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疟疾是当今最需要研究有效疫苗的主要传染病之一。AWTE基因编码恶性疟原虫多种抗原表位基因 ,CTB基因编码霍乱毒素 B亚基 ,是一种既能引起细胞免疫又能引起体液免疫的免疫载体和佐剂。把 AWTE- CTB融合基因构建到植物表达载体 p BVG- ny2上 ,通过基因枪导入法 ,转化大豆幼胚分生组织。 X- glu染色检测到 GUS基因的表达 ;抗原性分析实验结果表明 ,特异表达的融合蛋白可与 CTB和 AWTE抗体结合 ,具有 CTB抗原性。这个实验结果 ,表明疟疾多抗原表位基因首次在转基因大豆幼胚中得到瞬时表达  相似文献   
同尾酶技术在构建疟疾多价重组DNA疫苗中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
同尾酶是一类识别不同核苷酸序列但能酶切产生相同粘性末端的限制性内切酶,依靠同尾酶的这种特性,可以根据需要将不同的DNA 片段进行灵活组合,获得各种排列顺序的多价表位重组疫苗.将这种方法用于疟疾多价重组DNA 疫苗的研制;BALB/c 小鼠免疫实验对所得重组疫苗PU286的免疫原性进行了测定.  相似文献   
疟原虫是导致疟疾的寄生虫。研究人员在5月在线出版的《自然-医学》期刊上报告。原有的疟疾能预防由另一种疟原虫所引发的再次感染,新发现可应用于疟疾流行地区治贫血的铁补充治疗。  相似文献   
<正>恶性疟原虫顶端膜抗原(AMA1)是恶性疟原虫无性繁殖血液期表达的蛋白,是恶性疟疾疫苗的候选抗原。AMA1蛋白是疟原虫FVO和3D7等位基因表达产物,恶性疟疾候选疫苗AMA1-C1/ISA720  相似文献   
1967年北京《5.23抗疟计划》付诸实施,在全国多个研究单位协作下,组织植物化学与药理学等专业200多人,搜寻对抗耐氯喹恶性疟疾的新药.他们追索我国历代抗疟方剂,用约200种草药制成380多种抽提物,再筛查其对小鼠疟疾模型的疗效.最后确定,在60℃用乙醚萃取中药青蒿的黄花蒿所得第191号中性抽提物,对感染鼠疟和猴疟的小鼠与猴以及21例恶性疟、间日疟患者均能奏效.1972年11月,从该抽提物分离出相对分子质量0.282 kD的无色结晶,命名为青蒿素.它属于一种新型的倍半萜内酯.继后青蒿素纯品的胶囊被用于临床数千例疟疾患者.2006年以来,为克服耐药性,世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布改用青蒿素的联合疗法(ACT),挽救了80个国家100多万人的生命.因在发现青蒿素过程中的关键作用,屠呦呦被授予2011年度拉斯克临床医学研究奖.本文对青蒿素发现的争议,如何恰当评价其他科学家的贡献,以及开发植物界以外青蒿素新药源的近况,均作了简要报道.  相似文献   
罗纳德&#183;罗斯1857年出生于印度乌塔朗查尔州的阿尔莫拉,他的父亲是印度军队里的一名将军,他的祖父也曾是一名陆军上校。罗斯八岁时离开印度,被家人送回英国的南安普敦,进入一所寄宿学校。在学校里,罗斯的兴趣主要在写诗、绘画和作曲上面,并幻想有朝一日成为一名艺术家。  相似文献   
疟疾是一种严重危害人类健康的流行病,主要由疟原虫经蚊虫叮咬引起。目前,在临床上疟原虫对治疗疟疾的药物(如氯奎等)有较强的耐药性,并表现出明显的交叉耐药性。来自黄花蒿的青蒿素具有极其明显的抗疟活性,成为临床首选的药物,因此青蒿素的获取成为关键。本研究采用无载体固定化法培养黄花蒿生产青蒿素,初步研究了无载体固定化细胞的生长特性。检测发现,利用该方法生产的青蒿素是常规细胞培养法的9倍,因此该方法有望成为青蒿素生产的首选方法。  相似文献   
A congener of the glycosylpbosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor present on the cell surface of the malaria pathogen Plasmodium, falciparum has been synthesized. This GPI is an example of a small number of such membrane anchors that carry a fatty acyl group at 0-2 of the inositol. Although the acyl group plays crucial roles in GPI biosynthesis, it rarely persits in mature molecules.Other notable examples are the mammalian GPIs CD52 and AchE. The presence of bulky functionalities at three contiguous positions of the inositol moiety creates a very crowded environment that poses difficulties for carrying out selective chemical manipulations.Thus installations of the axial long-chain acyl group and neighboring pbosphoglyceryl complex were fraught with obstacles. The key solution to these obstacles in the successful synthesis of the malarial candidate and prototype structures involved stereoelectronically controlled opening of a cyclic ortho ester. The reaction proceeds in very good yields, the desired axial diastereomer being formed predominantly, even more so in the case of long-chain acyl derivatives. The myoinositol precursor was prepared from methyl alpha-D-glu-copyranoside by the biornimetic procedure of Bender and Budhu. For the glycan array, advantage was taken of the fact that (a) n-pentenyl ortho ester donors are rapidly and chemospecifically activated upon treatment with ytterbium triflate and N-iedosueeinimide and (b) coupling to an aeeeptor affords alpha-coupled product exclusively. A strategy for obtaining the GPI‘s alpha-glucosaminide component from the corresponding a-mannoside employed Deshong‘s novel azide displacement procedure. Thus all units of the glycan array were obtained from a beta-D-manno-n-pentenyl ortho ester, this being readily prepared from D-mannose in three easy, high-yielding steps. The “crowded environment“ at positions 1 and 2, noted above, could conceivably be relieved by migration of the acyl group to the neighboring cis-O-3-hydroxyl in the natural product. However, study of our synthetic intermediates and prototypes indicate that the 0-2 acyl group is quite stable, and that such migration does not occur readily.  相似文献   
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