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糖类的生物信息学资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物信息学在推动遗传学和蛋白质科学的研究领域中,已发挥了举足轻重的作用.相比较而 言,糖科学产生的信息还比较有限,随着人们对糖类分子的关注,糖生物学的发展也出现新 的契机,其信息正在飞速地增长.对已经获得的糖类相关知识进行系统整合就显得越来越有 必要,许多研究型数据库和免费工具已应运而生,并且数目在不断扩大,正成为科学工作者 非常便利的工具.但到目前为止,许多数据库或者网络预测工具在文献中很少提及或难以找 到,给研究者带来了不少的麻烦.部分原因是数据库资源本身数据不断在更新,人机界面也 变得越方便和人性化,另外就是人们对于这些新型的研究工具了解较少.这篇综述介绍了 目前网络上最常用的糖类生物信息学资源,包括糖的一级结构,分析测试数据、构象,酶, 凝集素,糖蛋白等方面的各种数据库.  相似文献   

糖组学:破解生命信息的第3种途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
糖组学是随着糖生物学而兴起的研究糖链的表达、调控和生理功能的科学。糖链由于结构的多样性和复杂性而成为细胞的信息分子,是生物体基因组信息的延续,因此糖组学研究是后基因组时代阐明基因功能的必由之路。糖组学的内容主要包括对糖链的结构研究和在细胞信号传递、细胞识别方面的功能分析,以及通过糖蛋白组建糖组学数据库,从而建立起一套从基因组蛋白组到糖组的研究体系,对糖链的生物学功能的认识将有助于基因组学和蛋白质组学的研究。  相似文献   

糖组学是继基因组学、蛋白质组学之后,又一门新兴的学科,其主要是研究糖分子的结构与功能.糖是一类比核酸、蛋白质更加独特的生物分子,它们不仅是生物体储存能量和释放能量的主要物质,更是生物体内的信息传递分子,并且在生理和病理过程中扮演着重要的角色,如细胞间的识别作用、炎症以及自身免疫疾病等.在结构上,糖类物质更为复杂,具有宏观不均一性(蛋白质上有多个糖基化位点)和微观不均一性(同一结合位点上可以连接不同的多糖),所以糖链的结构解析一直是糖组学研究的难题.相较于传统的分析方法,质谱法具有高灵敏度、高精度、高通量等优势,被认为是在糖链结构解析过程中重要的分析方法.本文综述了质谱、多级质谱、液相色谱-质谱、毛细管电泳-质谱等方法在糖组学中糖链结构解析的研究进展.  相似文献   

糖组学研究技术及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
多细胞生物机体内,蛋白质糖基化是一个重要后修饰事件 . 蛋白质的糖链不仅仅是区别细胞种类的标志,且与众多的生物现象有关,如细胞发育、分化、形态、肿瘤转移、微生物感染等 . 糖组学的内容主要涉及单个个体的全部糖蛋白结构分析,确定编码糖蛋白的基因和蛋白质糖基化的机制 . 综述了糖组学的分离和结构鉴定技术及其最新进展 .  相似文献   

糖组学是研究糖链组成及其功能的一门新学科,近年来备受关注.目前糖组学的研究还处于起步阶段,阻碍糖组学迅速发展的主要原因是糖链本身结构的复杂性和研究技术的限制.微阵列技术作为一种快速、高效、高通量、微型化和自动化的分析技术,已经在基因组学和蛋白质组学的研究中发挥了重要的作用,将其应用于糖组学研究必将推动糖组学的发展.  相似文献   

脑缺血缺氧会引起长链非编码RNA (long non-coding RNA, lncRNA)表达变化。为了探究lncRNA BDNF-AS在氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖条件下的表达、定位及互作蛋白质,将SH-SY5Y细胞缺氧缺糖8 h、复氧复糖24 h,构建氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖细胞模型;采用CCK-8 (Cell Counting Kit-8)法检测细胞活力;采用qRT-PCR检测核质中lncRNA BDNF-AS表达水平;利用pull-down和质谱技术对lncRNA BDNF-AS互作蛋白质进行鉴定;利用基因本体论(Gene Ontology, GO)、京都基因和基因组数据库(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,KEGG)分析互作蛋白质的功能及参与的通路;利用STRING数据库分析蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络。结果显示:氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖条件下, lncRNA BDNF-AS表达量显著升高,且胞质表达量显著高于胞核;氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖组有120种蛋白质可能与lncRNA BDNF-AS存在潜在的相互作用。进一步的生物信息学分析表明,lncRNA-BDN...  相似文献   

