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Adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells in inflammation processes leads to changes of endothelial cellsubstrate adhesiveness, and understanding of such changes will provide us with important information of inflammation processes. In this study, we used a noninvasive biosensor system referred to as real-time cell electronic sensor (RT-CES) system to monitor the changes in endothelial cell-substrate adhesiveness induced by human monoblastic cell line U937 cell adhesion in a dynamic and quantitative manner. This assay, which is based on cell-substrate impedance readout, is able to monitor transient changes in cell- substrate adhesiveness as a result of U937 cell adhesion. The U937 cell adhesion to endothelial cells was induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in a dose-dependent manner. Although the number of adherent U937 cells to the endothelial cells was verified by a standard assay, the adhesiveness of endothelial cells after addition of U937 cells was monitored by the RT-CES system. Furthermore, focal adhesion kinase protein decrease and F-actin rearrangement in endothelial cells were observed after addition of U937 cells. Our results indicated that the adhesion of U937 cells to LPS-treated endothelial cells reduced the substrate, and such infiltration of leukocytes. the cell adhesiveness to reduction might facilitate  相似文献   
Wistar大鼠C6胶质瘤模型中的肿瘤消退现象研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立Wistar大鼠C6胶质瘤模型,研究其生物学特性(病理特性,新生血管特性,模型最佳应用时间段,肿瘤自发消退现象)并对其进行MRI动态扫描观察,了解肿瘤的自然生长规律,与人脑胶质瘤的自然生长规律相比较.方法:Wistar大鼠40只,分成2组,一组30只,二组10只,分别将C6胶质瘤细胞悬液和DMEM培养基立体定向接种于大鼠的右侧尾状核,分别于接种后7,14,21,28,35,50天进行增强MRI扫描,了解肿瘤生长特性,脑组织水肿情况,肿瘤消退现象等.于荷瘤鼠死亡当日取脑组织,液氮速冻后行脏染色,抗CD31免疫组化检查.结果:大部分肿瘤模型于接种后7天可在MRI上见到肿瘤生长,14-28天为快速增长期,并有大量新生血管形成,脑屏障严重破坏,大部分荷瘤鼠死于28天内,有3只大鼠20天以后出现肿瘤自发消退现象,病理切片可见大量炎细胞浸润,肿瘤内部出现软化灶.结论:立体定向建立大鼠C6胶质瘤模型与人脑胶质母细胞瘤具有相似性,部分荷瘤鼠在5周左右有肿瘤自发消退,肿瘤新生血管于7天开始出现并增多,4周后基本趋于稳定.因此利用此模型进行试验研究的最佳时期在14-28天.  相似文献   
胶质瘤发病相关蛋白1(glioma pathogenesis-related protein 1,GLIPR1)隶属于CAP蛋白超家族,由1个指导分泌的信号肽、1个保守的富含半胱氨酸的结构域及1个跨膜结构域组成CAP。近年研究表明,胶质瘤发病相关蛋白1启动子甲基化水平决定了其在胶质瘤和黑色素瘤中的表达上调。而在前列腺癌、肺癌、骨肉瘤以及白血病等肿瘤中表达下调。在不同类型的肿瘤中,GLIPR1通过不同的信号通路参与调控肿瘤的发展进程。本文针对胶质瘤发病相关蛋白1参与调控多种肿瘤发生及发展的机制进行综述,以期为上述肿瘤的诊断与治疗提供重要的线索。  相似文献   
Glioma is one of the most highly angiogenic tumors, and glioma stem cells (GSCs) are responsible for resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as recurrence after operation. Stathmin is substantial for mitosis and plays an important role in proliferation and migration of glioma-derived endothelial cells. However, the relationship between stathmin and GSCs is incompletely understood. Here we isolated GSCs from glioma cell lines U87MG and U251, and then used siRNA targeting stathmin for silen- cing. We showed that silencing of stathmin suppressed the proliferation, increased the apoptosis rate, and arrested the cell cycle at G2/M phase in GSCs. Silencing of stathmin in GSCs also resulted in inhibited the migration/invasion as well as the capability of vasculogenic mimicry. The suscep- tibUity of GSCs to temozolomide was also enhanced by stathmin silencing. Our findings suggest stathmin as a po- tential target in GSCs for glioma treatment.  相似文献   
