenBank 登录号AF152604)。它在鼻咽癌细胞和组织中表达明显下调,过表达BRD7基因可抑制鼻咽癌细胞的生长和细胞周期的进程。前期工作已克隆了BRD7基因启动子区,并将其启动子定位于450bp(-404→+46bp)的区域。为了进一步揭示BRD7基因在鼻咽癌细胞和组织中表达下调的分子机制,生物信息学分析表明BRD7启动子区有E2F6转录因子结合位点,电泳迁移率实验结果表明转录因子E2F6特异性地结合于BRD7启动子区。荧光素酶检测和绿色荧光蛋白表达检测都证实过表达E2F6基因能抑制BRD7基因启动子活性  相似文献   
RNA干扰技术已经成为基因功能研究等领域的有力工具,构建带有筛选标记的siRNA载体可以在细胞中持续抑制靶基因的表达.为了利用RNAi技术开展生物学研究,在克隆载体pUC19的基础上改造构建了人类细胞小干扰RNA(small interference RNA,siRNA)表达质粒pUC19NU.该质粒具有新霉素抗性标记和真核细胞复制起点,利用连入的人U6 snRNA启动子起始siRNA的转录.以EGFP 和p53为靶基因的干扰实验证明,所构建的siRNA表达质粒可以显著抑制细胞外源性增强绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,EGFP)及细胞内源性p53蛋白的表达,而且抑制效果具有特异性.  相似文献   
文章对小尾寒羊、滩羊和澳洲绵羊等繁殖性状不同的3种绵羊与排卵有关的FSHR基因5′端转录启动调控区进行了克隆和分析,通过对FSHR基因的15个转录调控元件序列进行比较,结果表明,羊不同品种FSHR基因的转录调控元件序列之间没有差异。这说明绵羊的品种与FSHR基因5′端转录启动调控区的相关性不强,排除了因转录调控元件突变而影响转录调节能力的可能性。  相似文献   
Mutational changes in the promoter regions of MTHFR genes from patients with hyperhomocysteinemia and PTEN genes from patients with endometrial and ovarian tumors were studied. An increased level of homocysteine was found in a part of the patients with a heterozygous C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene, although a moderate hyperhomocysteinemia is usually associated with homozygous mutation. We hypothesized that, in this case, the allele lacking the C677T mutation may be inactivated by the promoter mutation. The sequencing of both DNA strands of the minimal promoter region of the MTHFR gene in ten patients did not reveal any mutation, which implied another mechanism of the development of hyperhomocysteinemia in these patients. A PCR analysis of the minimal promoter region of the tumor suppressor PTEN in the presence of 2-pyrrolidone in 101 patients from Moscow clinics revealed changes in it in patients with endometrial (56%) or ovarian (29%) cancer, as well as in patients with endometrial hyperplasia and benign ovarian tumors (34 and 29%, respectively). It was presumed that the found modification of PTEN gene promoters may arise from epigenetic alterations (erroneous methylation) or may (more rarely) be induced by mutations. As a result of the studies, new molecular markers associated with endometrial and ovarian tumors were revealed and a simple and effective method of detection of these markers was developed.  相似文献   
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