糖组学研究策略及前沿技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
糖组学是继基因组学和蛋白质组学后的新兴研究领域,主要研究聚糖结构与功能.通过与蛋白质组数据库结合,糖捕捉法能系统鉴定糖蛋白和糖基化位点.糖微阵列技术可以对生物个体产生的全部蛋白聚糖结构进行鉴定与表征,提高了聚糖分析通量.而化学选择糖印迹技术简化了聚糖纯化步骤并提高了糖基化分析的灵敏度.双消化并串联柱法通过双酶消化双柱分离,在分析聚糖结构的同时也鉴定蛋白质的序列,并与蛋白质组学研究兼容.  相似文献   

糖类抗原125(CA125)被认为是卵巢癌诊断的“金标准”,但在临床应用中普遍存在着特异性不高的问题.肿瘤形成和发展过程中常伴有糖基化修饰异常和糖链结构的改变,不同的肿瘤具有特异的异常糖链结构.近年来,借助凝集素芯片、多重质谱分析等糖蛋白组学和糖组学研究技术,发现不同来源CA125的O-糖链和N-糖链结构存在着明显的微观不均一性,以这些特征性糖链结构为标志物,可以显著提高CA125对卵巢癌的诊断特异性.在过去的10年,研究者们除对CA125糖链结构和糖基化模式做了深入的研究外,还利用糖组的研究方法,直接对来自卵巢癌患者血液、体液(腹水、囊泡液等)中糖蛋白的糖链做了精细的结构解析,结果显示,可有效鉴别卵巢癌患者和健康志愿者的特异性N-糖链结构,有可能成为灵敏度高和特异性好的卵巢癌生物标志物.卵巢癌生物标志物研究发展的总趋势是从传统的对蛋白质的定性和定量研究,逐步转向于对标志物糖基化修饰和特异性糖链结构的鉴定以及定量分析.本文从糖组学的视角,对卵巢癌标志物糖组学的研究现状及发展趋势进行了综述和展望.  相似文献   

哺乳动物中约有50%以上的蛋白质都发生了糖基化修饰.连接在丝氨酸或苏氨酸上的O-连接糖链是常见的蛋白质糖基化修饰方式之一,其主要功能是维持与其连接的蛋白质部分的空间构象,保护其免受蛋白酶水解及覆盖某些抗原决定簇.糖链结构的解析有助于更清楚地认识糖蛋白及其功能.本研究建立了一种基于超滤膜辅助(FASP)富集细胞、血清和尿液中糖蛋白全O-连接糖链的方法,根据糖蛋白与其糖链结构之间的分子质量差异,利用10 KD超滤膜富集蛋白质样品中由β消除反应释放的全O-连接糖链,将糖链甲基化修饰后再使用MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS进行解析,同时利用二级质谱进行结构确认.通过上述方法可从标准糖蛋白mucin、细胞、血清和尿液样本中分别鉴定到83、29、33和85种O-连接糖链结构,利用该方法可以从复杂样品中富集和解析糖蛋白全O-连接糖链,实现快速、高效、高通量地解析糖蛋白O-连接糖链的目的.  相似文献   

糖基化作为一种常见的蛋白质翻译后修饰,对蛋白质的空间结构、生物功能等具有重要的影响.解析糖蛋白糖链结构有助于更清楚地认识糖蛋白及其功能.本研究建立了一种基于超滤膜富集血清中糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,并利用质谱技术对糖链结构进行分析的方法.根据糖蛋白及其糖链结构之间的分子质量差异,利用Millipore公司的10 ku超滤膜富集血清糖蛋白上酶解(PNGase F)释放的全N-连接糖链,并使用MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS解析糖链结构.通过该技术可以从血清中富集并鉴定到23种独特的N-连接的糖链结构,并且利用二级质谱进行了结构确认.该方法可以被用于从大量生物样本中富集糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,可以达到快速、高通量地解析糖蛋白N-连接糖链的目的.  相似文献   