Tight junction plays an important rote in mediating paraceUular permeability in epithelia. We previously found that activation of AMP- activated protein kinase (AMPK) increased saliva secretion by modulating paraceUular permeability in submandibular glands. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying AMPK-modulated paraceUular permeability are unknown. In this study, we found that AICAR, an AMPK agonist, increased saliva secretion in the isolated rat submandibular glands, decreased transepithelial electrical resistance (TER), and increased 4 kDa FITC-dextran flux in cultured SMG-C6 cells. AICAR also induced redistribution of tight junction protein claudin-4, but not claudin-1, claudin-3, occtudin, or ZO-1, from the cytoplasm to the membrane. Moreover, knockdown of claudin-4 by shRNA suppressed while claudin-4 re-expression restored the TER and 4 kDa FITC-dextran flux responses to AICAR. Additionally, AICAR increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and inhibition of ERK1/2 by U0126, an ERK1/2 kinase inhibitor, or by siRNA decreased AICAR-induced TER responses. AICAR induced the serine S199 phosphorylation of claudin-4 and enhanced the inter- action of claudin-4 and occludin. Furthermore, pretreatment with U0126 significantly suppressed AMPK-modulated phosphorytation, redistribution, and interaction with occludin of claudin-4. Taken together, these results indicated that claudin-4 played a crucial role in AMPK-rnodutated paraceUular permeability and ERK1/2 was required in AMPK-modulated tight junction barrier function in subman- dibular gland.  相似文献   
近年来,随着心力衰竭、肺动脉高压的病理生理及分子机制的深入研究,使上述疾病在临床药物治疗方面有了很大的进步,其中人脑利钠肽(BNP)作为体内唯一天然的肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮拮抗剂在诊断及治疗心力衰竭等方面均引起了广泛关注,但由于其在心衰状态下降解快且生物活性明显减弱而限制了临床应用。因此,在心力衰竭治疗上补充外源性BNP成为了又一研究热点。重组人脑利钠肽(rhBNP)是一种人工合成的内源性激素,具有扩张血管、排钠利尿、降低心脏前后负荷、抑制肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统和交感神经系统等作用,能够有效的改善充血性心力衰竭患者的血流动力学障碍。新近研究表明,rhBNP在治疗心血管疾病方面疗效显著,本文将就其在临床中的应用予以综述。  相似文献   
脑胶质瘤是神经外科最常见的恶性肿瘤,发病率约占全身肿瘤的5%,占儿童肿瘤的70%,且呈逐年上升的趋势。脑胶质瘤恶性程度高,生长迅速,5年生存率很低,其中高级别胶质瘤具有极强的侵袭能力,目前尚缺乏很有效的根治方法。手术切除肿瘤的难度很大,术后极易复发,预后比较差,对人类健康乃至生命的危害极大。随着分子生物学的发展以及相关生物技术的应用,从基因水平揭示脑胶质瘤的发生发展机制,并寻求有效的基因治疗方法成为人类研究肿瘤治疗新的研究方向。Reynolds和Richards等先后从成年小鼠的纹状体中分离出能够不断增殖且具有多向分化潜能的细胞群,并提出了神经干细胞(neural stem cell,NSC)的概念。NSC具有高度增殖和自我更新的能力,且有迁移功能以及与正常脑组织良好融合的特性,这为基因治疗胶质瘤提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   
目的:1.探讨以癫痫为首发症状的胶质瘤的早期诊断和治疗。2了解不同手术方式对疾病的治疗和长期预后的影响。方法:对从2011年8月到2012年9月的31例病人进行回顾性研究分析。结果:病理确诊的WHOⅠ级星形细胞瘤2例,WHOⅠ-Ⅱ级的星形细胞瘤的4例,WHOⅡ级的星形细胞瘤12例,WHOⅡ级少突胶质细胞瘤的7例,WHOⅡ-Ⅲ的星形细胞瘤4例,仅有胶质细胞增生的2例。结论:1以癫痫为首发症状的低级别胶质瘤应诊断明确,注意鉴别诊断。2早期显微手术治疗控制癫痫症状效果较好。3术后给予抗癫痫药物可预防和较少再发作。4根据手术部位,尽可能的全切肿瘤。  相似文献   
目的:采用meta分析方法探讨X射线损伤修复交叉互补基因1(XRCC1)单核苷酸多态性与神经胶质瘤易感性的关系。方法:研究检索了PubMed、EMBASE、ISIWeb ofsciences、ScienceDirect及CNKI数据库从建库至2012年9月关于XRCC1基因多态性与神经胶质瘤相关性的相关文献。合并的OR值及其95%CI用于评估不同基因模型与神经胶质瘤风险的关联强度。采用亚组分析和meta回归分析来探索潜在的异质性来源。结果:研究最终纳入12篇Arg399Gln、8篇Arg194Trp和5篇Arg280His XRCC1位点多态性与神经胶质瘤关系文章用于meta分析。Arg399Gln位点多态性在所有基因模型下合并OR值均有显著意义;Arg194Trp位点多态性在纯合子基因模型和隐性基因模型下合并OR值具有显著意义;未发现Arg280His位点多态性与神经胶质瘤风险相关基因模型。亚组分析和meta回归分析显示Arg399Gln位点多态性的所有基因模型风险仅在亚洲人群当中具有显著意义,亚洲人群的风险显著高于白种人群。Arg194Trp对照组人群不符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(HWE)可能高估了风险。结论:本研究结果显示XRCC1 Arg399Gln基因多态性仅为亚洲人群的神经胶质瘤风险的候选基因,Arg194Trp基因多态性的风险可能是由于对照组不符合HWE的研究所导致的。  相似文献   
目的:研究藏红花素对大鼠C6胶质瘤细胞生长及凋亡蛋白抑制因子Survivin和Livin表达的影响。方法:体外培养C6胶质瘤细胞,加入不同浓度的藏红花素培养液,并于不同时间点进行观测,采用四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法绘制细胞生长曲线,观察C6细胞的生长活性;通过相差显微镜和Hoechst荧光染色法观察C6细胞的形态学变化;采用Western blot法检测Survivin和Livin蛋白的表达水平。结果:C6胶质瘤细胞经藏红花素作用后细胞生长受到明显抑制,用含2、4和8 mg/ml藏红花素的培养液作用48h后各组C6细胞的OD值分别为0.732±0.013、0.421±0.010和0.289±0.017,细胞生长抑制率分别为26.8±0.01%、58.0±0.02%和71.1±0.02%,其中4 mg/ml和8 mg/ml藏红花素实验组细胞生长抑制率与阴性对照组均有显著性差异(P均0.05);相差显微镜和Hoechst荧光染色法观察显示实验组C6细胞出现典型的凋亡形态学改变;Western blot检测显示实验组C6细胞Survivin和Livin蛋白表达明显下调。结论:藏红花素能明显抑制C6胶质瘤细胞的体外生长,其抑制作用与诱导C6细胞发生凋亡和下调凋亡蛋白抑制因子Survivin和Livin的表达有关。  相似文献   
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