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He—Ne激光治疗带状疱疹神经痛   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
43例带状疱疹病人随机分为He-Ne激光治疗组(29例)及红外线对照组(14例),分别进行局部治疗(两组全身用药相同)。采用“6点行为疼痛测定法”对治疗期及治疗完成时的神经痛程度客观评分,经方差分析,治疗期及治疗后的结果显示激光治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组(p<0.05~0.01);3月后随访,疱疹后神经痛的发生率两组相比亦有显著性差异(p<0.01)。并对He-Ne激光在治疗带状疱疹神经痛的作用机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   
1987—1989年池塘对比饲养试验和1988年的扩充试验结果表明,夏末至秋季投放鱼种,将“囤养”在不适环境中密集饲养的鱼种及早稀疏;免除鱼种并塘越冬,坚持在越冬期间投饵,消除人为停食而造成体重锐减的隐患,补充草鱼种越冬期代谢所需的能量,保持其健壮的体质;将常规的“一草养三鲢”调整为草鱼:鲢、鲸鱼=1.5—2.5∶1;采取青、精饲料合理搭配、“均匀递增”的投喂方法,不施肥,缩短饲养周期3年为两年等辅助措施,从“增强鱼体体质、优化鱼类生活环境”着手,建立新的防病技术体系,系统防治传染性鱼病,可使草鱼的平均成活率达到80%以上,显著地提高鱼产量和经济效益。  相似文献   
乳清蛋白在临床营养中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乳清蛋白被认为是"蛋白之王",是人乳蛋白的主要成分。乳清蛋白的临床功用包括维持和提高机体免疫力、抗自由基延缓衰老、维持肾功能和促进创伤愈合。疾病防治作用包括防治"四高症"、心脑血管疾病和消化系统疾病,以及有助于癌症康复和AIDS患者的治疗。  相似文献   
对引进的一株对鳞翅目害虫具有毒杀作用的生防菌株,苏云金杆菌库尔斯泰克变种(BacillusthurengiensisBerlinervar.kurstaki)A1.272,通过SDS-PAGE确定其伴孢晶体分子量为130kD,确定其对菜粉蝶(Pierisrapae)4-5龄幼虫的致死中浓度LC50=2.3×106cfuml。对分别不同浓度的菌悬液和伴孢晶体悬液进行了温室防效试验,和田间小区试验。结果表明施药后2d100倍稀释的菌悬液对菜粉蝶幼虫的温室防效可达90%以上,施药后5d,Bt菌悬液50倍和100倍稀释液防效达到100%。田间防效也可达到90%以上。  相似文献   
中药制剂对滴虫性阴道炎治疗的观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 采用生态学方法治疗滴虫性阴道炎,保护阴道的微生态平衡,使治疗收到事半功倍的效果。方法 门诊滴虫性阴道炎患者共114例,随机分为2组,单数为观察组,双数为对照组,各57例。观察组以灭滴灵注射液、蔗糖和中药制成的栓剂阴道上药,每日2次,配偶以灭滴灵注射液和中药配制的洗液外用冲洗。对照组仍用传统的灭滴灵片200mg/次,日服3次,夫妇同用;局部以1/5000的高猛酸钾冲洗外阴后上入灭滴灵片1片,1次/d。结果 观察组疗效显著高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论 采用中药制剂治疗滴虫性阴道炎,能保护阴道的微生态平衡,取得较好的临床效果。  相似文献   
Sustained-releasing praziquantel (SRP) tablet was designed for single dose treatment regimen of clonorchiasis. A previous pre-clinical study confirmed its sustained-releasing characteristics and a better cure rate than conventional praziquantel (PZQ). In this clinical study, the pharmacokinetics of this SRP tablet were investigated in human volunteers (phase 1; 12 volunteers), and its curative efficacy was examined in clonorchiasis patients (phase 2; 20 volunteers). In the phase 1 clinical study, blood concentrations of both tablets showed wide individual variation. The AUClast of SRP was 497.9 +/- 519.0 ng * hr/ml (mean +/- SD) and PZQ of 628.6 +/- 695.5 ng * hr/ml, and the AUCinf of SRP was 776.0 +/- 538.5 ng * hr/ml and of PZQ 658.6 +/- 709.9 ng * hr/ml. Cmax values of SRP and PZQ were 90.7 +/- 82.2 ng/ml and 214.9 +/- 251.9 ng/ml, and Tmax values were 3.42 +/- 1.43 hr and 1.96 +/- 1.23 hr, respectively. SRP tablets showed similar AUC values, but lower Cmax and longer Tmax values than PZQ. In the phase 2 study, SRP at 30 mg/kg (single dose) achieved a 60% cure rate and a 95.5% egg reduction rate. The cure rate of a single dose SRP was unsatisfactory compared with that of the conventional PZQ dose, but much better than that achieved by a single dose PZQ.  相似文献   
戊糖乳杆菌制剂防治仔猪腹泻效果初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的进行戊糖乳杆菌活菌制剂防治仔猪腹泻的活体实验。方法以8头健康长白母猪所产的90头仔猪为实验材料,随机分组进行腹泻预防实验,设空白为对照。结果戊糖乳杆菌活菌制剂预防组的腹泻率为8.51%,对照组为78.57%,差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。对空白组出现腹泻的仔猪进行治疗比较实验,庆大霉素为对照。结果戊糖乳杆菌制剂治疗组的总有效率为100%,治愈率为76.47%,平均疗程5d;庆大霉素治疗组的有效率为93.75%,治愈率仅为31.25%,平均疗程6d,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。此外,与对照比较,戊糖乳杆菌制剂预防组仔猪的精神状态好,毛色光亮,粪便成型;即使个别出现腹泻情况,连续灌服戊糖乳杆菌制剂2d(1次/d),即可痊愈。结论戊糖乳杆菌制剂可有效预防和治疗仔猪腹泻。  相似文献   