The term 'glycomics' describes the scientific attempt to identify and study all the glycan molecules - the glycome - synthesised by an organism. The aim is to create a cell-by-cell catalogue of glycosyltransferase expression and detected glycan structures. The current status of databases and bioinformatics tools, which are still in their infancy, is reviewed. The structures of glycans as secondary gene products cannot be easily predicted from the DNA sequence. Glycan sequences cannot be described by a simple linear one-letter code as each pair of monosaccharides can be linked in several ways and branched structures can be formed. Few of the bioinformatics algorithms developed for genomics/proteomics can be directly adapted for glycomics. The development of algorithms, which allow a rapid, automatic interpretation of mass spectra to identify glycan structures is currently the most active field of research. The lack of generally accepted ways to normalise glycan structures and exchange glycan formats hampers an efficient cross-linking and the automatic exchange of distributed data. The upcoming glycomics should accept that unrestricted dissemination of scientific data accelerates scientific findings and initiates a number of new initiatives to explore the data.  相似文献   

Glycan microarrays are emerging as increasingly used screening tools with a high potential for unraveling protein–carbohydrate interactions: probing hundreds or even thousands of glycans in parallel, they provide the researcher with a vast amount of data in a short time-frame, while using relatively small amounts of analytes. Natural glycan microarrays focus on the glycans’ repertoire of natural sources, including both well-defined structures as well as still-unknown ones. This article compares different natural glycan microarray strategies. Glycan probes may comprise oligosaccharides from glycoproteins as well as glycolipids and polysaccharides. Oligosaccharides may be purified from scarce biological samples that are of particular relevance for the carbohydrate-binding protein to be studied. We give an overview of strategies for glycan isolation, derivatization, fractionation, immobilization and structural characterization. Detection methods such as fluorescence analysis and surface plasmon resonance are summarized. The importance of glycan density and multivalency is discussed. Furthermore, some applications of natural glycan microarrays for studying lectin and antibody binding are presented.  相似文献   

Protein–glycan recognition regulates a wide range of biological and pathogenic processes. Conformational diversity of glycans in solution is apparently incompatible with specific binding to their receptor proteins. One possibility is that among the different conformational states of a glycan, only one conformer is utilized for specific binding to a protein. However, the labile nature of glycans makes characterizing their conformational states a challenging issue. All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide the atomic details of glycan structures in solution, but fairly extensive sampling is required for simulating the transitions between rotameric states. This difficulty limits application of conventional MD simulations to small fragments like di- and tri-saccharides. Replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulation, with extensive sampling of structures in solution, provides a valuable way to identify a family of glycan conformers. This article reviews recent REMD simulations of glycans carried out by us or other research groups and provides new insights into the conformational equilibria of N-glycans and their alteration by chemical modification. We also emphasize the importance of statistical averaging over the multiple conformers of glycans for comparing simulation results with experimental observables. The results support the concept of “conformer selection” in protein–glycan recognition.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The study of carbohydrate sugar chains, or glycans, has been one of slow progress mainly due to the difficulty in establishing standard methods for analyzing their structures and biosynthesis. Glycans are generally tree structures that are more complex than linear DNA or protein sequences, and evidence shows that patterns in glycans may be present that spread across siblings and into further regions that are not limited by the edges in the actual tree structure itself. Current models were not able to capture such patterns. RESULTS: We have applied a new probabilistic model, called probabilistic sibling-dependent tree Markov model (PSTMM), which is able to inherently capture such complex patterns of glycans. Not only is the ability to capture such patterns important in itself, but this also implies that PSTMM is capable of performing multiple tree structure alignments efficiently. We prove through experimentation on actual glycan data that this new model is extremely useful for gaining insight into the hidden, complex patterns of glycans, which are so crucial for the development and functioning of higher level organisms. Furthermore, we also show that this model can be additionally utilized as an innovative approach to multiple tree alignment, which has not been applied to glycan chains before. This extension on the usage of PSTMM may be a major step forward for not only the structural analysis of glycans, but it may consequently prove useful for discovering clues into their function.  相似文献   

Despite the success of several international initiatives the glycosciences still lack a managed infrastructure that contributes to the advancement of research through the provision of comprehensive structural and experimental glycan data collections. UniCarbKB is an initiative that aims to promote the creation of an online information storage and search platform for glycomics and glycobiology research. The knowledgebase will offer a freely accessible and information-rich resource supported by querying interfaces, annotation technologies and the adoption of common standards to integrate structural, experimental and functional data. The UniCarbKB framework endeavors to support the growth of glycobioinformatics and the dissemination of knowledge through the provision of an open and unified portal to encourage the sharing of data. In order to achieve this, the framework is committed to the development of tools and procedures that support data annotation, and expanding interoperability through cross-referencing of existing databases. Database URL: http://www.unicarbkb.org.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate post-translational modifications on proteins are important determinants of protein function in both normal and disease biology. We have developed a method to allow the efficient, multiplexed study of glycans on individual proteins from complex mixtures, using antibody microarray capture of multiple proteins followed by detection with lectins or glycan-binding antibodies. Chemical derivatization of the glycans on the spotted antibodies prevented lectin binding to those glycans. Multiple lectins could be used as detection probes, each targeting different glycan groups, to build up lectin binding profiles of captured proteins. By profiling both protein and glycan variation in multiple samples using parallel sandwich and glycan-detection assays, we found cancer-associated glycan alteration on the proteins MUC1 and CEA in the serum of pancreatic cancer patients. Antibody arrays for glycan detection are highly effective for profiling variation in specific glycans on multiple proteins and should be useful in diverse areas of glycobiology research.  相似文献   

Cell surface layers (S-layers) are common structures of the bacterial cell envelope with a lattice-like appearance that are formed by a self-assembly process. Frequently, the constituting S-layer proteins are modified with covalently linked glycan chains facing the extracellular environment. S-layer glycoproteins from organisms of the Bacillaceae family possess long, O-glycosidically linked glycans that are composed of a great variety of sugar constituents. The observed variations already exceed the display found in eukaryotic glycoproteins. Recent investigations of the S-layer protein glycosylation process at the molecular level, which has lagged behind the structural studies due to the lack of suitable molecular tools, indicated that the S-layer glycoprotein glycan biosynthesis pathway utilizes different modules of the well-known biosynthesis routes of lipopolysaccharide O-antigens. The genetic information for S-layer glycan biosynthesis is usually present in S-layer glycosylation (slg) gene clusters acting in concert with housekeeping genes. To account for the nanometer-scale cell surface display feature of bacterial S-layer glycosylation, we have coined the neologism 'nanoglycobiology'. It includes structural and biochemical aspects of S-layer glycans as well as molecular data on the machinery underlying the glycosylation event. A key aspect for the full potency of S-layer nanoglycobiology is the unique self-assembly feature of the S-layer protein matrix. Being aware that in many cases the glycan structures associated with a protein are the key to protein function, S-layer protein glycosylation will add a new and valuable component to an 'S-layer based molecular construction kit'. In our long-term research strategy, S-layer nanoglycobiology shall converge with other functional glycosylation systems to produce 'functional' S-layer neoglycoproteins for diverse applications in the fields of nanobiotechnology and vaccine technology. Recent advances in the field of S-layer nanoglycobiology have made our overall strategy a tangible aim of the near future.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein analysis is essential within the biopharmaceutical industry, as the structure of the different glycans present can affect the safety and efficacy of products. However analysis of cleaved glycans presents a major analytical challenge, due to their inherent complexity, lack of chromophore and the existence of various isoforms (both position and linkage). In addition, almost all glycoproteins consist of a heterogeneous collection of differently glycosylated variants, so the released glycan pool contains a range of structures. Both normal phase chromatography and capillary gel electrophoresis offer excellent selectivity for the analysis of fluorescently labelled glycans. The normal phase (NP) chromatographic approach is sensitive, reliable and well established, with databases available for searching structures assigned relative to retention times. Capillary gel electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence (CGE-LIF) offers faster analysis times, though currently no databases are available to search mobilities against structures, therefore data has to be cross-correlated with either normal phase chromatography or mass spectrometry approaches when developing and validating methods. The principles of both methods are described and a review is presented that includes evaluation against a set of criteria established through consultation with the biopharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