目的对长期笼养后肢瘫痪的猕猴,采用人工护理和药物治疗进行防治使之恢复正常。方法瘫痪猴采用科学合理的饲料配方,保证有充足的营养,笼舍保证宽大的活动空间和充足的日光,并有供其跳跃攀登活动的栖息架,按摩瘫痪肢体及功能锻炼等人工护理;同时使用维生素A、复合维生素B、维生素C和维生素D等维生素药物治疗,配合使用转移因子、干扰素、前列腺素、肾上腺皮质激素等炎症和免疫抑制药物辅助治疗。结果共实施治疗护理瘫痪猴18例,治愈率达60%,恢复良好,能正常行走活动。结论采用人工护理配合药物治疗,防治排尿粪障碍、后肢萎缩、淤血、水肿和坏死等,瘫痪猴能取得良好的治疗效果,对保护珍贵猕猴动物资源,减少因瘫痪引起猕猴的痛苦或死亡均有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
Each year, two or three species that had been considered to be extinct are rediscovered. Uncertainty about whether or not a species is extinct is common, because rare and highly threatened species are difficult to detect. Biological traits such as body size and range size are expected to be associated with extinction. However, these traits, together with the intensity of search effort, might influence the probability of detection and extinction differently. This makes statistical analysis of extinction and rediscovery challenging. Here, we use a variant of survival analysis known as cure rate modelling to differentiate factors that influence rediscovery from those that influence extinction. We analyse a global data set of 99 mammals that have been categorized as extinct or possibly extinct. We estimate the probability that each of these mammals is still extant and thus estimate the proportion of missing (presumed extinct) mammals that are incorrectly assigned extinction. We find that body mass and population density are predictors of extinction, and body mass and search effort predict rediscovery. In mammals, extinction rate increases with body mass and population density, and these traits act synergistically to greatly elevate extinction rate in large species that also occurred in formerly dense populations. However, when they remain extant, larger‐bodied missing species are rediscovered sooner than smaller species. Greater search effort increases the probability of rediscovery in larger species of missing mammals, but has a minimal effect on small species, which take longer to be rediscovered, if extant. By separating the effects of species characteristics on extinction and detection, and using models with the assumption that a proportion of missing species will never be rediscovered, our new approach provides estimates of extinction probability in species with few observation records and scant ecological information.  相似文献   
Most existing records of detection processes for breast cancer are in the form of cancer registries or are results of large clinical trials. Statistical modelling can be applied to these data sets to study various properties of breast cancer. In particular we estimate the probability of cure given the size of the tumour at detection, the distribution of tumour growth rates and the distribution of the size of the tumour at detection. There has been a strong recent interest in early detection methods. These consist of giving regular examinations, called screenings. The effect of screening design on the probability of cure is considered. The results of an existing screening trial are used to derive another estimate of the tumour growth rate distribution which agrees well both with our earlier estimate and the most widely used empirical estimate in the literature. The calculation of lead time, which is the time gained in detection when screenings are given, is also discussed.  相似文献   
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