Using the avidin-biotinyl glycan system reported previously (Shao, M.-C., and Wold, F. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2968-2972), we have compared the processing efficiency of oviduct enzymes acting on different glycan-(biotinyl)Asn and glycan-(6-biotinamidohexanoyl)Asn derivatives when they are free and bound to avidin. The glycans were selected to permit exploration of the individual processing steps, and the two different groups of derivatives were used to assess both the close (biotinyl) and more distal (biotinamidohexanoyl) display of the glycan relative to the avidin surface. The direct comparison of the free and avidin-bound glycans demonstrated that mannosidase I is strongly inhibited by avidin in both the close and distal complexes, whereas GlcNAc transferase I and mannosidase II are strongly inhibited only in the close complex. GlcNAc transferases III, IV, and V, which could only be assessed individually by indirect means using different substrates, did not appear to be affected in any major way by the protein matrix; the data suggest that transferase III is inhibited only to a minor extent in the close complex. Gal transferase activity showed a minor effect of the avidin matrix for both complexes in the hybrid processing pathways. The most significant consequence of the avidin effect on Gal transferase was the apparent abolishment of the incorporation of a 2nd Gal residue in the two avidin complexes. This survey of the protein matrix effects on glycan processing by oviduct enzymes appears to provide reasonable clues to the origin of the very different glycan structures observed in oviduct-processed glycoproteins. Thus, ovalbumin and avidin itself, containing a mixture of oligomannose and hybrid glycans at their single glycosylation sites, may well present they glycans to the processing enzymes in a display very similar to that of the avidin close complex observed here. The inhibition of mannosidase I and GlcNAc transferase I lead to preservation of oligomannose structures, whereas the strong inhibition of mannosidase II favors the incorporation of the bisecting GlcNAc by GlcNAc transferase III to yield hybrid structures as the most processed products. Ovomucoid, which contains multiantennary complex structures at all glycosylation sites, may on the other hand display its glycans, unencumbered by the protein surface, in conformations similar to either the free glycans or the distal complexes observed in this work.  相似文献   

We have shown that recombinant forms of VP8* domains of the human rotavirus outer capsid spike protein VP4 from human neonatal strains (N155(G10P[11]) and RV3(G3P[6]) and a bovine strain (B223) recognize unique glycans within the repertoire of human milk glycans. The accompanying study by Yu et al.2, describes a human milk glycan shotgun glycan microarray that led to the identification of 32 specific glycans in the human milk tagged glycan library that were recognized by these human rotaviruses. These microarray analyses also provided a variety of metadata about the recognized glycan structures compiled from anti-glycan antibody and lectin binding before and after specific glycosidase digestions, along with compositional information from mass analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry. To deduce glycan sequence and utilize information predicted by analyses of metadata from each glycan, 28 of the glycan targets were retrieved from the tagged glycan library for detailed sequencing using sequential disassembly of glycans by ion-trap mass spectrometry. Our aim is to obtain a deeper structural understanding of these key glycans using an orthogonal approach for structural confirmation in a single ion trap mass spectrometer. This sequential ion disassembly strategy details the complexities of linkage and branching in multiple compositions, several of which contained isomeric mixtures including several novel structures. The application of this approach exploits both library matching with standard materials and de novo approaches. This combination together with the metadata generated from lectin and antibody-binding data before and after glycosidase digestions provide a heretofore-unavailable level of analytical detail to glycan structure analysis. The results of these studies showed that, among the 28 glycan targets analyzed, 27 unique structures were identified, and 23 of the human milk glycans recognized by human rotaviruses represent novel structures not previously described as glycans in human milk. The functional glycomics analysis of human milk glycans provides significant insight into the repertoire of glycans comprising the human milk metaglycome.  相似文献   

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